#Mod answer
tgrailwar-zero · 1 day
well, since the poll was clearly being botted, I feel like the best course of action would be to just go with the middle option of deciding later
Sure, by virtue of an unnatural uptick of votes and an odd closeness between the two options, we'll treat it as an 'indecisive' result, essentially giving it to the 2nd option on the poll.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 8 months
just for starters, this isn't a prompt, to get that out of the way. but one thing that you've mentioned (more than once, i think?) is that if people really want a specific prompt filled, that they need to not request it multiple times, and instead should commission someone to write it/draw it for them.
which is a great idea! but a big problem i've seen in the fate fandom in particular is the fact that it's really not easy to find people who are willing to take commissions, because that's not something people advertise much as writers, and this fandom is kind of spread out all over the place in terms of who is using what social media the most.
i was wondering if you had any ideas of people in the fgo/fate/type-moon fandom who actually take commissions, or if you would be willing to maybe have a link to people who are willing to take writing commissions on the blog somewhere?
honestly, i'm hoping people who are offering to do commissions will see this post so i can get in contact with them, because i really don't know who within this fandom is actually offering their writing services, specifically. i have money i am willing to spend (and have spent in the past) on fanfic commissions, but the problem i have is simply just finding people who i know are actually open and available to do the job
People aren't allowed to advertise their commissions on fanfic websites, however they are allowed to advertise on their own social page. A good way to find people who take writing commissions is to find a writer you like on ao3, check their profile/the author's notes to see if they have any socials linked, and then check if any commission sheet is linked over there.
Additionally, a lot of writers never consider opening commissions because they are either not aware that's an option, or not aware that people would be willing to pay for them. If you like a specific writer, you can always directly message them to see if they would be willing to write stuff for money. It works surprisingly often.
If all else fails, you can always look up "fan fic commission" or "fic commission" or any keyword to that effect on your chosen social media (or vgen/ko-fi/this sort of place) and reverse engineer if that person is one you'd like to commission. Here are a few writers I have found this way who appear to be writing type-moon stuff in some capacity:
Tackypies (ao3)
If you take writing commissions, feel free to reblog this post and advertise. I will not reblog it. This is not what this blog is for. But I encourage anyone looking for fic commissions to go through the notes of this blog. If any of you decide to mod a "type moon commission hub" or something to that effect, feel free to reblog this post as well.
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Rly random, but is matt the only single one?
(I couldn’t think of a way to incorporate it so I’ll answer it. Edd isn’t and Matt isn’t! ^^)
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ask-sonata-dusk · 6 months
Hey I like your art. Its been a while since I thought about the Dazzlings. I stumbled across your blog and it was nice to read.
((Awww! Thank you so much! I’m glad that there are at least some people who are still interested in this blog and just Equestria Girls in general. I would really like to continue this despite it all, but I’ll just see what the future has in store!))
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calkestisweek · 5 months
Hello! For the calkestisweek ao3 collection, does the writer add it to the collection themselves or does it only need to have a certain tag to be added by the mods? I’ve never added anything to a collection before so a little confused 😅
Thank you in advance!
Hello! When you are in the process of posting your fic to ao3, there will be an option to choose a collection.
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It will pop up in a drop down selection after typing the beginning of the event
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Can't wait to see what you've made!!
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ao3tagbingo · 7 days
Hi I didn't realize i was supposed to choose 30 tags so I just chose the ones I wanted and signed up and now I don't know what to do lmao...
Hello! Completely understandable!
We've sent emails to all those who have not submitted the required 30 tags. We recommend submitting a 2nd time. Because of how our bingo cards are generated, if your sign-up has not been updated before October 1st, your card may include tags you did not select. As a reminder, comments are also counted towards bingos in this event, so if you're not particularly inspired to create for certain tags, there might be works out there with different tags you can comment on!
Thank you!
Mod Team
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bean-n-shroob · 1 year
How is Antasma doing?
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He's fine
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mentalillnessmouse · 3 months
Hey! Welcome back. Saw I reblogged a post from you and was like “man it’s been a while since I’ve seen you on my dash”
Hope you’re having a great day (-:
thank you! i've been back for a while! the inbox is just super quiet!
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twilight-rose-pokemon · 11 months
Magic anon! Spoink with Arms
//OOC I'm sorry but no
- Mod Luna
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peppinodelivery · 10 months
no reason and totally not a ask blog made by another amazing pizza artist au creator writing and drawing piece by piece this whole vast story for us to comment and you react is a back forth kind of way
which pizza tower askblog is this i need to know the creator sounds VERY amazing and VERY awesome i wonder who it could be
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tgrailwar-zero · 19 days
I remember there being a google documents thing that was something of a Quest Log, or a To-Do List? It had stuff like, primary goals (like 'Find 7 Trigger Keys") and bonus goals (14 trigger keys), and I'm wondering if this was a real thing that existed, or if I just imagined it? (I thought I bookmarked it, but I can no longer find it in my bookmarks)
(I'm not asking for it to be revived if it was real, or for it to be a thing if it wasn't real, I just want to know if it existed or not)
(It did, I just closed it temporarily to organize some things.)
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
I've sent a prompt and want to fill one but I don't have writing experience and haven't written nsfw ever so I'm not sure what I'd do would be any good.
The important thing is not to write something good, anon. The important thing is to write something. This blog is to partake in the divine act of creation together. Quality is secondary. The time and effort you put in your writing is as meaningful as the writing itself. I'm sure anyone who sends a prompt here will appreciate that someone out there made a gift specifically for them, even if it's not exactly what they wanted. If nothing else, know that I will appreciate the gesture, as seeing people filling prompts and trying their hands at new things is one of the greatest joys of running this blog.
That being said, if you struggle with anything in particular in writing, feel free to send an ask about it. I will help however I can, and if any of the kinkmeme's followers have any useful advice to add, I'm sure they will make it known.
For now, have a couple tricks on how to write nsfw:
Action. The most obvious bit. Your sex scene is, presumably, going to feature characters doing things together. What do they do? Do they touch, caress, pull, lick? Do they do it strongly, softly, fast, slow? Are these purposeful gestures? Are they being impatient and carried away in the heat of the moment? Where do they touch? For how long?
Physical sensations. So your blorbo touched a peen. Great. How does it feel? Is it warm, cold, soft, hard, wet, dry? Bring your metaphor game. Things related to fire or electricity are classics.
Emotions. How are your blorbos feeling right now? Do they feel loved through this intimate act? Do they feel anxious in the face of vulnerability? It doesn't have to be positive feelings either. You can emphasize anger if it's hatesex, or fear if it's noncon.
Rhythm. Short, choppy sentences = fast, successive actions. Long, drawn-out sentences = an action that lasts quite a while. So if you're trying to convey that they made out for a while, try to describe it in a long sentence. If you're trying to convey that that dude's fucking super fast because they're close to climaxing, try multiple shorter sentences.
Kinks. If you're writing about a specific kink, try to emphasize what people find appealing in it. Waxplay? Talk about the temperature of the wax, the vulnerability of letting someone pour wax on you. Bdsm? The high of domming someone, of getting them to squirm under you. Obviously this is easier if it's a kink you have, but if it's not you can always look around for stories that feature that kink to try to figure out what is usually emphasized.
Characters. Remember, you are writing about blorbos fucking, not about mass of flesh with no personality. One should be able to tell it's the blorbos while reading your fic. Does your blorbo have a specific style of internal narration? A distinctive way of speaking? A bit of backstory that would be relevant in what you're writing? Include that. Your blorbo has very specific symbolism associated with them? Bring that to your metaphor game (ie: fire metaphors would be doubly appropriate for Nobu.) Are you writing multiple blorbos having sex? How do they feel about each other? Are they lovers, friends with benefits, coworkers who answered a booty call, fierce rivals? Include that.
Sillyness. Very much optional, but remember that you don't need your sex scene to be 100% serious all the time. Your blorbos can banter and joke around. Maybe one of them finds the lube too cold to the touch at first. A bit of dicking around is not harmful to a sex scene.
None of these are absolute rules, but hopefully they should help you get started.
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starsansesstudio · 1 year
if there is a star sanses studio is there a bad sanses studio????????i just want to know sorry TnT
Sorry this is so late, but yes! There is
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Hey loser here's like
A thing
And a photo of a shoe at the end!!!
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Please accept the art offering man I swear the papers edible
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"Oh heck would you look at that! I'm in Splatoon! am I wearing an ankle monitor? damn bro octoling Charlie's under house arrest! what a lil bitch hee hee hoo hoo!"
"Thank you for the drawing of the shoe! I can use it like a burrito shell and make my famous shoe lace, mold, broken glass and moter oil burrito's!"
Mod Monnie: oh shit this looks fantastic! thank you so much, that is such a good looking design! ((I also love the patches on his clothes that match henry, dave and jack))
I'd say my other fave parts are how his tentacles look sparkly, kinda like glitter glue! and of course the radio charlie that looks so creepy in the best ways possible.
I don't know much about Splatoon, but it does make me wonder how he'd function or how big of a threat he might be.
Power scaling all the versions of charlie is a lil hard lol.
but seriously thanks again friendo!
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starkcanvas · 2 years
Ethereal Route Au: Omari Au Edition?
You aren’t the only one who’s thought of that lmao
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Ay @mikkokomori, your OMARI AU has some competition now /j xD lmao
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ao3tagbingo · 5 days
hello! is there an unbroken list of the tags for the event available? i’d like to browse them all before choosing which ones i want to submit, but they’re broken up into multiple pages on the sign up form which makes it harder to do. thank you!!
We apologize for any difficulty in reading the prompts on the form that splitting them up might be causing. Here is a link to the tag list for all prompts submitted and accepted into the bingo event that will show up on the form → TAG SET (only the tag 'Soulmate' will not appear in the form, as it was determined after accepting the tag that 'Alternate Universe - Soulmates' was sufficient)
Thank you!
Mod Team
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