#Monica Rowley
bookswithjulia · 1 year
Watch me talk terribly about books again |bad book reviews part 8|
Another video (i kept forgetting to post lol)
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sugarywishes · 8 months
Remember Monica? The oc sister of Gregory? I have a few ideas for her, Also, how would she interact with Cassie?
Yes I do! She is very much still an active part of my AU, she's just getting redesigned at the moment lol
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(Sorry for changing her looks, her original design was too 'edgy' and 'cool' considering her backstory and personality lmao, had to give her a more loser vibe) if anyone wishes to help pick a design then reblog with your answers!!
As for the Cassie section, there are two ways it goes
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So, considering that in my AU, Gregory presumably met Cassie while he was still a runaway orphan (IN UTAH NONETHELESS) Monica would've never met Cassie (if Cassie stayed in Utah anyway, which she didn't...later on lmao) and once they do meet, Monica was initially confused as to where this little girl came from and why she's talking about her brother (again, Monica thought he died, and once he did come back she just thought he stayed hidden for years)
I think it would be super funny if they did end up befriending each other eventually, think of it as a 'substitute' (bootleg) Roxy and Cassie, I guess (or maybe just, Cadence and Twilight from MLP kind of friendship 😭)
As for version 2 (for another...potentially work in progress AU with the Casas family, I know I said PBTA was the only universe they existed in but I wanna branch out...maybe) (Basically in this AU, no one died, but that doesn't mean everything turnt out good...especially for one, aged Evan Afton 👀)
Monica would've likely become the Roderick to Gregory's...Greg and Cassie's Rowley, annoying and messing with her brother (and his only friend at the time) all the way
(worth mentioning that in the 2nd doodle they're meant to be 6 years younger, 6 y/o Cassie and Greg and 10 y/o Monica)
I must clarify that she isn't a straight up bully/abuser like younger Michael was, she has limits she wouldn't cross no matter how much her friends would egg her on, she and Cassie do get along to an extent! Monica also kinda counts as the Buford (from Phineas and Ferb) since she's the 'mean character' who sometimes tags along on the adventures, so she probably got invited to a few play dates with Cassie and her brother sometimes (tea parties, video games, etc)
But regardless, I'll keep my ideas to myself for the meanwhile, this is still a work in progress AU, and I've got lots more coming ! (Hopefully maybe sorta I dunno :( )
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digihindnews · 1 year
Rihanna Net Worth: How She Made 1.4 Billion Net Worth In 2023?
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Rihanna's birthday is February 20th, and she was born in Saint Michael, Barbados. The full form of her name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty. American record producer Evan Rogen discovered Rihanna and brought her to the United States to make demo recordings. She sings pop music and is popular with listeners around the globe. She is one of the most popular pop singers of this era but she is known not only for her singing but also for social work.
How Much is Rihanna's Net Worth?
Rihanna's net worth in 2023 is $1.4 billion, making her the wealthiest female musician and one of the world's wealthiest singers. She is also the youngest self-made millionaire woman in her country. For those who adore the international pop star, Rihanna, this is very special news. That singer, Rihanna, had actually surpassed all other women in the music industry in terms of wealth. In a recent issue, Forbes magazine revealed that Rihanna has a net worth of $1.4 billion. Rihanna is also a global celebrity with a large number of online fans because of her extensive use of social media.
Early Life Of Rihanna
Rihanna was born to Monica Braithwaite (of Barbados) and Ronald Fenty (of Ireland), and she has two full brothers and three half brothers from both of their father's ancestors. After finishing primary school at Charles F. Broome School, she moved on to Comber mere High School, where in 2004 she won both the school's talent competition and beauty pageant. Rihanna's parents split up when she was 14 years old.
Career Of Rihanna
Growing up praising artists like Madonna, Bob Marley, and Janet Jackson, Rihanna made a splash when she released her first two albums, 2005's Music of the Sun and 2006's A Girl Like Me. Both of these albums took the Billboard 200 by storm, and their Caribbean-inspired sounds can be heard throughout the top ten. https://twitter.com/AppleMusic/status/1624498766072975361 After this, in 2007, Rihanna's album "Good Girl Gone Bad" became an international phenomenon. It was Rihanna's one and only umbrella that won her her first Grammy. For eleven weeks in a row, Umbrella topped the UK Singles Chart. The success of her 2009 single, Russian Rowley, propelled her to number two on the list of the 100 Hottest Female Artists of the 2000s. If You Are Interested In This Post: - Noah Syndergaard Ex-Girlfriend: Height, Age, Weight, And Everything You Need To Know - Raquel Leviss Net Worth: When Did Raquel Leviss Join ‘Vanderpump Rules’? Awards And Records Of Rihanna Rihanna has amassed a total of Eight Grammys and Fourteen Billboard Music Awards in just a few short years as a professional musician. The 14 singles released by Rihanna at once broke the record for the fastest ascent to the top of the Billboard Hot 100. Rihanna has sold 54 million albums and 210 million singles around the world. Rihanna's success on the international concert circuit remains unabated. She's the first performer in history to sell out the London Arena 10 times. Follow us on Twitter to check out our latest updates on our social media pages. Read the full article
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yespoetry · 7 years
Monica Rowley: #NotTrump Series
Some Advantages of a Nervous Breakdown When The Nation State is Turning Corporate Feudal in Front of Your Eyes and the Debate is Now Kleptocracy or Kakistocracy or Both
                                                “I have lived in important places, times
                                                When great events were decided…
                                                     Till Homer’s ghost came whispering to my mind.
                                                He said: I made the Iliad from such
                                                A local row. Gods make their own importance.”
                                                                                     Patrick Kavanagh
See you in the holes of America. Poetry must be written.
But also be sure to read the writing on the red hats
the death of THE NATION STATE, which let’s face it:
good for the imperialists and colonizers and the rich, but the rest of the world
You can write with abandon.  You can fuck meter.  You can sit your fat ass prepositions all over the white space of this page because covering the white is turning out to be preferable and maybe even necessary. 
Eat hallucinogens. 
Epic poetry is now back in — you’ll need your imagination. 
The Poets must be verbose now. The current leader, the spearhead of this 9-5 serfdom, is winning brevity with his 140 character ruling decrees. 
Terseness is something to leave behind. 
(A lot of my male friends will not like this stance,  but you and I both know those men that object
still resist a female lead; and you’ll take this longwinded bitch
in a foxhole over their sparse verse any day—
well not any day— actually not most days, 
but you will on the day the shit hits the fan). 
I am one shitty poet,  but turns out I am also a good-ole-fashioned,  write-that-new-Amendment,  type of suffragist,
civil rights teacher-reader
poet of a patriot.
Seems politics are starting to loop back around to needing my type of poetry. 
I am with you in the holes of America.  I read too much history.  I have too many facts
to not WARN you, 
that this time—  actually— it is different. 
Things won’t really ever be the same again:
And I, for one, blame it on white women
who cared more about marriage than democracy.
 November 9, 2016: Some Thoughts For My Students and My Niece Annabelle
Today your mother, my sister, texted me.  Your mother told us, all six of her siblings,  when you woke to hear the news:
Hillary lost, Trump was King,  you cried your eyes out, and she told us when she assured you it would change in four years, you asked if you would live to be seventeen. 
My beloved sophomores, so bright and young and new, I am sorry I missed our classes today. 
You see, I have been waiting for a woman president all my life. 
My mother likes to tell the tale of my first feminist moment:
riding in the back of a brown-paneled station wagon,  I argued with a minister’s son,  I was all of five. 
I told him God didn’t have to be a man.  My mom recalls I then yelled up to her for support. She said, she hadn’t 
really thought of it until then. There are more stories of how 
I got to be waiting for a woman to be president all my life. 
Suffice it to say, I thought it would happen this time. So, on Tuesday, at five p.m.,  I let work know 
I would not be in on Wednesday.  Surely, I would be too hung over from shots of whiskey victory. I wasn’t.  
The sexual assailant won,  not the woman with thirty years experience. 
I was not hung over from booze,  but I was battered in grief. 
I am so sorry to all of my Muslim students, friends,  and their families. I thought, 
knowing the Know-Nothings and Nativists the way I do, that history 
could not repeat itself again. I, being raised Catholic and part of an Irish clan, 
assumed we were past those days when we elected the first non-Wasp man. 
I am sorry I did not know better.  I am sorry I believed in everyone so much.  I really should have guessed this.  I mean, that Catholic president, was shot in Dallas dead, cold, assassinated and such. 
I know most of my black friends, co-workers,  and past lovers aren’t shocked. I was so sure this moment, 
the suffragists’ moment was coming,  I did not want to listen to your worry about this Tuesday— your doubt and anger. 
I assumed there simply was no way the evening’s winner would be
endorsed by the KKK.
My naivety and privilege let me think this could never be true; it was as if I believed
my own experience was the thing that would drive voting that day and I am so sorry I did not listen to you. 
I want to speak to all the victims of sexual assault. 
Yet again, you are not believed and we had another lesson in how rape culture is taught. 
I wish this were not the case,  what will it take for people to believe that powerful men do rape? 
I think about all the workers in Nevada, the Latinx hotel employees I do not know.  You showed up in numbers and turned
that swing state blue. 
We all should have followed your warning, you know Trump all too well— You work in his establishments and cannot
unionize in his hell.
I have a sad message to the Syrian children hoping to come here. 
We elected a man who is scared of you,  and I regret to say, there is no chance you will be allowed in. 
I suspect almost all of the indigenous people fighting for water could say how they knew this was coming, if I really think about it,  quite frankly, this is nothing new:  de rigueur actions from Americans’ politics and politicians, even Obama is slow in helping you.
This bigoted assailant will now try to regulate love, and who can marry whom; but don’t worry too much:  we all can go buy guns. 
Dear would-be Madam President, I apologize to you.  I’m sorry you won the popular vote but not the electoral too. 
I apologize to all my white friends who warned me that Trump could be our fate. 
I argued with your profusely, I did not take your stance. 
If you knew this was the outcome, why did you do nothing to stop it?
(I wonder how you cast your ballot, which of them are you)
To all the American white people.  I hope you don’t rule again for years.
But, I am mostly sorry to my sophomores, so sorry I did not make it to school November 9th.
I did not come to let you know it would be okay.  I’m not one for lying to children anyway.
I am sorry I was missing.  I will be there tomorrow. 
We will read Tagore and Yeats. 
Will you please forgive me? 
I am still crying, as ridiculous as that might be, and although an adult, it feels like I am still riding in the back of that station wagon on my way to preschool
very unsure about the rules of this world
and wondering when women will have their shot.
Okay, Annabelle, my tenth graders? 
I leave it now to you.
Monica Rowley teaches amazing high school students in Brooklyn, noting that they are far better than she is at trigonometry and pentameter. She loves sharks and tigers, Gilgamesh, and Ramprasad Sen's poetry to the Goddess Kali. She is the oldest of seven, and her siblings are her best friends. She considers this turn of sibling luck the best fortune she could have.  Monica has been the recipient of several grants and awards, including one from the National Endowment for the Humanities. If you would like to read more of her poems, check them out on Brooklyn Poets’ The Bridge or in the upcoming issue of the Irish literary journal, The Ogham Stone.
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daily-front-row · 3 years
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How We Survived 2020: Watch Fashion Industry Leaders Cynthia Rowley, Monica Rose, Melissa Davis and Tracy Margolies Discuss Success In A Challenging Year - Daily Front Row https://bit.ly/3kjqbQW
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beaumontrpg · 5 years
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The following characters have been accepted to Beaumont! Please go over the checklist, and send in your account in under 24 hours. We welcome you home, to Beaumont.
Vera Malone [Emmy Rossum] played by angie
Audrey Cartwright [Rosamund Pike] played by neely
Luca Grier [Grant Gustin] played by jo
Warren Richardson [Chris Evans] played by nikki
Theodore Sanderson [Jamie Dornan] played by mads
Nicolas Rowley [Joel McHale] played by lance
VERA MALONE is a 28 year old from BOULDER, COLORADO, living in Beaumont for the past 2 MONTHS. SHE is a MORTICIAN and in her downtime loves BAKING and GOING ON RUNS. She looks an awful lot like EMMY ROSSUM. (ooc: angie, 22, she/her, est, *terence woods wanted connection)
AUDREY CARTWRIGHT is a 38 year old from NEW YORK CITY, living in Beaumont for the past 5 YEARS. SHE is a WRITER and in her downtime loves SKETCHING and PLAYING PIANO. She looks an awful lot like ROSAMUND PIKE. (ooc: neely, 23, she/her, gmt +10)
LUCA GRIER is a 25 year old from SANTA MONICA, CA, living in Beaumont for the past 5 YEARS. HE is a NURSE and in his downtime loves COOKING FOR HIS DAUGHTER and RUNNING. He looks an awful lot like GRANT GUSTIN. (ooc: jo, 27, she/her, pst)
WARREN RICHARDSON is a 33 year old from Charleston, SC, living in Beaumont for the past FIVE YEARS. HE is a BAR MANAGER and in his downtime loves READING and (STARTING) WRITING PROJECTS. He looks an awful lot like CHRIS EVANS. (ooc: nikki, 22, she/her, central)
THEODORE SANDERSON is a 33 year old from SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, living in Beaumont for the past 3 WEEKS. HE is a BUSINESS OWNER and in his downtime loves WOOD WORKING and FIXING HIS BOAT. He looks an awful lot like JAMIE DORNAN. (ooc: mads, 20, she/her, est)
NICOLAS ROWLEY is a 42 year old from NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, living in Beaumont for the past 2 MONTHS. HE is a FICTION WRITER and in his downtime loves GARDENING and SONGWRITING. He looks an awful lot like JOEL MCHALE. (ooc: lance, 21+, he/him/his, gmt +8) [ wanted connection for Terence Woods ]
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The best things to do in Malibu, California!  Discover the most picturesque beaches, celebrity hot spots, and natural hidden gems.
When you want to escape the hustle and noise of Los Angeles, head up the Pacific Coast Highway to explore the spectacular cliffside shoreline of Malibu, California.
It’s hard to believe this laid-back coastal town is only 40 minutes away from the big city lights of LA.
Malibu might be most famous for being the place that many celebrities call home. It is an exclusive town with a lot of privacy hedges and million-dollar homes nestled on the Pacific Ocean.
If you’re lucky, you might even run into a celebrity as you explore the city.
Nicknamed “the ‘Bu” by surfers and locals, Malibu residents will boast that they have “21 miles of scenic coastal beauty” for all to enjoy.
This photogenic coastline is loaded with little nooks of pocket beaches that will dazzle your senses. The climate is consistently comfortable and usually stays between 76 F and 49 F degrees year-round which makes it perfect for beach time.
These are our picks for the best things to do in Malibu, whether you’re visiting for the first time or you’re a local.
Head to the Beach
Zuma Beach
Zuma Beach is one of the largest (1.8 miles) and most popular beaches in Los Angeles County known for having long, wide sandy areas and excellent surf.
If you plan on taking a swim, know that the water here tends to be a little cooler than the other Malibu beaches.
You’ll be comfortable at the family-friendly Zuma Beach with easy access to restrooms, two food concession areas located on each end of the beach, and eight parking lots with 2000 parking spaces to accommodate the crowds.
One of the best things about Zuma Beach is that they have beach wheelchairs available for beach enthusiasts who may need additional assistance enjoying the sandy shores.
Surfrider Beach
Surfrider Beach takes up about a mile of California coastline and is a little less than an acre of land. This beach has some of the best surfing and swimming in Malibu and was made popular by surfing movies of the 1950s and 1960s.
The beach is also part of the Malibus Lagoon State Beach area which houses an estuary for over 200 species of native and migrating birds. So if you’re a fan of birdwatching, this is one of the best places to visit in Malibu after you’re done with the beach.
Just note that the swimming areas at Surfrider Beach are limited and there are only 90 parking spaces available so it can get a bit crowded in the summer months.
Point Dume State Beach
The features of Point Dume State Beach are likely what you picture when you dream of those gorgeous panoramic cliffside views in Malibu. This beach has it all – cliffs, rocky coves, tide pools, and large sandy areas.
If you drive to the end of Westward Beach Road, you’ll find yourself on a cul-de-sac which is the access point to the Point Dume Nature Preserve. On a clear day, you may even be able to see out to Catalina Island in the distance.
TIP: If you are visiting between December and mid-April, be sure to hike up to one of the Malibu cliff sides to watch for the California gray whales during their migration season.
El Matador Beach
Get ready to be in awe of the caves, sea stacks, and arches that make this area a very popular Malibu spot to take photos.
Robert H. Meyer Memorial State Beach is made of a few smaller pocket-beaches along the west end of Malibu. As you drive down the Pacific Coast Highway, you will see clearly marked signs naming: El Pescador, La Piedra, and El Matador.
You don’t want to miss El Matador Beach. It’s a popular Malibu spot and one of the best places to watch the sunset in town.
Paradise Cove Beach
Paradise Cove is a public beach that is located in front of the locally owned, Paradise Cove Beach Café. Be sure to make a pit stop at this family-owned gem to enjoy the best beachside dining in Malibu.
This cool café gives off the ultimate Southern California beachy vibe with all of the wooden Adirondack chairs, palm trees, and thatched umbrellas. You might even recognize the building once you arrive, it has been featured in many beach scenes in Hollywood movies.
Enjoy dipping your toes in the Malibu sand while munching on some delicious cinnamon French toast and a BBQ pulled pork benedict, or while sipping one of Bob’s Fresh Fruit Boba Rum Drinks.
TIP: Ask them about their picnic packages for a unique lunch on the sand.
Go Hiking in Solstice Canyon
Solstice Canyon sits inside the picturesque Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and offers several options for hikers at all different fitness levels. This is also a great spot for avid bird-watchers.
Enjoy a beautiful hike on the popular 3.2-mile Solstice Canyon Loop. This trail takes you past a waterfall (although a very small one) and the oldest existing stone building in Malibu.
Another option in Solstice Canyon is the 3.7-mile Escondido Falls Trail. This is a fun hiking trail that takes you through a residential area before opening up into shaded paths and then to a waterfall that may or may not have flowing water depending on the time of year.
Lastly, the Grotto is a cool rocky area along the Santa Monica Mountains that is found at the halfway point of the 3-mile Grotto Trail.
This trailhead is located at the Circle X Ranch Visitor Center in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation area. It has incredible views of Malibu and ends in a spot where you scramble through some boulders to reach the short waterfall and enclosed pool area.
Shop & Eat at Malibu Country Mart
After a long day of hiking and surfing, drive to the best seaside shopping destination in Southern California, the Malibu Country Mart.
This is a prime destination for upscale shopping, dining, celebrity spotting, and spa-life. The Mart is open from 10 am – 7 pm and has plentiful parking.
Grab a tasty and nutritious Acai bowl at SunLife Organics, buy a “California-chic” outfit at M. Fredric or Cynthia Rowley, or grab some sage and crystals at the Malibu Shaman metaphysical store.
For a unique high-end car washing experience, hit up the Malibu Car Wash where you might rub elbows with a local celebrity giving their Ferrari the royal treatment.
Tour the Adamson House Museum
The Adamson House is a gorgeous 1929 Spanish Colonial residence, estate, and gardens area that’s located along the Pacific Coast within the Malibu Lagoon State Beach Park.
Taking a tour of the Adamson House Museum is a great way to learn more about the history of this unique area of California and to get a close-up look at this gorgeous house. The interior still has most of its original furnishings and stunning tile work from the 1930s.
I highly recommend visiting this Malibu attraction during the holidays when you can check out the Adamson House and Pier decked out in vintage style holiday décor. They even have holiday tours led by docents with live holiday music and refreshments.
Learn How to Surf or Standup Paddleboard
If you’re looking for a fun but challenging water activity, one of the best things to do in Malibu is to take surf lessons. Check out the Malibu Surf Coach, they have hour-long lessons starting at $100.
Looking for a more chill way to experience the Pacific Ocean? Standup paddleboarding, otherwise known as SUP, is for you. It’s also one of the best ways to experience the tranquility of the ocean and even see dolphins, whales, or seals up close and personal.
There are some basics that you should read up on, but once you master standing up on your board you will be ready to start exploring. The Malibu Surf Shack offers paddleboard rentals for $45 for two hours.
Enjoy Lunch With a View at the Malibu Pier
Built in 1905, the Malibu Pier is the most recognizable landmark in all of Malibu, California. You will likely recognize its double white towers and long wooden pier from some famous Hollywood films.
This is one Malibu spot that is oddly a favorite of both fishermen and celebrities. To fish, you can rent a rod and grab your tackle at the Ranch at the Pier located at the end of the pier.
Also at the end of the pier, you’ll find the charming Malibu Farm Café. It doesn’t get much cooler than eating a fresh farm-to-table lunch with some of the best views in Malibu.
This counter-service café is typically open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Thursday and on weekends they are open from 8 am to 9 pm.
At the land-end of the pier is another nice dining spot that serves scrumptious seafood, the Malibu Farm Restaurant & Bar. This full-service hot spot is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and is the perfect spot to enjoy the sunset.
TIP: There are a lot of beautiful views to enjoy while dining near the ocean but the breeze can get chilly, so be sure to wear layers and bring a jacket.
Visit the Getty Villa
The Getty Villa is a work of art unto itself and is the “little sister” to the world-famous Getty Center in Los Angeles.
Explore the ancient art exhibits, the stunning architecture of the Getty Villa, and the four gardens that blend Roman architecture and open-air spaces. Admission is free but parking will cost about $20.
Sign up for the 40-minute garden tour that takes you through a unique and very fragrant herb garden. In the garden, you’ll find a variety of fruit trees including pomegranate, apricot, fig, and pear trees as well as familiar herbs such as mint, basil, thyme, and sage.
TIP: If you are looking for unique things to do in Malibu, make a reservation for “Tea by the Sea”. The price is a bit steep at $44 per person, but the delicious tea party and meal inspired by the herbs, vegetables, and fruits that grow in the villa’s garden just steps away makes it a very cool experience.
Tips for Visiting Malibu
Don’t be fooled by bogus “Private Beach” signs posted near Malibu beach trails. Every beach in California is open to the public up to the mean high tide level. What that means is you are legally allowed to be there as long as you don’t venture onto private property. Walking down from an adjacent beach is 100% legal.
There is an App for that. Download the “Our Malibu Beaches” app for planning your Malibu beach excursions. You’ll find insider info, details for parking, tips for finding those secret stairways, and navigating your way around all of the nooks.
Check out the fancy homes of Malibu – If you want to check out some of the most expensive homes in Malibu, head to Broad Beach. Be sure to explore during low tide or you may not have any sand to walk on, as this strip of beach is super narrow.
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How Kate Spade built her billion-dollar empire — and left it
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Handbag designer Kate Spade at her New York showroom in 2000. (Photo: Thomas Iannaccone/Penske Media/Rex/Shutterstock)
The fashion industry is mourning the loss of Kate Spade, one of America’s most beloved designers. On Tuesday morning, the Associated Press reported that Spade was found hanged, an apparent suicide, in her New York City apartment.
Spade was born Katherine Brosnahan in Kansas City, Mo., in 1962. She created her eponymous label in 1993 with her then-boyfriend — who later became her husband — Andy Spade (the brand is a combination of the founders’ names). The two met while at Arizona State University and neither studied fashion.
After graduation, the couple moved to New York City, where Kate started her career as an accessories editor at Condé Nast’s Mademoiselle magazine. Although Spade had an eye for fashion, she did not have a design background. Nevertheless, with a little push from Andy over dinner at a Mexican restaurant, she sought to make her handbag line a success — but it didn’t happen overnight.
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Andy and Kate Spade in 1999. (Photo: Globe Photos/zumapress.com)
“At the time, things were very — bags were too complicated. And I really loved very simple kinds of architectural shapes. And I would wear these very simple shapes, none of which were famous designers. I mean, there were no names. If someone were to say, whose is that? I’d say, I don’t know; I bought it at a vintage store, or it’s a straw bag I got in Mexico,” Spade told Guy Raz in the NPR podcast How I Built This. 
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Kate Spade in 2010. (Photo: Shutterstock)
Kate’s first handbag mockup was famously made of burlap. She took her first few prototypes to a trade show at the Javits Center in New York in 1993 and sold units to Fred Segal in Los Angeles and Barneys New York, arguably two of the most renowned fashion retailers in the nation. But the profits barely covered the costs for the booth. And two years of hustling later, the company still wasn’t turning a profit. 
However, things took a dramatic turn in 1996 after Kate Spade won the prestigious Council of Fashion Designers of America Perry Ellis award that brought international acclaim to the brand. More department stores, such as Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue, started ordering in bulk, which helped the brand out of the red. At the CFDA awards, “there were reporters from around the country, not just New York, at the show. They were saying, you know, oh, my — who is this?” Spade said to Raz in the NPR podcast. “And so that really, really helped us a great deal, I have to say.”
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A wall of Kate Spade bags on display in a London pop-up shop. (Photo: Alamy)
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  Kate Spade with her husband, Andy, left, and David Spade, right, attend the American Fashion Awards in 2001 in New York City. (Photo: Diane Cohen/Getty Images)
Soon after Kate’s CFDA win, her most iconic item, the Sam bag, known for its boxy shape and nylon material, became the “it” accessory of the ’90s. Spade’s decision to sew the inside logo on the exterior of the bag was a move the New York Times said helped create “a brand identity and her empire.”  
“The purses became something of a handshake,” said Wall Street Journal fashion reporter Christina Binkley to Racked. “When two women met and saw they were both holding Kate Spade bags, they’d nod at each other and understand they were on the same page. It was very chic.”
In part, its success can be attributed to Vogue editor in chief Anna Wintour, who featured Spade’s bag in the magazine alongside European labels like Gucci. Celebrities including Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, and Monica Lewinsky became Kate Spade fans.
“Kate Spade had an enviable gift for understanding exactly what women the world over wanted to carry. She launched her label at a time when everyone thought that the definition of a handbag was strictly European, all decades-old serious status and wealth. Then along came this thoroughly American young woman who changed everything,” said Vogue editor in chief and Condé Nast artistic director Anna Wintour in a statement on Vogue.com. 
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Kate Spade with a handbag of her own design in 1998 in New York. (Photo: Thomas Iannaccone/Penske Media/Rex/Shutterstock)
To capitalize on the the company’s popularity, the Kate Spade brand started to grow, and in 1996 the label opened its first store on Thompson Street in Manhattan’s hip SoHo neighborhood. New York was equally important to the brand’s DNA as it was to Spade’s story. The city is where the brand was born, the company bares its name (the full name being Kate Spade New York), and it is where many of Spade’s first and most loyal customers lived.
Fans range widely in age, but to this day, scoring a Kate Spade as a teenager or young adult has largely been considered a rite of passage. “It seems like just yesterday I was running my fingers over the shelves where it was my job to rearrange the iconic nylon box bags,” wrote Stella Bugbee for the Cut. “The simple rectangular totes were a status symbol for chic downtown women at the time, and I sold so many of them, I lost track.”
Kate Spade bags were modestly priced between $150 and $450, making them not only aspirational but attainable. They hung in a sweet spot compared with the brand’s European counterparts. “The name held prestige, but it wasn’t off-putting,” as Robin Givhan told the Washington Post. 
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Isaac Mizrahi and Kate Spade at the ASPCA Bergh Ball, “Tails of Time,” at the Mandarin Oriental in New York City in 2007. (Photo: Brian Ach/WireImage for Chopard)
It was also Spade’s personal quirky sense of style, 1950s-style bouffant hair, and cheerful smile that added a lot of joy to the label. This infectious energy resonated with consumers, with many connecting with her Midwestern roots. Spade brought a vivid color palette, a playful charm, and feminine poise to her designs, making them highly covetable.
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Kate Spade and Michael Kors at the CFDA-hosted preview of “Fashioning Fiction,” at MoMA Queens in New York City in 2004. (Photo: John Calabrese/Penske Media/Rex/Shutterstock)
In 1999, Kate and Andy Spade sold 56 percent of their company’s shares to the Neiman Marcus Group for $34 million. In 2006, Neiman Marcus bought out the rest of the couple’s shares to sell the company to Liz Claiborne (owner of Juicy Couture & Lucky Brand Jeans), which would later change its name to Kate Spade & Co.
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Kate Spade shopping in 2007. (Photo: Billy Farrell/PatrickMcMullan.com)
In 2007, Kate and Andy Spade would officially leave the multimillion-dollar brand they helped create, devoting more time to family and raising their daughter, Frances Beatrix Spade. But Kate’s vision and spirit would continue to drive the brand’s ethos long after her departure. Young, fresh-faced celebrities like Taylor Swift and Millie Bobby Brown carried on the funky aesthetic into the next generation, wearing it on the red carpet and being snapped by paparazzi wearing the brand’s designs.
In 2016, nearly 10 years later, the duo would return to fashion, launching a brand-new shoe and handbag label called Frances Valentine.
“Frances is a longtime family name on my dad’s side,” Spade told WWD in 2015. “My grandfather, father, brother, and my daughter’s name is Frances. And then Valentine was my mom’s dad’s middle name because he was born on Valentine’s Day.” 
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  Kate Spade and daughter Frances Spade, Darcy Miller, and Jenna Lyons at the J.Crew Bridal Boutique in 2010 in New York City. (Photo: Astrid Stawiarz/WireImage for J.Crew)
Kate too would come to love the name Valentine so much that she changed her surname to Valentine. She explained the name choice to the Business of Fashion in 2016: “It kind of makes [me] sound kind of cool, like a rap star or something,” she joked. “But we’re not trying to be cheeky or coy. It really was to distinguish the name and separate the two worlds. Obviously we’re super proud of Kate Spade, and we want to be respectful of both.”
In 2017, Kate Spade & Co. sold to Tapestry, Inc. (parent company to Coach and Stuart Weitzman) for an astounding $2.4 billion.
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Kate Spade, left, and Cynthia Rowley at the opening of Annie Leibovitz’s “Pilgrimage” exhibit at Manhattan’s Pace/MacGill gallery in 2011. (Photo: Steve Eichner/Penske Media/Rex/Shutterstock)
Among other things, Kate Spade will be remembered as one of the first major female American designers, one who helped pave the way for other industry successes like Jenna Lyons (formerly of J.Crew), Tory Burch, and Cynthia Rowley.
Read More from Yahoo Lifestyle:
• Designer Kate Spade, 55, found dead in apparent suicide • Style mavens Jonathan Adler and Simon Doonan are why you should never turn down a blind date  • Why adoptive parents like Sandra Bullock feel that ‘the perfect child will find you’
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sneepmemoryscreen · 7 years
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Best pop shove it. 💎✨ @geoffrowley 📸 by @atibaphoto 📼✨ Check out the Rowley @memoryscreen remix linked in bio! @volcomskate #2002 #santamonicatripleset #geoffrowley @vansskate #memoryscreen #classicskateboarding #skateboarding #📼 #stylematters #skatevideo #skatenerd #skatehistory #rollforever #skate (bij Santa Monica, California)
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Perfect Summer: Espadrilles by grachy featuring spaghetti-strap tank tops ❤ liked on Polyvore
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murfeeuniverse-blog · 6 years
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Untitled #194 by stopcallinme featuring a vintage swing dress ❤ liked on Polyvore
Vintage swing dress / Black high heel shoes / Miss Selfridge lace choker necklace / Rhinestone watch, $6.20 / Phillip Gavriel macrame bracelet / NOVICA purple ring / Monica Vinader stackable diamond ring, $440 / WithChic antique silver ring, $9.48 / Face powder / Chantecaille eye makeup / Bobbi brown cosmetic / Physicians formula makeup / Chantecaille shiny lip gloss / Illamasqua mascara / Cynthia Rowley pencil eyeliner / Christian louboutin nail polish
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woodywoodpecker1941 · 7 years
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Miss Mysterious~♥ by tshirtsuperstar41 featuring round sunglasses ❤ liked on Polyvore
Short sleeve t shirt, $16 / Yellow skirt, $18 / SuperTrash pink flat, $120 / Chloé pink tote bag, $1,795 / Monica Vinader pendant jewelry, $57 / Cynthia Rowley gold belt / Nordstrom crown hat / Aubin & Wills round sunglasses, $405 / Lip gloss, $21 / Ciaté ciate nail polish / Castaway Cabochon Rings [28251] - $58.00 : www.WinkNYC.com
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pampire13 · 7 years
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Untitled #194 by stopcallinme featuring Chantecaille ❤ liked on Polyvore
Holiday party dress / Ankle strap sandals / Miss Selfridge white choker / White watch, $6.27 / Phillip Gavriel sapphire jewelry / NOVICA turquoise ring / Monica Vinader stackable ring, $420 / WithChic beach jewelry, $9.66 / Face powder / Chantecaille eyeshadow / Bobbi Brown Cosmetics mascara / Physicians Formula makeup / Chantecaille lip gloss / Illamasqua mascara / Cynthia Rowley eyeliner / Christian Louboutin nail polish
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mellamanrachel · 7 years
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Untitled #194 by stopcallinme featuring ankle strap sandals ❤ liked on Polyvore
Holiday party dress, €25 / Ankle strap sandals, €39 / Miss Selfridge white choker, €11 / White watch, €5,49 / Phillip Gavriel sapphire jewelry, €360 / NOVICA turquoise ring, €57 / Monica Vinader stackable ring, €370 / WithChic beach jewelry, €8,46 / Face powder / Chantecaille eyeshadow, €61 / Bobbi Brown Cosmetics mascara, €26 / Physicians Formula makeup, €8,58 / Chantecaille lip gloss, €30 / Illamasqua mascara, €6,57 / Cynthia Rowley eyeliner, €14 / Christian Louboutin nail polish, €44
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lizzietehan · 7 years
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so Good💜 by jean1426 featuring blue sandals ❤ liked on Polyvore
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davidovsk · 7 years
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Untitled #84 by danilomk featuring tropical home decor
Isabel Marant ruffle top, 18,850 MKD / Alice Olivia a line skirt, 64,200 MKD / N°21 open toe sandals, 27,780 MKD / Cynthia Rowley purse crossbody, 3,225 MKD / Monica Sordo urban jewelry, 27,780 MKD / Love Is blue topaz jewelry, 7,500 MKD / Lip makeup, 2,940 MKD / Designers Guild handmade rug, 113,605 MKD / Safavieh drawer table, 9,780 MKD / Tropical home decor, 3,880 MKD
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