#a hat in time arg lore
thesopwithcamel · 11 months
Intrusive a hat in time related thoughts (and some headcanons, I tend to over think things lol).
What happens when you blow up a timepiece with C2 (C4 lite edition, used for door breaching) or any other small explosive device.
How does a Hat in Time's respawn work in-universe? Does time rewind when Hat Kid (or Bow Kid) is killed to before the event and they keep the memories? Or is it basically like the dead ringer from TF2 with it being rewinded a bit and the 'decloak' happens at or near the point of death? Or is it there is one attempt but the failed attempts are all in weird paralel universes or pocket dimensions.
How did Hat Kid remain sane during deathwish? My headcanon is that there is a dimension in between life and death which is basically a large bar floating around in the aether, this is managed by Master Tempus (well, her soul anyway) who had been freed when timeline 1 fell and timeline 2 began. Hat Kid must have met her.
How was Hat Kid able to access Puella's memories?
What was the Time War actually like, while I personally see it as some Warhammer 40k style, mud filled trench warfare hell others have their own interpretations, if you have any share them. Secondly was it a conflict for a single goal or were there multiple potential objectives the Founders Wanted, that is if they even initiated the conflict.
Mods? How do those work and are they canon.
I will probably make some weird full timeline for my AUs.
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anyzstuff · 23 days
One of the things I love and hate Oneshot for, is how small our knowledge about it's world actually is, and how much place for discussion and speculation we have. Which is why I also look forward to The Margin of the Strange (I'm gonna use MotS for short) so much.
I am not the first person to bring up the theory about MotS and Oneshot existing in one multiverse, like this one, which is the strongest evidence we have to back up this theory (for now)
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From the official MotS site/steam page description :
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I am saying "for now" since we can't know for sure, and since MotS community has found an ARG on the official site. (Shout out to Margin of Error on YT) And though I do not know if it's been solved, this may give us more lore info and maybe some signs that it IS a part of the same multiverse the world of Oneshot takes place in, but it's now its just a speculation.
Tho if MotS WILL be a part of that multiverse it could give us an incredible amount of information we didn't happen to know about before regarding the Real world Oneshot originates from. Like for example why do worlds die? Is it a common event in the multiverse? How does the process of the world dying looks like and is it similar for all of the worlds? Is there any kind of system of balance, where if one world dies, the other ones can be affected by it as well, like some kind of a domino effect? What's the space BETWEEN the worlds? Void? Right now we cannot answer any of these, and it would be really nice if MotS could maybe give us at least some information about it, since from what we can see, in Ling's world the whole topic of researching about another worlds and the multiverse itself is a much larger and more important part of the game then it was in Oneshot, where we pretty much saw nothing except Author's notes, George and some info the solstice trio gave us.
These are just the topics i would've loved the fandom to talk about more. As if for my own thoughts: the process of the world dying is probably a common thing in the multiverse (at least i would think so, that's more of a headcanon since we don't have anything on this topic AT ALL). But it's genuinely scary to think about how the dying world looks like. I would speculate that it's pretty much a cold weather that gets even colder as the time goes on (since the sun is dead), lack of clouds or snow(for the same reason) and lack of food like fruits, vegetables or plants in general, if they weren't able to adapt to cold temperatures and dry air (which I'm sure most plants wouldn't adapt to). That's just something i imagine when i think of the process of the real world dying based of of information we're given. We can also see that a lot of Oneshot characters who we see outside DO wear warm clothes, scarfs, coats, ect. (Lamplighter, Cedric or even Niko themselves) Or have feathers/fur can help to warm up (yeah I'm talking abt glenfolks and Rue). Even Author himself is seen wearing a warm jacket, scarf and a hat in every official art we've seen. But this all can be explained as just design elements and not actually mean anything, but it's still a funny thing I've noticed.
Despite the fandom pretty much pushing this character aside compared to the rest of the Solstice trio, which upsets me a lot not only because I've had a literal hyperfixation on this guy for nearly 8 months, but also because he's literally one of the most interesting characters in the whole game. He's literally THE SON OF THE AUTHOR, ONE OF THE CHARACTERS THAT WE DON'T KNOW SH- ABOUT. THE CREATOR OF THE TWM. GUYS, I MEAN-
We also do NOT know about his origin, but I am personally heavily leaning towards the "Cedric is a robot" theory, not only because of one dialogue that we all know about (the one where Cedric and Rue answer Niko's question abot how it is to be a robot), and that one tweet Night made that "Cedric technically counts" while talking about cute anime tobot boys, but also because of the lack of his mother-
Okay-okay, I know it sounds weird, BUT. We literally have ZERO mentions of Cedric's hypothetical mother/Author's wife, which I highly doubt could've been a case if she DID exsist at all, because of how Cedric refers to The Author a lot, and because of the fact that i think that if Cedric's mom DID exist, Author would've tried to save her in the simulation, or at least would've mentioned her at least once in any of his notes, even if she was dead. So this all makes me think that Cedric did NOT have a mom at all, and has.
Also, as we know, Cedric is pretty fckn young, not much older then Proto, which mean that the world was already decaying by the time Ced came to life (born or made, I'll use the word made since I'm assuming he's a robot). This makes me ask a question: Why was he made? Author couldn't just waste time on something like this while he was working on TWM and trying to save the dying world? So that makes me think that Cedric, just like Proto, was made with a purpose. We do now what it is, maybe it's operating the flying machine, maybe Author already made a backup plan that later became the solstice route, or maybe Author created Cedric as someone who would in the the future continue his own research on the multiverse in the simulation. We don't know.
But here's a problem with this theory: we clearly have a picture of Cedric, where he's seen as a child.
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(official art by Nightmargin, based on a sprite we see in game)
This. This can either be explained as Cedric having two or three different versions of the body (kinda like Proto being the first design for Prophet bot), but adjusted to imitate him "growing up" OR an indicator of Cedric not being a robot/not completely being a robot. Sadly we do not have any information to back up either the first or the second theory. Tho I saw a third one about Cedric dying at some point in live and being revived as a robot, this is a pure speculation since again, lack of information, tho there was a mention of Cedric previously crashing into a wall on a flying machine and in my mind, i have no idea how the hell did he survive, if he didn't jump off in time (and we know he has a parachute lmao). Tho i also do not know when it could even happen. Maybe in the real world or the previous iterations of The World Machine.
Cedric truly fascinates me as a character. We know so little about him and his and his siblings past life. He seems to have such a traumatic and heavy past, he's a literal TEEN who's a part of a master plan and one of the few on who's shoulder there's a literal fate of the digital remainings of his homeworld and his own life. His father just DISAPPEARED and we still have no idea where and how Author is, in what state he is. A ghost? A spirit? A God just like us? Or is he in the Void somewhere and that's why he can't see what ACTUALLY happens in the world, tho he can feel what's happening? Or maybe he's in the core of The World Machine, since it needs a living soul inside of it to operate? So many questions, so many theories, yet they're pretty much left out in the fandom.
I fckn love Oneshot and i can talk about it for hours. If i missed something or you have something to say - be free to reblog, it's an open conversation and I am more then happy to read y'all's thought and opinions.
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deathcrawling · 3 months
Regarding The Sins, I've been having a hard time deciphering which one is which. I know after all, that many others and I, thought Dallon initially would have been Lust. That is, before more information came to light. So I'm just going to be drafting up some of the information I've thought about both in favor and against certain ideas. Perhaps pooling together information will help everyone eliminate and determine suspects. My two strongest contenders of assigning which sins to which is what Maya posted:
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They raised a lot of great points while we were talking and making our theories which I will be going into. My second assignments would be this:
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Personally, I agree with Gluttony being assigned to Hat and would honestly love it to be that. I really liked how Maya brought up how thin Hat looks, which is a great detail that I can see being in favor of Gluttony. Tangentially, I would love their cool character design of them having a scary mouth to be canon. Haha. Considering lore precedence I feel like there could be details pointing to Hat maybe being assigned Greed. Which would be odd, but possible. After all in the teasers for What Love we were show the book, King of the Golden River. Which is all about how Greed threatens to destroy the river and kindness brings it back.
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Notably in the teasers and featured in the music video is this black silhouette with a similar hat! I feel like from a lore/ARG standpoint it would be a bit strange to have 2 seemingly vague but significant characters with a shared design feature. However, it could be argued that the silhouette in What Love does look slightly different. Perhaps there are two silly hat guys, haha. And on a personal note, I feel like it would make most sense for Greed to be the guy who literally looks like a bandit or the *silver* mask. Maya also made a great point for the farthest left sin being Envy, considering how they look judgmental, and as we joked, like a hater. They are also the only one with their face fully exposed, which could lend credence to that! After all they are stuck with their true face while everyone else is able to conceal more of themselves. I initially thought that its possible for the person on the very left to be Sloth. Considering how far away they are standing from the rest of the group. It would also be funny character design wise as they have what looks like a cape or cloak billowing. But them being the only one with a facial expression being conveyed lends higher credence in my opinion to them being Envy.
Second most likely to be Envy would, just in my opinion, be Silver Mask. The mask imagery would work well for Envy. Interpreting it as insecurity as we can see nothing of their actual self. A false face; them wanting and having something silver and perfect to represent them. Them becoming that representation to the point that its uncanny and they aren't anywhere closer to having that visage in reality. Regarding the second assignment I'm very unsure where it leaves us for the Bandit looking character. I know lots of parallels are made between greed and gluttony in discussion of the sins in general, and many representations can treat them similarly. Perhaps Bandit is Gluttony but I am unconfident in this. All of this is hard to say! I can see so many interpretations. I feel pretty confident about which is Wrath but for all I know he could be Sloth, Gluttony, etc! There are 25 possible combinations for The Sins. I'm going to be doing more research but this is what I have so far! Let me know what you think.
hello! i am so sorry im getting to this late- especially after the sins have *technically* been confirmed!
the hat figure and the tall black hole looking figure were my 2 biggest mysteries.
with lust being confirmed as the sunglasses lady, dallon representing pride, i figured out basically all of the other sins on my own.
i figured dead white eyes was wrath due to the possible costume inspo from Zorro (movie), as well as the character motivations that are very much similar to the feelings of wrath.
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greed, having a silver (or gold?) mask, which is the only physical form of possible money worthiness we see in this whole picture.
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then sloth, being the furthest away from the group. not giving any care to others, being "lazy", not wanting attention.
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so then i was left with envy and gluttony, at first i thought gluttony was hat person, and envy was the tall, black hole like figure. which is what i posted at first, but then the more i thought about it, the more it made sense for envy to be the hat person. being envious is wanting what someone else has, its a feeling of jealousy in a way. with the hole (face) looking through a veil has that distorts things around them as better, to be envious of.
which then left the tall looming black figure, and gluttony as my final ones. i didnt really have any rhyme or reason behind it, it was the last ones i had left so thats what i left it as. i posted my guesses + art on instagram and dallon left a comment on the idkhow account, which basically confirmed my guesses. so these are what we have for the sins (pictured below).
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i hope this response makes sense haha, please let me know if you want any clarification on anything!
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skyedice · 1 month
「 👁 Introduction bit 👁 」
Name's Skye! Ur local shapeshifter alien freak. Will definitely not bite ur ankles. No. Why would you think that? ���‿◉ I usually go by SkyeDice on most (not all) social media! She/they pref., but you can use anything. Also feel free to DM and just talk abt whatever if you want to! Trust me I'm more scared of you than you're of me.
Cryptid/alien/monster lover < 3
A translator by profession (graduated July 2024), however I didn't get too lucky with the uni, so, like... main languages I know well are English and Russian, also a bit of German. Planning to learn more languages. WELL YOU COULD ASK ME ABT WEIRD RU MEMES I GUESS? My main hobbys are drawing and gaming, but I'm a tad depressive so I draw very, uhm, periodically. And a lot depends on my mood. Also I usually draw OCs and stuff but I could listen to fanart requests, possibly. Also I do swear a lot so keep that in mind if you don't wanna see that!
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* one of many of my truesona's forms, author: me 「 👁 Tags 👁 」 [ IN PROGRESS OF TAGGING OLD POSTS ] [ hasn't started yet lol ]
✦ #skyedice art - posts containing my art/sketches ✦ #skyedice oc - posts abt OCs/art with OCs ✦ #skyedice sp - ShitPosting / talking I'd shorten skyedice to sd but those tags are taken for other purposes on the site and I don't wanna clash with those.
「 👁 Fandoms 👁 」
Main ones I'm most interested in talking about! In no particular order. Feel free to ask abt anything else though! I'm in many fandoms, technically! < 3 Down for OC roleplays, mostly IZ ones but ye. Just DM, I don't bite
✦ Portal game series ✦ Psychonauts ✦ IZ ( Invader Zim ) ✦ Minecraft ✦ DoaI ( Dreams of an Insomniac ) ✦ NSR ( No Straight Roads ) ✦ A lot of horror and indie horror media (games, ARGs, analogue horror series, you name it!) Honorable mention: ✦ aHiT ( A Hat in Time) ✦ Starbound ✦ Starcraft ✦ Transformers (Prime, Animated, some others) ✦ LoL (League of Legends. It's lore, mostly! Also any side projects and Arcane. Anything but the game itself, please no /flashbacks/)
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* my invader zim irkensona, author: me
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the-crimson · 1 year
ok I am cooking a very interesting pattern is being revealed with Pomme and Ramon’s reversed deaths. This is 100% tin foil hat conspiracy territory and lmao
This got long so under a cut it goes :P
Both of these deaths were recalled because the admin controlling the entity “broke the rules” and both times, no streamer was able to see the entity. In Ramon’s case, no one was present. In Pomme’s case, the entity was invisible.
It... seems very odd to me that the rules that were broken were broken. Do not enter egg’s reinforced room and don’t use god killing weapon are pretty straight forward. In Ramon’s case, I can see it being an accident as the code admin could have teleported to Ramon not thinking he’d be in the room only to find that he was and Ramon’s admin instinctively went “ah monster time to flee” and ran outside where he was fair game. But the admin actively choosing to use a god killing weapon that they knew was off limits does not seem like an accident.
Pomme’s death was planned to a degree. The quests were designed to separate the players and potentially leave the eggs vulnerable. There were many times where Pomme would be alone and vulnerable to attack be it her and one of her parents during the boat race, separated from everyone else while racing, or the water drop where everyone had to climb up a precarious ladder to the height limit and jump down. There are plenty of opportunities for Pomme to be alone and vulnerable during that time. The entity just got lucky when Pomme went through the teleporter alone and took that opportunity.
Additional evidence that Ramon and Pomme’s deaths are linked. The entity attacked when the eggs were alone/separated from their parents. The eggs had no chance of surviving the encounter: in ramon’s case, he was truly alone; in Pomme’s case, god weapon + Invis. No additional monsters were spawned during the attack. These felt much more like assassinations than attacks meant to instill fear.
The Binary Entity’s motive has been very clear for a while, and was even more blatant with the ARG being solved. One of the first things it ever said was “LEAVE” it said in the chat to BBH and Maximus when attacking Dapper ages ago. The ARG revealed a message from the Binary Entities that they do not want death but will not stop until the players leave the island. Their actions have a clear motive even if the why is unknown for now. They want to instill fear in the players so they leave the island.
Every time it has attacked in the past has felt like a reminder for the players that they are not safe. It targets the eggs while they are with their parents so their parents can watch helplessly as their child is slaughtered. Plus, the Binary Entities only start targeting the eggs when the players start getting complacent. No one is actively trying to find a way off the island (BBH is the exception but he keeps getting distracted with other lore lol). The Binary Entities have a clear pattern. Take an egg’s life. Wait a few days to a week to see if the players are going to try to leave. They do not, so it attacks again, reminding them again. It is sending a clear message.
The message Ramon and Pomme’s deaths tell is different. There is nothing the players could have done to save Ramon or Pomme, not at the time. (with their current strategies, they could have saved Ramon but at the time there was nothing they could do) This isn’t a reminder of, hey you need to get off the island, its a statement that nothing they can do will save their children.
Additionally, it is VERY interesting that the entity that killed Pomme waited to attack until she wasn’t alone. According to Phil, Pomme was alone when he came through the teleport. The entity could have attacked Pomme then, when there were no witnesses, but there is an important story telling thing here. If no streamer was present, we would not know that entity’s attack patterns were ENTIRELY different from the Binary Entity. That feels very intentional.
Whether there were players present or not, Pomme would have died. There was nothing anyone could have done to prevent that. Why wait, then. From a story telling pov, the admin waited until other players were present so they could observe how different the attack played out. Even without the god killing sword, the entity did not change the day/night cycle, it didn’t summon any additional mobs, and it was invisible. Under those circumstances, Pomme was pretty much fucked regardless of the op weapon. The entity needed a witness because it is NOT the binary entity.
Then we have Cucorucho’s message to Phil “WHAT DID YOU SEE TODAY :)” and I feel like that almost confirms it. Cucorucho has shown in the past that it wants the players to figure out the Federation’s shenanigans to a degree. It encouraged BBH to ask questions and allowed Cellbit to infiltrate the Federation and get word to Richas. It wants them to figure things out. Cucorucho asking this question to Philza, the sole witness of the attack, feels incredibly important. Cucorucho is pointing out that there is more to this attack then meets the eye. Or it is just mocking him I don’t know lol.
Also, it seems evident the Federation has some say on which deaths are cannon or not and this comes from Bobby’s death and farewell. They were the ones to reveal that Bobby was really gone. They were the ones with the power to “resurrect” dead eggs for a short time and - in Juanfillipa’s case - for good.
Ok, bringing this all back around to Pomme’s assassination. The admin playing the entity chose to use a banned weapon, meaning the death would be reversed regardless of the outcome. The death completely blind sided the players present because there was no warning and nothing they could do to prevent it. The Federation has control over which egg deaths are “real”. That day, Cucorucho suddenly started showing interest in keeping the eggs “safe” via its agreement with Jaiden.
The Federation knew the binary entities are targeting Pomme to make the players leave the island, which they do not want. The Federation doesn’t want the players to leave and starts showing interest in helping them directly protect the eggs on the same day something assassinated Pomme in a manor that could not have been prevented by almost any means. The message is clear.
“The Binary Entity has evolved and you cannot defend against it alone. You need us.”
From a meta pov, I do not think using the op weapon was an accident. I think it was used so that this death would be reversed. This death was a threat and a warning to the players from the Federation, using their fear and hatred of the Binary Entity to push them closer to the Federation’s clutches.
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acapelladitty · 2 years
Totally random question. Dropped off the face of Tumblr for a few years and have returned -- do you remember that one voice blog that had it's own arg and lore around Jonathan and some other Rogues like Eddie & Croc? Wasn't it like Codex something? Sorry to randomly pop in but you just happened to be the first blog I remembered after all this time. Thanks!!!
Hey @voiceboss i have got an anon here looking for ye 💕🫡 I also apologise for being the first blog you remember because that must be like coming out of a coma and immediately being confronted by hellish visions of the fucking hat man lmao xx
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flutteringfable · 1 year
finally found the time to watch generation loss and oh??? my gosh!????? i love ranboo’s stuff and i already had high expectations from hearing all the buzz about it but this totally blew me out of the park in a way i didn’t expect at all.
go watch it, even if you aren’t into ranboo it’s a great thing on its own. it starts a little slow but that’s on purpose!! just trust the process, as they say <3 (i’m using that in the wrong context i know but shhhhh)
anyway time to scream about it in an essay long post because i’m so incredibly normal about this series and not being a horror/arg nerd about it at all nope no way why would you think that ahaha.
[spoilers ahead! there’s only three episodes, all up on their vod channel and about an hour each! it’s so worth a watch!!]
okay, so, episode one was nothing like what i was expecting right off the bat.
i’ve seen the stuff on the actual genloss channel, and i figured it would all be sort of that vibe. imagine my surprise upon seeing ranboo sneeg and charlie being a little bit silly in a cabin in the woods (and also christian hell? for some reason?). i stuck through it, though, no matter how taken aback i was. it was so worth it in the end, but i’ll get to that later teehee <3
the cyoa aspect was cool! i wish i had been there to see it live, because i’m the biggest sucker for choice based stories and arg-style games.
not much more to say abt ep1, to be honest. just know that it’s definitely a completely different vibe than what you’ll probably expect (ranboo said this was on purpose!!). oh also i love squiggles he is everything to me. a little guy. a blorbo even. even if he uh, did turn out to be evil like i originally suspected.
ep 2! this one was almost equally silly in nature, but you can see the “cracks” begin to show a lot more in this one. (“why is cracks in quotes?” you may ask. well, iykyk, and if you don’t, watch episode three.)
the puzzler was great, i think it was hilarious that the mask was basically just how he looked anyway. the beginning was a good hook, i genuinely thought we were getting into the juicy stuff when ranboo was locked in the chair.
when he found charlie, i’m ashamed to admit that i didn’t expect charlie’s guts to be slime. that’s his thing. he’s a goopy gushy guy. i should’ve known. anyway. the part where the “illusion” starts to break and the slime turns to blood for a moment?? DELICIOUS. SO GOOD. MWAH.
NIKKI’S SUDDEN SWITCH IN HER INTRO ON THE CAROUSEL????? so good. everyone’s acting was incredible tbh especially in ep 3, i’m so happy. the silly death dialogue from ethan was great (until it wasn’t. iykyk, i’ll get to it), too. THE HAT BIT??? WHERE THEY REPROGRAMMED SNEEG??? AAA?????? so in love with this episode, it was the perfect transition to the hell that is ep 3.
okay so. ep 3. where do i start omg. i guess at the beginning, that makes sense.
i was really excited to finally have a name for hatch! honestly, even though my villain-senses were sounding off all sorts of alarms in my head, i was fooled for a short while as he was guiding ranboo. learning about the drones was interesting, too. lots of good lore built around the company and those guys! very cool ^^
WHEN RANBOO WENT AGAINST THE AUDIENCE AND CHOSE THE YELLOW CODE. IM RUNNING OUT OF WAYS TO EXPRESS MY EXCITEMENT AND AWE,,,,, UHHHH YIPPEEE???? I GUESS????? that was the thing that really set me off about hatch being maybe not so great. good stuff!!!!
ranboo finding the streamers pretty much locked in those mall restaurants!! AND CHARLIE DOING AN ACTUAL STREAM DURING IT!!!!!! gah, this series is so cool!!!!!! them constantly on the run from the drones and security (TERRIFYING monster, btw, i love when evil dystopian corporations have monsters as security <3) was so wild to watch. i don’t think i’ve been that anxious for the main characters of a series for quite some time.
them seeing the cabin set. ohhhhh my gosh. and then charlie dying (? presumably) at the hands of security before ranboo hits the button to stop everything. graaagh i ate that UP. again i’m running out of ways to express my love for this series lmaoo.
the “ending.” oh my goodness the fakeout “ending.” i was so thrilled, so happy for ranboo i let my guard down and was like “yes!!!! evil bad guys stopped woohoo!!! get this guy some rest and therapy!!!”
and then they bowed.
when i tell you i GASPED. like it was my fault for not checking the time on the video and having my guard down but i GASPED.
hatch letting the audience choose if ranboo lived or died. hearing ranboo scream and beg to be set free, and then beg to die…. i genuinely teared up. despite the rather grim choice to have them die, i think it was for the best. though i do wonder what would have happened if the votes stayed 50/50….. if anyone knows if ranboo has talked about that anywhere, do let me know! if not, i’ll shoot them an ask about it, because i’m sure it would’ve been interesting.
anyway, this series was so much cooler than i ever could’ve imagined. i was already invested in the stuff on the genloss channel, like i mentioned, but seeing the project for myself and getting to watch this incredible series was breathtaking. i’m a huge nerd for dystopias and horror, and ranboo somehow nailed combining them both with great comedy and a great story.
and i’ve heard it’s been nominated for an emmy? or something???? that’s literally so cool!!!! i wish ranboo the best of luck in future projects, genloss was a fantastic watch and i can’t recommend it enough <3
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rainswings · 2 years
"Most disliked arc? Why?" whatever season of hermitcraft you want
I wasn't a big fan of season 8, much to no one's surprise. It felt like everyone was just kinda waiting it out, which was entirely reasonable, but not super fun. Also, they leaned really hard into a lot of plugins and hats and stuff and generally I like my vanilla Minecraft to stay separate from stuff that's modded, and the in-between of "there's stuff that's basically all aesthetic and it's mods doing that but everything else is vanilla" needs to be on the more minor side-- armor stand shenanigans and player heads is about the beginning and ending of what I'm particularly fond of-- and all the funky hats and stuff put me off honestly.
That, and I'm personally not a fan of super serious lore unless I'm the one piloting the angst rocket. I can enjoy it for pockets of time, but I'm a sucker who desperately wants to see a happy ending and will avoid things that they're aware will end in disaster. As season 8 was the lore heavy season (and especially with moon big and Whatever The Fuck Doc n Ren were doing) I didn't enjoy a lot of the interactions with lore heavy elements (loved the hermatrix in concept because ARGs are cool but, once again, can't do serious). Overall, it was a season I didn't interact with much, and I'm still stuck in s6 in my head when I think of hermitcraft.
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star-cooki · 3 years
Now Featuring Puella from the Ahit ARG lore (Sketch to Color)
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Adult! Puella
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The Hat duo (Hat kid & Puella)
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the-snatcher · 7 years
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Cypher translations for the “Hat Language” feel free to use it
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thesopwithcamel · 9 months
'We've got hostiles but you're a member of the Prospero Home Army stuck fighting Keepers in Prospero.'
Video made by Imex P on youtube.
Ever since I joined this fandom I have always had a massive interest in the Moleman ARG and its lore, notably the Time War which occured when the founders through a massive hissy fit and attacked the Shadows to grab an object of unimaginable power for their own usage and deployment: the Sunpiece.
The Founders had the Keepers attack the shadows under the pretense that with the power of the sunpiece the shadows could cause Times End and potentially cause some massive damage, not much about this war, which I and some others call the time war, but all we know is the outcome: the shadows were driven to near extinction, Puella and Tempus found and took in Cavus and shit hit the fan at 1000mph.
I have only seen a couple of interpretations of this conflict and those are few and far between, so I thought I might as well throw my hat into the ring...welcome to Prospero, the first battle of the time war and the worst place to live right about now where you can get bomed from miles away and have a cloak wearing supersoldier with the firepower of light artillary break into your house, drink your milk and then leave.
While the main bulk of the population of Prospero are shadows there are also humans living there who hate the founders...like a lot and as such them sending their troops and Keepers to the city pissed off a lot of people, an entire militia known as the Prospero Home Army was setup under an unidentified captain to fight against this threat.
It very quickly turned into Trench warfare with the militia forced to dig in as wave upon wave of untrained conscripts crashed against their defenses, the only time their lines fell was with either overwhelming bodies or Keeper's came and did a little bit of trolling.
Prospero fell a few short weeks after the initial landing, due to overwhelming numbers of conscripts charging at their lines as well as a large number of Keepers arriving the PHA and Shadows began evacuating civilians from the city via train and airship, some of these trains didn't make it but the monumental effort paid off brilliantly. After the last civilian was evacuated the PHA also left the city before it was levelled by nuclear torpedoes buried in the sewer systems to prevent its capture, Prospero claimed millions...but worse was to come.
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quartzcraft-mc · 4 years
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Welcome to QuartzCraft!
But what IS QuartzCraft?
QuartzCraft is a public Vanilla Minecraft server based on Version 1.16.4. It is LGBTQ+, POC, and Neurodivergent friendly, with a whole mountain of plugins to enhance the Vanilla Minecraft experience, including:
Marriage, including Polyam Marriages!
Vault Economy!
Admin Shop NPCs!
Player Chest Shops!
Custom Head Database!
/hat, /sit, /crawl, and /lay!
Daily Prize Crates!
Random Teleport!
Mineable Spawners!
Eggable Mobs!
Whats so special about QuartzCraft?
We pride ourselves on our inclusivity and do our absolute best to make sure everyone feels welcome on our server. We also have lot of stuff in the works, including a Creative world, a Lore-heavy ARG world, and a large Player Mall! There are plenty of plans for our future too, including Player events, Rank/Merch giveaways, and Money-raising events for Player voted charities.
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How can I join?
You can join our Minecraft Server straight away by using our IP address:
If you’re not sure how to input a server IP, we have a tutorial on our FAQ page which can be found here or on our Discord server. Speaking of our Discord server, you can join it right here! You don’t have to be a part of our Discord to play on our Minecraft server, but we definitely recommend it!
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Our entire staff team has been working really hard on QuartzCraft for a long time, and we are finally ready to open!
We can’t wait to see you online and hope that you stick around to see what the future of QuartzCraft holds!
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
AINI predictions 2
Because I keep making editing and making additions to the first one
Mizuki’s gonna accidentally call Date dad and then try to deny it and act all tsundere
The Masked Woman is either Amame or Kizuna
Looking back on the box art, I think those designs at the bottom might be the Mizuki-time ones. Amame and Kizuna, who are teens in Ryuki-time, look different, like Kizuna is missing her hat for example and Amame seems to have her hair down instead of pigtails. Interesting that that Masked Woman isn’t on the box art as her own character. Implying that she’s one of the people already there, perhaps?
the purpose of the Hidden Bats experiment is probably to test bugs in the “simulation”.
Tokiko and Naix believe in the simulation theory and want to escape the matrix. We already know they’re associated with Sunaiku and the Bats videos. One of the secret messages in the ARG talks about how superhuman abilities are considered glitches in The Simulation, so they could be testing the subjects’ SHIFT abilities to locate and break that “seam” Tokiko wants to find.
About the timeline thing from the last post
Okay so I saw on another post and in an official game preview video that there is a no-spoiler mode in the game for people getting into the games through the sequel (which is a silly thing to do but,,,) it seems like AINI is a direct sequel from the true ending of AITSF, but all the promotional material is on no-spoiler mode, which makes Date look different and removes references to the last game, for obvious reasons. This would mean that Iris got her tumor removed, Date is actually in his own Yagyuu body, and Saito and his victims are dead.
Hidden Bats, like AI and ZE, has branching paths, but as normal people in real life, not SHIFTers, we can only experience one route
This one is kinda crack and stretchy, but I can’t get over the Phia Hanadate asset. Maybe it means literally nothing and I sound like the person who thinks actual trash in an escape room is a clue, but someone got paid to sit down and draw that portrait. If she was replaced by Iris at the last minute, she must’ve had a story prepared. Maybe she was the one who hit Kairo while driving recklessly or under the influence or something, and then later coincidentally became a victim of whatever criminal activity he was involved in? Some people think Uchi was trolling dataminers, but would he really make a whole character just to surprise the few people who have the skills to find her?
Maybe each experiment of HB changed based on the decision we made in the previous round. This is just me spitballing ideas, but maybe if we saved Aine and Binato or just Binato then the second experiment would have been different somehow, or if we saved either Lumina or Mariha the third would be affected. For example, maybe if Binato wasn’t removed, Phia would’ve been in Iris’s place, or if Lumina and Mariha didn’t tie, Kairo would’ve been replaced with an AI character as well. Who knows.
Date is in a polycule with all his coworkers
This is obviously already canon so idk why I’m even adding it to the post
The game will end with a group dance sequence set to Duality by Slipknot
Nah but I do predict that there will be a new dance to a new song. Iris, Amame, and Kizuna do dance together so that might lead in to a new number. I was thinking of making a post analyzing the lyrics to Invincible Rainbow Arrow because I noticed that some of the ominous words from that song seem more relevant now than they were in the first game, especially with the involvement of Naix and new lore about Iris’s tumor.
Komeji and Shoma are gonna have a wholesome yet unrelated-to-the-case subplot like the Matsushitas did. I’m actually putting a minor spoiler warning on this one because I’m so sure of it.
I think I accidentally figured out their arc from everything that’s available to us rn. Also, someone, don’t remember who, said in an interview that Komeji is one of their faves, which is interesting. Komeji is divorced and Shoma is his son. Following the game’s theme of having two halves, Komeji has two metaphorical halves, his comedian self who wears the block head, which I imagine is fake (?), and his self outside of work. If it is fake, he literally has two faces. He can’t balance these two sides at first and is always playing the comedian role, causing his wife to leave him and his son to resent him, but later on, he learns to pay more attention to his home life as well. He mends his relationship with Shoma, allowing his two halves to exist in equilibrium.
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doodledrawsthings · 4 years
Have you heard of the moleman1111/Voleman1111 cut lore ARG thing? If so what’s your opinion on it?
I’ve seen bits and pieces of it but i don’t remember if I’ve ever seen the full thing laid out or explained. It seems very interesting though. From what I understand, it’s essentially about hat kid’s origins and involves actual time travel?
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slendermanlore · 5 years
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Happy 10 year anniversary to Just Another Fool! (July 29, 2009)
Ten years ago today, Just Another Fool became the first ever “Slenderblog”. It’s a cycle of madness and death that starts with shell-shocked soldier Matthew Selby and passes via Matt’s notebook to his friend, decoy protagonist Logan Renault, ending with new protagonist Joshua Allon’s demise investigating the maddened Logan’s disappearance. Most enjoy this blog, but tend not to mention it among the Slenderverse “greats”. Perhaps due to the brevity, “Ted the Caver” ending, and other writing foibles... but I say it’s because we’ve forgotten the ARG element whose dread solipsism creeps along the fourth wall.
You can’t tell from the posts alone, but players received not only Matt’s notebook with Logan’s additions but also Logan’s notebook (pictured and mentioned only briefly in text) and torn pages dubbing each one of “nine truly conscious beings”. It took discovering a phone number and solving riddles to get there. The author explained that the nine beings -AKA nine worlds, in the blog’s Norse mythology allusions- are the Slender Man, Logan, Joshua, four players, a child born to replace Matt, and you (yes, you). The Slender Man (and nothing else) will kill the other eight. Since “one of the great mysteries of life is that you actually have no way to prove that everyone else is as conscious as you”, and another is that you never know when you’ll die, Just Another Fool’s unique lore on the Slender Man’s cycle creates a thought experiment just as “brilliant and wondrous, yet ultimately short” as the beings’ lives... and the main storyline.
This blog perfectly snapshots the transition between Original Mythos and full-fledged ARGs. Its infectious images of bodies burning in a tree, the Slender Man with unusual features (hat, wings), allusions to Norse mythology (and House of Leaves), and numerology (including 11/11, presciently) raise the Original Mythos’ atmosphere and simplicity to its full ARG potential. It even integrates the good-faith creativity of specific players in ways that today’s high-scale ARGs cannot. (Contrast player Dav Flamerock’s subdued mentions of studying at Miskatonic University with the gamejacker he reminds that “Innsmouth was effectively destroyed in police action over sixty years ago”.) This blog emblematizes a time where we weren’t afraid to experiment with the Slender Man Mythos -a necessary measure if we’re to be afraid of it today.
Just Another Fool deserves to be remembered. After all... you might just be next.
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kingfarce · 5 years
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So I perused the Steam forums and apparently this guy was found in Nyakuza Metro, in the Yellow Manhole area.
I didn’t think much of it aside from finding it neat and deciding to look for him, until somebody pointed out that this character had shown up in the AHiT ARG video series six days after Nyakuza Metro was released (here is said video, “Security Recording #1111″).
Apparently his name is Helper Bot J.A.K.O.
As much I generally ignore the ARG (since it feels just a bit too serious for the base game’s lore, the Subcon stuff aside), I’m interested in finding out a little more about this character.
EDIT: Sidenote: He mentions something called “Operation M Jam” in the video, which postponed the current project he was doing, and I’m wondering if he was talking about the Nyakuza Metro Jam that was going on on A Hat in Time’s Discord.
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