#Ml heartbreak
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The way I just know how I will cry my fucking heart out if this truly turns out to be forshadowing and once the Agrestes know about each other for real Adrien will loose his entire footing in his family for good and the joy and escapism from his father that Chat Noir gave him.
Once this secret is revealed even just among their family alone Adrien will automatically loose both sides of himself that Plagg points out to be the two halves of Adriens true self:
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Adrien can't be the perfect and successful son to the enemy he's at war with without betraying himself and everything Adrien himself stands for as a hero
And Adrien can't live his life and have fun as Chat Noir when father and son know their identities and Gabriel/ShadowMoth won't let his son escape him now even as Chat Noir.
The true self Adrien now has obtained through Plaggs help is an immensely important and valuable realization Adrien should treasure, but unfortunately it also completely relies on Gabriel not being ShadowMoth because that knowledge will crush Adriens every fondation he ever had in his life up til now.
Shout-out for the show to very likely properly depicting in the future just how life changing and soul crushing Adrien/ Chat Noir being Gabriels/ ShadowMoths son actually IS when this truth actually comes out with no going back to how it was before. But for hells sake, I despise this man with every inch of my heart for how much suffering he's inflicting onto his son....
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adrinoir · 2 years
(I know I said my blog wouldn’t be multifandom, but I absolutely need to talk about The Owl House. Oh my god.)
I absolutely love Hunter and feel so, so bad for this boy. I knew I felt a certain way about him ever since the episode he got hurt just by people saying how annoying his voice is. I feel like that part alone was some real proof of how insecure this boy is.
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Now we know how Emperor Belos really feels about him from Hollow Mind. I kept thinking he’d been brainwashed (maybe even magically), but he’s been simply manipulated by his uncle into causing harm to other people and spreading propaganda, a man he loves and looks up to.
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Hunter took so much pride in his job as The Golden Guard. All he wanted was to please his uncle and feel important. But this man sees his own nephew as nothing.
And to see the other golden guards (or grim walkers) dead was absolutely horrifying. This kid’s show is so incredibly dark. They avoided using the word “kill” but it’s very clear Belos wants a lot of people/witches dead and is trying to kill them.
I feel no sympathy for stupid Phillip, even when he was a disliked nobody in his past.
He hurt so many people, especially his own nephew who idolized him. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. It’s the epitome of evil.
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I felt so sad seeing Hunter so close to a breakdown. He was legitimately traumatized from what he saw in this man’s mind. But we also can’t forget Luz was too and that was just as bad in its own way (but I’ll get into that later, maybe. This post is for Hunter.)
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tizzymcwizzy · 3 years
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I feel like ive been bit by the ml bug again (PUN INFUCKINGTENDED) after watching a bunch of old episodes,,, send help,, this show is actually really good
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marrys-dream-world · 3 years
gabriel looking at the ladynoir posters replacing his son’s ads: how can they replace the visage of my beautiful son with this cat slut 
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crocojagged · 3 years
A Story of Pain Told in Screenshots: Inspired by @coccinelle-et-chaton's Post
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animehime94 · 3 years
I think the two rings have amoks for Adrien and Felix. That's why Gabriel wanted to keep both and was pissed off when Felix stole one of them.
And it would explain why Amelie wanted one of the rings for Felix, to make sure he wouldn't be controlled by anyone.
On the other hand, I'm really worried about Adrien because he may actually disappear the moment he defies Gabriel.
And I know this is too early to speculate but I believe Marinette will use the miraculous wish to turn Adrien into a real person with a happy life 🥺
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When the Chips are Down
Chapter 12 - AO3
Marinette had long since accepted that, to prevent akumatization, she needed surefire ways to calm herself down. The risk of Hawkmoth’s victory was too high if she allowed herself to get too panicky, or too angry, or too scared—
But the average person couldn’t keep their cool all the time. It wasn’t feasible. And, Ladybug or not, Marinette was still an average girl.
The best method she found was the one-minute rule. All she had to do was allow herself to experience the full emotion for a minute, doing whatever came to mind to express the emotion—panicking, yelling, throwing her bag across the room—before wrapping the feeling up tight and forcing herself to relax.
So she only gave herself a minute to deal with Adrien Agreste. Fortunately, a minute was all she needed… and all he could handle.
Adrien flinched at her scorching tone, stepping back as she stepped forward to deal with him. “Marinette—”
“First of all, you don’t get to decide if someone has made Ladybug and Chat Noir’s lives harder. Last I checked, you are neither of them! Ladybug and Chat Noir have never complained about civilians, either the akumatized or anyone else; the only person they have on record complained about is Hawkmoth, which they have a solid right to do so.”
“W-Wait, Mari—”
“Secondly, it is never a civilian’s fault that someone got akumatized!” She jabbed a finger in Adrien’s face. She could feel Felix’s shock. “The only person at fault is Hawkmoth, so don’t you ever blame Felix for something that man caused!
“Third, even if people could be blamed for causing an akuma, there are far worse people you could put your blame on. Like, for example, Chloe, your childhood friend who has been involved with nearly all of our classmates akumatizations, and even some of their relatives.” Her grin was sharp. “So, it’s a good thing we don’t blame people for getting others akumatized, right Adrien?”
“Marinette, that’s not—”
“And finally—” She breathed deep and exhaled loudly, forcing out the rage along with it. “I am sick and tired of whatever this—” She gestured between the two boys—“is. You’re cousins, and sure, you don’t get along, I can understand that. I don’t like my cousins that much ether. But this? Your constant snipping, the regular assassination of Felix’s character…” She sighed and blinked away unshed tears. “It’s too much.”
“I haven’t been snipping at him!”
“It’s true, you don’t do it nearly as often as he does.” She glanced at Felix, who tried to look innocent. “And I tell him off for it. But you’re the one who said that if Felix lost something, it means he doesn’t care about it. You’re the one who said he makes Ladybug’s job harder. You start things, Adrien.”
“I don’t!” Adrien denied. “B-Besides, even if I did, you don’t know what he’s like when we’re alone. He’s cruel, Marinette.”
“Are you sure about that?” She challenged. “Because Adrien, Felix has been a lot better about his behavior recently. You haven’t seen it because you don’t bother spending time with him, but there’s no need to constantly defame him.”
“But he caused that akuma on the anniversary—”
“And that was a really mean thing to do, I understand that, Adrien.” She glared. “But whatever happened to the high road?”
He stepped back.
“Because based on your actions, either you think your own cousin isn’t worth the high road approach, or you never thought very highly of it to begin with.” She crossed her arms. “So which is it?”
He shot her a frustrated look. “Marinette, this isn’t about Felix. This is about you two conspiring to humiliate Lila!”
“Would you prefer she humiliate us instead?” Felix asked, mirroring her pose. He nodded at her. “Because that’s what Rossi tries to do. She makes up her little lies, she gets the class worked up into a frenzy, and points them at us. She wants your ‘good friend’ to be miserable, Adrien.”
“She just… wants friends. Hurting her isn’t going to change anything.”
“But coddling her is only going to make things worse.”
“She’s not hurting anyone.”
She shot Adrien a glare. “You can say that when you’re the one who’s losing their friends because of Lila. But I don’t want to hear a word from you until that happens.”
“Marinette, it’s just a misunderstanding!” Adrien said. “Look, Alya has been really worried about you since you started hanging out with Felix—”
“If Alya is worried, she can say it to me herself. Neither of us need you to interfere on our behalf.” If Alya had something to say, she could say it to Marinette’s face instead of ghosting her for the past month. Marinette hadn’t hear anything from her best friend, not even a request to help babysit or an order from the bakery.
“Marinette—” Adrien reached out to touch her, but she stepped away.
“I’m going home. Don’t you have to go home too?” Adrien winced and Marinette tried not to feel terrible about it. She turned away. “Bye, Adrien.”
“Marinette, wait—”
She left, Felix following her out of the school. Adrien tried to go with them, but his bodyguard caught him the moment he stepped out of school and took him back to Agreste mansion. Marinette caught Felix smirking as they watched Adrien drive away. A horrible, unrelenting ache opened up in her chest. “Well, I think you handled that quite well—”
“Felix? No offence, but I don’t really want to hear it right now.”
“I know you said something about celebrating before, but I’m not feeling good. I… Can you leave me alone? Just for a little bit?” Dark clouds swirled overhead, the threat of rain looming as Marinette casted her eyes to the heaven, then back down at Felix.
His expression was unreadable, but he nodded. “Very well. Would you like me to inform the school you’re sick? So you can stay home longer.”
“That’s really nice of you, Felix. Thank you.”
“Think nothing of it, Marinette.” He smiled, a rare treat on a face used to smirks. “I hope you feel better soon.”
“Yeah… I hope so too.”
Marinette went home, bypassing her parents, to her bedroom filled with reminders of Adrien. His photos were pasted to her walls, his schedule hanging from her ceiling, his presents in her chest. A single tear streaked down her cheek as another shard of heartbreak pierced her heart.
She felt a little hand on her arm. “Marinette?”
A sob caught in her throat as she savagely beat the emotion down. “Tikki—” Her voice the barest whisper—“I don’t want to live like this anymore.”
Because Adrien, the one she loved, was… against her. It was the only way she could describe it. He had looked at her side and looked at Lila’s and chosen to support a liar, but he thought she was the one in the wrong for… what? Fighting back? Having Felix on her side? She absently wondered if he would support her if she abandoned Felix, since he hates Felix so much, and cringed at the thought. Another example to add to the pile. How could she even consider abandoning a friend just to get Adrien to like her? Who does that?
Marinette does, apparently.
“I don’t like the person I am when I’m in love with Adrien,” she confessed, looking down at her kwami. “I don’t like how he becomes the center of my world. I don’t like how I compromise my morals to make him happy.” Because that’s why she tried to follow the high road: to make him happy. “I… I don’t want to love him anymore, Tikki.”
The kwami hugged her. “It’s okay. You don’t have to like anyone you don’t want to. You just need to let him go.”
The ache in her heart tripled. “How?” she gasped, crying more freely.
Tikki spent the rest of the afternoon guiding her. First, a meditation session to calm her down. Next, she and Tikki went through every present she planned to one day give Adrien, carefully unwrapped each one, and decided what to do with them. Marinette didn’t want them around the house—the memories of her intentions would still be there—so they planned to give them to a thrift store that weekend. She deleted her collage background on her computer. The schedule was then scrubbed clean, the sharpie coming off the laminated paper with hand sanitizer, and Marinette was forced to remember each and every thing she had done to get that information. She was almost crying again at the end, this time with shame.
Finally, the photos. She remembered the hours she’d spent pouring over magazines and the internet. Outside of the few group shots he was in, every picture she had of him was heavily photoshopped. She pulled them off the walls, one by one. This one has most of his smile, she thought, and this one didn’t change his face, but he looked so tired…
She didn’t know why she had these photos. It seemed rational at the time, but… a lot of things seemed rational when she was trying to make him like her. So she placed them in a prototype of her diary box and let Tikki hide it.
“Goodbye, Adrien.” The words were final, but seemed necessary. She couldn’t like him anymore, not if she wanted to stay alive.
The next morning, she woke up feeling like she’d been wrung out. For once she was on time, her mind too anxious to allow her to sleep long. She met Felix at the door to school.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked, leading her inside.
She hesitated. “…A bit. But I’ll get better soon. Tikki smiled encouragingly at her from inside her purse. “Did I miss anything?”
“Just another one of Rossi’s temper tantrums.” He rolled his eyes as they walked into the locker room. “Honestly, I have to wonder about her parents if that’s what she considers acceptable behavior. Anyway, I got your notes and—” His voice caught in his throat, cutting off with an inelegant croak as his eyes widened. Marinette followed his gaze and her mouth dropped open.
There was a small crowd surrounding her locker. Written on it in red spray paint was the word “Skank”. Marinette approached it, her mind disassociating and distant from what she was seeing, and opened it. Everything in it was coated in the same paint, ruining the few textbooks and decorations inside. She reached out and touched it. Stone dry.
“Someone get a teacher!” Felix’s furious voice broke her from her trance. He had never sounded angry before. His emerald eyes glinted as he glared at the crowd. “Which one of you did this!?” he demanded. “This is destruction of private property!” She could feel everyone staring at her. Did they think she deserved this? Did they pity her? Did they—
“M. Graham de Vanily, stop shouting.” Mme. Mendeleive was the teacher summoned. “Now, what exactly is going on here—” She stopped, seeing the damage done. Her lips thinned. “Marinette, are you okay?”
“I…” She tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come. “I don’t…”
“I think she’s in shock, Mme. Mendeleive,” Felix said.
Mme. Mendeleive nodded, concern clear on her face. “Take her to the nurses office. I’ll figure out what happened here.”
Felix was trying to usher her out of room when something clattered to the ground. A can of red spray paint rolled across the floor and bumped into her foot. Marinette picked it up; it was the same shade as the paint on her locker.
Alya, who at just opened her locker only for the can to fall out, stared at it in dread. “Marinette—” her eyes searched Marinette’s— “Girl, you know I didn’t—”
“Alya…?” Did Alya… did she do it…? Tears flowed. Why would she… And Marinette remembered yesterday, remembered making Alya fail, and gritted her teeth. “Alya, how could you?”
She flinched back, betrayal on her face. “Girl, you know me! I would never—I have never seen that can before in my life!”
And now she was lying to her!? Marinette turned away. “Save it, Alya.” Her voice hitched with a sob. She didn’t want to hear anything Alya had to say. She handed the can to Mme. Mendeleive and ran. 
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice @dur55 @kris-pines04 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @moonlightstar64 @bee-a-garbage-shipper @sol-o-shade @kittyotakunoir666 @tinyterror333 @allieoftheenemy @marichat00 @xgxmxtx @two-faced-biatch @feliciakainzofspades @evil-cricket @emilytopaz @spicybelladonna @chocolateherringtacofan @user00000003 @wannajointhecrabcult @happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen
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seagreenstardust · 3 years
ML Season 4 better have the most epic of payoffs for all this angst they're dishing out.
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jedidragonrider · 3 years
Trixx keeping it real this whole ep
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
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"You're my best friend too."
Munira Lahiffe-Césaire AKA Leatherback
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miraculousmidnight · 3 years
dont get ur hopes up bestie 😔 they pulled another “time travel so it didnt happen”
Noooooooo WHY
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coke-and-candy · 4 years
A Little Competition Never Hurt Anyone: Part One
Alya is hoping that her contest entry, that she wrote about a certain someone, will finally be the solid proof that Marinette needs to open her eyes and see that Lila is not a bad person. Unfortunately, sometimes the best intentions can be misguided and trust misplaced...
This is a little fic idea that I have had for a while now. I’ve read plenty of salt-fics and I think it’s time to let go of the bitterness that the writers have instilled in us over their poor decisions and writing of the characters we love. Let’s start the new year with a little heartbreak and a little bit of redemption. :)
Edit: Now on FF.net! (link) and AO3 (link)
Part 2! (link)
Alya Césaire was many things…
She was a blogger, an up-in-coming journalist, a proud self-proclaimed superhero enthusiast, passionate, stubborn…
But most importantly she was determined.
It was this unstoppable force of will that was one of her greatest strengths. In her mind at least—her parents and the Paris police department may have a few choice words in regards to her obsessions at times, specifically when it came to recording akuma battles for the Ladyblog…
But she couldn’t help it! Once Alya set her mind to something, she committed her heart and soul to it. She would move mountains and cross oceans to achieve the goal that she had set herself. It also something that, in her mind, made her a good friend. The blogger would never hesitate to stand up for her friends and she was most definitely a ‘ride or die’ type of gal when it came to the people she held dear to her. There wasn’t anything she wasn’t willing to do if it meant helping out the people she cared about.
It’s why she was so invested in making Adrinette happen, her bestie, Marinette, deserved to have her happily-ever-after and get the guy of her dreams. The young Chinese-French biracial fashion designer deserved to have some good karma come her way. She was always working so hard to help everyone else achieve their dreams and goals, killing it as class rep, designing for big names like Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale, helping out her parents in best bakery in all of Paris, AND she was such a big help when it came to watching the twins so Alya and Nino could have an extra date or two (even if they did tend to dump them on her last minute…).  
So if anyone deserved for the universe to smile on him or her for all the good that they do it was Marinette Dupain-freaking-Cheng.
Alya would fight anyone who said otherwise.
The only other person that Alya personally knew who did as much good was Lila Rossi, the new girl who had joined their class a few months into the school year.
The Italian student had already done so much and was continuing to do so much good for the world! What with her numerous charitable works around the world and all the other awesome stuff that she had done, such as rescuing Jagged Stone’s kitten and consulting with Hollywood directors for their next big film projects, just to name a few things. Alya honestly couldn’t remember them all… Plus! Being Ladybug’s BFF!
If Alya didn’t live in Paris, which was currently being terrorized by some major jerk that used magical butterflies to use people’s emotions against them and turn them into unpredictable monsters, AND hadn’t met Marinette—someone with QUITE the impressive resume all on her own (like seriously, that girl was too humble sometimes)—Alya would have thought that Lila was a bit too good to be true…
But Paris had taught her that NOTHING is as impossible as it seems.
Plus, why would anyone lie about those kinds of things? Alya had no reason to NOT believe Lila when she suddenly had to leave town for a few days in order to attend a fundraising event halfway across the world for homeless animals.
So one would think that Marinette and Lila couldn’t be anything BUT friends, considering how amazing both girls were but that was were everything stopped making sense.
After all, they were both kind, selfless, supportive, cheerful people who were fun to be around and both of them were well accomplished, bright young girls.
But for some reason Marinette just didn't want anything to do with the other girl. The moment Lila was mentioned Marinette would start to close off or not partake in the conversation until it had moved on to a new topic. Or if they were all hanging out as a group, Marinette would put as much distance between her and Lila without just straight up leaving. She never wanted to do any group projects with Italian girl, unless they were randomly assigned, the fashion designer always bailed on girls only activities if she knew Lila was going to be there, and would leave earlier if they didn’t tell her.
Alya just couldn’t understand it. Lila was a nice, sweet, and amazing girl! She was sure that if Marinette would just set her jealousy aside for a minute she would be able to see that and then she and Lila could become great friends.
The aspiring journalist knew that Marinette was capable of it too! She had been able to do it with Kagami
The two Asian girls were now really good friends and were hanging out more as well. There was a steady stream of pictures from Marinette’s Instagram showing the two of them having fun together. Even though Kagami was her main competition when it came to winning Adrien’s heart, it didn’t get in the way of the two of them going out for tea or watching those weird Brazilian dramas they both seemed to like. Hell! The female fencer had even now made it up onto Marinette’s famous picture wall along side all of her other friends from class.
So why couldn’t Marinette do the same for Lila?
Lila didn’t even like Adrien that way! Lila had told Alya that in confidence. So what if the Italian got to model alongside the younger Agreste and spend a lot more time with him? That didn’t mean that she was going to steal him away from Marinette. Lila was NOT that kind of girl.
It was starting to really wear on Alya that two of her closest friends—who were also two of the most amazing people she had ever met—couldn’t be in the same room together without some sort of drama starting up. It usually ended with Lila in tears and Marinette leaving because she was unwilling to apologize. For all of her journalistic and reporter skills Alya could not come up with a logical reason as to why Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Lila Rossi could not be friends.
Then, one day, after another one of these drama filled episodes (they had been talking about their intended Lycee coursework plans) Alya had gotten a notification her phone for an upcoming contest and was struck with inspiration for an absolutely ingenious plan!
If Marinette was unwilling to get past her own jealousy and pettiness and see that Lila was genuinely good person then it was up to Alya to prove it to her… and she knew just the way to do it.
La Compétition Olmpe de Gouges.
One of the biggest and most prestigious journalism contests in all of France that was open to all school age and university students. With many former winners, especially for the higher levels, going on to win other highly sought after internships and being accepted into some of the best journalism programs from around the world.  
The theme for this year’s competition: future leaders.
According to the prompt, students would have to write and present a biography about a young person who showed promise as a future leader, the impact they have already had in their community, their achievements, their possible impact in the future, and why it is that they are someone for the world to keep an eye on.
And the young blogger knew exactly whom this prompt would be perfect to write about.
Lycee was just around the corner and Alya wanted to start her Lycee career right with a few professional internships or recognitions underneath her belt. She used to think that her blog would give her a big boost when it came to her extra-curricular activities but after meeting Lila… well it just made Alya realize that she needed to step up her game.
Even just placing in the top twenty would be a big boost for Alya’s writing resume!
Double bonus if this was finally what could convince Marinette to swallow her pride, apologize for not really giving Lila a chance, and FINALLY everyone could friends.
This was a win-win situation all around!
The only downside she could possibly see is if Marinette remained stubborn and refused to face the facts and evidence that Alya was about to practically layout in front of her.
But Alya was confident that she could write and a create a presentation good enough to, not only make it to the final rounds, but ALSO convince the budding designer that she had been wrong about their newest classmate this whole time.
As Alya sat down at her desk she opened up her laptop and pulled up the webpage for the contest and made sure to carefully study the rules, guidelines, and the criteria that the entrees would be judged on. Sloppy work was not something Alya planned on turning in. She pulled out a notepad and started brain storming and outlining some ideas she already had, as well as everything she knew about Lila. Sure there seemed to be some blanks and inconsistencies but Alya was just pulling what she could from her memory at the moment.
Lila had done so many awesome things and she was currently doing even more at the moment that it was hard to keep track of everything. She would have to ask her for more information later but for now Alya was content in just brain storming and outlining. Editing and proofreading may not always be something she always got a chance to do, especially with some of her more recent blog posts, but news tended to happen quickly. Blink and you would miss something. Luckily, the contest deadline was not for another six weeks so Alya had plenty of time to clean everything up and get her facts and sources straight.
It was best to get all of her ideas out at once and then go back to organize them later, just to make sure she didn't lose anything she wanted to touch upon in her entry.
The next thing she had to do was make sure that no one knew what she was up to.
She wanted this to be a surprise.
Alya had realized early on that the best way to get Marinette to agree to something was to not give her enough time to overthink things like she tended to do. Even thought it was a little harsh sometimes… but it was honestly for the girl’s own good.
Sometimes a little spontaneity was a good thing, and Lila had told her the other day about how she had volunteered with a charity that specialized in helping with mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. She had then told her all about the new study that was showing promise by putting people with anxiety into situations where there was no chance for them to think about what was ‘supposedly’ stressing them out and thus teaching them that those stressors were no big deal after all. It was still in the early stages of testing but Lila had assured her that the people she was helping were already making major progress in dealing with their anxiety.
Plus, when Marinette did finally get a chance to see her work Alya wanted to make sure that Marinette listened with an unbiased opinion and an open mind.
As Alya continued to write everything she knew about what Lila had done and was currently doing, and all the reasons as to why she was definitely someone who would be sure to make a huge positive impact on the world in the future, she could feel a sense of pride in her friends and in herself.
How lucky she was to have crossed passed with someone so selfless and so remarkable. Especially, when you factored in the fact that Lila didn’t even need to wear a mask and use magic jewelry to do good in the world. But what did she expect from someone who was Ladybug’s best friend? It made sense that someone as awe-inspiring as Ladybug was bound to be close to someone like Lila.
The more Alya brainstormed the more her excitement for this contest grew. She could already picture it…
Her giving her presentation in front of all of her friends and family, Marinette and Lila putting their past beef behind them and hanging out like the good friends Alya just knew they could be…
Alya just knew that this contest was the key to it.
She was absolutely sure of it!
And she was determined to prove it.
We all know where this is going... 
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fairiesandstarlight · 3 years
my eyes are red from crying after reading this book and honestly it's the best feeling
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crocojagged · 3 years
English dub Glaciator 2 means English dub Adrien crying ...
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beautyinflight · 4 years
Ok but,
What if Kagami researches body language because it was revealed to her that it is very important and she is a little deficient. Being as competitive as she is she memorises a good few checklists and behaviours and what they indicate. She observes Marinette talking to Adrien and comes to the conclusion that she is nervous/hiding something. Marinette being Marinette she completely loses all her chill when confronted about it. Especially since Kagami did it in front of Adrien!
When Kagami’s informed that Marinette likes Adrien she quickly jumps to conclusions. Assuming Marinette has already confessed Kagami decides to observe Adrien’s reaction to her, her jealousy out voting her manners in discretion. By the end of the day Kagami is distraught and even gets Akumatised.
And that’s how Adrien finds out. All Marinette’s failed attempts at confessing for nothing as Akumatised Kagami blurts it out to Adrien. Marinette already at the scene as Ladybug, frozen in place as Adrien is delivered the ultimatum...
“Its me or her, Adrien. Who do you choose?”
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loliamweird · 3 years
Here is an edit I attempted two months ago, it was suppose to be for Saint Valentine's Day, but it's just too upsetting...
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Secondly, this turned out better than I expected and I do have more parts to this, but I'm not sure if I can release it because if this edit is a flop, then I probably won't haha.
Thirdly I know this could be stolen or whatsoever or recreated but it's okay. I hope the watermark is good enough for a "small" creator.
Fourthy I decided to rather entertain on tumblr than on instagram because instagram isn't so my thing ya know. I do have my own account, but it's private lol.
Fiftly I am so not consistent. In fact I'm going to quite frankly use my education as an excuse, but I've been working on some stuff and I recently worked on a poem, though it is not so great yet. But I may share it.
Sixth, do not worry about the winx club fate future mini series about incorrect quotes, I will (someday) continue. (on my profile). (Tysm, for the 8 likes lol)
Seventh, thank you so much for reading this through : ).
Have an absolute fantastic day or night
P.S: I'll upload the version again, but without this long text!
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