#ARG characters will come later on
thesopwithcamel · 1 year
Since everyone has an AU I might as well share one of my own.
So there are three different universes which exist seperatly from each other but different events happen during it, due the events of the ARG, universe 1 (or 1HT) is 3 years ahead of the other two but due to unfortunate events around Universe 3's (or 3HT) version of Hat Kid going insane with the power of Time and space in her hands she accidentally melds the three universes together in a way which keeps them around but means that it takes up a lot of Space and that includes the 3 universe Earth's.
The three universes consist of:
1HT which encompasses the retail game and chapters, Hat Kid is an alien and her actual name is Caitlyn. Bow Kid and 1HT Timmy are dead and because of that (and some other events) Caitlyn decided to give up on beam attacks and umbrella swings in favour of jacketed hollow points and Thermite. Her ship has been destroyed by the cataclysmic events causing the mixup but Ol' Stella's fuel tank cooking off in the lower atmosphere over Calcite/Mafia Town actually lessened any horrific effects meaning most of universe 3's negativity didn't enter except, 1HT also concerns the events of the ARG some of those characters coming in later.
2HT encompasses the Prototype and alpha stages of A hat in Time's developement (Alpha Subcon forest, City of calcite/Harbour, Sands 'n sails and Science express), as such it also contains many cut characters (Moonjumper, Thor, etc, etc). 2HT Hat Kid is called Natalie, Proto Kid also exists (she was made by Tim to Give Hat Kid a friend to play with when she isn't serving him) and 2HT Bow and Timmy are alive. When the cataclysm occurs everyone instinctively blames Tim for yet another meltdown, then they shift the blame to Caitlyn (which kickstarts her shift from Umbrella's and projectile badges to crowbars and firearms) before finally getting the jist of it and blaming 3HT Hat Kid (more about her later).
3HT is mostly unknown because it technically no longer exists, very few things have been ported over to here and as such there isn't much information but due to 3HT's version of Hat Kid (whose actual name is unknown, she caused this entire mess and needs to go to therapy) and Snatcher (who in this universe in an irredeemable prick) somehow surviving the incident (everyone else is fucking dead) and the fact that they're both arseholes means that its hell in there.
I will make more posts about this au whenever the hell I have the motivation to do so.
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prettyinpwn · 1 month
Bill and Ford and Adult Grooming - Why Gravity Falls is a Metaphor Champion for Abusive Relationships (GF Writing Analysis Pt. 4)
GF Writing Analysis Series:
Pt. 1 - Ford Pines: A Masterclass in Writing a Good Flawed Character Pt. 2 - How Gravity Falls Could Have Been Better + Poor Ford and Wendy Pt. 3 - Mabel Pines: How Well Was She Written... Really?
Hello and welcome to the fourth post in my GF Writing Analysis series! Though the title is self-explanatory, I still want to warn folks that this post will contain dark content relating to adult grooming AKA abuse. If that is content you'd rather avoid (and for some reason your filters did not catch my trigger warning tags), this is your heads up that this post will contain that type of discussion.
For those of you who are not sure what adult grooming is, no, it's not the sexual grooming between an adult and a minor like we typically think of when the term "grooming" comes up, nor does it have to be romantic at all, although sexual acts can be a part of this form of grooming. It is defined as:
"-the predatory act of manoeuvring another individual into a position that makes them more isolated, dependent, likely to trust, and more vulnerable to abusive behaviour. The goal is to prepare the other person for abuse (for example, sexual or financial) later. Therefore, the groomer’s first step is to establish friendship and trust." (Source).
It is my belief that the relationship between Bill and Ford in Gravity Falls - which The Book of Bill helped illustrate even more - is one of adult grooming. This post will explore how the concept of adult grooming applies to the relationship between Bill and Ford, how it changes our perception of them as characters, and the value of showing metaphors for abuse in media for all ages - like Gravity Falls is - to help bring to light this very real and underdiscussed issue and help victims recognize it themselves.
Defining Adult Grooming Further + Who Bill Really Is
We already visited the definition of adult grooming above, but we haven't explored the psychology behind it yet. Namely, I want to explore who partakes in adult grooming on both ends. There is the abuser, and the victim.
The abuser is described as often being:
"Narcissists, Antisocial predators, con artists and sexual aggressors practice grooming to target and manipulate vulnerable people for exploitation." (Source).
Well, very obviously, we know that Bill is the abuser. But... why? He could be a narcissist, an antisocial predator, and a con artist, just like the above description. But which? Why is he an abuser?
Well, our first inclination might be to turn to The Book of Bill and think about his backstory; how he could see in the third dimension in a two dimensional world, tried to "liberate" his dimension to see what he could see, and... then slaughtered them all. He implies it was an accident. He just "wanted the best" for his people. But... drumroll please... get ready for a U-turn into some literary talk...
The Great Gatsby references surrounding The Book of Bill were more than just a "lol random" joke. Infamously, the narrator of The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway, is what's called an 'unreliable narrator'. This is a writing technique defined as:
"-any narrator who misleads readers, either deliberately or unwittingly. Many are unreliable through circumstances, character flaws or psychological difficulties. In some cases, a narrator withholds key information from readers, or they may deliberately lie or misdirect." (Source).
To me, after understanding just how much more Hirsch has tied The Great Gatsby to The Book of Bill's release (e.g "TJ Eckleburg" being the password to get into the associated ARG website, offering a free PDF of The Great Gatsby on said website)... I think what Hirsch is trying to say, is... Bill is an unreliable narrator, as well. Not that that wasn't already well established throughout the series.
Let's ask ourselves this question: is there anyone Bill hasn't lied to? Tried to gain sympathies from? I'll wait. Because the answer is no. Bill lies every time he opens his mouth. Even the god of the Gravity Falls setting - the Axolotl - calls him a liar in the Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure!: Select Your Own Choose-Venture book.
So as a small aside to the main point of this post: I don't think there's anything in The Book of Bill that we can guarantee is proof or canon. If I'm honest, I think The Book of Bill is the mad rambling of a monster trying to justify to us as well as himself that he's better than he really is. He's an unreliable narrator to himself because he needs to save himself from mentally shattering upon the admission that, yeah, he's really that horrible of a person.
If I were to define what The Book of Bill is, is it's a sad attempt to elicit sympathy for a monster, by a monster. It's a masterclass in how he - as an abuser - grooms someone. If you read The Book of Bill and walk away feeling bad for Bill, then congratulations! You would have fallen prey to him just like Ford did. And just like everyone who ever fell prey to him before that.
The metaphor Gravity Falls and its extra content illustrates through Bill is how charming, funny, and enticing and sexy according to Tumblr for some godforsaken reason abusers can be in real life. Because the worst of monsters are the ones who do everything to convince you they're not.
So what does this say about Bill as a character? Don't be fooled. He really is that monstrous. He doesn't have any redeeming qualities. Everything Bill does is with a goal in mind, a person to be used or manipulated to get there, and with a complete lack of conscience to stop himself from doing it. And that's what makes Bill such a strong and terrifying villain: He really is that evil. He really is that soulless. He's not a villain of great strength or power that can be easily defeated with might. He's a villain that underlines something very real beyond a screen or book page, something that we all likely have experienced in real life: an abuser.
Bill and Ford: Abuser and Abused + How Bill Does It
Getting back to the definition of adult grooming, let's explore how it works. There are typical steps abusers like Bill use. We'll list them, then list examples alongside each step that show how Bill used these tactics on Ford for the sake of both exploring their characters more, and illustrating how well Gravity Falls depicts actual abuse.
Please note that I'm using this source as my guideline on the steps of adult grooming.
Step One: Targeting the Victim
The abuser first looks for someone they can target. They learn all they can about the victim. Typically, they look for victims who are:
Unpopular or have family problems. Gee... who does this sound like?
People who have low self-esteem. GEE... sounds familiar again.
People who have mental/physical disabilities. Although Ford does not have either, at least not proven in canon, it is possible that his genius could be considered a disability in how high IQ individuals typically are more socially isolated, depressed, anxious, insomnia-ridden from overthinking, and can have troubles with making friends due to likeliness to correct others (*cough* "Grammar, Stanley." *cough), different senses of humor, and being misunderstood. (Source). Plus, we know his polydactyly caused people to outcast him.
People who have already been through abuse. I - and many others - have made the point that it's common fan interpretation that Ford's father was abusive to a point. At the very least, I have argued in previous posts that Filbrick taught Ford that "value = what money you make from smarts". He was, after all, supposed to be "their ticket outta this (New Jersey poor neighborhood) dump", right? Assuming this is true, well... Ford was already taught from a young age that his value was in how others could use him. Filbrick may have primed him to be abused by Bill, unintentionally.
Okay, so we've established step one of adult grooming, and how Ford fits 99% of these criteria at least for the type of victim an abuser targets. What about step two?
Step Two: Gaining Trust
Honestly, I don't need to elaborate much on this part. I'll just quote the article I sourced before, because any Gravity Falls fan will instantly know how this applies to Bill and Ford:
"Groomers can be hard to notice as they will do their best to appear safe and genuine. This makes it hard to identify them. Over time, they will gradually manipulate the victim to be dependent on them."
"While gaining trust, the groomer may use flattery like offering gifts, admiration, and sharing “secrets” with the person to make them feel special. The groomer may do favours for someone. The groomer may gradually begin asking for favours in return, generally starting small. This may be the start of a romantic relationship or a simple friendship."
"Groomers may share secrets with their target in order to make them feel special and trusted by the groomer. This also may make the target feel they need to share secrets of their own, which the groomer may later use to increase their power over the target."
I mean... *gestures at all of Ford's journals and interactions with Bill in The Book of Bill*. Bill couldn't get any more textbook abuser/adult groomer than this. He praised Ford, shared secrets with him, made him feel so special, etc.
Step Three and Four: Filling a Need and Isolation
These steps are quite self-explanatory. The abuser (Bill) convinces the victim that they need them. "You need me to complete your portal project, Ford.". "No one else understands you, Ford.". And then comes the isolation, and where we'll touch on Stan and McGucket.
"Groomers will likely try to isolate the victim from their loved ones. This may be evident in the way they refuse to meet family and loved ones. Or perhaps they bad mouth them, or try to point out to the victim that the groomer is the only one who really and truly cares for them. Being isolated from friends and family makes it harder for the victim to notice warning signs."
Bill convinced Ford he didn't need anyone but him. He convinced him to isolate more and more; to push his brother away, to push McGucket away, until Ford had literally no support network, making him prime prey for Bill to take advantage of.
Step Five+: The Real Abuse
This step can manifest in many different ways. After reading the article sourced above, there are so many similarities to what Bill did to Ford. I'll list them here:
Continuing isolation.
Destroying self-esteem.
Physical abuse (leaving Ford with bloody knuckles, making his body hurt, leaving him on top of the Shack in the freezing cold, etc).
Seek to take control over victims (in Bill's case, the fantasy/supernatural metaphor of possession is just that: a metaphor for control).
Normalizing behaviors that aren't normal ("Here, I'll just possess you more and more, I swear giving me complete control is normal!").
Making the victim feel helpless.
And many, many more. Folks, I'm not going to lie: I would not be surprised if Hirsch and other writers involved in Bill's creation read a manual on how abusers work (or maybe experienced it in their own lives, but hopefully not, as I wouldn't wish that on anyone) to write Bill. Because Bill does these steps on cue to Ford. He is a textbook abuser.
So... What Does This Say About Bill and Ford?
The dark humor in Bill's writing is that he portrays his shadowy side as lighthearted, but there's a very, very dark underbelly of abuse in everything he does. Even the way we interact with Bill as viewers/readers in real life is a microcosm of his abuse. Look at how he's written:
"Oh, I look like an innocent, funny little triangle guy. Don't mind me. *Does something horrifying and awful.* Oh, I'm just funny, trust me, look how sad I am for losing Ford, and how I drink about it, and I'm all sad here in interdimensional therapy, and I kept a speck of dust from my dimension in my hat! I swear I'm really regretful!"
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Text in point: "I'm just a rascal! A funny little guy! But everyone seems to think I'm "evil" or "a sociopath".
He wants to be a hero, or a star, as he calls it. He shows himself on a magazine cover, as someone talked to in a live show, as the leader of the Henchmaniacs (which I'd argue are also either are abusers or victims themselves based on how Bill describes them in the book), etc.
But he's a liar. He's a conman. He's a dream demon; a demon that has power over dreams, but dreams are just that: lies and illusions. Like I said, even the Axolotl thinks so:
"Saw his own dimension burn. Misses home and can't return. Says he's happy, he's a liar. Blame the arson for the fire."
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What that line and this screenshot means, is that Bill is 100% to blame for the destruction he wreaks. He didn't "show people the truth". He burned them alive because they didn't worship him as the hero he wanted so badly to be, and he blamed it on, "Well, they just didn't GET what I was trying to tell them.". And the worst part about Bill, is he knows deep down he's to blame; that he has the blood of millions on his hands. But he literally tries to describe it as "liberating" his kind. Ford knows this, too, and tells us directly in The Book of Bill that the book itself is a sham:
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Key quotes being: "It will become whatever it must to deceive you, to pull you in." and "DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD".
Honestly, there's only one line Bill ever said that was truth:
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Yet, even though Bill knows he's a monster, he never stops. He's had millions of years to change, yet he hasn't. And I doubt he ever will. That's why the Theraprism is effective: it's a jail of his own making. He could get out if he wanted to get better and worked at it. He's always had the key to unlock his cage. But he won't. Because he can't admit fault.
So instead of fixing himself, he keeps wanting to drag others into his cage with him. Like a man drowning who'll grasp onto anyone else struggling, pretending he's helping them float together, only to push them down to keep himself above the water. But in the Theraprism, he has no one to pretend to. He's a "theatre kid without a stage", like Ford said. A little emotional leech without someone to latch onto. He's just alone, like he was after he destroyed his entire dimension.
As for Ford, he champions the story of a victim who regained his power and heals through the love of his family. If you read his and Bill's story from the perspective of abuser vs. victim, it's the story of a man who was isolated, taken advantage of, nearly destroyed... but then wrests his power back and chases after his abuser for thirty years for revenge. However, it's telling that it's not through his thirst for vengeance that Bill is defeated, but through his brother's love for him and the rest of their family.
I mean, look at the main villains of Gravity Falls: someone who sacrificed his family (Bill), someone who was selfish and didn't give a crap about his family (Gideon), etc. And the heroes: people who self-sacrificed for their family. All the Pines wrestle with this theme, from things as small as Dipper giving up a let's be honest very minimal chance at Wendy to make Mabel happy and win Waddles at the fair, Mabel destroying her puppet show to save Dipper from Bill, Ford self-sacrificing and getting tortured for I don't even know how many days locked up with Bill during Weirdmageddon to protect others, and Stan performing the ultimate sacrifice in the finale for his family and world.
Bill is the antithesis to the Pines: a selfish abuser who killed his family. And the Pines are heroes because they learn the moral lesson of the story: to give up pride and selfishness to forgive, self-sacrifice, and love your family and do anything for them, despite your trauma or prior disagreements. They could have just as easily ended up like Bill: awful because of a refusal to admit fault or self-sacrifice. But they don't, because they learned what Bill never did.
That's also why this show focuses so much on the theme of past vs. future and letting go; the Pines learned to let go and accept change, Bill never did. He's stuck. Funny how time stops whenever Bill shows up in the real world, huh? /symbolism wink
And that's why Gravity Falls - and Ford and Bill's story especially - is a champion metaphor for abusive relationships and healing from them.
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quantum27 · 1 month
To whom it may concern - the mutuals, the fandom-in-laws and the average movie goer. I would like to explain the plight of the Tron fandom.
The sequel announcements Disney pulled this year (2024) are insults to anyone who enjoys movies. There's nothing wrong with sequels, don't get me wrong, but to have a catalogue that has only 1 original movie announced is truly saddening, especially to those who love animation.
Then there's also the fans of Tron.
Tron (1982) was the first major motion picture to use CGI extensively for it's settings, vehicles, and many more things. Many of it's animators would go on to work at Pixar and pioneer CGI there. It was so early that it was rejected at the Oscars for special effects because it was considered "cheating" essentially. This isn't a post about the history though I recommend learning about it if you're interested in the medium of animation.
Tron was an average boxoffice movie. It made back it's money and that was it. However it became a cult classic. It's a strange movie- a bit hard to get into- I only fully understood the plot the second watch, even though it's not that complex.
It would spawn a video game sequel, Tron 2.0 (2003). Years later, in 2010, another sequel would come out, setting the current canon timeline (think of a Star Wars legacy canon and disney canon or Star Trek alpha or beta timelines- that's how the fans treat it) Tron: Legacy.
There were also other supplements, the ever mourned, cancelled after one season cartoon midquel Tron: Uprising- tie in video games and comics and a complete ARG before the release of Legacy. Then there was the planned third movie. It languished in development hell, canceled and uncanceled. (There's more complexity there, involving even, Tommorowland (2015) and of course money.)
Now what we're getting is Tron: Ares. A movie that doesn't even feature the actor for the character Tron, Bruce Boxleitner. There's also the fact that Cindy Morgan who starred in the original movie and original video game sequel was always ready to come back has now passed away. Jeff Bridges is set to return in some capacity, the most well recognized actor from the franchise to the point people assume he is the actor who portrayed Tron.
The first short trailer shown for Tron: Ares shows fundamental flaws in misunderstanding the concepts in the prior works, watering it down to an aesthetic. Most fans I've spoken with have little hope for a good movie at this time. It even stars the controversial actor Jared L*to as it's main character! All of these are red flags.
So, to those who read, please know, after waiting for a decade, Disney has decided to shill out a product with less love than any prior element in the franchise. And I mean even less love than the tie-in movie games for Legacy, of which are of varying quality. This is likely due to the opening of the US version of the Tron rollercoaster. The rollercoaster has more love and attention in it than the trailer shown. And with complete love to it and what I've seen of it- the movie should be a higher quality than a rollercoaster in terms of story and lore.
Our only current hope is for more visual novels after Tron: Identity was released in 2023. And I suppose the NIN fans will get a soundtrack.
Disney does not care about it's audiences. But it especially does not care about Tron fans.
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lady-arc-art · 7 months
THEORY: “Welcome Home, my son…”
For a while I wondered why puppets are used specifically to help tell the story of this ARG? Then it was brought to my attention from another Welcome Home fan that maybe there are some parallels to the story of Pinocchio. In versions of the story, Geppetto had a real son that passed away and from his grief he created a wooden puppet that looked like his son, who would later become Pinocchio.
I also think it kind of is that way because there’s a big emphasis on family and children/babies in this update. With Howdy’s family coming over for the Homewarming, Julie and Frank trying to get everyone to be quiet so they don’t wake up the flowers and bugs that are hibernating (which is something parents do when they don’t want any loud noises that could wake up a sleeping baby), and the commercials targeted towards children, also Frank singing a lullaby and Wally singing a song about children going to a place called Toy Land and never leaving.
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Then it hit me, sorry if any of this sounds fanfic-y or if I’m reaching a bit, but this is what think could be going on.
In the early-mid 60s, Ronald Dorelaine was a children’s entertainer, specializing in puppetry. He ran a troupe with some of his other puppeteer friends called “The Playfellow Puppets” and they would put on little puppet shows as part of the children’s theater slot at the local community centers.
The cast of characters included (and in order of creation): Julie Joyful (she was the first created since she’s a simple hand rod puppet), Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear, Sally Starlight, Howdy Pillar, and Poppy Partridge.
Since a part of me feels like almost everyone else was created before Wally and Home also it would make sense if Poppy was kind of “new” since she’s the most complex puppet to operate.
Ronald Dorelaine had a young son who would often tag along during his father’s performances, and his son’s named was Walliford, but sometimes his dad would call him “Wally.” Walliford was very fascinated with his father’s work and the characters he created, and one of his favorite things to do was draw and paint, hoping that someday he would create something when he grows up just like his father. Walliford even helped Ronald come up with a new character for “The Playfellow Puppets.” Barnaby B. Beagle. A blue dog that was inspired by one of his son’s drawings.
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Which would explain this.
Ronald’s puppet shows started becoming so popular that it even started gaining attention from producers of a local tv station (sort of similar to PBS) where they offered Ronald the idea to turn his puppet show into a television series. Ronald took up on the offer, and the show began to develop. However a tragedy would soon happen….
Ronald was a heavy smoker (hence why there is a a big emphasis on cigarette ads in the recent update):
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One day when trying to discard a cigarette before Ronald had to leave the house (possibly to go to a last minute meeting with the producers that would be helping him develop his new tv show). However he was unaware that the cigarette was still lit, and it set a fire to his home. Ronald was safe because he wasn’t in the house at the time of the fire, but his son Walliford was nowhere to be found and his body was never recovered so he’s presumed dead.
(Probably hinted at when Home’s eyes turned red in the commercial compilations)
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I also think maybe Eddie’s puppeteer was a witness or somehow involved with this incident (possibly because he agreed to watch Walliford while his dad went out) since I noticed during his breakdown, everything turned bright red and Eddie looks like he feels guilty about something, hence why he’s sweating and Home appears to be starring him down as if he did something.
From his grief and in order to cope with the loss of his son, Ronald created a new character as a tribute to him. Wally Darling, and from there the plot of the show changed. The show would now be about a neighborhood, all of the previous characters would be neighbors with Wally Darling, who would now be the lead of the show. Ronald also added some traits that were present in Walliford, such as his love for art and his friendship with Barnaby (who was Walliford’s favorite of the group) for the new Wally character.
Then for a last minute edition, Ronald included a sentient home for Wally to live in. The Home was meant to keep Wally the puppet safe and to watch out for him, which was something he wasn’t able to do for his son.
Hence why the title of the show changed to “Welcome Home,” since to him he wanted it to feel like his son now has a second chance at life and he’s finally back home where he belongs. Almost like saying “Welcome home, my son.”
However none of this was enough for Ronald, even though he created a new character to keep Walliford’s memory alive, it was hard for him to find a puppeteer to play Wally because it wasn’t the same. All he really wanted was his son back and he would go to whatever means necessary even if it means going to the extreme. He later came across “the entity” and made a wish for Wally Darling to become real (like how Geppetto wished for Pinocchio to be real and The Blue Fairy brought him to life). And with that his wish came true. Wally was now sentient without the use of puppeteer.
I kind of believe this to be the case because Wally to me feels like the odd man out, everyone else feels lively and zany since they’re real people, while Wally just feels like a blank slate, with the way he speaks sounding very monotone. Here there was a bit of an innocence to Wally since he’s always learning things for the first time and asking questions about certain concepts and feelings, since he was literally a puppet brought to life and “the baby” of the group. However the producers, and parents watching the show didn’t think it was odd since they thought Wally was like this since he was meant to be a character that children can project themselves onto.
However what everyone didn’t know is that the entity that helped bring Wally to life manifested it’s way into the show possessing The Home puppet, and since Wally had no one attached to a real person playing him, the entity used Wally as a vessel to carry out their agenda. Day after day, the show started to go more and more off the rails, but what was really happening was through Wally the entity started to brainwash each of the puppeteers into believing that they were the actual characters, possibly by using the sleeping pills advertised in the commercials, or there was foul play on Ronald’s end and he gave all his puppeteers the sleeping pills to “put them out of their misery.”
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By 1974, Ronald tried to put a stop to the entity, and he had no other choice but to end the show and destroy all the evidence that it ever happened. Ronald himself also began to slowly disappear from the public eye and he hasn’t been seen since then.
For years “Welcome Home” has gone on being a lost media, until now.
That’s not the end of story, because it turns out the real Wally Darling, Walliford Dorelaine, is actually still alive, but he has amenesia from the incident and he was no memories of his previous life. Doesn’t know what his real name is (it probably started with a W) or who his parents were, which is why he was never brought back to Ronald. By the time Walliford grew up, his friends started talking about this mysterious puppet show that was on TV years ago called “Welcome Home” which was kind of like Sesame Street, but they all thought it was some kind of urban legend. Then suddenly Walliford started getting all these tattered artwork and pictures of merchandise from the show they were talking about, and he showed it to his friends and together they formed The Welcome Home Restoration Group to try and uncover the mysterious Welcome Home show.
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Walliford however started experiencing strange feelings both physically and mentally. There were times when he doubted if the show was even real, but whenever he did have any doubt, he had dreams and hallucinations of Wally Darling trying to communicate with him through the phone and he also starts seeing all these strange video clips from the show itself sprinkled throughout the website that he and the team built. The team however started growing concerned for Walliford thinking that he “lost his mind” so they kindly tried to distance themselves from him while they are trying to rebrand the site after seeing that Walliford was trying to communicate with what he believed to be Wally Darling haunting the site, before they shut it down.
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This only caused Walliford to create his own website with his own evidence, since it seems like his own restoration team is starting to mistrust him, and now he’s going to get to the bottom of this all by himself.
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But what they all don’t know is that Walliford’s connection to “Welcome Home” goes much deeper than that, as it’s in his blood.
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Hotguy comics zine is so good... Really if you've been hesitating, you have to read it... I've finished it two days ago and I'm still stuck thinking about it - I've talked so much about it I convinced my friend who does not know a lick of Hermitcraft to read the 410 pages
No really!! It is so good!! You can really feel the love and care that has been put into it. It even has a story! AND MY GOD WHAT A STORY ARHGFHGU Literally cried at the end, I loved it. ALSO EVERYONE IS SO TALENTED WHAT THE HECK! If I don't talk about it I feel like I'm gonna explode.
I'm sending hearts to everyone that has worked on this project, I will cherish this zine forever... THANK YOU!! <3 <3 <3
Some more ramblings about things I really liked under the cut beware of spoilers:
First of all, Scar and Grian both lying about their favorite food, ahahah I loved that detail
The discussion around page 108 it was so AJSLAHKHKU "I trust you with my back! But... my identity? Not yet." KILL ME NOW I'm gonna start to chew at walls [AND THEN IT ECHOES LATER DOWN THE LINE HELLO?!]
Bas les masques pour un soir is actually my favorite part *shakes them* they're just so!! Them bantering and then Scar discreetly answering Cuteguy's text in secret MY HEART!!
Okay I lied Deer hunting season is actually my favorite part... Genuinely everything is so great about it. The artstyle? The colors? The WRITING?? "Ideals? Who said anything about ideals?" I felt a shiver down my spine, the image of Scar dragging Cuteguy back to safety with the words echoing AHHHHHH It's legit such a vivid depiction I'm in awe
Ohh the angst of Scar wanting to reveal his identity and Grian stopping him... Knowing the context makes it even more tasty. Scar being miserable, my beloved <3
Have I mentionned how much I love the characters sheets thing? Because I really really love them
OUGHHH Corruption, I love a good corruption arc and it was so GOOD!! "My Cuteguy" UH SIR! The way he looks so soft talking to Grian despite being corrupted I'm unwell I'm sick
I love Scar's eyes they're so neat
"Kill Cuteguy" OHHH that was so sick and twisted, I love it!! THE GENIUS IDEA OF CUTEGUY TAKING OFF HIS COSTUME I'M GONNA CRY THIS IS SO COOL "I'm no hero." Damn it! It hits so hard. Him trying to get the weird bug thingy and it looks so soft together, a hug while Grian tries desperately to make the real Scar come back and he ends up confessing his insecurities OUGHHH I'm framing this scene on my walls, I'll never stop thinking about it everrr. AND the slowly fading orders in the background?? I'm fainting, I'm gone
The whole ending scene of that comic killed me. Legit tearing up rereading it. (Also everytime Scar calls Grian birdie I gain ten years of life, man it's so cute.) THE EPILOGUE?! I screamed.
The train comic. No words needed. My heart died from cuteness. Scar lying with Grian, "Now I can't let go" this has done things to me.
I'm not saying anything about "through the looking glass" because I'm pretty sure the works will get posted on ao3 eventually (I think??) and I have much Thoughts about it so I'll probably drop a comment then. BUT ARG IT'S SO GOOD
When the countdown started AHHHHH I felt my heart skip a beat, despite it being a comic it really felt in a movie, when the last action scene finally drops
"His eyes are wet" WELL SO ARE MINE oughhh them being both ready to sacrifice themselves... I'm not ok
"I can still see everything I need." I fucking sobbed okay? I'm never recovering from this. Bittersweet edging on sweet, but still! His eye! The word retirement never broke my heart so much as now, but at the same time it's full of joy, because they are all alive! He is well!
A role to play fucks me up. The whole framing, with Scar having Hotguy's glasses, and then taking them off because he's not really here to be him, damn it. "We survive on hope." I cried ugly tears, I know, I know, but there's something about Scar's monologue, it feels... ah, I don't know. Don't think I have the words for it. It feels big, too big for my chest. "There's gonna be a great. Big. Beautiful tommorrow." I'm sure there will be. It's such an amazing end, for such an amazing work. I said I loved it, and i really really meant it.
Thank you for making this. Ah, I started out very excited to share my thoughts, but the ending always gets me a little bit sappy. Oh, well. Amazing work. It feels so loved.
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lionheartedmusings · 10 months
starting to seriously wonder if dapper was the egg that made it out to facilitate q!bad's lore. listen, that wheel wasn't arg and we know it — when charlie spun it again, it was another 7. i also think that leaving something like that to arg would be a huge oversight by the admins, and nothing makes it seem like dapper being out was pure luck.
then there's richas — why didn't richas get out? "oh it wasn't scripted" but... why? the eggs came back a couple days later and were put to bed. letting richas escape would change nothing at all if the goal of keeping the eggs back was having cucurucho come to egg island — he wouldn't have gone: "oh richarlyson isn't there? fuck the other kids then".
today, with the hint that the radiation also affected dapper and that we'll learn *how*....... i dunno, this seems like a lot of good food to be cooking without any sort of recipe when you look at it under the lense of q!bad's current lore arc + the fact that the rest of the eggs are asleep (something that seems integral to what q!bad's doing — he's hinted heavily that "all he needs is pomme to wake up" and making it seem like that's when this arc will resolve).
i also still think that the time it took q!bad to even start to rush towards the boat (it was literally around the 5 minute mark AND he still tried the jump portal, they were by global at around minute 3 and a half) is incredibly odd — it might've just been an "in the moment" oversight but man, i still can't believe it happened.
idk, this isn't me trying to main character q!bad or anything, i just think there's a lot of loose ends here that don't make sense unless you view it under the lense of "there's a lot of work from multiple places to make q!bad and dapper lore work right".
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emtheanxiousdragon · 1 year
Our Hæth: A Wanderhome ARG
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Ok so if you are any sort of game designer, whether that be a programmer for a mobile app, an artist for an indie TTRPG, or a top-tier producer at a AAA-game studio, you should read Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal, it inspires you to make games that don’t just form digital communities or entertain, but allow a deeper connection to your real life.
And one game that I think, with a twist, could really fit McGonigal’s idea is Wanderhome, the excellent pastoral RPG by tumblr’s very own @jdragsky . This game is beautiful, simple, and a tool for telling these lovely stories about anthropomorphic travelers exploring a recovering society and finding themselves along the way.
Now, let me introduce my idea, tentatively titled Our Hæth: A Wanderhome ARG.
You make a Wanderhome character, just like in a typical game. You also make a separate Wanderhome profile that represents yourself. (this can be your actual Wanderhome character if you want to take on an alternate persona). This secondary Wanderhome character doesn't actually travel the Hæth. They represent your journey in the real world. Your second character's playbook should fit yourself and what you hope to get from this experience. My secondary character will be a Peddler, because I want to grow my personal career.
Then you get connected to a Hæth. These are shared worlds/servers that begin like all Wanderhome games (at the start of Tillsoil very soon after the end of the war) and progress from there. You can start with other players or begin on your own and find others later.
When you wish to travel to a new area, instead of randomly deciding what it should be, you base it on your current location. It can be as simple as your bedroom or as grand as the Great Wall of China! I’ll show you what I mean with where I am now.
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A beautiful pond, right? Let’s turn it into a spot in the Hæth! Our first nature is based on a literal take of the area. I’m by a pond, so the first nature will be Lake! The second nature is more metaphorical; based on what you know about your location, choose a nature that describes its personality. A lot goes on around this pond, so I’ll pick Carnival. The third nature should describe the place as it is when you arrive. The calm nature of the pond today means the third nature is Field. Build the location with the rules of each nature, combined with the traits of the season, and you’ve made a Place!
In Our Hæth, each location is permanently saved into the world you created it in. If other players want to visit this location rather than create a new one, they’ll replace the third nature and the seasonal traits and set off! They can see what you’ve written about the place and the adventures you’ve had here. If you know them in real life, you can share what the real-world inspiration is. If not, you can discuss as much about it as you feel comfortable sharing.
Once you're in a Place, great! Start playing Wanderhome. If you're alone, write down what your traveler does in this place. If you're with friends, get together in person and roleplay it out, or chat together over Discord or your online forum of choice. Their characters may travel with you for a while or your paths may diverge and reconnect later. Just remember what happens so you can share it as part of your character's story. When you make a Kith, go through the regular Kith creation process and add them to your Hæth. If other players visit this Place later, they may meet your kith and will want to know what happened.
The other big ARG element of this version of Wanderhome comes with using tokens. When your character does something to create a token, you need to do something to make a token in real life. Have a list of what different actions in Wanderhome mean for you in real life. For example, when my character Camper gives away something he holds dear, that means I have to complete some professional networking. Your token action should be challenging or good for you. Change your token action as your challenges and needs change. Make them fit your life and your goals.
Take a break to complete your token action, or write it down for after the session. You won't be able to spend your real-world token until you complete your task. Once that's done, the next time your character spends a token, you can spend one too! Your token rewards are something positive to reward yourself for putting in the effort and caring for yourself, your relationships, or the world. In my Hæth, when Camper keeps someone safe from the difficulties of the world, I get to take a nap rather than work!
The months can change in small groups when you agree to change them. In bigger groups, you may set a real-world date for the change in the months. Ask the month's question to yourself and your Wanderhome character. Consider your answer a "yes" regardless of which one of you says so. When the time comes for the seasons to change, set up a party with others in your Hæth or throw your own private celebration. Just as the holiday marks a moment of personal growth for your character, take a major step forward with your own goals. As Camper celebrates the new year, I'm going to start searching for a summer internship. I'll adapt my token actions and rewards as needed, and I'll continue playing.
So long as you have Wanderhome, you can play this game. You can keep track of your Hæth in a notebook, on a google doc, whatever. My perfect version of this project would be a little website where players can join different Hæths, watch their world grow on a virtual map, see all the information neatly organized online, and connect to a wide range of people in the Wanderhome community.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 6 months
TMAGP 10 Thoughts: History Lessons
What an episode. I'd love to do a bit of preamble up front but there is a load to talk about. No one needs me to ramble before the ramble. This will be a long one so buckle in, kids.
Spoilers for episode 10 below the cut.
Another episode that jumps straight into the incident. I really enjoyed this one. Both for its novel format and also for the way it lays the foundations of what's to come. It's also nice to see an incident that is mostly mundane. There was very little in this, outside of an allusion to something more sinister, that was out of the ordinary. A fairly British dude telling a unique British story. However, I don't think there is an awful lot to say here that isn't quickly expanded upon later in the episode or that won't be best served talking about elsewhere.
So let's get to the more interesting bit of this case. For those of you not from here, or a little too young to remember, the reason it's all so authentically British is because Mr. Bonzo is TMP's version of Mr. Blobby. A very real TV show mascot from the 90's. A lot of what was just discussed in that interview is lifted from Mr. Blobby's real history. He first appeared on a Saturday night variety show called Noel's House Party in its "Gotcha" segment. He was first introduced as a children's TV character to prank unsuspecting celebrities. He got very popular and became a mainstay of the series, became a huge icon at the time, launched a fairly massive range of merchandise, plans to create a Mr. Blobby theme park happened, and he even had a chart topping single. Blobby was a big deal and still pops up a fair amount. He didn't do any murders that we know of, and no one dressed as him to kill either. There is also this which I think everyone should watch to better prepare themselves for Mr. Bonzo, or to soothe the horrors he's already inflicted.
Colin's back! He's still weird! Not much to say here but it's nice to see him and Celia interact.
Next up were hear Alice and Sam, via Sam's phone, exploring the damp ruins of the Magnus Institute. There isn't a whole lot to say in this portion of their exploration but it's nice to see them outside of work again.
Gwen's section of this episode was really the standout IMO. Anusia is killing it and continues to kill it more and more each episode. I think Gwen is now my #2 blorbo. Colin had an early lead with a great email but is more of a background character at the moment. I am really excited to see how Gwen is going to react to this down the line. Whether the abject terror of meeting Bonzo is going dissuade her from pursuing Lena's job or further stoke that fire. I also wonder if she's going to assume what a lot of us are assuming. That the more recent Bonzo related murders are perpetrated by Bonzo, and that the envelope she gave him was his next target, which further plays into the golem references. Can't wait to hear more about what his role is in regards to the OIAR.
But no one could possibly replace Mr. Bonzo as #1 and I'm sure we can all see why this episode. Just everything about how he's being handled is perfect. A lot of history to ground him, incredibly ambiguous origins, his teeth are not soft, topped off with one of the most impactful "screen presence" of the entire TMA cast. Everything I was hoping for.
For those not a part of the ARG, and not a part of the Statement Remains discord server for it, Mr. Bonzo quickly became a massive fixture of basically everything that happened on that server. It's where my blog's name is from. Which is to say Mr. Bonzo has been a HEAVILY anticipated character and has had no small amount of hype built up around him. RQ have managed to deliver on that and then some. It's really pretty amazing he's managed to show up and not be a disappointment if you were part of that crowd, but they really pulled it off.
Bonzo Fact: Did you know that Mr. Bonzo is entirely unique in all of TMA? He's the only character to have a canonical design. He's the only character we can truly behold, and his visage is glorious and awe-inspiring. He is, quite literally, more real than any other character in the show. (Ignoring historical characters we never met)
I'm sure lots of you will have seen what Mr. Bonzo looks like but for those who haven't and have missed it on my posts, it's this.
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If you checked out the links earlier, which you should have, you'll see that he's very close to Mr. Blobby. And, yes, he is kinda creepy if you're grossed out by weird mascots but he's not "Oh my god!" levels of horrifying. That's the original Mr. Bonzo, Mr. Bonzo the suit, not Mr. Bonzo the monster. This is who Gwen met.
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Which really raises a rather interesting question; when did the suit stop being just a suit? Which in turn raises a more interesting one; why did the suit stop being just a suit? It's pretty clear that Mr. Bonzo really did start off as something mundane but whatever he is now very clearly isn't.
After all that excitement we return to Alice and Sam fumbling about in a ruin. Interestingly we're no longer listening through their phone, but a tape recorder. Which is actually a fairly big deal. Not because it's a TMA thing but because it's an analogue format that's not being digitised. So far that's not been something we've been able to listen through. Which means "Freddy" has some tricks up its sleeves, or "Freddy" isn't the one listening. The actual contents of this part isn't terribly important for the most part. Archivist's office, worms and trapdoors for an allusion to TMA, mystical symbols maybe, lots of books, etc. The real revelation here is "why they chose us… why they didn’t choose me". Likely confirming that the contents of CHDB (see masterdoc) was mostly the first step. Sam "failed" and wasn't chosen for whatever came next. It also likely confirms that Gerry wasn't chosen either as the two had remarkably similar test scores. Anyway, after that they call it quits and head on home.
Now, if you weren't reading the transcript's you'll have missed the introduction to a new character, [Error] played by Beth Eyre who voiced Lucia Wright from MAG 130: Meat. As Alice and Sam leave a padlock rattles on a trapdoor before a key twists and the lock pops open. The trapdoor opens and [Error] emerges. Very very little to really say here. Imprisonment below the Institute probably isn't a good sign, and they're the likely immortal overarching villain of either this season, or the show in general. But combined with strange PoV on those events, what was likely a mystical prison, and it being under the Institute that was burned down for a reason it's not good news. Unless it was burned down to free them, then who knows.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet (I added the Magnus Institute's child psych eval. sheet to it)
Somewhat notably here CAT1RB2275 is also very close to the trailer's case number of CATIRB2275.
DPHW Theory: 2275 is actually a pretty interesting number. For clarity this refers to only the initial recording that Celia heard, not anything related to Mr. Bonzo beyond that. 2 in Death is pretty reasonable as the statement brings the subject of murders up but doesn't dwell on them much. 2 in Pain falls under the same explanation. The 7 in Helplessness tracks well too because not only was the format of the interview a bit of a gotcha, but the content dealt heavily with imprisonment. Both in context to the show's premise and the legacy's impact upon his life. It was also eerie and weird and mascot-centric which is good Weird fodder.
The reason this is all so interesting is because it's possible this is an entirely mundane incident that still happens to line up well with the DPHW of Mascot (Kids). What occurred in the interview didn't seem supernatural, what was described in it also seemed mundane. It's only really the last couple of lines that hint towards something supernatural occurring but notably none of that happens in this recording itself, the details of it discussed, nor are any of the people on the recording first hand witnesses to those events and retelling them. But despite all of that the mundane occurrences of the interview still heavily reflect the supernatural ratings of the section (subsection).
CAT# Theory: CAT1. [Insert your favourite screaming reaction GIF here.] I've got no clue what to make of CAT#'s at this stage. This one wasn't particularly elucidating. Gonna be a long few weeks.
There are a couple of theories floating about that I'll briefly mention because someone will do it if I don't. The Subject/Agent/Catalyst theory presumes a lot of stuff about the OIAR I don't think holds up, and assumes they're happy to throw away information which I don't think they are. See here for more. The Person/Place/Object theory overlooks that Dolls (Watching) is CAT2, and not a place, and that Agglomeration (Miscellany) is about a collection of objects despite it taking place at Hilltop. A location only important to us listeners. If you do like those theories by all means keep liking them. I'm just not convinced by them and it seems prudent to mention that I have seen them.
R# Theory: B is right in line with what I outlined last week. Bonzo-themed murders are not overtly supernatural but they are something that definitely happened. The Klaus doc also have a few incidents with the note "Mr. B", including the only known S rank. With Gwen's reaction being so strong I think it's a good indicator that S rank's follow the pattern.
Header talk: Mascot (kids) -/- murder is just another header that seems pretty weird. The section (subsection) bit is all pretty normal but that crosslink again shows that crosslinks have very little structure to them. I'm starting to wonder if they're actually relevant at all, or pre-assigned like other elements are. They're starting to seem more and more like vibes than anything.
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skullytotheark · 5 months
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Clear Skies 75
Setting: Different states of America
time setting: late 20th century, From 70s to 90s
Why I made it: Hehe creepypasta but oc au
Inspiration: 70s and 80s slasher mixed with creepypasta characters / creepypasta characters set in the 80s
goal: Possibly make an ARG series, But for now it’ll be in silly writing i do every now and then. Similar to creepy hornets
The Rot of the woods is slowly but surely making it’s way pass the treeline, The Horrible reality where monsters and things that go bump in the night are more common than you could ever imagine.. Deep in Montana and Colorado these nightmares hide within the woods, Awaiting for any lone hikers and the innocent to walk into their sight. For they hunt for sport and to survive…
Ever Since the start of the 70s, More and more of these creatures and psychopaths are beginning to crawl out from the bed to strike. Their goals and motives being a mystery to people like you and I… There’s only a burning ember of hope that there is good amongst the bad, But then again. who says they’re any better than those they fight??... Only god can save you from whatever is tapping at your window, The strange towering silhouette standing in the corner of your room or the sound of heavy footsteps heading straight for your bedroom door.
Welcome my dearest of friends and stalkers of the night!!!
Allow thy to introduce you to a World of many nightmares and terrors beyond your imaginations.
Clear Skies 75!
For a good while you've might've heard me just ramble or mention this AU in at least one or two of my posts, But Allow me to show you what I've been brewing for awhile!
For a good while I've been sitting in my little snowy room, Thinking of different scenarios and plotpoints involving these characters! Now personally I'm not ENTIRELY SURE, If I'll do as much "fanfics" or writing as much as I would do for Creepyhornets but You'll def probably see me write about this au Every now and then! I more or less really wanted to just, Have characters based off of some of the pastas or characters i've come to love growing up in this silly community!!
The Watchman.
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"A Modern Tale for those who go wondering in these woods son. They say it's a Eldritch God of sorts or a "angry spirit"... Me?? I think it's a force of nature, Not something you can fight... But you'd have to adapt to.. trust me, I know..."
The great watchman! The Slenderman of this canon as you can tell and the main "big bad" of this canon, I more or less imagine that this entity is not your sterorypical slender that we're used to seeing in writings. Returning to the older versions such as the Operator and when Slender was simply a being of unknown nature and sudden movements...
"The Butcher"
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"I had a run in with that fucking freak. Cackling and getting a kick out of my fear as he chased after me with a fucking machete.. One day he'll fucking learn what's it like when the roles change... One day..."
The Jeff The Killer stand in for this canon! More or less depicting him as a cruel but sloppy killer, Although he has a big reputation, He's a amature and a prime example of "human scum" in this canon. No goals or motives, doing it for the fun of it. Also im just thinking of naming him "Geoff" cuz it'd be a really funny bit imo
"The Pyromaniac"
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"I remember when he was still young.. A cheerful little boy who still needed mommy to tie his shoe laces... But then things changed... He never got along with his stepdad... But then he went missing one day and.. I get a call that My husband was killed... Then I knew.. He wanted to get back at him for everything Frank had done to us... But it should have never ended like this.."
The Ticci Toby stand in for this universe!!!. Felix/Cody robinson is a child of abuse who is short tempered and rash, Often acting and thinking later. Although he's a valuable assest to The Watchman's following. Even though He hates it and wants to go home.
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"I still remember when "Bryan" took me up to that cabin... God I should've known I was just another lamb for the slaughter.. How did this end up like this Ma?..."
Doll-Face is of course the Masky inspired character! His story heavily follows the idea of "get away at the Cabin goes wrong and now all of my friends are trying to kill eachother" trope.
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"I'm alive... I shouldn't be but I am... After everything I've done.. I'll make things right this time... I'm so sorry Tommy.."
Null is a combination of both Hoody and Skully into one character! And is also the "Alex" of this scenario. Bryan's family was haunted by the watchman for generations, When he was older the entity began to pick away at his sanity and commanded a blood sacrifice for his family using 'it's children' for resources when building their cabin / property in the woods.
"The Stalker."
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"I could've sworn, He was standing right at my bed when I was asleep. I don't know why but he was... He killed dad but... Why not me?... Was he... Taunting me?.."
And the final member of this cast [ATM] the Stalker! The eyeless Jack stand in for this series who draws heavy inspirtation from the og eyeless jack design. Atm I had the idea that he was a journalist in diguise pretending to be a demon of sorts who profits off of his crimes by taking photos of the aftermaths. Buttt I do also like the idea of him just being a demon. His story is still a WIP atm.
Until next time!
Sadly that is all the characters i have so far :(
But I do plan on making more characters such as Zalgo, Jane, Nina and a whole bunch more!! Ofc I plan on making a word doc for this au that'll have links to each of these characters butttt i gotta finish Stalker and "Geoff" before i do!
But until then keep an eye out on my tiktok *COUGH* Skullytotheark *COUGH* for a bunch of arrttt and wips of more characters!!!
See you all next time :)
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nabnab-official · 8 months
Boxy Boo's complicated origins and dark purpose
with boxy boo being added into the main game with chapter 3, i decided to talk about his origins as a character. most people know that he originates from project playtime, but his origins go even farther than that.
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boxy boo was first teased before project was even announced. the first image is from one of mobs minecraft animations, from august 27th 2022, months before project was first announced. the second image is from the one year anniversary video, and you can see boxy's box next to huggys foot. at the very end of the video, a dark image of boxy's box can be seen, as well as some numbers, likely the date of oct 31, which is when project was first teased for real.
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on october 31st 2022, project playtime was officially announced on the mob entertainment twitter. that wasn't the only thing announced here. inside this image was a code, a code that led to a FTP [file transfer protocol] server. this server was part of an arg that would lead up to project's release, called rowan stolls computer database. the server is closed now, but all the information has been archived via the wiki
the ARG begins with this video, the first find when the FTP server was unlocked. this was paired alongside security 01 and 02, 2 gifs of security footage of the playtime co. facility. the rest of the files were password locked. in this video, rowan stoll, the head of technology at playtime co., expresses concerns about there being possible nanny cams inside huggy wuggys eyes. this is the start of his skepticism towards playtime co. that come to light during this arg.
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the second things unlocked started from an image posted by the playtime co. twitter account. this confirms boxy boo's creation date as a toy, which is during the 60s. featured in the image is a bunch of boxy boo toys being made by employees. using this image, people were able to find a code, along with the remainder of the codes hidden in the twitter accounts for leith pierre, stella greyber, and eddie ritterman. putting the code through an A1Z26 cipher yielded the results of "A_invenerunt_infernum", which translates to "they found it from Hell". this is referring to boxy boo, who will later be referred to as a hellspawn again in this arg. combining this code with the date 05/28/91 gives us our second video. in it rowan stoll backtracks on his previous statements, presumably not wanting to get in trouble for questioning playtime co. in this video, the password "Birth_place_11/28/67" can be found by listening quietly to the text to speech playing in the background. this password unlocks security footage 03.
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playtime co. posted the employee safety rules video, which is related to the arg. the code "bcaebbefgd" could be found within this video, which leads to this twitter post by rowan. in the background you can see boxy hiding. apparently, playtime co. has been making rowan fix the puzzle pillars, revealing them for the first time. maybe this was his punishment for stirring up trouble.
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the playtime co. twitter account posted a new image, one of the train at the station. at the bottom of the image, credit is provided to playtime-co.com. going to this website leads to an email address, which gives a phone number. when called, you are immediately and indefinitely put on hold, and a piano tune plays. around this time, rowan stoll posted about fixing the phone line, and adding the tune heard. using the piano notes heard in the tune itself gives the code "DEADFACEAFACADE", which can be translated to "Dead_Face_a_Facade". this is a password for a file called priv_doc01, which includes several things. a poster for boxy boo, a pinboard full of images, and a disciplinary note on patty hall. patty hall is a character mentioned in chapter 2, in the rejects room. patty hall sabotaged a batch of toys by messing with the paint machine. in the disciplinary note, its mentioned that patty was sent down to storage b to "receive further instructions". remember this, it will be important. the boxy boo poster contains a code, which unlocks rowan stolls third and final video log. in this video, rowan expresses distress, thinking that playtime co. is going to kill him for finding out too much. he confesses that he is going to upload everything he knows and has found, which is what this FTP server is. he also says that playtime co. "has something that eats people alive", which we know is boxy boo. rowan knew he was likely going to die, but put his last efforts into getting information about playtime co. out publically. deciphering the strange static heard at the beginning through a spectrogram gives the password "diaboli_intra_buxum", which translates to "devil inside the box". the initial password can be used to unlock boxy boo's blueprints, as well as security footage 04, which depicts the project playtime theater map.
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on november 22nd 2022, the FTP database went offline, leaving the rest of what rowan uploaded unknown. the playtime co. twitter uploaded a new post, with a single image of a poppy flower and the message "I SEE YOU". each account that posted this image had letters hidden in their avatars and banners, each image containing broken morse code at the bottom. the morse within all the images translated to "caro est in aeternum", which means "the flesh is eternal". the letters in each accounts banner and icons gave 2 different codes. "OVIHPKNABALZQZ", and "Play fair. Row: <- Column: ^, Filler: X. Innovation is key." the answer was a play fair cipher, with innovation as the password. the cipher translated to "NOXFORGIVENESS", referring to rowan stoll. a new account was created on the FTP server, and using the information gathered, access was granted. the username was "no_forgiveness" and the password was "caro_est_in_aeternum" inside, was a singular file, titled "THIS_IS_WHAT_HAPPENS". showcased is the fate of rowan stoll.
it seems that playtime co. found rowans database, got rid of it, and replaced it with a message to anyone else who considers trying to expose or defy them.
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just two days after the arg ended, on november 24th, the cinematic trailer for project playtime was released, and boxy boo was finally revealed. just a day later, a gameplay trailer for the game released. counting up till the release of the game, teaser images were posted, giving us even more of boxy.
even after projects release, boxy boo's story was not finished. over the course of project, 2 tapes were added into the game. the first introduces us to harley sawyer, a major player in the bigger bodies initiative. he is mentioned many times after this initial introduction, including in chapter 3 and the chapter 3 arg. in the first tape, harley sawyer talks about the bigger bodies initiative, whose intention was to replace workers with living toys. he believed this would cut down on lawsuits and losses, as well as take care of insubordinate employees. in the second tape, harley sawyer visits boxy boo for the first time. boxy boo is the first successful bigger body created as confirmed by harleys own words. harley says that they need to "tailor your [boxy's] appetite to flesh", and asks for an update on rowan stoll. this is obviously leading up to rowans fate in the arg where boxy killed him.
boxy boo appears several times after this, in restricted_restoration, being the monster that attacked thomas. you can hear the sound of his music box winding up before the attack, and his paw and roar when he actually attacks him. he also features in chapter 3, both as cutouts and murals, and in the hour of joy, as featured above. BUT WHAT IS BOXY BOO'S PURPOSE? boxy boo was the first successful bigger body, created in 1991. after his toy, created in the 60s, failed to become as popular as other mascots, harley sawyer found a new purpose for him. boxy boo's purpose is not to play with kids, or even be around people at all. his purpose is to kill insubordinate employees. he killed patty, and he killed rowan. this is why harley wanted him to learn to become accustomed to flesh. he wanted boxy to be hostile from the beginning. boxy was never meant to be around people. he was meant to have employees sent down to him to be eaten when playtime co. deemed them deserving of it. thats what happened to rowan and patty. the devil in the box ate them.
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eddygoldarm · 19 days
Could you just do like a headcannon drop? About any character I don't mind!
Okay I'm gonna use this post to HC drop about the general lore I built myself since I started playing the game in 2018. It deviates a bit from the Starr Park/arg stuff, there are some things that I don't personally like and that "destroyed" my view of this world so I'm willingly ignoring some of it, in favor of my own little narrative. It's just me taking bricks and making a fun little house, don't be mean about it. If you find things that could be interesting feel free to share them.
Okay so, in my head, BS takes place in some kind of post-apocalyptic wasteland in the future. It's not as bad as in fallout lol, but something happened that made most of the land dry and hostile. It's now inhabited by a small number of communities, but also by criminals, robots and strange creatures, mutated by the radiation emitted by the purple gems.
The gems are probably what caused the event in the past, most people were affectes by this, and are mutants to some degree. Some humans gained subhuman abilities : better strengh, perception, regeneration, intelligence, or even powers like invisibility or shooting lasers. And some robots, plants or animals gained intelligence, making them human-like. This turned the land into a melting-pot of many creatures and cultures, most of them trying to emulate what was before them (that's why we have places like Oldtown and Retropolis).
Of course, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, this being an hostile environnement, there were many tensions between the people of the land. And many fights were held over ressources, mostly the gems, who were an invaluable source of energy. In order to solve the tensions, and to protect the innocent, two main things were done :
Some people stood up as mediators in order to limit the conflicts and arrest criminals. They later united and founded the Park Rangers. They're now the ones who keep order in the land and protect the innocent.
Some others, with the hopes of uniting the people, opened a modest but colorful fair, right in the middle of the desert. This surprisingly worked, the fair quickly becoming a beacon of union and harmony in the lonely badlands, were no conflict was allowed, only fun and friendship. Understanding their common goal, the fair and the rangers partnered together to make the frontier a better place.
Eventually, the fair was bought by a powerful family of the land, and started to develop even more, and taking inspiration from the environnement to create more and more impressive attractions. It's become what we know today at Starr Park. While it is a place of fun and joy, few people know what's really going on behind the scenes, and what their final goal is. Sadly, it has become so powerful today, that everyone who tries to fight it gets pinned down as an ennemy.
Today, while it is still hostile, the frontier is a way better place than it was before thanks to the efforts of its inhabitants. But who knows for how long?
So that's about it. Now I'll list most of the factions (trios) of the world and were I think they belong to. It's basically divided between the people who work at Starr Park and the rest of the frontier, so :
-The frontier/Oldtown: It's the smallest city of the frontier, it's very isolated, and has kept the charm of and old desert town. Because of this, many criminals lurk around, and a lot of people leave, attracted by the bigger cities. The Rangers, Townsfolk, Junkers, Mystics, Miners, and Goldarm gang hang around here. The stuntshow and mexican entertainers (wtf is this name) also live around here but they also do shows for Starr Park.
-The jungle : Far removed from the civilisation, it is a wild and luxurious, but even more dangerous place than the desert. They say if you go too deep, you will come back cursed. The Shaman tribe, Enchanted forest and Biologists hang around here. The biodome, at the limit of the forest, is a research laboratory dedicated to preserving and observing the mutated wildlife of the area, they are partly financed by Starr Park.
-Retropolis : A more developed city in the desert, it has a dark 50's aesthetic. It is a safer place than Oldtown, but it is still riddled by gangs. The Arcade and Retropolis gang hang around here.
-Super City : A big city with skyscrappers, a bit removed from the desert, most of the people have moved here now, but it is still often attacked by kaijus. The Superheroes hang around here, and most of the people who work at Starr Park live here (Starr theater, Brawlywood, Gift Shop, Candyland...)
-The BAD badlands, very creepy and dark place, were mutants are numerous. The Undeads and Swamp creatures, and bizarre circus live around here.
-Starr Park : A place of joy and fun, throning in the middle of the frontier! A lot of the brawlers work/live here. The Starr Park hub bots reside here permanently.
-The sea : There is a beach, it's one of the only safe places in the frontier. If you don't mind the pirates and mutant fish of course, the pirates and deep sea trios hang around here.
-There is a train connecting all these parts of the lands, but they say not to stay too long in it, or you might end up lost forever!! The ghost train people hang around here.
Edit : I forgot about Starr Force, they live in space but sometimes the ship lands in the desert which causes a lot of mayhem.
The distinction between who works at SP and who doesn't isn't really clear so maybe I should make a tier list or something idk 😭😭 In the actual lore I think they all work more or less for it but I prefer them all to be seperated, they feel more independant this way idk.
Anyway that's about it, I hope you enjoyed my stupide lore soup?
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pinkelotjeart · 3 months
HIYA so I’ve noticed your a relatively popular and account within the Magnus Archives fandom and I’m going to be making a video essay on The Magnus Archives and fandom culture so I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about that? Or if you have any specific thoughts on that topic I’d love to hear them. I’ve been in the fandom for about two years now so I wasn’t there for it’s biggest surge in popularity but I’d love to hear about your experiences in this fandom- good and bad!
Oh for sure, I love stuff like that! You’re absolutely allowed to dm me if you got questions and stuff.
I wasn’t there fully when Magnus got very big, or wel I was? I tried listening to tma back in 2020 before the show finished but ended up dropping it, eventually a year or so later I retried and absolutely fell in love.
Despite not having listened to the show at the time, I was suprisingly familiar with the Tiktok side of the fandom from 2020 which seems to have been the big boom. A good amount of fandoms hit their peak in that year due to covid, and this in combination with Tiktok made a very intresting fandom? I’d argue that this fandom is split up to mainly the tumblr fanbase and the Tiktok fanbase, altough the Tiktok side has calmed down.
Notable events that I’m aware off from 2020 tma Tiktok, was right after the show finished. People would make fake in-universe drama, like make tiktoks pretending they were people actually stuck in the eyepocaplse. I like silly trends like that.
My personal experience with the tma fandom has been very positive. I know there were some problems during 2020, (mainly with the misogyny towards the female characters) but now that things have calmed down I’ve honestly not had any bad experience. Before joining tma I’ve been in some real shitty fandoms, tma and tumblr felt like coming home in comparison. It’s a fairly big fandom but not big enough for it to be bad, it’s kinda cosy all things considered. This might also just be a byproduct of how tumblr fandoms in my experience seem to be allot more mature.
Best memory will still be the protocol arg days. protocol fandom was at the time this tiny off shoot to everything else going on. Only a small group of people knew things about the story because it hadn’t come out yet, and honestly it was so fun. I got plenty of fun little stories from that time. It was weird then seeing the series come out and suddenly everyone knew who these characters were.
My biggest gripe with the fandom right now is how negative some people can be on protocol. It’s okay to have criticism but I just can’t stand it when people are negative for negatives sake. Some people will talk negatively about season 5 or archives aswel, and it always just annoys me.
Uh yea that’s my thoughts I think? Again you are allowed to dm me if you need help<3
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bitchassmcgrass · 4 months
new totally original idea: Gmod ARG or any heavily moldable game ARG where it's initially a bunch of reuploads of a guy playing gmod with his friends, or sometimes things he made by himself. Typical spooky ghost shit happens later on and the main character ends up playing modern gmod to investigate, with the ghost corrupting his game and using the in game voice chat to make weird scary sounds and shit but the mc goes "well my friend used to make his own maps and addons so I'm guessing that he was just fucking around and made some "haunted" addons or whatever, teehee what a jokester".
Eventually they look up his friend to find our they died and the ghost in his songleplayer games is real. The finale ends up being him investigating his old friends hard drive and finding a couple more addons. He adds them into the game and plays, and the last video is him running an addon called Vocal_Fix_Beta.gma or something and confronting the ghost, but the ghost uses voice chat and while it still cuts to static and scary noises you can barely make out voice lines of the ghost going "Hey! You finally figured it out :)" "Come on man, let's play one last game together before I have to go" "I really missed you man" before the ghost is finally put to rest.
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worldfusepodcast · 4 months
0. Pilot -- Transcript
Listen here: [link]
[The podcast's intro plays -- it is a simple but slightly foreboding sounding melody]
[sound of a voice recorder clicking on] AARUSH: I uh... don’t know where to start, to be honest. From the beginning-- but I don’t even know where that is, I mean– okay. Deep breaths.
[Aarush takes a breath and breathes out.]
AARUSH: This is Agent Varma, reporting on the assignment to a new entity. The entity is a sentient nullification object, capable of completely disabling all forms of magic in an area. The Bureau has assigned it the name of ‘Fuse’. The ability of this entity is to completely nullify any magic in its area, the entity is sentient and alive, blah blah blah. If possible, bring it back to the Bureau for safe containment.
[Long pause. When Aarush speaks next, he sounds conflicted.]
AARUSH: Well. It seems like this . . . ‘Fuse’ is a character that can be communicated with? An animal? A sentient object, maybe? I remember that one world map–
[The voice recorder clicks off.]
[The scene has changed to a small coffee shop. Background noises include indistinct chatting and cutlery being used.]
AARUSH: (breathing out and muttering.) Okay. Green tea latte, large, less ice. Green tea latte, large, less ice. Green tea–
CASHIER: Hey, what can I get ya?
AARUSH: Green tea latte, lice, less arge. I mean-- less ice, large. Sorry. Can I just get that to-go? Thank you.
[He walks and sits at a booth with a clear view of the entrance of the coffeeshop. There is a rustle as he takes out the voice recorder and clicks it on.]
AARUSH: Current location, Blooms n’ Potions, a coffee shop that doubles as a flower shop. That cashier over there didn’t look too happy, but she’s working a shift at a café, so it doesn’t seem out of the ordinary.
AARUSH: This is also one of the known haunts of Fuse. I have a machine with me that'll tell me when an anomaly walks through that door. Hopefully it comes soon and I can avoid this place for the rest of my life... 
[The machine beeps while at the same time the bell over the door jingles.]
AARUSH: (fervently, but quietly) Shit. No one fucking told me Fuse was a person! Oh, shit... Okay. Okay, okay. Focus. Ugh I need to... yes.
[He gets up from his seat and walks into line behind Quinn.]
QUINN: Iced apple and mango tea, with a chocolate strawberry waffle. To go, please.
AARUSH: Hi, are you a regular here?
QUINN: (surprised and stuttering a little) S-sorry, a-are you talking to me?
AARUSH: Yeah! I’m new here, and there’s just a lot of choices... I was wondering which might be a good one?
QUINN: (to Aarush) Hold on.
QUINN: (to the cashier) Thanks for the drinks!
QUINN: (back to Aarush) Right, you’ll want to pick either the bagels or the cheesecake, I swear on my mother that both are positively divine.
AARUSH: Mm... not the cheesecake, I’m not a fan.
QUINN: (feigning shock) Not cheesecake!? Alright then, what about strawberry shortcake?
AARUSH: (to Quinn) Yeah, shortcake is fine.
[The bell over the door jingles as a new person enters the café and walks over into the line.]
AARUSH: (to cashier) A shortcake please. Ye– Yeah no, I’ll have it here.
???: Oh, goodness, Aarush, is that you?
AARUSH: (delighted) Candy! Goodness, it has been a while!
Candy: (curious) Quinn’s here too!
QUINN: (fond) Candy.
AARUSH: You two know each other? 
CANDY: Sort of.
AARUSH: Let me guess... Intern? No, law student? Wait, no, I got it-- coffee intern.
QUINN: (laughs) God, no. I wouldn’t be caught dead in the law industry. No, I’m one of her clients. Harleyquinn Argus. A pleasure to meet you. You may call me Quinn.
AARUSH: (incredulous) No way... Quinn? Like, Detective Argus?
QUINN: (flirtatious) Oh, you've heard of me?
AARUSH: (amused) Yeah, a friend of mine is a fan of yours.
CANDY: (embarrassed laugh) Uh-heh... ha... Sorry about that, Quinn.
QUINN: (teasing) Well, well. Want my autograph later, Candy?
CANDY: It is not like that, it’s just...
QUINN: (mock-knowingly) I know, I know. I must’ve charmed you away from Indigo finally. And now you've run to Aarush over here just to complain.
CANDY: (embarrassed and annoyed) Quinn!!
QUINN: (copying her tone of voice) Candy!!
AARUSH: Alright, alright. You must see a lot of cases, chasing down criminals and whatnot.
QUINN: Not really. Most of my time is spent working for a magazine. Ever heard of ‘Hush!’? I work for them as a writer; most of their pieces are written by me.
AARUSH: No, is that a tabloid or something?
QUINN: (vaguely affronted) I’m a little offended that you’d think I’d work for a tabloid.
CANDY: As much as I love to watch you two banter, we are holding up the queue.
AARUSH: Uh, I have a table over there. Candy, care to join us, or is today an off-duty day?
CANDY: I’ll come over once my drink is done.
[Aarush and Quinn walk over and sit at the booth.]
QUINN: So, you still never told me what you actually work as. You’re a civil servant, but are you one of those black suits, or...?
AARUSH: Uhh, I work with the public...
[Quinn makes a sound of sympathy.]
AARUSH: (chuckling) It’s not that bad once you get used to the fact that most people suddenly don’t want to cooperate when they realize you’re part of the government.
QUINN: Ugh, I hear you. Every time they hear I’m a detective it's all “Ooh! Can you tell where I’ve been these past few hours? Or can you deduce my entire backstory?” I’m a detective, not Sherlock Holmes.
AARUSH: Well, can you?
QUINN: That’s not a trick I reveal on the first meeting.
AARUSH: So not a one-trick pony then?
QUINN: Master of many, actually.
CANDY: You two getting along?
AARUSH: Like a house on fire.
QUINN: Absolutely smashing.
CANDY: Well I’m not sure I like the sound of those metaphors... What’s the issue this time, Aarush?
AARUSH: Nothing much, just some new interns acting up and making use of the loopholes. And today’s a peaceful day, surprisingly. It’s been a whole four hours since I clocked in, and there hasn’t been a call for me yet.
CANDY: I keep telling you that you have to be stricter with them! They always treat you as the nice senior. One day, I tell you! One day!
AARUSH: (jokingly) But if I’m not the nice senior, then who will be? Not Jacques; they’re far too intense for that. Not you either, since you’re basically a consultant.
CANDY: Ooh, harsh. Unlike the two other members on my team, I actually have a job.
QUINN: Speaking of, there is something I want to ask you about, Candy. I’ve been working on a case recently, and I need some news about the laws on blackmail.
AARUSH: Blackmail?
QUINN: (clicks his tongue) Don’t you worry your pretty little head.
AARUSH: Is this just another thing that detectives have to research, or...?
CANDY: (laughs) You wouldn’t believe what he’s asked me about. For some reason, he keeps the same god-awful hours as me, so sometimes I’ll get a text at like, two o’clock in the morning asking for help with some obscure law that even I’m unfamiliar with. I keep telling him to read up by himself, but–
QUINN: That’s because I want an excuse to spend time with you, Candy. I need to endear myself to you so if Indigo ever tries to attack me, I can crash with you.
CANDY: Aww, Indigo wouldn’t do that. She hates you, but my partner would never stoop to murder. She’d just examine your past and find a way to convict you for life.
QUINN: (dryly) And that is so much better.
AARUSH: Jesus, Quinn! What did you do to Candy’s partner for her to hate you that much? It takes a lot for Indigo to really show that she dislikes you.
QUINN: Who knows? She’s professional, though. Never brings it up when I ask her something related to the law. But all bets are off when we stop talking shop.
[a phone notification sound chimes.]
CANDY: Well, It’s been lovely chatting, but I really have to go now. This was just a short coffee break anyway, so—
QUINN: The lawyer’s responsibilities strike again.
CANDY: I’ll send those files over to you later, Quinn. Aarush, later!
[Candy leaves and the bells over the door jingle again. Awkward silence ensues.]
AARUSH: Uh So. Um. Anything interesting happen lately?
QUINN: (teasing) Wow. You're really not a fan of silence, are you?
AARUSH: No, no I . . . I suppose not. 
QUINN: (sighs) Anything interesting... hmm? Well, someone I know offered to read my future, and I accepted. Thinking about it now... I think you're supposed to be my Fool.
AARUSH: (disbelievingly) Excuse me?
QUINN: My future card was the Fool. I looked it up, and apparently it meant new beginnings. So I guess you're my new beginning?
AARUSH: That... is an incredibly cheesy mindset, oh my god–
QUINN: (embarrassed) Yeah I realized how it sounded when I said it out loud.
AARUSH: (cheekily) So... Is this how you usually talk your suspects into telling you things? Or am I just special?
QUINN: (covering his face with his hands) Ulgh, please. Let's stop talking now.
[The voice recorder clicks off.]
[The scene has changed to a small apartment. Background noises include ambient room sounds. The voice recorder clicks on.]
AARUSH: After chatting with Quinn, I really can’t connect the idea of a weapon of mass destruction with him. He just seems like a guy with a dry sense of humor. (sighs) This is wrong. We’re treating him as a thing to be used, but–
[The phone rings. Aarush lets it ring out and the call goes to voicemail.]
VOICEMAIL: At the end of your message, press 1. (beep)
AUTOMATED VOICE: Agent Varma, I know you’re there. Answer the call. 
[Aarush walks and picks up his phone. He redials the number.]
AARUSH: Hello?
???: (the voice is clearly distorted and disguised) Mr. Varma, are you ready for the consequences that this will bring upon Ochens?
AARUSH: Who are you? This is a private line.
DEUCE: I am Deuce. I represent the Machine. (chuckles) I am also someone who is heavily invested in Quinn’s wellbeing. I will not tell you to stop your current path. But I will ask you this: If you had to choose between the world and Quinn, what is your choice?
AARUSH: You know of his powers, don’t you? The ‘Fuse’–
DEUCE: (sharply) He is more than his powers. Do not reduce him to a void.
AARUSH: (apologetic) Sorry.
DEUCE: But you are correct. Quinn is an essential cog in Ochens. He is the fuse, magic is the current, and I am Ochens’s engineer.
AARUSH: Is Quinn... important?
DEUCE: Beyond anything you could ever fathom. If he dies, Ochens dies with him. His existence itself is proof that the world exists.
AARUSH: Is that a part of his powers?
DEUCE: It's not a power. Quinn sees the world the way it wants to be seen.
AARUSH: (slightly strained) Cool. Great. So now you're telling me that the– what that the world is sentient? Self-aware? What, like it knows we’re listening?
DEUCE: Do you think otherwise?
AARUSH: (huffs disbelievingly) Come on.
DEUCE: You don’t have to believe me. But you must trust me. Your job to watch over Quinn is extremely important. You must listen to yourself, Aarush. Your ideals, your goals... (chuckles) You must remember yourself.
[The call ends, and the dial tone beeps.]
AARUSH: (sighs) End of report.
[voice recorder clicks off.]
[podcast outro music plays under the credits.]
This was World Fuse. It written by Lupin and Audio edited by Neutron, Ila Alexei, and Eli Schwarz.
The gorgeous album art is by Ila Alexei.
You've heard the lovely voices of Neutron as Aarush Varma, Ila Alexei as Harleyquinn Argus, Bailey Mertz-Symchyck as Candy, Eli Schwarz as Deuce, and Alexander Wolfe as additional voices.
Thank you so much for listening.
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yandere-valentine · 1 year
Maybe we shouldn’t write for Wally as his creator doesn’t feel comfortable about ppl lusting after him.
The poor guy is getting fan doxxed too. He’s just 1 created of the ARG and I’m pretty sure the puppet is his self insert. Not trying to be mean or rude just saying we should respect his boundaries
/genuine /not mad
Thanks for sharing with me this concern, Anon. And you're right.
And I think it's time for me to do something about this. To all my followers, I do hope you understand my decision and my feelings too.
In case you didn't knew - Clown (the creator of Welcome Home) is currently going through horrible things, outside and inside of the internet. They are being put under too many stressful situations with their feelings being constantly invalidated, his requests and boundaries ignored and their integrity being threatened.
As the Anon just mentioned - Clown is getting fan doxxed, people are doing proshipping and nsfw content even after they asked to not to do anything like that to their characters, there are users creating content about the show and planning on selling them even when Clown asked to not do that, there are users that are pretending to be them on other plataforms (like Tiktok, instagram, etc.), and so much more.
And yes - "it is something common in the internet" but Clown is expressing loudly how attacked they are feeling. Maybe not everyone had ill intentions on wanting to hurt Clown or not give a shit about what they are putting as boundaries - but there are so many out there that have SEEN how Clown is getting affected with everything and are not doing anything to change the situation or support them.
His project - the one that they have crafted with their bare hands and loved so dearly - is getting tainted and preyed away from their hands.
So, with that said... I've come with a decision that I hope you understand - I'm going to stop doing Yandere content about Welcome Home, and I'll stop doing yandere content in general.
As much as I love doing Yandere content in general and how much I liked doing said content for Welcome Home - it is not worthy if I am putting my 'grain of sand' to Clown's stress.
Yes, I may not have been doing sexual/nsfw things with Welcome Home, I may not have been creating content about them to later on sell it, I may not be trying to steal Clown's identity on internet or dox them, I may not have been writting really dark stuff (like r@pe or shit like proshippers have been doing lately) - but still. Yandere content, even when it has been all pure fiction and I do not condone it, it's abuse content in the end.
Why? Well - things like kidnapping, harassment, obsessive behavior, threats, and so much more are part of the whole ""yandere asthetic"". And I don't think Clown would feel comfortable if their characters are being written as that - even less Wally.
Yes, I know - Welcome Home is supposed to be a horror project, but there's a difference between the type of horror content Clown wants in the project and the type of horror content we put on it. It is not our project, nor our characters - and if Clown is telling us to not do something, then we must be decent human beings and actually listen and do what they are asking.
And believe me when I tell you I was having so much fun doing this and so happy recieving so many positive reactions on the things I've wrote - hell, I swear I've never been so active as a 'content creator' in a long while! You can see how much work, effort and creativity I've been pouring on this blog and specially on the Welcome Home yandere content!
But nothing of that is wrothy, not if I'm part of the problem - not if I'm hurting Clown some way or another. Because - fuck, I was partially ignoring Clown's boundaries! And it is my decision to stop doing that.
I thank you enough for everyone's support, likes, reblogs and comments - and I'm so sorry, but I'm going to delete every single one of my yandere posts (all of them) - if you have saved one of them, do not repost them anywhere - if you do, then you'll be part of the problem that is putting Clown on the ground (and I'll make sure to report the post so it gets taken down.)
I'm not going to delete the whole blog (only it's content, posts, etc.) - I want this message to stay up and for everyone to read.
Do not take this as a way for me to "pretend I did nothing wrong, that I am free of any mistakes and that I am a pure little white sheep, hidding everything under the rug" - I just don't want to "support" others on keep doing this content - even less for Welcome Home. I no longer feel comfortable on doing yandere content if that means I am hurting somebody or encouraging others on keep doing stuff that is in general no good!
Thanks for everything and for the support, but nothing of this is worthy if I am adding my part to the problem.
Please, support Clown in any way you can.
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axolozzy · 6 months
had an insane dream about TUMBLR so i thought it was my obligation to share (warning for murder and horror movie like stuff i guess)
so there was this old tumblr creepy pasta that was really popular back in the day and it took place on a blog called “cortney’s blog” spelled exactly like that. it was weird because it was the only blog that had a space and apostrophe in the name.
the main antagonist was this tiny really ugly wrinkly pink creature that looked like a 3D puppet of that one shrimp character from smiling friends, and it’s name was The Numbler. iirc Cortney was i think the stereotypical popular high school girl but in secret she was the only one who could see and talk to The Numbler (or the only one The Numbler allowed to see and talk to it) and basically carried out murders for it. she had pale skin and long brown hair and wore a heavy metal band t shirt
(also like halfway through the dream, i realized it was a dream and thought i’d wanna write it down and post about it when i wake up LOL so the way i thought to remember The Numbler’s name was thinking about the word “mumble,” “number” and “the riddler” all combined into The Numbler. and it worked)
also it’s weird because the dream kinda kept going back and fourth from present days and flashbacks, so it’s kinda hard to get the timeline right. so i don’t know exactly how The Numbler started or came to be, because i didn’t see that far back yet before i woke up. i also don’t know how the dream ended either
anyway from what i can remember, the stuff put on cortney’s blog years and years ago was in the form of really well drawn webcomics that told the story of each murder Cortney committed, most of them involving her luring people away from their friends and murdering them. but people didn’t exactly know or think it was real because they were just comics. somehow, people caught on that the stuff the blog was posting was actually based on real murders taking place at the same time, but nobody could find the bodies or the person running the blog, so it was kinda just left as a creepypasta and forgotten about as time went on and it stopped posting.
and when i say forgotten about, like really forgotten about. nobody really knew it had existed unless you were on tumblr like a decade ago and saw the whole thing go down yourself, otherwise the posts became kinda lost to time and were never talked about.
years later, i was at my grandma’s house just kinda hanging out lol and i went upstairs to this really weird room we were never really allowed in. the room was dark and looked like a concrete basement and there were all sorts of writings on the walls that looked written out of dried blood or black paint. there was a giant rectangle slab in the middle that was basically a bed i think but it looked more like a tomb or coffin. apparently this was where cortney committed her last murder (which. apparently was my grandpa LOL???) and after that, her spirit became trapped in that room for years until the door was finally opened by ME. oops
now cortney’s spirit is loose and i’m freaking out and trying to find out soo much lore about her blog to find a way to stop this. i looked through all the cortney’s blog tumblr posts and read all the comics. it was a weird moment because suddenly, everyone on tumblr was coming across those posts again and reblogging them saying they were part of the tumblr greats and stuff. as i was binging the comics, i also reblogged them to show my mutuals because they were genuinely interesting and a good story and thought they’d like it. apparently there had also been a horror movie adaptation of cortney’s blog back in the day so i watched that movie to find out more.
the movie didn’t reveal much except i think it’s how i figured out where The Numbler was left. anyway during all of this, cortney’s blog had started posting AGAIN and people were really excited because they thought it returned for some kind of arg creepypasta and they didn’t think it was actually Real.
my time was limited to find The Numbler and destroy it before Cortney came back and killed me, so i began my search. here’s the part where it gets confusing and i feel ends very abruptly. i went outside by the woods that don’t exist irl and found three wooden crates that looked like they had been there a really long time. they were all weathered down and had plants growing around them and stuff.
anyway me and my friend (dunno who it was they kinda showed up outta nowhere) opened the crates and found some stuff. the first one had a red piece of yarn in it and and ohhh shit i think i forgot something else important. so! sometimes i get these weird lucid deja vu dreams where during the dream, i realize im dreaming and that i’ve actually had the same exact dream before! but that’s a lie, i’ve literally never had those dreams before but my brain made me think i did? so i knew some extra information that was just given to me at the start i think. that information was that The Numbler had more friends. there was a red piece of yarn that could take shape of a little stick man person and stuff. then there was a rag that was also a little guy idk. they were just little fucked up creatures that were part of the cortney’s blog lore and were The Numbler’s companions.
after The Numbler was abandoned all those years ago when Cortney’s spirit was trapped in my grandpa’s room, it and its friends were basically trapped in those crates and abandoned for years. my friend and i had now just opened them and saw the remains of those guys, now just the lifeless objects they were based on. the red yarn was just a piece of yarn and the wash cloth was just that. but The Numbler was nowhere to be seen. fuck
we ran back into the house after seeing a creepy fucking shadow man staring at us from across the lawn. it was creepy as hell and was now IN THE HOUSE CHASING US. this house was not my grandma’s anymore either it was just a random house i’ve never been in before, i think it was suppose to be my mystery friend’s house actually.
anyway i just stayed in the kitchen and my friend and their family were being chased by the shdadow man and allll of The Numbler’s friends. yep. they were back to life now, must’ve been playing a trick on us in those crates, and now they were like running in a circle around my friends doing some sort of weird ritual thing. all of a sudden they became humanoid and their personalities also reminded me of the starkid lords in black, both the weird monster forms and the human forms.
anyway i was hiding under a really small table and could see into the room were they were terrorizing my friends. i made eye contact with one of the creatures. shit
i was found, they all surrounded me, then i woke up. i have no idea what happened to The Numbler or Cortney but their friends were doing some sort of ritual on us and they probably completed it. Cortney probably continued her reign of terror and fed our bodies to The Numbler who knows. it was a crazyyy dream i hope u all found it entertaining :) now who wants to make The Numbler the new tumblr sexyman
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