#Mondasian Cybermen
themuskrater · 2 years
The Cybermen are scariest when they're not indestructible, shiny robots. The Mondasian Cyberman gets the body horror right. They look like humans who've been chopped up, sewn back together, and poorly stuffed into this suit. And the fact that they look so frail and can be damaged, but still don't react to pain is horrifying. I love that. Less robot, more zombie
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mw-draws · 1 month
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jaydee3779 · 10 months
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Here's a 1960s Mondasian Cyberman from Doctor Who lurking in the blizzard. [if i don't post any more dr. who fanart this year, Happy 60th doccy who :)]
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doctorfriend79 · 6 months
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🎵 On the first day of Christmas the Doctor gave to me, the TARDIS flying through the Time Vortex… 🎵
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🎵 On the second day of Christmas the Doctor gave to me, two companions laughing… 🎵
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🎵 On the third day of Christmas the Doctor gave to me, three Mondasian Cybermen… 🎵
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spockvarietyhour · 9 months
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lol it would have been a good "wonder who this hooded medical figures and their future-iv carts are" moment if both the tv and printed ads didn't tell us they were mondasian cybermen....
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These are the only cybermen in mu head-canon
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Come to Mondas and you will have no need of emotions. You will become like us.
still a work in progress, if I don't post another render of this again it means I gave up on it difgjnuhdijfnghdijfg
the messed up parts of the mesh come from the sloppy way I attached everything to the base model, I'll try to find a way to fix it if I can but if not I think it kinda adds to it
Base Rig/Model by RenderPeople
Textures from BlenderKit
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cleowho · 2 years
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“Well, how can we do that, boy?”
The Tenth Planet - season 04 - 1966
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theotherjojo · 1 year
So, I like the Cybermen and perhaps you do too. I also like the song "House Of The Rising Sun" by The Animals and perhaps you do too. So I think it was a rational conclusion to combine the two in an act against all laws of nature.
Using synths, bass and the power of the Cyber Mainframe I have put this together. Hope you enjoy.
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thetatutraveler · 11 months
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The heartless cyberman, the mindless mistress, the coward dalek and the homeless human looking for what they're missing
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year
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Dr Who: The Tenth Planet
This four part serial was set in 1986, which was 20 years in the future for Ben, Polly and the original audience. That’s 36 years in the past from when I watched it, on 31 December 2022. I watched the version with the animated part 4. That animation is pretty good.
The space race was in full swing when this was made, but still a couple of years to go before the first lunar landing. Having an international space command with regular rocket flights would have been pretty cool back in 1966. While there are a helluva lot of men, at least they are not all white. The girlie pics are a bit of a surprise for a family show, but they aren’t on screen for long. There’s a lot in this story before the Cybermen and Mondas turn up. Add to them and the existing tension, nuclear war was as real a threat as it is now (and it is, still, now a credible threat). 
This serial races along at a decent pace. Like the War Machines, it lays out a fair few tropes that have become familiar to Dr Who fans over the decades. Beyond the Cybermen, and regeneration (which would have been wild back in 1966; wilder yet to think of it as bigger than “event TV” now), there’s the ideas of scientists being generally better than military personnel, and base-under-siege stories. 
I tend to think of Cybermen as a chilling idea that are never quite realised as such, except that they do kinda work in this story. Watching the series in order shows them as a different type of monster. Their voices are unsettling because of the way the usual cadence of speech are disrupted. They are also remorseless with their logic, as flawed as it is. The Doctor works it out and uses it against them.
If there is a problem with this serial, it’s the minimal input from the Doctor, Ben and Polly on events as they unfold. The Doctor is poorly throughout much of the tale, Ben gets knocked out, and Polly is sidelined. On the whole, though, I enjoyed it.
Salut, Bill. Salut, 2022.
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sacha-da-1 · 2 years
60s era Cybermen my beloved
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doctorwhoisadhd · 22 days
i vastly prefer how moffat does callbacks to RTD and chibnall, with the latter two its stuff like bringing back old companions that can feel like too much — cause like, if you do that too much it starts to feel less special, you know? and like its often things that are just. put in sort of randomly. torchwood mentions in s2, naming people after rose, etc. with moffat his callbacks are more. i would honestly call them less callbacks and more just worldbuilding — villengard, the return of the anglican priests, etc. it just feels more natural to me! picking loose threads back up rather than returning back to the same old characters and references
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hollowbonex · 28 days
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doctorfriend79 · 1 year
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"Telos! Sealed you into your ice tombs! Voga! Canary Wharf! Planet 14! Every single time, you lose. Even on the Moon."
The Doctor Falls
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thelowerdecker · 1 year
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A little thing I just made! :-) 
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