#Molly vs the ghost world
tgammsideblog · 1 year
Tgamm S1 Ep 20-B ¨Molly vs The Ghost World¨ Episode Analysis
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While Scratch is being put on trial for being friends with humans in front of the Ghost Council, Molly tries to find a way to go to the Ghost World and look for Scratch...
Starting from when segment A ¨The Jig is Up¨ left, Scratch is brought to the Ghost Council by Jinx, who reveals that Scratch is friends with a ¨living person¨. The members talk about how that is a very serious charge against the ghost rules and begin the trail.
Back on the living realm, Molly is trying to do astral projection with Libby helping her. This gets them nowhere and they aren't sure of what else they can do. Then Molly happens to have the idea of summoning Geoff by spelling his name.
Suddenly Geoff appears. Molly begs for Geoff to let her go to the Ghost World using to a ghost portal, to which the green ghost hesitates for a few moments, since humans aren't allowed in the Ghost World or usually can't go there. Molly still decides to jump through the ghost portal, only to find out why is that the case: Her own spirit becomes separated from her body when going through the portal, leaving an empty husk that barely has any emotions. Libby explains to Molly that she is now a ¨wraith¨ and she would remain as such as long as her spirit doesn't return to her body. Since Molly is now a ¨ghost¨, she can go to the Ghost World now. Quickly, Geoff and her go to the spectral realm while Libby stays to keep an eye on Molly's husk until they return with Scratch.
In this episode we get a better insight of what it was established in previous episodes: the Ghost World lives in misery and joy itself is seen a some type of poison. As Geoff puts it ¨joy is not allowed¨. The Chairman feeds off from the misery he causes to humans and ghosts. He keeps his position of power by keeping the Ghost World as miserable as possible and tries to get rid of anything that radiates joy.
This brings a lot of problems to Molly since her spirit is full of joy energy. Almost everything she touches turns into joy like changing its shape and getting flowers growing around them. The visuals of Molly's powers are pretty cool. It's fun to see the contrast between the more cold colors from the Ghost World and how Molly accidentally changes it wherever she goes.
It's worth of mentioning Geoff's role in this episode: He guides Molly through the ghost realm, helps her with avoding Jinx and the sobgoblins and, when they are cornered, he uses the sobgoblins as nunchucks to fight the rest, giving time for Molly to escape. Throughout all this, Geoff acts seriously since he knows that Scratch is in danger. He is willing to defy the Ghost Council's authority to protect his friend, showing how loyal he is.
While this is happening, the trial takes place. There is a sequence of ghosts from previous episodes getting interviewed like Sonia, Harriet and the doctor from ¨Scaring is Caring¨. It's a clever way to bring back all these characters and showing the consequences of it when it comes to Scratch not being able to hide his actions anymore.
Just before Scratch is about to send to the Flow of Failed Phantoms, Molly shows up. Scratch begs for Molly to leave but she pushes and calls out to the Ghost Council for saying that they shouldn't throw Scratch to the Flow only because he happens to do things differently from them. Keep in mind that Molly is a teen girl who turned herself into a ghost and went throught the Ghost World because she wanted to save her friend. Despite fully understanding what is happening, she is willing to do anything to help Scratch. She isn't only positive but a very brave girl to stand up against someone like the ghost rulers.
Jinx shows up and throws Geoff to the Flow for helping Molly and Scratch and calls Molly a ¨menace¨ for her joy powers. This leads to Scratch to talk about how Molly thinks it is better to be nice and help others to make the world a better place and, in a rare genuine moment, he admits that Molly is right for doing all those things. Scratch admits out loud that Molly is his friend and ¨he doesn't care who knows it¨. This speech is the culmination of the development Scratch got in this season so far. He finally stands up against the Ghost Council, who spent this entire season (and years) abusing and treating Scratch as worthless. He gains the courage to speak up against those who have been pushing him down for years and being honest about who he really is.
As result of their defiance, Molly and Scratch are send both to the Flow of Failed Phantoms. They try holding on for a few seconds and right before they are sucked in, Scratch grabs Molly's hand and tells her that ¨You were the highlight of my afterlife¨. This line holds a lot of emotional weight to it, because before meeting Molly and the rest of the Mcgees, Scratch felt very alone and miserable. This started to change when the Mcgees moved in and over time became a family to him. Molly inspired Scratch to open up to others again and for him to ¨feel alive¨ again.
After they get sucked into the Flow for some moments it appears that's the end of it until some sparks of joy energy appear in the Flow: It turns out that by throwing Molly into the flow, that made it change because of her joy powers. All the ghosts that were trapped in the flow get freed while Molly gives a speech about how ¨joy is more powerful than misery¨ and explodes the flow surrounding herself and Scratch with joy energy. Molly approaches the Chairman, defying him, she touches him and the Chairman suddenly is taken over by Molly's energy and he disintegrates, only leaving the robe behind.
Geoff appears and hugs both Molly and Scratch. Molly says that she is leaving with Scratch and threatens the Ghost Council and Jinx if ¨they have a problem with that¨. Scared by her power, they answer that they can leave without any problem, letting Molly and Scratch return safely to their home in the human world.
Back in the Mcgees house Molly returns to her human body and the Mcgee family celebrates Scratch coming back to home. Scratch talks about how Molly defeated the Chairman, exaggerating some parts of it. Then he tries putting a curse on the Mcgee family, a callback to the first time he met Molly, and stops in the middle, clearly indicating that it was a joke. The episode ends with Scratch talking about eating something while the rest of the Mcgee family is smiling at him.
In conclusion: While feeling rushed in some ways because it has many things going on, ¨Molly vs The Ghost World¨ is a great emotional conclusion for Scratch's conflict with the Ghost Council and Season 1 as a whole. In spite of its writing being slightly inferior to the one of ¨Out of House and Home/ Home Is Where The Haunt Is¨ it is still a good double part episode with great visuals, some shocking twists and cathartic character moments, specially for Scratch.
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thelowerdecker · 8 months
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Just finished Series 1 of Molly McGee and Sweet Baby Corn! That finale was just awesome! Molly was really badass during the final confrontation! ♥️👻
Tomorrow, it’s onto Series 2, I will be done with it by Sunday, the plan is to watch the Series 2 Finale in Sunday when it’s available on Disney+. I definitely felt I judged the show a bit too harshly in the past, I am absolutely loving it, almost not wanting to end..
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ankle-beez · 8 months
interesting that molly mcgee had both an extremely rushed, weird plot-focused finale with barely any breathing room to wrap up all the plot threads set up over the season and an incredible character-focused finale with slow, methodical pacing to properly deliver the devastating, bittersweet conclusion to what the entire series was building up towards
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chill4234 · 8 months
I’m so annoyed right now
Watching TGAMM, found a website that has EVERY EPISODE for free. Cool, right?
It’s missing welcome to necronomi-con.
Which, based on the episode description, it seems like it would be pretty important, especially for Ollie’s character arc and the Chen family as a whole. But I haven’t seen it! I got up to Jinx vs. the human world wondering when Ollie’s character arc is gonna be wrapped up, Frightmare on Main Street was building the Chen family up as these big, exciting antagonists and I spent SO LONG wondering when they were gonna give narrative pay off. Turns out I just missed it! I missed the payoff to one of my favourite plotlines of season 2! I missed it.
Ugh. Can someone please DM me a link.
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weirdkev27 · 8 months
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candydos · 8 months
Jinx vs the Human World
https://mega.nz/file/AfxwGYoY#M9Z628D8DLgeB69BwYRuLjGWOkuxinWRxKQMy-ywafE (edit: this is the new link!)
The End (Series Finale)
Support the official release on the Disney YT channel! : https://youtu.be/zbl6c8WlCZ0?si=IQqyK8bQKkY9qyLw
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car9723-t · 8 months
After watching TGaMM finales, I came up with some ways to imagine post-canon materials or something to fill gaps. Some ideas being...
Ollie learned about Wraith when he became one because the Chairman's lobe chose him. Months later after becoming the next Chairman of the Ghost World, he couldn’t even recognize his body when he visited Brighton in needs of refreshing his knowledge about the human world (an adaptation of canceled S3 plots)
As Todd Mortenson, while Scratch couldn’t remember his life as a wraith, he occasionally found he memorized names like Molly and vocabularies like Enhappify. Having a longer time with Molly than others he met on the street triggered it. Being curious about it, he's willing to learn about her better (thus giving a stronger motivation to revisit Brighton someday)
While I'm not sure what I can do, Ghost Council needs an alternative candidate for their leader. Even when I made adaptation of S3 materials, we still see Ollie as a human in The End, meaning we still have room to imagine an ideal leader of Ghost World
Without Scratch as a ghost, we can imagine what they can do with a Ghost Shark, too. It also goes to Jinx(trapped in a Ghost Canister) and her followers(if had any on Ghost World besides Sobgoblins)
I think losing the Flow of Failed Phantoms means they got many things to solve in Ghost World. Remember Frightmares and Lord Doom they had to deal with? You can think of problems to solve without Scratch's presence as a ghost
Plus, after Jinx Vs. the Human World occurred, would it affect other humans in Brighton? Like changing perceptions about ghosts or such
Of course, you can do something out of humans too. Andrea, Libby'a Dad, Bizmart, teachers, you name it. You got rights to develop underused characters freely!
I found there are some rooms to imagine post-canon materials, or even something between Jinx Vs. the Human World and The End. It would be great if some people were exploring what they could do further.
Imagine one, and develop one as much as you want! Even though TGaMM is done, probably for good, we still can do something out of it. Some fanfics I encountered on Tumber are good proofs of it!
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untitled-gem · 1 year
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cartoon protagonist thing i drew for like every show ive watched (excl. adult cartoons. b&p and centaurworld are there bc theyre YA) ((also some of these i havent seen ALL episodes of some of these but i do plan to someday)
also i know that some characters are bigger than others in this but its just like a collage thing so i guess its alright (i suck at proportions and stuff man im sorry)
i totally could have added more but yeah
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beeclops · 8 months
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numbuh-1507 · 1 year
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Here we go again...
Courtesy of Danny Antonucci Admirer (eatmyspum) on Twitter. He's basically like Spumdonor, but since Antonucci isn't a predator like Kricfalusi (as far as I know), he hasn't been discredited for his opinions on modern western animation.
But seriously, what happened to the sardonic and unsmiling girls from yesteryear? Mandy, Gaz Membrane, Lucy Van Pelt, Helga Pataki (to an extent) and whatnot? This "happy-go-lucky female protagonist" is already getting tiring, but I guess not for you tumblr people.
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flower-boi16 · 8 months
Jinx Vs The Human World & The End: The PERFECT Ending To a Good Show
So...recently, I just watched the finale to The Ghost and Molly Mcgee on TV. If you didn't see my review of The Ghost and Molly Mcgee, I quite like this show. It's not amazing or anything, but it's certainly a good show that I'd recommend you watch. When I went to watch these episodes I didn't expect much; just a fun duo of episodes with some heartwarming moments in them. Instead...the finale was AMAZING. I'm not exaggerating when I say that TGAMM has one of the best finales of any Disney cartoon in recent years. It perfectly caps off the show and gives a satisfying if bittersweet finale to these characters.
In this post I'm just going to go through my thoughts on both of these episodes and why I like them. Also, this post WILL contain spoilers for the entire finale, so, ya, you've been warned. But enough stalling, let's finally begin...
1. Jinx Vs The Human World
So Jinx Vs The Human World is...pretty good. Basically, the plot is that Jinx takes over the chairman's robe after Scratch leaves it on a robot to replace him and chaos ensues. I do like Jinx as a villain here; she's pretty entertaining and is also a threatening and competent antagonist, with her being able to capture Molly and drain her joy to get her sobgoblins to get stronger and attack the living world.
We also finally get a resolution to the chens plotline here; basically, it turns out that Geof was the one who scared Ruben as a kid, buuuut Geof didn't exactly mean to scare him and was just sneezing because of the dust. This is a...perfectly fine resolution to the Chens plotline, and I do like them helping in the final battle against Jinx. Speaking of that final battle, it was done pretty well; Scratch comes with an idea for how to beat Jinx, that being to think about things that bring them joy so the sobgoblins could over eat and explode.
And after that Jinx is trapped in a ghost container thanks to June and Darryl and the episode ends with Scratch giving up his chairman status due to realizing he isn't exactly a good leader and puts a curse that the rob shall choose who is worthy of being the next chairman.
The songs in the episode were also pretty good; I really like Back to Misery in particular, though Give Em' Joy was also a nice song. So overall, Jinx vs The Human World is a pretty good episode, Jinx is a nice antagonist, the resolution to the Chens plotline was solid, the songs were great and the final battle was done very well. I'd say it's an 8/10 episode, it's pretty solid. The episode would have been better as a 44-minute special though, as the pacing was kinda messy. Now...time to get to the final episode of the series, and...hoo boy, this final episode...it was PERFECT.
2. The End
I'm just going to say it; The End is my favorite episode of the whole show, hands down. I didn't expect the finale to this silly little show to be this good, but it was, and wow, this is one of the best finales in any Disney cartoon I've seen. I don't really know where to begin with this episode, so I'll just get straight to the point; basically after possessing Todd for 2 seconds Scratch gets a vision about his life, and Darryl tells finds Adia on the internet (she was blowing up on click clock), and after he and Molly contact Adia online, a revelation gets dropped; Scratch isn't a ghost, he's a Wraith, and he's Todd's wraith, meaning he isn't actually dead.
This episode basically cemented Scratch as my favorite character here. We get the song Maybe Next Time, a heartbreaking song about how Scratch wasted his life. Instead of adventuring with Adia, he stayed at home and never lived his life, because he played it safe. He was too afraid of taking risks and dying, but because of how afraid he was, he never lived his life to the fullest, he kept on closing himself off, until one day...he just gave up his ghost.
And he kept playing it safe as a ghost, closing himself off because he was still afraid. It's a heartbreaking story about somebody who wasted his whole life because he was afraid of taking risks and chose to just play it safe instead. But...that's not how the story ends.
We get the scene where Molly talks with Scratch outside of Todd's house, and it's the best scene in the whole episode. In the scene Scratch wonders what his life would've been like if he didn't constantly play it safe; if ever decided to take risks and join Adia. And Molly goes and encourages him, saying he could go back to his body and live out his life. Scratch still tries to play it safe, but Molly stops him, saying that Scratch is still playing things safe, how he's still afraid.
Scratch admits this, and says that Molly should be afraid too, since he could forget his whole afterlife when he goes back to the living, and how risky it is. But Molly keeps encouraging him, saying that risks are what make life worth living. She then says how Scratch didn't stop playing things safe as a ghost, and how he shut himself away from others, but now, he's grown; Scratch was able to make real friends, he stopped shutting himself away from everyone, and she encourages him to live out his life. The two hug, and, when Scratch goes to the house, he says that he's sorry if he forgets her, but Molly says that although Scratch may forget her, she'll never forget him. And so, Scratch rings the doorbell, Todd comes out as he looks outside and sees Molly, and Scratch goes back into his OG body, giving one last smile to Molly, as Molly smiles back.
This scene was PHENOMENAL. It officially made Scratch into my favorite character and was a fantastic ending to his character; Somebody who never spent his life and always played it safe, who fell into a depression due to wasting his life and closing himself off from others, but then is able to make friends and goes to spend his life to the fullest, finally deciding to join Adia and adventure with her just like how they wanted to as kids, and the credits even show him reuniting with her. Although Scratch's memories are gone, (or they probably are? I dunno, the show is pretty ambiguous with if Scratch's memories have fully disappeared but ehhh) his growth isn't, if that makes any sense.
He learns to live his life and to no longer just play things safe, taking risks, because as Molly said, risks are what makes life worth living for after all. It's not just a great way to cap off Scratch's character, it gives a beautiful and mature message; you shouldn't just play things safe, you spend your life to the fullest, take risks, adventure out, live your life, it may be risky, but that's what makes life worth living for.
It's a bittersweet but beautiful ending to the show and this character, and THAT'S why The End is my favorite episode of the show. 10/10
(Only real gripe is that I would have LOVED a final song at the end of the episode, aside from that though, its still amazing)
3. Conclusion
While I don't think The Ghost and Molly Mcgee is some kind of masterpiece (I'd say it's like, a 7.5/10) It's a pretty good show and I'd recommend you watch it. The characters are solid, the animation looks nice, it's funny (occasional usage of toilet humor notwithstanding) and the songs are pretty good. Season 2 is honestly better than Season 1 imo, the songs are better, the episodes are better, there's more development and interesting plotlines, and the finale was fantastic.
TGAMM's Finale is a perfect ending to the show, it ends all the show's plotlines in a neat and satisfying way. One of the best finales to any Disney cartoon I've seen, not on the same level as GF or TOH's finales, but still fantastic.
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tgammsideblog · 9 months
Tgamm Season 2 finale trailer!
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kingpagie · 8 months
Here to speak my truth. Jinx Vs. The Human World was ass. It was pure, unmitigated ass. It fucking sucked. I'm so unbelievably happy that it was not the finale. The End was such a heartfelt episode and had such a better message than "DUUUURRRRR FRIENSHIP!"
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sonicfan123mania · 10 months
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Molly McGee from The Ghost And Molly McGee
In the style of Scott Pilgrim!
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plagues-and-poisons · 8 months
anyways watch the ghost and Molly McGee
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weirdkev27 · 8 months
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