#Mo Effanga
forensicated · 8 months
Alex continuing to be naughty after moving over to Holby <3
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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grimdarknokia · 2 months
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riverstardis · 2 years
child of mine:
it's grace's birthday!
hugo running away :(
sam got grace a new phone which connie isn't happy about
grace hasn't been taking her epilepsy medication and refuses to take it so connie says she has to come into work so she can keep an eye on her??? because we all know connie always does a great job of keeping an eye on grace in the ED...
david's back!
alicia's walking in behind connie, sam, and grace and cal and ethan walk up behind her and cal goes "i wonder how grace feels about her new step mum? do you think you're gonna all go on holiday together maybe? what's it called, blended family?" while ethan seems to be avoiding looking at her. cal mate leave her alone!!
of course connie immediately tells noel to watch grace. when she says she's going to watch her she never actually means she's going to do it herself does she. she also says she can have her new phone once she's done her physio exercises?? girl it's her birthday give her a break!
oop sam just shared my sentiment. "she needs rest days, she needs time for her muscles to recover" "right so suddenly now you're an expert in physio?" "she's doing too much" "how would you know, you're not with her everyday?" "neither are you." OUCH SSJDJDFF i do not like him but unfortunately he seems to be the voice of reason when it comes to grace
elle and dylan see sam with grace and elle's like "you'd think he'd have more things to worry about than just hounding us" RIGHT??
oop elle says "connie still thinks she's safe" and dylan goes "what on her salary? i'd say she's the biggest prey" that's a good point actually. and if connie lost her job she'd have a lot more time to spend with grace. but i doubt sam wants that cause then it would be even harder for him to get a look in
so if david wasn't really ready to come back to work after years off, how is he ready to be back after a few weeks?
charlotte's been discharged
oh molly drover! she's asking for zoe😬
louise booked a table for her and jez at some fancy restaurant but he can't afford it
connie gives grace a cupcake as a peace offering, apologises and lets her have her new phone... could've been fine if she hadn't hidden her meds in the icing to trick her into taking them
david saying he knows what it's like to want everything to just stop and how much harder it is to get up and try again :((
aand grace has discovered the pill :/
grace goes "you tried to drug me" and connie's trying to defend herself but then realises that she spoke and realises that sam isn't surprised and grace is like "i've always been able to talk. i just didn't want to talk to you because i hate you." and connie goes "well you know what sweetheart, the feeling is mutual." umm wtf :/// and then grace has a seizure
david tries to apologise to robyn but max gets protective of her. poor david :(
connie tells sam he should take grace for a while
connie telling hugo's dad "he's clearly very upset. he just needs a little bit of love, and a little bit of support." you might want to try taking your own advice connie. and by that i mean with grace not hugo! do NOT take on someone else's child because you're finding your own a bit too difficult!!
charlotte is managing to make a lot of noise without moving at all. not even her mouth lol quite a realistic looking doll i'll give em that
ah mo effanga?
lmaoo jez doesn't want to tell louise he can't afford the restaurant so he tells her he's getting an early night and she goes to alicia upset and alicia's like "come on, let's drink gin and talk about how rubbish men are" and then immediately turns to ethan who just happens to be passing and invites him to the pub with them man she is DOWN BAD😭😭😭😭 it's odd that louise seems to have no reaction to this whatsoever though?? surely she would be wondering what the hell alicia's doing inviting a man to their complaining about men session? maybe alicia just knew that ethan was gonna decline so she did it to get herself in the mood for the complaining about men shjsjddjk
connie agreeing to take hugo for a few days??? wow it's a good job you got grace out the way so you can spend all your time with someone else's child isn't it
aww robyn letting david hold charlotte🥺 and jacob not accepting his resignation :)
one episode to go...
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hcscreenshots · 4 years
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mo and jac, s19e16
m: jac, we need to talk. j: you’re not going to sweden, you want your job back, you want to start next week. m: yeah, how’d you know? j: i’m all-seeing and all-powerful. m: yeah, alright. no, seriously. have you got cameras all around us or something? j: see you next week, mo. m: damn! that’s some spooky witch shenanigans, jac. girl, you’re messed up.
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andysullivan · 4 years
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darwin ward
“if holby were a family, darwin would be the big scary uncle”
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socket79 · 6 years
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Catherine Russell + Holby City Cast Selfies
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sorenkingsley · 6 years
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squishmittenficfan · 6 years
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Mo Effanga
Holby City - One of Us
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tv-is-my-love-life · 6 years
And that is why we love her!
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jasnahmybeloved · 6 years
Not every relationship is like you and Jonny. Or you and Matteo. Or you and Joseph.
Could this be Mo's (extremely) suble way of telling Jac that she and Fletch could work? I know Mo was teasing Jac about how she assumed something was wrong with hers and Mr T's relationship but still ...
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The way jac looks at mo💞💗💕💝💞💖
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jac spent her christmas running around the hospital as santa secretly making sure all the patients had the best day possible and the only person who a) knows her well enough to notice and b) she trusts enough to keep her softness a secret is mo
they own my whole entire heart i promise you
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At least Mo can stand up for representation because the gays are fucking losing it
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holbyheartbeat · 6 years
I’m pinning all my hopes on Mo Effanga:
To help save Jac
Work with Frieda in getting Jac and Fletch together (Frienda & Mo will be brilliant together!)
Reminding Jac that she has a thing for nurses...
Bringing some laughter (and sass) back on to Darwin (and Keller/AAU for that matter)
Providing adorable pictures of little Hector with Mr T
Arranging play dates with Emma and Fletch’s kids
Picking up Yey pieces that Gaskell has left behind (assuming he’ll be stopped soon!)
Just generally being the consultant we miss
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hcscreenshots · 4 years
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mo and adele, s18e19
m: where is he? a: hamsterdam?!
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