#Mockingbird takes half the team in the divorce
thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #37: Avengers Disassemble!
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October, 1988
The team is TORN APART -- and this MYSTERY WOMAN is about to make matters WORSE!
Dammit, Mantis!
Stop throwing gas on the fire, apparently?!
And stop ripping the cover and unsettling the issue box! What will happen if the Comics Code seal of approval falls out?
I’m guessing the fallout of Mockingbird/Hawkeye’s divorce is gonna fall out here and they’re going to split up the kids.
Last time in West Coast Avengers: due to secret Russian internet chatter, Hank Pym became convinced his dead deceased wife Maria Trovoya was actually alive. When the West Coast Avengers were ambushed by a bunch of old Ant-Man villains and Quicksilver when they went to Hungary to investigate, I assumed that it was a ruse to lure the Avengers into a trap. Because Scarlet Witch and Vision had also been baited into a trap.
BUT IT TURNS OUT THAT HANK PYM’S FIRST WIFE IS ALIVE AND HAS A MASSIVE BRAIN. Hank is going to quit the team to try to help reverse the giant braining of his first wife.
ALSO: When the West Coast Avengers went to the past times, Mockingbird got kidnapped by a cowboy who drugged her into being his girlfriend. When other cowboys helped her fight off the drugs, she pursued the first cowboy, Phantom Rider, and confronted him. This resulted in Phantom Rider falling off a cliff and Mockingbird not attempting to save him. Because: fuck that guy.
Except it turns out that he became a real phantom and has decided to haunt Mockingbird for rudely manslaughtering him. And when it looked like Mockingbird would come clean to Hawkeye about what happened, Phantom Rider spilled the beans himself, and framed the story to make Mockingbird look really bad.
Hawkeye was Big Mad that Mockingbird killed manslaughtered someone because Avengers Don’t Kill Or Through Inaction Allow A Person To Die and also because she hid it from him. Both Hawkeye and Mockingbird are stubborn, prideful people so the discussion immediately escalates into an argument where Hawkeye fires Mockingbird from the Avengers and Mockingbird fires him from the marriage.
It be like that.
And even after a long flight back from Hungary, they’re still fighting.
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Geez, you two, not in front of the teammates!
Look at Tigra! She’s agitated!
Wasp is trying to play peacemaker. Trying very hard.
Hawkeye: “She admits she let the Phantom Rider die, Jan!”
Wasp: “That’s not the same as killing him! Besides, he’s a ghost, so he’s not dead!”
Mockingbird: “He is dead! I let him fall because he deserved it and I don’t apologize!”
Wasp: “I’m trying to help you, Bobbi!”
See. Both stubborn, both prideful.
Hawkeye even says that Wasp has nothing to do with this. She’s just a special guest star, not a West Coast Avenger and definitely not the chairman.
He IS the chairman so he makes the decisions!
(Maybe its different in the West Coast Avengers but the East Coast Avengers used court martials, not just uncontested decree from the chairman. According to the original Avengers charter, it requires a two-thirds vote to expel an Avenger - I’m pretty sure Mockingbird has the support but then Hawkeye would probably rage-quit.)
Mockingbird: “This isn’t because I let a creep pay for what he did to me -- something most husbands would hate, too --”
Hawkeye: “I hate it -- you bet I do -- but I don’t condone death as any answer for anything!”
Mockingbird: “But death isn’t the issue! It’s the fact that I didn’t tell you about it!”
Hawkeye: “You didn’t just not tell me -- ! You lied about it, to my face --”
At this point, Hank jumps in and says okay you, Bobbi, go over there out of yelling range. Me, Hank, will take Hawkeye over here and bum him out with divorce stories.
Oh my god, Hank.
Vision joins this weird huddle to go tell Hawkeye how much marriage rocks, actually. Scarlet Witch and Tigra go to talk to Bobbi.
Scarlet Witch is currently married. Tigra was married but her husband Bill died. So everyone has opinions here.
Well, Wasp, Wonder Man, and Moon Knight hang out in the middle. I assume Wasp is tired of people not listening to her and isn’t joining either huddle. Wonder Man and Moon Knight aren’t married... as far as I know. Hell, maybe Wonder Man did have a wife before he did crime and then died. But he was dead long enough for the relationship to be legally over.
But I’m pretty sure that he wasn’t married.
Wonder Man: “Wasp -- Jan -- is it written down somewhere, this rule about not killing?”
Moon Knight: “Yes! I am new to the Avengers! How serious is Mockingbird’s infraction?”
Wasp: “Well... it is written down, in a charter we drew up years ago...! But Bobbi’s right, Simon -- Clint’s reaction is more his wounded pride than anything else! If I were your chair, I’d let it go!”
As far as I can tell, the Avengers charter doesn’t explicitly say Thou Shalt Not Kill. It says that Avengers won’t take upon themselves any aspect of the punishment process.
I really don’t know where manslaughtering a cowboy falls into that.
But it doesn’t really matter because Hawkeye is just deciding things and Mockingbird is loudly also deciding to gtfo because fuck that guy.
Anyway, the separate pep talks didn’t work.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird get back to yelling at each other and then Mockingbird decides to g t f o.
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And she’s taking half the team in the divorce.
I thought I was joking about that but it turns out that I wasn’t.
Tigra decides to go with Mockingbird because even though she decided against doing a murder in the ‘Tigra too horny’ story arc, she cat nature tells her that sometimes killing is necessary.
Moon Knight also decides to stick with Mockingbird. He doesn’t explain himself but he has already expressed support for the idea that sometimes killing is necessary and his god (i.e. him) is the god of vengeance.
I kind of feel like making this about whether or not murder is okay sometimes misses the point that it was a) manslaughter at best, and b) not even really about the killing, its about Hawkeye’s hurt pride that Mockingbird didn’t confide in him and his decision that means that he can’t trust her and his unilateral decree kicking her off the team.
Hawkeye protests that they can’t just split up the team but Mockingbird shoots back that HE is the one who split the team.
She kinda has a point.
I think that’s probably why the East Coast Avengers do the court martial process with 2/3rds vote required to boot someone for bad behavior. It makes sure that half the team won’t split because they think the bad behavior wasn’t so bad.
You fucked this up, Hawkeye.
Mockingbird offers anyone else the opportunity to join team Mockingbird.
Dr Pym... I don’t know why he has an opinion. He’s leaving the team either way. He’s not going with Mockingbird but he also offers a kind of support. Reflecting on how he formed the Avengers and helped form the rules and then broke the rules and got thrown out (actually, he quit before he could be judged but it didn’t look good for him). And that he came back. “Not because I made the Avengers, but because the Avengers made me!”
Wonder Man also says no. He was ready to leave the Avengers recently and focus more on being a movie star. But the movie star life is shallow and he’s happy that he’s doing good, real work with the Avengers.
Hawkeye, who has an opinion, of course he does, reflects that he killed someone as an Avenger. Remember that time? He killed Egghead? But it was an accident and that’s an important distinction! (Kinda like how Mockingbird didn’t murder the cowboy, just didn’t save him. Which feels like a distinction too. But whatever.) He wants the team to stay together but he’s not willing to budge. Avengers should never kill!
-laughs in hindsight-
Wasp says she understands where Mockingbird was coming from because Phantom Rider was a dangerous, obsessed cowboy and saving his life is not required behavior. But she’s also not going to undermine Hawkeye. He’s the chairman, she’s a guest star.
Vision says that he’s not an Avenger currently but he doesn’t doubt that one day he and Scarlet Witch will return to duty. But he says that if it were up to him, he’d call this a leave and not a firing. And he’s willing to nag Hawkeye a lot until he agrees.
(You’re a character, Vision.)
Scarlet Wanda just speaks of marriage. “Some marriages run smoother than others -- I can’t give you any advice -- but marriage -- joining male and female -- is an ancient and sacred ceremony precisely because neither one alone is as good as the couple! And both sides have to give!”
Feel like she’s calling someone out on being stubborn.
Also feels like gay marriage would have blown her mind but she’s a lot more mellow these days.
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Ha. Awkward.
Hank can’t let the awkward moment hang because he’s got places to be. He taps Hawkeye on the shoulder and tells him he’s gonna mosey on. Gotta get started on debrainifying his super wife.
He offers to come help if Hawkeye ever needs a two-fisted science adventurer but Hawkeye tells Hank to take all the time he needs because he’s paid his due to the Avengers and deserves a chance at happiness.
-laughs in different hindsight-
Because it seems like the time for it, Wasp also announces that she’s leaving. Or ending her guest starring, I guess.
She came to help the team during the rough period of Iron Man leaving and becoming an international incident but she feels like maybe she hasn’t helped out.
(I suspect that its also because nobody is listening to her. She might as well go on vacation)
Hawkeye: “You’re really let what Bobbi did go -- ? Including the part where she lied to me?”
Wasp: “I would! She’s not you, Clint! She never will be you! That’s not a wife’s -- or an Avenger’s -- job!”
Hawkeye kinda admitted that the real problem was Mockingbird not confiding in him.
So I don’t think focusing on the do Avengers kill/manslaughter is the way.
Get out of here, Wasp, you nut!
Hank walks her out.
Wasp reiterates that they weren’t legally married (-angry noises-) and finally gives Hank that hug he’s been wanting.
Wasp: “It’s easier being friends now, isn’t it -- with the past wiped away?”
Inside the West Coast Avengers Compound, Mockingbird tosses her Avengers communicator, defense grid deactivator, and ID card on the couch.
She’s not giving Hawkeye any reason to come after her, claiming she broke rules by not turning them in.
Moon Knight decides to share his thoughts on whether Avengers should do a murder.
Moon Knight: “It is stupid, Mockingbird -- this prohibition against killing! The history of man is the history of murder!”
Tigra: “That’s a little heavy, Moonie! I just think you have to go with the laws of nature! Some of the people we fight are really dangerous! Like that guy we just faced -- the Voice! Maria silenced him, but what happens if her mental block wears off someday?”
Mockingbird isn’t really interested in olde West Coast Avengers business. Instead, she asks Moon Knight and Tigra to form a team with her.
Moon Knight agrees because he wants to help her if Phantom Rider comes back.
Tigra suggests they call themselves the Ex-Whackos, which Mockingbird laughs off as sounding like a mutant group.
She tables the name and Phantom Rider for now.
Mockingbird has another thing she wants to address. She snatched an incoming message from the Fantastic Four forwarded by the East Coast Avengers off the computer.
Master Pandemonium showed up at the South Pole in Fantastic Four #314-315. His first appearance since that whole arc with the cat people in West Coast Avengers. Turns out he got trapped on Arcturus IV after doggy piling out on the demonic river.
As it happens, Steve Englehart is also writing Fantastic Four, thus explaining why Master P showed up in that book.
Anyway, Mockingbird wants to check it out.
Tigra: “We may be Ex-Whackos, but we’re still heroes, no matter what anybody says!”
Meanwhile, outside Hawkeye is grappling with now having a team consisting of just himself and Wonder Man.
Resignedly, he assumes that Scarlet Witch and Vision will be leaving too, what with the kids.
They surprise him by saying that they don’t want to leave him with just Wonder Man. Two people isn’t a team.
Wanda suggests that she and Vision will take turns being the superhero parent and the stay-at-home parent.
Hawkeye is really excited and proclaims that this is what the Avengers spirit is! He’s not wrong to uphold those standards!
(We’ve established though that your real problem was more about wounded pride but whatever.)
Wonder Man is also excited that he’ll get to spend more time with Vision. They haven’t gotten a chance to really bond after coming to the conclusion that they’re brothers, actually.
Wanda opportunistically jumps in and suggests that maybe sometimes Wonder Man can watch the kids so both Scarlet Witch and Vision can be with the team.
Good hustle, Wanda!
This is all good. I love Scarlet Witch and Vision. But Hawkeye can do the math.
Hawkeye: “Still -- that’s only three or four of us! When I had five I used to worry about not being powerful enough! I know me an’ Wanda, Cap an’ Quicksilver were the whole team once, but that was when there weren’t many Avengers!”
He muses about finding Iron Man but is interrupted by the arrival of the Real Star.
She’s green, she’s wearing a tassled skirt, and she doesn’t believe in shoes!
It’s Swordsman’s Girlfriend, Mantis!
Y’know, the one who married a tree.
Most of these guys haven’t seen her since she flew off into space on her tree honeymoon and Wonder Man has never met her but has heard a lot.
She got into the grounds when Mockingbird et al were leaving.
And Hawkeye is thrilled to see her because he is going to recruit the hell out of her. And Wanda is annoyed because she remembers Mantis trying to be a homewrecker between her and Vision.
I’m really only surprised that it took this long for Englehart to try to bring Mantis back into things. He has a habit of taking her wherever he goes.
Anyway, Wonder Man introduces himself and shakes her hand, saying he’s glad to meet Mantis.
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Upon which she tosses him on his ass and starts jump kicking everyone.
If you were wondering why I didn’t have an image of her showing up, its because a page later there was an image of her kicking people. And I liked that one better. Because of the kicking.
Hawkeye: “What the ding-dong blazes?!!”
Hah, just say what the fuck, Hawkeye.
He asks her if she’s under mind control or something but she doesn’t answer. He shoots some arrows at her but she just catches the smoke and tear gas arrows out of midair and then uses them to blind Wonder Man when he tries to tackle her.
Wonder Man: “My eyes are filled with ionic energy, but they’re still eyes!!”
That’s a mighty weaksauce weakness, sir.
Sitting on his back, she steers him with his belt jets and rams him into Hawkeye.
An interaction that Hawkeye comes off the worse for, by far.
His eyes clear, Wonder Man tries to get her for making him look like a fool chump but she punches him in the solar plexus and then baits him into knocking a tree down on himself.
While he’s pinned, she uses a nerve jab to paralyze him.
Apparently nerve hits even worked on Thor so why not!
This just leaves Scarlet Witch and Vision.
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Wanda asks what Mantis’ deeeeeeal is? Why is she here? Why isn’t she hanging out with her plant husband that she married and went to space with?
Mantis doesn’t know though.
Also, she kicks Scarlet Witch so her hex bolt hits Vision, knocking him out of the air.
Mantis is really making fool chumps out of this entire small group of Avengers.
Scarlet Witch yells at Mantis, asking where her empathy is for a robot man that she once claimed to love.
Kinda weird angle to take on things but okay.
Mantis: “Empathy is denied this one -- it is one of the reasons she came to you! But now, her victory must not be denied!”
Wonder Man unparalyzes and tries lunging at Mantis again. But she hops on top and knocks him to the ground.
Hawkeye finally recovers his senses and dazedly thinks that this is similar, sorta, to the situation in Hungary where one Avenger had to fight the rest.
And from there, he just jumps to an incredibly bizarre conclusion based on zero supporting evidence. I’m so, so mad that he turns out to be right.
Like in a fever dream, Hawkeye speculates an insane situation where the Voice escaped Maria Trovoya’s mental block against using his powers, followed the West Coast Avengers to California, and happened to mind control Mantis when she happened to show up.
I am livid that this is the actual plot to this comic.
While Mantis continues to beat seven kinds of hell out of Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Wonder Man, Hawkeye wanders off, hops the wall, sneaks through the forest surrounding the compound, and does, indeed, find the Voice lurking outside.
God dammit.
The Voice: “Maria Trovaya’s control of her mind was almost infinite -- but she was new to its use, and I’ve honed control of my voice to its sharpest edge! Every night since the Hungarians gave me back my power, I told myself again and again to throw off any attempt at brainwashing! All those nights I thought I was protecting myself from a falling out with them -- but when Maria struck, and Quicksilver had to go meekly back to the Inhumans on the Moon -- the Voice alone could see his way clear to final victory! I was free to leave Hungary -- free to fly to California and wait for my chance to turn Avenger against Avenger -- which came sooner than I could have hoped, with the arrival of an unsuspecting, and even distracted, Mantis!”
Two things: why are we going with this plot?
Yeah, it’s good to have an excuse to have Mantis show her stuff. I presume that she’s about to join the team. But there’s so many ways to justify it.
Two: how did he know that Mantis could solo the team? He doesn’t know the team was breaking up. Sure, he might have seen Mockingbird, Moon Knight, and Tigra leaving. Mantis did say she saw them on the way out.
But that still leaves Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Dr Pym, the Wasp, and MARIA HERSELF possibly inside.
Thing the third, yes, I did add another one: the dude lucked out with Mantis showing up. Instead of having her try to beat up an indeterminate amount of Avengers, why didn’t he just have her lure them out to him? Where he could mind control them all?
This guy is an idiot.
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Didn’t even bring anyone to watch his back. He can literally control randos to stand lookout for him and he doesn’t think of it.
Hawkeye tries to talk up what a terror this guy is despite all the grumbling I just did about nuh uh.
Hawkeye, to himself: “How can anybody ever beat this guy? His power is absolutely irresistable if he gets a chance to use it on ya!”
You, specifically, Hawkeye, could turn your hearing aids off. In fact, you’re an idiot if you haven’t done that for this encounter.
Hawkeye, to himself: “I could solve the problem by killing him, of course -- but whatever his power, it ain’t a capital crime! Bobbi’s wrong, darn it! Besides, if I killed him, I couldn’t use him for my purposes...!”
Why are you still relitigating this??
And that wasn’t even the debate that you were supposedly having! She killed ONE cowboy that did something unforgivable to her. And she didn’t even kill him. She manslaughtered a cowboy! It’s not like she became Wolverine and started advocating murder as the first and only solution to all of her problems!
Don’t bring up the topic if you don’t have anything relevant to say!
Back at the fight, Wonder Man solves a problem like Mantis by just grabbing her wrists while she’s beating the shit out of Wanda and then hoisting her into the air so she has no leverage.
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She can kick his shins all she likes but he’s a break outhouse of ionic energy and without the nerve pinches, she can’t do much about it.
We barely need Hawkeye to arrive with the solution at this point, even though he does anyway.
Hawkeye forces the Voice to say “Mantis, return to normal” and nothing else. And then Scarlet Witch scarlet witches him so he can’t say anything else for a while.
They’ll call the Vault later where the prison scientists there can figure out how to safely hold him.
Mantis apologizes to Hawkeye for all the trouble. Just like Hawkeye’s random guess, the Voice did mind control Mantis when she happened to show up. And she’s bummed about it.
And when Hawkeye says he’s just glad she’s back to normal, she bursts out that no, she’s not normal, and she needs the Avengers to tell her what normal is!
So the plot thickens, on the last page.
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Mantis woke up two days ago in a house that she apparently owns and no memory of anything since she saw the Avengers last.
Her magical superpower of empathy with people and plants has also vanished so she couldn’t even interrogate the houseplants!
So she went to Avengers Mansion to talk to them, only find out that Avengers Mansion is gone.
A police officer on scene tells her that it’s been moved to Hydrobase, which Mantis is like whatever that means.
This is a really well-informed police officer too because he brings up the West Coast Avengers’ recent Zodiac adventures and that Mantis’ dad Libra was killed by the robot Zodiac.
(It’ll turn out that he survived, he’s just having a snooze.)
Since Mantis isn’t going looking for whatever a Hydrobase is, she decides might as well get on a plane, fly to California, and ask the West Coast Avengers for help!
Hawkeye responds by yelling AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
Which, I think, in his mind means ‘no sweat, when you’re here, you’re family.’
Okay. So a lot of changes here.
A lot of changes that I don’t really know how to feel about.
It’s not an Avengers book if things aren’t being shaken up. And in fact, the West Coast Avengers roster has felt a little static up until Hank and Moon Knight joined.
And now Hank and Moon Knight have left! As have Tigra and Mockingbird.
I will say that after the secret has hung over Mockingbird for so long, the fallout was sufficiently big. She split the team up!
And her little group is apparently going to stay together as a splinter team. Fun!
I kind of wish Hank wasn’t going. For one thing, I’m still annoyed at ‘oh your first wife isn’t dead and that means nothing that happened in our marriage counts!’ But for another, he’d only recently reinvented himself and joined the team. I don’t think he stayed out long enough to wear out his welcome. And his fighting style of pulling random stuff out of his pocketses was fun.
I’m not going to complain about Scarlet Witch and Vision being on the team. I like them. I’m not going to complain about Mantis. Against all reason, I like her too.
And not surprised that Englehart brought her back to the Avengers. Guy brings her wherever he goes.
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals. You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You’ve seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You’ve only gotten carsick once. You’re going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often.
You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember. You’ve been suicidal and attempted it. You’ve tried self-harming. You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You’ve never drank. You’ve never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You’ve never dyed your hair. You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You’re graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You’ve been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn’t like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don’t like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You’ve had friends that were bad influences. You’ve overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids. You have lots of younger cousins. You’ve taken more than one foreign language class. You’ve taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school. You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You’ve been in the debate club. You’re lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can’t play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren’t that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You’re close to your grandparents. You’ve had a friend who died. You know someone who’s been murdered. You’ve been in a bad relationship. You’ve learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don’t like Justin Bieber. You’ve been out of the country more than once. You’ve been on a cruise. You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You’ve been to Sea World. You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You’ve failed a test. You’ve never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don’t like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You’ve had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You’ve had a rumor spread about you. You’ve had a friend get expelled. You’ve forgotten about homework. You’ve read The Outsiders. ^You’ve also seen the movie. You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^You’ve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You’ve done archery. You hate bugs. You’ve been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who’s super hypocritical. You’ve never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You’re tired and bored.
6 notes · View notes
zolganif · 5 years
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals.  You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You’ve seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You’ve only gotten carsick once. You’re going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often. You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember. You’ve been suicidal and attempted it. You’ve self-harmed. You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You’ve never drank. You’ve never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You’ve never dyed your hair. You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You’re graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You’ve been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn’t like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don’t like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You’ve had friends that were bad influences. You’ve overcome your past. You have a big family.  Your parents are divorced. You want kids.  You have lots of younger cousins. You’ve taken more than one foreign language class. You’ve taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school.  You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You’ve been in the debate club. You’re lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can’t play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren’t that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You’re close to your grandparents.  You’ve had a friend who died. You know someone who’s been murdered. You’ve been in a bad relationship. You’ve learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don’t like Justin Bieber. You’ve been out of the country more than once. You’ve been on a cruise. You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You’ve been to Sea World. You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You’ve failed a test. You’ve never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball.  You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don’t like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You’ve had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You’ve had a rumor spread about you. You’ve had a friend get expelled. You’ve forgotten about homework. You’ve read The Outsiders. ^You’ve also seen the movie. You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^You’ve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You’ve done archery. You hate bugs. You’ve been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who’s super hypocritical. You’ve never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You’re tired and bored.
0 notes
nostalgiaispeace · 5 years
Bold Survey
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals. You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You’ve seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You’ve only gotten carsick once. You’re going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often.
You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember. You’ve been suicidal and attempted it. You’ve tried self-harming. You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You’ve never drank. You’ve never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You’ve never dyed your hair. You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You’re graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You’ve been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn’t like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don’t like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You’ve had friends that were bad influences. You’ve overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids. You have lots of younger cousins. You’ve taken more than one foreign language class. You’ve taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school. You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You’ve been in the debate club. You’re lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can’t play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren’t that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You’re close to your grandparents. You’ve had a friend who died. You know someone who’s been murdered. You’ve been in a bad relationship. You’ve learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don’t like Justin Bieber. You’ve been out of the country more than once. You’ve been on a cruise. You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You’ve been to Sea World. You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You’ve failed a test. You’ve never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don’t like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You’ve had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You’ve had a rumor spread about you. You’ve had a friend get expelled. You’ve forgotten about homework. You’ve read The Outsiders. ^You’ve also seen the movie. You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^You’ve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You’ve done archery. You hate bugs. You’ve been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who’s super hypocritical. You’ve never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You’re tired and bored.
0 notes
surveystodestressme · 6 years
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like.   
You like going to the movies.   
You hate metal music.   
You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables.   
You watch Graceland.   
You love crime shows.
You still own stuffed animals.
You like dogs more than cats.
You wish on 11:11 just for fun.
You’ve seen a shooting star.
You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one.
You prefer flying over driving.
You’ve only gotten carsick once.
You’re going to New York and DC next year.
You daydream often.
You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember.   
You’ve been suicidal and attempted it.   
You’ve tried self-harming.   
You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons.   
You want to go into medicine.   
You have a high pain tolerance.   
You have a best friend of the opposite sex.   
You’ve never drank.   
You’ve never smoked.
When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast.   
You work for a family member.   
You took/are taking college classes in high school.   
You’ve never dyed your hair.   
You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain.   
You’re graduating this year.   
You consider yourself to be smart.
You prefer hot over cold.
You like the snow, but not all the time.   
You have built a snowman.   
Your favorite holiday is Christmas.   
You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore.   
You like Far East Movement.   
You’ve been to a Christian concert.   
You were raised in church.
You have questioned/doubted your religion.   
You enjoy history.   
You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it.   
You hate Harry Potter and Twilight.
You didn’t like Hunger Games either.   
You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore.   
You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger.   
You like Shakespeare.   
You don’t like Adele.   
Your best friend has very little in common with you.   
You’ve had friends that were bad influences.   
You’ve overcome your past.   
You have a big family.   
Your parents are divorced.   
You want kids.   
You have lots of younger cousins.   
You’ve taken more than one foreign language class.   
You’ve taken an ancient language class.
You like/liked school.   
You love/loved high school dances.   
You were/are in marching band (or color guard).
You’ve been in the debate club.   
You’re lazy.   
You procrastinate a lot.   
You like drums but can’t play them.   
You have a very religious friend.
You like veggietales.   
You think little kids shows today aren’t that good.   
You watched Arthur when you were little.   
You were born in the same hospital as another family member.   
You have moved cities.
You’re close to your grandparents.   
You’ve had a friend who died.   
You know someone who’s been murdered.   
You’ve been in a bad relationship.   
You’ve learned a lesson the hard way.   
You struggle with trusting people.   
You like Maroon 5.
You like One Direction.   
You don’t like Justin Bieber.   
You’ve been out of the country more than once.
You’ve been on a cruise.   
You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags.
You’ve been to Sea World.   
You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun.   
You like the movie Titanic.
You love tumblr.   
You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time.   
You memorize random facts.
You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class.   
You hate math.   
You’ve failed a test.   
You’ve never gotten in trouble in school.   
You have redheads in your family.   
You have three half siblings.   
You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad.
You love baseball.   
You hate football.   
Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals.   
You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week.   
You like watching the Olympics.   
You hate the game Monopoly.   
You like Scattergories.   
You like Tetris.   
You like trivia games.   
You don’t like Friends.
You love Aaron Tveit.   
You get stressed easily.   
You’ve had surgery.   
You love pink.   
You like zebra print.   
You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger.   
You like Spongebob.   
You like The Shining.   
Your favorite animal is a monkey.   
You love pizza.   
You like Ellie Goulding.   
You like the song Royals.   
You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed.   
You used to do ballet.   
You used to swim and dive.   
You do martial arts.   
You hate compulsive liars.   
You’ve had a rumor spread about you.   
You’ve had a friend get expelled.   
You’ve forgotten about homework.   
You’ve read The Outsiders.
^You’ve also seen the movie.
You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird.   
^You’ve seen that movie too.   
You love anything Disney.   
You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows.   
You liked High School Musical when you were younger.   
You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron.   
You’ve done archery.   
You hate bugs.   
You’ve been camping recently.   
You love glow sticks.   
You own a lava lamp.   
You know someone who’s super hypocritical.   
You’ve never done drugs.   
You love Imagine Dragons and FUN.   
You love the song Radioactive.   
You’re tired and bored.
0 notes
twenty-nothing · 6 years
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals. You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You’ve seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You’ve only gotten carsick once. You’re going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often.
You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember. You’ve been suicidal and attempted it. You’ve tried self-harming. You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You’ve never drank. You’ve never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You’ve never dyed your hair. You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You’re graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You’ve been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn’t like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don’t like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You’ve had friends that were bad influences. You’ve overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids. You have lots of younger cousins. You’ve taken more than one foreign language class. You’ve taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school. You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You’ve been in the debate club. You’re lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can’t play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren’t that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You’re close to your grandparents. You’ve had a friend who died. You know someone who’s been murdered. You’ve been in a bad relationship. You’ve learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don’t like Justin Bieber. You’ve been out of the country more than once. You’ve been on a cruise. You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You’ve been to Sea World. You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You’ve failed a test. You’ve never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don’t like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You’ve had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You’ve had a rumor spread about you. You’ve had a friend get expelled. You’ve forgotten about homework. You’ve read The Outsiders. ^You’ve also seen the movie. You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^You’ve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You’ve done archery. You hate bugs. You’ve been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who’s super hypocritical. You’ve never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You’re tired and bored.
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0 notes
fluffydragon85 · 6 years
You love shopping, but don't do it as much as you'd like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and you're favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals. You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You've seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don't live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You've only gotten carsick once. You're going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often. You've had a nightmare that you still remember. You've been suicidal and attempted it. You've tried self-harming. You've been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You've never drank. You've never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going to fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You've never dyed your hair. You're best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You're graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You've been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don't have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn't like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don't like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You've had friends that were bad influences. You've overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids. You have lots of younger cousins. You've taken more than one foreign language class. You've taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school. You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You've been in the debate club. You're lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can't play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggie tales.  You think little kids shows today aren't that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You're close to your grandparents. You've had a friend who's died. You know someone who's been murdered. You've been in a bad relationship. You've learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don't like Justin Bieber. You've been out of the country more than once. You've been on a cruise. You've been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You've been to Sea World. You've never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You've tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You've failed a test. You've never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You're cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don't like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You've had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You've tried swing dancing...and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You've had a rumor spread about you. You've had a friend get expelled. You've forgotten about homework. You've read The Outsiders (my favorite!) ^youve also seen the movie <3 You've read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^youve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You've done archery. You hate bugs. You've been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who's super hypocritical. You've never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You're tired and bored.
0 notes
thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avenger #41: When Ghosts Can Die, Even Gods Must Fear!
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February, 1989
Mockingird: "Go away! Haven't you tortured me enough, PHANTOM RIDER?"
Why did West Coast Avengers suddenly decide to have awesome covers?
Ghostly heads? Pentagram? Cover dialogue? This has it all!
This issue is to tie off some loose ends before John Byrne takes over so lets get to it!
Last times on West Coast Avengers: Mockingbird committed some cowboy manslaughter in the past times. Fully justified because it was a sex crime cowboy but when her cowboy manslaughter was revealed by the ghost of the cowboy, it kinda torpedo'd her marriage. Mockingbird and Hawkeye got into a massive argument masquerading as a debate on whether its okay for superheroes to do a manslaughter. And when the dust settled, the two were pre-divorced and Mockingbird took half the team with her, Tigra and Moon Knight.
Hawkeye's side of the team doesn't matter for this issue. But its Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Vision, and Scarlet Witch. Last time they fought a quirky miniboss squad.
This time, the narration is right. It really does seem like someone slapped some Thor inside a West Coast Avengers cover.
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There's an invasion of Asgard by Seth, Egyptian god of being a dick, and his army of snakey boys. Leir of the Tuatha de Danaan/the Celtic gods is here helping the Asgardians because the line must be drawn heeeyah. This far, no further.
This stuff isn't really relevant but its not not relevant.
What is relevant is that Mockingbird's Notvengers have gone to the University of Nevada.
Remember that time Mockingbird assaulted and nearly killed Dr. Hamilton Slade, believing him to have something to do with his ancestor's ghost jackassery?
Well, the Notvengers are trying the novel idea of just asking him for help without kicking the shit out of him. And also, they've brought Daimon Hellstrom as a supernatural consultant. But no Patsy Walker though.
Suddenly, this is a bad issue.
Also, plotter and editor-in-chief Tom DeFalco has a cameo of himself in this book.
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I like to point out creative team cameos.
Look at that DeFalco, playing some frisbee and being mocked by a friend. Interesting choice for a cameo, I tell ya what.
Anyway, Dr. Hamilton Slade says he has no idea what all this Phantom Rider stuff is about. Sure, his ancestor Lincoln Slade was a Wild West vigilante but what does that have to do with him?
Mockingbird decides to recap her entire experience with Phantom Rider in the past times. How he kidnapped her and drugged her into being his girlfriend. How she came to her senses and fought him at the edge of a cliff and didn't save him when he wound up hanging from the cliff.
Cowboy manslaughter!
Mockingbird: "I watched him fall -- and I was glad. You'd have to be a woman to understand how such violation can traumatize you -- drive you to extreme. And, of course, I was once a secret agent. We're taught to live with death."
But Phantom Rider has no appreciation for what should have been the cathartic end of the story. He came back as a ghost to torment Mockingbird and leaked a biased version of the story to Hawkeye to ruin Mockingbird's marriage.
Granted, Hawkeye and Mockingbird being too stubborn not to yell at each other about it sealed the deal.
Hamilton Slade says he kinda understands why she beat the shit out of him now. He'll do what he can, although he still doesn't know what he can do.
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Hellstrom draws a big ol' pentagram on the floor and tridents the ghost out of Hamilton.
Oh, ghost(s) actually.
Handily distinguished. Cape Phantom Rider is ye original Phantom Rider, Carter Slade. Lincoln's older brother. No cape Phantom Rider is Lincoln, the Phantom Rider that's been tormenting Mockingbird.
-slaps Hamilton-
This bad boy can hold so many ghosts.
Cape Phantom yells that Lincoln was always a bad egg. He abandoned his own wife and child to go off and be Phantom Rider when Carter died.
And dammit, Carter told him not to go and be Phantom Rider! It's not a legacy title, shitheel!
After watching some cowboy ghosts lasso each other for a while, Daimon Hellstrom decides that what this situation really needs is to be complicated.
He tridents Moon Knight and Khonshu points out.
Turns out that the occult expert recognizes a possession when he sees it. Even if its divine possession.
But with a god on the board, surely we'll get this ghost cowboy situation cleared up in no time.
Except... remember that thing with Seth and his demonic invasion of Asgard?
Yeah. That didn't open the issue for nothing. We're complicating the resolution of the haunted Mockingbird subplot by adding in a completely different plot.
Seth is an Egyptian god and whoops so is Khonshu. When Khonshu pings the ethereal scanners that Seth's demons are using, Seth's general orders a strikeforce to attack Khonshu before he can join the fight against Seth.
Despite the fact that Khonshu has shown zero knowledge or interest in Seth's plans.
Womp womp.
So back at the pentagram, Khonshu orders the ghost cowboys to stop fucking fighting each other and settle down.
Then because of Hellstrom's prompting, he decides to explain to Moon Knight why he's been possessing him.
Khonshu: "Marc Spector, I have left your body which I have inhabited for several months. As the giver of vengeance, I desired to experience this team called Avengers, and in what more fitting fashion -- than as you. I made you believe it was your destiny to become an Avenger. And so as to arouse no suspicion -- I took control of you by degrees. Slowly, like the waxing moon, I imposed myself upon your essense... and the god became man. But my need for this experience is over and so I withdraw my imprint from you completely. Now arise, Fist of Khonshu. Once again you are but flesh and blood in my service."
So, basically, Khonshu wanted to hang out with the Avengers and took over Marc's body to do it.
Also rude: Seth's demons teleport in and start fighting everything.
Tigra: "Does anybody get a break around here?"
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Moon Knight gets the worst in the ambush.
He was already dealing with suddenly being back in the drivers seat when suddenly a bunch of demons show up and start punching him and knocking him down the stairs. And the strength of these silly snake demons and maybe tumbling down the stairs breaks Moon Knight's weapons and his bracelets.
Moon Knight: "My weapons being lost -- and shattered! What type of enemies are we facing?"
Hellstrom handles the ambush better. These are demons, he fights demons. He blasts the group accosting him away with BALEFUL SOULFIRE!
Khonshu does not do as well.
Seth's demons were expecting to fight a Khonshu and they were ready to fight a Khonshu.
They incapacitate him with a surprise blast of the "etheromic phase-out cannon."
And the demons definitely didn't reckon on Tigra who goes catserker on them.
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They really weren't ready for The Tigra.
Meanwhile, ghost fight.
Phantom Rider punches Phantom Rider through the wall of the building and outside where some college students are chilling.
They, of course, get a frighten and run off.
Other students seeing the ghost fight just assume its holograms from those darn computer graphics majors again.
Bad Phantom Rider clarifies for the audience that ghost guns can hurt ghosts. And then he shoots his brother, the Phantom Rider with the cape.
Good Phantom Rider also clarifies that Lincoln Slade was never supposed to be Phantom Rider.
Carter was chosen based on fate and destiny and spirits and whatever. Lincoln wasn't.
Good Phantom Rider: "My life was saved for a reason -- a purpose! I was destined to be a creature of the night... bringer of swift justice to the lawless! I knew I had been saved for a reason and Flaming Star claimed I was to be the champion his sky-spirits had promised him! But the Phantom Rider identity is not meant to be passed to one who isn't worthy! It's a special gift -- and you never measured up inside, Lincoln! Never!"
Lincoln, the bad Phantom Rider, insists that not only did he deserve to be Phantom Rider, he was better at it than Carter ever was! So, nyeh!
Good Phantom Rider claims that because the fates/spirits didn't intend Lincoln to become Phantom Rider, they probably maybe drove him mad! Yup, possibly, the spirits are responsible for Lincoln obsessing over Mockingbird and kidnapping her. You're maybe dicks, the spirits.
Back at the Seth subplot, Tigra is still going ham on Seth's demons. Just really tearing into them.
Mockingbird realizes that her cat friend is in a real berserk state and that anything that moves might be in for a mauling.
Nevertheless, Mockingbird jumps Tigra from behind and restrains her, saying that Avengers don't murder!
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Okay, but what about manslaughter?
Because this feels like its supposed to be the conclusion to Mockingbird's arc? She sees a bunch of superhero murder going on and decides 'wow I don't like that, maybe I was in the wrong'?
Except: different situations. Apples and oranges.
Back at ghost fight, Bad Capeless Lincoln Phantom Rider says he doesn't care about Caped Carter claiming that the spirits drove him mad. He just wants to endlessly torment Mockingbird in revenge for her letting him fall off a cliff.
Nothing saner than that!
Anyway, ghost fight ends with Carter giving Lincoln a real walloping. Because he's fighting to protect Hamilton, who both the ghosts were living in rent free.
Back at the demon fight, Moon Knight has decided it doesn't matter whether he's going mad or not. Doesn't matter who these chumps are or what they want. Because he's very pissed off now and he's going to do violence until he stops being so pissed off.
And Moon Knight jumps into a pile of demons, bringing one of his last weapons over someone's head.
Elsewhere in the demon fight, Hamilton Slade is hiding under a desk wondering if he's going mad.
This day has been nuts for him. Superheroes claiming he was harboring a murder ghost. An Egyptian god popping out of another dude. Extradimensional invasion of demons. Ghost fights!
So when Carter shows back up with an unconscious?? Lincoln and tells Hamilton that he's the chose one of this generation, Hamilton just goes you know what fine.
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And he becomes the new Phantom Rider. Possessed by a dead Phantom Rider. But the good one.
Does the present need a cowboy with ghost powers to fight crime? Either way, its got one now!
All-New, All-Different Phantom Rider shoots his ghost guns at the Etheric Stasis Generator, freeing Khonshu. Who takes the good measure of destroying the generator so they can't get him again.
Moon Knight gets grappled by the pile of demons he jumped into but he's able to kick himself loose. But loses his fancy belt in the process.
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They're really destroying this man's collection of ancient egyptian artifacts.
Also, Hellstrom has been kicking demon ass off-panel this whole time. So between Tigra slashing her way through a small pile of demons, Moon Knight kicking his way out of another pile, Khonshu breaking free, and Hellstrom blasting demons with hellfire this whole time... the general decides 'actually? fuck this' and orders a retreat.
Moon Knight gets to throw a straggler through the portal himself and tells him to tell Seth that "one of those who defeated you was Moon Knight -- the Fist of Khonshu!"
Khonshu appears before Moon Knight and tells him that it's been fun possessing him but he's got to get back to his god responsibilities.
Moon Knight tells his god that he has no idea who his real self is anymore or what he should be doing.
Khonshu tells him to continue to avenge in his name but Khonshu won't be possessing him anymore.
He possessed Moon Knight because he was curious to experience mortal sensations but now he's gotta go punch Seth a lot. He feels somewhat responsible since they're from the same pantheon.
Khonshu: "Perhaps I will not survive the coming conflict. But though I perish -- let the mortal fist outlive the immortal deity. Strike in my name, disciple. Now and forever... strike in my name. Farewell."
And Khonshu fucks off.
Tigra flirts with Moon Knight but he rebuffs her.
Implying, I suppose, their relationship was because Khonshu wanted a catgirl girlfriend.
Later on, like this year, Tigra and Moon Knight do have a good relationship. I think they're dating again. Both have grown up a lot since West Coast Avengers.
Hellstrom decides that he should ghostbust both of the Phantom Rider ghosts, just in case. Mockingbird echoes the sentiment because she dislikes all ghost cowboys now.
Cape Carter Phantom Rider agrees to be banished if it banishes his evil, bad fuckup brother Lincoln too. Carter will guard Lincoln for eternity to make sure he never threatens the world with his madness.
Hamilton disagrees though. And he commands Carter to possess him at the last second.
Bad Lincoln gets banished, Carter is safely hidden inside Hamilton.
Hellstrom asks Hamilton if he's going to be okay with hosting a ghost.
Hamilton Slade: "In my mind I can see -- I can feel the glorious future to come! It shall be as it was over one hundred years ago... A caped champion in white astride the great stallion Banshee -- a champion whose blazing guns will see that decent folk rest safe and secure! Rider and horse united in the never-ending pursuit of law and order and the frontier justice that is the legacy of -- THE PHANTOM RIDER!"
So, yeah, like I said. A new, new modern Phantom Rider.
Hellstrom says, well, fine, but he's still going to keep Hamilton on notice for ghost crimes.
Which Phantom Hamilton Rider is fine with.
As the Notvengers leave the university, Tigra asks Moon Knight what's wrong. The two of them have a rapport, he can confide in her.
But what he has to say, he says to the whole group.
He's quitting.
Joining the Avengers was Khonshu's idea and since Khonshu fucked off, Moon Knight is fucking quitting.
Technically, he already quit when he sided with Mockingbird. But semantics.
Also, Moon Knight is implicitly dumping Tigra in doing this.
Tigra suggests that she and Mockingbird go back and rejoin the West Coast Avengers.
Given what note things ended on, I don't know why she thinks it'd be so easy. It definitely feels like there were hurt feelings and bruised pride that has to be navigated.
But either way, Mockingbird rejects the suggestion. She has too much shit to sort out and she can't face Hawkeye.
She's probably definitely not begging him to take her back.
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So Mockingbird and Moon Knight sadly walk off in different directions. NOTVENGERS NO MORE!
Tigra cries because this is super-poignant, we swear.
But also because she hitched her wagon to Mockingbird's cause and like the East Coast Avengers team pre-Inferno, the team just dusted away due to indifference.
The Notvengers won the day, fought off some demons, were around when someone else stopped the evil ghost haunting Mockingbird.
But it doesn't feel like a win.
Hellstrom tells her life goes on and Avengers endure. Maybe go rejoin the Avengers, he seems to be suggesting.
Because she seemingly does in the next issue.
And I'm finally at the Byrne run. Lamentations.
Follow @essential-avengers because I'm not an evil ghost possessing an archaeologist. I'm very material. Like, reblog, and comment maybe?
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Iiits West Coast Avengers Wednesday and the team is getting a divorce!
That is to say that Mockingbird and Hawkeye are getting a divorce and Mockingbird is taking half the team with her.
You know how it is when relationships end acrimoniously. Mutual friends are pulled one way or another. It’s hard to stay friends with both when there’s so much resentment and they implicitly if not explicitly ask their friends to choose sides.
Very sad.
Well at least it shakes up the team. Granted, losing Moon Knight, Mockingbird, and Tigra for Vision and Scarlet Witch makes the West Coast Avengers feel like a much more typical East Coast Avengers team.
But I like those two. Let’s enjoy the time we have before they get Byrned.
Look for the post on West Coast Avengers #37 this afternoon at 6 PM EST.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals. You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You’ve seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You’ve only gotten carsick once. You’re going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often.
You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember. You’ve been suicidal and attempted it. You’ve tried self-harming. You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You’ve never drank. You’ve never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You’ve never dyed your hair. You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You’re graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You’ve been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn’t like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don’t like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You’ve had friends that were bad influences. You’ve overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids. You have lots of younger cousins. You’ve taken more than one foreign language class. You’ve taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school. You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You’ve been in the debate club. You’re lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can’t play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren’t that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You’re close to your grandparents. You’ve had a friend who died. You know someone who’s been murdered. You’ve been in a bad relationship. You’ve learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don’t like Justin Bieber. You’ve been out of the country more than once. You’ve been on a cruise. You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You’ve been to Sea World. You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You’ve failed a test. You’ve never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don’t like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You’ve had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You’ve had a rumor spread about you. You’ve had a friend get expelled. You’ve forgotten about homework. You’ve read The Outsiders. ^You’ve also seen the movie. You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^You’ve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You’ve done archery. You hate bugs. You’ve been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who’s super hypocritical. You’ve never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You’re tired and bored.
4 notes · View notes
surveysonfleek · 6 years
You love shopping, but don’t do it as much as you’d like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and your favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals.  You like dogs more than cats.  You wish on 11:11 just for fun.  You’ve seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don’t live near one. You prefer flying over driving.  You’ve only gotten carsick once.  You’re going to New York and DC next year.  You daydream often. 
You’ve had a nightmare that you still remember. You’ve been suicidal and attempted it. You’ve tried self-harming. You’ve been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You’ve never drank. You’ve never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going too fast. You work for a family member. You took/are taking college classes in high school. You’ve never dyed your hair. You’re best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You’re graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You’ve been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church. You have questioned/doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don’t have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn’t like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don’t like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You’ve had friends that were bad influences. You’ve overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids. You have lots of younger cousins. You’ve taken more than one foreign language class. You’ve taken an ancient language class. You like/liked school. You love/loved high school dances. You were/are in marching band (or color guard). You’ve been in the debate club. You’re lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can’t play them. You have a very religious friend. You like veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren’t that good. You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You’re close to your grandparents. You’ve had a friend who died. You know someone who’s been murdered. You’ve been in a bad relationship. You’ve learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction. You don’t like Justin Bieber. You’ve been out of the country more than once. You’ve been on a cruise. You’ve been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You’ve been to Sea World. You’ve never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love tumblr. You’ve tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You’ve failed a test. You’ve never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You’re cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don’t like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You’ve had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You’ve tried swing dancing…and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You’ve had a rumor spread about you. You’ve had a friend get expelled. You’ve forgotten about homework. You’ve read The Outsiders. ^You’ve also seen the movie. You’ve read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^You’ve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You’ve done archery. You hate bugs. You’ve been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who’s super hypocritical. You’ve never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You’re tired and bored.
1 note · View note
zolganif · 7 years
You love shopping, but don't do it as much as you'd like. You like going to the movies. You hate metal music. You like musicals and you're favorite is Les Miserables. You watch Graceland. You love crime shows. You still own stuffed animals. You like dogs more than cats. You wish on 11:11 just for fun. You've seen a shooting star. You love going to the beach, but don't live near one. You prefer flying over driving. You've only gotten carsick once. You're going to New York and DC next year. You daydream often. You've had a nightmare that you still remember. You've been suicidal and attempted it. You've tried self-harming. You've been hospitalized for multiple reasons. You want to go into medicine. You have a high pain tolerance. You have a best friend of the opposite sex. You've never drank. You've never smoked. When you learned to drive, you were scared of going to fast. You work for a family member. You took / are taking college classes in high school. You've never dyed your hair. You're best friends with a few cheerleaders, including the cheer captain. You're graduating this year. You consider yourself to be smart. You prefer hot over cold. You like the snow, but not all the time. You have built a snowman. Your favorite holiday is Christmas. You like the song My Oh My by Macklemore. You like Far East Movement. You've been to a Christian concert. You were raised in church.  You have questioned / doubted your religion. You enjoy history. You read for fun, but don't have much time for it. You hate Harry Potter and Twilight. You didn't like Hunger Games either. You used to Skype a lot but not much anymore. You regret complaining about taking naps when you were younger. You like Shakespeare. You don't like Adele. Your best friend has very little in common with you. You've had friends that were bad influences. You've overcome your past. You have a big family. Your parents are divorced. You want kids.  You have lots of younger cousins. You've taken more than one foreign language class. You've taken an ancient language class. You like / liked school. You love / loved high school dances. You were / are in marching band (or color guard) You've been in the debate club. You're lazy. You procrastinate a lot. You like drums but can't play them. You have a very religious friend. You like Veggietales. You think little kids shows today aren't that good.  You watched Arthur when you were little. You were born in the same hospital as another family member. You have moved cities. You're close to your grandparents. You've had a friend who's died. You know someone who's been murdered. You've been in a bad relationship. You've learned a lesson the hard way. You struggle with trusting people. You like Maroon 5. You like One Direction  You don't like Justin Bieber. You've been out of the country more than once. You've been on a cruise. You've been to Disneyland, Disney World, or Six Flags. You've been to Sea World. You've never surfed, but think it looks fun. You like the movie Titanic. You love Tumblr. You've tried many times to keep a diary and failed every time. You memorize random facts. You spend more time looking at the clock than anything else in class. You hate math. You've failed a test. You've never gotten in trouble in school. You have redheads in your family. You have three half siblings. You have a better relationship with your mom than your dad. You love baseball. You hate football. Your favorite baseball team is the St. Louis Cardinals. You're cheering for them in the World Series this week. You like watching the Olympics. You hate the game Monopoly. You like Scattergories. You like Tetris. You like trivia games. You don't like Friends. You love Aaron Tveit. You get stressed easily. You've had surgery. You love pink. You like zebra print. You played with Polly Pockets when you were younger. You like Spongebob. You like The Shining. Your favorite animal is a monkey. You love pizza. You like Ellie Goulding. You like the song Royals. You've tried swing dancing...and failed. You used to do ballet. You used to swim and dive. You do martial arts. You hate compulsive liars. You've had a rumor spread about you. You've had a friend get expelled. You've forgotten about homework. You've read The Outsiders. ^youve also seen the movie <3 You've read To Kill a Mockingbird. ^youve seen that movie too. You love anything Disney. You think Disney Channel should bring back old shows. You liked High School Musical when you were younger. You used to be obsessed with Zac Efron. You've done archery. You hate bugs. You've been camping recently. You love glow sticks. You own a lava lamp. You know someone who's super hypocritical. You've never done drugs. You love Imagine Dragons and FUN. You love the song Radioactive. You're tired and bored.
0 notes