#stupid villain comes back stupidly and acts stupid
thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #37: Avengers Disassemble!
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October, 1988
The team is TORN APART -- and this MYSTERY WOMAN is about to make matters WORSE!
Dammit, Mantis!
Stop throwing gas on the fire, apparently?!
And stop ripping the cover and unsettling the issue box! What will happen if the Comics Code seal of approval falls out?
I’m guessing the fallout of Mockingbird/Hawkeye’s divorce is gonna fall out here and they’re going to split up the kids.
Last time in West Coast Avengers: due to secret Russian internet chatter, Hank Pym became convinced his dead deceased wife Maria Trovoya was actually alive. When the West Coast Avengers were ambushed by a bunch of old Ant-Man villains and Quicksilver when they went to Hungary to investigate, I assumed that it was a ruse to lure the Avengers into a trap. Because Scarlet Witch and Vision had also been baited into a trap.
BUT IT TURNS OUT THAT HANK PYM’S FIRST WIFE IS ALIVE AND HAS A MASSIVE BRAIN. Hank is going to quit the team to try to help reverse the giant braining of his first wife.
ALSO: When the West Coast Avengers went to the past times, Mockingbird got kidnapped by a cowboy who drugged her into being his girlfriend. When other cowboys helped her fight off the drugs, she pursued the first cowboy, Phantom Rider, and confronted him. This resulted in Phantom Rider falling off a cliff and Mockingbird not attempting to save him. Because: fuck that guy.
Except it turns out that he became a real phantom and has decided to haunt Mockingbird for rudely manslaughtering him. And when it looked like Mockingbird would come clean to Hawkeye about what happened, Phantom Rider spilled the beans himself, and framed the story to make Mockingbird look really bad.
Hawkeye was Big Mad that Mockingbird killed manslaughtered someone because Avengers Don’t Kill Or Through Inaction Allow A Person To Die and also because she hid it from him. Both Hawkeye and Mockingbird are stubborn, prideful people so the discussion immediately escalates into an argument where Hawkeye fires Mockingbird from the Avengers and Mockingbird fires him from the marriage.
It be like that.
And even after a long flight back from Hungary, they’re still fighting.
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Geez, you two, not in front of the teammates!
Look at Tigra! She’s agitated!
Wasp is trying to play peacemaker. Trying very hard.
Hawkeye: “She admits she let the Phantom Rider die, Jan!”
Wasp: “That’s not the same as killing him! Besides, he’s a ghost, so he’s not dead!”
Mockingbird: “He is dead! I let him fall because he deserved it and I don’t apologize!”
Wasp: “I’m trying to help you, Bobbi!”
See. Both stubborn, both prideful.
Hawkeye even says that Wasp has nothing to do with this. She’s just a special guest star, not a West Coast Avenger and definitely not the chairman.
He IS the chairman so he makes the decisions!
(Maybe its different in the West Coast Avengers but the East Coast Avengers used court martials, not just uncontested decree from the chairman. According to the original Avengers charter, it requires a two-thirds vote to expel an Avenger - I’m pretty sure Mockingbird has the support but then Hawkeye would probably rage-quit.)
Mockingbird: “This isn’t because I let a creep pay for what he did to me -- something most husbands would hate, too --”
Hawkeye: “I hate it -- you bet I do -- but I don’t condone death as any answer for anything!”
Mockingbird: “But death isn’t the issue! It’s the fact that I didn’t tell you about it!”
Hawkeye: “You didn’t just not tell me -- ! You lied about it, to my face --”
At this point, Hank jumps in and says okay you, Bobbi, go over there out of yelling range. Me, Hank, will take Hawkeye over here and bum him out with divorce stories.
Oh my god, Hank.
Vision joins this weird huddle to go tell Hawkeye how much marriage rocks, actually. Scarlet Witch and Tigra go to talk to Bobbi.
Scarlet Witch is currently married. Tigra was married but her husband Bill died. So everyone has opinions here.
Well, Wasp, Wonder Man, and Moon Knight hang out in the middle. I assume Wasp is tired of people not listening to her and isn’t joining either huddle. Wonder Man and Moon Knight aren’t married... as far as I know. Hell, maybe Wonder Man did have a wife before he did crime and then died. But he was dead long enough for the relationship to be legally over.
But I’m pretty sure that he wasn’t married.
Wonder Man: “Wasp -- Jan -- is it written down somewhere, this rule about not killing?”
Moon Knight: “Yes! I am new to the Avengers! How serious is Mockingbird’s infraction?”
Wasp: “Well... it is written down, in a charter we drew up years ago...! But Bobbi’s right, Simon -- Clint’s reaction is more his wounded pride than anything else! If I were your chair, I’d let it go!”
As far as I can tell, the Avengers charter doesn’t explicitly say Thou Shalt Not Kill. It says that Avengers won’t take upon themselves any aspect of the punishment process.
I really don’t know where manslaughtering a cowboy falls into that.
But it doesn’t really matter because Hawkeye is just deciding things and Mockingbird is loudly also deciding to gtfo because fuck that guy.
Anyway, the separate pep talks didn’t work.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird get back to yelling at each other and then Mockingbird decides to g t f o.
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And she’s taking half the team in the divorce.
I thought I was joking about that but it turns out that I wasn’t.
Tigra decides to go with Mockingbird because even though she decided against doing a murder in the ‘Tigra too horny’ story arc, she cat nature tells her that sometimes killing is necessary.
Moon Knight also decides to stick with Mockingbird. He doesn’t explain himself but he has already expressed support for the idea that sometimes killing is necessary and his god (i.e. him) is the god of vengeance.
I kind of feel like making this about whether or not murder is okay sometimes misses the point that it was a) manslaughter at best, and b) not even really about the killing, its about Hawkeye’s hurt pride that Mockingbird didn’t confide in him and his decision that means that he can’t trust her and his unilateral decree kicking her off the team.
Hawkeye protests that they can’t just split up the team but Mockingbird shoots back that HE is the one who split the team.
She kinda has a point.
I think that’s probably why the East Coast Avengers do the court martial process with 2/3rds vote required to boot someone for bad behavior. It makes sure that half the team won’t split because they think the bad behavior wasn’t so bad.
You fucked this up, Hawkeye.
Mockingbird offers anyone else the opportunity to join team Mockingbird.
Dr Pym... I don’t know why he has an opinion. He’s leaving the team either way. He’s not going with Mockingbird but he also offers a kind of support. Reflecting on how he formed the Avengers and helped form the rules and then broke the rules and got thrown out (actually, he quit before he could be judged but it didn’t look good for him). And that he came back. “Not because I made the Avengers, but because the Avengers made me!”
Wonder Man also says no. He was ready to leave the Avengers recently and focus more on being a movie star. But the movie star life is shallow and he’s happy that he’s doing good, real work with the Avengers.
Hawkeye, who has an opinion, of course he does, reflects that he killed someone as an Avenger. Remember that time? He killed Egghead? But it was an accident and that’s an important distinction! (Kinda like how Mockingbird didn’t murder the cowboy, just didn’t save him. Which feels like a distinction too. But whatever.) He wants the team to stay together but he’s not willing to budge. Avengers should never kill!
-laughs in hindsight-
Wasp says she understands where Mockingbird was coming from because Phantom Rider was a dangerous, obsessed cowboy and saving his life is not required behavior. But she’s also not going to undermine Hawkeye. He’s the chairman, she’s a guest star.
Vision says that he’s not an Avenger currently but he doesn’t doubt that one day he and Scarlet Witch will return to duty. But he says that if it were up to him, he’d call this a leave and not a firing. And he’s willing to nag Hawkeye a lot until he agrees.
(You’re a character, Vision.)
Scarlet Wanda just speaks of marriage. “Some marriages run smoother than others -- I can’t give you any advice -- but marriage -- joining male and female -- is an ancient and sacred ceremony precisely because neither one alone is as good as the couple! And both sides have to give!”
Feel like she’s calling someone out on being stubborn.
Also feels like gay marriage would have blown her mind but she’s a lot more mellow these days.
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Ha. Awkward.
Hank can’t let the awkward moment hang because he’s got places to be. He taps Hawkeye on the shoulder and tells him he’s gonna mosey on. Gotta get started on debrainifying his super wife.
He offers to come help if Hawkeye ever needs a two-fisted science adventurer but Hawkeye tells Hank to take all the time he needs because he’s paid his due to the Avengers and deserves a chance at happiness.
-laughs in different hindsight-
Because it seems like the time for it, Wasp also announces that she’s leaving. Or ending her guest starring, I guess.
She came to help the team during the rough period of Iron Man leaving and becoming an international incident but she feels like maybe she hasn’t helped out.
(I suspect that its also because nobody is listening to her. She might as well go on vacation)
Hawkeye: “You’re really let what Bobbi did go -- ? Including the part where she lied to me?”
Wasp: “I would! She’s not you, Clint! She never will be you! That’s not a wife’s -- or an Avenger’s -- job!”
Hawkeye kinda admitted that the real problem was Mockingbird not confiding in him.
So I don’t think focusing on the do Avengers kill/manslaughter is the way.
Get out of here, Wasp, you nut!
Hank walks her out.
Wasp reiterates that they weren’t legally married (-angry noises-) and finally gives Hank that hug he’s been wanting.
Wasp: “It’s easier being friends now, isn’t it -- with the past wiped away?”
Inside the West Coast Avengers Compound, Mockingbird tosses her Avengers communicator, defense grid deactivator, and ID card on the couch.
She’s not giving Hawkeye any reason to come after her, claiming she broke rules by not turning them in.
Moon Knight decides to share his thoughts on whether Avengers should do a murder.
Moon Knight: “It is stupid, Mockingbird -- this prohibition against killing! The history of man is the history of murder!”
Tigra: “That’s a little heavy, Moonie! I just think you have to go with the laws of nature! Some of the people we fight are really dangerous! Like that guy we just faced -- the Voice! Maria silenced him, but what happens if her mental block wears off someday?”
Mockingbird isn’t really interested in olde West Coast Avengers business. Instead, she asks Moon Knight and Tigra to form a team with her.
Moon Knight agrees because he wants to help her if Phantom Rider comes back.
Tigra suggests they call themselves the Ex-Whackos, which Mockingbird laughs off as sounding like a mutant group.
She tables the name and Phantom Rider for now.
Mockingbird has another thing she wants to address. She snatched an incoming message from the Fantastic Four forwarded by the East Coast Avengers off the computer.
Master Pandemonium showed up at the South Pole in Fantastic Four #314-315. His first appearance since that whole arc with the cat people in West Coast Avengers. Turns out he got trapped on Arcturus IV after doggy piling out on the demonic river.
As it happens, Steve Englehart is also writing Fantastic Four, thus explaining why Master P showed up in that book.
Anyway, Mockingbird wants to check it out.
Tigra: “We may be Ex-Whackos, but we’re still heroes, no matter what anybody says!”
Meanwhile, outside Hawkeye is grappling with now having a team consisting of just himself and Wonder Man.
Resignedly, he assumes that Scarlet Witch and Vision will be leaving too, what with the kids.
They surprise him by saying that they don’t want to leave him with just Wonder Man. Two people isn’t a team.
Wanda suggests that she and Vision will take turns being the superhero parent and the stay-at-home parent.
Hawkeye is really excited and proclaims that this is what the Avengers spirit is! He’s not wrong to uphold those standards!
(We’ve established though that your real problem was more about wounded pride but whatever.)
Wonder Man is also excited that he’ll get to spend more time with Vision. They haven’t gotten a chance to really bond after coming to the conclusion that they’re brothers, actually.
Wanda opportunistically jumps in and suggests that maybe sometimes Wonder Man can watch the kids so both Scarlet Witch and Vision can be with the team.
Good hustle, Wanda!
This is all good. I love Scarlet Witch and Vision. But Hawkeye can do the math.
Hawkeye: “Still -- that’s only three or four of us! When I had five I used to worry about not being powerful enough! I know me an’ Wanda, Cap an’ Quicksilver were the whole team once, but that was when there weren’t many Avengers!”
He muses about finding Iron Man but is interrupted by the arrival of the Real Star.
She’s green, she’s wearing a tassled skirt, and she doesn’t believe in shoes!
It’s Swordsman’s Girlfriend, Mantis!
Y’know, the one who married a tree.
Most of these guys haven’t seen her since she flew off into space on her tree honeymoon and Wonder Man has never met her but has heard a lot.
She got into the grounds when Mockingbird et al were leaving.
And Hawkeye is thrilled to see her because he is going to recruit the hell out of her. And Wanda is annoyed because she remembers Mantis trying to be a homewrecker between her and Vision.
I’m really only surprised that it took this long for Englehart to try to bring Mantis back into things. He has a habit of taking her wherever he goes.
Anyway, Wonder Man introduces himself and shakes her hand, saying he’s glad to meet Mantis.
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Upon which she tosses him on his ass and starts jump kicking everyone.
If you were wondering why I didn’t have an image of her showing up, its because a page later there was an image of her kicking people. And I liked that one better. Because of the kicking.
Hawkeye: “What the ding-dong blazes?!!”
Hah, just say what the fuck, Hawkeye.
He asks her if she’s under mind control or something but she doesn’t answer. He shoots some arrows at her but she just catches the smoke and tear gas arrows out of midair and then uses them to blind Wonder Man when he tries to tackle her.
Wonder Man: “My eyes are filled with ionic energy, but they’re still eyes!!”
That’s a mighty weaksauce weakness, sir.
Sitting on his back, she steers him with his belt jets and rams him into Hawkeye.
An interaction that Hawkeye comes off the worse for, by far.
His eyes clear, Wonder Man tries to get her for making him look like a fool chump but she punches him in the solar plexus and then baits him into knocking a tree down on himself.
While he’s pinned, she uses a nerve jab to paralyze him.
Apparently nerve hits even worked on Thor so why not!
This just leaves Scarlet Witch and Vision.
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Wanda asks what Mantis’ deeeeeeal is? Why is she here? Why isn’t she hanging out with her plant husband that she married and went to space with?
Mantis doesn’t know though.
Also, she kicks Scarlet Witch so her hex bolt hits Vision, knocking him out of the air.
Mantis is really making fool chumps out of this entire small group of Avengers.
Scarlet Witch yells at Mantis, asking where her empathy is for a robot man that she once claimed to love.
Kinda weird angle to take on things but okay.
Mantis: “Empathy is denied this one -- it is one of the reasons she came to you! But now, her victory must not be denied!”
Wonder Man unparalyzes and tries lunging at Mantis again. But she hops on top and knocks him to the ground.
Hawkeye finally recovers his senses and dazedly thinks that this is similar, sorta, to the situation in Hungary where one Avenger had to fight the rest.
And from there, he just jumps to an incredibly bizarre conclusion based on zero supporting evidence. I’m so, so mad that he turns out to be right.
Like in a fever dream, Hawkeye speculates an insane situation where the Voice escaped Maria Trovoya’s mental block against using his powers, followed the West Coast Avengers to California, and happened to mind control Mantis when she happened to show up.
I am livid that this is the actual plot to this comic.
While Mantis continues to beat seven kinds of hell out of Vision, Scarlet Witch, and Wonder Man, Hawkeye wanders off, hops the wall, sneaks through the forest surrounding the compound, and does, indeed, find the Voice lurking outside.
God dammit.
The Voice: “Maria Trovaya’s control of her mind was almost infinite -- but she was new to its use, and I’ve honed control of my voice to its sharpest edge! Every night since the Hungarians gave me back my power, I told myself again and again to throw off any attempt at brainwashing! All those nights I thought I was protecting myself from a falling out with them -- but when Maria struck, and Quicksilver had to go meekly back to the Inhumans on the Moon -- the Voice alone could see his way clear to final victory! I was free to leave Hungary -- free to fly to California and wait for my chance to turn Avenger against Avenger -- which came sooner than I could have hoped, with the arrival of an unsuspecting, and even distracted, Mantis!”
Two things: why are we going with this plot?
Yeah, it’s good to have an excuse to have Mantis show her stuff. I presume that she’s about to join the team. But there’s so many ways to justify it.
Two: how did he know that Mantis could solo the team? He doesn’t know the team was breaking up. Sure, he might have seen Mockingbird, Moon Knight, and Tigra leaving. Mantis did say she saw them on the way out.
But that still leaves Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Dr Pym, the Wasp, and MARIA HERSELF possibly inside.
Thing the third, yes, I did add another one: the dude lucked out with Mantis showing up. Instead of having her try to beat up an indeterminate amount of Avengers, why didn’t he just have her lure them out to him? Where he could mind control them all?
This guy is an idiot.
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Didn’t even bring anyone to watch his back. He can literally control randos to stand lookout for him and he doesn’t think of it.
Hawkeye tries to talk up what a terror this guy is despite all the grumbling I just did about nuh uh.
Hawkeye, to himself: “How can anybody ever beat this guy? His power is absolutely irresistable if he gets a chance to use it on ya!”
You, specifically, Hawkeye, could turn your hearing aids off. In fact, you’re an idiot if you haven’t done that for this encounter.
Hawkeye, to himself: “I could solve the problem by killing him, of course -- but whatever his power, it ain’t a capital crime! Bobbi’s wrong, darn it! Besides, if I killed him, I couldn’t use him for my purposes...!”
Why are you still relitigating this??
And that wasn’t even the debate that you were supposedly having! She killed ONE cowboy that did something unforgivable to her. And she didn’t even kill him. She manslaughtered a cowboy! It’s not like she became Wolverine and started advocating murder as the first and only solution to all of her problems!
Don’t bring up the topic if you don’t have anything relevant to say!
Back at the fight, Wonder Man solves a problem like Mantis by just grabbing her wrists while she’s beating the shit out of Wanda and then hoisting her into the air so she has no leverage.
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She can kick his shins all she likes but he’s a break outhouse of ionic energy and without the nerve pinches, she can’t do much about it.
We barely need Hawkeye to arrive with the solution at this point, even though he does anyway.
Hawkeye forces the Voice to say “Mantis, return to normal” and nothing else. And then Scarlet Witch scarlet witches him so he can’t say anything else for a while.
They’ll call the Vault later where the prison scientists there can figure out how to safely hold him.
Mantis apologizes to Hawkeye for all the trouble. Just like Hawkeye’s random guess, the Voice did mind control Mantis when she happened to show up. And she’s bummed about it.
And when Hawkeye says he’s just glad she’s back to normal, she bursts out that no, she’s not normal, and she needs the Avengers to tell her what normal is!
So the plot thickens, on the last page.
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Mantis woke up two days ago in a house that she apparently owns and no memory of anything since she saw the Avengers last.
Her magical superpower of empathy with people and plants has also vanished so she couldn’t even interrogate the houseplants!
So she went to Avengers Mansion to talk to them, only find out that Avengers Mansion is gone.
A police officer on scene tells her that it’s been moved to Hydrobase, which Mantis is like whatever that means.
This is a really well-informed police officer too because he brings up the West Coast Avengers’ recent Zodiac adventures and that Mantis’ dad Libra was killed by the robot Zodiac.
(It’ll turn out that he survived, he’s just having a snooze.)
Since Mantis isn’t going looking for whatever a Hydrobase is, she decides might as well get on a plane, fly to California, and ask the West Coast Avengers for help!
Hawkeye responds by yelling AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
Which, I think, in his mind means ‘no sweat, when you’re here, you’re family.’
Okay. So a lot of changes here.
A lot of changes that I don’t really know how to feel about.
It’s not an Avengers book if things aren’t being shaken up. And in fact, the West Coast Avengers roster has felt a little static up until Hank and Moon Knight joined.
And now Hank and Moon Knight have left! As have Tigra and Mockingbird.
I will say that after the secret has hung over Mockingbird for so long, the fallout was sufficiently big. She split the team up!
And her little group is apparently going to stay together as a splinter team. Fun!
I kind of wish Hank wasn’t going. For one thing, I’m still annoyed at ‘oh your first wife isn’t dead and that means nothing that happened in our marriage counts!’ But for another, he’d only recently reinvented himself and joined the team. I don’t think he stayed out long enough to wear out his welcome. And his fighting style of pulling random stuff out of his pocketses was fun.
I’m not going to complain about Scarlet Witch and Vision being on the team. I like them. I’m not going to complain about Mantis. Against all reason, I like her too.
And not surprised that Englehart brought her back to the Avengers. Guy brings her wherever he goes.
Follow @essential-avengers​. Do it. It’d be a nice thing to do. Like, reblog, and comment too. Also nice things to do.
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itsabouttimex2 · 4 months
Well I just woke up terrible after being drunk last night.so since I expect reader to probably be a teen and what
do we teens do,we party and drink.what about reader before being kiddnapped show up to a hangout with a headache,they causally say it’s because they were drunk.Wukong and Macaque reactions
Drunk Teen Reactions:
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Ol’ Sun Wukong is not stupid, kiddo. This simian picks up on your “shitfaced” status the moment he eyes you wobbling through the front door, lurched forward and clutching at your forehead.
He’s not stupid. But stupidly well can this old pilgrim can act the part.
“Hey, kiddo! Bump your head, huh?” He casually asks, eyeing the redness of your eyes, whiffing the vomit on your breath.
Already, something in him is stirring, a protective rumbling emanating from deep inside his chest.
(How dare your parents let you do this to yourself? How could they let you drink, let you leave the house in this condition?)
Sun Wukong spits out a chuckle and comes over to swing an arm over your shoulders, a motion that he forces to be casual when something inside starts to scream at him to take your neck between his hands and start throttling a home address out of your mouth.
Instead, he leads the way back to his cozy little couch and nudges you down, grabbing a thin blanket and wrapping it around you.
“Why don’t you sit here and let me get you a drink? Something tells me you need lots of water, bud!”
“Hmmm,” you mumble, stirring the sounds on your tongue like a cocktail. “Kay. M’really tired, Monkey King. Headache, y’know,” you lie, smiling weakly up at the blur of ginger fur.
“I know it, bud!” The king lies back, your falsehoods exchanging easily. ‘You’re a kid’, he reminds himself. ‘No need to get angry.’
“So, buddy, why’d ya wanna hang out today, if you weren’t feeling so hot?
“Just wanted to,” is your next lie, lazy and relaxed. The discontent it inspires in him motivates the crushing of a little white pill in his hand, then a subtle palm tip that spills grainy powder into your coming-up cup of water.
He circles the counter twice, giving you a moment to laugh at his “pointless” pacing.
Giving the pill particles a moment to dissolve.
Then he’s right beside you, one hand squeezing your shoulder as he nudged the glass rim to your lips.
“Here,” Wukong softly offers, tilting the cup.
Too drunken to sniff out the still-melting grains of white at the bottom, you eagerly down as much water as possible.
And a sudden surge of drowsiness hits you, knocking you clean off of feet that you aren’t even standing on.
Then a sharp swell of delayed nausea blooms in your stomach and ripples to the back of your throat, a few moments after Wukong scoops you up.
Shifting and shuffling about until he’s got you comfortably nestled to his chest, Wukong finally smiles, leaning in to nuzzle your cheek:
“C’mon, bud- I’m gonna take you home.”
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“Hey, Uncle Mac? S’it getting, uh, I dunno… hot in here…? My head’s dripping sweat. N’ my hand are real clammy. And my ears hurt.”
Yeah, your ass is cooked.
Maybe if you were a little less talkative, a little more alert, a little less unsteady- you might have been able to fool the sable simian.
But Macaque doesn’t need any kind of mystical power to see through your bullshit.
“Uh-huh. Yeah, the room is too hot, too bright, too loud. And you’re the only one complaining about it,” he snaps, poking your stomach with a clawed finger.
“You think you’re fooling me? I’m not one of your idiot friends, Y/N! You aren’t gonna trick me with a half-baked lie, and I’m not-“
“M’gonna puke,” you whimper aloud, cutting the monkey off as he leaps from the couch and goes racing for a trash bin.
Macaque can act villainous all he’d like- and to be fair, he is a pretty awful and unrepentant person (why do the Monkie Kids let him stick around when he hasn’t even apologized?) - but you turn him soft faster than sunlight melts shadows.
The Mystic Monkey rounds the corner with a little round bin, the metal shielded by a plastic bag that lines the rim.
Into your hands is the cylinder shoved, Macaque roughly slapping at your back in an awkward attempt to comfort you.
With an awfully unpleasant sound from the deepest confines of your throat, the contents of your stomach promptly upended into the sack.
No food. Just a puddle of sticky dark liquid.
“You have been drinking,” he hisses, now that you really have no ground to deny him. Really, you didn’t to begin with, but there was always plausible deniability to invoke.
“J-just a few. Tried something-“
Another splatter of rough and thick bile, stained brown with what he’s starting to think is rum.
He sighs and folds up his arms unhappily, tapping a glossy black boot against the floor. “Y/N. That stuff was way too strong for you, no matter what it was.”
“Mh-hm, I know. M’not gonna- eugh. M’not gonna do it again, promise.”
“No, you won’t,” he confirms, grabbing the scruff of your shirt and yanking it upwards. He’s strong enough to boost you free of the floor, stomping to a spare room. His tail snags the trash bin without trouble, hauling the soiled cylinder along with your prone and dangling form.
“In fact,” he tacks on, grimacing at the strong scent your breath carries, “you aren’t going to do anything. I’m grounding you for a week- and I’m taking your phone. tough luck, kiddo.”
He tosses you onto a bed that rises only a few inches off the ground, slinging a few blankets around your shaking form.
“Phone. Now.”
Fishing the little device from your pocket, you quickly it into the Macaque’s hand- he’s never been this stern with you before. Honestly? It kind of scares you.
A beep sounds, catching your attention- already, the ancient demon is initiating a call.
“Listen close- no, you don’t know me, no, Y/N isn’t hurt. They’re tired and sick -shut up and listen- they’re tired and sick and staying at my place tonight. I don’t care. They’re staying until this sickness passes. Don’t call back.”
(Realms above and below, it hurts to play the “no violence” card here, even though he was just saving it for later. What Macaque really wants to do is quietly follow you home and destroy every cubic ounce of alcohol inside. And then maybe grind your irresponsible parents against the floor after he’s coated it in glass shards.)
He hits the “end call” button with a little too much force, dangerously straining the phone’s screen. Thankfully, it leaves no cracks or scratches.
Macaque turns back to you with a frown, shaking his head- only to soften slight when the sight of your nauseated and quivering form fills his eyes.
“Don’t… don’t give me those puppy-dog eyes, Y/N. You can’t… ugh, fine. I’ll get you something to drink.”
He stomps off to the kitchen immediately, fighting back the urge to comfort you. Just water. And some crackers. And then he’ll let you stew in that little bed for a few hours with your filthy trash bin.
Maybe the wretched smell and lack of painkillers will teach you a lesson. Or it’ll leave you vulnerable and quaky, desperate for attention and affection.
Thinking on the possibilities, Macaque pulls the guest-room key from his pocket, twirling it around in one hand.
It was going to be nice, having you all to himself.
It was going to be even nice getting your parents out of the picture.
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olivianott · 3 months
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Hello friends, I’m joining the @thatdammchickennugget and @finalgirllx ‘s Jinxed July challenge, because the prompts are so fun and I want to do so much more with it 😌.
And thank you to my bestie that told me about this 💋🖤😌🎀
✿ fluffy, suggestive, not for minors
✿ Panville, because it’s my comfort, I hope it’s alright
✿ The prompts: sunglasses, poolparty, “Can you handle the heat?”
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„I can’t believe you actually made me come here.“ Pansy huffs while she takes her bags out of the taxi's trunk.
“Oh, shut it Pandora. As if I could ever make you do something you didn’t want to. And let’s not pretend I am the reason for you being here.” Draco says in his pompous tone, with a stupid knowing smirk on his face.
She just rolls her eyes but stays quiet. No. She is over that delusional obsession.  
Since Draco and Hermione started working together in the ministry, and subsequently started dating each other, the two very different friend groups were not very willing to interact.
This “summer holiday trip” was supposed to change that apparently. We’ll see how that works.”
Draco invited everyone to one of his family's homes in the south of France. Prick. He knew how much she loved the region. Especially during the summer.
However, Pansy, being Pansy, complained a lot. She acted like she didn’t want to go, but her best friend obviously knew better. Draco was the only one in school who knew about her teenage obsession. Neville.
She was young, surrounded by darkness and cruelty, and he was the complete opposite. At least it looked like that to her. At first, she hated him for it, along with every other stupidly brave Gryffindor. But observing him every day, in class, the Great Hall, the corridors, it became an obsession. Unhealthy. Especially since he never even spared her a glance.
After the war, everything changed. She built even bigger and stronger walls around herself, and stayed at home, away from the judging, prying eyes, wanting to see her at her lowest. Just because of the world and society she was born into and was forced to grow up in and learn from, people viewed her as a villain, the bad guy, the selfish snake ready to betray anyone. If it wasn’t for Draco, maybe she would be exactly like that. He was the first and only one to realize how close to the edge she was and helped her. Made her go to the mind healer, forced her to go outside, reconnect with people again. She will be forever grateful to him for that.
Socializing with the “great brave lions” though? She could whack him on the head for that one.
She is a tiny bit curious about the Herbology professor. Yes, she researched a little bit about Neville, of course she wouldn’t come completely unprepared.
After putting their things away in their rooms, they are supposed to meet in the living room for the welcome drinks and introductions.
Pansy, absolutely not nervous at all, changed her outfit five times, before settling on a deep green, figure-hugging dress with a snake design traveling from her hip, up across her stomach and back, all the way to her shoulder. She is not gonna be hiding her Slytherin roots this week. Let them side eye her all they want.
As she exits her room, the door at the end of the hallway opens and Neville emerges from his room. FUCK.
He looks at her, eyes soft and expectant, until his eyes travel along her length, from head to toe. When his eyes meet hers again, they are hardened already.
“Hello.” She greets him with her head held high. She is not gonna get intimidated by his stare now. She is stronger than that. However, deep inside she felt giddy and vulnerable since she felt like this was the first time he even looked at her at all. She has to squash all those unwanted emotions down, to not make a fool out of herself.
With hard brown eyes staring at her, he only nods his head in greeting and walks around her to the stairs, leaving her rooted to the spot in front of her door.
With a few deep breaths, she convinces herself she doesn’t care about his opinion of her and goes to meet her friends downstairs.
When she enters the living room, everybody except Neville turns to look at her.
“So dramatic Pansy.” Draco says when he sees what she is wearing. Hermione is smiling over the drink in her hand while looking at Neville and then at her. The little prat told her.
After the first round of drinks instead of introductions, (they knew each other from school anyway, why make it even more awkward than it is?) Pansy went to the beach, her favorite part of this amazing mansion. The way the sun beaming down makes the water sparkle has always been her favorite view. She didn’t even mind going alone, no one else wanted to leave the air-conditioned safety of the house.
After a while of her lying on the beach, under the shade of a cliff and her favorite tree, she hears someone approaching.
Her eyes widen when she catches Neville walking to her. He is already wiping sweat off of his forehead as he stands over her. Merlin, he is tall. And big.
She lays on her lounger, content in her light blue daisy covered bikini, not acknowledging him at all.  
“Hey… Um, I didn’t know if you brought water with you. It’s dangerous not to drink in this heat.” He hands her a big glass filled with ice, water and lemon slices.
Pansy froze. Unbelieving. He was concerned about her?
“Oh. That’s … thank you.” She takes the cup from his hands. His hands. Her eyes catch on his veiny hands with thick fingers that she knows are more often then not working with soil in the Hogwarts greenhouses.
“Are you gonna drink, or…?” Neville raises an eyebrow at her and she finally tears her gaze away from his perfect hands.
She actually brought her own water bottle, so she doesn’t really need to drink, but.. well, he brought it for her and she is grateful and giddy again. She drinks while holding his gaze with her eyes over the top of the glass.
She sees how he looks at her lips and follows the drop of water that escaped from between her lips down her chin and in between her bikini-covered breasts. His cheeks start to look a little red.
He looks parched. Could he be…? Interesting. It gives her a bit of a boost in confidence. Not that she is shy normally anyway.
She offers him the cup with the remaining water. “You look like you could do with a cold drink also. You look parched and… very hot.” She says with a little smirk on her face.
He takes the drink from her and goes even more red in the face. But surprisingly, it doesn’t seem to faze him that much. Interesting. He drinks from the same cup while looking into her eyes intently.
“How can you handle this heat? I’m dying over here.” Neville asks and the staring contest ends.
“I love it when it’s hot. I’m a snake after all, haven’t you heard?” She smirks at him and watches for his reaction similar to the one in the hallway earlier that day.
But this time he just smiles. “Yeah, I’ve heard.” With that he grabs the bottom of his brown T-shirt and in one mesmerizing motion he takes it off over his head.
Pansy just sits there with her mouth open and thankful for the sunglasses she has on her wandering eyes. They travel along his chest, decorated with the perfect amount of hair, down over his stomach, no washboard abs in sight, but he looks manly, strong and bulky. Following the trail of hair on his lower stomach that disappears in his green swim trunks, she is interrupted by Neville clearing his throat. FUCK. Maybe the sunglasses were not enough to cover her reaction to his naked upper half.
He tosses his t-shirt onto the sand and takes off to the water, the sight of his broad back making her mouth dry.  
In her same favorite bikini, and beach cover up tied at her hip, she is sitting in a pool chair drinking her sweet pink concoction and looking at all the people having fun at their little pool party that night. Draco is the one coming to her as always.
“Why are you sulking, now?” He asks in his usual tone, but Pansy knows he means well.
“I’m not sulking.” Pansy retorts but looks into her drink again.
“Ok, you’re coming to dance with me. Right now.” With that he takes the drink from her to put it on the nearby table, drags her over to the pool deck, and starts dancing, twirling her around like she is five years old. Tall bastard.
She hates to admit it, but in a few minutes, she is having fun. And everyone around her is having fun also.
Suddenly Draco senses Hermione near him and turns over to grab her waist and pull her against him. Completely forgetting about Pansy. Asshole.
She takes one second to think about what to do next, go sulk into my drink or try to have fun by myself as a big girl that I am?
But she doesn’t have to decide. Strong arms circle her waist from behind and she stumbles into a hard chest.
Neville leans over and whispers into her ear. “I hope you are not going back to your chair. We are supposed to have fun on this trip and get to know each other.”
Her body shivers and of course he notices. “Are you cold?” He asks seriously. She can’t believe he doesn’t know what his whispering and his hands on her body are doing to her. Maybe it’s time to show him.
“No. But now I have to ask you. Can you handle the heat?” with that she starts swaying her hips against him. The music is very sensual and she uses it. She reaches up behind his neck and leans her head back against his shoulder, still pushing her ass into him. Before she closes her eyes she can see him watching her body move intently.
He speaks then, quiet but determined: “I can handle everything you give me, don’t worry Little flower.”
At the nickname she gets very emotional. That’s what she desperately needs in her life. Someone to care for her like he cares for his plants. Give her all the right care and nutrition for her to grow more and live her life finally. Not just survive on the minimum.
Her emotional meltdown is interrupted when she feels his hands on her hips. And it awakens different emotions in her.
His voice rumbles as he talks into her neck. “This little bikini almost killed me. I felt like I couldn’t breathe when I saw you in that skin tight snake dress in the hallway, but this? Daisies just became my favorite flower. Also, “ he traces his finger from her shoulder all the way down to her wrist, “did you know, daisies usually symbolize innocence?”
Pansy’s breath catches in her throat when he turns her around and snakes his hands behind her back.
Pansy smiles devilishly “Well I made a mistake choosing the flower then.” With that, she fists her hand in his soft short curls and crashes her lips on his. She doesn’t mind their friends seeing them kiss, she doesn’t care at all to be honest.
After the initial shock of her lips on his, he kisses her back. And he is not gentle. While he explores her mouth with his tongue, his hand goes to the back of her neck, the other one sliding down to her hip, his fingers playing dangerously with the exposed strings of her bikini. That, with his deep growl against her mouth when she tugged on his hair instantly made her pussy wet.
He was the first to break the kiss after almost passing out without the oxygen.
Looking down at her perked nipples visible in between the innocent daisies: “I guess doing this while still in our swimming suits was not a smart move.” He says breathlessly while holding her close to his body and letting her feel what the encounter did to him.
Pansy smiles up at him and without a word takes his hand and makes him follow her inside.
They don’t look at anyone, so they don’t see Hermione with a knowing and satisfied smirk on her face. 
“Congratulations darling, looks like your scheme worked perfectly.” Draco whispers into Hermione’s ear.
Hermione just smiles at him and says “Oh, but the trip wasn’t my idea. Certain professor basically bullied me into making it happen.”
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Hope you liked it guys 🖤
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Some replies about both TWST and other fandoms.
unofficialwheatdog asked:
Deuce got two hands, he can hold Jack's and Ace's hands! That's what you meant, right?
Yes, this is exactly what I meant!
Even though with how Ace acts sometimes, there is this inkling to say that both of Deuce’s hands should be used to hug Jack tighter lol But nah, we love ADeuce a lot <3
Anonymous asked:
Thoughts on DC media or Batman?
We used to kind of like it for a period of time 10+ years ago! We still prefer DC over Marvel overall, but we haven’t watched or read anything related to either for a very long time. Superheroes just aren’t our cup of tea.
But back when we were into it, we liked Batman and Robins, especially Tim Drake.
Anonymous asked:
Important question not related to TWST.
Have you seen an anime called Bobobo?
Nope, but I heard that it’s good. No idea about what it is about though.
Anonymous asked:
lol maybe Chenya is the one that helped Trey lose his virginity. He set him up with some random RSA classmate of his, "That way even you're bad at it, you won't have to see eachother everyday!"
You know, Anon, this sounds exactly like something Che’nya would do lol Trey would absolutely try to politely decline such a kind (weird) offer, but somehow would end up hooking up with that random RSA student and never contacting him again... Maybe he is a villain after all. 😔
Anonymous asked:
By certain Diasomnia boy, were you speaking about Lilia’s ? Where one eye was trying to run away from the other?
(related to a reply about bad anatomy on twst cards)
OH THAT ONE LOL I was actually speaking about Malleus, but yeah, the one you’re talking about is also kind of weak, at least in the face area... Such a bummer, honestly.
Anonymous asked:
I too would love to read a detective book written by Riddle 👀
He would be so stupidly good at writing these, I just know it. He just needs to let his creative juices flow...
Anonymous asked:
I was kind of surprised when you mentioned that some fans are angry for the Tweels having pecks + abs, so I scrolled through the tags and not even 1 minute of scrolling did I find posts  crying about how weird it is for some people to sexualize and/or lust over the new cards of the Tweels. In such moments, I just want to bash my head against the wall because sometimes I think  some fans tend to forget what kind of game they're playing! The game literally sexualizes itself! It's supposed to be fanservice!
....I can't do this anymore BIG SIGH
Yeah, it’s either that or they’re just baiting for attention, I honestly can’t believe people can be this stupid sometimes.
I feel like we keep coming back to this conversation over and over again, but still: harassing people over finding anime boys sexy isn’t the way to interact with a piece of media, especially if it’s specifically made for people to swoon over the boys (the fujo way or the yume way – doesn’t matter).
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Jason Todd x male! Reader - Breaking armor
A/n: This was supposed to be out like last week but then I got stupidly sick and couldn't get out of bed so here it so now I guess? Also the reader does show signs of depression in this fic, but I might redo it because I don't love the way I wrote it into the fic, though for now here we go!
Request by: @xdark-acadamiax
Summary: One day on his way to work Y/n gets caught in the middle of an active crime scene. Luckily the Red Hood is there.
Warnings: gore, scars, torture, mental health issues, depression, suicidal thoughts, flashbacks, injuries, swearing, torture, joker, guns, fighting, death, I think that's it? You have been warned!
The 3 P's:
[Pov: 3rd person] [Pronouns used: he/him] [Pairings: (romantic!) jason x reader]
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There's a burning silence in his bedroom as he takes out a scarf and runs a hand down the side of his face.
A small giggle resounds through the room and a shiver runs down his spine. Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath before placing a scarf around his face and grabs a hat and puts it on. The laughter stops, and a sigh of relief goes through him.
If he hid, it would all stop, no more memories just peace.
Maybe if you had the courage you would do more.
True, if he was someone else he would have been brave enough to take the gun that was hidden underneath his coat. He would pull the trigger on two people and would never have to feel the fear again, nor would anyone else.
But he's never been brave, he's never been so callous as to face his perpetrator and himself. It's why the small pistol remains in his coat pocket, and why he covers himself with clothing up to his wrists. Why he wears gloves and covers his face. He's a coward living in a city of villains.
In a haste, he goes outside his shitty apartment in crime alley grumbling to himself about not being late to work. He couldn't afford a better place to live than this, especially not after.
Though, because of his idiocy, he doesn't realize he's running tight though an active crime scene.
He hears a bang, and he stops in his tracks and his eyes refuse to move from the ground. They don't squeeze shut, they just stubbornly refuse to look upwards at what could be his death. Even as he screams at himself to run before he gets caught in the fray, before he becomes another helpless victim.
Then there's some more scuffing around before he realizes someone's standing in front of him.
Just kill me this time.
"Get out of here man!"
Finally, this eyes flicker up and it isn't another one of those stupid villains, no it's one of the vigilante's.
"What do you mean, what?" A gruff voice yells at him. "Get out of here before I have to save your ass!"
I said that out loud?
In all his stupor he eventually spots the red helmet and glances down quickly to see the symbol on his chest and realizes who it is.
Red Hood. It's the fucking Red Hood.
Shit, he might be dead meat anyways.
Well at least this fucker would kill me.
"Oh shit, are you going into shock?"
Somehow his body regains function and he manages to shake his head, though he's pretty sure this is probably shock. Or ptsd, it's probably the latter.
Before the Red Hood can respond, four criminals come and attack them. He doesn't know why but one of the goons decided to go after him instead of the antihero.
No, no, no.
The goon grabs him by his shoulders and slams him to the ground with more force than he was expecting. They pulled their fist back and all he could do was put his hands up to defend himself, to cover up.
Not like that mattered anyways.
Usually, people like this didn't put this much effort into beating up civilians.
He felt another hit come plummeting him to the ground he knew he would just be another victim, never the survivor.
The the criminal pulled back and punched that spot.
Acting before thinking, it's something that he shouldn't do, it makes him reckless, and reckless is why his face is covered. Reckless is the reason he was hurt so badly because he couldn't-
Yet the gun is still drawn from his coat pocket and is half-assed placed next to the person's ribs and he pulls the trigger.
There was a profound silence before there was a scampering of people, but he didn't see them, not even with his vision lifted to see.
What have I done.
Still shaking, his head turns to look at the ground before him to see a corpse.
How was he any better than him? Then any of the other villains and criminals, then any of those shooters and murderers? How could he stand to face-
A hand gently gripped his forearm as he felt a hot breath in his ear.
He tried to suck in the smoggy air of Gotham as the voice whispered into his ear. More directions; find colors, what's the different fabric you're wearing, think of three people...
Eventually, his breathing slows down and he blinks a couple of times and finally looks to his side to see a sight, he's willing to bet not many have seen. As he turns to look, he finds the Red Hood without his helmet on.
The first thing he notices is the white streak in his raven-black hair, and the domino mask that rests on his face.
"You wear a mask under your helmet?" Is the only thing that manages to come out of his mouth.
Groaning the man glares at him and quickly retorts. "And I can't see a single piece of your skin, so I guess we're even."
More similar that anyone would have ever thought?
He can only scoff before pushing away the man.
He wanted to judge him, to snap back but he couldn't because he would be a hypocrite. He knows a vigilante's life is dark, and Gotham would be no where without them. Besides, the reason why this man goes out every night and became the Red Hood was probably the same reason every time he went outside and he wouldn't show a trace a skin while there was a gun tucked under his coat pocket.
The gun.
"I killed someone." He muttered as his hands twitch.
Red Hood shook his head. "You did the right thing."
His head snapped to look at the man with raven hair. "I thought the bats had a no-kill rule."
He snorted. "Not me, now we should get you home."
Everything after is a blur, he was sure he was riding a motorcycle, and he knows he told the vigilante where he lived so he could drop him off. As the antihero dropped him off at his shitty apartment he had stumbled into his bed, with his heart beating loud in his ears and shut his eyes.
"You know, I thought you would at least take some of your extra layers off before bed. At least the bandanna."
Abruptly he sits up and takes the knife under his pillow into his hands before seeing that it's just the Red Hood.
"Why the fuck are you in my house!" He exclaimed, throwing his gloved hands in the air.
The vigilante chuckled. "You seemed fragile, I wanted to make sure you weren't going to break."
Sneering, he stood up and pushed the vigilante backwards.
"Thanks for the concern, but you can leave now."
The man shook his head, his domino mask still on as he stared him down. "I've helped a lot of civilians, none of them have reacted like you have."
He stays silent before walking to his kitchen.
"Wait! Where are you going!" The Red Hood yelled after him.
Narrowing his eyes he stares at Red Hood with a deadpan expression. "I have a job which I didn't show up to yesterday, so I have to be there early and hope they don't fire me."
Red Hood blinks for one- two, five seconds until he starts laughing.
"Ya no, I'm getting you a better job and we're getting you out of crime alley."
It worked, somehow the Red Hood had gotten him a job at Wayne industries, despite the fact that he hid his face they still hired him. It was a miracle.
Someone else deserves this more than me.
The voice doesn't go away, but it gets better as time goes on. Every step he takes to get a better life, a better job, a better home out of crime alley, piece of help he takes from The Red Hood, from neighbors, from co-workers makes it all a little more bearable.
Yet he can't seem to take the cloth off his face, to reveal his face, another part of his true self. Though, as the months go by neither has the Red Hood, he doesn't know what to do with that.
He doesn't know what to do either when he shows up to his apartment bleeding from his side.
He had still had his helmet on, and his breathing sounded like a failing engine. His hands were pressed against his right side, yet red still seeped through his finders, staining his hands.
"Do you have medical supplies?" He questioned, his eyelashes fluttering, then he passed out at his window.
Quickly he latches onto the antihero before he could fall backwards into the street.
At least you can do something right.
Carrying him over to the couch, with haste he snatches his first-aid kit from under his bed before coming back over to the Red Hood.
With shaking hands he lifted his leather jacket off and took out a needle and some suture. Knowing there was no way he wouldn't need stitches.
I have to clean the wound first! Fucking idiot.
Grabbing the cleaning supplies he came to the realization that if he wanted to do anything he would have to take his cloth mask off to see good enough to give the vigilante proper medical help. To be fair, he wasn't a professional by any means but he grew up in the Gotham slums, he knew how to sew a few stitches.
Could I really take this off? What happens if he wakes up and sees the inevitable?
He has to, even if he didn't know the antihero's real name, the color of his eyes, or even where he lives. But he knows his favorite color, and how he loves classic novels, that he felt guilty sometimes.
If I take it off, his laugh with come.
It was worth it, it had to be, and even if it was insane or even not worth the cost, he owed it to the Red Hood.
So, he took his mask off.
He worked, and then kept on going until he was all done. Although he noticed Red Hood wasn't breathing quite right. It was a high pitched sound, reminiscent from the time before, but quieter, almost as if he was losing air.
Damn it! He wasn't a doctor! This man didn't need him, who's only experience is where he grew up! He needed someone who could actually help, he need someone who knew what they're actually doing, this antihero needs a hospital. Though, there is no way in hell he would let them operate on him, they would probably try and release his secret identity.
There wasn't anyone else, he was all he had.
Thus, he removed his helmet.
Instantly he could figure out what the problem was, the helmet must have been broken or something along those lines and had blocked his breathing. He also noticed that the injured hero wasn't wearing his mask.
Shit, shit, shit! Fuck! What have I-
At that moment the Red Hood regained his consciousness.
The vigilante that wore crimson groaned as he attempted to sit up and immediately fell into his arms.
Surely, his face would be warm to the touch if anyone were to feel it, but he shook his head, praying that the man on top of him wouldn't be able to feel it.
Suddenly, a hand came up and traced the side of his face, specifically the place where his scar laid bare now, for the world to see.
Flinching, he went to cover it with his hand as he attempted to lean away from the man. He had been so preoccupied by the whole ordeal that he had forgotten that he had taken his cloth off. How could he? How could he have let Red Hood see how broken he truly was?
Filling his ears is his laughter, it's what haunted him then, and it's what haunts him now. His wide smile looked down on him, as he pulled out the bat with nails.
The nails, he hates nails.
He hits him, over, and over again, as he does so though, he manages to remove himself from his body. From his laughter, from his manic smile, from the pain. He mused that if he didn't he would've passed out from the infliction that the clown was putting him through.
Then, he couldn't.
The nailed bat went down on his face and he let out a scream as the green haired man laughed from above him.
"I knew you would come back to me!" He giggled as he brought the weapon back down upon his face. "Welcome home sonny!"
"Stop!" He howls. "St- Stop it!"
The bat just seems to come down harder almost as if the criminal thought he was doing the opposite - cheering him on. Letting out sob he wonders if he'll ever get out of this hellhole alive. Even if he does what would be the point? To come back to a world that won't care that an innocent man be beat to death rather than a serial murderer be killed. It's not fair, so many people have been hurt by the monster, yet no one has put him down.
Then something else happens, something that will make him suffer for the rest of his days, every time he looks in the mirror. Every time he touches his own face.
A nail gets caught, close to the side of his lips and the joker pulls.
Someone's exaggerated breathing brought him back to the present as Red Hood held his face in his hands.
"That's it, breathe with me." He murmurs in his ear softly.
It reminded him of the first time they had met, and how the vigilante had calmed him down then. Although that wasn't the reason his heart stopped in his throat, or why his vision became focused again.
It was the antihero's eyes.
They were a startling blue, shining like precious diamonds. Blankly it made him wonder why he would ever cover them why he ever considered covering them was a mystery to him. His eyelashes covered his cheeks as he blinked, all of it made him so pretty.
Red Hood was really, pretty.
A giggle slipped past his lips and it put a small smile on the man above him.
"What?" He questioned the giggling man below him.
"Your eyes, they're pretty- you're pretty."
The vigilante's jaw dropped and a blush spread across his nose as his face redden.
Why the hell would I say that?
Before his doubt could go any further the Red Hood took his face in his hands.
"I think you're pretty too."
He shook his head in denial. "How could I be with this, with all of this?"
The Red Hood paused before finally speaking. "The J scar I have on my face? I was basically branded by the joker."
His face contracted in horror, how could he say it so casually? Like it wasn't a horrible thing, like he didn't hurt him beyond what anyone would understand, brand him without his consent?
When they had first met each other he was more right then he had ever known, Red hood and himself were more alike then he would think. Birds of a feather flock together after all.
"I guess the joker branded me too." He whispered in reply, looking away shamefully.
He wasn't sure what he was expecting, by the disappointment that ran through his veins when Red Hood didn't respond certainly wasn't refreshing. The thing is, he wasn't sure what he even wanted from him. Perhaps he was hoping that he wasn't letting the antihero into his apartment, onto his life for nothing. He was hoping that the man at least cared.
He never would.
Possibly the Red Hood didn't say anything, because he soon found out he didn't have too.
Slowly he traced his scar that was part of the reason he was sure he was revolting. He started at the top of his head, going over all the ridges of his once ripped open skin. He traces over the side of his lips where the scar gets larger and more gash like. Eventually the runs out of torn up skin on his face to follow, so he goes to his gloves and pauses for a millisecond before pulling them off. Following the scars there too like a beautiful map, every unneeded clothing comes off and he whispers his name.
"Jason Todd." He murmurs. "My name is Jason."
Then he takes a hold of Jason's face as their lips connect.
"Jason" He speaks quietly against his lips, yet frequently. "Jason, Jason, Jason."
And he repeats it into the dead of night.
Words 2818
dc taglist: @bandshirts-andbooks
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soccerpunching · 1 year
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[Image Description: darkmode screenshot of white text that says: Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it. End of description.]
Thank you so much for asking about that story!! It's only been for a month and a few weeks in my head but it's already taking over my life. I'm glad you liked it aaaaaaaa I'll make sure to keep writing it afasdsafshdfgsd
To everybody else who has not heard of it before, you can read a brief introduction to it here!!
Sapphic EnGouKidou Magical Girls AU
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2: What scene did you first put down?
I didn't mention this but this fic is originally a canon divergent AU where Kidou won consecutively in the FF and Gouenji and Endou didn't meet in middle school; it's engoukidou back then too. So the original dialogues and scenes have that context first before it was ever a Magical Girls AU. It goes roughly like this (this is still Haruna and Kidou's situation here btw):
Haruna: And since when did I say that?! Kidou: !! Haruna: You think this is what I want?! To live in this... stupidly fancy mansion with a full course buffet everyday?!! Is that what you thought when you... when you chose this stupid trophy!! *shoves it on his chest* when you chose winning over contacting me?!! Kidou: *voice breaking* I didn't-- I thought--!! Haruna: Yeah, exactly!! You thought!! Because you didn't think it was worth listening to me!!
I recreated it here and I still think about this... It turned into a Magical Girls AU because I wanted there to be a way for these three to act where they're away from expectations of the people in their lives and prying eyes. This also includes from each other's (because Gouenji and Kidou have a bad history and Endou initially wants to be liked by and befriend Gouenji and vice versa) and it turns out they like being silly and fighting crimes while wearing skirts (only 2 out of 3 of them likes the skirt actually)!!
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
I have two sets, but it's not written to be posted yet and this story is at the early parts of creation overall so the scenes and dialogues are probably going to change, but it's so funny to me. They're all transformed as magical girls in these scenes. I use the pronouns they currently use for themselves on the narration and since this is right at the start of the story, they mostly use he/him. Kidou also has an army of penguins as his weapon, I will elaborate next time.
Kidou: *takes the small penguin with a similar cape to him, thinking for a while* Call me Hotaru. *extends his hand* Endou: *shakes the beautiful lady's hands vigorously* MAMO--MAM-- MOMOKO!! Kidou: *sweatdrops with a small smile* Did you just come up with that? Endou: N--NO!! Kidou: *scoffs in amusement* of course...
-- Different scene and chapter --
Kidou: I'm Hotaru and that one shouting over there is my partner Momoko Gouenji: *nods* Nice to meet you... *ties the villains even tighter with his fire laso, not really trying to ignore him* Kidou: Kidou: So what's your name? Gouenji: --Huh? Kidou: Your name? Gouenji: *blinks then looks at Kidou then at the villains* Gouenji: I don't want to tell... Kidou: I didn't tell anyone my real name either-- Endou: YOUR NAME'S NOT HOTARU?! Kidou: *hand on hip* You lied to me about yours too. Endou: N-No--How did you find out?!?
It's my favorite lines of dialogues so far since I haven't written much about it unlike my other WIPs. It's my newest one so far as the others already have months in the making. This will change in the future...
11: What do you like best about this fic?
It's so interesting to write or imagine how the break trio (and the other characters) would be if they were given the chance to wear a mask and not care about the people's expectations of them. We all know how both Kidou and Gouenji only bares themselves to very few people and that Endou most often than not wants to be the support that someone needs (in a bit of a people pleasing degree at rare times too).
Even if Kidou is canonically a trauma-dumper, he still put a face (to everyone who isn't Endou) whenever he's interacting bcs he's always aware that all of his actions have consequences for the Kidou Conglomerate. As for Gouenji, he canonically has only told his problems to Endou and have dangerous levels of following people's expectations of him ((his father + his friends expecting a powerful shoot (only what he thinks bcs they just want him to play soccer actually)).
So anyway, I think escapism would bring an interesting layer to their characters and them being an egg in the story is just probably me projecting or that I'm adding another layer to their characters.
Thank you so much for caring about this story and asking about it so much omg 🥺
Sana masarap ulam mo everyday 🥹🥹
Ask about my WIPs here
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zimmerman1 · 2 years
*taps microphone once again*
It's an AU where Jay died against a random villain (still working out the kinks but think like, not major villain, like a guy with a gun or something).
Cole gets very bad depression. When Nya, Kai and Zane (Lloyd isn't really that involved in this ngl) basically act like nothing happened a week after Jay died, aka. They're trying to move on, Cole loses it.
They're training and they start talking about the duels they did in the past, Kai is bragging about all his wins, Zane is talking about the various plans they had goin on, and Nya is just laughing and smiling. Cole is staring at them like they've murdered someone and when Zane asks if he's okay, he responds "Is he not important enough to mourn...?" They look confused and ask what he means, Cole grits his teeth "Jay. Is he not important enough to mourn."
Nya sighs and looks away with pain in her eyes as she speaks softly "Come on Cole, whats wrong with-" "No. No I'm sick of watching you all parade around like he isn't fucking dead. How can you stand there together and not feel something missing?!"
Kai huffs "It's a stupid idea for us to disband whenever we experience grief-" "Where was this ideology when Zane was dead, huh? Where was this ideology when Nya was dead?! Why only when JAY is the ones that dead you suddenly realise that disbanding doesn't work!"
Nya growls and snaps at Cole, upset that he thinks Jay's death hasn't affected her or the others, "Of course he meant something! He was my damn fiance and I loved him, Cole!" But Coles already too mad to calm down "HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE FORGOTTEN, HE DOESNT DESERVE TO BE SWEPT UNDER THE RUG, HE DOESN'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS AND YET HERE WE ARE! I SEEM TO BE THE ONLY ONE THAT ACTUALLY CARES THAT HE IS GONE, THE ONLY ONE WHO WON'T BRUSH HIM OFF LIKE YOU GUYS ALWAYS DID! DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME, HE MEANT NOTHING TO YOU!!"
A loud thundering crack sounded through the yard, deep cracks now danced along the floor and wall of where Cole stood, slightly haggard breathing as he glared at his now nervous team. Running his hand through his hair he chocked back a sob and ran inside the building before bolting to his room. He wastes no time in packing a bag, but stalls for a moment when he sees a photo he has of all of them together after they defeated the great devourer.
They looked so happy, they looked complete. He takes a deep breath before grabbing the frame and shoving it into the bag before shouldering it and walking towards Jay's room. No one has gone in there since he died and it felt wrong seeing the room so devoid of Jay. Holding his breath and trying not to break do seeing all the trinkets and photos Jay collected over the time they were a team he went straight to the bathroom. Picking up some of Jay's cologne, he always wore it and it smelt like oranges with a hint of burnt cinnamon; he even bought the specific brand because it didn't mess with Nyas allergy. It smelled like home to Cole.
Putting it in his bag he walked back into the room and surveyed the area, it was a spurr of the moment decision to bring more of Jay's old belongings with him, but it felt right to have more of the blue ninja with him. So he took a half complete gadget from Jay's desk along with its blueprints, that stupidly fluffy blue bear he won at the fair that was missing an eye, an old photo of Jay and him outside one of the few local arcades they knew of before they knew Kai, and the music box Cole got him as a birthday gift: the one Jay turned on every night to sooth him whenever nightmares plagued him.
Taking a deep breath to steady himself he opened Jay's window which looked over the cliff edge behind the monistary (ngl I dunno what their most recent home is all I know is that Jay's window leads out aight?). Climbing out he immediately started the descent, he didn't need to leave behind a note, they all knew why he would gone when they notice his absence. As he got to the bottom of the mountain he choked back another sob and wiped his eyes aggressively. He shouldn't cry, he has run away once before, he can do it again.
Steeling himself it took a couple seconds to look back up at his once home before turning back to the road and walking down it.
So basically in this au Cole has many signs of depression and...Well...self harming, in a few different ways. His once tighter fit clothes are now more baggy on him because he barely eats, his cheeks are drawn and he has large bags under his eyes. He looks like shit basically and hurts himself because he is angry that he has done this to himself, he doesn't like to but he has drunk to forget once or twice.
Turns out Jay isn't really 'dead' but his spirit has been let free and he's kind of an invisible lightning/energy spirit who follows Cole around feeling guilt and sorrow because he cause his best friend to treat himself like shit. Sometimes Cole swears he can feel Jay's presence but chalks it up to him yearning to see his friend once again. Spirit seers can see that Jay continues to watch over Cole as like a guardian angel, making sure he will live.
Yadda yadda symbolism about how lightning is attracted to earth and how maybe at some point Jay can merge with Cole and give him lightning powers yadda yadda.
Thank you for your time
*drops mic and runs*
26 notes · View notes
bakugohoex · 4 years
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◤ currently write for
most popular posts are in bold
↞ back to masterlists 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐊𝐈 𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➶ coming soon
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐄𝐈𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎 𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐀 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“you could never last no nut november” | 1k event (0.9k) ↠ nsfw
in which bakugo bets kirishima he could never last no nut november, but in the last hour of november he finds you in bed all pretty and he just has to have you, even if he does lose the stupid bet
“i’d do anything for you” | 1k event (1.9k) ↠ fluff
in which kirishima helps you throughout the day and you finally ask him why he’s always so nice to you, gaining a response you’d never had expected
☆ headcanons ☆
“how do you expect me to not fucking love you, when you come in looking like that” | requested (1.1k) ↠ fluff
in which you have a cow quirk and in a relationship with kirishima
“if you win, i’ll take you out tonight” | requested (1.2k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re performing at the ua pageant and get a surprised visit from kirishima with a proposal in mind
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➶ coming soon
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐈𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐔 𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐘𝐀 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➶ coming soon
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈 𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“that’s literally the definition of jealous, you dumbass” | (2.5k) ↠ fluff
in which bakugo finds y/n and todoroki getting closer than normal, the more he sees them together the more rage he builds up over someone who he thought was just an extra to him 
“when he put the what, in the where...” | (1.3k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re in a secret relationship with bakugo until one fateful night in the dorms 
“probably married to this dumbass” | (2.5k) ↠ fluff
in which you and bakugo get interviewed on a talk show on what it’s like being pro hero, what turns into a simple where do you see yourself in five years leads to your relationship being announced on live tv 
“look bakugo you’re surrounded by extras” | (2.7k) ↠ fluff
in which you and bakugo are both pro heros and it’s work studies, what bakugo thought would be a pain seemed to have the benefits as he saw you in a better light  
“they’re are what?” | (2.8k) ↠ fluff
in which you and bakugo sneak out for a late night date and meet two kids, confused and lost, you take the kids back to the dorms trying to get help, the thing is they looked strangely familiar 
"you want to sleep on the floor”
part one | (3.4k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re neighbours with pro hero katsuki bakugo, one night your roommate and her boyfriend get a bit too loud, with no where else to turn you end up in the apartment of bakugo’s, sleeping beside him you both realise the hidden feelings between one another
part two | requested (5.4k) ↠ fluff and nsfw 
in which bakugo takes you on that date he promised you and leads your roommate to be the one to hear all the moans and screams
“what’s 6 inches long, 2 inches wide and makes everyone go crazy?” | requested (2.3k) ↠ nsfw
in which you and bakugo are studying together and after being interrupted by kirishima who tells you mina wants to study with you, you go out and help mina study but instantly get threatened by mina to go back, you realise you’ve got a long night ahead of you
“y/n just tell me the fucking truth for once” | requested (5.2k) ↠ angst and fluff
in which you were raised by villains, by being saved by the heroes, the trust issues and lying you were brought upon reflects you now, bakugo grows ever more frustrated at your lying and all your truths come out
“you really think i wouldn’t recognise you” | requested (1.2k) ↠ fluff
in which you have a transformation quirk and whilst trying to find information from bakugo about his crush, he reveals his love for you but most importantly how easily he could see past your quirk
“really? you wanna have sex...here? now?” | impatient collab (2.1k) ↠ nsfw 
in which you arrive at a pro hero event and with bakugo unable to keep his eyes off of you, you end up doing a lot more than catching up and drinking with your friends 
“i hate your old friends” | (2.5k) ↠ fluff
in which bakugo gets a visit from some old friends, making remarks about you and the other girls, a much more angrier bakugo realises that his past friends never grew up in the past months and he as sure as hell wasn’t letting some idiots talk about his girl in that way
“we’re you two...from the future” | (3.8k) ↠ fluff
in which you and bakugo sneak out intending to go see some stars but are met with the unlikliest of people, explaining their situation, you end up fighting alongside them, and realising just how far your relationship will go with the blond  
“i’m not sick, i always look like this” | requested (2.0k) ↠ fluff
in which your bakugo ends up getting sick, being the loving girlfriend you are you happily look after the angry boy who’s adamant he is not sick 
“becuase i’m fucking in love with you” | 1k event (2.5k) ↠ fluff
in which bakugo watches you get too close with another man and can’t help but let his anger take over seeing you with anybody other him
“that blood, it’s not yours is it?” | 1k event (1.5k) ↠ angst
in which villian!bakugo comes to your apartment, confessing to his sins before finding himself surrounded by pro heroes after your call for help, with nowhere else to go, his only option to take you down with him
“good girl, spread your legs more, you want me to make you feel good?” | corruption collab (4.0k) ↠ nsfw
in which bakugo has always been infatuated with the pure guise you put on, when you come to his office late at night, how can he not resist the temptation of ruining something so sweet?
"you promised...” | (0.7k) ↠ angst
in which you see the first time you and bakugo fell in love
“you think that waiter could make you cum the way i do” | 1k event (2.0k) ↠ nsfw
in which after having a dinner date with bakugo, his irritation at how the waiter seems just a bit too close to you, he can’t help but take you right back to his car, ready to show you who’s really in charge
☆ headcanons ☆
“she’s doing what?” | requested (1.5k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re seen as the mom of class 1a, the boys got to spy on the girls sleepover and what they didn’t expect was you to confess your crush but also for you to have hidden talents that makes bakugo realise he needs to have you
“if you win, i’ll take you out tonight” | requested (1.5k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re performing at the ua pageant and get a surprised visit from bakugo with a proposal in mind 
“how am i supposed to protect everybody if i can’t even protect you” | requested (1.5k) ↠ angst and fluff
in which you and bakugo are the ones to go against each other in the final of the sports festival and after you win, he makes it seem like he let you win, after confronting him he finally gives you what you wanted.
“you’ll never be a fucking hero if you keep acting like a dick to midoriya” | requested (1.4k) ↠ angst and fluff
in which after seeing bakugo continue his bullying with midoriya, you take it upon yourself to stick up for the boy and bakugo get’s a lot more than he expected, finally realising that his act cannot go on for any longer 
“you bought more, didn’t you” | requested (1.1k) ↠ fluff
in which your sweet tooth becomes the bane of bakugo’s life, finding out you house even more sweets in your pockets, his only way to finally get you stop seems to be a bit more different than his initial plan
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“your ability to remain silent really pisses me off” (1.1k) ↠ fluff
in which you go to a haunted house with the class and get stuck partnered up with todoroki
“i thought you hated me” | (3.1k)  ↠ fluff
in which todoroki has a crush on you, and whilst trying to get closer to you his social awkwardness kicks in, making it harder and harder to not mess up whilst talking to you, but in the end he finally confesses after a whirlwind of a week
☆ headcanons ☆
“i want to talk about it now” | (1.0k) ↠ angst and fluff
in which at the sports festival, you finally talk to the boy in your class who seemed to always keep to himself, you both unveil your own trauma that you went through
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐊𝐈 𝐓𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“if you ate pussy does th-” “y/n do no finish that sentence” (2.5k) ↠ fluff
in which you had been shot by a quirk that makes you say your thoughts aloud, the big three come to class 1a, you’re long time crush and friend tamaki gets made to answer questions and you stupidly raise your hand
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“you guys did it where” | requested (2.1k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re in a secret relationship with shinso until at his party celebrating his first day in the hero course, he can’t keep his hands off of you
“why aren’t you scared of me?” | requested (4.0k) ↠ angst and fluff
in which shinso joins class 1a and whilst everybody seems to be scared of him out of fear he’ll use his quirk, you try to befriend the boy and he develops feelings as soon as you talk to him
“one more word out of you and i’ll leave you tied up with no release” | 1k event (1.2k) ↠ nsfw
in which after teasing shinso all day he can’t wait to get his revenge by overstimulating you until your crying, begging to cum
“i want you to have me...all of me” | corrupt a virgin collab (5.3k) ↠ nsfw 
in which shinso finally takes the next step with his sidekick after being unable to confess he finally works up the courage finding out your own secret as you both decide to take the next step in your newfound relationship
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐌𝐀 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“who ruined you, go on, say my name” | 1k event (1.7k) ↠ nsfw
in which after an encounter with your ex boyfriend, monoma makes sure that everybody in the restaurant knows who you belong too
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐘𝐎 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“what else can vibrate?” | (2.8k) ↠ nsfw
in which you meet a pro hero who can vibrate and things get a lot personal 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐀 𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“did he steal two babies?” | requested (3.0k) ↠ fluff
in which you’re aizawa’s secret wife, aizawa gets a call in the middle of class that you’re going into labor and eventually leaves, the class being noisy pricks follows him to a hospital, feeling worried they continue to follow until they see him holding two babies with a smile at his new family
“i’ll always support you” | requested (1.0k) ↠ platonic relationship and fluff
in which you confide in your teacher about your sexuality and he brings you the support your parents never gave you
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐊𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐎 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“you really have got nothing to do on a friday night” | (4.4k) ↠ fluff
in which your friend keigo invites you to a pro hero event as his plus one, the event leads to a lot more than you expected 
“you’re going to show the whole world who you belong too” | 1k event (1.0k) ↠nsfw
in which you find yourself in a hotel room after your dinner with keigo, pressed against the glass window for the whole world to see
☆ headcanons ☆
“where the fuck did you learn how to do that" | requested (1.1k) ↠ fluff
in which keigo hears you rapping in the shower and even though it was a shock he can’t help but to join you showering 
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐈 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“i tried to move on, but nobody was you” | (1.4k) ↠ angst and fluff
in which you find yourself in front of the league of villains base as nobody could compare to how your ex made you feel
“we’re you” | (3.3k) ↠ fluff
in which you and dabi go out to get food and find yourself meeting some familiar faces with destruction arriving with them
“your boyfriend is going to kill us” | 1k event (2.2k) ↠ nsfw
in which dabi finds himself at your apartment seeing an upset you, how could he resist not comforting his girl even if your boyfriend arrives half way through
“you don’t remember me?” | 1k event (3.0k) ↠ angst
in which after losing your memory in what seemed to have been a week, the capture of shigaraki is the only thing on your mind but when you meet face to face with a distant memory, the reality of the torture the heroes inflicted on you finally comes to light
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐈 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
☆ one shots ☆
“keep moaning, go on” | 1k event (2.0k) ↠ nsfw
in which after a loss to all might, all shigaraki needs is a relaxing bath with you which ends up turning into a lot more
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1K notes · View notes
kay-diggle · 4 years
The Promise Ring
Summary: Some promises are broken, some promises remain intact, and new promises are made.
Pairing: Jungkook x Female Reader
Genre & Rating: Angst, Smut, Hint of Fluff, 18+
Warnings: oral (m. recieving), somewhat dom!jungkook (he’s actually a big softie) sub!reader, hairpulling, mentions of jealousy, overstimulation, vaginal intercourse, unprotected sex (pls pls pls stay safe guys!)
Length: 4.2k
Notes: I apologize that the first fic I post in months is so terrible (it highkey feels like it’s all over the place but that’s okay!) If you somehow enjoy this... please let me know! I’m still kinda in hiatus bc of school btw :( {Requests are closed}
Kay-Diggle’s Ultimate Masterlist
“It’s so pretty out here tonight,” you commented on the beautiful scenery in front of you. You were laid across your boyfriend’s lap while he leaned back, both taking in the view. 
 For your four year anniversary, Jungkook took you out to a clearing that overlooks the city. You had a late night picnic, eating your favorite foods while sharing some of your favorite memories from the past four years you’ve been together. 
“Yea… but you’re prettier.” 
“Ugh, corrrnnyyyy,” you whined despite feeling yourself begin to blush. 
“Yea, but you love it,” he placed a sweet kiss on your forehead. “And I think this is the perfect time to give you your anniversary gift babe!” 
“No! I definitely told you I did not want a gift this year.” 
“Well that is definitely too bad because I got you one anyways,” he countered, playful as ever. 
He sat up, reaching into the pocket of his jeans. It was hard to see since it was dark outside, but when you clearly saw the velvet black box, you felt a rush of all different types of emotions exploding within you. Upon seeing your shocked face, he stupidly grinned before opening the box, confirming your suspicions about what was inside. 
“Jungkook….” your jaw dropped as you looked at the most beautiful diamond ring you had ever seen. 
“Y/n,” his hand found yours, “I love you so much baby. These past four years have been…. just, so amazing that it’s kind of hard to put into words, ya know? But the one thing I can tell you for sure is that we were meant to be together. You were literally made for me -- my handcrafted destiny. And I promise you that will never change. I promise that I will never stop loving you, I’ll never hurt you. I promise you that I will never break your heart.” 
Nothing could stop the way tears pooled into your eyes at his heartfelt words. You were speechless, only being able to mouth the words ‘I love you’ while Jungkook began laughing at you while wiping away your tears.  
“I know what you’re thinking but it’s not that, so don’t freak out! It’s a promise ring,” he took your left hand, placing said ring on your finger. 
You couldn’t even focus on his words, you just wanted to hug him. And so you did. As soon as he slipped the ring on your finger, you were wrapping him in your arms and tackling him to the ground, crying while laughing at the same time while he laughed with you. 
“Did you even hear me just now?” he chuckled. 
“Yes, not a proposal, but a promise ring,” you nodded. 
“Okay. Just keep in mind I will ask you to marry me one day,” he smirked. 
"And I, Y/n, promise you, Jungkook, that when that day does come, I'll say yes. If you would've asked me tonight I would have said yes with no hesitation." 
“Well then, I can’t wait for that day, hm?” 
“Yeah, me neither.” 
And that night, the two of you made love outside, underneath the stars. 
When you walked into the room you felt your stomach drop. Seeing your ex-boyfriend’s face months after the worst break up you’ve ever had instead of his best friend who you were planning to meet up with was not what you were expecting when you opened the door. 
“You’re not Namjoon,” a deep frown set on your face. 
“I know. I asked him to get you here. Y/n, please… just hear me out.” 
“No Jungkook,” you shook your head. “I believe you said enough the last time we saw each other, yea?” 
You turned, placing your hand on the doorknob and turning it. Before you could fully open it, you felt a force push it back closed with Jungkook’s strong presence behind you, his hand pressed against the door above your head.
“Y/n. Stay.” 
He whispered it in your ear and although he said it in a commanding voice, his voice was strained almost as if he was begging. You stood completely still for a moment, your heart and mind battling against each other even though you already knew their fight was pointless. In the end, your heart always made you cave. 
You turned to face him, realizing that you were completely trapped between him and the door, you quickly became uncomfortable. Fuck your stupid heart for not being able to resisit the man who broke it. 
“What do you want?” 
“I miss you.” 
You scoffed at that. 
“Well that’s something you could have communicated over the phone rather than creating this whole elaborate plan with Namjoon and getting him to lure me all the way to this hotel.” 
“You realize that you blocked me… on everything, right? I can’t communicate anything to you,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Yes, I realize that. And I did that for a reason. What part of ‘I never want to hear from you or see you again’ did you not understand from when we broke up?” 
“Oh I understood that shit perfectly and I still think it’s fucking bogus.” 
“Yea of fucking course you would. You know that was always your problem. You never see things from my point of view.” 
“Oh and what point of view would that be? Starting arguments over nothing because you’re bored to the point where we had to actually BREAK UP?” 
“Bored Jungkook? Really? I assure you that if I was really bored I would’ve found better ways of occupying my time than arguing with your ass over the same shit.” 
“Oh get real Y/n.” 
“No, you get real!! Your head is so far up your fucking ass that eight months later you still can’t see what you did wrong.” 
“There’s nothing to see! I didn’t do anything!!” 
“Jungkook I fucking told you on multiple occasions that I didn’t appreciate you entertaining that girl when she flirted with you! You know, the one who was only supposed to be a close FRIEND?!?” 
“Jesus Christ y/n, you act as if I FUCKED her. I didn’t even flirt back!” he stepped back from you, crossing his arms under his chest. 
“IT DOESN’T FUCKING MATTER! Do you understand how it made me feel?? How she would whisper with her friends, talk shit about OUR relationship and I just had to sit back and listen. OH but the ONE time I get drunk and flirt with Taehyung in a moment of weakness, suddenly I was the villain. Suddenly I destroyed our relationship and was all types of whores and sluts. Honestly Jungkook, you can go to hell.” 
“You flirted with my BEST FRIEND y/n.. Basically offered to suck his dick. I’m sorry, was I not supposed to get angry?” 
“No but I definitely wasn’t expecting you to disrespect me by calling me out of my name Jungkook!”
“I APOLOGIZED! I apologized as soon as I realized what I said. And I’ll apologize again if that’s what it’ll take to-” 
“No you don’t have to do shit. I’m leaving. I can’t believe I even stayed this long. Ugh, this is my problem. I’m always too nice to people who don’t deserve my kindness,” your words came out venomous. 
Jungkook bared his teeth, visibly upset before he walked towards you, forcing your body back into the wall. 
“No your problem was you never wanted to fucking talk. It was ALWAYS arguing with you. EVEN NOW! I invited you here to have a conversation and look at what you started!” 
“No YOU started it!” you poked your finger into his chest. “You knew exactly what would happen if we saw each other again which is exactly why you got me here under false pretenses. This is all your fault,” you screamed. “Everything. Was. Your. Fault.” you poked his chest with each word. 
Jungkook grabbed the finger you kept poking him with and it made you audibly gasp. He stared down at you with a look that came across as angry but having been in this position with him before, you could also notice a slight hint of lust in his eyes. 
He let go of your finger before gently pushing his palm into your chest, making your back hit the door and grabbing your wrists, holding them against the door. 
“Listen. To. Me,” he spoke slowly. “I am not putting up with your attitude tonight so stop.” 
“Make me.” 
It was like clock work, the way the two simple words you uttered set him off. He let go of one of your wrists to wrap his hand around your neck, choking you lightly and bent down to whisper in your breath. 
“Stop fucking playing with me Y/N. You already know what happens when you do that shit.” 
“Hmm… well it has been eight months. Maybe you need to refresh my memory?” you challenged. 
Jungkook grunted out of frustration before tightening his grip on your throat and kissing you. The kiss was rushed and furious, much different than the ones you’ve shared with him in the past. No matter how upset he was with you, his lips were always gentle on your skin, but this was completely different. He forced his tongue into your mouth and bit on your lips so hard you were worried he would draw blood. 
His other hand let go of your wrist, trailing it up your thigh to squeezing your waist and ultimately groping your ass while giving your lips a break to attack the sweet spots on your neck instead. 
“Fuck….” you moaned out when his hand began squeezing your breasts, brushing against your hard nipples. 
“You like when I play with your tits?” 
“Nope,” you spit out. “You’re barely doing anything for me right now.” 
“Hmm well you wanna know what I like? When you can’t talk. How about we shut you up.” 
He shrugged off his jacket, placing it on the floor before pushing you to your knees. Having been in this position before, you reacted automatically, rubbing his length through his pants a little. You unbuckled his belt and undid his pants before pulling them and his boxers down just enough to reveal his semi hard dick. After finally seeing it again after months, it would be a lie to say you didn’t miss it. 
“Suck. Now.” 
At his command, you looked up at him while wrapping your hand around his base, letting spit drip from your mouth onto him to make him wet. You moved your hand up and down his length a bit before finally taking him into your mouth, You let your tongue run on the underside of his dick from base to tip before wrapping your lips around his tip and lightly sucking, just like you knew he liked. You looked up at him, covering your teeth with your lips and taking his length further in your throat. One of his hands found purchase in your hair, guiding you up and down his length while his other was spread against the door as if using it to hold himself up. You felt him twitch in your mouth before there was a knock at the door. 
“Jungkook? Y/n? I just came to make sure you guys didn’t kill each other in here,” Namjoon joked wearily. 
“Yup! All good,” came Jungkook’s hasty response when he felt you take in his length completely, deepthroating him. 
“I see you’re acting out for Namjoon,” he whispered looking down at your teasing face before using your hair to push you further down and hold you there. 
After a few seconds he let you up, coughing up spit while gasping for air loud enough that Namjoon could hear. 
“Jungkook what was that? Where’s y/n?” 
“She’s here. She’s fine. We’re working it out. Bye Namjoon!” Jungkook made you go back to sucking his cock after letting you get a few breaths. 
“Maybe I should come in and mediate….” Namjoon contemplated, completely unaware of what was happening on the other side of the room. 
“Unless you want to see her choking on my dick, maybe now is not the best time Namjoon,” Jungkook was starting to get annoyed. 
“Oh… in that case.. I’ll just get going I guess…. Glad to hear you two are.. Working it out?” Both you and Jungkook could hear Namjoon taking off in the opposite direction of the room. It made you giggle a little bit, vibrating against Jungkook’s cock. Nearly cumming down your throat at the feeling, he slapped his hand against the door before using your hair to pull your mouth off of him. 
His hand wrapped around your arm, pulling your body back into a standing position before capturing your lips in a heated kiss again. 
“Fucking Namjoon….” Jungkook trailed off, his hands now exploring your body again. “And why the fuck were you coming to see Namjoon dressed like this?” He asked, referring to the tiny black dress you were wearing that barely covered your ass. 
You replied with the most petty thing you could think of. “I don’t know. Maybe it was so that I could finally fuck one of your best friends, like I was accused of doing.” 
Jungkook gritted his teeth, yet again visibly annoyed with you. “And how should I fuck you fuck, hm? Should I fuck you against the door? Make you scream my name? Make sure everyone in this hotel knows how much you’ve fucking missed me?” 
His fingers traveled under your dress and pulled your soaked panties to the side, easily slipping a finger into you and then adding another beginning to fuck you
“Ah, shit!” 
“Answer the question.” 
“Fuck! Yes, fuck me wherever you like” 
At that, he quickly ripped your underwear off your body and pulled your dress off, wanting as much access to your bare skin as possible. He pulled the rest of his pants off as you tugged his shirt off and threw it across the room. 
He pushed you completely against the door and raised one of your legs to wrap around his waist. Taking his length in his hand, he slapped it against your clit a few times, smirking at you as you whimpered at the feeling. He rubbed his length against your wet folds until you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Jungkook,” you were annoyed. 
“Yes?” He looked at you with a sly smile on his face. 
“Just put it in!” 
“Beg me first.” 
“You’re so goddamn irritating.” 
“Now Y/n, is that any way to talk to someone who can give you what you so desperately need?” His condescending tone of voice only worked to aggravate you further, but you not wanting to waste anymore time, you gave in. 
“Please Jungkook! Please fuck me. I can’t wait anymore, it’s been too long. Please i-  I need you!” 
He pressed your waist further into the door before finally sliding inside of you. 
“I don’t want to hear anything out of your mouth that isn’t you begging or my name,” he whispered in your ear as he began to fuck you, his movements made easier by your wetness. “No talking back.” Hard Thrust. “No smart ass comments.” Hard thrust. “Nothing.”
When he began pounding into you, you lost your footing, almost slipping. With a grunt, Jungkook grabbed both of your thighs, hoisting you up against the door and trapping you under his body. With this new position, he spread your legs further, now being able to go deeper within you. When you felt his tip repeatedly nudge the spongy spot within you, you let out your loudest sound yet, a combination of Jungkook’s name and a moan. He apparently thought it was too loud because he covered your mouth with the palm. 
“Be quiet” he whispered in your ear harshly. 
You wrapped your hand around his wrist, moving his palm so that you could speak. “‘I’m sorry, it’s just so good, ugh fuck.” 
“Yea, bubby? Did you miss me fucking this tight pussy? Missed me pounding into you just the way you like?” 
The cute pet name he used to call you when you were in a relationship completely flew over your head. The only thing you could focus on was the way his cock felt sliding against your walls, throbbing inside of you. 
“God, please! Please make me cum.” 
“You wanna cum? You missed cumming all over my cock right?” 
“Fuck yes! God,” you cried out when he went harder, your body banging into the door with every thrust. 
Jungkook was too busy holding your body up so he could fuck you properly, so you one of the hands that was gripping his shoulders down to your throbbing clit, rubbing it so that you could bring yourself to your end. Jungkook’s eyes traveled down to where your fingers were working, biting his lip at the sight. 
“Mmhmm, yes bubby. Rub that little pretty clit of yours. Are you gonna make yourself cum, hmm? Be a good girl for once and make yourself cum for me?”
“Yes.. yes, I’m gonna cum so hard Jungkook, just for you! Ahhh, fucckkkk” You were spewing so many words in your moment of bliss that you couldn’t even recall what you were saying.Your legs trembled while your hands wrapped around Jungkook’s wrist as he fucked you through your high. Your entire body felt overwhelmed as you came, especially when Jungkook kissed you while you were still shaking all over his dick, making it even harder for you to breathe. 
Disconnecting your lips so you could both catch a breath, jungkook asked “You came so hard, can you take more?” 
“Yes. Please, I need more.” Jungkook could see in your eyes how fucked out you were. The look you gave him had his cock throbbing so hard that he felt he could cum in that exact moment. 
He carried your limp body to the bed on the other side of the room, placing you down on the edge and instructing you to move up towards the headboard, holding back a laugh as he watched you struggle to crawl with your worn out legs. 
He joined you on the bed, sitting on his knees between your spread legs, touching himself at the sight of your post-orgasm face and glistening wetness. Watching him bite his lip and touch himself while looking you dead in the eye had your worn out pussy whimpering for him again, demanding more, and you couldn’t wait. You wrapped your legs around his waist, prompting him to hover over you, hands right beside your head to hold himself up. 
“Do you want it?” 
You quickly nodded your head. 
“Words, bubby.” 
“Yes Jungkook.” 
And then you both watched as he slid his length back inside of your cavern. Compared to his fast and rough thrust earlier, these were slower and more calculated. He was grinding into you in a way where you could feel his pelvis brush against your clit every time he moved deeper into you. You cried out to him again from the overstimulation. 
“You okay y/n?” he questioned, not stopping his movements. 
“Yea, just sensitive. Please don’t stop,” you begged, 
“I promise I won’t. I don’t ever want to stop….” 
You couldn’t focus on his words while he moved inside you. All you could do is let the moans roll out of your mouth that hung wide open. And all Jungkook could do was watch, thinking about how much he missed this. How much he missed you. 
He lowered his body so that he was basically laying on top of you, one hand gripping your waist while the other gripped the sheet next to your head. He rolled his hips into you at a faster pace and you couldn’t help but fling your arms around him, holding on tight. He dropped his forehead to yours and you finally looked at him, really looked at him without the lust clouding your eyes. You were still able to read him the same way you always could. You finally noticed the drop in his earlier dominant persona and how he became softer with the way he touched you. 
You felt his love radiating through you. He was making love to you. 
“Fuck y/n, I’ve missed you so much.” 
“Jungkook … please, please don’t. Please just fuck me,” you begged. You couldn’t do this. You weren’t ready to face your feelings. 
“I can’t just fuck you. I want more. I want you.” Both of his hands found their way to yours, locking your fingers together while looking each other in the eye. “I only want you. It’s all I’ve ever wanted. I love you, bubby. I’ve never stopped… ugh, I promised I never would.”
His sudden confession made all of the emotions you thought you had locked away for the past eight months come back. You were crying. You were sobbing under the guise of pleasure.. It was all too bittersweet. Jungkook was simultaneously making your body feel good but your heart feel so sad. 
You couldn’t speak. You didn’t have the words. You just clamped your walls around him, pushing you both towards your climaxes. He squeezed your hands when he felt his balls tighten and cock throb, kissing you and groaning against your mouth as he came inside of you. He left open mouthed kisses on your face and down your body. This time, it was his fingers on your clit that brought you to your second end, all while whispering sweet, meaningful words in your ear about how beautiful you were and how much he misses you. It made your orgasm more intense, your feelings overriding your senses as you spasmed around his now soft cock inside of you. 
When he finally pulled out, he kissed you deeply for only a second, hugging your body closer to his and wiping your tears away as you both tried to catch your breath yet again. When the stickiness of your lower body began to feel as heavy as your heart and to Jungkook’s dismay, you got out of the bed and went into the bathroom, taking some time to clean up and silently sob into your hand before splashing water onto your tear stained cheek. You weren’t prepared for what would happen when you walked out the door and faced your ex lover again, but you knew you couldn’t avoid it either. 
Exiting the bathroom you saw Jungkook already dressed and  you scanned the room for your clothing which was mostly by the door. Jungkook silently watched as you dressed yourself and when he saw the look on your face when you turned around, he shot out of the bed and rushed towards you. 
“Marry me.” 
Your jaw dropped. “Jungkook…. What? Are you insane?!?” 
When he brought his hand into your line of sight, you recognized the item you threw at his chest eight months ago as you packed your bags and prepared to leave him. The cursed promise ring. 
“Do you remember when I gave this to you? I promised you that one day I would ask you to marry me. Well today is that day…... Do you remember what you promised me?” 
“Jungkook… “ 
“What did you promise me y/n?” he was desperate.
“I promised- I promised that I would say yes when you asked,” you mumbled, eyesight being blocked by fresh tears. 
“Well I’m asking,” he got down on one knee. “Y/n, will you marry me?” 
“This isn’t fair,” you sobbed. “I said that when we were still together. Things have changed Jungkook.” 
“Oh really? What’s changed y/n? We haven’t been together for a few months, but who cares. The only thing that matters is that our feelings haven’t been affected by our time apart. And they never will be. We’re always going to be in love. I promised you that.” 
Jungkook was crying himself at this point, and it broke you. Your head and heart were once again at war, but that didn’t matter. Nothing else could matter to you when the love of your life was on one knee in front of you, professing his undying love for you and asking you to spend the rest of your life with him. Your heart and your mind ultimately knew that he was right. Your feelings for him never changed, and they never would. There was no point trying to fight it. And yea he might have broken a promise or two, but he was making good on them now, and that was all that mattered. 
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, before mumbling out a small “Yes.” 
When you opened your eyes, your new fiancé looked dumbfounded with the brightest smile you had ever seen on him. He cried out in joy before coming off his knee, lifting you up in his arms and twirling you around before trapping your face in his hands and kissing you as if his life depended on it. You couldn’t help but laugh as you wiped both his and your own tears away. 
“Was this your whole plan? To propose to me tonight?” 
“It was,” he grinned. “Now that I know what my life is like without you in it, I’m never letting you go again. And that’s a promise.” 
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
this is such a general thing but defiant villain whumpee slowly breaking pls :)
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope this is slow enough. It's not exactly the traditional whumpee breaking, but I hope it's interesting nonetheless! Feel free to send in another ask if you want something different ^^
CW//Talk of mass destruction, sleep deprivation torture, brief pet whump mention, forced to eat gross food
"It's over."
There was a weariness to the newscaster's voice-- the kind that those in the profession were never meant to display. The sheer essence of bone-deep exhaustion. A body squeezed dry of adrenaline, until fight or flight turned to fatigue.
But, the fight was won.
"For the last three days, we have been running twenty four hour coverage of the battle occurring downtown. The battle began when Villain's forces attempted to overrun an R&D lab, following the occupation of their original headquarters by our city's heroes.
The destruction has been uncountable. But, it's over.
After a final assault at three in the morning, today, the last of Villain's personal guard fled the stronghold, and were taken into captivity. An hour later, the menace themself was captured.
It's over.
What exactly will be done with Villain is unclear, but Leader has assured us that appropriate measures have been prepared for their secure containment.
As for us? At long last, goodnight Metropolis."
"And good morning, sleepyhead."
Villain could not help but wince as light washed over them in a boiling wave-- the warmth of darkness torn away from them-- as the back doors of the truck were swung open.
"You're making the biggest mistake of your life." They snapped back, hoping the venom in their voice reached its recipient, standing at the truck's mouth.
Of course, of all people, their welcoming committee had to be fucking Hero. The biggest asshat Metropolis had to offer. The worst, most stupidly noble, stupidly loyal, stupidly-
Their fury reached a boiling point to which enraged thoughts turned incoherent. It did not matter why they hated the idiot standing before them. It mattered only that anger alone made their veins feel as though they were overflowing with magma.
"Am I?" The noble fool cocked their head to the side, mocking and arrogant. "Or are you just upset that you've lost?"
"You think I've lost?" Villain let out a hearty chuckle. "All this effort, and you've caused me a minor setback, at most."
"Well, which one of us in the cage?"
They narrowed their eyes to slits. Hero was right. They were both staring through the bars of a cage, but Villain was very much the one contained. It was a tiny, steel construction. Large enough to stand up in, and take one step in each direction, but such was all.
Loaded into the back of a truck like some kind of zoo animal. They wanted to scream!
But, unlike the heroes, they could hold back.
"Me staying here to amuse you does not equate to defeat, Hero."
"Is that all you're doing? Humoring me?"
"Do you have any reason to believe otherwise?"
"Plenty." They smirked. "For one, sitting in the back of a truck for fourteen hours doesn't exactly seem like something you'd do to humor me."
Fourteen hours...
"Have you considered that I'm simply playing a long game?"
"It'll be the longest game of your life, then. Don't plan on getting out of here anytime soon. Or, y'know, ever. That's kind of the whole point."
"You really think you can hold me forever?"
"Oh, I know so. If you knew what was coming for you, you wouldn't be taking this so lightly."
"Oh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do, give me a donut and tell me to hug this whole thing out?"
Hero chuckled, at that.
"Why don't you come and see for yourself?"
"You're sure this will work?" Leader cocked a brow, hoping that the teeth marks in their lower lip weren't visible. It was a nervous habit, chewing like that.
"Certain." Scientist had a chipper tone to them-- a student having solved a math problem. "We've been developing this method for months. Trust me, they have no chance."
"None. Even better, this technique is more than a simple containment method. It has a progressive weakening effect. Within a few months, they'll be like putty in your hand."
"You know we're talking about Villain here, right?"
Villain had expected high security.
Of course they had. They'd quite frankly expected something ridiculous. A cell suspended over a pit of lava. Or a shark-infested pool. Or maybe they'd simply contain them through the power of sedatives.
None of the options sounded particularly enjoyable. But, all three sounded better than the room they stood in front of at that moment.
Six guards stood around them, each heavily armed, and not afraid to display this fact. Two stood on either side of them, each holding a chain attached to one of the twin manacles that adorned both their wrists-- they'd expected handcuffs, but two shackles per wrist seemed a little excessive. The two remaining guards stood with one in front and one behind. Their chains were those connected to Villain's feet. One tug, and they'd be face-first on the tile.
The restraints didn't make them want to flee any less. Not when they saw that room. Even chained as they were, they squirmed at the very sight of what stood before them.
It was rather large, though not ostentatiously so. Though, its size was accentuated by the complete lack of furniture lining the walls.
No. There were only two things inside the chamber.
The first stood at the center. A massive, metal ring, perhaps ten feet in height and the same in width. Four cylinders of the same material extended into the circle's center, looking terribly like hungry mouths.
One for each wrist, one for each ankle.
They were going to be splayed out like a bearskin carpet. Not to mention the vulnerability... With their limbs spread in every which direction, everything would be exposed. Their stomach, their back, their head. And they would be without a hope of retaliation.
It was a terrifying thought, but the elaborate restraint was nothing compared to the other thing inside the chamber.
There must have been a thousand of them. Shimmering, dazzling lights. On the ceiling, on the walls, some even on the floor.
It had not been since Villain's childhood that light had truly affected them. The manifestation of their abilities had coincided with the appearance of their acute sensitivity to the sun. Such was to be expected' a supernatural ability to move through places dark and shadowed, to control the shroud as though it were a thing rather than an absence did not exactly leave one looking forward to the sunrise.
Yet, they were not a vampire. Through gradual acclimation, they had learned to become comfortable with normal levels of light exposure. Spending a few hours under the sun's rays was not a problem, nor was existing within an indoor space, dominated by artificial lamps and LEDs.
But that room...
Villain could not take it. In desperation, they pulled, tugging on the restraints that dangled around them like tails. But, even they were no match for six men.
And, thus, they entered.
"Now, I can see you weren't lying!"
The voice startled Villain, sent a jolt through their chest, but it did nothing to raise their head or open their eyes. Not immediately. Lifting their gaze was a task accomplished with a considerable amount of effort, and unveiling their eyes from their lids made their corneas feel to have been pierced by searing blades.
They could hardly see Hero, through the blazing lights.
"You really were trying to humor me. This is hilarious!"
It was with a terribly uncomfortable feeling that they felt fury overtake their fatigue.
"It's only been six days. I can play the long game."
"Is that why you've been hanging around?"
Though they tried, in their manacles, it proved impossible to ball their fists. The metal fit too closely around their fingers, contoured to not allow the slightest shadow of movement.
"Maybe it is, Hero. Maybe it is."
"Maybe." The Hero took a step forth, then another, until they were mere inches from their captive nemesis. "They've really done something here, huh? Ya' can hardly move an inch."
"There's a difference between not being able to and not wanting to."
"Is that so?"
Hero placed a chilled hand on their nemesis' side-- just above their hip, where their range of movement was the most limited by their splayed limbs.
Villain's heart leapt as they felt a tiny spark, jolting through their chest.
Suffering a direct blow from their nemesis was a fate they had only endured a handful of times. Now, there was nothing to protect them from it. Not even the adrenaline of battle.
"They say you're gonna give up, y'know." Hero trailed their hand, up and down Villain's taut skin. "I think they're betting on it, up in HQ. It's only a matter of time. We can all see you're getting weaker. Tired. You aren't great at hiding it."
"What I'm good at is acting."
"You're saying this is all an act? So you won't mind if I do... this?"
That time, the feeling was more of a spark.
Villain's scream echoed throughout the chamber, but there was no one to hear them but the light.
"Hey! Get up. Can't you hear me?"
Of course Villain could hear Hero. They'd been hearing their stupid voice every single one of these last...
How many days had it been?
They couldn't remember. Too many.
"There's a difference between hearing and listening."
"I thought this whole breaking you thing would be more fun."
"I'm sorry that I'm not entertaining you."
"Nah, I don't think seeing you strung up like this will ever get old." Like a child, Hero laughed. "Anyways, I brought you some food. It's fish!"
Villain hated fish.
But, struggling would mean opening their eyes. Looking at the light.
And, thus, they ate.
"Come on."
A sharp vibration rattled through the restraint frame, and, consequently, to the cores of Villain's bones. But, they did not move.
"I know you can hear me. So get up!"
Hero kicked the frame again, but received the same reaction.
"I thought you were playing the long game. I'm looking for some payoff, here. This new Villain is boring."
Maybe they were boring.
But they didn't have the energy to be anything else. Not anymore.
"What did I tell you?" Scientist smirked. "Like putty in your hand!"
"I still don't understand how you did it." Leader shook their head. "The biggest threat to the city..."
"Oh, it was easy. They've got those weird dark powers, yeah? So they aren't hurt by the light. Not exactly. But, when there's lights on, they can't sleep! Not a wink. You could leave 'em outside and give 'em the keys to your own car, and they still wouldn't be able to escape."
"You really think so?"
"I know so. By the way, who won the betting pool?"
"Engineering department. They said three months, they were the closest. You're saying they haven't slept in three months?"
"Yep! There's not much left of the old Villain anymore, though. So... I mean, now, they can be whatever you want them to be. Do you have any ideas?"
"Hm..." Leader drummed their fingers against the wall. "I have always wanted a bodyguard."
"I thought you always wanted a dog."
"True, true."
"So... why not both?"
"You have a technique for that too?"
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Could I have a steak, medium, with mashed potatoes?
First diner request!! (This is for bakugo and I’ll be using his given hero name in this)
Pairing: proHero!Bakugo Katsuki x proHerofem!reader and they were roommates
Characters are over the age of 21
Warnings:  i’m still bad at writing smut i’m sorry language, some angst, oral(male and female receiving), spanking, penetration, degradation
NSFW so please if you’re not 18+ DO NOT INTERACT
The air around them was thick as they finished the paperwork for their latest mission. You had been working with Dynamight for a couple of years now and had grown close to the explosive hero. So close that the two of you now live together, Bakugo grumbling about it being cheaper than the both of you living alone. So this evening routine was normal whenever the two of you were involved in an intense mission such as this.
However, things were slightly amiss.
He didn’t offhandedly congratulate you on not dying “you damn extra”.
Hell, he didn’t even yell at you for almost hitting him with your quirk, which has happened no one’s perfect. 
But this time? Silence, pure and uncomfortable silence. So needless to say the ride back to your shared apartment was too quiet.
You didn’t say anything when you let yourselves into the building. He didn’t say anything when he unlocked the door and let the two of you in. It wasn’t until the door slammed shut behind him that he finally raised his voice.
“What the fuck was that?”
You had already walked into your room and began shedding your hero uniform. “I’m sorry?” You yell out from your room, halfway into your chill sweatpants and struggling to put on a comfy t-shirt. “What are you talking about Katsu?”
“Don’t play stupid with me dumbass, what the fuck was that?” He does his best to ignore the fact that you’re wearing one of his old t-shirts but he cant help the heat he feels seeing you like that. As if you didn’t do something utterly stupid an hour ago.
Your eyebrows furrow at his question, barely understanding what the blond is implying. “I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about! Please enlighten me, Bakugo.”
“Tch, don’t call me that.”
“I’ll call you whatever the hell I want if you’re gonna keep yelling at me for no damn reason!”
He pushes past you and enters your shared kitchen, already changed from being at the agency earlier and begins to prepare a meal. The anger hasn’t dissipated but he’s hoping to keep the conversation going by making one of your favorites. Bakugo is angry, yeah, but also incredibly attracted to his own roommate which makes him even angrier. He knows your eyes are on him, but he’s staying firm so then you can see how stupidly you were acting. 
“You could have died out there dumbass!” He roughly turns off the stove, his want to make you food ruined. Your jaw drops slightly as you think back to what happened. Your thoughts run wild in your brain as you’re trying to figure out what he’s talking about. You almost die every day and this is the one time he’s concerned about it. Suddenly a light bulb goes off in your head and everything clicks.
You softly murmur, “you mean when I saved you?”
“Yes, (Y/n)! That.”
You hadn’t heard him that angry, especially at you. You remember Mina telling you that you’re the only woman he lets close so he’s never really mad at you. Maybe all of that has changed. Did Bakugo catch on to your harbored feelings or...?
“You mean me saving you from the villain severely injuring you? God, Bakugo, we put our lives on the line everyday and this is what has you riled up? Me, saving and protecting the number 3 hero from imminent death at the hands of some low level villain? Who am I, some low ranked hero to the world as opposed to you? I weighed my options!” Your voice raised after each sentence and your breathing became shallower, causing your chest to rise and lower very pointedly.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Bakugo, but he’s currently too upset to act on it.
But he does match your energy. “I was perfectly fine handling that hit on my own and you know that.”
“Without my quirk you would’ve been in the hospital.”
“And you’d be dead! Did you ever think that there are others that need you alive? Fuck!”
Finally his thoughts and feelings had come to light. You were taken aback at his questions, still trying to figure out what this really means for you. You try to speak up, “the world needs Dynamight. Not me.”
“I need you.”
Your eyes widen at the words you’re not sure he said. But he did say what he said right?
You stutter over your words, “I, uh, what?”
Bakugo rakes a hand through his hair and huffs out, “Fuck it, c’mere.”
He pulls you in by the waist, his hands fitting there perfectly and softly kisses your lips. At first you’re shocked but give into your own feelings, kissing him back as your hands wrap around his neck. Bakugo takes that to kiss you deeper, his tongue licking at your bottom lip making you moan.
You two pull apart, a trail of saliva connecting your lips as your breathing is labored. Your lust filled eyes meet his which are also filled with lust and one other emotion you don’t want to believe is there, but secretly hope it is.
“This isn’t how I wanted to tell you.”
“That you love me, right Katsu?”
“Shut up, dumbass.”
He silences your giggles by kissing you again, this time more intense and lifts you onto the counter. His hands move from your waist to under your shirt. When his hands reach the soft skin of your breasts you let out a moan that went straight his nether regions. Fuck, he wants to hear those sounds from you all the time. He tests the waters further by pinching and playing with your pert right nipple and kneading your other mound. 
Breathy moans escape as you break the kiss to hide your own sounds. Bakugo meets your lidded eyes,”sweetheart don’t hold back on me. I wanna hear it all,” he emphasizes the last word by pinching your nipples harder making you scrunch your eyes closed. A curse leaves your lips as his ministrations on your breasts don’t let up.
“Fuck baby, when was the last time your body was properly taken care of? You’re so sensitive,” he growls into your ear, nipping and sucking at it in a teasing way. He pulls away to face you as your eyes flutter open at the lack of touch. You give him a questioning look to which he responds. “Stop me now if you don’t want this.”
Your breathing is ragged as Bakugo patiently and impatiently waits for your answer. You push him lightly away from your body in order to give you space to take off your shirt and toss it to the ground, your chest on full display to the blond. 
“I want this more than you know,” your words low and dripping, motioning him to come closer.
Without hesitation Bakugo sweeps in and wraps his arms around your body. Naturally your legs find purchase around his waist and he lifts you off of the counter. You feel his hard on right up against your stomach, riling you up further. Was this all it took to make this man want you?
His lips find haven on your neck, biting and sucking like he’s tasting you for the first time. “As much as I want to take you right here, let’s move it to my room, yeah?”
That knowing smirk he gives you goes straight to your core, making your panties wetter. That didn’t go unnoticed as he whispers out a fuck and rushes to his room. 
The feel of a lush duvet on your back alerts you that you’re now in his room and on his bed. His warm hands continue to trail and rake up your torso and over your breasts as you two make out. Bakugo backs up and off you only to trail kisses down the center of your body. He kisses in the valley of your breasts, leaving the area cool as his lips leave it for your belly. You try to cover up, a sense of insecurity overcoming you. The blond swiftly moves your arms away and kisses every dip and roll your tummy has to offer, sinking lower to where skin meets the fabric of your sweatpants. You feel his fingers on the hem as he eyes you for approval. You nod and in seconds your sweatpants are thrown across the room.
A clear wet stain at your core can be seen on your underwear, which isn’t cute but can’t change that now. Bakugo can already smell the arousal on you, “you this wet for me already? I haven’t even touched your pussy yet.” You moan at his words and try to rub your thighs together for friction. He smirks at what you’re trying to do and firmly places his hands on your thighs, almost threatening to leave imprints. 
“Tell me what you want princess.” You can feel his breath against the growing wetness of your cunt.
“Katsu, fuck. It’s embarrassing.”
He inches his hands closer to your clenching hole but never gets close enough. “It wasn’t embarrassing when you stripped for me in the kitchen yeah? You being a brat, slut.” He slaps your inner thigh making you gasp out. A sinister smile comes to his face at your reaction. “You’re such a slut, making such lewd noises so easily for me and I haven’t even done anything.” His fingers then glaze over your clothed pussy making you whimper. “Tell me.” he slaps your thigh again, “what you want.”
Your breathing is shallow with want as a wanton moan escapes your lips. “Fuck Katsu, I want- hah- I want your mouth.”
“Don’t make me say it - ah shit!”
The blond playfully bit right outside the lining of your underwear, knowing damn well where you actually want it. “Tell me.”
“Fuck! I want your mouth on my pussy, please!” You all but scream out the sexual statement.
You hear him chuckle and feel him shrug your underwear off, your hips rising to make the action go by faster. “That’s all I wanted, brat.”
You had always dreamt and played with yourself to the thought of Bakugo eating you out but it never amounted to the real thing. His lips wrapped around yours as he sucked and pushed his tongue inside your walls. For sure, the two of you are going to get a noise complaint but you’re too in the throws of ecstasy to care. His lips and tongue work in tandem to bring about the utmost pleasure to you. When his tongue and lips find your clit, he has to put pressure on your hips to keep them steady.
Your out of control breathing and whining turn him on more than would be possible. He growls and grunts into your heat, enjoying your taste and smell too much. He can feel his dick getting hard and leaking onto the mattress beneath him. He starts grinding into it to alleviate some of the building pressure. But it’s not as much pressure that’s building in your core; he can feel it. 
“Oh fuck, Katsu I’m gonna cum. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Katsuki continues to thrust his tongue in and out of you and suck on your clitoris as your ride out your first orgasm. Once your heartbeat slows to a normal pace, hair sticking out in all directions and sweaty you look down at him. He’s wiping away at his chin and sucking whatever was left off his fingers.
Did you...?
“Damn, sweetcheeks. You must’ve been holding back. That was fucking hot.”
“Shut up, it’s, hah, it’s not my fault my other partners couldn’t satisfy me.”
He crawls up to you and kisses you, making you taste your saltiness on his lips. “Well then we gotta make up for lost time, yeah?”
You scoff at him and notice his walls are low. Taking the initiative, you overpower him and place him on his back, straddling him.
“Heh, just what the hell do you think you’re doing, brat?”
You peck his lips and remove his shirt, “Returning the favor, what’s it look like?” Your hands deftly move down his toned torso, leaving fleeting kisses until you meet the line of his boxers, seeing his dick straining against the material. You do your best to keep in the drool leaking out of your mouth when you remove his boxers.
Bakugo gets a, rightfully earned, ego boost seeing your reaction to his penis. “Heh, take a picture it’ll last longer.”
You honestly debate it but just bite your lip at his sarcasm. His tip is already leaking pre-cum and you lick your lips at the sight. You bend down on your knees to get comfortable and then surprise him with a long slow lick from the base to tip. His hand immediately takes purchase in your hair, admiring the texture as he hisses out curses. You swirl your tongue all around the tip, making sure to dip into the little slit at the top.
That got a growl out of him.
“You fucking brat, you think you’re in control huh?”
You nod by sinking your mouth lower on his dick and quickly coming up with a pop, an evil grin on your face. Taking the challenge, Bakugo places not supporting hand on the back of your head, forcing you closer to his aching member. 
You comply, with a little help, and begin to suck him hard and deep. Your cheeks hollow out the more ragged his breathing gets and add in more tongue. Curses fly free from his mouth as his eyes roll back in pleasure. He tries his best to keep his hips on the bed but the way you’re blowing him, he may just have to face fuck you. What turns him on more is the obvious bulge of his dick in your throat that almost makes him cum on the spot. 
You’re more than willing to drink up his cum but he stops you before he gets too lost in the feeling. “Baby, I wanna cum in you so bad but not like this.” He lets you remove yourself from his throbbing dick as he pulls you in for a sloppy kiss. For some reason, tasting himself on your lips is something he can get used to. He flips you over to your back, eyes meeting in a mixture of love and lust. You truly see what he’s been feeling all this time and vice versa. His words from earlier ring in your ears and you calmly place a hand on his cheek.
“Katsu, I’m sorry for scaring you.”
Ruby eyes roll as he leans down to kiss you. “Dumbass, I know you’ll be sorry by letting me fill you up with my seed. You’re on the pill right?”
“Strange how you remember that and my favorite food.”
“Don’t ruin the moment.” He pauses as he sees the lazy grin on your face. He could get used to this. He’s still hovering over you, dick ready and throbbing as he teases your entrance. “Fuck, I love how wet you are for me. You get this wet for every other guy?” He continues to toy with your opening, making you whimper and squirm underneath him. “Answer me, slut.”
“N-no. Only you, Katsu- Ah!”
Happy with your answer, he thrusts into your awaiting pussy, breathing shallow at how warm and soft you feel around his penis. “Fuck, so wet and so tight. This pussy is for me right? Yeah it is, brat. Tell me.”
With each word he pumps in and out of you at a speed you never thought would be possible. Your senses are overwhelmed by him. The sight of him fucking you and losing control over you, the sound of skin meeting skin and the squelches from your cunt. The smell of sex in the air, the feel of his dick hitting you in all the right places, and the taste of each of your essences on your lips and tongue. This was paradise. “Yes, hah, it’s all for you!”
Bakugo slows his pace to pull you up for a messy kiss. He then flips you over onto your knees. A wanton moan leaves your throat as his member reaches deeper into you. Seeing you from this angle, he wants to engrave this view in his memory. The way your ass looks up against his skin, he can’t help but harshly smack a cheek. You yell out in pleasure, clamping down more onto him.
“Fuck baby girl, you like when I spank you huh?” He spanks your other cheek and got the same result of pussy clenching on him.
“Yes,” you pant out, “fuck daddy I love it! Spank me more!”
You’re not even sure what you’re saying anymore, pleasure and ecstasy flowing through you. He spanks you more, making the both of you closer to release. His hands leave your ass, one onto your waist and the other reaching for your clit rubbing it vigorously. 
“You gonna cum you slutty brat, huh? Gonna cum all over daddy’s cock yeah?”
He pumps into you harder, rubs you harder. “Yes, fuck Katsu I’m gonna cum.”
Bakugo abruptly stops, pulling out slightly to change positions. He sees the confusion on your face as you see you’re about to ride him. But there’s something else in his gaze. 
“That’s not,” he humps into suddenly and you cry out, “my fucking name is it?”
His movements almost feel faster this time that you’re on top. Your breasts bounce and jiggle in his face and he wants to fondle them earnestly. His hips gyrate faster and faster, chasing the sweet sense of relief he knows he’ll find. Bakugo wanted to keep fucking you from behind, but he wanted to see your fucked out face as you came again. His hand again begins to rub at your clit, bringing you closer and also clenching on his dick harder.
“Fuck baby girl. Are you ready to cum with me, huh? Tell me you’re ready.”
You keep bouncing up and down, feeling the largest orgasm of your life coming to fall over you. Your tongue lolls out and tears edge at your eyes. “Yes! Daddy fuck I wanna cum.”
“Then cum baby. Cum for me.”
“Ah, hah, Katsu, Katsuki! Hah, fuck fuck fuck, oh my god.”
Underneath you, Bakugo continues to fuck you through his own orgasm, muttering and growling under his breath; volume increasing the more of his seed that spurts out into you. You fall on top of him, sweat and other bodily fluids mix together as he limply holds you in his arms. Once your breath has calmed down, you slowly remove yourself from on top of him and fall again into the mattress.
“Fuck, princess. How was that?”
You turn to meet him and want to hide yourself, but what’s the point? He saw a side of you and brought out something in you you thought he would never see. “That was, goddamn, worth waiting for?”
He chuckles and kisses your forehead. “Stay here.” He commands you as he heads to the bathroom. He comes back with a warm towel and two glasses of water. He kindly helps you clean up and gives you a glass to drink. You didn’t realize how dehydrated you were until you had downed the whole glass. Bakugo laughs at you as he drinks his water and wipes himself as well.
“You know I love you, right?”
All you could do was nod as sleep was the only thing on your mind currently. However your stomach had other ideas.
“We never ate dinner did we,” you ask and chuckle at the realization.
Bakugo, still as naked as you are, brings you into his body and cuddles you close. “I was gonna make you your favorite dish but we can order takeout if you like.
“And besides, I already got a full meal.”
The diner is open
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namjoonieshusband · 3 years
Hiii! You’ve said you’re into Toddblack and I was wondering how you imagined that could happen despite Black being dead set on killing him? How could they happen despite both of them having different ideals? I really like reading your imagines and head canons. 😄
I think the only way Toddblack could ever happen is if Black was able to convince Todd that he's wrong, and to convince Todd to give up the power he so covets.
I think Black is only set on killing him because he sees Todd as another Tawi, another head to the Hydra, in a sense. He doesn't want to cut Tawi down only for Todd to end up doing the same shit Tawi was. He's watching his closest friend fall to power and corruption and isn't it kinder to end it before Todd truly becomes the villain?
So if he was able to legitimately convince Todd to be on his side, I think they'd get back that closeness they had.
Todd would have to work hard to get back the trust Black had in him, now shattered after trying to kill him and sending White in his place. They still clash, still have arguments on how to approach their cause.
Todd wants to be a financial backer somehow. Give the gang an actual headquarters, actual equipment to use to fight back and stay safe. Black wants none of that. What's the point in protesting such unequal wealth if you're still profiting from it?
They argue and clash and fight a lot. It's how they are, especially now. They probably drink too much one night. Todd is staring at Black's lips. He can't help it. He's always found Black handsome, always found him captivating. And Black catches Todd's gaze. Stares at him, like he's challenging him. "Is there something you want" he says, smirking as he moves closer.
There's always been this unspoken attraction between them (in Black's case, at least. Todd has made it very clear that he was at least attracted to Black). They kiss and Black shoves Todd down onto his stupidly soft mattress. He takes charge but Todd fights him for it. Neither will give up quite so easily. There's a lot of biting, shoving down, scratching. They don't come together gently, because when have either of them known gentleness? Especially at the hands of the other?
And it becomes a habitual stress reliever for the two of them.
They sleep together, a lot. Both of them content to act like it's only about sex. Todd is more emotionally intelligent than Black, which isn't saying much. But he knows that he's in love with Black. Probably has been since they were kids and Black was just an over protective teenager fighting off bullies for the helpless kids at school.
Black is in complete denial. He's not in love with Todd. How can he be? Todd is selfish, and power hungry, even when he promised not to fill the spot that Tawi left, that's still a part of him.
White knows though. He talks to them both, knows that Todd is in love with his brother. And that his brother loves Todd but refuses to admit it even to himself.
I don't think Black would ever actually admit to being in love with Todd, but I think he wouldn't get angry at Todd for saying it, after awhile. Wouldn't lash out at Todd for being stupid enough to fall for him.
Just rolls his eyes, takes a sip of his drink, and pushes Todd to the bed.
There's still so much tension between them, both worry that the other is going to do something stupid (Todd worries that Black is going to get himself killed. Black worries that Todd is going finally lose his way for good and allow himself to be fully corrupted by greed). They'll never have a truly peaceful relationship, and Black may never soften up enough to confess how he truly feels.
But through it all, they're still together. And that's what matters in that moment
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blindingdutchy · 3 years
lamentation | SEVEN
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{peter parker x fem!reader AU}
based on All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
word count: 4,000
warnings: fluff. angst. language. not even sure why i warn for angst anymore this whole story is just angsty af
18+!!! minors stay away!
In the following few weeks, you realized two things. One: Peter Parker was definitely not subtle. The other being that you were definitely in way over your head. There was no denying the stupid butterflies in your stomach anymore, or the way you found yourself expecting his touch before it even came.
It seemed as though the two of you were like magnets; a constant tug gravitating the pair of you back to each other with an unstoppable force. If you weren't together, he was on your mind, and like he could sense you thinking of him he'd be quick to reach out in some way or another. Be it appearing at your side, all happy grins and playful eyes, or calling your phone no matter the time with his stupidly adorable stutter--Peter seemed to think of you just as much as you thought of him.
The more that you thought of him, the more that you wished you didn't. It was terrifying. You wished that you could pull away again, to push him back out of your heart and lock those iron bars tight once more, but your heart had grown selfish and stubborn. It was as if you were the one locked out anymore; the control over your feelings slipping further and further from your clutches with every toothy smile Peter sent your way.
Like a magnet, he held you in place. Oh, to be held by... You slapped a pillow over your face and screamed, holding it so tightly that your nose ached and you couldn't breath. Peter Parker was like a disease. A stupid, all-consuming, utterly infatuating disease of the mind and the spirit.
You knew that you were wasting time, undoubtedly causing yourself to risk being late for school with every minute that passed as you continued to lay in your bed, but you couldn't bring yourself to get up. Already, your mother and father both had knocked at your door on multiple occasions and questioned if you were sick, and now you were regretting saying no. It would have been so easy to avoid him if you'd just played hookie.
But, with midterms in the near future, you knew it wasn't the best idea. The realization had come to you in the night. A moment so insignificant, so mundane, but it had been as if a switch were flipped in your mind. A light was turned on, so to speak, and illuminated all the thoughts and emotions you'd been so tirelessly repressing.
Talking on the phone with Peter was like a drug, and talking on the phone to him at night was a dangerous game. Under the dull light of a crescent moon and the ridiculous teddy-bear night light that was plugged into your wall, a lingering remnant of your sister's presence in the space, your inhibitions were always low. With sleepiness your walls were always lowered, and he'd unknowingly put a fatal crack in the foundation.
You rolled onto your stomach on your bed, kicking your feet through the air like a little kid as you fought back the grin that always seemed to worm its way across your lips when you were talking to him. "So, how do you like Ned and MJ?" Peter asked, and you could almost picture him mirroring your position as you heard the quiet rustle of blankets over the line. A little giggle bubbled out of your mouth at the thought.
What a sight that would be, Peter kicking his legs to and fro like a school girl in love. "They're cool. I kinda like that MJ doesn't even pretend to hide the fact that she thinks I'm weird. I don't--I don't know, it's refreshing I guess. Ned's sweet." you rambled, and it was the truth.
Ned and MJ were easily slipping into the fortress that shielded your heart with every passing day. Somehow, it wasn't as terrifying as you'd expected it to be. Perhaps that was because they didn't harbor a secret identity with which they risked their lives every single night, or maybe it was just because you'd come to realize that letting people in wasn't so bad. Not everyone was going to die on you.
Michelle Jones really didn't pretend not to think you were weird, not even a little bit. Her blunt and honest nature was a nice change from the quiet stares that seemed to follow your every move; MJ wasn't much for staring. Rather, she boldly told you what she was thinking without any shred of doubt.
And Ned, sweet Ned Leeds, was like a puppy personified. Always happy, always smiling, and always waiting to offer you compliments when you approached. You couldn't remember the last time someone had dared compliment your hair, your smile, or your outfits. Ned made it impossible to feel anything but comfort and joy in his presence, even his awkward nature was endearing.
"I'm glad." Peter hummed, "They really like you. To be honest, though, I kinda like it when it's just us. Maybe I should have waited a little longer to share you."
There was a pang in your chest at his words. Peter had been subtly flirting with you for days now, but this was more direct. He didn't have to come right out and say it for his implications to come across loud and clear, and that magnetic pull grew stronger.
So strong, in fact, that you murmured back, "I like it when it's just us, too."
If you had just kept your mouth shut, maybe he wouldn't have been so bold as to say, "Not gonna let them steal your heart from me, are you?"
The words were right at the tip of your tongue. Your heart was screaming, never! Nobody could ever steal me away from you, Peter! Yet, your mind was racing with a million and one horrible thoughts that made you feel as though your mouth was full of mud.
The silence between yourself and Peter grew thick as it drew on, no words escaping your lead-like lips. The voice in your brain, the one that sounded like your sister yet you knew was not her, was ringing in your ears. How could you ever fall in love, when she never could? How could you give your heart away, when she never had the chance?
You took that chance away from her. You stole it. This thing, whatever the weird force between the two of you was, was all stolen time, stolen opportunities, and stolen lives.
"Good night, (Y/N). I'll see you at school?"
You whispered, "Yes." The line went dead, and you felt cold.
Those simple words from Peter, with meaning and intention that was far from simple, were all it took to send the walls, bars, and barbed wire around your heart crumbling into nothing. With no protection, no barrier between yourself and the dangers of everyone else, your mind was working on overdrive. It would have been so easy to let him in, had that voice remained quiet, and yet you were steadily building those bricks back into place.
Now, all that was left to do was to steal your heart back. When had he managed to take it from you? Had he snuck in during the night, slipping through the strategically placed cracks and weak points he'd created, and stole away with it undetected? Had he taken it that first night, without you ever noticing?
As you finally released the pressure over the pillow on your face, sucking in a shaky breathe and letting all the heavy things crash over you again, tears burned your eyes. You didn't want to push Peter away. You didn't want to be the reason he was hurt, upset, or angry--you weren't ready to be the villain in his story.
"Mom?" you called out, knowing she was lingering close by.
Proving you correct, the door to your bedroom cracked open only seconds later and your mother's worried eyes fell upon your blinking ones. She definitely saw the troubled look on your face, the tears in your eyes, yet she held back from mentioning any of it as she asked, "Are you sick, honey?"
You nodded, the lump in your throat aiding your act as you croaked, "Yes. I don't feel good."
She frowned a little, knowing that you were bending the truth of the matter. Your mother was perceptive, and with the emotion all over your face, it easy for her to know that this wasn't some stomach bug or sore throat. To your relief, though, she resigned, "I'll call you out of school for the day. I'll be in my office if you need me."
Tomorrow, you could be the villain. For today, though, you were content to avoid your troubles and wallow in your self pity. At least this way you had some time to slip back into your stoic, cold demeanor before you had to face him. Time to prepare yourself to be alone again, because you knew that once you pushed Peter Parker away, Ned and MJ would be quick to follow him.
Sleep didn't come for you like you hoped it would. Well, it did, but then you found yourself dreaming of Peter and woke with a start. School had started an hour ago, and already there were a flurry of confused and increasingly alarmed messages from him lighting up your phone screen. Even though you couldn't hold back from reading them, you locked it before you found yourself replying as if on autopilot.
Pete: are you late
Pete: i'm at your locker
Pete: hello?
Pete: i'm going to class... see you there?
Pete: are you okay? you said you'd be here
Pete: at least let me know you're aldkhdkfj
You spent the day in your room, ignoring Peter and ignoring the world. Occasionally your mother would crack open your door to check on you, fussing over feeling your forehead despite the fact that you both knew you didn't have a fever, and tittering little comments about getting rest and staying hydrated. She knew you weren't sick, yet you were grateful she didn't try to pry.
As much as you wanted to tell her all of the things that were on your mind, the reasons that you were upset, you couldn't. You couldn't tell her all of the awful things you were thinking, and see the way her face would contort in anguish over you. You certainly couldn't listen to her telling you that it wasn't your fault, you weren't wrong for liking a boy, and your sister would want you to be happy. Even if you knew, in some deep part of your brain, that it was true.
Pete: got my phone taken in calculus sorry
Pete: I'm at lunch now, are you okay?
Pete: are you sick?
Pete: like... actually sick?
Peter really was relentless. You wondered how long it would take for him to catch onto what you were doing, or if he would at all. Would he understand why you suddenly gave him the cold shoulder? Would he understand, and be okay when you pushed him away again?
Pete: I'm in speech now.
Pete: we got the class to work on the speech and you're not here
Pete: not that we could do much anyways since you're so stubborn but still
Pete: okay what is going on
Pete: (Y/N)
Pete: please talk to me
Reading all of his messages kept the ache in your chest alive, stopping the numbness from creeping back in. You wished you could put your phone down, turn it off even, but it was like a cruel an addicting game to read each message as it arrived. You found yourself watching the little three dots as he typed another message eagerly, even if he was far from happy.
When school ended, he called. You let it ring each time, watching his name scroll across your screen over and over again until it ended. Once, twice, three times--he finally stopped calling, not leaving a voicemail.
For awhile, you wondered if that was it. Was he done? Had he caught on? Had he figured you out just as easily as he always seemed to do? Had Peter given up?
Pete: i know what you're doing
Pete: i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable
Pete: we can just be friends if that's what you want
It wasn't what you wanted, and that was the problem. You didn't want to be friends with Peter Parker. Well, you didn't want to just be friends with him. You wanted to know what his touch felt like when it was deliberate and welcoming, not the fleeting and curious brushes of his skin on yours. To be held by him, to taste his lips, to hold his heart in your hands like he already held yours--you wanted so much more than friendship with Peter, and that made you a thief and a fraud.
You: that's not what i want
You were weak. A weak, cowardly idiot is what you were, and you threw your phone on your bed with a groan as you realized what you'd done. The voice in your mind whispered insults, taunting you for being so easily broken.
Pete: what do you mean
You: i don't want to be friends with you Peter
Pete: oh
One simple word, and you realized he had taken that in a completely different way than you had meant it. Yet, you didn't correct him. You didn't explain that you meant you didn't want to just be friends. Maybe this was your chance--an easy way to kick him outside your walls without having to see it firsthand.
The chance didn't last long. A quiet knock sounded on your window, and your heart froze in your chest as you tried to sink deeper into your bed. It was the wind, you told yourself, until the knock sounded again and slightly louder. You could see the shadow on your floor out of the corner of your eye, and you buried your face into your pillow to block it out. If you ignored him, he would go away, and this would all be over.
After a few more knocks, it was silent for awhile, and you tempted a look at the floor only to frown at the sight of the shadow missing. He was gone, and you were alone again. Your lip quivered at the thought; what had you done? It was a mistake. This was a mistake.
You didn't want to push him away. You wanted him to hold your heart. You wanted Peter Parker as your friend, as more than a friend, hell, as anything as long as it was with you. But now? Going back on your word and dragging him back in again would be pathetic. He didn't deserve such treatment, especially not from you.
So, you pulled your pillow back over your face and let the tears fall. Your hot breath burned your eyes and made you feel sticky and gross, but you didn't care one bit. It felt cathartic to cry, like returning to a familiar place you'd been skirting around for ages. Crying over Peter was different than crying over your sister; the hurt was different, but one thing was the same: both were all your fault.
"Go away, mom." you whined, barely hearing the sound of your door unlatching over your muffled sniffles. It creaked further open, and you groaned, pressing the pillow harder onto your face, "Mom, please, I just want to be alone."
A throat cleared, and you froze. That wasn't your mother, the voice was deeper. The sound was still too light to be your father's, though, and that left one option that made your blood run cold. He didn't--did he?
He did. Peter pried the pillow out of your hands, all red cheeks and sad eyes as he stared at you in a sullen silence. "Why are you doing this?" he whispered, "Why are you pushing me away?"
You blinked at him, too paralyzed by the sight of his fluttering eyelids and pouting lips to speak. It must have been a sight to see you like that, your face red and blotchy, streaked with tears and snot that you'd been too lazy to wipe away. He didn't look away from your eyes, though, gazing into them with an intensity that dared you to look away.
Sensing that you weren't going to speak, he pressed on, "(Y/N), what is going on? I don't--It's okay if you don't like me back, I can deal with that. I want to be your friend, though. I thought you wanted to be mine, too."
Voice scratchy, you muttered, "I don't."
Something changed in him, and suddenly Peter was raking a hand through his hair as he frowned deeply. You wanted to smooth the crease between his brows, but you felt frozen. He was angry; he was angry with you, and he didn't hold back as he snapped, "That's bullshit, and you know it. If you didn't want to be friends, then why did you make that deal? Why did you let me make a complete fool of myself just to get your attention? Why did you let me introduce you to my friends? Stop lying to me!"
"I'm not!" you yelped, sitting up frantically and wiping at your face, finally. "I'm not lying, Pete!"
He threw his head back at the nickname, a sigh of exasperation forcing its way from his lips, nostrils flared. "I don't get you, (Y/N). I don't get you at all." he growled, facing you again with a heavy brow.
You gripped your blankets tightly, bunching them around your waist as you blinked at him with wide eyes. "I don't want to just be your friend, Peter!" you burst, "I don't want to just be your friend, and I don't know why. You make me feel all these things that terrify me, but I keep chasing after you and whatever those things are! It was so easy being alone, okay? Then suddenly you came swinging into my life and made everything so--so complicated!"
Your mother's face peered into your room, eyes blown wide in surprise, but the moment you glanced at her she backed away with a bitten smile and you flushed. You didn't get the chance to dwell on the fact that she'd been eavesdropping, though, because Peter sat on the edge of your bed and bit the inside of his cheek, blinking at you with teasing eyes.
"So, you like me?"
Eyes narrowed, you grumbled, "Are you really going to make me say it, Pete? After all of that?"
A sly grin stretched across his lips, cheeks puffing out adorably and making you bite your own to keep from grinning too. He tutted, raising his ruffled brow as he jabbed, "After everything else today? I think it's the least you could do."
You were screwed. His fingertips barely caressed the backs of your knuckles, and you shakily grabbed them before he pulled away again. "I like you, jerk." you mumbled, screwing your eyes shut as you felt your face burn in embarrassment.
Peter just chuckled, squeezing your hand as you felt your bed shift under his weight. "I don't want to just be your friend, either." his breathe fanned over your cheek, and your eyes snapped open to find his face closer than ever. If you just turned, ever so slightly, his lips would brush your own... He kissed your cheek softly, backing away with a tiny smile that you matched. "I like you a lot. Probably more than like, really."
"That scares me." you whispered, eyes still latched onto his, "Peter, you scare me."
He took a long moment to answer, weighing heavily the words he would utter next, before finally telling you, "You scare me, too, but I think it's worth it."
A gentle tapping at your door crashed through the moment, both of your faces burning a deep red as you turned to face your mother's sheepish smile. "Sorry, sorry, don't mind me--"
"Mom!" you wailed, slapping your hands over your face in mortification as she stealthily slipped into your room and dropped a box of condoms onto your dresser before racing away again. "Oh, I can't believe she--Mom! Did you really have to do that?"
Peter was laughing boisterously, head thrown back and eyes shut, though you could tell he was flustered too from the cherry red color that creeped down from his face and under his shirt. As humiliated as you were by your mother's actions, you couldn't help but to feel a little grateful for the interruption. The intensity, the tension in the air, had disappeared with the intrusion, and things felt a little bit lighter again.
You flopped back onto your bed, still pouting over the spectacle, as Peter breathed out, "That's so something Aunt May would have done, too."
At least you weren't alone in the embarrassing family department, you thought to yourself as Peter threw himself down beside you. She meant well, obviously, but did she really think that you and Peter were going to go from admitting you liked each other to ripping each other's clothes off in one night? Well, you were eighteen--maybe she had a bit of a reason to be so hasty.
"Do you think it's worth it?" Peter questioned, and you turned your head to face him, trying to ignore the close proximity of his face to your own. "Liking me?"
You chewed at your lip, listening for that voice in your head that had suddenly gone silent. "Yeah, yeah I do." you responded, and his face split in a blushing smile. You did think it was worth it, because being with him reminded you of all the good feelings you missed out on when he wasn't around. "I just wish we could have been like this before. Maybe then I wouldn't feel like I'm stealing her life."
He grew serious in an instant, eyebrows furrowing as he stated, "I don't." At the sight of your confusion, he continued, "I don't wish we met before. Can you honestly say that you're the same person you were before?"
He nodded, "Exactly. Stuff like that... It changes you. I would know, remember? You wouldn't be the you that I like, and if Uncle Ben were here maybe I wouldn't be who you like, either."
You had to admit, he had a point. "I guess so." you pondered aloud.
"You're not stealing her life, either, (Y/N). She would have wanted you to be happy, to do all the things she never got to. It took me a long time to stop thinking that way, too, but I did. It wasn't your fault, and you can't miss out on stuff just because of her." Peter advised, and you swallowed down the lump that was growing steadily in your throat, "She didn't give up her life for you to stop living yours."
Fuck, Peter really knew exactly what to say. You, however, were at a loss for words. He said all of the things that you'd needed to hear for so long, so perfectly, and it rocked you to your core. How did he know just what you needed to hear? The answer was simple--because he knew you, and he knew how you were feeling. He knew, because he had lived it.
Changing the subject, you asked, "So, what do we do now?"
You didn't have to explain for him to understand, and he swallowed thickly, "Do you... will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yeah. That might be worth it."
He scoffed, "Might be? Forget it, I don't want you to be my--"
"I want to be your girlfriend, Pete!" you cut him off, laughing loudly. "I really, really want to." So, maybe you lied when you said that Peter made things complicated. In fact, Peter made things incredibly easy--and that made it worth it.
SERIES TAGLIST {ask to be added}:
@msmimimerton @zendayasfwb @sweet-symphony @cherthegoddess @justsomebodyweird
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magioftheseas · 3 years
The Capital Magical Defense Force
For @oumota-events
DAY 1: Magical Boys AU
Rating: T​+
Warnings: Violence, blood, death mentioned, darker implications. Yeah it’s one of those magical au. The daaaaark subversions.
Notes: This is the longest one because we’re starting off with a big bang~ It’s not that long though. It’s just not a ficlet unlike the others. I did really enjoy writing this though. It’s a pretty...fun...au. Yeah. Haha.
Ao3 Link
In just about every world, there are unseen forces to make sure a system works a certain way. That the cogs in the machine turn without fail and that any disturbances are dealt with promptly. These unseen forces can be mundane and dull—but they can also be fantastical...while still incredibly dull.
In this instance, there are two worlds. The dull, mundane one and the dull, fantastical one. The only way to transverse is through contracts between the respective denizens, and it turns out that said contracts are necessary to keep everything in order.
There are benefits, truly. If one world collapses, the other is taken with it. It is within everyone’s best interest that the denizens work together—even if certain manipulations need to be made. After all, the greater good is such a vague and nebulous concept. It’s more encouraging to offer personal gains.
Like, for example, keeping someone alive, be it from sickness or the aftereffects of a horrible, terrible, despairing accident. The desire to live is a powerful force shared among many, both dim-witted and intelligent. It’s an efficient deal to make, especially when the other side of the exchange is not only responsibilities, but special, magical abilities to deal with those responsibilities.
Shame, then, that one particular being blessed with those abilities, those responsibilities, that gift of survival...doesn’t seem to fully appreciate it. Certain arrangements have been made. That being has been assigned to the same areas as another being of a similar caliber, but far more keen to do what must be done.
This is as much an experiment as it is an effort to keep matters under control. Observations are to be as follows...
“In the name of the stars, I’m gonna kick your fucking ass!!”
The town hero known as Starboy was being filmed again. Floating about, sending so-called comet punch after comet punch. The monster squealed under the abuse, but it didn’t squeal as much as that fucking eyesore that tailed the magical boy around as he cursed colorfully under his breath.
“This jackass just doesn’t know when to quit!”
“S-Starboy-kun,” the thing whimpered. “Please watch your language! Kids idolize you!”
“Sorry!” Starboy exclaimed, focusing more on the fight thankfully. “It’s just—let me protect the city first!!”
With a battle cry, Starboy summoned all his strength for a starstorm, pummeling the monster more and more until it fizzled out of existence. Starboy was left slumped on the ground and gasping for breath, but still found it in him to whoop for joy.
Unfortunately for him, that moment of victory was short-lived.
“Geeeez, Starboy-chan, I thought you’d really get trampled this time! You didn’t even need any help!” Another magical boy landed on the scene, right next to where the monster had once been and plucking up the fragment which was all that remained.
“H-Hey!” Starboy shouted, more like wheezed. “What the hell—that’s not yours to take!”
“It’s payment for making me worry so much,” he cackled. “You really should be more careful! You don’t want to be killed in the line of duty, now do you?”
Weakened as he was from the fight, dodging Starboy lurching towards him was child’s play.
“D-Dice!!” that eyesore shrieked. “You and Starboy-kun should be working together! Why are you doing this?!”
Dice gave that thing a cold stare, but grinned in Starboy’s direction.
“Because I like you. That’s a lie. I like messing with you. Also a lie! I really—love you, Starboy-chan!”
“Quit messing around!” Starboy gasped. “Y-You—if you need those damn fragments, you don’t have to steal them! You’re a magical boy, aren’t ya?! You should be helping me defend the city! And then I’d split them with ya even!”
Aah. This guy...
“Oh Starboy-chan, I actually, truthfully loathe you,” Dice sighed.
“D-Dice!” the thing shrieked and without looking, Dice had fired a beam that knocked the pitifully contemptible creature out, much to Starboy’s dismay.
Before he could go to help, however, Dice had seized the bow of his uniform, yanking him to not-quite eye level.
“If you know what’s good for you, you’d stop bothering with that thing and join me instead.”
Starboy only scowled.
“Why the hell would I join you when you act like a villain! I-If I could, I’d beat your ass too...!”
Such a remark gets Dice shoving him back, knocking him onto the ground. Starboy glared up at him defiantly, his stare only darkening as Dice grinned.
“It’s a joke, obviously!” he chirped. “After all—what sort of desperate loser would want to ally with an idiot like you?”
Starboy shouted at him, but whatever he shouted, he was already long gone. Starboy shouted again but, being the justice-obsessed type, he switched gears to muster up the strength to go stumbling after the fainted Shirokuma. Scooping the pitiful bear head-looking creature into his hands, Starboy avoided the incoming paparazzi and gracious civilians and rushed off to safety.
The ideal worker. Starboy will be a great boon of energy in the future once his limit is reached.
“Dice is such a fucking dick,” Kaito grumbles, rubbing ointment onto his bruises. “We’re both working for the same thing but for no reason at all, he’s self-serving and a piece of shit.”
He observes himself in the mirror, rubbing at the circles under his eyes. He’s been going at this whole magical boy hero thing for almost a year. It’s getting harder and harder, but for the sake of the city, he can’t give up. He’s its protector, after all.
Still, it’s getting difficult. His wastebasket is filled with bloodied tissue and bandages. Shirokuma, at least, is currently resting in a bucket of warm water. Dice’s attack had been as sudden as it was vicious, and for what?
“Why is he such a dick?” Kaito asks, but Shirokuma hums.
“Some people...are just bad. It can’t be helped. I’m sorry if that sounds despairing, Momota-kun.”
“Bad, huh.”
It’s not the first time he’s gotten that answer. When he describes Dice to his sidekicks, he more or less gets the same response. Harumaki even goes out of her way to call Dice a supervillain, which Shuuichi agrees to, but...
Here’s a secret that no one else knows. The crack in the foundation so painstakingly paved for black and white heroism.
Dice has saved his life more than once. When blood rushed up his throat and his knees buckled in, Dice would swoop in and let him save face. It would be passed off as Dice once again taking advantage of the situation...but it always, always happens when Kaito is facing death head-on.
Dice is a dick. A self-serving piece of shit. Possibly a supervillain.
He’s also definitely looking out for Starboy. It’s happened too consistently for Kaito to be convinced it’s unintentional.
If Dice insists on helping him, then surely he can’t be a bad person...except he still acts like a bad person most of the time.
What a headache.
“Feeling better, Momota-kun?” Shirokuma chirps up at him in that big sweet voice that Kaito can’t say no to, even when he probably should.
“Never better!”
A thumps-up. A wide grin. Doing his damnedest to pretend like his lungs don’t want to collapse in on themselves.
“Starboy-chan is such a fucking idiot.”
Ouma slams his chest of fragments shut. He still hasn’t figured out what the damn things do, but Shirokuma insists on collecting them so they must be important in some sense. Sure, Shirokuma says that it’s something to do with negative energy and restoring balance, blah, blah, blah—but Shirokuma is a piece of shit liar. And Ouma hates liars.
But he thinks he hates Starboy the most. Or, at least, he finds Starboy to be the most frustrating dumbass in the galaxy.
Because it’s obvious, isn’t it? It’s obvious that Shirokuma is shady as all get out. It’s obvious that there is something deeply wrong with the magical boy system. There have been so many disappearances and it’s suspicious as all get out how Starboy in particular is being worked to the bone and pushed to the brink.
There’s something seriously wrong with all of it.
Ouma just needs to figure out what before everything goes wrong.
To become a magical boy, one needs resolve. To encourage magical boys, a wish is often granted to sweeten—and seal the deal. Ouma’s was a cowardly, stupid wish that he’s still kicking himself for to this day, although in hindsight he should be glad it was so simple. The worthless wish to live as everyone else was dead around him.
He’s still haunted by their faces. He should’ve wished for them but couldn’t. He was targeted and tricked, and now he’s stuck. But the least he can do is make everything difficult for those monsters along the way.
Starboy—aka Momota Kaito...well. Ouma doesn’t know what his wish was, but he suspects it’s as stupidly noble and short-sighted as he’s come to expect.
Oh, yes, he knows that Starboy is Momota Kaito. Who wouldn’t know that? They look the same—although Ouma suspects that magic is at play since no civilians have made the connection. Not even Saihara Shuuichi, a would-be detective.
It’s clear, however, that Saihara-chan has noticed the effects.
“This is the fourth time you’ve had to clear your throat, Momota-kun.”
Momota clears his throat again. He musters up a laugh.
“It’s just been dry. No big deal. You worry too much.”
“Gooooooodness, Momota-kun!” Ouma crowed, skipping in. “Are you dying?! Please, please don’t die! I haven’t even gotten to tell you how much I love you!”
Momota recoils when Ouma jumps on him. Saihara shrieks in surprise but Momota only growls as he tries to shake the brat off.
Ouma does, but not without jabbing the back of Momota’s knee and causing him to topple over. Saihara rushes to steady him, shooting Ouma quite the ugly look. Ouma shrugs that off.
“Whatever it is you’re doing is killing you,” he merely states. “So, you should stop lest you traumatize my poor Saihara-chan.”
“I...” Saihara swallowed, looking like he’d hate to agree but when it came to Momota... “You shouldn’t overwork yourself, Momota-kun.”
“I’m fine,” Momota slurred. “Totally fine. I’m a goddamn Luminary, Shuuichi...” He says he’s fine while learning into Saihara. It’s a bright sunny day. People are no doubt stealing glances, and Momota no doubt has to hide his exhausted face in his sidekick’s shoulder. It’s a good thing Harukawa isn’t here.
Ouma scoffed. Saihara shot him another glare.
“If you’re just here to mess with Momota-kun, you can leave.”
Saihara’s hands tighten on Momota. Goodness, it really is like Ouma is the supervillain tormenting the tired hero.
How boring.
Ouma turns heel, smiling as he waves them off.
I shouldn’t bother. I shouldn’t have to bother.
No matter how many times he’s thought that, he ends up in this situation. With Starboy exhausted on the ground and a fragment pinched so firmly between his fingers that it’s this close to embedding itself in the skin. Shirokuma floats around Starboy.
“He’s getting close,” Shirokuma is saying. “He won’t be able to take much more. How despairing. So despairing.”
Ou—Dice swats the thing to the ground. It giggles up at him.
“You can’t save him, you weren’t able to save your other friends. Just give up, Dice-kun. Give into despair.”
It’s laughing, its laughter resounding even as Dice stomps the thing to bits. It’ll just reshape itself and find Momota again. No matter what he does, he can’t get rid of it. It’s part of a damn hivemind after all.
Sighing, Dice goes to Starboy once again, and Starboy is lying there almost prone. Looking painfully pale. His breathing is shallow. At least he’s still alive.
But for how much longer? And what am I even doing wasting my time with this idiot? No matter what I tell him or how bad he gets, he refuses to back down and Shirokuma just eggs him on.
He gets down, rolling Starboy onto his back. Starboy groans and for a moment, he blearily comes to.
“Di...ce... You...again...” There’s a couple of missing words. It’s clearly difficult for Starboy to speak. He groans, eyes screwing shut. When Dice helps him sit up, he coughs and there’s a thin stream of blood that trickles down his chin. “U-Urgh...hurts bad.”
“Well, yeah. You don’t take breaks, idiot.” Ouma tutted him. “Some of the monsters you take are mooks. You shouldn’t waste your time.”
“S-Shuuut,” Starboy slurs. He coughs again. “I’m...s’posed to be...a hero. A-A... Luminary.”
It’s because of shit like this that made it was so easy for Ouma to find Momota in the first place.
And Starboy—fucking laughs.
“Even through that stupid mask of yours, I can tell you’re disproving.” He musters up a bit more strength to speak, for all the good that’s doing him. “You’re really worried, huh?”
“I don’t trust Shirokuma,” Dice said simply. “You shouldn’t either.”
Starboy swallows. No doubt swallows back blood. He sucks in his breath. He shakes. He tries to shake his head specifically. Ends up slumping against him. Dice isn’t as gentle with him as Saihara was, but Dice still has little choice but to help him up.
“Stay with me,” Dice ordered. “You’re not allowed to die.”
He’s wasting his breath. Starboy’s definitely going to die at this rate even if it’s not today. All because—
“I’m a hero,” Starboy is slurring. “Heroes don’t—take breaks...they don’t leave people to die.”
“You’re not a hero,” Dice snapped. One step at a time. “You’re just an idiot.”
“It’s not...not about trust...” Starboy huffs at him next. “Not that...you’d understand that... Ouma.”
Dice doesn’t pause. Far from it.
Ouma Kokichi wonders if it’s a coincidence that he and Momota ended up in this situation together.
That’s right. Momota Kaito is going to bring you down. The hero! The Luminary! Won’t that be the Ultimate Despair?
(That’s how she would respond.)
Ouma Kokichi, always so close and yet so far, can’t focus on that right now. He has to save the life of a dying man after all. The results are sure to be favorable.
And yet, also so very—predictable.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years
Oops, I made a plot…
Anyways. Epithet Erased
I love the idea that the Egg was created by someone with the Epithet of Consume. Now an interesting idea I had is that the owner of Consume originally had possession of the Arsene Amulet after Copycat died. The owner of Consume created the Egg and then started using the Amulet to feed Epithets to the Egg. In return, the Egg was able to use these Epithets and temporarily bestow their powers onto those who followed it, hence the whole bloodline wanting to protect it kinda thing. When the original owner of Consume started to reach the end of their lifespan they fed themselves to the Egg in hopes that it would eventually be fed something like Immortal or Rebirth and it could bring back its former master. This is why it’s an Egg, eventually it’s going to hatch into the original owner of Consume if it’s fed the right Epithet
The reason those following the Egg want the amulet is because they want to get back to work again. Everyone else is varying degrees of aware in terms of the Egg group’s plan. The Egg Group also has a process that new members of the Egg Cult go through where they offer up their Epithet to the Egg by being “Consumed” by it and held inside the Egg for a couple days. At which point the Egg leeches out their Epithet as an extra way to force its followers to be loyal. Sure you can still use your powers, and a ton of other Epithets as well, as long as you’re linked up with the Egg. But the moment you become disloyal and break off your Epithet is gone. It belongs to the Egg, you were only renting it.
Of course this takes a lot of time so it hasn’t happened to anyone in the DSMP by the time the actual plot starts except for Skeppy who’s the bartering chip that the Egg uses to make Bad be loyal to it. Bad doesn’t belong to the bloodline that’s been taking care of the Egg, he’s just a victim of circumstance. Techno is part of the family, but he’s a member of an offshoot branch that distanced itself from the Egg. He’s Billiam’s great (however many greats) nephew, but that isn’t a strong enough link, he’s the actual great (however many greats) grandson of the Sheriff which is why the Egg has less of a hold over him than it would a typical member of the bloodline.
Mundies are actually the best people for the job when it comes to fighting the Egg since its mind control powers only work on those who have an Epithet or offered up their Epithet to the Egg. Those who lost their Epithet specifically to the amulet against their wills are also immune. The Egg has the same powers seen in canon because one of the first Epithets it ever ate was Control.
There is a trade off to the Egg taking powers however, since the Epithets can’t “mature” while inside the Egg. Meaning they stay at the same proficiency level their former owner possessed making it advantageous for the Egg to allow Epithets to “mature”. The Egg might even offer an Epithet to a Mundie to let them mature it before harvesting it at a later date. It’s worth noting also there is a difference between getting trapped on top of the Egg and getting trapped inside the Egg like Skeppy, only the latter will get your Epithet snatched while Tubbo and Ranboo who are victims of the former just get their heads scrambled.
Team Pro Omelet eventually learns of the Egg’s abilities and plans and at that point it’s a race against the clock to ensure they 1. Don’t get the Amulet and 2. Aren’t able to shove anyone powerful inside the egg (cough cough Tubbo/Ranboo cough cough). While we could have Tubbo angst with his powers getting yoinked, I don’t think it would mean as much as the angst that would come from him just being normally controlled by the Egg and having his Epithet taken against his will would partially break him out of its control. He might not actually care as much about his Epithet, but him hurting Tommy by accident while being controlled? That would break him, mentally and emotionally.
While I was thinking about the plot, I mentioned with my last post I think that Tommy’s Epithet should have been taken or lost. We’ve had a connection made between Tommy loosing his power to Ranboo causing him to forget which I really like, but what if, and hear me out, he loses it to the Amulet? The last caretaker yoinks it with the intention of giving it to the get, probably at some point a good ways before the plot starts. However, because the former caretaker loses the Amulet before depositing it, Tommy’s Epithet stays pretty much trapped inside the Amulet. Partially because I really like the idea of Antihero Dream having to 180 why he wants to Amulet when Tommy eventually admits what happened. It adds a nice dynamic of character wants.
Originally I purposed Hero as Tommy’s Epithet which is good, but I think I can outdo myself. Meaning I have two other options.
Earlier I mentioned the Egg really really wanting someone with Immortal/Rebirth. Well, it’s a running gag that I keep making Tommy a phoenix in every AU I touch because he never damn well dies. So you could give one of those two words, or heck, even the word Phoenix itself to Tommy and it’d not only be a really good Epithet but it’d be an Epithet currently inside the Amulet, giving even more of a dire air to the story as a whole. If the Egg Squad is able to get that Epithet inside of the Egg, you bet it’s gonna hatch and the results will not be pretty. It also plays well with the fact that Tommy just never seems to die. Even when he doesn’t have his Epithet it’s such an engrained character detail that people comment on it whenever he joins an SMP.
I think it could be an interesting dynamic and it gives Tommy an array of interesting powers from wings to fire to being able to bring himself back to life. Additionally, we can give Immortal or Rebirth to Foolish since he’s a sentient Totem of Undying in canon and it would work well.
Alternatively, and this is admittedly the idea I personally favor, we pull a parallel between Tommy and Tubbo by giving him a seemingly stupid Epithet that’s deceptively strong. And trust me, I spent a lot of time thinking about what this Epithet might be and how it could be misinterpreted. The idea I ultimately settled on was Archetype. Now, this idea is near and dear to my heart because it fits Tommy as much as everything I’ve posted prior and arguably even more so than Hero. Tommy throughout the entire canon DSMP has had role after role forced on him. Being called the Hero or the Villain when really he just wants to be Tommy. I like the poetic irony of his Epithet literally being Archetype when everyone around him seems so desperate to assign him one. Plus, it’s one of those things that requires not just creativity but a certain level of classical or psychological background information to use properly, leading most people to being unable to use it (Egg included if it actually managed to get the Amulet.) So people just kind of brush it off and it lends itself well to the whole do you wanna be a hero thing since Hero is an Archetype.
For this power we’d basically be able to pull some really strong parallels between Tommy and Tubbo. Both have Epithets that are strongest when they temporarily become a different Epithet. Maybe Tommy can not only use Archetype, but he can temporarily transform it into literally any societally recognized Archetype and use that as if it was his Epithet. So he could still technically use the same powers one could come up with for Hero, it would just be while he’s using an Archetype Swap ability. Not only that but he’d be able to change other people’s personalities or Archetypes. He could even imbue others with traits of a new Archetype (i.e. giving a Mundie the powers associated with a Hero Archetype, aka literal actual honest to god plot armor) to act as support, but you wouldn’t think to do that typically. You’d just assume that Archetype is a one trick kind of pony at best. But maybe if we wanna go Tommy and Tubbo childhood friends route as kids they specifically spent hours practicing alone when they figured out their Epithets. Specifically coming up with overpower combo moves, thinking up powers that interacted well with one another to make themselves an actually terrifying menace to society.
Tommy and Tubbo childhood friends also is near and dear to my heart because everyone remembers the scene where Tommy told Tubbo that he’d been the hero and Tommy was the one who was the side kick. Having Tommy’s Epithet be Archetype and the majority of his childhood used to find ways to support Tubbo’s Epithet using his own adds another layer to this. Tommy literally made Tubbo the hero, gave him the powers and assigned him the Archetype. It’s just that they’re the only ones who know that. Plus plus we get a really good queen and knight dynamic between the two when they’re going all out which I just die for.
Also if SBI is canon, it makes sense why Tommy would have learned the word Archetype as a child, he’s related to Techno, what else would you expect? Part of Tommy being stupidly good at his power is probably from Techno reading him mythology as a child and linking up characters to their Archetypes, giving Tommy even more stupidly overpowered ideas for how to use his Epithet. Unfortunately it got yoinked at some point, either because someone saw how powerful it was or maybe Tommy just got unlucky. I think out of the ideas I’ve listed Archetype is my favorite if we go the yoinked route. It also works well with Techno and Dream since, again, Tommy could play a support role to make these already terrifying Mundies even more terrifying. Plus it would be like Tommy to keep having an Epithet secret because Techno is a Mundie and then later accidentally getting it stolen or we can go double angst and have Tommy both forget he has an Epithet and get it stolen.
Obviously Archetype being the Epithet and the plot would still work with Tommy just forgetting what his Epithet was, but also I really personally just like the aching pain of Tommy being forced to describe what it’s like having your Epithet stolen. How much the gap doesn’t hurt physically but emotionally and mentally almost daily, a phantom pain that never goes away. Sweet angst my beloved.
Having stupidly overpowered Epithets
Anyways. Holy shit. This is brilliant. The plot is brilliant and oh god. This could open up so much now. The Arsene Amulet is still relevant in a way.
Oh man, the Egg just consuming Epithets as well? Man. That’s great.
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kosakashuntaro · 3 years
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for some reason, i became obsessed with this irrelevant filler character from izumi tsubaki’s lesser known series, oresama teacher. he’s consistently forgotten by fans and ranked 2nd to last out of the student council members, but despite that, i still think he’s a great and well-written character. also, he’s super cute!
and so without futher ado— here’s my stupidly long lovemail/analysis of shuntaro kosaka. a pure 1.5k word ramble about my favorite boy!
kosaka first appears in chapter #43, introduced alongside the rest of the student council members. he’s in class 1-3, the same as yukioka komari. the first major scene we see him in is him having a bad relationship with fellow council member, kanon nonoguchi.
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not gonna lie, i forgot this scene existed and i don’t like it since he touches her forcefully. it’s a setup for their relationship later on, though. at this point, kosaka and nonoguchi are both closed off and cold towards each other; aside from their animosity towards each other from their interactions, they have their own personal issues for not being good with interacting with others. nonoguchi has her problems with men stemming from childhood and kosaka just seems bad at understanding how to act properly with people in general.
kosaka’s main arc is the student festival arc, where he plays the villain, but honestly, he’s just cringy as fuck in it. i think it’s good in that it shows how damn extra he is, though-- imo, he’s the most realistically extra of the characters. he’s a 15 year old kid who thinks he’s smart just ‘cause he gets good test scores. of course he’s going to be that bitch who smiles sneakily and thinks of himself as the grandmaster of the chess game, even when his partner in crime, kawauchi, knew all along of his betrayal plan.
we don’t see much of his motivations or personality in the student festival arc as it focuses mainly on okegawa and kawauchi. all we know so far is that he’s smart, manipulative, and sneaky. seems like a typical bad guy.
until the last chapter of the arc, #51. for the first time, we see the previously cool (lol) and cunning kosaka shuntaro... nervously fretting over how to kneel in apology to his superior, miyabi hanabusa.
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we learn that kosaka is obsessively reliant on instruction manuals, ever since his childhood. he’s ridiculously good at studying and always gets first place in tests at school. however, he can’t cope with unexpected changes at all. everything has to go exactly to plan or else he comes up with a different approach to completing the original plan, that isn’t always appropriate for the situation.
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he’s perfectly confident in interacting with people-- that’s obvious enough throughout the student festival arc--, but he’s bad at interpreting things on the fly, once again, prone to saying things inappropriate to the time and place. kosaka has to do things in order, step-by-step, otherwise he can’t proceed.
a while back, there was a post that talked about him being autistic. to be honest, i never considered this earlier (as in a few years ago, when i first started liking him a lot). but reading back, he really is strongly coded as such, i think. so frankly, the reason i like him might be a more personal reason, but... anyway.
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like with the other student council members, miyabi helps him relax and feel better, guiding him to be more carefree and open. i have mentioned this a few times, but i think it’s really wonderful that miyabi basically helped out a bunch of kids with mental issues when their problems might’ve looked small or stupid from the outside. this is also brought up in chapter #104 during the hayasaka arc, where mafuyu and hayasaka both contact him for information about miyabi. he basically says that miyabi got him to join the student council because he was worried about kosaka’s personality and wanted to stay near him for help. 
honestly, kosaka is probably the one who’s most grateful to miyabi (outside of nonoguchi?) simply because he recognizes his own issues. there’s a reason why he’s the only student council member whose face you can’t see during the scene where miyabi graduates; he’s the only one of the guys who cry.
kosaka’s problem is that he can’t cope with his plans going off at all, so miyabi sends him to prank mafuyu. even though he tries to get her by making many elaborate plans, he eventually learns to just attack without plan. it ends with him stuck in a ditch and miyabi unexpectedly pranking kosaka himself.
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here we see kosaka’s first genuine smile. and it’s beautiful!!! he’s a sweetheart!!! i think that the story of kosaka could’ve worked even without the student festival arc, but that establishes him as an dramatic kid who’s super smart and cunning-- and here we see him just relax for once, and be truly happy.
after this, there aren’t any more kosaka focused chapters. however, he does appear once in a while, usually with the other student council members. (he’s in the very next chapter using yui’s equipment to cross the lake. but since he usually feeds the fish, they all come to him for food...)
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kosaka's bad relationship with nonoguchi is reiterated in nonoguchi's arc, chapter #71 where she beats him up for saying that all girls want a prince. it's a stereotypical thing to say either way, but nonoguchi's response about "men wanting to be princelike is self-serving" is more due to her own issues rather than about kosaka in particular. anyway, this is just to highlight that at this point, they both still have their own problems and don't get along.
the next time we see him is during the school trip arc, where, although he’s still being far too overprepared by carrying too much luggage, he seems to be getting along with his class very well. kosaka organizes his class’s schedule and accommodates for changes on the fly (when his teacher wanted to stay longer to see the sea otters), even if it annoys him a bit. it’s an improvement! he’s able to assume a role where his pedantically organized personality is a benefit. mafuyu also notes that both he and ayabe have become more carefree and open with others, with kosaka becoming “the center of class 4″.
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i think this chapter, #82, is also the first time kosaka talks about yukioka. since yukioka doesn’t talk to anyone aside from miyabi, he had never heard her voice despite being a close friend. there’s not really any significance to them being besties (does there need to be?), but it does show his sense of responsibility for others since he basically takes care of her. he has more scenes with yukioka in various arcs, mostly in the miyabi graduation arc where he helps protect yukioka from aki.
speaking of that arc, like the other student council members, he gets something precious to him stolen. in this case, it’s the books that he always reads. we find out that he’s actually surprisingly good at drawing from memory despite him believing he doesn’t know how to draw without instructions. this may be partially may be some juxtaposition of him truly being ‘creative’ even though his methods are so ‘academic/scientific’ (even though i don’t believe ‘drawing well’ is what ‘creativity’ is). in my opinion, this represents his progress in general. it’s probably not just art/drawing, but he’s actually gotten better at doing most things without manuals without realizing or being aware of it.
this idea is also expanded upon with the protection of yukioka i mentioned earlier. because kosaka doesn’t have his books, he doesn’t act so formal and is instead more forceful and ‘manly’, making it easier for him to communicate with classmates. by the way, kosaka’s actually popular with the girls in his class (shown in school trip arc 1-koma), but doesn’t realize it because he can’t understand things not directly stated. what a guy...
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here is a short break to talk about kawauchi. i think their relationship is hilarious. from kawauchi getting him to dig holes to kawauchi stealing his math books... i feel really sorry for kosaka, but it’s so funny... he just can’t escape him. even in the very last student council saga arc, it was kawauchi behind the scenes all along...
really they’re two characters who are heavily associated with each other and yet... i don’t think kawauchi’s relationship with kosaka says anything about his personality since kosaka was such a one-bit character during the majority of the arc where they interacted (plus kawauchi is awful to everyone). all kawauchi did was give kosaka more trust issues and broke his phone. i feel kinda mean for saying this but it’s so funny how he caused kosaka to be absolutely terrified of delinquents.
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honestly kosaka like... doesn’t have a reason to be associated with kawauchi beyond the student festival event. imo it’s just a way for tsubaki to make kosaka relevant or appear once in a while since the other character he’s associated with (yukioka) got a boyfriend and doesn’t appear as often (kawauchi’s common appearances is due to his surprising popularity with fans).
enough about kawauchi though, we’re finally at the end of this long and loving post. at the conclusion of the miyabi graduation arc, the very first conflict of kosaka shown is finally resolved: he’s made up with nonoguchi!
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i really love this scene so much!!! i know it’s kinda just a set-up for the next joke, but tsubaki still dedicated over a page just to nonoguchi and kosaka, so it’s genuine to me! it’s so lovely to see that nonoguchi and kosaka have both resolved their own issues with the help of miyabi and the public morals club. they both acknowledge that they weren’t the best in the past, but now they can become friends... this is a relationship that’s been developing in the background of oresama teacher for over 80 chapters... it makes me so happy that tsubaki gave a resolution to it in the end. she truly does care about all her characters no matter how unpopular they are, and i love her for that.
(by the way, i just found out that this can badge released in the same year as the miyabi graduation arc. they’re so cute!)
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the story of kosaka and the student council as a whole ends here. everyone’s finally improved, and they’re all happy... people say “oresama teacher has no plot”, but there’s so much to the story of the student council. if i can write so much about one minor character who rarely appears, i think there’s plenty of plot and plenty to say about the others.
that’s all i have to say on this topic for now.
actually, i started writing this back in 2019 but i forgot about it until recently. my thoughts haven’t changed, though... i hope this post shines some light on why i like kosaka and tsubaki so much. to be honest, though, i’d probably just say that he’s sooo cute and i wanna protect that sweet smile of his... my 174 cm tall son.
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