thesopwithcamel · 1 year
Since everyone has an AU I might as well share one of my own.
So there are three different universes which exist seperatly from each other but different events happen during it, due the events of the ARG, universe 1 (or 1HT) is 3 years ahead of the other two but due to unfortunate events around Universe 3's (or 3HT) version of Hat Kid going insane with the power of Time and space in her hands she accidentally melds the three universes together in a way which keeps them around but means that it takes up a lot of Space and that includes the 3 universe Earth's.
The three universes consist of:
1HT which encompasses the retail game and chapters, Hat Kid is an alien and her actual name is Caitlyn. Bow Kid and 1HT Timmy are dead and because of that (and some other events) Caitlyn decided to give up on beam attacks and umbrella swings in favour of jacketed hollow points and Thermite. Her ship has been destroyed by the cataclysmic events causing the mixup but Ol' Stella's fuel tank cooking off in the lower atmosphere over Calcite/Mafia Town actually lessened any horrific effects meaning most of universe 3's negativity didn't enter except, 1HT also concerns the events of the ARG some of those characters coming in later.
2HT encompasses the Prototype and alpha stages of A hat in Time's developement (Alpha Subcon forest, City of calcite/Harbour, Sands 'n sails and Science express), as such it also contains many cut characters (Moonjumper, Thor, etc, etc). 2HT Hat Kid is called Natalie, Proto Kid also exists (she was made by Tim to Give Hat Kid a friend to play with when she isn't serving him) and 2HT Bow and Timmy are alive. When the cataclysm occurs everyone instinctively blames Tim for yet another meltdown, then they shift the blame to Caitlyn (which kickstarts her shift from Umbrella's and projectile badges to crowbars and firearms) before finally getting the jist of it and blaming 3HT Hat Kid (more about her later).
3HT is mostly unknown because it technically no longer exists, very few things have been ported over to here and as such there isn't much information but due to 3HT's version of Hat Kid (whose actual name is unknown, she caused this entire mess and needs to go to therapy) and Snatcher (who in this universe in an irredeemable prick) somehow surviving the incident (everyone else is fucking dead) and the fact that they're both arseholes means that its hell in there.
I will make more posts about this au whenever the hell I have the motivation to do so.
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star-cooki · 3 years
Now Featuring Puella from the Ahit ARG lore (Sketch to Color)
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Adult! Puella
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The Hat duo (Hat kid & Puella)
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gigilefache · 4 years
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Heres some summaries on my au that I've been baking in my brain for so long. Left pictures are all Super Nice au while the right are all EX au.
Designs for Moonjumper and Shapeshifter for the Super Nice by @chaosofdoodles
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harpyco · 3 years
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Drew her again
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timekeeperstudio · 3 years
I dont post much any more but I have a art peice so here.
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Context this is a bad ending .
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xiaxianyuesh1 · 3 years
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kidwhomhasahat · 4 years
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so uh I made an oc to represent me in the entire “Moleman1111/Jimmy Day″ arg shenanigans BECAUSE APPARENTLY I’M A PART OF THAT NOW??? AND I WORK FOR A GUY REFERRED TO AS “THE PRETENDER”??? THAT WAS NEVER INDICATED TO ME UNTIL THEY LIKE???? CALLED ME OUT???? WAS IT EVEN A CALLOUT????? im so confused but also having a lot of fun ajkglfhsjkhfs
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captn3 · 5 years
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a few timmy day/ahit related doodles, because i just watched every single one of moleman’s videos (i havent before and Holy Shit) and i need to draw humans more often when im in these sonic phases otherwise ill forget how to draw them. also timmy and mustache girl are sonic fans and nobody can stop me. they recite the faker convo every day and hk and bk hate it
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every story has a beginning and an end 
just like a song, just like time itself
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ahit-cut-content · 6 years
Hi, I'm doing a in-depth look at the Moleman content (and I want it to cover EVERYTHING), and I was wondering--have you discovered anything else?
Yes! I have a few things that i never really knew what to do with, but maybe you can make sense of it all. This is quite a long post, so i’ll put it under a keep reading bar.
Firstly i have two textures in the weird language in the videos, one of which you can find on the inside of a closet in hat kid’s attic.
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“two stars, a blackhole, gate way of light, the forgotten temple, a message of hands, pillars of fire, the souls of his people, raining sun, the truth between two travellers of time, a peaceful garden, the promise of a hat”
The second is the text that shows up on that burning box with hands sticking out of it.
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“as punishment for his betrayal, all those connected to, cavus, are sealed until times end, may their suffering be a reminder of his sin as he rots in the void“
There is also all of those polaroid photos in the editor and this suitcase that had a bunch of black polaroids sticking out of it with an opening animation where a bunch of polaroids would kinda poof up and disappear but i think that’s been removed a while ago.
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I didn’t get a screenshot with the little animation unfortunately. but it looks like it would have been in the Grown up segment, though i couldn’t find it in the alpha or beta, and considering a lot of stuff related to moleman are found in polaroids, i think it’s safe to say that the suitcase might have had something to do with that.
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There’s also this painting you can find in subcon which to me seems to be depicting a Sun Piece.
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There’s these models.
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And hats labeled Timelord Hat and Retro Hat
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And this.
I might have more, my folders are really messy. If i find anything else ill be sure to send it your way.
(Edit: There’s also some mods made by Habboi that seem to also be part of the Moleman story, Puella Outfit, White Tower Hell, Eternal Madness, and maybe Ultra Silence. I haven't been able to play them yet to be sure.)
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doodledrawsthings · 4 years
Hi there! If you're curious, I've done a write-up of the Moleman1111 ARG from the first video up through the last big mod, Ultra Silence.
Submission @starsoverthehorizon
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thesopwithcamel · 10 months
A Hat in Time: Aniphobia and the ARG.
A Hat in Time: Aniphobia (AHIT:ANI/ARG) is a future/au of A Hat in Time in which Hat Kid finds herself in Keithman county 2006 during the anime invasion, the location of the roblox game 'Anhphobia'. Hat Kid is forced to fight anime girls to try and survive in this county, she also is forced to use firearms to survive which is something she thought she would never have to do.
Hat Kid is able to escape this hell after 17 years of hardcore combat but then finds herself trapped in the twisted shennanigans of the A Hat in Time moleman arg in which she is forced to fight against the founders as things go downhill at a rate she expected, Hat Kid is transported back to her timeline just before the first Times End and she winds up back in her ship which is hovering above Earth...fun.
Hat Kid in this au is transformed from an innocent but mischievous little girl into a 6ft 1in killing machine who learnt the hard way that sometimes violence is the only option, she also is able to knock out Keeper APC's with some impunity since the shadows don't have anti tank weapons and those human resistance groups have very little anti APC capabilities.
Hat Kid's exploits however do have consequences:
Cultists and T-dolls go as far as sending assassins after her, sometimes they cause her to respawn, sometimes they don't. Other fighters and the US goverment take interest in her with the latter designating her in a file with Hat Kid herself gaining the designation XRAY-17.
Hat Kid speedruns the Founder's patience and despite Hat Kid's best efforts to contradict this she cannot fight experienced Keepers in any capacity (since they would just kick her arse) however following the destruction of two cruisers by Hat Kid she became the target of Keeper special forces (including her almost getting killed by Tempus with the latter putting in little effort).
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
Do you know if habboi ever continued the story of moleman1111 or is the whole serie done? Or is there another serie that he is doing?
When it comes to Moleman1111, it looks like he's well and truly done. The last bastion of hope (for me) was the release of the L Ast mod, but that's now defunct. The twitter is gone, the youtube channel is scrubbed. At the moment, the only thing I can tell from a quick scan of his twitter feed is that he's still working and playing video games on the side
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gigilefache · 4 years
The lady is so pretty!!! What's her name? What's her story?
So its actually my design for Lady Puella from an ex au I was working on. The og Puella and her story are from the ahit moleman1111 arg, which you can read about on @starsoverthehorizon. I highly recommend checking the moleman stuff out if you like deep lore!
The story I have for her in the ex au is that she's been going around and hoping dimensions for a really long time, which explains why she looks older, and that she's trying to stop the spread of white twilight (the horizon in the au, but its something different in the arg.) I plan on sharing more stuff about this au soon maybe. I can also answer more questions about it too.
But definitely check out the moleman arg. There's also playable mods for this and costumes that you can get as mods for ahit on pc.
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lesbian-roguefort · 4 years
What's the moleman arg?
moleman1111, and ahit dev, has an alternate reality game that started in AHIT (see: the attic closet) and branched out into YouTube and Twitter.
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timekeeperstudio · 3 years
Some APOAH model progress.
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Model of Lady Puella things are coming around.
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