#Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 “Wild Hunt”
dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Choo Choo Charles
Code Name: Island of Hell Spider
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The island where SCP-ADJ instances are placed has been locked down by Foundation forces. Naval Task Fleet Demeter-6 "Water Bugs" is responsible for bombarding any SCP-ADJ instances getting too close to the shoreline as well as safely guarding any Foundation ships that land on the ports of the island. The port and certain shorelines are protected by a 4-foot thick and 2-meter-tall wall. Along the wall are sentry turrets as well as sound producing devices emitting noises known to irritate SCP-ADJ instances. 
In the middle of the island is a Foundation Area base where Foundation staff study SCP-ADJ instances. Foundation staff are transported there and back to the port via underground train, traveling through a reinforced tunnel. 
Description: SCP-ADJ is a species of horrific and giant spiders with quite durable bodies, extremely powerful, and fast enough to travel 50 MPH. Anomalously each SCP-ADJ instance has the ability to fuse their bodies to any object they desire to act as armor for them. One in particular was SCP-ADJ-Progenitor. 
SCP-ADJ-Progenitor is the first of the entire species of SCP-ADJ, seemingly born on the island sometime during the stone ages. How exactly he came to be is unknown, he just appeared on the island and had been terrorizing the inhabitants for centuries. It was only after being sealed in a cave was, he stopped but while in the cave he laid hundreds of eggs. Three eggs in particular were the strongest. Unfortunately, on the year [data expunged] a man named [data expunged] started a mining company on the island to get gold and new minerals. Instead, he unleashed SCP-ADJ on the island, killing nearly all the inhabitance of the island. 
According to the inhabitance of the island, a man known as [data expunged] came to the island and killed SCP-ADJ-Progenitor. He fused SCP-ADJ-Progenitor with the three most powerful eggs causing it to grow stronger but also allowing him to kill it. After a long and horrible battle, it was killed leaving the island seemingly in peace. However, when trying to rebuild the island the inhabitance stumbled across a new cave where SCP-ADJ-Progenitor laid its other eggs. 
Thankfully that was the same time when the Foundation discovered the island in 2022 when agents went to the island after following a case of several families disappearing after working for [data expunged] company. The island was evacuated, and all the inhabitances were transferred to Nexus Points instead of being given amnestics like normal. It's unknown why the Ethics Committee gave this command but the O5 did not vote against, so it was carried out by Foundation staff. The island was then taken over by the Foundation where it quickly established the current containment procedures before any of the eggs could hatch. 
Now that the eggs have hatched, an army of SCP-ADJ instances have flooded the island, each proving just as difficult to kill as the original. As such Foundation Administrative staff voted to have the island being a testing site for new weapons and containment methods against difficult to kill anomalies. The vote was ruled with all in favor and none against as all can agree that the recent spike in anomalous activity as well as how dangerous they've all been getting has concerned many Foundation staff. Thus, making more and stronger weapons and containment devices is needed if humanity is to have a future. It is with hope that the research obtained from the island will show how to one day better deal with SCP-682.
Side Note: [data expunged] was asked to join the foundation because of his contribution to killing SCP-ADJ-Progenitor. He accepted and was recruited into Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" under the Code Name: The Archivist. 
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
File: Attack the Block
Code Name: Blue Tooth Hounds
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFY instances are contained at in an artificially created cave system that spans 150x150 meters wide at Site-AA. They are bred and trained in that area so that they can become proper hounds for Mobile Task Force Demeter-4 "Animal Control". No one besides Level 4 Clearance or a member of MTF Demeter-4 is allowed within the containment area of SCP-AFY. Any testing with SCP-AFY must be approved by a Level 4 Clearance Staff. 
In the event of a containment breach a pheromone is to be released within the SCP-AFY containment area. This pheromone will make them docile and want to hide by any means available. Should they smell anyone with an unidentifiable smell enter the containment area they will hunt them down and kill them. A calming pheromone will be released after the containment breach has been cleared. 
Description: SCP-AFY is a species of Quadrupedal aliens that came to earth via meteor. The males of the species all are large being able to stand 5 to 6 feet tall and weight on average 600 to 1200 pounds. They have no visible sensory organs, small but sharp claws, and for some reason glowing blue teeth. They also have fur so black that it absorbs all forms of light making them look like living and moving blobs of darkness. 
Despite having no sensory organs SCP-AFY has a keen sense of smell especially for pheromones. As such the females of the species produce these pheromones regularly quite similar to how a queen ant of a colony sprays pheromones on the ants to follow her orders. Unlike the males the female is devoid of hair and has a body size of 3 -4 feet tall. They are also relatively weak without male guards, but they do have a defense mechanism of spraying hostile pheromones onto their attackers. 
As a whole, the species is extremely fast and flexible able to run along any terrain with ease and at a speed of 30 to 50 MPH. They can climb across any surface, and break through glass, metal, and even concrete with ease. Their sense of hearing is incredible, and their bodies are durable enough to resist most melee and even basic firearm attacks. However heavy firearms, explosives, and energy-based attacks are quite effective against them. Furthermore, despite their great senses, they mostly focus on pheromone commands often ignoring prey when it hasn't been sprayed by hostile pheromones.
SCP-AFY was discovered in 2011 when an apartment building at [data expunged]. The Foundation was called to action when an agent living in the building as well as another agent passing by saw the SCP-AFY male instances roaming around the apartment building. The England Division of the Foundation deployed Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" to capture all of the anomalous beasts. Though they captured a few the female was already killed, and the rest were killed by a boy who calls himself Moses and his friends. However, they were arrested by the police who believed they killed everyone who died by the SCP-AFY instances and caused the explosion in the name of arson. 
Foundation agents disgusted as detectives offered the boys positions at the Foundation under Protocol "Sole Survivor". They accepted and are now under training to become MTF units within the Foundation. As for a majority of the survivors of the apartment they were given the proper amnestics and sent to new apartments with £5,000 each as compensation for their troubles as well as hush money. The cover story for the boys was that they really did attack the apartment and were given capital punishment as a result, fake bodies were created for the funerals. Surprisingly a lot of people showed up to said funeral not remembering much but believing Moses and his boys were heroes.
Update 2013 - Moses and his men have completed their training they are now the newest recruits of Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox". Unlike normal MTF Epsilon-11 units they are quite talkative and have good charisma making them instant favorites among Foundation staff. a majority of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" do not like this, so they are often handled by MTF Alpha-1 unit "Monster Slayer".
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Man in the Suit
Original Creator: @Unkn0wingly
Please support their YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Unkn0wingly
Code Name: How to turn into a Titan/ Mascot zombies.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-ADE are contained at Site-AC. Each one is placed in a separate 4x4 meter room. Each room is kept at 12 degrees Celsius but can be lowered to -50 degrees Celsius should they show active movement or aggression. Blood samples are regularly taken from each one to see if there is any change in hormone level, blood, and overall DNA.
SCP-ADE-Alpha is contained at the newly established Site-AE where it is regularly harvested of its anomalous venom and blood. One the spine of SCP-ADE-Alpha is placed a Cybernetic Spine Device that keeps SCP-ADE-Alpha in a paralyzed state without the need of medication. The CSD also keeps SCP-ADE-Alpha from growing, as such it must be regularly maintained on a weekly basis.
Should the CSD ever need to be replaced, SCP-ADE-Alpha is to be sedated with [data expunged] megaliters of Foundation sedatives while a new one is made. This process should never take any longer than 12 hours as SCP-ADE-Alpha will begin to grow immunity to the sedatives. It will reach a point of immunity where even increasing the dosage will only slow SCP-ADE-Alpha.
Any testing involving the SCP-ADE instances must be approved by at least two Level 4 Clearance staff members. If there is any testing regarding SCP-ADE-Alpha, it MUST be done with Foundation staff of Japanese ethnicity as SCP-ADE-Alpha has proven to be hostile to anyone of a different ethnicity.
Description: SCP-ADE is seemingly an infection mutation that is the result of unknown drugs. The end result was SCP-ADE-Alpha which is a man who was mutated inside a costume resembling SCP-ABQ. The reason for this is because the costume was created by Toho Entertainment, the main entertainment company that the Foundation entrusted to help hide SCP-ABQ in plain sight. SCP-ADE-Alpha was originally an actor that was supposed to act as the fictional version of SCP-ADQ but after ingesting an unknown drug when wearing the suit his body mutated and the suit became his new skin while his original body became his new insides.
SCP-ADE-Alpha is extremely beast-like but much more aggressive than the SCP-ABQ the Foundation is more familiar with. Furthermore, like the original host, SCP-ADE-Alpha hates anyone who is not of pure Japanese ethnicity, especially Americans. SCP-ADE-Alpha has a massive resentment for America after the dropping of bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Thankfully SCP-ADE-Alpha has none of the anomalous abilities of SCP-ABQ though that is not to say that he isn't dangerous. SCP-ADE-Alpha has the anomalous ability to stretch and grow his body making him bigger and stronger as a result. He also has great regenerative abilities almost comparable to SCP-682. Unfortunately, recent testing has shown that it also has SCP-682's adaptive abilities as well. Though thankfully it has not had any reason to endure the same damage and hardship as 682, so as of now it is as weak as an adult crocodile.
SCP-ADE-Alpha unfortunately, has very mutagenic and infectious properties allowing it to spread its effects on other people. These creatures are referred to as SCP-ADE-Beta instances. SCP-ADE-Beta instances are people who were wearing other costumes but got bit by SCP-ADE-Alpha. Through a mutagenic venom the person starts to bloat inside the suit and just like SCP-ADE-Alpha their original body becomes their new insides, and the suit becomes their new skin. So far only three of these instances exist.
One is the first created is based on the fictional character known as Anguirus, a Titan that doesn't actually exist and is completely original to the Toho fictional universe. This one unlike the other two is completely docile and actually surrendered to the Foundation willingly upon containment. The other is a giant silk moth cocoon that is believed to represent SCP-ABU. Even at the time of writing this instance has not awakened but still receives the same containment measures as the others as a precaution. Finally, there is the most dangerous SCP-ADE-Beta instance which is believed to represent SCP-ACJ. It is unknown if this is actually true.
The reason being that this SCP-ADE-Beta instance does have three serpent heads like SCP-ACJ, but its body is made entirely of a crimson sludge that seems to be a mutated version of SCP-ADE-Alpha's Blood. This version of SCP-ADE-Beta wasn't created by a human getting bit by SCP-ADE-Alpha but instead by Alpha puking blood into a hole and having it cultivate a living organism. Because of this it has been heavily debated if the Foundation should continue calling it SCP-ADE-Beta or change its label to Omega.
Unlike the other two the third SCP-ADE-Beta is extremely hostile and constantly tries to escape as such its containment counter measures are constantly activated to keep it contained. Though despite its wildly different nature from the other two a majority of staff still wish to label it as SCP-ADE-Beta since like the other two it was created by SCP-ADE-Alpha.
SCP-ADE-Alpha was discovered in 1964 when the last SCP-ADE-Beta instance was created. SCP-ADE-Alpha escaped the custody of Toho Entertainment and went out into the forest to find a perfect area for SCP-ADE-Beta's birthing place. Because it was out in the open, Foundation satellites were able to track it and contact the higher ups. Due to the nature of SCP-ADE-Alpha and the Beta instances, Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" and Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" was sent out in a Joint Operation to find and subdue SCP-ADE-Alpha. The mission was surprisingly easy as after creating SCP-ADE-Beta, it was weakened and unable to put up resistance.
After the two anomalies were contained Toho Entertainment was quickly targeted by the Foundation. To save face, they quickly surrendered all the crew involved in containing SCP-ADE-Alpha and the other two SCP-ADE-Beta instances. All Employees that didn't know what was going on were let go after being given the proper amnestics. The rest who knew and tried to keep the movies going and experiment with the anomalies for the sake of profit were processed as D Class. The director in particular was revealed to have a business deal with Group of Interest: Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. He was planning on selling SCP-ADE-Alpha to them after the first few movies were done. For his crimes he was used as a test subject for armor against SCP-106, it didn't work.
Unfortunately, the Foundation was unable to find the members of GoI: Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. that were associated with the purchase of SCP-ADE-Alpha. Though Toho Entertainment has been put under a Level 1 Foundation Watch List for both their greed, negligence, and mishandling of the anomaly.
Update 2011 - After the discovery of SCP-ADG Toho Entertainment was moved up to a Level 2 Foundation Watch List as this is the second time an anomaly has manifested while being related to their property.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Stung
Code Name: The Wasp Chimera Breed 
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFB are contained at Site-AN within an 4x4 containment cell on one of the lower floors of the Site. On the ceiling of the containment cell is a hole where grounded meat is dumped on a daily basis. Though on a monthly basis, an entire hives worth of wasps is to be dumped into the containment cell to allow the SCP-AFB to regrow its population. Any testing with SCP-AFB must be approved by at least two Level 4 Clearance staff or higher. 
The containment cell is closed off from the rest of the Site by another room acting as its sole connection to the Site. both doors are electrified to ensure SCP-AFB instance are fried if they try to get out. The only way to turn off the electrified doors is to enter the 6-digit pass code. Each door has its own passcode, and its activation is separate from the other, the codes are changed every month by an AI. In the room is Level 4 Biohazard suits and a chemical decontamination shower to prevent SCP-AFB parasitic infection. 
In the event of a containment breach, AFA-2 units armed with flame throwers are to enter the biohazard room and guard SCP-AFB's containment cell. If it is reported an anomalies or hostile Groups of Interest are getting closer to the containment cell the AFA-2's is to cull the SCP-AFB instances and use a biohazard vacuum to contain what is left. They are to then hide it in a hidden compartment within the containment cell. The location of this compartment is only to be known AI operating the AFA-2's. They will be released and given more wasps to breed after the containment breach has been lifted. 
Description: SCP-AFB are parasitic mutated breed of wasps with chimeric properties, once an SCP-AFB stings someone, the host will be injected with a parasitic egg that will quickly grow inside the host. This egg will become a mature SCP-AFB instance with the same size and some minor characteristics of the host. It only takes 1 to 25 minutes to reach maturity depending on the health of the victim. Once they are mature, they rip apart the host from the inside out and begin building a nest to fit their size while also hunting for fresh meat to eat. It's also possible for them to lay eggs asexually into this meat to expand their population while eating. 
SCP-AFB instances never harm one another regardless of the chimeric alterations. Though the smaller ones are always the ones entrusted to create the larger breeds of SCP-AFB instances. SCP-AFB have no higher instincts other than breeding and conquest; they never stop looking for food, new nesting grounds, and new hosts to impregnate with the next generation. 
SCP-AFB was discovered in 2015 when mayor [data expunged] a secret investor in one of the Foundation's front companies, sounded his VIP investor danger alert. Foundation agents went to the area that night but were quickly attack by human sized SCP-AFB instances. One was unfortunately stung and quickly turned forcing the other to terminate the resulting instance. After the survivor escaped and submitted his report, Mobile Task Force Hades-4 "Bio Rebels" was deployed. 
Originally Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" was going to be assigned but considering the possibility of spreading further infection especially to such athletic and talented MTF units was a potential hazard and loss the Foundation couldn't afford. Instead, MTF Specialists within Hades-4 infected with SCP-ADR as well as Sarkite's immune to parasitic infection were assigned to the mission. Upon arriving they found hundreds of SCP-AFB instances born form infected cows flying through the sky ready to spread to the surrounding areas. The Police and emergency forces as well as two civilian survivors nearly died several times but thankfully the MTF Hades-4 units were able to kill them all except for one that was tranquilized and contained.
Survivors of the incident were offered positions within the Foundation under protocol "Sole Survivor". Unfortunately, all rejected the offer and were instead given Class B Amnestics and give the cover story a gas leak blew up the mansion where SCP-AFB originated from and mixed with the chemicals causing everyone, even the emergency forces to faint and forget everything that happened. Before being amnestied they were interviewed including the two survivors of the entire event. They stated the son of the mansion mixed expired pharmaceutical chemicals with chemical fertilizer to make the plants stronger. It worked but also mutated a parasitic breed of wasp, once it stung a bee it's spawned the new SCP-AFB breed as a result. 
The chemicals were retrieved from the wreckage, and it was seen that they were highly mutagenic and had the high possibility of having the taker developing various cancers. Surprisingly being mixed together and conveniently with fertilizer they will become mutagenic enough to alter DNA of any organism and lead to unknown growth and consequences. The chemicals are now in Foundation custody and tested regularly to see if it's possible to make a more stable and possibly usable chemical. However, this discovery is very terrifying as it proves that even public pharmaceutical companies are slowly getting closer to creating anomalous items. It is unknown if the Foundation will be able to keep up with the predicted growth of human made anomalies in the following decades. 
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
File: Splice
Codename: Nature vs Nurture vs Artificial
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-ACQ has been sent to Site-AE where it is under the control of the Department of Anomalous Evolution. It is contained within an 8x8 meter containment cell filled with medical research tools and machines. One in particular is a Zartion Hominid Replicator to ensure that every time SCP-ACQ dies it can be remade again. The entity is connected to a Pygmalion Bio Editor Station. With the device SCP-ACQ-1 is harvested, maintaining SCP-ACQ's health, keeping it within a coma, and updating Foundation staff on its status.  
SCP-ACQ-1 consists of SCP-ACQ's blood, skin samples, bone marrow, muscle tissue, and spinal fluid. SCP-ACQ-1 is to be harvested only on a monthly basis; any sooner would kill the entity. Even with the ZHR it is advised to prevent this as much as possible. Foundation staff are to ensure that once the SCP-ACQ-1 is harvested they are to use the PBES to help SCP-ACQ recover any nutrients its body is lacking to prevent death. Besides medical staff, SCP-ACQ's containment cell is to have 4 armed guards all armed with Foundation Assault Rifles loaded with tranquilizer darts but also specialized PV darts on the off-chance SCP-ACQ should ever wake up. Any testing with SCP-ACQ but be done with a clone created by the ZHR and must be approved by at least one Level 3 Clearance Foundation staff member. 
Description: SCP-ACQ is an anomalous artificially created lifeform with the base of its DNA being human. Small genes within the genome of SCP-ACQ contains several different animals including amphibian, insectoid, bird, and several mammals; most of which unfortunately can't be directly identified. Surprisingly because SCP-ACQ is made up of different animals, its antibodies and natural proteins fused together to create new proteins and biochemicals that have massive health benefits when synthesized correctly. 
However, this is not to say that SCP-ACQ is benevolent in any way, if anything SCP-ACQ can be quite ferocious and manipulative. SCP-ACQ herself has a basic humanoid body but has digitigrade type legs with her toes resembling fingers and having a long thumb as a hind toe. She has a long and slender tail that moves incredibly fast and is filled with a deadly venom capable of killing a human in a matter of seconds. The rest of her body is seemingly human until you get to her head. Her scalp naturally does not grow hair, she has a strange line pushing down on her skin going completely symmetrically vertical on her head. Finally, her eyes are seemingly normal from a distance but upon closer look her pupil is shaped not like a circle but like a rounded cross. 
SCP-ACQ is essentially an Apex predator as she can smell things from miles away, strong enough to drag humans and throw them into the air, has retractable fleshy wings capable of great flight, her deadly tail, the ability to swim and breath underwater, incredible speed, flexible body, and heightened senses. SCP-ACQ is even able to sense and see frequencies that are impossible for others to notice. She can even see people who are looking at her through a camera. Most notably, she is also mentally unstable and is prone to violent outbursts when her desires are not met. Those desires being unbound curiosity and more disturbingly the desire to mate. 
SCP-ACQ was discovered in 2009 when Global Occult Coalition agents within the Nucleic Exchange Research and Development found that the company had somehow managed to create genetically advanced spliced hybrids. These first spiced hybrids were made of several animals resulting in strange worm-like creatures. They displayed anomalous properties almost immediately leading to the GOC tearing down the company and killing the spliced hybrids. During the slow and "legal" destruction of the company Foundation agents infiltrated the building in hopes of finding more anomalous assets before the GOC could apprehend and destroy them. Their findings revealed the existence of another spliced hybrid, this one with human DNA created by two rogue scientists that got away when the GOC started dismantling the company. They were later found at an old barn along with SCP-ACQ.
Foundation agents tried to apprehend them, but SCP-ACQ quickly got violent and started attacking, leading to multiple casualties including the accidental death of both scientists. It was then deemed too dangerous to continue so all remaining agents were forced to retreat. Later Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" was sent in and managed to trap and contain SCP-ACM within the local forest without suffering any casualties. 
Afterwards SCP-ACQ was sent to Site-AA where she was sedated and placed within a Kaur Stasis Pod. Once it was learned her body was filled with natural proteins and biochemicals that could greatly benefit the Foundation she was then sent to Site-AE and given the current Containment Procedures. Usage of the PBES as well as the ZHR has been approved by the Ethics Committee as they do not consider SCP-ACM a creature worthy of human empathy. Furthermore, the Anomalous Employment Division does not view SCP-ACQ as an anomaly that can be safely socially conditioned into a proper society or even Foundation staff. Therefore, the entity is under no Foundation Protocol or ethical protection. As such the harsh and often cruel experiments on her will continue. 
Update 2010 - It has been recorded that with some of the SCP-ACQ clones that for whatever reason they start to deteriorate over a period of time and suddenly change gender afterwards. The male version of SCP-ACM is much stronger, more aggressive, and has a larger desire to mate with the human of the opposite sex. Testing is ongoing to see why this happens. Furthermore, testing is also being conducted to see if SCP-ACM clones or DNA can be utilized for Project: Last Legion.
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Gremlins
Code Name: The Mogwai
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AEA-Prime is housed at Site-AA and is lives in a small house within Site Director James's office. She has made herself in charge of caring for SCP-AEA-Prime. Any Foundation staff that enter her office are not to do so with water in any form. Additionally, after precisely midnight, no one is to bring any form of food into Site Director James office, even crumbs are hazardous. SCP-AEA-Prime has shown no interest in food after midnight but still, nothing is worth the risk. 
All SCP-AEA-Clone and Evil instances are only to be created for testing purposes, afterwards they are to be incinerated via their weakness to ensure complete eradication. Anyone who dares to keep either of these instances alive beyond containment are to be apprehended and demoted a single level. Two levels depending on the severity of the crime. 
Description: SCP-AEA-Prime is both the last and progenitor of a species known as a Mogwai. What exactly these creatures are and where they came form are unknown. SCP-AEA are small humanoid entities only measuring 8 inches tall. It has a fur of both white and brown, a mostly flat but cute face, and large hairless ears. SCP-AEA-Prime is the main being of the species and only through him is it possible to make more. 
When introduced to water SCP-AEA-Prime will begin to pop fluff balls form its back to create more SCP-AEA instances. These SCP-AEA instances normally reflect only small portions of SCP-AEA-Prime's personality, meaning they are all clones and nothing more. SCP-AEA-Clone instances are normally quite destructive and goofy compared to SCP-AEA-Prime and after often described as a complete nuisance to be around. However, this is only while they are in their current form as when they mutate things get much worse. 
When an SCP-AEA-Clone eats food at any time after midnight, it will begin to form into a giant and grotesque egg covered in dark green slime. After about 6 to 8 hours, the eggs will hatch, and the resulting in the birth of an SCP-AEA-Evil instance. SCP-AEA-Evil instances are creatures that measure 16 inches tall, have no fur, reptilian dark green slimy skin, sharp claws and teeth, long arms and legs, large ears, and vicious red eyes. They are extremely hostile and sadistic creatures that enjoy killing, causing destruction, mocking all they come across, and being as devious as possible. 
SCP-AEA-Evil instances are surprisingly intelligent with normally their own mischievous nature being their downfall rather than their stupidity. SCP-AEA-Evil instances always work together and never betray one another, not even other SCP-AEA-Clone instances. However, all SCP-AEA-Evil instances and almost every SCP-AEA-Clone instance hates SCP-AEA-Prime with a passion. Why this is the case is still unknown. 
SCP-AEA-Prime was discovered in 1984 when the town of [data expunged] was attacked by a sudden swarm of SCP-AEA-Evil instances. Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" was deployed to contain the instances only to find that they all were destroyed in an explosion at the local theater. With all the SCP-AEA-Evil instances presumed dead, MTF Artemis-6 was instead pulled back and Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" was sent in to give the citizens of the town amnestics and place false information to the media. Meanwhile, Foundation agents were sent in to find the source of the anomalous disaster. They eventually ended up finding SCP-AEA-Prime and apprehended it form the family after giving them the proper amnestics.
However, upon transporting SCP-AEA-Prime a strange old man tried to stop the truck, he was ignored at first until he somehow appeared outside of Site-AA demanding SCP-AEA-Prime be returned to his custody. Foundation staff apprehended the man and tried to use memetic and mnestic treatment to get as much information as possible on him. Unfortunately, he proved to be immune to both treatments and dodged every question with more demands for custody of SCP-AEA-Prime. Because nothing else could be done and he was deemed an information leak hazard, so the Foundation executed him immediately. 
Currently SCP-AEA-Evil and Clone instances are used for testing, especially testing combat and casting data against anomalous vermin. Despite their smart and aggressive nature, they are surprisingly easy to contain and control population of. It is for this reason that they are labeled as Object Class Safe. However, all Foundation staff should bear in mind that SCP-AEA if a single SCP-AEA-Evil instance were able to get into the ocean, that would allow it to cause an NK Class Grey Goo Scenario. As such SCP-AEA-Prime nor Clone or Evil instance allowed to leave Site-AA for any reason.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
File: Vita Carnis
Original Creator  @darian_quilloy
Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtHJ59f4JJxzAyse-464BVw
Code Name: Vita Carnis/ Sarkic Seeds/ The Mistake of the Prince
Object Class: Apollyon 
Special Containment Procedures: Joint Task Force Artemis-1: Mosquito Swarm is to exterminate any instances of SCP-AXA-1, SCP-AXA-2, SCP-AXA-3, SCP-AXA-4, SCP-AXA-5, SCP-AXA-6, SCP-AXA-7, or SCP-AXA-8 instances in the wild. If any SCP-AXA variants manage survive Artemis-1 local Foundation staff is to alert the Appropriate Mobile Task Force at once for the sole purpose of extermination. If SCP-AXA-1 creates any new SCP-AXA variants or any new organisms that are similar to the characteristics of SCP-AXA are spotted in a known SCP-AXA-1 growth area. Foundation staff are advised to prioritize containment of the new anomaly over extermination. Regardless of how dangerous they are.
All captured samples are to be stored at Site-AJ.
SCP-AXA-1 instances are kept and harvested in the underground vegetation farms on the second floor of site-AJ. SCP-AXA-1 instances are not to spread beyond the farms and are to be harvested on a biweekly basis, to prevent overgrowth and SCP-AXA-2 instances to spawn. Any SCP-AXA-2 instance that is produced accidently by unharvested SCP-AXA-1 instances are to be captured and transported to the third floor of Site-AJ.
SCP-AXA-2 instances are to be kept in one of the 42 8x12 meter observation containment rooms on the third floor of Site-AJ. SCP-AXA-2 instances are harmless even in large numbers and thus can be placed together in a single containment room. SCP-AXA-1 instances are to be placed inside each containment cell to ensure a maintained population of SCP-AXA-2 instances. Any SCP-AXA-2 instance that escapes containment is to be hunted and exterminated. Any SCP-AXA-2 that displaces an abnormal appearance or behavior is to be exterminated. Afterwards its body is to be sent to the on-site testing morgue for cataloging and harvesting purposes. Every containment room is to be cleared out of SCP-AXA-1 growths and placed in brand new SCP-AXA-1 growths on a weekly basis to prevent other SCP-AXA variants from growing. Only SCP-AXA-1 instances in the containment rooms of level three are allowed to create SCP-AXA-2 instances. If any SCP-AXA-1 instance create an SCP-AXA-2 instance on any other floor they are to be incinerated at once, there are no exceptions.
SCP-AXA-3 instances are to be kept in one of the four 20x20 observation containment rooms on the fourth floor of Site-AJ. SCP-AXA-3 instances are allowed to have SCP-AXA-1 instances grow in their containment cell but only so that a new SCP-AXA-3 instance will be born after the previous one dies. Under no circumstances are there to be more than one SCP-AXA-3 instance within a containment cell regardless of size. SCP-AXA-3 instances are to be feed on a monthly basis to prevent oversized growth or mitosis of SCP-AXA-3. Any SCP-AXA-3 instance that reached 10 meter in length is to be left to starve. Any SCP-AXA-3 instance performing mitosis is to be executed and harvested of SCP-AXA-3-1. Only SCP-AXA-1 instances in the containment rooms of level four are allowed to create SCP-AXA-3 instances. If any SCP-AXA-1 instance create an SCP-AXA-3 instance on any other floor they are to be incinerated at once, there are no exceptions.
SCP-AXA-4 instances are kept in in one of the 20 8x8 concrete containment cells within the fifth level of Site-AJ. Each Containment Cell is equipped with an observation 360-degree observation camera to prevent the SCP-AXA-4 instance form hiding. SCP-AXA-4 Instances are feed on a monthly basis to prevent growth in size, strength, and to encourage a dependance on Foundation staff. A small door on the floor of the containment cell can open and close allowing Foundation staff to feed SCP-AXA-4 instances without entering the cell. However, as an added precaution SCP-AXA-4 instances are only to be feed by AFA-1 androids. If an SCP-AXA-4 instance is agitated and is attempting a breach in containment security protocol AXA-4-1 is to be activated. when this protocol is activated the observation staff is to activate the incapacitation agent paralyses the SCP-AXA-4 instance or put it to sleep. Foundation security is to then enter the containment cell and restrain the SCP-AXA-4 instance to prevent further containment. The SCP-AXA-4 instance is to never be freed form these restraints even after it has calmed down. Should an SCP-AXA-4 continue aggravation or be extremely close to breach of containment Protocol AXA-4-2 is to activate. This will result in the incineration of the interior of the cell where the aggravated SCP-AXA-4 instance is, killing it entirely. SCP-AXA-4 instances are to only be harvested from level eight no other means of breeding SCP-AXA-4 are permitted. No SCP-AXA-1 growths are to be allowed within level five, there are no exceptions.
SCP-AXA-5 is to be kept in the artificial forest environment of the sixth level of Site-AJ. Due to the size and range of SCP-AXA-5 only one is allowed to exist at any given time. SCP-AXA-5 is only to be fed for testing purposes otherwise it must be starved. SCP-AXA-5 is allowed to feed on the small animals left inside the artificial forest environment of level six, as it wastes its energy in doing so. Observation staff are to alert Foundation security if SCP-AXA-5 shows any signs of hunger, over feeding, mutation, or death from starvation.
SCP-AXA-6 instances are to be terminated on the spot, there are no exceptions.
SCP-AXA-7 are on the surface above Site-AX. SCP-AXA-7 instances are used to power the reality concealment engine protecting Site-AJ. Under no circumstances are SCP-AXA-7 instances to be tampered with in any way.
SCP-AXA-8 instances are to be terminated on the spot, there are no exceptions.
Description: SCP-AXA is a collection of skinless, meat-based organisms belonging to its own ecosystem. The origin of SCP-AXA is unknown and seemingly manifested and spread around the world by unknown means. SCP-AXA-1 is the first appearance of the anomaly and is responsible for the existence of the other variants within SCP-AXA's ecosystem. SCP-AXA-1 is a vine like growth that, like weeds, can exist in almost any environment. SCP-AXA-1 has a crimson and black texture with the crimson parts being the oldest and thickest and the black parts being the youngest and smallest. SCP-AXA-1 resembles the appearance and texture of meat. SCP-AXA-1 even has an internal structure resembling blood veins and arteries. SCP-AXA-1 is able to make food off of photosynthesis like a normal plant but prefers to get its food from rotten corpses of dead plants, insects, and animals. Because of this SCP-AXA-1 is more abundant in areas where corpses, rot, and waste are.
Due to SCP-AXA-1 feeding only on waste and rotting materials, it is not considered a threat. Furthermore, when SCP-AXA-1 starts decomposing after losing its source of food it will provide rich mulch that is far greater than any other fertilizer. As such, Foundation staff like to use SCP-AXA-1 decomposing instances as mulch for on sites farms to make stronger and faster yields. Site-AJ is now one of the leading suppliers to the Foundations farming experiments thanks to SCP-AXA-1. However, should SCP-AXA-1 be allowed access to a massive abundance to food it will start creating variants of similar biology.
SCP-AXA-2 instances are small vermin like organism that resemble skinned Procyon lotor. They can have somewhere between 6 to 12 limbs and grow at a maximum of 8 inches in size. SCP-AXA-2 instances are cowardly and harmless and as far as any Foundation personal can tell are practically worthless. However, upon testing the corpses of dead SCP-AXA-2 instances has shown that the meat of SCP-AXA-2 instances are extremely nutritional and lack cholesterol risk as well as saturated fats. Therefore, the amount of containment cells within Site-AJ as well as the number of SCP-AXA-2 instances aloud within a containment cell was increased due to the nutritional values of harvesting. This again has made Site-AJ a leading supplier for the Foundation's production of nutritional meat, similar to SCP-4495. Like SCP-AXA-1, SCP-AXA-2 are treated as garbage disposals within Site-AJ given their bottom feeding nature and diet.
SCP-AXA-3 are giant worm like organisms that start off 3-7 inches in length however it can mature to at minimum size of 5 meters. It is possible for SCP-AXA-3 instances to grow in size due to overfeeding. Like SCP-AXA-1, SCP-AXA-3 instances grow in size the more they feed and prefer to eat animal corpses over live animals. Unlike SCP-AXA-1 or SCP-AXA-2 instances, SCP-AXA-3 prefers to eat corpses of larger animals rather than rot, waist, and bones. SCP-AXA-3 instances uses its tongue like a snake to taste the smell of potential prey and can swallow its prey whole just like a snake. Unlike a snake however SCP-AXA-3 instances produce no waist and use the chemicals in its stomach to break down its food to be added into its own biomass rather than digested. SCP-AXA-3 instances also like to wear the skulls of their prey, why they do this is unknown. Because their growth has no recorded limit, and their size, their population and growth is to be under strict control. SCP-AXA-3 instances are not to be feed regularly and must be starved on occasion and if necessary to death. Any Foundation staff that show sympathy to SCP-AXA-3 instances it to be reassigned to a different Foundation site immediately.
The only benefit SCP-AXA-3 instances have is that their stomachs contain anomalous chemicals that can separate flesh from bones, preserve meat, sterilization, and revitalize flesh under necrosis. Due to their anomalous yet useful effects the chemicals have been dubbed SCP-AXA-3-1. After an SCP-AXA-3 instance dies their bodies are harvested for the SCP-AXA-3-1 chemicals in the stomach as they hold medical and food preservative value. Additionally, their bodies can be harvested for meat more health and nutritional than the meat harvested form dead SCP-AXA-2 instances. Should an SCP-AXA-3 instance grow to a size larger than 10 meters or perform mitosis they are to be killed and harvested.
SCP-AXA-4 instances are humanoid entities that at birth resemble SCP-AXA-2 instances despite they have only four limbs and are much skinnier. The average height of an adult SCP-AXA-4 instance is 7 feet, they resemble humans without skin or most of their muscle structure, and their facial structure is similar to that of a smile. Despite their flesh covered bone structure body SCP-AXA-4 are quite resilient able to withstand heavy blunt force and firearm damage without dying thought they can still get hurt and bleed.
Unlike previous Variants SCP-AXA-4 instances are extremely dangerous in that they feed on living prey rather than dead prey. Instead, SCP-AXA-4 will feed on living animals preferring to feed on smaller ones after birth and moving onto bigger and bigger prey as they grow. Once an SCP-AXA-4 instance reaches its final humanoid form it will start to hunt humans but with a less aggressive and more stealth based strategy. SCP-AXA-4 instances like to hide and observe human prey before eating. SCP-AXA-4 instances are extremely cautious of their prey and only strike when its prey's guard is down.
SCP-AXA-4 instances are made of human meat implying that SCP-AXA-1 instances make SCP-AXA-4 instances form absorbed human corpses and waste. SCP-AXA-4 instances prefer human meat to consume which allows them to mutate into one of two new variants called SCP-AXA-4-1 and SCP-AXA-4-2. SCP-AXA-4-1 instances are SCP-AXA-4 instances that have had several human corpses to eat, allowing them to mutate to resemble more and more human until they completely resemble humans. Afterwords, they blend into society and adapt to better capture prey. SCP-AXA-4-2 instances are the result of SCP-AXA-4 instances that have overeat human meat and thus their skin turns form a crimson texture to a black texture, even more durable skin, and pale pink face. They are considered the apex predators of all the SCP-AXA-4 instances. The best way to kill any SCP-AXA-4 variant is to incinerate with fire, lighting, or any other heat-based damage. Unlike previous instances harvesting SCP-AXA-4 corpses have no benefits. SCP-AXA-4 are to be used only for combat and weapon testing purposes.
SCP-AXA-5 instances are large bulbs of flesh that grow tendrils underneath the ground for the purpose of hunting. The primary tentacles being the largest, surround the bulb with a maximum length of 12-20 meters. However, these tentacles don't stretch out but wrap around under the ground surrounding the bulb ensuring the bulb has control over a circular area around itself. The primary tentacles have two rows of teeth that puncture out of the soil to inject into any organism wandering around SCP-AXA-5. The first venom is a paralysis venom preventing the victim from moving and the second venom prevents blood clotting forcing the body to bleed out from the puncture wounds. This is where the tendrils below ground will work by absorbing the blood of the victim until they have bled out. Afterwards the tendrils with latch onto the body and shuffle it into the ground and start absorbing the flesh until the bones are left. This will result in the bones turning into fertilizer that will make the plants around SCP-AXA-5 more plentiful and healthy.
SCP-AXA-5 does not feed on smaller animals as it likes to keep them alive so that bigger prey will be more likely to come. SCP-AXA-5 only goes after bigger and slower moving animals including humans. SCP-AXA-5 is considered a high-level threat which is why only one is aloud within Site-AJ and no more. though the only living SCP-AXA-5 instance remaining is within Site-AJ the foundation still doesn't fully understand its existence. SCP-AXA-5 has been alive for [data expunged] years and has now switched to eating the small animals within its containment chamber due to desperation. Like SCP-AXA-4, nothing useful has come from SCP-AXA-5 besides understanding its behavior.
SCP-AXA-6 instances are similar to SCP-AXA-4 in that they have a humanoid structure with the only exceptions being a lack of facial expression and the legs being replaced with hundreds of tendrils sticked them to the ground. Unlike other instances SCP-AXA-6 have sturdy muscle patches on its body that act as a sort of armor all over its body. SCP-AXA-6 also have a vertical mouth on its neck but has no teeth. Unlike SCP-AXA-4 instances and SCP-AXA-6 has no methods of attack or defense, instead SCP-AXA-6 relies on spores it spreads through its hair like growths on its back. SCP-AXA-6 instances release their fungus through the hairs into the air to influence victims. Once a victim has been exposed by the spores for 2-3 hours the host will experience, anxiousness, numbness, lack of coordination, and sluggish movement. After 4-5 hours the host will experience dizziness, migraines, impaired speech, and constant shaking of the body. After 6-7 hours of infection the host will then start to walk toward the SCP-AXA-6 instance, once it has reached the instance the host will bow while exposing themselves. The SCP-AXA-6 instance will then start cutting the victim open and harvest and eat their organs. The only method of infection besides common medication for fungal infection is to keep the victim away from the host for a total of 36 hours.
SCP-AXA-6 has the ability to leave its area whenever it feels that its current area has no food to offer, how it does this is unknown. Due to the dangers of they possess to the human population, all SCP-AXA-6 instances that manifest are to be exterminated on site and harvested of their spores. Because of the anomalous mind control abilities of the spores, they have been labeled SCP-AXA-6-1 and are currently under testing for possible amnestic properties that can be exploited.
On 1972 for unknown reason SCP-AXA-7 manifested itself in [data expunged]. SCP-AXA-7 instances consist of seven gigantic meat structures that form a ring approximately 1km in diameter. Because the SCP-AXA-7 instances surrounded the city of [data expunged] all civilians had to be amnestied and evacuated. Each SCP-AXA-7 instance is made up of hundreds of strands of meat that form into giant humanoid structures that are 120 meters tall. Though the torso and legs are the meat strands woven together the arms are the same strands but separated and just barely reach the ground. The head of the SCP-AXA-7 instances form a crude upside own triangle of meat with a hole in the center, the biological reasoning for this is unknown.
The SCP Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition collaborated in an effort to destroy the instances however [data expunged] resulting in half of the attack force's annihilation. Because of the [data expunged] attack, it was found out that SCP-AXA-7 [data expunged] because of this it produces massive amounts of useable energy. The Foundation then opted to create [data expunged] and connect it with a reality concealment engine making the SCP-AXA-7 instances unnoticeable to the entire world. Because range of the are affected by the reality concealment engine, the 05 council declared the area Site-AJ and had all SCP-AXA variants to be placed there.
SCP-AXA-8 is a 1 meter in diameter spherical levitating object comprised of dark colored minerals however cracks on its surface show various luminous colors within its core. SCP-AXA-8 has the ability to emit random signal patterns, a magnetic field, energy signature, [data expunged]. SCP-AXA-8 was originally not considered a SCP-AXA variant however after [data expunged] thus confirming they were an SCP-AXA variant. SCP-AXA-8 insides [data expunged]. SCP-AXA-8 are capable of [data expunged], [data expunged], and [data expunged] manipulation as such any and all SCP-AXA-8 instances are to be exterminated by MTF Tau-5.
SCP-AXA was discovered in [data expunged] of 1931, about [data expunged] years after the SCP Foundation was founded. SCP-AXA was one of the first SCP's discovered after the [data expunged] incident that [data expunged] forever. The SCP Foundation at the time was still young and couldn't contain and exterminate all the instances of SCP-AXA. To make matters worse World War 2 had come around and along with it, the Seventh Occult War. However, what was originally believed to be a curse ended up being a blessing in disguise. The SCP Foundation had encountered the forces of the [data expunged], the Horizon Initiative and several factions from the Church of the Broken God. This was the Foundation's [data expunged] encounter with these organizations after the [data expunged] incident. None of the organizations saw eye to eye and continued dealing with the threat in their own way, while occasionally attack each other. However various clans of the Sarkic Cult started uniting into a single cult to participate in the Seventh Occult War. The united Sarkic Cult started protecting and cultivating SCP-AXA variants, to use in the war. Out of desperation to prevent the growing threat of the Sarkic Cult from revealing its presence and wrath onto the world, the organizations united.
This was the first ever mission of the newly formed Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance, though at the time it was called the Global Paranormal Control Alliance. To combat the slowly uniting Sarkic Clans and prevent the world being exposed to them and SCP-AXA project Mosquito Swarm was created. Project Mosquito Swarm was collaboration between the Foundation, HI, and COTBG. Mosquito Swarm was the creation of the first satellite targeting system and drones' security system ever made in the world.
Over the years Project Mosquito Swarm was modified and upgraded in order to ensure maximum suppression of SCP-AXA and the Sarkic Cult. Now in the year 1958 the new and improved Mosquito Swarm project has managed to permanently suppress SCP-AXA and divide the Sarkic Clans again.
The Current state of Mosquito Swarm consists of 280,000,000 drones with the following capabilities.
- Incineration spread laser: Designed by the Global Occult Coalition to destroy both small and large amounts of anomalous biomass without damaging inorganic matter at all. Advanced computer guiding system helps prevent the risk of catching anything else organic in crossfire.
- Miniature dimension alteration engine: Designed by the SCP Foundation allowing the drones to fly anywhere in the world not only at high speeds but be undetectable to anyone in our reality. The device also allows drones to roam anywhere in the world, without limits, and without worry of being destroyed by Sarkite hostiles or civilian scavengers.
- Satellite Guiding system: Created by the Horizon Initiative, a satellite system that used to spot potential anomalous threats of every variety. Connected to the drones of Project Mosquito Swarm to find and destroy all instances matching the anomaly in the wild with 100% speed and accuracy.
- Gravity Manipulation Acceleration Wings: Designed by the Church of Maxwellism for the purpose of allowing the drones to maintain maximum speed of 1000 miles per hour; regardless of environment, weather, and dimension the drone is currently in.
- Nanobot Regenerative Armor - Designed by the Eight Wings of Mekhane, to ensure that even in the impossibility a Sarkic or Civilian finds a way to damage the drones they can recover quickly and return to work with 100% efficiency.
Though the Since the end of World War 2 and the Seventh Occult War the Church of the Broken God has divide due to heavy losses and due to difference of opinions with the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance. Though the Church of Maxwellism and the Eight Wings of Mekhane has remained aligned with the ACPA.
To this day SCP-AXA variants still exist in the wild as such MTF Artemis-1: Mosquito Swarm are entrusted to destroy them. Any SCP-AXA variant exposed to the public are to be handled by MTF Demeter-1: The Butchers, to amnesties or kill the witnesses and incinerate the captive or nesting SCP-AXA variants. The Sarkic Cult clan known as [data expunged] is expected to still be on the loose cultivating SCP-AXA instances as they did during the Seventh Occult War/ World War 2. Therefore, MTF Ares-2: Cult Killers are to hunt them down and kill all members.
End Note: Upon further investigation of SCP-AXA reveals that despite its surge 1931, historical records and interrogations with captured Sarkic members indicate that SCP-AXA has actually existed since [data expunged]. Apparently, SCP-AXA managed to evade the eyes of the SCP Foundation, Global Occult Coalition, and Horizon Initiative as well as more ancient anomalous organizations during their time. How this is possible is unknown, further studying is required.
It should also be noted that SCP-AXA is a prime example of why the Sarkic Cult, though divided, is one of the greatest threats in our reality.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Tremors
Code Name: Dirt Dragons
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All the captured instances of SCP-AEP were sent to Site-AG, for the time being they are to be kept in the underground continent where SCP-ABC is kept. They have been placed in the most baren area of the underground continent where very few SCP-ABC-2 instances wander to, these instances are to be considered food to SCP-AEP. The interactions between the anomalies have allow Foundation staff of Site-AG to better understand both anomalies better, especially SCP-AEP. Therefore, no changes to SCP-AEP's containment have been changed. Instead, Mobile Task Force Demeter-3: "Tu lóng lièrén", is responsible for preventing SCP-AEP's population form getting out of control.
Meanwhile on earth Mobile Task Force Artemis-6: "Wild hunt" is responsible for finding other wild instances of SCP-AEP as well as other variants of SCP-AEP. They are not to capture them but instead kill them and take DNA samples that will be sent to Site-AG afterwards. Due to recent increase of SCP-AEP sightings around the world, Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" is to be entrusted with the complete extermination of SCP-AEP on earth instead of MTF Artemis-6.
Description: SCP-AEP is a species of subterranean creatures that have actually been alive since the [data expunged] era, possibly even before, making them older than anything else on the planet. SCP-AEP are full carnivores and able to eat any animal on earth, and their hunting methods make it possible. SCP-AEP have large worm like bodies that can extend to 9 meters long and 2 meters wide that weight anywhere between 10 to 20 tons. They have three snake like tongues that they use to grab onto prey and rip them apart so that SCP-AEP can properly devour them. However, what makes SCP-AEP instances truly deadly is how they are able to sense even the slightest vibrations in the ground and burrow toward the source at incredible speed. Their bodies are naturally tough allowing them to break through most man-made structures and kill people even form inside their homes.
SCP-AEP are essentially Apex hunters but are not indestructible as durable barriers like reinforced concrete and steel are able to repel them with ease. Furthermore, thought SCP-AEP instances can grow smarter over time and through experience they can easily be tricked. If this was all to the SCP-AEP instances they could easily be delt with however SCP-AEP instances have a long lifecycle and are able to change form in each stage of life.
SCP-AEP instances are born via eggs and in the first stage after hatching they are 1/12th their original size but much faster than their more well-known counterparts. They have spikes on the sides of their body that allow them to burrow much faster and can even shoot themselves out of the ground and into their prey. Once then knock them out their prey they drag them into the dirt where they suffocate them and eat them. However, in this stage of life they are quite weak and if caught can be killed easily. Its only when they become the more well-known versions of themselves that they become more tank like and can easily overpower prey.
However, after it eaten a certain amount or has reached the appropriate age, they will morph into the third stage. In this stage their bodies are now only a fifth of what it once was, but they do have legs allowing them to wander the surface and they have a heat sensor allowing them to find prey. It's because of this that they can wander around terrain and avoid common traps with ease. However, they can also be easily tricked and killed when one knows how to hide themselves in the cold or to lure them with heat. To make up for their clumsiness they have tongues that stretch up to 5 feet and can help them feel their surroundings to hut prey. Furthermore, once an SCP-AEP instance in its third stage of life has eaten a certain amount they can quickly puke out an egg that will grow into an adult version of an SCP-AEP instance in its third stage of life within a minute. A sort of instant cloning if you prefer, therefore they can quickly overwhelm their enemies and ensure that they survive should the original gets killed or if a majority gets killed. This easily makes an SCP-AEP instance dangerous when in its third stage of life.
SCP-AEP instances in the first stage are fast and brutal but can easily be tricked and killed. In the second stage they can still be tricked even with added intelligence but are bigger, stronger, and harder to kill. The third stage makes them surprisingly easier to trick and kill but they can easily overwhelm their prey when they have access to enough food. Each stage has its strengths and weakness but even then, they are not much compared to the fourth stage of an SCP-AEP instance's life.
When it enters the fourth stage an SCP-AEP instance is quite similar to an SCP-AEP instance in its fourth stage, but they are much thinner and are capable of flight. SCP-AEP instances in the fourth stage have a chemical make up in their body that allow them to shoot fire out of their rectum that blast them into the air and fly. They have small fins on their sides and head which seem too small for flight, yet they are able to soar in the skies anywhere between 5 minutes to 20 hours.
This allows SCP-AEP instances to find prey from seemingly anywhere except from underground which ironically is where people want to avoid going considering SCP-AEP instances in the first and second stages of life. Furthermore SCP-AEP instances in the fourth stage can lay eggs for SCP-AEP instances, thus starting the cycle again. This makes them the true adults of all SCP-AEP instances within any stage of life, as well as making them the most dangerous. With heat sense, flight, incredible speed, increased intelligence, and the ability to lay eggs for new SCP-AEP instances they are essentially Apex predators. They do have the same weakness of being tricked with temperature-based traps and should they eat something with enough heat they are forced into a deep slumber to properly digest the meal, making them venerable to attacks. These, as well as a well-placed shot, are the only weaknesses they have.
SCP-AEP was discovered in 1990 when the small town of [data expunged] suddenly went silent and all federal and local forces that went to investigate never came back. Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds" went to investigate as well but were quickly killed by SCP-AEP as well. eventually surveillance drones were sent in, and it was through them that the Foundation was able to find SCP-AEP, as well as survivors of the attack. After the SCP-AEP threat was contained, they were all rewarded for their efforts in killing two SCP-AEP instances in the second stage of life and helping the Foundation capture the third. However, they all refused the offer given by the "Sole Survivor" protocol and thus were given new homes in a different area but still paid handsomely for their efforts, though they'll never know why.
Instead, the area was made a Foundation Area Base for Mobile Task Force Artemis-6: "Wild hunt" to continuously hunt SCP-AEP instances that have been appearing in the area. With only one instance of SCP-AEP, Site-AG was able to have a thriving ecosystem of them within a year due to their cloning, evolving, and quick breeding properties. As such MTF Artemis-6 is entrusted to kill any SCP-AEP instances that show up on earth rather than risking unnecessary lives for containment.
Update: 10/6/2015 More evolved and dangerous variants of SCP-AEP have been sighted in different parts of the world. Due to their increased intelligence and abilities the O5 Council has instead entrusted Alpha-1 to take down and kill the new variants of SCP-AEP prioritizing collection of DNA instead, so that they can be cloned for testing purposes. Furthermore, the O5 Council has permitted them to enact the "No Humanity" Protocol should witnesses ever be involved.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Forces Hub
This will be the main page for all my MTF’s that play major roles in the SCP: Horror Movie Files Universe. Or just one’s that I felt like the Foundation needed anyways and thus created them. Or their just ones that are connected to certain movies, video games, cartoons, and possibly anime that I thought would be awesome if the Foundation mobilized them as MTF’s. 
Mobile Task Forces:
MTF Zeus-1 (”Conduits”)
MTF Hera-5 (”Watch Dogs”)
MTF Poseidon-3 (“Otaku Heart”)
MTF Demeter-4 (”Animal Control”)
MTF Athena-1 (“Assassin’s Creed”)
MTF Ares-7 ("Heavy Metal")
MTF Apollo-1 (“Orion’s belt”)
MTF Apollo-4 (“Speak no Evil”)
MTF Artemis-6 ("Wild hunt")
MTF Hermes-1: [Data Expunged]
MTF Aphrodite-2 (“Plastic Surgery”)
MTF Hestia-3 ("Of Gears and Cybernetics")
MTF Dionysus-1 (“Fake News”)
MTF Dionysus-3 (“The Party Package”)
MTF Hades-4 (“Bio Rebels”)
MTF Hades-6 ("Violet Queen")
MTF Hephaestus-1 (“Legion Crafters”)
MTF Hecate-A (“Real Magic”)
MTF NYX-Ω: [Data Expunged]
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
MTF Artemis-6 ("Wild hunt")
Tumblr media
Description: Serving directly under the Cryptozoology Division, full of MTF units that have had experience in hunting Vampires, Werewolves, Trolls, Dragons, Witches, Spirits, Gargoyles, and Minotaur's making them excellent hunters. Specialized in hunting anomalous entities and creatures that are not high-level threats but are a high-level hazard of causing an XV Broken Masquerade Class Scenario should their populations get out of control. As such, MTF Artemis-6 is entrusted to cull and/or contained the anomalous creatures quickly.
Responsible for Containing:
Action Reports:
[data expunged]
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Forces Hub
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