#Mobile  Mobile application  Mobile developer mobile programmer
mr-abhishek-kumar · 11 months
Another shenanigan by Amazon App store..😡
So another shenanigan by Amazon App store, I am unable to update my web app at their app store the page just refreshes and doesn't gives the option to update the app. I have to update the app as the URL of my web app has changed. I have given a email to them regarding this issue. Let's see what comes out of it
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codechavo · 1 year
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flutteragency · 4 months
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mobcoderr · 1 year
Hire Top AI/ML Developers Company for your App
A specialist company called Hire AI/ML Developers Company is committed to finding and offering top-tier Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Development Services to companies looking to capitalize on cutting-edge technology. Our company's main goal is to put you in touch with knowledgeable and experienced individuals who can create unique AI and ML solutions to suit your particular demands. Whether you need knowledge in computer vision, natural language processing, predictive modeling, or data analysis, our team of engineers is prepared to take your projects to new heights.
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digitalsprybit · 1 year
Hire android application developers & programmers from SpryBit for Web and Mobile App development projects as per your budget, and get user-centric & best Android apps.
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appinlaydevelopment · 2 years
The Source Code for These Live Streaming Apps | Appinlay
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Live Streaming app developer source code has been a major source of entertainment for the past few years, and the trend is only growing. Developers have created powerful source codes to make streaming fast, reliable, and aesthetically pleasing for their users. The source code for these live streaming apps is a complex mix of coding languages, databases, and algorithms that allow for a seamless and secure platform for streaming. The source code includes various security measures to ensure that user data is kept safe, as well as the ability to adjust streaming based on user preferences.
For More Information Visit At :
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oliviachows · 2 years
Benefits of Hiring Indian Programmers.
Hiring an Indian programmer can help you cut costs significantly. This is due to their low cost of living and their ability to acquire a solid understanding of several programming languages, including English. Additionally, they are adept at developing web and mobile cross-platform applications. They are also well-known for their positive outlook, which makes them an ideal candidate for the position.
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Cross-platform web and mobile applications development.
The market for cross-platform web and mobile application development is expanding. Cross-browser tools and frameworks are used in this type of technology to create applications that are compatible with multiple operating systems.
You will be able to reach a larger audience with this kind of app development. It allows users to use the same application on multiple devices and deploys faster. Additionally, you can save money and time.
It can be challenging to create an app that works on both platforms. Nevertheless, a solution is attainable. You can get in touch with a mobile app development company in India and request that they create an application that is compatible with both platforms.
This kind of web and mobile app development is a strong area of expertise for Indian developers. They are capable of working with Python, JavaScript, and C/C++ languages. Consequently, they are capable of keeping up with technological advancements.
The cost of living is low.
Hiring Indian programmers has never been cheaper. India is home to over 2.54 million skilled professionals thanks to the IT industry's explosive growth. You won't be disappointed if you're looking for the best software developers to help your business grow.
When you hire an Indian coder, you can even save between 20 and 30 percent. In comparison to the UK or Australia, the cost of hiring an Indian developer in the United States is significantly lower. However, that is not the only reason to investigate further south.
India has the highest number of engineering graduates worldwide. Additionally, it has the most IT institutes. As a result, it is the go-to location for quality work at a reasonable price. Additionally, the nation is home to some of the most gifted and intelligent developers in the world. In a nutshell, it is not surprising that outsourcing to India has become commonplace.
The fabled city of Bangalore is unquestionably the nation's most expensive IT hub. On the other hand, there are numerous other less expensive alternatives.
English is their second official language.
It's no secret that India has a large pool of talented software developers and IT professionals. English is their second official language. They are well-known for their ability to solve problems at a reasonable price. H1-B workers from India are even employed by some large companies.
There are a few important things to keep in mind when hiring developers from India. The language first. Even though English is the country's official language, millions of people in India speak a variety of indigenous languages. Sanskrit, Bengali, and Urdu are among them.
By incorporating traditional Indian business practices and tech culture into their operations, the outsourcing industry's most successful businesses can close this gap. Consequently, India has emerged as the most popular destination for outsourcing IT-related jobs and developers.
C/C++, JavaScript, and Python are the three programming languages that are used the most in India. In India, you can hire dedicated Node JS developers at a fair price. Additionally, the time difference between India and the United States can significantly impede project progress.
They possess the right attitude to work.
Indian software developers are a great resource for businesses that need to develop a software project because they have the right mindset for the job. These skilled professionals can offer practical solutions in the shortest amount of time. They can also provide post-maintenance services, which makes them a valuable asset for any company.
Indian developers are not only highly skilled but also have the right attitude toward their work. They pay close attention to their clients and are interested in exceeding customer expectations. Another advantage is that they can communicate effectively across all mediums.
There are downsides to hiring from India, despite the positive qualities. First of all, they frequently struggle to articulately solve problems. They are unable to effectively respond to new instructions, which is another drawback. Employers may be offended by this. You can get around this by hiring developers from other countries or well-known offshore companies.
As a result, you'll have a lot of homework to complete. A developer with a strong technical background, excellent communication skills, and a process-oriented development approach are ideal. You should also check to see if the developers have used the technology stack you want to use before using it. If not, you might want to look elsewhere.
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cognitivejustice · 4 months
The Community-Based Restoration Monitoring System (CBRMS)
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Well-designed monitoring programmes can improve the effectiveness of restoration efforts. Monitoring can measure progress toward restoration goals, and further improve the efficacy of the restoration process itself. Monitoring an ongoing project can also directly enhance restoration outcomes and improve future restoration decision making.
Restoration monitoring does pose challenges and frequently faces constraints, including limited funds and human resources. Internet of Things (IoT)-based monitoring systems are available for doing so, but their coverage is limited, and they are unable to show restoration impacts on a local scale.
Accordingly, we developed the Community-Based Restoration Monitoring System (CBRMS). This CIFOR-ICRAF flagship product offers the capacity to work offline, is compatible with more affordable smartphones, allows safe storage on cloud systems, is transparent and accessible, and facilitates local community involvement.
It is designed as an organized system for collecting, processing and validating data necessary for measuring implementation progress and impacts, while empowering communities to participate in monitoring processes.
The mobile application is designed to be user friendly and reliable, and offers high flexibility for modification to suit user requirements.
This book outlines the monitoring system framework and provides guidelines for its application.
We hope it can help practitioners and facilitators in monitoring progress made in restoration efforts on the ground.
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nexouttofficial · 23 days
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Start your programming journey with this "Hello, World!" Objective-C-inspired T-shirt. Made for developers, programmers, and tech enthusiasts, this creative design celebrates the pioneering role of Objective-C in iOS and macOS app development. Whether you’re writing your first Objective-C program or developing advanced mobile applications, this T-shirt captures the essence of mastering a language that has shaped modern app development. Search "Hello, World! - Objective-C Edition T-Shirt TeePublic" on Google to get yours today!
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roseliejack123 · 11 months
Mastering Java: Your Comprehensive Guide to Programming Excellence
Embarking on the journey of mastering Java is akin to entering a realm of endless possibilities. Java, a versatile and widely-utilized programming language, offers a broad spectrum of applications, from crafting web and mobile applications to powering robust enterprise systems. Whether you are a novice in the realm of coding or a seasoned programmer looking to broaden your skill set, the path to proficiency in Java is an exciting one.
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In this comprehensive guide, we will be your guiding light through the intricacies of Java, starting from the foundational basics and progressing to the more advanced aspects of the language. Our objective is to equip you with the knowledge and skills that form a robust and unshakable foundation for your journey into the vibrant world of Java. Fasten your seatbelt as we embark on this exhilarating exploration, charting a course that will empower you to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.
Here's a 8-step guide to effectively learn Java
Step 1: Setting Up Your Development Environment
Your journey to becoming a proficient Java developer commences with setting up your development environment. The essential components are the Java Development Kit (JDK) and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. These tools aren't just convenient; they're the gears that will drive your Java programming endeavors. They streamline the coding process, provide useful features, and offer an organized workspace, making your coding experience efficient and enjoyable.
Step 2: The Foundation - Learning the Basics
With your development environment ready, it's time to delve into the fundamental building blocks of Java. Begin by acquainting yourself with data types, variables, operators, and control structures. These are the nuts and bolts of the language, and a solid grasp of these concepts is essential. You'll find an abundance of online tutorials and beginner-friendly Java books to assist you at this stage.
Step 3: Navigating the World of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
The object-oriented programming (OOP) approach is well known in Java. To harness the true power of Java, immerse yourself in the world of OOP. Understand the concepts of classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. This knowledge forms the bedrock of Java programming and enables you to design efficient, organized, and scalable code.
Step 4: Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms
Data structures (such as arrays, lists, and sets) and algorithms are the secret sauce behind solving real-world problems efficiently. As you progress, dive into the world of data structures and algorithms. These are the tools that will empower you to handle complex tasks and optimize your code. They're your go-to assets for creating efficient and responsive applications.
Step 5: The Art of Exception Handling
Java boasts a robust exception-handling mechanism. Understanding how to handle exceptions properly is not just an add-on skill; it's a vital aspect of writing reliable code. Exception handling ensures that your code gracefully manages unexpected situations, preventing crashes and delivering a seamless user experience.
Step 6: Exploring Input and Output Operations
In this step, you'll explore the realm of input and output (I/O) operations. Mastering I/O is crucial for reading and writing files, as well as interacting with users. You'll gain the ability to build applications that can efficiently process data and communicate effectively with users.
Step 7: Conquering Multi tasking
Java's support for multi tasking is a significant advantage. Understanding how to manage threads and synchronize their actions is vital for creating concurrent applications. Multithreading is the key to developing software that can handle multiple tasks simultaneously, making your applications responsive and scalable.
Step 8: Building Projects and Real-World Practice
Theory is only as valuable as its practical application. The final step involves applying what you've learned by building small projects. These projects serve as a proving ground for your skills and provide valuable additions to your portfolio. Whether it's a simple application or a more complex project, the act of building is where the real learning takes place.
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As you step into this vibrant realm of Java, remember that continuous learning is the key to staying relevant and effective in the ever-evolving field of software development. Be open to exploring diverse applications, from web development to mobile apps and enterprise solutions, and never underestimate the power of hands-on practice. Building projects, no matter how small, will solidify your knowledge and boost your confidence.
In your quest to master Java, ACTE Technologies stands as a valuable ally. Their expert guidance and comprehensive training programs will sharpen your skills, boost your confidence, and pave the way for a rewarding career in software development. Whether you're embarking on your Java journey or looking to take your skills to the next level, ACTE Technologies offers the resources and support you need to thrive in the world of Java programming.
So, with Java as your trusty companion, and ACTE Technologies as your guide, the possibilities are boundless. Your journey is just beginning, and the world of software development awaits your innovation and expertise. Best of luck on your path to mastering Java!
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nividawebsolutions · 1 year
The Debate of the Decade: What to choose as the backend framework Node.Js or Ruby on Rails?
New, cutting-edge web development frameworks and tools have been made available in recent years.  While this variety is great for developers and company owners alike, it does come with certain drawbacks.  This not only creates a lot of confusion but also slows down development at a time when quick and effective answers are essential.  This is why discussions about whether Ruby on Rails or Noe.js is superior continue to rage.  What framework is best for what kind of project is a hotly contested question.  Nivida Web Solutions is a top-tier web development company in Vadodara.  Nivida Web Solutions is the place to go if you want to make a beautiful website that gets people talking.
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Identifying the optimal option for your work is challenging.  This piece breaks things down for you.  Two widely used web development frameworks, RoR and Node.js, are compared and contrasted in this article.  We'll also get deep into contrasting RoR and Node.js.  Let's get started with a quick overview of Ruby on Rails and Node.js. 
This method makes it possible to convert client-side software to server-side ones.  At the node, JavaScript is usually converted into machine code that the hardware can process with a single click.  Node.js is a very efficient server-side web framework built on the Chrome V8 Engine.  It makes a sizable contribution to the maximum conversion rate achievable under normal operating conditions. 
There are several open-source libraries available through the Node Package Manager that make the Node.js ecosystem special.  Node.js's built-in modules make it suitable for managing everything from computer resources to security information.  Are you prepared to make your mark in the online world? If you want to improve your online reputation, team up with Nivida Web Solutions, the best web development company in Gujarat. 
Key Features:
·         Cross-Platforms Interoperability
·         V8 Engine
·         Microservice Development and Swift Deployment
·         Easy to Scale
·         Dependable Technology 
Ruby on Rails: 
The back-end framework Ruby on Rails (RoR) is commonly used for both web and desktop applications.  Developers appreciate the Ruby framework because it provides a solid foundation upon which other website elements may be built.  A custom-made website can greatly enhance your visibility on the web.  If you're looking for a trustworthy web development company in India, go no further than Nivida Web Solutions.
Ruby on Rails' cutting-edge features, such as automatic table generation, database migrations, and view scaffolding, are a big reason for the framework's widespread adoption. 
Key Features:
·         MVC Structure
·         Current Record
·         Convention Over Configuration (CoC)
·         Automatic Deployment
·         The Boom of Mobile Apps
·         Sharing Data in Databases 
Node.js v/s RoR: 
·         Libraries:
The Rails package library is called the Ruby Gems.  However, the Node.Js Node Package Manager (NPM) provides libraries and packages to help programmers avoid duplicating their work. Ruby Gems and NPM work together to make it easy to generate NPM packages with strict version control and straightforward installation. 
·         Performance:
Node.js' performance has been lauded for its speed. Node.js is the go-to framework for resource-intensive projects because of its ability to run asynchronous code and the fact that it is powered by Google's V8 engine.  Ruby on Rails is 20 times less efficient than Node.js. 
·         Scalability:
Ruby's scalability is constrained by comparison to Node.js due to the latter's cluster module.  In an abstraction-based cluster, the number of CPUs a process uses is based on the demands of the application. 
·         Architecture:
The Node.js ecosystem has a wealth of useful components, but JavaScript was never designed to handle backend activities and has significant constraints when it comes to cutting-edge construction strategies.  Ruby on Rails, in contrast to Node.js, is a framework that aims to streamline the process of building out a website's infrastructure by eliminating frequent installation problems. 
·         The learning curve:
Ruby has a low barrier to entry since it is an easy language to learn.  The learning curve with Node.js is considerably lower.  JavaScript veterans will have the easiest time learning the language, but developers acquainted with various languages should have no trouble. 
Final Thoughts: 
Both Node.JS and RoR have been tried and tested in real-world scenarios.  Ruby on Rails is great for fast-paced development teams, whereas Node.js excels at building real-time web apps and single-page applications. 
If you are in need of a back-end developer, Nivida Web Solutions, a unique web development agency in Gujarat, can assist you in creating a product that will both meet and exceed the needs of your target audience.
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mr-abhishek-kumar · 11 months
So google play also doesn't let's your remove your apps from play store 😬
So google also doesn't lets you remove apps from play store. But atleast they give option to unpublish apps with a button. Unlike Amazon app store where you have to mail every time you have to suppress the app, I find it a lot acceptable. 😌
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codechavo · 11 months
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flutteragency · 4 months
Step to Follow Google Play Store Closed Testing Individual and Organization
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Mobile applications have become a most significant part of our lives. App testing was one of the most significant things before it was launched in the market. App testing permits you to gather feedback from individuals, which helps you enhance your mobile app development. This article will provide complete information about closed testing, which supports mobile app developers in making their development more precise and attractive to their valuable clients and organizations. Let’s dive deeper into it.
What is Closed Testing?
Close testing is most useful for testing applications with many testers to collect more targeted feedback and comments. The tester can also use the individual’s email or Google Groups in the testing squad. However, for adding Google groups, the format will be [email protected].
When development is done with close testing, it will go into the review phase and permit you to test the app. Also, testers have the power to share ratings and review the app via Google Play Console. That review will not be visible to the general public and will not impact your app’s ratings. Thus, if you are testing any paid app, then testers of that app need to buy it from Google.
What are the steps of adding a user to the closed test?
Google has applied the new app publishing policy for individual app programmers. From November 13, 2023, any experienced Google Developer Accounts will need 20 internal testers to test their app for a minimum of 14 days before they can unlock the production tab demanded for publishing.
If your organization account is under registration, you must follow this process and the Production tab that is automatically available. They will opt for 14 days to publish your application or game on the Play Store. It helps the developers make better apps by getting early feedback from users.
Log into your Google Play Console. Now, you can click on the view app option.
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In the release section in the left sidebar, click on Testing> Closed Testing.
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After clicking on closed testing, you must select from Active tracks. If you have an existing track, click manage the track. If you want to run various tests, you can click on Create Track.
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You must write the track name and hit the Create track button.
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Closed tracking in the Google Play store allows app developers to invite individuals or groups of users for Testing before applying to publishing. It aids in finding and fixing errors, enhancing user interfaces, and improving the overall app quality depending on the feedback you get from your limited targeted audience.
Now, you need to click the tab for the countries or regions, and after that, add countries or regions.
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Now, choose the countries where you wish your app to be available, or you need to click the first box to add all the countries.
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You can add testers in Google Play when you’re making an app and want to get some feedback on it. This means you’re inviting specific people to try out your app before it’s available to everyone. You can either have a closed test where you add testers by email, a join link, or an open test where anyone can join. Testers will get an invite to try your app and give you feedback so you can fix any problems before releasing it to everyone.
Want to help make apps better? You can join as a tester without needing an invite. This helps get more feedback to ensure the app is top-notch before it officially launches.
You need to click on the Testers tab and select your email list. You can even create a new list to add more email addresses. Let’s make these apps awesome together!
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If you’re signed up as a solo developer rather than a group, jot down the name of your list, add some email addresses, and save your changes. Remember to add at least 20 emails under the “Add Email Addresses” section.
Google now needs 20 people to agree to be testers for your closed test, so keep that in mind when setting up the testing requirements.
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Now, you are required to tap on the Create button.
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Check out the Email List you’ve created. In the Feedback section, type in a website link or email address where testers can tell you what they think. Then, click on Save. A window will pop up, so click the Go to Overview button.
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If you want to send a link to testers who are joining your app on Android or the web, you can copy the link and share it with them.
But wait! You can only do this once Google finishes checking and approving the release you sent in. The option to copy the link will be grayed out, and you can use it later.
Now, let’s go ahead and click on the “Create new release” button.
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When you release your app on Google Play, you need to ensure that all is set to go properly and work smoothly. This will help the users to get the best experience possible.
To do this, you need to upload the app file that you have got from the WordPress framework or add it from your library under App bundles.
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Now, select and click on the “Add To Release” button.
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When filling out the Release details section, the release name should automatically show the app’s version number. In the Release notes, you can write any information you want the testers to know. You can even copy and paste that version’s official Flutter Agency App release notes. After that, click the Next button to move on.
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Then tap on the “Save” button.
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After that, you will see a pop-up window in which you need to hit the “Go to overview” button.
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Then click on “Send 16 changes for review.” You will see a list of changes.
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When you’re done making changes, a little box will pop up on your screen. Just click the button that says “Send changes for review.” Then, your app will be sent to Google for users to check out. It might take a few days, but hang tight, and soon, Google will give your app the thumbs up.
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Getting your app licensed in Google Play Console is most important because it ensures that only the people who bought or downloaded your app can use it freely. This helps you to protect your money and ideas from being stolen or used without permission.
While you wait for your app to be reviewed, you can continue working on other projects. If you want to return to the main menu, tap on “All apps” at the top of the left side of the screen.
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You need to tap on “License Testing” under the setup in the sidebar.
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Opt for the license testers from an email list and hit the save changes button in the Google Play Store.
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Finally, you need to click on the save button.
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Hence, in this way, your application can perform closed testing, which is only done by the Google Play Store.
After the release is approved by the Play Store, you can share the link with the tester so that they can start the performance testing your mobile app. After 14 days of testing, you need to apply for accessibility to production.
Steps of Android Plays Store Testing Policy for Individuals
The Google Play Store has integrated the latest and advanced testing needs for the individual programmers who have created their app developer accounts after November 13, 2023. The main objective of this testing is to deliver high-quality standards for the apps that are published on the Google platform. Let’s see some of the steps below.
Before you release your app to everyone, it’s a good idea to do some closed testing on your own first. This will aid you in finding any problems or mistakes before many people use it. You can use the Play Console to invite up to 100 people to test your app before it’s officially released. In this way, you will get feedback and ratings from people you trust, like your friends or family. They can tell you what works well and what needs fixing! Even if you plan on charging for your app later, this testing phase helps improve the efficiency of the application.
Here’s the scope of the new rule for solo mobile app developers. Instead of testing your app with your friends and relatives, you have to pick some testers from outside your development team. These lucky testers will get a special invite from the Google Play Store to try out your app before it’s available to everyone in the general public.
It’s important to have many testers in your closed test. Google Play says you need at least 20 testers to join in. But just putting their names on the list is only part of what you have to do. The testers have agreed to participate in your closed test, which shows they’re ready to try out the app and share their thoughts.
This policy is all about making sure that testing done by people is of good quality. You must have at least 20 testers committed who will be using your app for two weeks. In this way, they can dig into all the features and functionalities of your app. All that is they have to catch any problems that might pop up when people use it daily.
Once you’ve completed the closed testing phase and fulfilled the minimum requirements, you can confidently submit your app for production release in the Play Store. The Google Play review process will take the consideration all gathered comments and feedback from your close testers and your app’s overall quality. You will also need to Play Store policies. Therefore, you need to conduct a thorough closed test, so that you will increase your chances of a smooth review and a successful launch on the Google Play Store.
What are the Steps involved in the Android Play Store Testing Policy for Organizations?
The Google Play Store knows that companies and groups making apps have different needs than people making apps on their own. They have a special policy that lets organizations test their apps before they are available to everyone. This helps make sure the app is really good and easy to use.
Closed Testing: Organizations can ask a select group of people outside the company to try out the app before it’s officially released. Unlike individual accounts, organizations can choose who they want to test the app and get specific feedback.
Internal Testing: This lets people within the organization try out the app. Employees can give different opinions on how well the app works and if there are any problems. There’s no limit to how many people can be included in the internal testing process because it helps an organization for analyzing the application.
If your organization decides to use Managed Google Play, you’ll have an easy and simple testing out of apps before they go live on the Play Store for the general people. With this testing service of Google, you can create your private app store only for your organization. This makes it easy to test apps internally and get feedback from your QA team. It will aid you to release the app better than your competitors.
No matter which testing method you choose, the main goal is to get helpful feedback to make your app better for the users. Encourage testers to give detailed reports on any bugs, crashes, or areas that need improvement in your app. Therefore, by making changes based on this feedback, your app will be more user-friendly and reliable when it’s released to the public.
After all the testing is done and any issues are fixed, your app will be ready to launch on the Google Play Store. This final step will ensure that your app store listing will look good with screenshots and descriptions that show off your app to the real world.
How much time will it take for the Play Store to review closed testing for individual and organizational accounts?
Getting your app on the Google Play Store is the most complicated process, so you want to make sure it’s really attractive and creative to the users who are going to use this app. Google has a strict process for checking out all the apps, even if the app is in the testing phase. It might take a while for them to look at your app, but if you know what they’re looking for, you can make sure the best mobile app for a better user experience.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
1. App Complexity: If your app has a lot of complicated and unconfused features, then there are chances that it might take longer for Google to check it out before it goes live for everyone to use.
2. Update Frequency: If you keep sending the app updates all the time, it could slow things down because each new version has to be reviewed again by Google. So, before sending the new upgrade to the Google Play Store make sure your app is working well and has fixed all the bugs and errors by a QA team.
3. Play Store Workload: Sometimes, there are tons of apps being sent in at the same time, which can make the review process take a longer time and it may also increase the chances of complexity in the app.
Individual Accounts: Google usually looks at your app in a few hours to a few days. It doesn’t matter if you have an individual account or an organization account when it comes to how fast your app gets reviewed with features and functionalities.
Organization Accounts: While Google doesn’t guarantee quicker reviews for organization accounts, having a top-notch developer profile could make the process run more smoothly in the future.
If you know these things, you can make the testing process easier and get your app reviewed faster, whether you have your own or your organization’s account. Keep in mind that a skilled programmer will follow Google Play’s rules give users a good experience and get ready for everyone to use the mobile devices.
Why is my Google Play Store review taking so much time?
When several people are sending in new apps or updates all at once, then the team that checks them out might get busy examining the app. This means they might take longer to look at your app.
If your app is complicated, then you need to buy the plan in the app, or has ads, or need to look at private user info, it might take even longer for them to evaluate it.
Google Play has rules about what apps can do and how they should look. If your app doesn’t follow these rules, they might take a closer look at it, which could slow things down.
Google wants to make sure all the apps in the Play Store are really good. If your app has a lot of problems or keeps crashing, or if it’s hard for people to use, the review team might need more time to figure out what’s wrong.
Sometimes, Google might need more info from you to make sure you’re the owner of the app that you have developed.
If there are any mix-ups or questions between you and the review team, it could make the review process take longer.
Sometimes, there might be technical problems on Google’s end that cause delays in the review process of your business application.
If your app takes longer to get reviewed than expected, you can check the Google Play Console for updates. You can also try and consult with Google Play support to see if they can help speed things up.
Wrap-Up: Improve the App Quality Via Closed Testing and Launch the App
Closed Testing on Google Play is a super important step for app developers before they release their apps to the public. They get a group of people to test out the app and give feedback so they can fix any problems, make it easier to use, and ensure it’s a great app overall. This helps ensure the app is awesome when it’s officially released, which makes users happy and allows it to do well in the app store.
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kevin33james-blog · 8 months
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How to Access Trusted Sources for Mobile Development Applications
Finding reliable sources for the latest movies online and mobile development applications for xmltv example can be a bit challenging, especially with the vast amount of information available on the internet. However, there are a few go-to places that you can trust to find accurate and up-to-date resources in this field.
I have compiled a list of some trustworthy platforms and resources where you can get all the information you need.
Online Communities and Forums:
One of the best ways to find reliable sources is by joining online communities and forums dedicated to programming and mobile development.
Websites like Stack Overflow, GitHub, and CodeProject have active communities where developers share their knowledge and experiences. These platforms often have dedicated sections for xmltv information and mobile app development, where you can find tutorials, code samples, and discussions related to your specific needs.
Developer Blogs and Websites:
Many experienced programmers and mobile app developers maintain their own blogs or websites where they share valuable insights and tutorials.
Look for reputable blogs in the programming community that focus on xmltv guide data or mobile development, such as Ray Wenderlich, Android Developers Blog, or iOS Dev Weekly. These blogs often provide in-depth tutorials, code snippets, and updates on the latest trends in the industry.
Online Learning Platforms:
There are several online learning platforms that offer courses on programming and mobile development. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight have a wide range of courses taught by industry experts.
You can search for XMLT or mobile app development courses on these platforms to find reliable sources that cover the latest techniques and technologies.
Official Documentation:
For a comprehensive understanding of XMLT programming or mobile app development, it's always a good idea to refer to the official documentation provided by the respective platforms or frameworks.
For XMLT, you can refer to the official W3C documentation, which provides detailed information about XMLT standards and specifications. Similarly, for mobile app development, platforms like Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) have official documentation that covers everything from getting started to advanced topics.
Social Media:
Don't underestimate the power of social media when it comes to finding reliable sources for programming tutorials and mobile applications.
Follow influential developers and companies on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit. They often share valuable resources, updates, and new tools for xmltv listings that can enhance your learning experience.
Remember, while these sources can provide you with reliable information and tutorials, it's always important to critically evaluate the content and verify it with multiple sources. Stay updated with the latest trends in the programming community by subscribing to newsletters or joining relevant mailing lists.
For the latest movies online and mobile development applications for XMLTV, you can visit https://xmltv.host for more updated information. Happy learning!
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blubberquark · 2 years
The socket module in Python: More than a footgun
Previously: Beginner Problems With TCP & The socket Module in Python, Things To Think About Before You Implement Online Multiplayer
I think I have previously undersold how terrible the socket module in Python is. It's worse. Or rather, what's worse is that often enough, the socket module is all that is available with the "batteries included" with Python 3.X. For anything more, you need to look on PyPI, and there are far too many modules on there that sort of do what you want, but are unmaintained. That is not good for networking, especially on the Internet!
The socket module has a lot of functionality you don't need for Internet applications, and is missing a lot of functionality you do need. Some of that functionality is present with asyncio, but not with socket. This weird feature imparity leads to beginner programmers using asyncio without understanding the use case for asyncio, or without understanding what async does, mixing blocking functions with asyncio.
Even experienced programmers won't be happy with socket. They can see and sidestep some of the pitfalls, but they can't really make productive use of socket on its own. There is no pure-Python way to get your own IP address, network interfaces, or your public IP address. There is no interface for path MTU discovery, and no abstraction layer for handling mixed IPv6/IPv4 connections.
The socket module is not just a footgun. It's little helper gnomes opening your gun safe at light, reloading the footguns you thought safe while you sleep. Even an experienced programmer must treat the socket module as if it can go off at any time!
Solution: A modern Internet-oriented networking module
We need a high-level Internet-oriented networking module as part of Python. Let's call it "networking". It doesn't need any OS-specific networking features, and it doesn't need IPC. It should just have an easy way to opening a socket and communicating over the Internet.
You should be able to query things like IPv4/IPv6 support, and stuff like mobile IP or multi-path TCP, but by default, there should just be a simple interface that takes a DNS name, IPv4 address or IPv6 address, and lets you connect.
There should probably be a "do-what-i-mean multicast" option for UDP, with functions to send and receive broadcast and multicast packets, instead of re-implementing the wrangling of IP addresses and subnet masks every time.
There should probably be a way to extend this, by implementing different message-oriented, datagram-oriented, or stream-oriented protocols, such as SSL and ENet as separate modules.
Most importantly, this module would have its equivalent of Java's BufferedReader. I know that this is super easy to implement, but the lack of a BufferedReader is a major stumbling block for beginners, and it pushes those beginners to use asyncio without understanding what that is or how it works. The "networking" module could have async versions of everything in a separate networking.async namespace. I don't think having awaitable and blocking operations available on the same socket/connection object is sensible, it would be another footgun, so this API duplication seems to me to be the safer option.
We really need full blocking/async parity. I can't stress this enough. Otherwise you end up in bizarre situations where library users write async code inside sync functions and spin up the event loop for every function call, but then call blocking functions in their async code, because to them, async is just a cumbersome way to call blocking functions.
Solution: Interface/Network/Service Discovery
We need a network discovery module as part of Python, maintained and developed in tandem with the old socket and the new networking. It should allow the user/developer to easily enumerate all available network interfaces, their IP addresses, MTU, IPv4/IPv6 status, connectivity, whether they are metered, and whether their networks are connected to the Internet.
Path MTU discovery and ping might also be useful.
Maybe service discovery protocols like Bonjour could live in this module too, or they could be their own module.
Solution: Dealing with NAT
In an ideal world, we would all be using IPv6, and we would somehow know the worldwide unique IP address of our friend's PC - the device we are trying to communicate with. Our router would know to route packets to that IP to our friend's router, and all would be well.
In the real world we are using NAT and VPNs. Some devices have an IPv4 address, others don't. IPv6 usually doesn't help us connect to a friend's PC to play a game.
We need a module (I propose the name "unfirewall" or "traversal") to allow the user/developer to connect or send packets to a computer behind NAT. This module must set up a connection that is either stream-based or datagram-based, and present the same API as raw sockets created with the networking module, or SSL sockets built on top of it.
Whatever system you are using to connect your stream or datagram socket, whether you go through a SOCKS proxy or a TURN server, or you manage to do NAT hole punching via STUN, it should return a networking object that is mostly indistinguishable from one that was connected through your local LAN.
Solution: Common Data Types
Python needs data types for networking addresses, such as IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, DNS names, IDNA, and so on. The above mentioned modules should accept parameters with those types, in addition to old-fashioned 32-bit unsigned integers for IPv4 addresses.
Solution: Network Reliability Simulation
Once we have an ecosystem of modern networking APIs, it becomes easier to write your own network un-reliability simulator. Dropped connections, uneven transmission speeds, partial reads and writes leading to TCP stream read() not lining up with send() from the other end, dropped UDP packets, a whole second of latency, low bandwidth, all those could be simulated on localhost.
Those changes would turn Python networking from a footgun for beginners into something that still causes cursing and frozen GUI widgets when your WLAN connection gets choppy. There is no software fix for radio signal quality, or for an excavator cutting the fiber optic connection between your town and the rest of the world.
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