#Moisturizer Feet
dermaltherapy · 1 year
Looking for the best cream for heel cracks? Dermal therapy heel care cream is the best to combat dry, cracked heels. Dermal Therapy is a renowned brand of foot cream specially designed to treat and prevent dry and cracked heels.For severe cases of cracked heels, try Dermal Therapy Heel Rescue Foot Cream. This cream is enriched with shea butter, essential oils, and vitamins to deeply nourish and hydrate the skin. Check out our top products to heal cracked heels fast. 
See More: https://www.dermaltherapy.ca/products/heel-care-1
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pfhwrittes · 2 months
hello p! here with a prompt for tradie!141. i’m curious about how any of the fellas would react to reader teaching them a handy trick or easily solving a problem they’ve been struggling with on a job site.
hi sy! aw yis, more tradie!141 for everyone! so, i actually had two ideas for this one. initially i was going to go write how transmasc!tradie would go about bending pipe but i realised that it wasn't very body inclusive of me to assume that transmasc!tradie would be less capable than the boys physically so i've binned that one.
instead you get this instead. it's another johnny heavy instalment because he's a bloody drama queen.
TW: discussions of feet (in the context of keep them warm in your boots, not anything else).
it's a fucking miserable day on site. it's cold as shit, or as price had said "it's brass monkeys out there today lads" so everyone is more miserable than usual. well, nearly everyone.
kyle's alright because he's got the industrial heaters in the room he's working in, he claims it's to help the plaster to dry out evenly and to reduce the chances of causing damp. so he's swanning about in his base layer.
simon's layered up in a massive quilted hi-vis jacket and a skull print balaclava. johnny got a punch on the arm when he said that simon looks like the world's shittest bank robber. you were smart enough to keep your mouth shut even if you did privately agree with him.
price had begged off working, claiming it was too cold to be fucking about with shaving down doors so he's posted up in the site office with a little fan heater cranked up and a hand written sign on the door warning them all not to leave the door open under any circumstances while he goes through purchase order invoices.
but johnny? johnny's miserable as fuck about it and come break time he's bitching up a storm about how he "cannae even feel my fuckin' toes in my boots!" as he huddles around his steaming mug of coffee.
you make a sympathetic noise in the back of your throat as you wrap your chilly hands around your own mug and allow yourself to zone out a bit as he carries on.
"how come yer not freezin' yer tits off then, flash?" johnny's question interrupts your musing about pipe lagging.
"got heat patches stuck to my socks mate." you tell him nonchalantly before you take a careful sip from your mug.
"what?!" johnny sounds scandalised and you're not sure if it's because you're warmer than him or if it's because of your slightly odd way of keeping warm.
you just shrug and take another careful sip. honestly you're a bit baffled that johnny doesn't have heat patches in his boots. it was one of the first tricks you'd learned when you were working with your previous company.
"g'wan then, show us." johnny leans forward eagerly so you pop your mug on the table and bend down to unlace your boots.
johnny watches with a look of concentration as you pull off your boot, one thick woollen sock and a plastic bag sandwich bag with the zipper ripped off (which earns you a pair of raised eyebrows), to reveal your thin cotton sock with a heat patch stuck to the sole of your foot.
"mate, that's pure genius!" johnny praises loudly. "'m definitely gonna dae that the morrow."
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spinetrick · 2 years
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self care aliens
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yesmissnyx · 6 months
New Year's Resolution: get to my fucking Tumblr DMs eventually 😤
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pervybutch · 3 months
tickle me till i cry? when?
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molliiewoodtodd · 11 months
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despazito · 2 years
I don't care what anyone says socks are just condoms for wearing shoes walking around indoors with socks on feels so wrong
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sleepinglionhearts · 5 months
Second hardest part about this whole stupid covid thing: realizing I need a fucking humidifier
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mythicalmyles · 3 months
Me: takes time out of my day to properly educate ppl about animal stuff
This mfer: but they like it!!:)
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emomanswhore · 1 year
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only a few more hours until i can speak my mind on his feet in 4k.
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curiosity-killed · 4 months
in new experiences, i managed to a) split my toe open in class and b) somehow get a chunk of my shoe stuck in it??
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mac-and-thefox · 4 months
You own many pairs of high quality socks.
I realized awhile ago that for the sake of my job and my hobbies, because I'm on my feet a lot, sometimes in questionable/extreme weather conditions, good quality moisture wicking socks are super super important. Personally, I'm a big fan of Smartwool socks.
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vampirebiter · 9 months
my dry skin gets. so bad. i am actively crunchy every day
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windy-apple · 1 year
jersey vs me with the nail trimmers. 🥊
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texasbama · 9 months
Im a flip flops/sandals girlie. I live in the desert so i can wear them pretty much year round so like..I get it. What I don’t get is you wearing shoes like that and yo feet are all cracked and crusty and DIRTY. Yall should be ashamed.🥴
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musiquesduciel · 1 year
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After much trial and error, I've shortlisted the items that are holy grails in my skincare based on their repurchase pattern.
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