ghostrant-blog · 7 years
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War has raged on killing thousands for 16 years. Stop glamorizing these gargantuan machines of death 💀!!! Let our resentment of Trump reinvigorate the anti war movement in a way this country hasn't seen since the 60's! #shutdownfleetweek #nowarshipsinpdx #nowar #war #trump #nomorewar #military #warforprofit #pdx #portland #fleetweek #resist #protest
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ghostrant-blog · 7 years
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How can we cure the ailments of society you ask? Bring everyone together to share our concerns, ideas, and skills! Check out my link in the bio to see how you can get involved here in #pdx #portland #portlandassembly #libertarianmunicipalism #popularassembly #community #directdemocracy #graphicdesign #illustration #bookchin #ocalan #rojava #chiapas #ezln
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ghostrant-blog · 7 years
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No Pepsi #pepsi @pepsi #racist #bernese #abortion #prochoice #advertising #punchstuff @kendalljenner #kendalljenner #therevolutionwillnotbetelevised #resist #eatshit
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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Working on the graphic novel sample again finally. #prison #prisonlaborisslavery #abolishthepolice #comics #illustration #stocks #capital #drawing #procreate #graphicdesign
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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Feels . Original photo by @tygers.eye.haircolor #flowers #trash #vaporwave #sadboys #disposable #aesthetic #urban #love
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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Feels . Original photo by @tygers.eye.haircolor #flowers #trash #vaporwave #sadboys #disposable #aesthetic #urban #love
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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It's fine, we're all just waves. #seanspicer #whitehouse #trump #trumpmemes #1984 #alternativefacts #aesthetic #photoshop #vaporwave #quantumphysics #funny
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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Anyone else sick to hell of hearing "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism?" Way to apply an absurd relativism in a manner you would decry under any other circumstance you commie! #meme #sonic #vegan #veganmemes #capitalism #thereisnoethicalconsumptionundercapitalism #tortureisnotconsumption
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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#cliff and #canyon by the #columbia #river #wallulagap #washington #landscape
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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#donaldtrump has deeply engrained and shocked himself into our #psyche . He has completely framed the political discourse of this planet around his populist #nationalism and there is strong evidence that he and his cabinet are very well versed and interested in #fascism . His agenda will not be defeated by reactive strategy. Of course we must intensify our defensive capabilities to circumvent mass state violence from an openly racist regime but this has always been a necessity. How can we use the mass hysteria and awakening to develop permanent groupings that meet our needs outside of #capital and the #state ? Link about #ice in the bio. #fucktrump #trumpmemes #nooneisillegal #noborders #antifa #sinfronteras #resistance #photoshop #photoshopmix #aesthetic
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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Go to hell Bill Mager with your fake liberal hate peddling. He's been a bootlicking islamophobe for years and apparently gobbled up all of Milo's transphobia as well. People like this are ready to accept fascism to maintain their disgusting privilege. Nothing reasonable of Milo's lies or normalizing his hate. Trans people are thousands of times more likely to be murdered and assaulted, not vice versa. Link in my bio. #billmaher #miloyiannopoulos #fucktrump #politics #translivesmatter #realtime #reallies #hitler #hitlermemes #meme #quotes #genderfluid #genderisasocialconstruct #news #photoshop
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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Today I awoke to the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen. It was not enough to will me to take a photo, it was not enough to keep me awake. #highway #aesthetic #pdx #photoshop #photography #urban #neon #fruitypebbles #rain #traffic
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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This is the love of my life sleeping on a train. She is more #aesthetic than you. @sumajanedark #beautiful #amtrak #amtrakgram #photoshop #lightandshadow #portrait #neon #train #queen #love
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
Sooo a little old but this has to happen. This could have been us but your racist uncle voted for Trump. #trashdove #meme #vaporwave #aesthetic #animation #berniesanders #birdiesanders #putabirdonit #funny #videoart
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
Oh no! They used digitally enhanced footage to identify the Richard Spencer puncher! 😔vaporwave cut #richardspencer #punch #punchanazi #racism #antifa #trump #altright #trashdove #vaporwave #aesthetic
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
Oh no! They used digitally enhanced footage to identify the Richard Spencer puncher! 😔#richardspencer #punch #punchanazi #racism #antifa #leftovercrack #trump #altright #trashdove
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ghostrant-blog · 8 years
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Quanice "Moose" Hayes has left us. A 17 year old portlander shot 12 times in the back by the Portland police bureau. This is unacceptable. Most countries are outraged by one person being killed by police while in the US we lose hundreds every year and often over a thousand. This young man deserved to live, regardless of his alleged crimes he was not threatening anyone when he was executed. We need this to end. #blacklivesmatter #portrait #illustration #portland #police #injustice #dontshootpdx #ink #racism @tedwheelerpdx @portlandpolice #sayhisname
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