#Mod lance ❀ important
ragnar0c · 1 month
Love reading your little oc-posting about eo nexus! Can we know who is on your team ? Do you have a mix-up of your favorit ocs from different games or is there, like, a team for each of your oc groups ?
Will enjoy reading their adventures, have fun with the game !
I've 100%ed the game before, but wanted to replay take notes and remember some things! So, I decided to try the Nexus Overhaul mod and that mod adds the Alchemist and Buccaneer class + completely new skill trees too :D
My current team I'm using just to test out all the new skills, they would be insufferable to each other if it were the truth:
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Mary (Protector), Snowwie (Alchemist), Hana (Zodiac), Lazasia (Medic), Rozelia (Buccaneer)!
Protectors have a lot more elemental skills in this version, and buccanners work like chain fencers. So Rozelia chases Hana's and Snowwie's attacks, Mary imbues normal attacks so Rozelia can counter more.
I plan to try lots other things out bc when I first played I stuck with the same parties (mostly) until post game. These three in this order:
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First party was my planned party, then in the lush woodlands they met El, then in the primitive jungle Kise gets injured.
I have one of every class, thinking of getting some doubles depending on how much fun the mod is!!!
Canonically all my eo4 guild is in the nexus guild, though they trickle in throughout the main story plot.
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Muerte [nightseeker], Lance [Sovereign], Mary [Protector], Mira [Survivalist], Snowwie [Alchemist], Lazasia [Medic], Hi [Arcanist], Koyon [Shogun], Sky [Imperial]
Yes.......... Snowwie is all grown up now ough................
I could go thru everyone but that'd take forever, besides the eo4 gang main characters are there from each ragnarok branch like Hana (eo3 zodiac), Cinnabar (eo2 gunner) eventually helps out, Tez from EMD (landy), and El (she's the new Maginia main, Highlander)
I don't really have any living characters from eo1, and eo5 in my lore takes place on not earth. And the hero? Don't worry about who that is, she's important for post game.
I guess to answer you though, I'm mixing and matching this time even though it's a little against canon ajdjadd. It's been fun so far! I'm glad someone likes reading about them!!!
Feel free to ask about specifics too heheheh, I'll probably make a post breaking down the subgroups bc there's eo4 ragnarok and ho they split into groups (emd), Hana and how she split off, eo2 ragnarok and how they split, El the wanderer, Midgard Library etc.......
I'll probably post their cheebs bc I think.... I have drawn all of them oughhhhhhh
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zottower · 4 months
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I think it's not a coincidence that I like FF9 almost as much as FF4. I found a page on the final fantasy wiki with all the allusions in FF9, and the nods to FF4 are many : the medieval fairytale fantasy atmosphere, the airships and their designs, Alexander's design looking like Amano's design for the giant of Babil, a lot of easter eggs (Doga's mirror with Zemus' words that the body may perish but the spirit lives on, one of the best Freyja's weapons being Kain lance -I have to make sure I can have it next time I play it, …)
Personally I can't wait to have more informations about FFIX's remake (or remaster ?) the rumors talk about and the Echo S 9 fan dub mod project by Tsunamods. There's already an amazing demo about Echo S 9 (Steiner ! Vivi !! <3 ) and watching it reminded me of the parallels between Cecil and Zidane, and the scenario in general, the very similar relationship to the enemy brother, the importance of the moon and the axis connecting the worlds (the Ifia tree and the Tower of Babil, both referring to the Yggdrasil of Nordic legends), …
But in reality, from a character point of view, Cecil and Zidane are quite opposite at the beginning. Zidane is optimistic, spontaneous, adventurous, naturally rebellious. They both arrive on an airship in the opening sequence, but in reality, Cecil is more like Garnet concerning his situation. The game begins in both cases by showing them mulling over nightmares in their rooms. They have a relationship a bit similar to their royal parent, with all the dilemmas implied. In both cases, this parent first denied their identity for the sake of protection, then became an ugly big blue greedy evil ogre to the point of using them only as a tool, and their relationship explodes in the child's face … in the form of a (or several) bombo!
In fact, the character developpement is not exactly the same, Garnet is more sensitive and hesitant, still hoping to repair his relationship with Queen Brahne, when Cecil gave up (actually the king is already dead) and is more rushing to the end of his journey. But they have similar struggles to sort out their conflicting feelings, the guilt of not living up to the great person they would like to be, that people expect them to be, and keep these thoughts to themselves, with Cecil being used to "…" and Garnet having a period of mutism herself. And both have a physical transformation visible in their images in the menu, from closed expressions to more open and bright faces once they have discovered more about themselves and integrated a new, life-saving identity that help them to move forward.
I'm happy to find all these common points, but also finding the differences since I like the two characters, and I would not be surprised to find more thinking about it and replaying the games.
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Super important ask for science! What are your headcanons for the age ranges of the bachelors/bachelorettes?
Your most recent post with Magnus got me thinking and I wanted to know your thoughts if you had any?
Oh, you mean how old someone is? Sure, why not (for science! 😃).
To be honest, I think me and my moots discussed this topic somewhere earlier (like year ago maybe???), but it seemed to be with the Expanded mod, because I remember Lance exactly. Not sure, dear anon, if you mean the characters from the SVE mod too (because Magnus is Rasmodius' name in SVE, in vanilla SDV his name is not revealed. He's just Wizard or Rasmodius), so I'll do only vanilla ones.
Shane is one of the "old" bachelors, according to one of the secret notes. I always figured he was somewhere in his early 30s. Somewhere closer to 32.
Harvey is another one of the old bachelors, but a little older than Shane. Either early 30's or mid 30's, I'd give him somewhere around 33-35 years (considering he graduated from medical school).
Sam is early 20's for sure. In my mind, he's still a pretty young guy who's just about to go to university. Somewhere between 20 and 22 years old.
Sebastian I consider Sammy's age, but about a two - three year older. If Sam is going to be, say, 21, then Sebastian will be 23-24. Also pretty young.
Elliott is the last of the three "old bachelors" along with Shane and Harvey, but his age borders between late 20's and early 30's. I always thought he was between 29 and 32 years.
Alex... it's a little hard to tell here. My opinion is split on whether he's also the same age as Sam and Sebastian (20-21) or somewhere in his mid 20s (25, 26). So instead of the two options, I'll go with the alternative and give him 23-24 years old.
In general I always thought Maru was 3-4 years younger than her half-brother Sebastian. Somewhere starting at 20, at least (Sebby would be 23-24 at the time). I thought Robin and Demetrius got together and Maru was born when Sebastian was three or four years old.
Penny is the same age as Sammy, which is 21. I always liked to think that if Pelican Town had any class where children were taught, Sam and Penny were in the same group and were the same age.
Leah in my mind is definitely somewhere in her mid 20's, I'd give her 26 to be exact.
25-27 years old for Emily too! She's kind of one of the older (not old) bachelorettes.
I don't remember if it was mentioned in canon somewhere, but Haley is Emily's younger sister to me, so I'd give her somewhere around 23-24 years old here.
In Abigail's situation, then she's Sebastian's age, it's like Penny and Sam situation here. So my verdict is either early 20's or even mid 20's (something between 22 to 25 years old)
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the-quiet-light · 9 months
Her blog (@she-has-many-names) will function as our main/GM blog for this. You may use your own and such, but any major castle events, room descriptions, etc. will happen on her blog. 
The dungeon will work as such: I will give you Arthur’s map, which is based on what the castle looked like the last time he was there. It may be…somewhat outdated. I will have my own, slightly more…detailed version.
Each room will present you with a challenge, which comes in many varieties. It may be a puzzle, a group of enemies, or even a mini boss. Be aware that Her knowledge of your characters runs deep, so these challenges may become somewhat personal. Be even more aware that certain rooms/bosses can place limits on your party members. 
Your goal is simple: get to the throne room on the 2nd floor. Then face her. 
The turquoise circles on the map are items and such, which could be very useful later. Generally you’ll have to balance your pathfinding around whether or not you think these items are worth it. Generally, I will try to make them worth the risk, cool descriptions included.
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Party mechanics. Each mod gets one unit, although each unit may have more than one character. (Ex: Raina and Lance are a unit, Northeast is a unit). You will build your party yourselves. Keep in mind that your party should be balanced and able to work together. 
The pink circles are checkpoints, which can be visited multiple times. This is where you swap party members and are safe areas. Note that checkpoints may be in rooms with challenges, only properly functioning once the challenge is cleared.
I will not give much in the way of hints or anything, although one party member will be one of my characters. Their advice will be entirely in-character, so don’t take what my characters say as advice from me, only their words.
Best of luck!
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ryvern · 2 months
Final Fantasy IX - Blue Moon is here!
Blue Moon is a basic mod for the Steam release of Final Fantasy IX. It adds some minor changes and balancing, while keeping the games experience similar to vanilla. The goal of this mod was to make the party more prone to change per strategy, and making Freya more viable as a party member, while making sure the games overall feel did not change. In addition, this mod is "anti-cheat" friendly, meaning those who want to avoid using cheats but want certain benefits of those cheats available, now can- All Missable Items (excluding Key Items) can be acquired in game past their normal acquisition point without activating cheats, and Bandit is learnable early.
Party Stats
Freya's base speed has increased, to put her on par with Amarant, along with a slight boost in Spirit.
Quina's base Magic has slightly increased, as has their Spirit.
Eiko, Dagger, and Vivi start with a bit more Magic Stones. Not by much, but enough to allow more wiggle room as you learn more abilities. (Seriously, Eiko only had 12 to start with!)
Spells and Abilities
Added Glare, a spell that deals minor holy damage. Usable by Dagger and Eiko. This spell was added to make Dagger more usable before she's able to use Eidolons.
Shell and Protect have been replaced by Mighty Guard, which grants both effects to a single target, at a higher MP cost. Less turns used to defend characters, allowing more diverse usage for Eiko and Dagger. Casting Mighty Guard on the entire party will cost the same MP as one MG+ from Quina.
Enemy/Quina's Mighty Guard has been replaced with Mighty Guard+, which grants the same effects as Mighty Guard, Regen, and is a multi-cast.
Esuna can now remove Trouble, Berserk, and Venom, as well as it's initial effects.
Six Dragons now has a new effect- which you can find out in game- making it's rarity a little more important. The AP required to learn this ability has also increased, as has it's MP cost.
Reis's Wind has become easier to learn at a lower AP cost. This is Freya's signature move, so why not, right?
Some support abilities that compliment Freya's moveset and theme have become easier to learn, and added to some of her equipment available earlier than usual. (For example, High Jump can be acquired at a location you'll find Freya to be very useful in, and Dragon Killer can be learned from both the Javelin and the Mythril Spear, instead of just the former.)
Shops, Items, Weapons, and Equipment
'Dagger' weapon now has Bandit and Flee as its initial abilities. 'Mythril Dagger' now has Bandit and Detect.
'Excalibur II' can now be synthesized at Hades' workshop, at the cost of the Defender, Save the Queen, and 50,000 Gil.
'Save the Queen' can now be equipped by Steiner, and grants the ability "Thunder Slash." Defender has been updated to give "Counter" and "Cover."
'Save the Queen' now has different requirements for Synthesis. Now you must provide a Diamond Sword and Silver Gloves at it's initial cost.
'Heavy Lance,' the only weapon that can teach Six Dragons, can now be synthesized at Hades' workshop as well, requiring 'Obelisk' and 'Phoenix Pinion' at 10000 gil.
'Javelin' can now be purchased at more shops.
'Cinna's Hammer' can be equipped by Vivi. Just because I thought it would be fun. +1 in Strength, and has an ability that I think matches Cinna.
Some of Freya's weapons now provide new stat boosts.
Changed the Item Description for some items.
The Moonstone can now teach Blizzard, Glare, and Add Status, making the Moonstone from Queen Brahne a bit more useful.
Summon Gemstones can no longer be synthesized, but they can be purchased in Black Mage Village in Disc 4.
Introducing Omega Enemies. These are enemies you can encounter on the world map. They have higher stats, auto-abilites, and immunities, but they grant more EXP than normal! There are only five, but they are grindable. One can be found starting with Disc One, one from Disc 2, two in Disc Three, and one in Disc 4. Note, once you reach disc 4, the prior omega enemies will not be reachable.
Vice and Magic Vice can no longer use 'Escape.' No wasted time on battles you don't get to finish. However, they have a boost in strength and magic, respectively, and Magic Vice can now cast magic, instead of just Mug and Magic Hammer.
Black Waltz III can now cast Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara during the fight at the train station, to balance out Dagger's Glare and Mighty Guard.
Lani can now cast Cure on herself, instead of wasting a turn.
Zorn & Thorn can now cast 'Nightshade,' a spell that deals Shadow damage to a single enemy. Now they'll actually deal some damage instead of constantly powering each other up.
Black Waltz I has slightly more HP, but not by a lot.
Enemies that previously cast 'Protect' or 'Shell' on themselves now cast 'Mighty Guard' instead.
Necron can now cast Vanish on itself, instead of casting Mighty Guard twice.
Quale can now cast 'Mighty Guard+,' instead of a more frequent poison.
Ark has had some stats boosted. You'll see why.
Adjusted the dialogue and names of five NPCs in Lindblum. These five now hint towards the locations of the five Omega beasts. Pre-Brahne's Occupation Only.
Test Key Item has been placed in the Prima Vista opening room, replacing a "Potion." This is simply to check and see if the mod is operating correctly.
'Defence' is now spelt 'Defense."
This is not compatible with mods that are major overhauls such as David Bowie Edition or Trance Seek. It is compatible with the Beatrix mod, but Blue Moon needs to be set to a higher priority.
This mod is mostly compatible with existing saves, but you may encounter some bugs such as custom battles not operating properly, or spells being in the wrong place on the menu. I would recommend a new save for this mod.
Meant to be used with the Memoria Engine!
How to use: Be sure you have the Memoria Engine installed. After that, simply extract this zip directly in the mod directory, which should be the same as your games directory!
Download Here!
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hiya mod 👋👋 i just wanna say your lance backstory is SO lit and i’m totally putting that in my headcanon basket!!!!! there is no need to be ashamed you are a LEGEND in my mind for giving him such an epic and sordid tale of origin 🛐🛐🛐
also i personally feel like i am Connecting The Two Dots now that you have planted that seed into my mind bc i always had this headcanon that lance was one of those characters who grew up to be really strong and badass as an adult, but was kind of a weak, sickly little dratini as a child 🥺 i just really love the trope in fiction of “entire village collectively raises a baby” and with that awesome origin story in mind it feels complete because being a war orphan born in a wildfire would naturally leave a kid with some health complications!! (also lance would be the cutest little smol bean as a kid i just know he would)
First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I just let my mind go CRAZY and spilled all of that out there hehe.
Secondly, YES YOU GET IT! After Lance is born the entire of Blackthorn including Clair's mother (who I didn't mention in the backstory but is very important in Lance's life, almost like a foster mother) takes him in and raises him. Everything he knows is from them.
He does grow up with a case of what I like to call "Viridan Sickness" It's when he's exposed to not enough sunlight or too much cold air, his body shuts down and can become very ill due to the build-up of smog that congested his lungs and his Viridian Powers enhancing his cells to try to fight back the illness can cause strain on his body.
Blackthorn was concerned that he may not make it past 10 years old, but they did everything they could to make sure he lived a sound life as his parents would've desired. He was very weak physically and mentally since he didn't have many friends to hang around as a child, but Clair's mother made sure to keep him company and happy until Clair was finally born. She loves seeing Lance smile. It reminds her a lot of her late brother.
But as we all know, he's perfectly okay, healthy, and strong as the Lance we all know and love today. Viridian sickness only comes rare to him now.
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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Happy August! And happy four-year anniversary to The Officers Academy! We wouldn’t be here without our wonderful community! Our anniversary event is slated to begin soon - stay tuned!
Current Month in TOA: Lone Moon
Here's where we usually go 'Instead of a Mission Board, we will be running a month-long event!' Of course, we are still running an event (more details below), but this time around the June & July Mission Board will be extended to run through until the end of August. The Unaffiliated requirement remains in effect for the Unaffiliated & Faculty-specific tasks.
The event will run from August 1st to August 31st. Signups are now closed - stay tuned for more information tomorrow at noon EST!
Our monthly submission limit on the site that hosts our event signups has been reset so everyone is free to take the quiz for fun now.
We will be announcing a second Fourth-Year Anniversary activity on August 4th. This will not require IC participation. Stay tuned for the details.
Please don’t forget to leave feedback on our feedback poll for this month! We do check the responses regularly, so if you have concerns during the event, the feedback poll is an appropriate place to pop in. (Alternatively, the mods' dms are always open.)
Important Updates
This year, in lieu of suggestions and voting for a select number of rank chart & class additions to TOA, we're adding a whole bunch of new prizes to expand the rank chart. Ree's been hard at work coming up with a delightful spread of goodies to choose from.
You can check out the new additions on the rank chart itself, or read on for a summary of additions!
General updates
All new personal weapons and lord event classes have had stats added to the manual, and old ones have been rebalanced
All swords now have a base 15% crit
Swordmaster now grants a new ability, Pursuit, along with Astra, and anyone who has mastered Swordmaster can automatically add it to their stats page. This ability grants a 40% base chance for the unit to make a followup attack, which increases the more points of speed they have, independent of the enemy's speed
Air Superiority now grants +2 speed just by having it equipped
Tantivy has had its dex buff removed and now grants +1 strength and +4 avoid as long as the unit is not under the effect of any ally passives, heals, or rallies
Hagakure Blade has been reworked to have the brave sword stat line, but deals magic damage and keeps its effectiveness against magic wielders/classes. Removed its HP cost and the Miracle ability
Archer now only grants Hit+. Bowrange+ has been moved to Sniper mastery. Anyone who has currently claimed Archer mastery will lose Bowrange+ unless they have Sniper mastered
Great Knight now allows the choice of B+ Lance or B+ Axe to access
Sword Avoid+ has been moved from Dancer mastery to C rank sword and its buff lowered from +6 to +4. If you have mastered Dancer, you will have Dazzle and Refresh, but will no longer have access to Sword Avoid+
The War Monk class has been granted Brawl Avoid+ as an additional mastery reward. If you have mastered this class already, you may add this to your stats page.
The Apocalypse spell has been updated
Rank Chart Expansion
New Intermediate classes: Martial Monk - C Gauntlets D Faith | Mastery: Qi Adept Lance Fighter - C Lance | Mastery: Backup
New Advanced classes: Wolf Knight - C Sword, Lance, OR Axe A Riding | Mastery: Hobble Dread Fighter - B Sword OR Lance B Reason | Mastery: Chaos Style Halberdier - A Lance | Mastery: Seal Speed Enchanter - C Sword B Gauntlets | Mastery: Convoy
New Master classes: Martial Master - A Gauntlets A Faith | Mastery: Diffuse Healer High Priest - B Gauntlets B+ Faith B Authority | Mastery: Self-Healing Griffon Knight - C Sword A Faith A Flying | Mastery: Clear the Way Mage Cannoneer - A Reason A Heavy Armor | Mastery: Let Fly
The Mage Cannoneer class comes with a completely different set of 14 weapons built-in, but cannonballs have limited uses and this class cannot use any other kind of weapon. As a tradeoff, cannonballs do not take up an inventory slot for the Mage Cannoneer class and they have access to all 14 at any given time
New Sword additions: Georgios (A rank) Cinquedea (A rank) Alacrity (A rank)
New Lance additions: Flame Lance (C rank) Venomous (A rank) Adaptability (A rank)
New Axe additions: Hurricane Axe (A rank) Merciless (A rank)
New Bow additions: Lendabair (A rank) No Distractions (A rank)
New Gauntlet additions: Shielding Art (C rank) Flashing Fist Art (A rank)
New Reason additions: Nova (A rank) Resonance (A rank)
New Faith additions: Freeze (A rank) Fracture (A rank)
New Authority additions: Battalion: Garreg Mach Youths (D rank) Battalion: Veteran Duelists (C rank) Battalion: Brigid Hunters (B rank) Battalion: Opera Company Volunteers (A rank) Dual Assist (A rank) Keen Insight (A rank)
New Heavy Armor additions: Arms Shield (A rank) Resolve (A rank) Allied Defense (A)
New Riding additions: Momentum (A rank) Reforge (A rank) Pivot (A rank)
New Flying additions: Air Raid (A rank) Pincer Attack (A rank) Detoxify (A rank)
August Mun Birthdays: Arden (9th), Ren (20th), Maxie (28th)
August Muse Birthdays: Julius (1st), Ephraim (1st), Eirika (1st), Zelkov (2nd), Laslow (7th), Lumera (7th), Alfred (8th), Patty (10th), Yuri (12th), Roy (14th), Ares (14th), Eldigan (14th), Edward (15th), Lyn (21st), Lachesis (22nd), Corrin (M) (25th), Frederick (26th), Sophia (27th), Soleil (31st)
First-year mun anniversaries this month: Kano (4th), Serena (24th), Kristopher (31st)
Third-year mun anniversaries this month: Soji (8th), Maxie (9th), Mirae (21st), Lilly (29th)
Fourth-year mun anniversaries this month: Ree (5th)
First-year muse anniversaries this month: Linhardt (4th), Sophia (4th), Seliph (10th), Anankos (19th), Camilla (23rd), Michalis (28th), Lloyd (31st)
Third-year muse anniversaries this month: Marth (8th), Farina (9th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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bruleeparlalune · 9 months
Traduction française de Fear & Hunger 2 - Termina - #3
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Comme j'ai chopé un sale truc pendant les vacances, je n'ai pas pu avancer tant que je voulais sur la traduction.
Traduction faite durant le mois :
Vieille Maison : celle avec le sous-sol et l'autel des Nouveaux Dieux.
Cabane Abandonnée : la cabane à côté du train.
Une partie de la cabine du train, comprenant la discussion avec Pav, Marina qui dégrade le train (racaille), Tanaka après l'entrainement, et les pauses de Marina, Abella, Karin et Daan. Avant d'écrire ce billet, j'était en train de bosser sur les dialogues d'Osaa.
Du coup, pas grand chose ce mois-ci. Mais j'ai quand même des choses à dire !
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Ça va être assez urgent et important de trouver un moyen de décrypter les fichiers du jeu. Non pas juste les images et la bande-son, ça c'est assez facile à trouver, mais vraiment les lignes de codes. De transformer le game.exe en game.rpgproject. Il y a pas mal de dialogue où, comme je n'ai pas les moyens de faire une version masculine ou féminine, je n'ai pas le choix d'utiliser, par exemple, un verbe du troisième groupe, ou de faire une grosse bidouille qui m'éloigne clairement du sens original de la phrase :
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Surtout que je sais que c'est possible. Il y a des mods sur ce jeu, il y a eu des propositions de fangame (tous abandonnés mdr), donc il existe bien un outil pour faire ça. Je pourrais enfin faire des dialogue différents si on incarne un personnage féminin ou masculin, tutoyer les gamins (aka Levi, Marina et p'têt Olivia) et sortir des insultes plus fleuries que « Sale ordure ! ».
Vieille maison
Lorsqu'on lance la discussion de groupe, avec Daan dedans, il dit que la maison sent le moisi, le "black mold". Tout bêtement, j'aurais traduit ça par moisissure noire, mais j'en n'ai jamais entendu parler de ça de ma vie, en tout cas dans ces termes. J'ai toujours entendu juste moisi ; sur les sites des dénominateurs de France métropolitaine, ils appellent ça eux aussi moisi. Il n'y a que sur les sites québecois où ils parlent de moisissures noires, et tout le monde sait que le Québec hait les anglicismes encore pire que l'Académie Française. Du coup, j'avais pensé à le traduire comme ça :
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La mention du Stachybotrys (le vrai nom de cette moisissure) est là pour mieux marquer que ce n'est pas une odeur de moisi normale.
Comme je l'ai mentionné plus haut, j'ai un autre cas où je bloque avec le dialogue, à cause de problème technique :
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La ligne en anglais était "You, who came with the offering". Du coup, vu que je ne peux pas le traduire par « Vous, qui êtes venu(e) avec l'offrande. », je dois me contenter de cette bidouille ci-dessus.
La ch'tite ref à un film bien rigolo, j'ai repris juste le même dialogue que dans la VF.
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2. Cabane Abandonnée Rien de particulier à dire dessus.
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3. Cabine du train (1er partie)
J'ai un blocage dans un des dialogues avec Pav : "He had one long time coming. Too bad it wasn't enough". Le vrai sens de la phrase est « La balle a mis longtemps à venir. Dommage qu'une n'ai pas suffit. », car elle suit la bulle précédente, qui était " You don't think the big man deserved a bullet to the head?". J'ai du mal à trouver une phrase qui garde le même sens sans être lourdingue. Pour le moment, je pars sur cette traduction :
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Un petit parti-pris, pour la traduction "banjo-playing yokels" :
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Un autre blocage, un peu moins emmerdant, à propos d'un dialogue avec Karin, pour la ligne "Whatever is happening here, could be an alternative to that.". J'ai du mal à saisir ce que veux dire "alternative". Le mot est bizarre dans le contexte, je pense du coup que riposte colle mieux.
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Pas plus de choses à dire, je tafferai sûrement mieux le mois prochain, vu que j'suis plus en train de mourir.
À la prochaine, et tombez pas malade !
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y2khaos · 2 years
is it ok to ask which of your robot ocs are in your robotphobia project along with Lance and Sloane? or will it be a surprise 🤔 (which i completely get/respect)
o absolutely!! the whole band of BROADCAST CUT (Xenon, Radon, and Argon) r basically the protags i think.....theres also Mod who's a p notable character and i plan on talking more abt her soon!!! ASPECT is the main antagonist and i still need to figure out designs im actually happy with for him and his other surveillance units.
then there's also professor andromeda whos. a scientist of some variety and honestly idk what their role in the story will be yet. kinda flip-flopping as to whether theyre super important or not,,
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taocc-refs · 3 months
Info and Tag List
Hiya, Mod Gryphon/Vian here! I thought it would be a good idea to have a blog that has references for the characters in TAOCC!
Let me know if you want me to make a post for a character, or edit any posts already here! I'm more than happy to scour through a blog's archive to find art! And I always welcome suggestions to make this blog better!
I'll try and keep the ref posts up to date, though I likely won't remove any art, just put outdated art under a read more.
If you want to go to a random post on this blog go to this link (it doesn't work on the app): https://taocc-refs.tumblr.com/random
Or if you want to use the Wheel of Names instead you can use this link: https://wheelofnames.com/zdv-d6m
Tag List
Sadly, I can't link every OC because of limits to how many links I can have per post, so I'll only link to each mod's tag. All OCs do have their own tag though! Format for the OC tags are #OC: Name
Mod Autumn
Mod Basil
Mod Cindy
Seer Anon
Tracy Trainee
Mod Elsie
Calla Lily
Mod Feiar
Abstraction Anon
Gideon's Mothlings
Mod Helpful
Mod Hoax
Mod Hope
The Terminal
Mod Kopi
AI Kopi
Mod Gold
Mod Gryphon
Grif (and Cerys)
Mod James
Mod Jester
Mod Joof
Mod Lily
Mod Marz
Mod Mox
Mod Soup
Mod Sky
Mod Star
Mod Tailsbot
Chaos Enjoyer Anon
Ferris Wheel Opperator Anon
Fox Anon
Maid Dress Anon
Mistletoe Anon
Simp Anon
Teleporting Anon
Wrench Anon
Mod Toast
Metal Anon
Mod Tomb
Mod Trix
And asks get tagged as askbox
Post Template
Character: [name and blog here]
Height: [height here]
Additional Notes: [any important design notes for people that might draw them]
Art Credits: [credits for the art in the post]
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she-had-many-names · 8 months
Uhhh. Starro and Lance.
Icia loves them for different reasons and loves them in different ways, but she doesn't love one more than the other.
Not sure if the question was made for the mods but it seemed phrased like that so
- Star
[it was lol
This is very important :3]
Icia finds herself in a train station, the old fashioned kind. It smells like warm coffee and baked goods, softly lit and a bit blurry around the edges. It’s a bit crowded, but you are only here to see two people.
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ostianshadowed · 1 year
Tumblr media
Happy August! And happy four-year anniversary to The Officers Academy! We wouldn’t be here without our wonderful community! Our anniversary event is slated to begin soon - stay tuned!
Current Month in TOA: Lone Moon
Here’s where we usually go ’Instead of a Mission Board, we will be running a month-long event!’ Of course, we are still running an event (more details below), but this time around the June & July Mission Board will be extended to run through until the end of August. The Unaffiliated requirement remains in effect for the Unaffiliated & Faculty-specific tasks.
The event will run from August 1st to August 31st. Signups are now closed - stay tuned for more information tomorrow at noon EST!
Our monthly submission limit on the site that hosts our event signups has been reset so everyone is free to take the quiz for fun now.
We will be announcing a second Fourth-Year Anniversary activity on August 4th. This will not require IC participation. Stay tuned for the details.
Please don’t forget to leave feedback on our feedback poll for this month! We do check the responses regularly, so if you have concerns during the event, the feedback poll is an appropriate place to pop in. (Alternatively, the mods’ dms are always open.)
Important Updates
This year, in lieu of suggestions and voting for a select number of rank chart & class additions to TOA, we’re adding a whole bunch of new prizes to expand the rank chart. Ree’s been hard at work coming up with a delightful spread of goodies to choose from.
You can check out the new additions on the rank chart itself, or read on for a summary of additions!
General updates
All new personal weapons and lord event classes have had stats added to the manual, and old ones have been rebalanced
All swords now have a base 15% crit
Swordmaster now grants a new ability, Pursuit, along with Astra, and anyone who has mastered Swordmaster can automatically add it to their stats page. This ability grants a 40% base chance for the unit to make a followup attack, which increases the more points of speed they have, independent of the enemy’s speed
Air Superiority now grants +2 speed just by having it equipped
Tantivy has had its dex buff removed and now grants +1 strength and +4 avoid as long as the unit is not under the effect of any ally passives, heals, or rallies
Hagakure Blade has been reworked to have the brave sword stat line, but deals magic damage and keeps its effectiveness against magic wielders/classes. Removed its HP cost and the Miracle ability
Archer now only grants Hit+. Bowrange+ has been moved to Sniper mastery. Anyone who has currently claimed Archer mastery will lose Bowrange+ unless they have Sniper mastered
Great Knight now allows the choice of B+ Lance or B+ Axe to access
Sword Avoid+ has been moved from Dancer mastery to C rank sword and its buff lowered from +6 to +4. If you have mastered Dancer, you will have Dazzle and Refresh, but will no longer have access to Sword Avoid+
The War Monk class has been granted Brawl Avoid+ as an additional mastery reward. If you have mastered this class already, you may add this to your stats page.
The Apocalypse spell has been updated
Rank Chart Expansion
New Intermediate classes: Martial Monk - C Gauntlets D Faith | Mastery: Qi Adept Lance Fighter - C Lance | Mastery: Backup
New Advanced classes: Wolf Knight - C Sword, Lance, OR Axe A Riding | Mastery: Hobble Dread Fighter - B Sword OR Lance B Reason | Mastery: Chaos Style Halberdier - A Lance | Mastery: Seal Speed Enchanter - C Sword B Gauntlets | Mastery: Convoy
New Master classes: Martial Master - A Gauntlets A Faith | Mastery: Diffuse Healer High Priest - B Gauntlets B+ Faith B Authority | Mastery: Self-Healing Griffon Knight - C Sword A Faith A Flying | Mastery: Clear the Way Mage Cannoneer - A Reason A Heavy Armor | Mastery: Let Fly
The Mage Cannoneer class comes with a completely different set of 14 weapons built-in, but cannonballs have limited uses and this class cannot use any other kind of weapon. As a tradeoff, cannonballs do not take up an inventory slot for the Mage Cannoneer class and they have access to all 14 at any given time
New Sword additions: Georgios (A rank) Cinquedea (A rank) Alacrity (A rank)
New Lance additions: Flame Lance (C rank) Venomous (A rank) Adaptability (A rank)
New Axe additions: Hurricane Axe (A rank) Merciless (A rank)
New Bow additions: Lendabair (A rank) No Distractions (A rank)
New Gauntlet additions: Shielding Art (C rank) Flashing Fist Art (A rank)
New Reason additions: Nova (A rank) Resonance (A rank)
New Faith additions: Freeze (A rank) Fracture (A rank)
New Authority additions: Battalion: Garreg Mach Youths (D rank) Battalion: Veteran Duelists (C rank) Battalion: Brigid Hunters (B rank) Battalion: Opera Company Volunteers (A rank) Dual Assist (A rank) Keen Insight (A rank)
New Heavy Armor additions: Arms Shield (A rank) Resolve (A rank) Allied Defense (A)
New Riding additions: Momentum (A rank) Reforge (A rank) Pivot (A rank)
New Flying additions: Air Raid (A rank) Pincer Attack (A rank) Detoxify (A rank)
August Mun Birthdays: Arden (9th), Ren (20th), Maxie (28th)
August Muse Birthdays: Julius (1st), Ephraim (1st), Eirika (1st), Zelkov (2nd), Laslow (7th), Lumera (7th), Alfred (8th), Patty (10th), Yuri (12th), Roy (14th), Ares (14th), Eldigan (14th), Edward (15th), Lyn (21st), Lachesis (22nd), Corrin (M) (25th), Frederick (26th), Sophia (27th), Soleil (31st)
First-year mun anniversaries this month: Kano (4th), Serena (24th), Kristopher (31st)
Third-year mun anniversaries this month: Soji (8th), Maxie (9th), Mirae (21st), Lilly (29th)
Fourth-year mun anniversaries this month: Ree (5th)
First-year muse anniversaries this month: Linhardt (4th), Sophia (4th), Seliph (10th), Anankos (19th), Camilla (23rd), Michalis (28th), Lloyd (31st)
Third-year muse anniversaries this month: Marth (8th), Farina (9th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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Mousey, here I am again, ready to embark on another long rant! (At this point, just call me Longanon 😄). As you can see from my several asks, I'm a sucker for world building and headcanon-ing characters on SVE, especially for my Farmer.
My rants are based on my working personal project of him, and from this tweet:
To summarize, someone made a scientific name for the races and monsters in Dungeon Meshi. And it kinda reminds me of my own personal headcanon of my Farmer OC.
So, what I'd like to discussed is:
How much do you think adventurers, researchers, or wizards in SVE actually know about monsters? I know for a fact that it's enough for them to know various kinds of information about monsters, ranging from ecological categorization (habitats and their roles in ecosystems) to ethological studies (behavior and interactions with humans or other creatures), as well as their levels of danger.
But, do you think their understanding of monsters is extensive enough to develop a classification system akin to that of regular animals? For example:
Species: Slima Prismaticus (Prismatic Slime)
Genus: Slima
Family: Slimidae
Ordo: Slimoformes
Class: SlimoideaPhylum: Gelatina (Gelatinous-like creatures)
Kingdom: Magizoa (I basically just merged words "Magic" and "Zoa," Latin for animal, to form this term. Might renaming it later)
It would be an interesting lore bits (and kinda useless) for SVE to have this kind of system. It can also explored many story possibilities.
Thanks for all the previous answers, btw! I enjoy reading all of them, and felt kinda bad not saying it to you sooner. I wanted to keep my anonymity as long as possible~
Oh, I like this! Classification of monsters in the SDV world! Thank you so much for your question and for sharing your headcanon, dear anon! Love it 💕
So, about your ask...
I'm sure that if adventurers in all Guilds keep reports on tasks and reports, are engaged in monitoring of killed monsters and inventory of elixirs, weapons and monster loot, then surely one of them will think sooner or later to start a bestiary. Because it is important to somehow teach the young generation of future adventurers about dangerous monsters (not all the time to swing a sword so it is necessary to read some smart books).
It seems to me that Marlon will be the first to have his diary entries about certain types of monsters published officially, adding even more coolness to his status (as far as I know, Marlon is a living legend in Castle Village). There will be a few corrections from the editors, as the one-eyed adventurer's field notes were in his diary, and so it was full of his personal information.
In addition, other adventurers or mages (not necessarily from the Castle Village) could also publish a book about monsters at the same time, but with a more detailed classification: body structure, behaviour in the wild, hostility or lack thereof to humans, etc. And I like to think that young Lance was one of those people, because as we understand, he also writes novels and has devoted a lot of time to studying monster behaviour. So why not? (I love your idea so much, anon!)
But how many species do they know? It's hard to say. Adventurers like Lance are still making discoveries, so I think there are still a lot of unknown monster species. If you think back to the Ridgeside Village mod, there's a bunch of new monsters in just one small biome that apparently there's no official information on. Otherwise, the Village would have more support than two retired adventurers and a legally dubious clan of ninjas - assassins (and both of them, nowhere officially listed in the reports of the Guilds. Lola and Freddie may have known Gil and Marlon, but I don't remember any official activity as adventurers).
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cheemken · 1 year
how would you think the champions play the pmd games
Pfft dope my two hyperfixations in one ask hahahah
But hey anyways, most of these are Explorers tho bc I like it more than any pmd game and I actually know more abt it than other pmd games so hey hope that's cool hahah
Lance - does not understand the games and how to play it whatsoever, like,, he legitimately couldn't get past the first ever mission of RT (to save Caterpie), thinks the gameplay is confusing. He does watch the others play it tho, and to no surprise he liked the story of RT, tho he fucking hates Team ACT and Team Meanies, mf hates everyone in Pokémon Square bc they turned against the Hero and Partner. So in a nutshell he's just "team Meanies? Team ACT? The Pokémon Square folks? I see no difference, I hate them all." Will have a fucking field day if he ever finds out abt Team Skull in Explorers hahaha
Steven - also thinks the gameplay is a bit confusing, but he's no quitter. Always chooses the Water starters for his partner and names them after Wallace. Likes hoarding items ngl, also the type to choose rescue and delivery missions rather than outlaw missions. He really likes collecting the orbs and of all the items he has, he doesn't want to use the orbs and waste them, he also likes collecting pkmn specific items and always tries to find treasure boxes. Thinks the Aegis Cave mission is fun and everyone just gave him this look, but ofc they kinda expected that from him
Wallace - cheated on the personality test to get any of the Water type starters, named his partner after Steven. Absolutely hates the delivery missions, saying why can't he just keep the rare stuff and leave the ones asking for it, he deserves it. Encounters Monster Houses every other room and he fucking hated it so much, he got Iris to get him a modded version of the game without the Monster Houses, his luck is that bad. But hey, he does like the game tho, but idt he'd actually play the special episodes thinking they're nonesense. Only recruited the Hoenn legendaries in the Seven Treasures mission.
Cynthia - also cheated on the personality test to get Riolu. Finished the game within two days. And when I say finished it I mean she really did unlock every location and recruited every pkmn (yeah, even Kecleon), loves Spinda's cafe and if she could she would always save her game there. Ditched her partner pkmn (except the hero Lucario) the moment she recruited Gabite, and since then she recruited the other members of her team. Kinda sad she couldn't have a six member party, but hey, she's vibing w it, at least she can still use Garchomp. Actively seeks out Monster Houses bc she loves the challenge with it, and said it's fun seeing them all go down w Garchomp's Earthquake
Iris - the biggest Gates apologist you will ever get to meet. Like, she absolutely loves the fact she can play as Axew, tho she doesn't like how the partner options are a bit limited, but hey at least it's pkmn that's native in Unova. Will defend Hydreigon with all that she is, if anyone would say shit abt Hydreigon she will throw hands, that's just a sweet Muppet boii wanting to help okay, he ain't done shit. Same like Steven, hoards the items, says "well, maybe I can use it in a more important fight later!" Also a Kyurem apologist let's be real.
Diantha - the one to actually introduce the games to the others, names her partner in every game after Geeta, and ugly cries whenever the Hero and Partner gets separated at the end of every game. Actually really honest in the personality test, and settles w what she's gonna get even if it's a pkmn she doesn't like much, but it is nice she's able to just choose her starters in the recent games. She likes SMD, loves the mega evolution ofc so it's her preferred game, but she does play the other games from time to time, especially Explorers since it's what the majority of the champions played. She hates RT tho, like,,, she really does. She said "all that buildup at the end where Hero wanted to stay for Partner and after that they're like normal recruits! What's the point of all that then?!"
Hau - absolutely loves EoS and likes doing the outlaw missions to everyone's surprise, said it's nice being able to catch bad guys and get rewarded after, he doesn't like the Monster House missions tho. Actually doesn't like Chatot, even at the end he doesn't like him, even Loudred, no one knows why he just doesn't like them. He thinks Wigglytuff is cool tho, and was so relieved to see Wigglytuff kinda save him and his partner in Fogbound Lake. Only played Wigglytuff's and Bidoof's special episodes. Also the biggest fan of Bidoof, a bit sad he couldn't really recruit the Bidoof from the guild, so he recruited one for his own team. He actually didn't evolve his team, he said they look better as they are
Leon - gets lost in every dungeon even after Iris got him a modded game with a layout of the map of the entire dungeon on the top screen, but surprisingly finds every hidden stairs and secret bazaars and treasure rooms, he finds those more than the actual stairs heading to the next dungeon floor. Couldn't really finish the game in its entirety even after he got so far, as he gets frustrated about the map layout of the dungeon, so ends up watching the others play it instead. He ended up just watching or reading more abt the story of each game than actually play them, and by far Gates and EoS are his faves
Geeta - played it for Dia and names her partner there after her too. Didn't really finish the games, didn't even play all of them except for EoS and SMD, and she didn't even get that far on both games. Ofc, that wasn't really a problem for her, as she'd just watch Diantha play and she'd just tell her everything that's going on in the game, so she kinda knows a lot abt it too. She did cheat on the personality test on EoS, she wanted a starter that she thinks is strong and would reset the game if she doesn't get what she wanted. Encountered a Monster House once, got bodied so hard and she hated every second of it bc she didn't expect a Monster House to show up early in the game
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voltronfantasyzine · 6 years
All mod applicant emails have gone out!!
A day ahead of schedule, too! :D
If you applied for a mod position, please check your emails to see your results! To those who were accepted, please respond as soon as possible so we can get you all set up. :) Thank you for your support!
- Mod Lance 💙
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I have two SUPER DUPER important questions for you, Mod:
Are you a Lance’s hair is naturally spiky truther or a Lance deserves to let his hair down truther?
Are you a Lance is taller than Steven truther or a Lance is a short king truther?
The people need to know!!! ✍️✍️✍️
1. Natural spikes
2. Taller than Steven
I rest my case. 💼
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