#Mod gabu
digimonloving · 2 years
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Look at that baby!! look at him!!
Hiro had to hold him up, he wouldn't have it any other way!!
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idatenjumpfanatic · 8 months
Idaten Jump x DnD Moral Alignment Chart
Surprisingly this was more fun to make than I anticipated.
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If you want to read through all my lines of reasoning, feel free to read under the cut. Feel free to add more to the discussion!
Also, I used this article to pinpoint each character in their alignment, but I'll pick a few lines that best describes the alignment under the cut.
Lawful Good "They seek to eliminate evil, and are willing to forego their own comfort or safety to protect others."
Sho Yamato - Sho is the textbook definition of a superhero in terms of morale. He refuses to sit idly and is very much willing to go out his way to bring justice to every wrong he comes across. That's his very character.
Miss Yuki - Yuki, much like Sho, goes out of her way to help out. Even before she found out about Sho as the owner of an Idaten Bike, she was quick to assist them to make sure he doesn't caught in a bad place. This behavior is recurring, and her compassion extends to even to the likes of Gabu despite what the kid did.
Ayumu Yamato - Much like his brother, Ayumu is very willing to help out deal with situations. He's empathic, and is willing to take the extra mile to help or thank people (ex. meeting Kiku). He doesn't like to stand to the side, but is still an obedient kid considering how much he respects Sho and the "no riding" rule early into the Team X arc.
Neutral Good "Those under this alignment are willing to recognize unjust laws, and are open to bending the rules if it helps more people."
Kyoichi Shido - I initially put him under true neutral considering his behavior earlier on, but for the entire show it seemed more fitting that he'd be put in neutral good. He's a lot less willing to go out his way compared to Sho, but will step up and help someone out if need be. That doesn't mean he's all goody-two-shoes though, as he will go against the rules if it meant for the better good (ex. rescuing Takuma from the volcano eruption despite Idaten Battle rules stating no riders should interfere with a race). A more prominent example though is that he's more than willing to omit information and even say hurtful things to Sho and co. if it meant helping the team improve.
Kakeru Sakamaki - Kakeru wasn't given enough screen time by the show compared to Sho and Makoto, but given how he responds to situations he has a very strong sense of right and wrong. He's quick to call out Shark Tooth in episode 1 how the race's winning conditions were unfair and is even willing to compromise for the training grounds, but he doesn't have enough driving force to push through what he says.
Chaotic Good "They don't care much for rules or regulations, but a strong sense of right and wrong remains rooted in the hearts of Chaotic Good characters."
Makoto Shido - Girlypop is very willing to throw hands against every antagonist in the show. - But for real though, Makoto, much like Sho, is very willing to step up and deal against injustice, but unlike her friend who'd do it through races, Makoto is very much willing to forego those formalities to get the point across (throwing a metal basin against one of the rouge gang members in ep. 10, consequences be damned, and she even has a wrench ready for round 2). She's also very vocal about injustices towards her as a female, and although her fighting against is has a notion beyond herself. She's belittled constantly because of her gender (and Japan IRL is very patriarchal), but yet she proves time and time again that she's just as capable as the rest of them, and by extension proving that girls are equal to their male peers.
Lawful Neutral "Lawful Neutrals believe in organization. Many are devoted to law and order, believing that their nation or faction would collapse without it."
Arthur - Predictably as a knight, Arthur has a very rigid moral code. Although he could've fallen more in Chaotic Good during his disguised era, with his fake reckless/clumsy acts causing mayhem, my defense is that his people, his royalty were the ruling organization before Shark Tooth, hence he's only doing what he can to restore that rulership while he's by himself. The reason why he falls under neutral instead of good is because he's more rigid with his morales, hardly considering Gabu an ally while battling against Team X, unlike Yuki who has the patience to console Gabu despite it all. Another reason why I consider him more neutral is because of his response to Imperial Knights and possessed Kyoichi: he may mourn that they were possessed by the Dark Emblems, but he doesn't let that hinder him from accomplishing the responsibilities assigned to him.
True Neutral "...are often characterized as survivors, doing whatever they have to do in order to keep themselves or their loved ones alive and thriving."
Koei & Kiku - It makes sense that these siblings are more likely to look after each other first before anything, considering that they're financially struggling. Koei was a pickpocketer prior to being hired by Gabu, and even then he chose to work under Shark Tooth as a means to fund his sister's medical needs rather than going for an honest job. - Kiku could've been put in the Chaotic Neutral aspect, since she desperately yearns for her own freedom and disobeyed Koei and the hospital staff for it, but considering how quickly she was to try and protect Ayumu after she befriended him this alignment seemed to suit her better. She's quick to defend her loved ones on their behalf, going out of her way to defend Koei's honor not only to strangers but to Sho as well. However, maybe it's because she's physically ill but we've never seen her go out of her way to help out people she didn't know, so she fails to be in the Good alignments because of that.
Chaotic Neutral "...chaotic neutral characters value their freedom above all else." "Chaotic Neutrals are individualists first and last." (note: the initial candidates for this category was Yoko and Rika because it's so hard to find recurring characters under this alignment, but after watching through some eps I found the best candidate for it)
Hosuke - Since most of Hosuke's screen time is dedicated to his character as an amnesiac owl, this is how I based him. In a literal sense, episode 2 his introductory lines is literally begging for the group to free him, but overall as a character Hosuke tends to put his wants first, even so much as to throw the kids under the bus when he felt neglected in favor of women flaunting over him in episode 7 (side note: a character trait of his that I absolutely despised, and im thankful they toned it down much much later on in the show) and demanding more food from the Four Kings in episode 38 without regards of whether they had more or not. He his selfish yes, but what keeps him from being categorized under the evil alignments is that he wouldn't go out to cause unnecessary harm, and is willing to accept the consequences of his transgressions (sometimes). If something is not going his way, he will very much be vocal about it.
Lawful Evil "...are capable of vicious cruelty and plenty of illegal deeds — but they follow a strict internal code, and thus often believe they are doing what is right or honorable." - Putting it out now, "lawful" doesn't mean the laws of the land or ethics as a whole, but rather a character's capability of adhering to a set of rules. Tyrants, fanatics, and extremists are best examples of this alignment, but the reason why Gabu isn't on here will be explained later on
Taiga Samejima - Despite the examples given, I consider Taiga to be in this alignment is because of the definition of following a strict internal code. Yes, he's willing to put heinous henchmen out there to hinder the protagonists, or for the benefit of Shark Tooth, but still he believes in playing fair during Idaten Battles. Outside that though is a far different topic (in episode 11 he had no qualms about Captain Jackal deserting Sho and co. in an abandoned island, but scolded him and the crew for violating the rules of Idaten Battle). He followed and assisted Gabu without complaints, only trying to step in and interfere when he realized that his brother was going too far. Yes, he's capable of harm, and yes he will do it if need be, but only if it doesn't go against his own code.
Neutral Evil "They have goals to accomplish, and they're certainly not going to stand in their own way."
Gabu Samejima - It's like this alignment was meant for him. Gabu will do whatever it takes to become the strongest out there and hold the power for himself. What makes him different from Lawful Evil is that he doesn't care; if you're in his way, he will take you out. He has an eye for theatrics through intimidation, and gains satisfaction from it. He's self-serving and willing to blackmail and manipulate people to get what he wants, but he's meticulous about it as well. He's impulsive, sure, but he won't go out of his way to cause unnecessary collateral (and yes, during the Team X arc sabotaging plans and wanting to abandon the group multiple times was necessary collateral for him; he knew he couldn't get Imperial X by himself, despite what he says). He hardly holds remorse for his actions, since he could really care less about what the others think of him.
The Four Kings - As Gabu's loyal henchmen, they'll do whatever they needed in order to give Gabu the upper hand—moral code be damned (hence why they fall in this category and not in Lawful Evil). Although there are times they question Gabu, in the end they'll still bend their backs for him.
Chaotic Evil "These characters often take pride in causing suffering, and pursue destruction for its own sake."
Takeshi Yamato (possessed) - Takeshi himself is not an evil man, but under the possession of the dark energy he aims for nothing else but mass destruction. He's willing to not take down but to obliterate anyone for this cause, without any regards for anyone or anything (he let Sho fall hundreds of feet off the air for the sake of winning). Chaotic Evils are the most dangerous and destructive out of all the alignments, so it also stood to reason that the biggest threat of the show falls here.
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dragabond · 1 year
Did you and mod Gabu give up on the Digimon blog?
No. We didn’t. She’s working on her own personal stuff and may have more going on. I’ll let her speak for herself on that matter.
I personally am struggling. I’m working both my jobs today for 12+ hours total, I’ve been working on adoptables and commissions where I can to earn money bc I’m late on rent and don’t have much at all and so my focus has been entirely on that.
I’ve been wanting to write and work on prompts but I’m so burnt out because of everything else I’m trying to do I just can’t get decent motivation and I would prefer not to half ass anything.
Please don’t send anons like this in the future.
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doomwads · 4 years
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Mayhem 1500 MAP04: Prayers in Stone
Game: Doom II Year: 2016 Port: Boom-Compatible Specs: MAP01-MAP34 Gameplay Mods: None Author: various (MAP04 by Darryl Steffen aka “dobu gabu maru”) idgames | doomwiki | onemandoom
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h0mestuck-kin · 7 years
aaa hey its me. terezi pyrope and im looking fr my wife vriska. we went to earth (no game au) bc condy was a shitty leader and basically all the trolls fled? we lived together and formed a matespriteship, and had 4 kids! we eventually got married (in the human sense) and we also lived in thr same city as aradia, nepeta, and tavros! hmu @gabu-mons if this is familar!!
Ay yooooo. //finger guns into the abyss lmao. Hit them up if this seems familiar y’all.
@komajutheartist | @gabu-mons
- Mod Eridan
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zine-tsuchako · 4 years
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At long last,
It’s time to meet our contributors! 
These talented folks have been hard at work these past few months, creating art and stories to fill our zine with lovely content. We can’t wait to show you all of their beautiful pieces~
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ANQI | Twitter ✦ CALYPSO | Tumblr | Instagram ✦ GABUS | Instagram ✦ GIO | Tumblr | Twitter ✦ GOOPY | Tumblr | Instagram ✦ LILITH | Twitter | Instagram  ✦ MAOWIBU | Twitter  ✦ MIM | Tumblr | Twitter ✦ MINNOW | Tumblr | Instagram ✦ NEKO | Twitter | Tumblr ✦ REAH | Tumblr | Twitter ✦ S_HOLDTHEBUS | Twitter | Instagram ✦ TOASTBOY88 | Instagram ✦ TURKEY | Instagram ✦ ZANNOLIN | Twitter | Instagram
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CASPER | Twitter | AO3 ✦ HIRAETH | Tumblr ✦ OHMOKA | Tumblr | AO3 | Twitter ✦ STARRY | Twitter | AO3 ✦ THISHASBEENCARY | Tumblr | AO3
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BRIKU | Twitter | Instagram ✦ GOOGLYEYESEYES123 | Tumblr | Twitter ✦ QUEEN GREMLIN | Instagram ✦ QUISS | Tumblr | Instagram | Facebook ✦ VIRASEII | Tumblr | Twitter | Instagram ✦ WITCHYCHUU | Twitter | Instagram
Contributor Spotlights: Starting Next Week
Pre-Orders: November 15th - January 15th
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Hello there, lovelies! 
We are proud to announce our spectacular blood donors for Bloody Sugar: A Himiko Toga Zine! The mod team is so grateful to have such talented and tasty artists and writers aboard for the Main zine! 
Baranoiid - @baranoiid​
Anon Bunny
Dreamvanir - @dreamvanir​
R_azio - @r-azio​
Little Rain - @underwaterrain​
TTALWINS - @ttalwins​
Univercorn - @mawaganstar​
Mel - @yallmightjr​
CoffeereKohai - @coffeerekohai​
Chibi Michaela
Jenny P. - @jennypengart​
Spud - @scribblyspud​
Yu Nyx - @yu-nyx​
Thishasbeencary - @eraserhawks​
DrAphra - @draphrawrites​
Rissa - @minty-lemon-tea​
Sugamint - @drowninginworkbutstill​
Seimei - @worldsendgirlfriend​
Ohmoka - @ohmoka​
Starship-Phoenix - @starship--phoenix​
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December 2018 / 12月のライブ
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【RICKIE GENE Christmas Live 2018】 12/6 福岡 BEAT STATION http://heartbeat.webcrow.jp OPEN 19:00  START 20:00 ADV ¥3900 / DOOR ¥4500 (D別) 12/8 沖縄 LIVE HOUSE MOD'S https://mods.ti-da.net/c54714.html OPEN 19:00  START 20:00 ADV ¥3900 / DOOR ¥4500 (D別) 12/17 名古屋 CLUB QUATTRO http://www.club-quattro.com/nagoya/ OPEN 19:00  START 20:00 ADV ¥3900 / DOOR ¥4500 (D別) 12/18 大阪 246 LIVE HOUSE GABU http://widewindows.com/gabu/201807/ OPEN 19:00  START 20:00 ADV ¥3900 / DOOR ¥4500 (D別) Choji 12/16 横浜Thumbs Up http://www.stovesyokohama.com/2018/12/?post_type=thumbsup_live Welcome to Choji’s House! vol.46』 ~忘年会スペシャル!~ 出演:Choji(Vocal, Guitar, Piano) メンバー: 原さとし(Banjo, Bones) 倉井夏樹(Harmonic) 関根真理(Perc) OPEN 12:00 / START 12:30 / ADV¥2500 / DOOR¥3000 ※小学生は1000円引き(未就学児無料) 1 ドリンク+1 フード以上のオーダーをお願い致します。 本夛マキ 12/20 下北沢 風知空知 http://fu-chi-ku-chi.jp 『本��マキワンマンライブ!~今までと今とこれから、2018~』 出演: 本夛マキ(うたとアコギ) with 倉井夏樹 (harp.) ジャーマン山根ポテト(drum) 時間 :18:30開場/19:30開演 料金 :前売3,400円/当日3,900円(1drink代¥600別途) 【チケット予約】 ◎風知空知メール予約(先着受信順整理番号付き) Mail → [email protected] ※ご希望公演名、日時、お名前、枚数、ご連絡先電話番号をご明記の上、お申し込みください。数日経っても返信がない場合は、お問合せください。 問)風知空知 03-5433-2191(18:00-26:00) AmiIrie 12/25 大田文化の森 「アイリーフェス〜クリスマスコンサート〜」 OPEN 17:30  START 18:30 前売り 3500円 / 当日 4000円 お問い合わせ 03-3773-0700 (大田文化の森)
〜Eric Clapton Night〜 12/26 品川トライベッカ http://www.tribeca.cc
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tuckerenthusiast · 7 years
Aw I know you don't run it specifically but it feels like the Creek server isn't very inclusive.
:’0 Aw, I’m sorry that you feel that way, anon! I know you probably would like to remain anonymous, but really, if you feel at all like you have an issue or concern or suggestion to better improve the server, please please feel free to DM me or any of the other mods! 
You can DM and it will stay between you and the mods. Me, Charlie, Syrina and Gabu do want the server to be at 100%, but we won’t know to change or influence anything if it isn’t brought to our attention.
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digimonloving · 9 months
Christmas ask: a tamer holding a mistletoe to their Antylamon partner
Tamer holding mistletoe to their Antylamon partner
Antylamon is a fairly tall Digimon, and as such managing to get under a mistletoe with them is very... difficult, to say the least. Since the typical spots that a mistletoe is hung up just don't work for fitting both the Tamer and them at the same time!
So, what's the other best way? Easy. Carrying one around that they bought, the Tamer gently asks Antylamon to maybe pick them up so that they can be eye level, they have something very important to tell Antylamon! It's very urgent! They HAVE to pick up their Tamer for this to work out. And, of course, Antylamon is curious enough to see just what this could be about.
Once up, the Tamer pulls out the mistletoe and wiggles it above their head, smiling softly at the large Ultimate level Digimon, fully expecting a kiss from the Digimon partner. When nothing happens, the Tamer is a bit awkward, but it's less their fault and the fact that Antylamon dosn't know what the little plant means.
Of course, Antylamon is confused. Tilting their head as they ask their Tamer to explain exactly what this was about, since they've never experienced something like this before. Their Tamer is too happy to talk to them about it and explain exactly what a mistletoe is - and the tradition behind it of kissing whoever is caught underneath it if there was someone already standing under it.
Understanding the tradition now, Antylamon hardly waits to lean in to give their Tamer a very soft, sweet kiss, the best they can muster with the size difference. It's genuinely very cute how hard the bunny-like Digimon does it, ears laying back as they lean forward to press a kiss against their Tamer's lips.
Needless to say, Antylamon enjoys it greatly, and now at any opportunity during the holidays, is kneeling down and holding a mistletoe - waggling it above the Tamer and themself as they wait for a kiss. It's great if the Tamer loves to pepper kisses all over Antylamon, and the Digimon ADORES it greatly!!
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idatenjumpfanatic · 7 months
Okay fine im going to go shameless and promote my fic here
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Uhhh, brief summary ig, it’s an OC-insert, Gabu’s twin sister who basically rides along the show’s canon events for the most of part 1 but adds a little spice to it.
Some of her characteristics are she’s a chaotic neutral, expressive, and very talkative despite the fact that her love languages are act of service and physical affection. She may not start fights, physical ones, but if you do you better make sure you’re ready to finish it or she will do it for you.
She goes along well with Gabu and Taiga, even so much as to join the former’s schemes, but she has her boundaries. As expected of siblings, she butt heads with them just as much.
She says she doesn’t care about what happens to Shark Tooth when things go awry but she often ends up talking them out of trouble if Taiga isn’t around.
Character sheet!
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I’d post my character sketch (the full write down about the character, personality, and relationships) here but the doc it is in has my story plot/beats in there as well as some major spoilers so just have these screenshots
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It’s just became my consistent headcanon that Gabu is just terrible at cooking lol
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I actually made a comic abt meeting Makoto but i never got past 2 pages bc I’m terrible with dialogue but here it is. Click for better quality, but if the dialogue is really that hard to read lmk I’ll add transcriptions
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And finally, the cherry on top, some sketches of Chapter 2, with absolutely no proper order of events
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Yeah, this is going to be 100% platonic and familial relationships
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digikin-discord · 7 years
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Hi! Mod Gabu here to introduce a brand new fictionkin discord server I’ve made. This server is for people who are kin with characters from the Digimon franchise! If you’re interested in joining, give this post a read over!
This, as stated is a server for people who are kin with anyone from the Digimon franchise, but you’re free to talk about your other kintypes if you’d like.
The server is a great place to meet new friends, talk about memories, or discuss your part of the series.
This is a great opportunity to find canonmates!
It’s highly encouraged to introduce yourself in the intro channel and put down note of your blacklisted topics in the blacklist channel before entering other channels.
Respect the current Mods and anyone else we may give this position in the future. They are here to keep things nice and tidy and co-operation is needed for that.
Respect the blacklist, as people make note of unwanted content there for a reason. If blacklisted topics must be brought up, please discuss them in the sensitive channel and tag them appropriately.
This server is a doubles-friendly zone. If you may have any issues with this, we politely suggest against joining this server.
There is a strike system in place for rule-breakers here. Strike one is a warning, strike two is an approximately 24 hours mute, and strike three will remove you from the server.
Please keep discussions topics relevant to the channel they are in. This is a loose rule, but it would be nice. If you go on a tangent it’s fine! It happens.
To Join
To join our server, you must fill out a form which can be found on our main blog page, or accessed here. Once it is filled out and received by us, we will send you the invitation link to the server discord over Tumblr, via the IM system, asks, or submissions, whichever one is open on your blog. Just use that link to enter!
Can’t wait to see you there!
– Mods Gabu & Arata
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doomwads · 4 years
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MAYhem 2013
Game: Doom II Year: 2014 Source Port: Boom-compatible Specs: MAP01-MAP11 Gameplay Mods: None Author: various authors idgames | doomwiki | onemandoom
Mayhem 2012 was a great start to the conquest of building a megaWAD over a month. Mayhem 2013 clocked in at a slightly smaller number and wasn’t finalized until 2014. The texture scheme for this go was the Community Chest 4 pack. Great! The gimmick? You can only use two monster types. Oh no!
Well, hold on. Being limited to two enemy types isn’t as debilitating as you might think and some of the authors managed to make maps that are both challenging and exciting, provided that you don’t mind picking yourself up off the ground a few dozen times. “Onyx”, by Ribbiks, feels like a cruel joke with its hordes of chaingunners and revenants. dobu gabu maru’s “Stone Spinnerets”, however, is even crueler as your victory against the arachnotrons in the confusing network of passages seems more plausible on its face. 
Click here if you’d like to read my full review.
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dook larue (rockafire explosion), daisuke motomiya (digimon 02) and gabumon (digimon). please tag @gabu-mons in this post so i see
dook: 5, idk anything abt thatdaisuke: 6gabumon: 8
@gabu-mons here ya go
- mod meiji
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@ the roxy who cant find their gf meenah i dated a roxy in my meenah canon! talk to me at @gabu-mons (ill message from main tho jsyk)
@ at roxy anon!! @gabu-mons
-mod nep
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gloomverse-fan-club · 8 years
the gabu u kno is gone. there is nothing but curry now. so much curry. my hands are overflowing with curry please help
-Mod Cirrus
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