#Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 “The Party Package”
dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Man in the Suit
Original Creator: @Unkn0wingly
Please support their YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Unkn0wingly
Code Name: How to turn into a Titan/ Mascot zombies.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-ADE are contained at Site-AC. Each one is placed in a separate 4x4 meter room. Each room is kept at 12 degrees Celsius but can be lowered to -50 degrees Celsius should they show active movement or aggression. Blood samples are regularly taken from each one to see if there is any change in hormone level, blood, and overall DNA.
SCP-ADE-Alpha is contained at the newly established Site-AE where it is regularly harvested of its anomalous venom and blood. One the spine of SCP-ADE-Alpha is placed a Cybernetic Spine Device that keeps SCP-ADE-Alpha in a paralyzed state without the need of medication. The CSD also keeps SCP-ADE-Alpha from growing, as such it must be regularly maintained on a weekly basis.
Should the CSD ever need to be replaced, SCP-ADE-Alpha is to be sedated with [data expunged] megaliters of Foundation sedatives while a new one is made. This process should never take any longer than 12 hours as SCP-ADE-Alpha will begin to grow immunity to the sedatives. It will reach a point of immunity where even increasing the dosage will only slow SCP-ADE-Alpha.
Any testing involving the SCP-ADE instances must be approved by at least two Level 4 Clearance staff members. If there is any testing regarding SCP-ADE-Alpha, it MUST be done with Foundation staff of Japanese ethnicity as SCP-ADE-Alpha has proven to be hostile to anyone of a different ethnicity.
Description: SCP-ADE is seemingly an infection mutation that is the result of unknown drugs. The end result was SCP-ADE-Alpha which is a man who was mutated inside a costume resembling SCP-ABQ. The reason for this is because the costume was created by Toho Entertainment, the main entertainment company that the Foundation entrusted to help hide SCP-ABQ in plain sight. SCP-ADE-Alpha was originally an actor that was supposed to act as the fictional version of SCP-ADQ but after ingesting an unknown drug when wearing the suit his body mutated and the suit became his new skin while his original body became his new insides.
SCP-ADE-Alpha is extremely beast-like but much more aggressive than the SCP-ABQ the Foundation is more familiar with. Furthermore, like the original host, SCP-ADE-Alpha hates anyone who is not of pure Japanese ethnicity, especially Americans. SCP-ADE-Alpha has a massive resentment for America after the dropping of bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Thankfully SCP-ADE-Alpha has none of the anomalous abilities of SCP-ABQ though that is not to say that he isn't dangerous. SCP-ADE-Alpha has the anomalous ability to stretch and grow his body making him bigger and stronger as a result. He also has great regenerative abilities almost comparable to SCP-682. Unfortunately, recent testing has shown that it also has SCP-682's adaptive abilities as well. Though thankfully it has not had any reason to endure the same damage and hardship as 682, so as of now it is as weak as an adult crocodile.
SCP-ADE-Alpha unfortunately, has very mutagenic and infectious properties allowing it to spread its effects on other people. These creatures are referred to as SCP-ADE-Beta instances. SCP-ADE-Beta instances are people who were wearing other costumes but got bit by SCP-ADE-Alpha. Through a mutagenic venom the person starts to bloat inside the suit and just like SCP-ADE-Alpha their original body becomes their new insides, and the suit becomes their new skin. So far only three of these instances exist.
One is the first created is based on the fictional character known as Anguirus, a Titan that doesn't actually exist and is completely original to the Toho fictional universe. This one unlike the other two is completely docile and actually surrendered to the Foundation willingly upon containment. The other is a giant silk moth cocoon that is believed to represent SCP-ABU. Even at the time of writing this instance has not awakened but still receives the same containment measures as the others as a precaution. Finally, there is the most dangerous SCP-ADE-Beta instance which is believed to represent SCP-ACJ. It is unknown if this is actually true.
The reason being that this SCP-ADE-Beta instance does have three serpent heads like SCP-ACJ, but its body is made entirely of a crimson sludge that seems to be a mutated version of SCP-ADE-Alpha's Blood. This version of SCP-ADE-Beta wasn't created by a human getting bit by SCP-ADE-Alpha but instead by Alpha puking blood into a hole and having it cultivate a living organism. Because of this it has been heavily debated if the Foundation should continue calling it SCP-ADE-Beta or change its label to Omega.
Unlike the other two the third SCP-ADE-Beta is extremely hostile and constantly tries to escape as such its containment counter measures are constantly activated to keep it contained. Though despite its wildly different nature from the other two a majority of staff still wish to label it as SCP-ADE-Beta since like the other two it was created by SCP-ADE-Alpha.
SCP-ADE-Alpha was discovered in 1964 when the last SCP-ADE-Beta instance was created. SCP-ADE-Alpha escaped the custody of Toho Entertainment and went out into the forest to find a perfect area for SCP-ADE-Beta's birthing place. Because it was out in the open, Foundation satellites were able to track it and contact the higher ups. Due to the nature of SCP-ADE-Alpha and the Beta instances, Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" and Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" was sent out in a Joint Operation to find and subdue SCP-ADE-Alpha. The mission was surprisingly easy as after creating SCP-ADE-Beta, it was weakened and unable to put up resistance.
After the two anomalies were contained Toho Entertainment was quickly targeted by the Foundation. To save face, they quickly surrendered all the crew involved in containing SCP-ADE-Alpha and the other two SCP-ADE-Beta instances. All Employees that didn't know what was going on were let go after being given the proper amnestics. The rest who knew and tried to keep the movies going and experiment with the anomalies for the sake of profit were processed as D Class. The director in particular was revealed to have a business deal with Group of Interest: Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. He was planning on selling SCP-ADE-Alpha to them after the first few movies were done. For his crimes he was used as a test subject for armor against SCP-106, it didn't work.
Unfortunately, the Foundation was unable to find the members of GoI: Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. that were associated with the purchase of SCP-ADE-Alpha. Though Toho Entertainment has been put under a Level 1 Foundation Watch List for both their greed, negligence, and mishandling of the anomaly.
Update 2011 - After the discovery of SCP-ADG Toho Entertainment was moved up to a Level 2 Foundation Watch List as this is the second time an anomaly has manifested while being related to their property.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Five Nights at Freddy's - Springtrap
Code Name: Springtrap, the first and last animatronic/William Afton, owner of Fazbear Entertainment
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFL has been contained at Site-AC within a cryostasis pod. The pod is placed within a 4x4 meter room, two guards armed with Foundation assault rifles are to guard the outside of the door in four 6-hour shifts. Testing will not ever be approved out of fear of SCP-AFL gaining the ability to adapt and possess a new body. 
Description: SCP-AFL is the rotting corpse of Person of Interest: William Afton, the owner of the company and Group of Interest: Fazbear Entertainment. The corpse of William Afton is trapped within a spring locked animatronic suit. Quite similar to SCP-AFL's victims and products, William Afton died within the suit, and it became possessed with his soul as a result. While alive, William Afton was a deranged killer who enjoyed making state of the art animatronics and seeing what would happen if he used them to kill children. The situation would be considered karma had his death not resulted into the mutation of a new and dangerous monster we now call SCP-AFL.
SCP-AFL is essentially immortal and has been using its power to spread its influence over Fazbear Entertainment. SCP-AFL is persistent is performing experiments to get himself a new body through both satanic rituals and cybernetic technology. SCP-AFL has also created an A.I. assistant to help him achieve these tasks that resemble a modernized but sinister looking version of his golden bonnie suit. Foundation staff who have seen this entity call it SCP-AFL-Glitch, or glitch trap. 
SCP-AFL-Glitch is an A.I. created form the memories of SCP-AFL as William Afton that was somehow able to become a computer program that can infiltrate any form of technology. It regularly enters digital and online applications related to the company and stalks those who have bought and downloaded these products. It regularly tests them for compatibility to SCP-AFL's experiments and introduces hypnosis memetics to get them under control when they are confirmed to be compatible.  
SCP-AFL-Glitch will use hypnosis, memetics, and mental manipulation tactics to make the victim into a slave of SCP-AFL. SCP-AFL will regularly use these slaves to either create newer and more advanced animatronics for the company to continue his funding. Other times he uses them directly for his experiments to create the perfect body to fully resurrect himself. Thankfully none of these experiments were met with any success. 
SCP-AFL was discovered in 2023, as it was being used as an animatronic for the Fazbear Fright attraction. SCP-AFL burned the attraction to the ground when Foundation agents started to suspect he was in the area and had been hunting him ever since. He was finally found in 2031 when he used his influence and SCP-AFL-Glitch to keep the Fazbear Entertainment going even after all the controversies and lawsuits. The company the created the biggest establishment known as Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. There he was regularly brainwashing adults and having them kidnap and experiment on children without having any evidence lead back to the company. 
Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" infiltrated the building pretending to be a large family. They found several SCP-ADF-Β instances as well as victims of SCP-AFL-Glitch's manipulation. Unfortunately, all victims had to be taken down and most of the SCP-ADF-B instances had to be destroyed. Apparently, they were working to build a tunnel leading underground to the one of the original Fazbear Entertainment restaurants. SCP-AFL wanted to use this place as a base of operations to connect him to the entire building so he could control everything that happens. 
Thankfully MTF Dionysus-3 found him and restrained him before he could finish or get away. After he was brought into containment, The Department of Law and Detainment formed a semi-legal lawsuit against the company and shut it down for good. Without SCP-AFL's influence, the company was brought to ruin beyond repair and all their establishments shut down completely. However, the Pizzaplex building was never demolished due to a mass of disappearances of the demolition group. After this it was confirmed some of SCP-AFL's experiments were trapped in the building and growing and mutating as a result. This has led to the building becoming hazardous and appropriately labeled as SCP-[data expunged].
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
Action Report: My Friendly Neighborhood
The following is a recording of Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" during a mission in 1993. The mission is to investigate a broadcasting building that suddenly started broadcasting the show "My Friendly Neighborhood". The strange thing is that the entire building had been shut down for years. It all started when the building and by extension the surrounding city had been shut down and abandoned back in 1983. The reason MTF Dionysus-3 was assigned was the fact that the puppets within the show often spoke gibberish and seemed to be moving without any puppeteers or people inside the puppets as suits. 
Assuming this to be yet another mascot-based anomaly MTF Dionysus-3 was assigned and given the proper equipment to deal with the threat. The team consists of four units, Codenames: North, East, West, South.
North is the captain, geared with Standard Foundation bodysuit but with Shock nullification armor which has proven to be the best armor against animatronic and puppet anomalies. She is armed with a dual Poltergeist Shock Batons and Standard Foundation Assault Rifle with E rounds and G rounds.
East is the spiritual and animatronic specialist; she's well known for being able to understand and calm down the spirits of children within animatronics or living animatronics with unstable mental states. Standard Foundation bodysuit but with Shock nullification armor, Standard Foundation SMG and Pistol both loaded with G rounds. 
West is the scout well known for making maps, sneaking around undetected, and detecting enemies before they are in line of sight. He was given a Standard Foundation bodysuit but with a Stalker Helmet and Mosaic Armor. He is armed with a Foundation Sniper Rifle loaded with G Rounds but also a Foundation shotgun loaded with I Rounds. 
South is the medic who specializes in broken bones and giving treatment in dire situations. Naturally she is given Standard Foundation bodysuit but with Shock nullification armor as well as a Shock Reflection Shield. She is armed with a Foundation SMG loaded with G rounds, a pistol with E rounds, and a Portable Foundation Medical Case.
Their mission was simple, find the source of the broadcast and restrain or collect samples of anything anomalous or useful info, kill everything else. The building is abandoned and not considered a priority of preservation of any kind. Furthermore, the area is abandoned so Protocol "Censorship" is not to be considered during the mission. 
Begin Recording
North: Alright everyone online? 
East: Roger that.
West: Loud and clear.
South: Yes Boss!
North: Good alright let's move.
The four units then exit the van and head to the main building where the antenna will be to see if it's possible to stop the broadcast first before dealing with the anomalies. Upon entering they find the lobby to be extremely empty except seemingly random mumbling can be heard. 
West: What the hell is that? 
East: Sssh! ... Hm, listen to that, they're on loop. Repeating nonsense over and over. Classic signs of dolls being possessed by kids. It means their mental state is deteriorating and they will be violent upon contact. We should restrain them quickly and effectively. 
North: Alright then East and South your upfront, West stick with me to the back, everyone load up with G rounds got it? Let's move!
They walked around the corner and there they saw several puppets putting some kind of glue over the elevator doors to keep them shut. Once the squad got ready the puppets noticed them and started walking towards them.
North: Fire at will! 
The squad started firing at the puppets causing them to quickly get stuck in the glue. It didn't take long before the puppets were finally trap in the glue. 
North: Alright, we're good. Now someone get that elevator unsealed. South radio a pickup crew that glue isn't going to last forever, and we need these guys for testing. 
South: Got it boss.
West: I wonder what the anomaly is this time. Is it some kind of possession or perhaps dark magic bringing the puppets to life. 
North: We'll figure it out later. I think I know how to get the door open, here West give me a hand. 
West and North went to check out the elevator while South went back outside to radio in the cleanup crew. East on the other hand looked to the puppets, she walked up to one of them and it looked at her. 
Unknown: Oh hello! Can I help ya with your ABC's?
East: Uh no, thank you.
Unknown: Okay! Do you want to learn the colors of the rainbow?
East: No.
Unknown: Okay! Do you want to count to 10 with me? 
East: Definitely no.
Unknown: O- Oh... Okay... I uh... I'm sorry.
The puppet then started crying thought it was shedding no tears. East was shocked up this as this was not normal behavior of a regular possessed puppet. Normally doing their tasks is what brought them to tears. The same thing was for toys and animatronics that were suddenly brought to life and forced to do the bidding of its masters. Yet this puppet was brought to despair being denied her ability to do her task. 
East: Do- Do you know who you are? 
Unknown: *sobbing* Huh? Oh me?! I'm Junebug! One of your most talented and lovable neighbors! 
East: I see, uh... Let's say we're going to take you away from here. Would you like that? 
Unknown: Huh?! Oh no, no, no! That's no-good no! We can't leave the show must go on! The kids need us! 
East: But don't you want to be free?
Unknown: Oh of course everyone should be free, free to learn, free to love, free to be happy, and the best freedom is at home! It's at home... this place... our home... please... please don't take ups from our home.
The puppet started crying again leaving East confused as she backed off. 
North: Hey, we got the elevator open now let's... what the hell is going on here?
East: North, we- we can't just contain these puppets they're not like your typical possessed toy. 
West: You sure, there doesn't seem to be anything remarkable about them. 
East: No that's the thing it's not their physical or metaphysical abilities that's so shocking. It's the fact that they like it here, this place isn't their prison its their home. Their oasis.
North: Are you saying the broadcast wasn't a cry for help or a trap? 
East: Not at all, I think it was an act of desperation. This show used to be popular right? But then it fell out of popularity, so they canceled it. These guys are a lot like robots, they lived for a purpose but with the show gone they lost it. Now they don't know what to do so their trying to restart it.
North: ... Even if that's true it doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.
East: I'm not denying that, but if we can understand what they need we can make them less dangerous. I think they just want to have the show keep going, it makes them happy and sane.
West: So what are we just supposed to make a TV show for them? 
North: ... South! Get over here!
South: Uh, yeah boss? 
North: Contact Command, tell them we got a proposal for the O5 Council.
West: Wah- Boss! You can't be serious!
North: The elevator doors has been fixed and the antenna is within reach, so our main task is done. All that's left is to find a way to deal with the puppets and we already proven that they can be contained easily. In fact...
North walked up to one of the puppets and punched it in the face knocking it out quickly. 
North: Their barely even a threat. If they want a job, why not let them have one under the Foundation?
West: I don't know this sounds like a bad idea.
East: Relax, they'll be processed first. If they have any tricks up their sleeves the researchers will be the first to know. 
South: Boss! The pickup crew is here though they reported that they saw more puppets walking into the studio building next to this building. 
North: Oh, so there are others then, well we can get them once the situation is under control. 
West: Ugh, this is so messed up.
East: Would you rather it be a slaughtering where half the team died and only barely managed to stop the anomalous threat. 
West: Ack... ugh... ok never mind.
North: Alright, enough chatter, let's get these puppets out of here.
Recording Ends
The puppets were sent to Site-AA to be tested, though all forms of testing had shown the worst any of them can do is simply hug a person. This hugging can be aggressive and hurt sometimes, it is only dangerous to those of old age or poor health. However, that was not to deny the puppets were suffering greatly form depression and insanity. They had a great desire for interaction and to teach lessons to children so to deal with a majority of them they were transported to various Nexus Points to have them act as entertainment. Instructions were provided on how the puppets preferred their show to be made and how to actually run a show. 
Of course, this was a gift to those with friendly ties to the Foundation, a peace offering to those the Foundation is neutral with, and a test to those that are hostile. Those that hate the Foundation will naturally disregard the instructions and thus fail to appease the puppets. This will result in them getting attacked by the puppets and unable to blame the Foundation as it was their own fault. 
There were puppets that were found to have distorted bodies and were much more aggressive and psychotic than the others. These were promptly killed by the Foundation while the rest that made up an excess of the population demoted to the same position as D Class. To be used in experiments without rest or restriction, none of the puppets that have been saved are to be made of this, even if the chances are low. 
This decision was made by the O5 Council and begrudgingly accepted by the Ethics Committe. As such, anyone trying to liberate the puppets or stop the experiments will have to face the wrath of both Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" but also Mobile Task Force Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand". 
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Harmony and Horror - Henry
Original Creator: @Battington  
Please Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Battington/videos
Code Name: Thomas the Second Victim
Object Class: Euclid/ Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" is responsible for finding SCP-AIL instance during raids on buildings owned by Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys.
All captured instances of SCP-AIL are to be taken to Site-AF for processing, if they "Sane" they are allowed to stay at Site-AF and live in a 6x6 containment cell made of Grey Concrete ensuring there is enough space for all of them. These SCP-AIL instances are to be given furniture, books, toys, crayons, notebooks, paint, pencils, board games, and video games should they desire it. Under no circumstances are any of the SCP-AIL instances allowed to have electronic devices that have internet access and/ or can send messages. 
Efforts are underway to have them receive the proper mental and physical therapy to keep them stable. It is with hopes that the Foundation can build them new bodies so they can be free of [data expunged]. Afterwards depending on the levels of success they can either be reenter society or become official Foundation staff.
SCP-AIL instances that are "Seeds" are to be incinerated at once as to prevent "sprouting" happens. 
Description: SCP-AIL is a collection of dolls created by Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys. The dolls are known as "Playtime Henry" toys. Like most H&A Harmony Toys they have anomalously life like characteristics such as talking, singing, walking on their own, and at time can seemingly be able to actually see what and interact with things as if they were living things. Of course, this is believed to be because of the demon [data expunged] attached to the H&A Harmony Toys brand. However, unlike the other anomalous toys created by SCP-AIL, it is not a rouge of one of the toy lines, but instead almost the entirety of the toy line. Almost every instance of "Playtime Henry" toys have been possessed by an instance of SCP-AIL. 
SCP-AIL quite similar to SCP-AIF in that the toys contain the remains of Thomas who is the son of Person of Interest: Martin Greywhinder. However, unlike SCP-AIF, SCP-AIL consists of several pieces that are spread throughout several of the "Playtime Henry" toys. Some SCP-AIL instances do have small pieces of rotten flesh and bones of Person of Interest: Thomas Greywhinder but they also have pieces of other children that are victims of Person of Interest: Martin Greywhinder. 
As such each SCP-AIL is different from one another in both personality and danger level. The best that can be divided to them is two categories, known as SCP-AIL "sane" and SCP-AIL "seed". SCP-AIL "sane" are SCP-AIL instances that manage to retain some of the memories of who they once were and thus have an intense fear or hatred of Person of Interest: Martin Greywhinder. As such they naturally consider Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys and either escape from their custody or fight back against the company. As such when they come across MTF Dionysus-3 units they typically surrender quite quickly and sometimes even help them take down hostiles within Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys. As such its quite easy for MTF Dionysus-3 units to identify them and escort them to Site-AF after the raid is over. 
The same cannot be said for, SCP-AIL "seed". These Instances are either flaws or under the complete control of the demon [data expunged]. SCP-AIL "seed" instances are extremely unpredictable in danger levels and "mutations". SCP-AIL "seed" instances normally work as traps or soldiers for Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys, or at least when it's possible to do so. Most SCP-AIL "seed" instances brought into Foundation custody were found due to them being bought by families that would later be killed by the anomaly. Afterwards either a survivor reports the incident or someone who happened to be close enough to witness the incident does. That's when Mobile Task Force Iota-10 "Damn Feds" goes in armed with flame throwers and poltergeist shock batons to take down the anomalous instance. It should be noted that the reason for the SCP-AIL "seed" instances killing the family is to have sacrifices for the demon [data expunged].
However as stated before not all SCP-AIL "seed" are loyal to the Demon or Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys. Instead, these SCP-AIL instances are both physically and mentally unstable, meaning they impulsive kill anything on sight. Furthermore, if they ever reach a state of pure insanity they will begin to "sprout". An SCP-AIL "seed" instance beginning to "sprout" causes it to grow fleshy tendrils out of its body as its wooden body starts quickly rotting. Normally this results in a [data expunged], despite their grotesque appearance they are surprisingly easy to kill. However, if SCP-AIL instance is close to other SCP-AIL instances regardless of their "sane" or "seed" status the result will be different. This also extends to other toys created by Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys, if an SCP-AIL "seed" instance beginning to "sprout" around said toys, it will fuse those toys into its own body making a chimeric monstrosity that will go out and collect more toys to fuse and more humans to eat. 
An SCP-AIL "seed" instances can sprout at any moment making them extremely dangerous, hence why they need to be destroyed on sight. Incineration has proven to yield the best results when destroying SCP-AIL "seed" instances. 
SCP-AIL was discovered in 1985 sometime after Foundation raids on areas owned by Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys became more frequent. For whatever reason after the confirmed death of Person of Interest: Martin Greywhinder the H&A Harmony Toys brand didn't tank in sales, instead they skyrocketed. It is believed that this is a result of the Demon's influence, but nothing has been confirmed. 
It is with hope that even with the Demon's influence enough raids will allow Group of Interest: H&A Harmony Toys to eventually crumble and allow innocent anomalies like the SCP-AIL "sane" instances will be liberated from their cruelty. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
Garten of Banban, Choo Choo Charles and Poppy Playtime
Poppy Playtime? Sure, I can start another Addendum story line where a Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" and Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" to a Joint operation into the factory. That sounds awesome.
Choo Choo Charles... Hm... Yeah, I can make that works it's just going to take a while is all.
Garten of Banban... Uh... Okay the whole Givanium concept is kinda cool and I have ideas for it but the franchise in general is kinda... extremely stupid and stinks of desperate cash grab. I don't know, I'll keep it in mind.
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Five Night's at Freddy's
Code Name: Freddy Fazbear's Animatronics
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Any and all sightings matching the description of SCP-ADF instances are to be reported to Foundation at once. Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3: "The Party Package" is to respond to any sightings. If an SCP-ADF instance is reported outside of a Fazbear Entertainment building and instead in an abandoned building, garbage dumbs, or in the forest. A Dionysus-3 strike team armed with the proper equipment is to find, incapacitate, and contain the SCP-ADF instance.
If a buyer of a Fazbear Entertainment product or toy has reported anomalous occurrences within their house after purchasing the product or toy, Dionysus-3 units disguised as police investigators are to be deployed. Afterwards the buyer and everyone else in the house is to be evacuated so that the Dionysus-3 units can acquire and contain the SCP-ADF instance. Afterwards the buy is to be questioned for the exact location they bought the product, all other products matching the description are to be purchased.
If strange murders at a Fazbear Entertainment mascot restaurant are reported Dionysus-3 units disguised as engineers are to be deployed. They will be armed with experimental equipment designed to incapacitate the anomaly as well as track their location. Once the SCP-ADF responsible for the murders and/ or anomalous properties is found, the experimental technology will be attached and armed. After reporting to the superiors of the establishment that the job is done, they will leave, wait for the night, activate the equipment, and acquire the anomaly.
Anyone who works at any Fazbear Entertainment establishment who displays unusual behavior, a strange fondness of the non-anomalous toys and mascots, or seems to give strange looks to customers are to be reported and apprehended by the Foundation as well.
All SCP-ADF instances are transported to a Foundation site in accordance with what category they fall under.
SCP-ADF-Α: These SCP-ADF instances are contained at Site-AD. Their containment cells 6x6 meters, the walls made up of several layers of different metals, each being 1 inch think and are made of Zinc, Copper, silver, aluminum, and tin. The SCP-ADF instances are also attached to a metaphysical wave inhibitor designed by Dr. Wicked to further incapacitate their anomalous paranormal outbursts.
SCP-ADF-Β: Because of the threat these instances pose to the lives of MTF Dionysus-3 units, as well as the Unremarkability of the anomaly they are to be destroyed on site. Containment is not deemed necessary.
SCP-ADF-Γ: Are sent to Site-AF and contained within 10x10 meter containment cells with childlike, colorful, and therapeutic decorations. They are to be given weekly psychological, emotional, and intelligence tests.
SCP-ADF-Δ: By order of the O5 Council these SCP-ADF instances are to be sent to Site-AK for [data expunged] purposes. [data expunged]. there are no exceptions.
SCP-ADF-Ε: Contained within 4x4 containment cells and with whatever they need to remain capacitated whether it be music recorders or strobe lights. These SCP-ADF instances are contained at Site-AA.
SCP-ADF-Ζ: Contained in the storage unit at Site-AF and used by Dr. Corvio for therapeutic purposes.
SCP-ADF-Η: If these SCP-ADF instances are ever found MTF Dionysus-3 is not to be deployed, instead MTF Tau-5 is to be sent in. They are contained at Site-[data expunged]
Description: SCP-ADF instances are the byproduct of Group of Interest: Fazbear Entertainment, created in 1983. SCP-ADF instances are the result of experimental mascot technology created by Person of Interest: William Afton. Whether it be by accident or pure stupidity, the animatronics he created became SCP-ADF instances after consuming the bodies and souls of children that come too close. Thought SCP-ADF instances don't need to have consumed children or anyone in order to be considered Anomalies. What makes SCP-ADF instances so anomalous is their life like personalities, their danger to human life, and their overall unpredictability.
No two SCP-ADF instances look the same nor do they have the same anomalous nature. As such they have been separated into 7 categories labeled SCP-ADF-Α through SCP-ADF-Η.
SCP-ADF-Α: Display great psychic/ paranormal abilities. Unlike ones in other categories these SCP-ADF instances do not display much or any emotions or sentience at all. Though they are always the result of the souls of murdered individuals' possessing SCP-ADF instances. Instead, their anomalous abilities such as illusion projections, object levitation, and/ or teleportation is done out of random occurrence rather than out of desire, defense, or other emotional responses.
SCP-ADF-Β: Hostile to all human life, except Fazbear Workers. Typically used a secret defense forced of Group of Interest: Fazbear Entertainment. Their production has increased since the Foundation and Global Occult Coalition has started secret raids against the GoI. More often than not, they're reasoning behind the anomalous behavior is due to level 2 or lower AI being programed into their systems. As such the O5 Council has not deemed it necessary for Dionysus-3 units to risk their lives attempting to contain these instances. Termination is both authorized and encouraged.
SCP-ADF-Γ: Displays great intelligence. These ones manifest from either the AI evolving from Level 2 to a higher level, or it be spiritual possession from someone who has died in the area of a SCP-ADF instance. These instances are the mistakes of Group of Interest: Fazbear Entertainment, and more often than not end up helping Foundation staff, GOC agents, and rebellious Fazbear employees in fighting against Fazbear Entertainment. However, these instances are to be considered neutral on first encounter as though they are not allies of the GoI, they don't always consider human life worth saving and will sometimes exploit their "allies".
SCP-ADF-Δ: Is comprised on multiple spirit class entities within a single vessel. The absolute rarest instances of all SCP-ADF instances. These instances are considered quite dangerous due to their possibility of possessing common abilities other SCP-ADF instances, such as great intelligence and paranormal abilities. There is also the possibility of these instances evolving into SCP-ADF-Η instances. By order of the O5 Council these instances are to be used in experiments involving [data expunged].
SCP-ADF-Ε: Friendly to children but hostile to adults. Can be unpredictable but have proven to be incapacitated with music as well as other means. Often these instances are confused with SCP-ADF-Β instances. The easiest way to tell the difference between the two instances is their behavior in the morning during work time. SCP-ADF-Β instances will normally act like normal toys and mascots in the morning while SCP-ADF-Ε will only act normally around children but will stare menacingly at adults when no kids are around. Because of their strange behavior they are to be contained and brought to the Foundation for testing purposes as soon as possible.
SCP-ADF-Ζ: Friendly to all human life but hates Fazbear Workers. The second rarest instances of all SCP-ADF instances. More often than not these instances are simply AI that have evolved beyond level 2 and have grown to resent GoI: Fazbear Entertainment for their inhuman experiments and exploitation. Thankfully these instances make it known very quickly that they hate Fazbear Entertainment and are willing to help anyone who is considered the company their enemies or children who are dangerously close to becoming their victims.
SCP-ADF-Η: Capable of [data expunged]. Often found in [data expunged]. Usually the result of [data expunged]. Extremely unpredictable movement, personality, intelligence, and abilities. There is no consistency with these instances. The only way to identify these instances is [data expunged]. Should Dionysus-3 units report any SCP-ADF instances with the identifying characteristics they are to be ordered to retreat and allow MTF Tau-5 to handle the instance. Because of their extremely anomalous nature these instances have the highest priority of containment. Only [data expunged] are known to exist.
Group of Interest: Fazbear Entertainment was discovered in 1983 when an unexpected murder in an establishment. Afterwards the animatronic mascots were forced to be dismantled and the parts sent to storage. Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 intercepted a package of parts from one of the mascots and sent it to the Foundation right away. Fazbear Entertainment was considered a Group of Interest right away due to the technology's advancements going beyond what was considered normal in 1983 and almost coming close to Foundation standards. Afterwards any and all toys and mascots created by Fazbear Entertainment was considered SCP-ADF and through the years each reported instances was found, contained, catalogued, and categorized due to them having increasingly unpredictable and dangerous anomalous abilities.
It is unknown if Person of Interest: William Afton, the creator of Fazbear Entertainment had intended for the SCP-ADF instances to be able to evolve and mutate because of absorbing souls of those they murdered. It is also unknown if William Aftons goals are to make the most fun and advanced animatronics and toys in the world or to create secret killer machines for nefarious purposes. What is known is that William Afton is the soul survivor of his family as his children have all been killed and turned into SCP-ADF instances. All these instances are [data expunged].
How William Afton was able to create such advanced technology is unknown. William Afton has been rumored to be a dropout of Alexylva University, while other sources say he was the son of an ex-employee of Dr. Wondertainment. Nothing has unfortunately been confirmed, nor has the location of William Afton. Though the working theory is he has turned himself into an SCP-ADF instance while keeping his memories intact and even giving himself abilities similar or greater to an SCP-ADF-Α instance. If this is ever confirmed true, then Person of Interest: William Afton is to be labeled SCP-ADF-H-[data expunged].
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Harmony and Horror - Sophia
Original Creator: @Battington  
Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Battington/videos
Object Class: Euclid/Keter
Code Name: Macy the Fourth Victim
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIF has unfortunately not been contained, despite the best efforts of Foundation staff and MTF units SCP-AIF has continued to escape capture. Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" and MTF Command Staff are to regularly monitor sites owned by Group of Interest: M&A Harmony Toys.
Description: SCP-AIF is another life like toy created by Group of Interest: M&A Harmony Toys created by the same demonic ritual used to create SCP-AIA. Though unlike SCP-AIA, SCP-AIF doesn't just contain the soul of its victim but also their corpse as well. The victim of SCP-AIF being Macy Greywhinder the daughter and second child of the Greywhinder family. SCP-AIF isn't under the control of the demon like SCP-AIA, instead SCP-AIF does have control over its actions thought not very much due to it having hunger for human flesh as well.
SCP-AIF's victim corpse seems to have been mutated by the demonic ritual relation to its creation. A notable mutation is its ability to create an elongated tongue from its mouth that it uses to bite onto and drain the blood of its victims. Like SCP-AIA the more the SCP-AIF feeds, the more her hunger is suppressed and the more control she has. Furthermore SCP-AIF seems to be able to remove its "corpse" from its toy body. This allows SCP-AIF to escape its body any time it desires and go into a new body, for whatever reason it always prefers toys made by Group of Interest: M&A Harmony Toys to use as bodies. Regardless, its "true" corpse body is extremely flexible and though fragile can easily escape and fit into any crack or gap available to it. This not only makes SCP-AIF a parasitic class anomaly, but also explains why it is so difficult to contain.
SCP-AIF was discovered in 1985 sometime after the death of Person of Interest: Martin Greywhinder was confirmed dead by local police. This of course led to several raids on residence of the Greywhinder family properties and buildings owned by GoI: M&A Harmony Toys. However, this ended up leading to the [data expunged] ambush leading to the deaths of 29 Foundation agents. The Horizon Initiative and Global Occult Coalition confirmed a similar ambush regarding their separate raids.
SCP-AIF was discovered during the raids and not only escape capture but killed 5 MTF Dionysus-3 units all on her own. Afterwards the Foundation was forced to pull back and instead maintain reconnaissance regarding areas owned by GoI: M&A Harmony Toys. The Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare is working overtime to create more effective tools and weapons to contain SCP-AIF as well as other dangerous anomalies discovered during the [data expunged] ambush. Because of its unusual and dangerous properties as well as its incredible ability to escape containment, has earned it the dual classification of Euclid/Keter.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Forces Hub
This will be the main page for all my MTF’s that play major roles in the SCP: Horror Movie Files Universe. Or just one’s that I felt like the Foundation needed anyways and thus created them. Or their just ones that are connected to certain movies, video games, cartoons, and possibly anime that I thought would be awesome if the Foundation mobilized them as MTF’s. 
Mobile Task Forces:
MTF Zeus-1 (”Conduits”)
MTF Hera-5 (”Watch Dogs”)
MTF Poseidon-3 (“Otaku Heart”)
MTF Demeter-4 (”Animal Control”)
MTF Athena-1 (“Assassin’s Creed”)
MTF Ares-7 ("Heavy Metal")
MTF Apollo-1 (“Orion’s belt”)
MTF Apollo-4 (“Speak no Evil”)
MTF Artemis-6 ("Wild hunt")
MTF Hermes-1: [Data Expunged]
MTF Aphrodite-2 (“Plastic Surgery”)
MTF Hestia-3 ("Of Gears and Cybernetics")
MTF Dionysus-1 (“Fake News”)
MTF Dionysus-3 (“The Party Package”)
MTF Hades-4 (“Bio Rebels”)
MTF Hades-6 ("Violet Queen")
MTF Hephaestus-1 (“Legion Crafters”)
MTF Hecate-A (“Real Magic”)
MTF NYX-Ω: [Data Expunged]
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
File: Harmony and Horror - Bonzo
Original Creator: @Battington
Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Battington/videos
Code Name: Bonzo the first victim
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIA has been contained at Site-AA within a standard 10x10 containment cell. Cameras contained in bulletproof glass domes are placed in each of the corners of the room to ensure that SCP-AIA is unable to escape the sight of observing Foundation staff. Once a month a single D-Class staff member is to be "fed" to SCP-AIA to ensure that it doesn't [data expunged] which is common among anomalies created by Group of Interest: M&A Harmony Toy's.
Description: SCP-AIA is a mechanical toy dog created by Group of Interest: M&A Harmony Toy's, more specifically by Person of Interest: Martin Greywhinder. SCP-AIA was supposedly created using an unknown demonic ritual, with the soul of the dead dog of the Greywhinder family. SCP-AIA is able to move around, speak, and follow basic commands when called Bonzo. SCP-AIA however doesn't just follow orders as it is able to move on its own and stalk anyone who is close to it. SCP-AIA knows when someone is observing it, even though camera live feed, and can predict when someone will be observing it through recorded footage, how this is possible is unknown.
SCP-AIA has the secondary ability to transform into a larger and more muscular metal monstrosity, how this is possible is unknown. SCP-AIA is much more aggressive and bloodthirsty in this form. It is also having greater free will thought it will still follow orders when called Bonzo. In this form, SCP-AIA can claw through metal, lift object of anywhere between 200 to 400 pounds, and devour humans whole. SCP-AIA can be commanded both into and out of this form but when it gets hungry it will become this form of its own will. SCP-AIA will get more and more aggressive as it isn't fed which will eventually lead to an [data expunged]. Foundation scientists are still unable to determine how SCP-AIA is able to transform or even [data expunged] or where the [data expunged] comes from.
SCP-AIA was discovered in 1985 on the same day Martin Greywhinder killed his family. Because of the death of Arthor Greywhinder and Thoman Greywhinder, as well as their anomalous disappearances, Mobile Task Force Omicron-67 "Zeroth Responders" were sent to the Greywhinder residence before the local police force could. By the time they got their Martin Greywhinder had not only escaped but used SCP-AIA to guard his escape route and take them out. Only a single MTF Omicron-68 unit survived after shooting SCP-AIA in the eye out of pure luck. Afterwards Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package" was entrusted of keeping SCP-AIA restrained and transported to Site-AA. MTF Dionysus-3 is also in charge of security when testing regarding SCP-AIA is conducted.
SCP-AIA is the reason that Group of Interest: M&A Harmony Toy's has been deemed a threat, all-be-it a low one, by the Foundation and Person of Interest: Martin Greywhinder is being hunted.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
MTF Dionysus-3 (“The Party Package”)
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Description: First response force as well as a covert strike team. Entrusted to fight against out of control Dr. Wondertainment anomalies as well as contain the concerning rise of anomalous animatronics, toys, and mascots created by several newly formed GoI companies. in the 1970′s and 1980′s
Dionysus-3 specializes in the purchasing, destruction, and the covert acquisition of toy and mascot anomalies. types of anomalies include soul possession, demonic possession, artificial lifeforms, as well as other parasitic based anomalies disguised as toys and mascots. 
Responsible for Containing:
Action Reports:
Action Report: My Friendly Neighborhood
[data expunged]
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Force Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
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Bendy and the Ink Machine, hm.., I kinda fell of that game after all the... stuff happened but I guess it's not a bad idea. I'll have to think about it.
My Friendly Neighborhood, Huh... yeah sure! Gordon can team up with Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 "The Party Package". It will just take a while to get done.
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
GoI: Fazbear Entertainment
Description: FE is an entertainment company established in 1983 and specializes in creating the most advanced and lovable animatronics. That's at least how they are presented, in reality they are constantly creating death traps that kill children and adults while trapping their souls in animatronics and toys, creating new anomalies in the process. Despite having large number of controversies and being involved with missing children’s cases as well as employee deaths they have managed to exist even in the current year of 2023. Thankfully they have only ever created SCP-ADF variants, but that fact alone does not hinder the danger of Fazbear Entertainment as well as the anomalous toys and animatronics they create.
Organization: There doesn't seem to be a standard organization within Fazbear Entertainment as most employees even the current CEO doesn't know the full dangers of SCP-ADF. However there have been two direct threats among Fazbear Entertainment.
- Person of Interest: William Afton - Creator of Fazbear Entertainment and sole reason for the existence of SCP-ADF. William Afton has been confirmed to be alive and is using his own anomalous animatronics to stay alive. William Afton is currently trying to obtain a human body and is willing to kill hundreds in order to get the perfect body to become not only be alive again but an all-powerful being as well.
- Cult of Afton - Fazbear Entertainment employees that either have personal reasons for doing so or are brainwashed into serving Afton and his goals. Like Afton they either use anomalous animatronics as personal slaves or even put their own souls into Animatronics for spiritual immortality. They actively kidnap and kill customers and fellow employees of Fazbear Entertainment to further their own goals or Afton's goals. As such they are the front lines for Afton and directly get into conflict with Mobile Task Force Dionysus-3 “The Party Package”.
Non-Anomalous Employees - despite their non-anomalous nature the employees of Fazbear Entertainment are considered the most dangerous by the Foundation. Though most employees are more of an annoyance, the higher ups like managers, shareholders, and the CEO can prove to be a real problem. Because they are essential to the company, Afton and his Cult will often protect them to ensure the company stays afloat. As such its quite common for then to both be under the influence of the cult and its protection without even being aware. This makes taking them out as well as the company very difficult, so for now Mobile Task Force Apollo-4 “Speak No Evil” is on standby.
Purpose and Goals: Afton's goal was originally to create the perfect animatronic to make Fazbear Entertainment into the greatest toy and animatronic company in the world. However, after his family started falling apart due to the death of his children, he went insane and even before he himself was turned into an animatronic; his goal was turned into creating the perfect animatronic. Afton now works to not only turn himself but all the animatronics in his company into the superior versions of themselves using top of the line technology and the souls of his victims.
As such this is the secret goal of Fazbear Entertainment which most except those few in the Cult of Afton are even aware of. Though as a company Fazbear Entertainment does have the similar goal of making better animatronics thought they are unaware that by doing this they are helping Afton and his cult's goals.
Affiliation with the Foundation: Obviously Fazbear Entertainment is under heavy watch by the Foundation though it is unaware of this, and even cult members just assume the Foundation to be the police or FBI. The Horizon Initiative and Eight Wings of Mekhane deeply despite the company and the Cult of Afton. The HI in particular hate the Cult, thinking of them as the vilest of sinners due to their experiments on the soul. The EWM hate the Cult and Afton for defiling the unification of humanity and machines, a direct insult to Mekhane. The Global Occult Coalition hates Fazbear Entertainment as well due to their constant threat to the public as a toy company that sells secret death traps.
However there have been rumors that the GOC has certain agents meet with Afton cultists to trade technology. Though this was never confirmed.
Certain cultists, specifically ones of higher status within the company, have maintained the funding of their experiments by doing trade deals with Anderson Robotics. There have also been rumors of trade deals with Arcadia as well as Marshal, Carter, and Dark Ltd. but nothing has been confirmed.
Are We Cool Yet? has stolen several SCP-ADF instances from the Foundation and Fazbear Entertainment directly. They used these stolen anomalies to create even more dangerous and anomalous objects and entities. Though thankfully most have been destroyed by the GOC.
There have been several modern sects of the CotBG like The New Church of the Fractured God, The Church of Maxwellism, and The United Chruch of the Mechanical Deity have been protesting at Fazbear Entertainment establishments, stealing and destroying merchandise and products, and harassing FE Employee's. Thought of course under regulation of the ACPA the Church of Maxwellism has regulated themselves to peaceful protests and online websites exposing the non-anomalous corruption of Fazbear Entertainment.
Meanwhile more traditional and hostile sects of the CotBG like Turning's Wrath, Order of the Black Cog, The Cybernetic Theocracy, and The Industrial Renaissance Church all have secret raids and battles on Fazbear Entertainment establishments and business buildings.
Unfortunately, it has been confirmed that the Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones, specifically their Masks, have made several trade deals with Fazbear Entertainment. Several members of the Cult of Afton have been confirmed to be graduates of Deer College.
Doctor Wondertainment seems to despise Fazbear Entertainment and considers itself in a branding war with Fazbear Entertainment. Though only members of the Cult of Afton know of the DW's existence and seem to think of the company as a waste of time. The Factory is believed to be involved with [data expunged] but nothing has been confirmed. Unlike AWCY, Gamers Against Weed despise Fazbear Entertainment for the same reason they hate AWCY, that being their products bringing danger to human life.
Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting seems to have gotten its hands on several SCP-ADF instances, how this is possible is unknown. Parawatch has collected several videos of Cult activity and SCP-ADF attacks. They have posted these sightings on Youtube, but thanks to Mobile Task Force Dionysus-1 “Fake News” the channels have been hacked and the videos altered to make the incidents within the videos look as unreal as possible to further ruin the verification of Parawatch. It's thanks to MTF Dionysus-1 that a recent trend on YouTube has been created where animators make animated horror videos about Fazbear Entertainment and its animatronics. The Foundation has deemed this perfectly acceptable as it will give people a phobia of Fazbear Entertainment and thus make them naturally stay away from the company.
The FBI: Unusual Incident's Unit has suffered many casualties trying to stop Fazbear Entertainment, they've also unfortunately made the FBI as a whole look like a joke while making Fazbear Entertainment look better to the public. As such the ACPA has restricted the UIU's involvement in Fazbear Entertainment.
Involved with:
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
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