cloudsmachinations · 1 year
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Triads & Tribulations
Yugi is in a relationship with Atem.
Atem is in a relationship with Yami.
The problem? Yugi and Yami don’t like each other one bit.
But Atem hopes a romantic getaway will change that.
Please look at this absolutely GORGEOUS artwork I commissioned from the wonderful @wisyhana 💖💖💖 It captures my Mobium boys so well and I am so so grateful.
Read the fic HERE ✨
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violetsdaisy · 3 months
You ever read a fic with smut so dirty you have to put your device down and take a break? Like maybe walk a lap or blink a few times in utter disbelief you just read that?
Check out these fics below! You’re welcome 😉✨
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Room for One More @book-keeper
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that even if all parties are fully consenting and excited about the prospect, some sexual fantasies still require a bit more planning and talking than others before they can be explored. (Mobiumshipping)
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Triads and Tribulations @cloudsmachinations
Yugi is in a relationship with Atem.
Atem is in a relationship with Yami.
The problem? Yugi and Yami don’t like each other one bit.
But Atem hopes a romantic getaway will change that. (Mobiumshipping)
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Comes with Experience @cloudsmachinations
In which Yugi wants to try bottoming, and Malik knows a guy.
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Acts of Service Series (the E rated ones) @hikariandyamiblog
Turns out that returning to the land of the living as a 3,000 year-old resurrected Pharaoh comes with a few kinks.
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Equinox @hikariandyamiblog
“One more outburst, demigod,” the rage in the king’s voice is palpable, “and I will risk Khonsu’s wrath.”
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34+35 @hikariandyamiblog
The one in which Yugi attracts the attention of not one but two disastrously gorgeous men. (Mobiumshipping)
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Don’t Think Twice @hikariandyamiblog
The one where you fall in love with the wrong person.
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Bird Rock Lambchop (Bird Bigger Bird) @toffeecape
Canon. Series. Yugi wants his other self to have nice things.
Any of my E rated fics could fall under this category 😆 read my works here.
If you have a favorite you don’t see here that left you breathless or just stunned, add it to the comments so we can all burn together! 🔥
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puzzled-art · 6 months
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in light of recent tumblr events: the booping paws were mobium colored. also, i am required by law to draw regular mobium cuddly pics (and further my chubby Yugi agenda). platonic or not, they can be whatever you want, baby <3
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fat-butch-dyke · 1 year
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coming home
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mobiummarch · 7 months
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New month, new event <3
As March often hosts polyship week, we at PA decided to celebrate our favorite polyship -- Mobiumshipping -- in style.
This event is open to both writers and artists! Choose a category (Bronze, Silver, or Gold) and incorporate as many sub-prompts into your fic or drawing as possible. Use tags: MobiumMarch and MobiumMarch2024 so that we can find your stuff! Art commissioned by @wisyhana
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teatitty · 5 months
The only reason I sometimes think about an AU where Yami and Atem were separate personas in the puzzle is solely so I can have them and Yugi be that one deviled egg joke from game changer [Yami is the one telling Yugi to eat it]
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stormy-knight134 · 4 months
Happy Pride Month, nerds!!
Especially to my fellow puzzleshippers, mobiumshippers, monarchshippers and puppyshippers, tendershipping and MalikxMarik shippers (I forgot the name of the ship.)
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
Hiya! Congrats on the followers! 😁 they are all well deserved!
For the prompt ask, would you do #14 - "You're so warm"?
If you're open to Mobiumshipping, I'd love to see what you can do with it. But if that's not up your alley, then good ol' fashioned puzzleshipping would be amazing 💖 maybe a "fix it" AU of some kind where everyone's got their own bodies and are just reveling in the fact that they can actually *feel* each other, ya know?
Congrats again!!
Hi friend! Thank you very much for your kind words, you wonderful human <3
Oh, as someone who writes both Monarch and Puzzle I am so very open to Mobium. I love that ship and am currently maybe definitely planning a fic for it.
I love what you asked for, a wonderful opportunity for me to cram oodles of fluff and smooches and soft things into a short piece- and believe me, I really really REALLY had to reign myself in and limit my words for this one cause I could have probably just written about it until the end of time.
So enjoy a little cuddle pile, some light feelings and many smooches. <3 <3
The couch was small, but so were they. 
The three of them fit just fine provided one of them was on their back and the other two on their sides, they'd worked that out fairly quickly. 
Atem was the one on his back this time, he'd won the game they'd been playing and so earned the right to choose where he would like to be in the nightly cuddle pile. 
Yami was on his right, wedged between him and the back of the sofa, his arm folded over Atems stomach, head resting atop it. His legs were wrapped tightly around Atems' own, one thrown over both of his thighs and the other snaked around the back of his knees. 
Yugi was on the other side of him, half on top of him to save falling off the sofa, one arm tucked under Atems head, laying over his shoulders, the other against one of Atems ribs, hand resting over Yami's which sat over Atems heart. Yugi's legs intertwined with both his and Yami's and they were pressed so tightly together that it was starting to become hard to know where one of them began and another ended. 
He himself had the easiest position, his arms hugged both his partners, one hand was tucked under Yami's shirt and the other rested casually against Yugi's hip.  
Atem was content. 
He was happy. 
And that's why he felt about ready to cry. 
The situation he currently found himself in was one he never even dared dream of before. One which he had convinced himself he'd never experience.
He blinked quickly, fighting away the tears. It wouldn't be the first time he'd cried over being alive, being able to touch something, feel something. 
It was overwhelming to him still, but in the best way. Yes, he was touch-starved and he craved even the slightest interaction, but only from the two men with him now. 
Yami was much the same, content to let Atem and Yugi lavish attention on him, touch him and hug him, get close to him…but if anyone else dared to try, he'd do everything in his power to avoid them. 
Atem wasn't quite so dramatic, but he still avoided it where he could. He felt safe with these two wonderful men…that wasn’t the case with anyone outside of this space. 
But anyway- his thoughts were wandering again. 
It was in moments like this where he truly appreciated everything they'd all been through, everything which had led them to this moment, everything to come-his breath hitched.
He felt Yami move restlessly, then he shifted to sit up a little. Atem kept his arm lazily hanging around his waist though, didn't move the hand which rested under Yamis shirt against a warm back. 
"Are you okay?" Yami's voice broke through his thoughts and he turned his head only to be met with a beautiful face so full of concern. 
He managed a small smile, swallowing hard in an attempt to force down some of the emotion he was feeling but by then his other partner had noticed. 
Yugi pushed himself up, almost mirroring Yami's posture but not quite, he remained pressed tight to Atems side, his legs stayed tangled with his and Yugi's hand never moved away from where it rested over Yami's near his heart. 
"Atem?" Yugi's soft voice was a balm to his nerves. 
Yami shifted again, a soft smile on his face as his hand not being held down by Yugi slipped up and into Atems hair, the soft gesture relaxing him. 
"I'm alright." He said quietly, but his tone failed to convince his partners. 
Yami and Yugi shared a look with each other then looked back at him and their movements were so in sync it was almost unnerving. 
"We're here for you." Yugi said.
"Yeah, actually here." Yami added. 
"Talk to us." Yugi continued, his hand moving to join Yamis in his hair, fingers running slowly through the strands. 
"I just…" He started but then paused, because how did he put everything he was feeling into words? How could he possibly explain the way having both of these men here with him made him feel complete in a way he never had before? His hand flattened against Yami’s back, the other gripped Yugi’s hip. "You're so warm." 
The words were out of his mouth before he could think them through and Yugi smiled gently at him, Yami chuckled quietly and he laughed at himself. 
"I mean, uh, yeah…just both of you are so warm." He added awkwardly, knowing that explained nothing but not caring to try to correct himself.
"I understand." Yugi said with a smile, then he turned to Yami and gave him an equally soft smile and the sight made his heart melt. "It's strange, but also just really…familiar too? Right?" 
"Hm." Yami looked back to him and grinned. "I think you mean that we're real." 
"Probably." He agreed. Yami laughed softly. 
"We're all here." Yugi breathed out. Atem saw him move to intertwine his fingers with Yami's over his chest and smiled. "We're just here, and together, and…and yeah…you two are so warm." 
Yami laughed again, Atem couldn't help but join him. His hands shifted, the one under Yamis shirt moved a little higher, the other resting over Yugi's hip tightened its hold and he pulled the other two closer to him. 
"So warm." He sighed happily. "It makes me feel safe being here like this with you two." 
"I've always felt safe with you." Yami said softly. "Even before I truly knew who you were…and you.." Atem watched him turn to Yugi. "You've always kept me safe." 
Yugi blushed, and the sight was a treat to behold from the vantage point he had. 
"Because I care about you…" Yugi said. "Both of you." He added with a look between them. 
"I care about you both too." He said. “Probably more than I can ever express in words.” 
"Same." Yami added with a laugh. 
He smiled, sighing happily again, loving the feeling of the other two over him, around him, just everywhere and warm and real. 
Yugi moved, pulling Yami's hand to his lips, kissing the back and earning a surprised look from the other. He laughed as he watched Yami pout and glare jokingly, then he watched as Yugi moved again, leaning over Atem, his eyes on Yamis lips. 
When the lips of his other two partners met, he didn't feel jealousy, not anymore anyway. Perhaps at first he did, but he realised as time went on that they all cared for each other equally, and it made him just as happy to see the others together as it made him to be with them. 
He moved his hand, fingers brushing against Yami's smooth warm skin under his shirt and he felt the others laugh as he moved away from Yugi and turned to him, a smirk on his face. 
"Oh, don't worry." Yami said. "We never leave you out." 
He was about to argue that he never felt left out, to tell them that he was happy to see them happy regardless of being involved at all, but Yami moved quickly and in one smooth movement he found himself drawn into a sweet kiss. 
Yami kissed as he did all things, with passion, and by this point, they'd shared a handful of kisses now they each had their own bodies, yet still the feeling of actually being able to feel Yami like this threatened to overwhelm him. 
He felt Yugi's hand in his hair, slowly running through the strands, pulling lightly and that was another sensation he really wasn't prepared to feel. 
It was a lot, being a spirit for thousands of years then getting your own body and a second chance at life. 
Thankfully Yugi always knew how to ground him. A hand against his chest, flat over his heart and a few gentle words spoken softly into his ear had his feet firmly back on the ground. 
Yami's legs wrapped tightly around his as the kiss deepened and he was content to relax into it, to let Yami lead him so he didn't have to think too much. 
He felt a hand slip over his, pulling it away from Yami's back and holding tight and he was sure it was Yugi's touch he felt but he didn't really have the headspace to dedicate to that right now. 
Yugi moved against him, lips were pressed to his jaw and then to the side of his neck and he moved away from Yami's lips with a laugh. 
"Impatient much?" Yami teased, moving to press a quick kiss to Yugi's lips which were pulled up into a mischievous smirk. 
Then Yugi turned to him, a hand gently cupped his cheek and his lips were claimed once more. 
Yugi's kisses were a contrast to Yami's, in an amazing way. 
When Yugi kissed him it was soft and slow and tender, but no less passionate than Yami was, Yugi simply manifested that passion in a different way. 
Once again he was struck with the feeling of warmth and rightness. This right here felt right. It was just what he needed. Everything he needed. 
Touch starved as he was, this ran so much deeper than just the primal urge to touch and be touched, no, this was about the bond they shared deep within their souls. 
Their hearts had once been joined in the physical sense and now they were joined in a spiritual way, no longer did they rely on one body, one single experience, one way to interact with the world around them. Now, they could each live as they needed, could experience anything they wanted to. 
Yugi's lips left his, but before he moved away completely he placed several short kisses to his lips and cheek. Atem laughed when Yami joined in, placing quick kisses to the cheek Yugi wasn't and soon the sound of all their laughter filled the small room. 
Once the laughter calmed, Yugi and Yami settled back against him, Yami's head resting against the centre of his ribs, part way down his chest, legs around his, Yugi with his head against one of his collar bones, arm around his waist and hand holding Yami's. 
Atem wound his arms around both of them, pulling his partners closer and sighing happily.
"I'm so glad to be here with you both." He said softly. 
"I'm so glad you're both here too." Yugi said. 
"I'll be glad if you both let me sleep." Was the response from Yami and he laughed softly, closing his eyes and resting his head against Yugi's, a hand finding its way back down Yami's shirt and resting against warm skin.
Fancy asking me to write a little thing? You can find the master post with the prompts and a little info on here- Link ^.^
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book-keeper · 6 months
New Fic Alert!
Cutting it nice and close with Mobium March, but here we go 😁 fluff for these lovely boys.
Sweet sweet Atem is falling in love with his best friends, who are already dating. What's a poor boy to do?
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uniasus · 9 months
I'm really just here to hurt all of you. Not sorry.
Also, this chapter is almost done, so expect the first chapter of Let the Clocks Twist up in the next two hours or so.
Yami hangs above him, wide amethyst eyes almost magnified by tears. There’s blood splatters on his cheek. Yugi wants to brush them away, but his arm is so heavy. His chest is heavy. He never knew it could be so hard to breath.
Yami mutters under his breath, pressure needed to stop the bleeding, volume measurement, bleed out time, how much weight can a rib cage hold.
Yugi is dying. Yugi is dying.
He closes his eyes and don’t even think about slipping across the bond. It’s automatic, he and Yami are so close. He can feel echoes of his pain in Yami’s chest. He can see Yami trying to stanch the bleeding and his hands are red. Red red red. It’s such a bright color, Yugi can’t pull his eyes away.
There’s the sound of a gunshot. Yami’s head jerks up. Atem has shot the blonde man and now he’s leaping over the corner of the bed. He’s kneeling down next to Yugi.
Yugi’s eye lids are so, so heavy, but he’d rather the last thing he see be these two beautiful men than the sight of his own destroyed chest.
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violetsdaisy · 2 months
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Fanart for Ivy by @missythecalicocat
It’s sooo perfect! 🤩 I love Yami in his suspenders, Atem holding him, and the pure adoration of Yugi! And it’s their wedding! Under Yami’s tree 😭🤍
Thank you so much for making this. It’s wonderful and I’m going to save it forever. ✨
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cloudsmachinations · 1 year
The final instalment of my You & Me Makes Three series.
This was also written for the AU-gust prompt: “Role Reversal”
Pairing: Mobiumshipping (Atem/Yami/Yugi)
Rating: Explicit
Yugi wanted to do something special to celebrate. The tiny box containing that something special sat like a brand in Yami’s pocket; the weight of their commitment impossible to ignore.
Read it HERE
Thank you so much 🥺💖
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fat-butch-dyke · 1 year
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i had to sketch up some of this funny ghost!Atem au me and @pyarini have been talking about where yugi and yami live in a house haunted by atems spirit
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murasaki-rose-art · 1 year
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This picture is...
Medium: Prismacolor and Copic Sketch Markers, Prismacolor pencils, Sakura gel, and Faber ink pens.  Background made in PSPv8.
...finally finished.   The last of my old pics.  This lovely piece of mobiumshipping fun was my sanity project while I was wedding planning.  I would work on it in my brief moments of free time, giggling with fangirlish glee as it came together.  As a project solely for my own enjoyment, it was a wonderful stress reducer.
I added the background after not finding a gradient pattern that looked right with them.  Still not sure what they're sitting on, it's not really a pillow....
Originally posted to my Deviantart account: January 24, 2015
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desert-feather · 1 year
Snippet Tagging Game
Tagged by @hikariandyamiblog
I was tagged to share a snippet from a current WIP! While it's not something I've posted yet, here is a little something from a fic I'm excited to start in honor of spooky season!
Summary: Yugi liked to think he kept an open mind, but when a ghost recruited his help to assist his handsome boyfriend to move on after his death... He really considered the possibility that he's going insane.
"What am I even supposed to say to him?" Yugi asked helplessly, his nerves simmering dangerously in the pit of his stomach. He was really starting to rethink every decision he'd ever made in his short life.
Yami moved forward, his ghostly form floating into his peripheral. Yugi did his best to keep his eyes forward, not needing to draw any attention from those passing him on the sidewalk. Even if he thought he was going insane, he didn't need others thinking so as well.
"'Hello' is generally a good starting point," he got in return, an amused lilt filtering into the others' voice. "Do not fret. I promise he won't bite," the spirit assured him. "Well," he reconsidered only a beat later. "Probably not in this setting anyway."
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stormy-knight134 · 7 months
*Me* *casually watching YouTube*
*Mobiumshipping and Monarchshipping pop up*
*Me* *clicks on them* *proceeds to fall further down the AtemxYugi hole to AtemxYamixYugi and YamixAtem*
*Me* FUUUUUCKKKK!!!! I'm already so far down the hole!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!
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