#Monkey king 2023
alicedusstuff · 6 months
Quelques dessins nocturnes ^^
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monkeykingdomblog2 · 5 days
Hi..can you maybe draw monkey king 2023 and pregnant Y/N please? 🥹
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Heaven is collectively shitting themselves because 'HOLY FUCK THERE'S MORE OF HIM NOW'. Hope they're prepared for a very long chaos creating lineage.
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Meanwhile: LIVE imaginary family reaction (they are delighted and already planning the 100 days party)
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Did a design of the New Gods: Ne Zha for HIB Dàshèng's look— the mask mostly was the purpose of this piece.
You have no idea how much I had fun with drawing this.
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spoofyleaf · 10 months
Netflix’s The Monkey King spoilers!!!
This is what I meant in my previous post
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kasssscali · 9 months
I'm a sucker of love potion scenarios ❤️. Can we have both monkeys (Lego and 2023) affected by some?
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Lego Monkie Kid Sun Wukong is pretty much the definition of confidence
He doesn’t really care about the consequences and is kind of a go with the flow type of guy from what I’ve seen from the show
he’ll drink the love potion without even reading the label like the genius he is
he’s thirsty, and its the nearest liquid he can get
The affects of the potion will kick in, in about ten-ish minutes
and with his massive ego he won’t hesitate to flirt with you once the love potion kicks in
he’ll have more physical affection than 2023 Wukong, he’ll wrap his arm around your shoulder and make small talk about the weather or maybe just himself
he’s not afraid to stare at you with a flirty look either, Mk’s is going to have to take the burden of trying to pry him off of you
Sun Wukong would definitely give you pet names like Peach, and he’ll call you Babe too
he’s simply not afraid to go above and beyond with how he feels about you
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For Netflix Wukong, he can’t read
Picking up the potion he won’t be able to make out the readings on the bottle
he doesn’t want people to know that he can’t read, he’ll make up something about the potion
and to prove that he’s right about this made up potion he’ll drink it in front of you to prove that your wrong
however your not wrong
“I don’t feel anything, see what did I tell ya?”
Wait around ten minutes, that’s when the affects kick in
Netflix Monkey King is different with the lotion potion from lego because his love language is teasing
once the affects of the potion kick in, he’s going to start teasing you
and he’ll poke you with stick frequently too
asking him to stop will just encourage him more
”Oh you don’t like that? Well happens when I… *poke* HA! Gotcha again!”
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 10 months
Make monkey king x reader fluff more headcannons
With pleasure! 🥰🍑
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For all his confidence, Monkey actually gets kinda nervous (dare I say even flustered) around you sometimes
When he first started to catch feelings for you, he thought he might have been getting sick or something
The more time he spends with you, he more you get to see him with his guard down
You’re his favorite (tied with Stick) and it shows
Likes to stare at you because “he just likes you.”
Sometimes he doesn’t even realize how much he’s smiling or staring at you until you look back at him
Loves it if you can match his chaotic and adventurous energy
Monkey can actually be pretty romantic when he wants to be
His love languages are physical touch and acts of service
Goes weak if you caress his face and likes to touch his forehead to yours when talking sincere with you
Brings you fruit as a part of the courting process and learns your favorites
Also constantly does his best to impress you
If you can not only hold his stick but wield it, he’s absolutely head over heels
You’re out there kicking srs demon butt and he’s falling in love all over again
He just feels like he belongs with you and is grateful you came into his life
To be honest, Monkey never really imagined falling in love before. But now that he has, he never wants to let go.
There’s very little in this world that Monkey wouldn’t do for you
If he could, he would give up his immortality for you
Yeah, he loves you that much
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kaycode1999 · 3 months
Y/N: I'm proud to identify as morosexual. I'm attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Wukong asked me what the Spanish word for tortilla was once and now I dream of kissing him under the moonlight
Wukong: What kind of animal is the pink panther?
Y/N, already taking off their clothes: Wukong you're so fucking stupid
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doodlebat33 · 9 months
Ok here we go!
Y/n x Netflix wukong headcannons! 💖
How would a relationship develop?
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Similar to lin, he would think of y/n as not inherently a burden to drag around but regardless he's got some help now. He's not used to help and sees it as weakness. He will tease, mess with and try his best to push y/n away buuuut
As he gets to know y/n, they don't seem all too bad. They help him along the way in the sense of friendship and caring and not just to get the upper hand on him or using him for what they want. The teasing is lightened up but still a way that he shows platonic affection. And as time goes on, he could start to feel something more. Something he's never felt before.
He's never really had a friend before so if anything were to develop on y/n's side (them flirting with him and such) it would go right over his head and take it as praise and a strong bond between you two. Not sure if stick would know anything about love and/or notice, but if it did, it would definitely nudge him along. Maybe give him advice but again, right over monkey kings head.
But soon enough, he would figure it out somehow and rather than being excited about this new found feeling, he'd be anxious.
He's NEVER and I mean NEVER gotten this close to someone before. What if he screws it up? The one person that wants to be around him, leaving him? Alone for another eternity… he can't risk that! So, instead of saying things out right, he would ask y/n hypothetical questions and try to be as subtle as possible (wrapping his tail around them more, trying to flirt back and miserably failing, ect)
Once monkey king and y/n make it official, he is a bit hesitant to let others know about it at first, (to not risk endangering y/n) if y/n is capable of taking care of themselves, then oh BOY will he not shut up about it! With every demon to be fought, he would declare loud and proud of their bond.)
He will do anything to protect y/n because they're all that he has, they're his world. Due to this he can be a bit overprotective at times. With that, he is an incredibly loyal companion.
Monkey king x reader masterpost
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monkeysforapplez · 6 months
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acozysoulwrites · 9 months
Almost too late | Monkey King (Netflix 2023)
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Description: While helping Monkey fight a demon, one of it’s clones stole you away, the Demon promised Monkey that you’d never be seen again… but when you come back, Monkey can no longer keep his secret. [Angst/ love confession]
➜ Requested by @kaycode1999 : I LOVE your head-canons/writings for Monkey King 2023. Could you do one where Wukong maybe thought the reader was killed by a demon or something but then he sees them and it’s both a love confession and first kiss?
a/n: Thank you! i’m so glad you love them! I absolutely love this request !! This one got away from me.. sorry!
It happened so fast that Monkey couldn’t do anything about it. Not in time anyway. The demon had summoned their clones and before Monkey knew it, he’d been surrounded. He knew that he couldn’t die, it wasn’t himself that he feared for. You had disappeared and though he had told you to stay back, he knew you’d secretly followed him into battle.
He should have said something. He should have let on that he saw you trailing behind him, failing miserably at the stealth skills he’d tried to teach you. Yet he hadn’t, and now you were gone. His mind wouldn’t stop spinning, replaying the events that had unfolded just days ago.
Your voice called out to him, silencing the rage ringing in his ears. His eyes flashed back to their normal state, the red draining from them at the sound of your pain stricken cries.
“What-” Monkey let’s go of the demon, his hand aching from the grip. His eyes darted around the village, clone after clone, he felt dizzy.
“You let them go!” He growled, tackling the demon. “Call them off!” He demanded, eyes red and full of fury once more.
The demon smirked. “No, great Monkey King. If they are your weakness, i will take them” It rumbled, evil sending a chill down Monkey’s back.
Monkey was growing desperate. After your last cry, you’d fallen silent. He was worried. The demon was right, you were his weakness and he hated you for it.
“Argh- fine!” Monkey shoves the demon into the ground before rushing towards you.
“Y/n!? I’m coming! Talk to me!” He begged, there were tears in the corner of his eyes and he was unable to hide the worry as his voice rose in fear. He was about to cry over you? What was this?
By the time Monkey reached the place you last cried out from, you were gone. After a moment, Monkey realized that not only you, but the clones were gone as well.
“No” He shakes his head, eyes frantically searching the now burning, empty village.
You were gone. His pebble was gone.
Monkey hadn’t stopped searching for you, he tore apart the entire village day in and day out. The only thing he found was your necklace. The necklace you never took off. It shattered his heart knowing that he could have prevented this. Not only that he could have saved you, but knowing that he could have saved the one person who had ever shown him any kindness or love destroyed him.
He should have been nicer to you.
Monkey sits at the edge of his cliff. He had returned here in a last desperate attempt at finding you. Remembering that time he told you that if you ever got separated, to return to the cliff where his rock remained.
Only you weren’t here, and his heart had broken further.
Monkey sits with his head in his hand. He flicks a rock from the ledge, watching as it plummets down into the green forest below. Part of him hoped it would hit the elder one.
Monkey’s grip on stick tightens at the sound of a voice and he whips around.
Then, tearful bloodshot eyes meet puffy swelled eyes and stick falls to the ground with a whir. Monkey stands there, arms at his side, mouth agape, stunned.
“I told ya’ you couldn’t get rid of me that easily” You chuckle weakly, holding your side and wincing.
As soon as you speak, Monkey darts towards you and scoops you into his arms, spinning you around. It’s as if all life rushes back into his face upon touching you, he squeezes you tightly, causing you to whimper in pain.
“Oh- sorry” He sits you down. “I- i thought i lost you” Monkey whispers, your hand still in his.
“I escaped, but only barely. Some of the towns people were with me…” Your voice trails off. “They weren’t so lucky”.
Your words go in one ear and out the other and Monkey feels his chest tighten. He has to tell you. He can’t keep pretending he doesn’t care anymore, not after this.
“Listen I…” Monkey pauses, his eyes soft as they stare into yours. “I…” His brows furrow, you can see how much he’s struggling.
“I love… you” He finally says, his hand squeezes yours tightly.
You’re shocked. Monkey? Loves me? And he just confessed? Maybe you should nearly die more often.
“Just say something” He says, eyes darting away nervously. “Get it over with already” He’s preparing himself for rejection.
Instead, you pull him into a kiss, his tail shoots into the air and his eyes widen.
You put your hand on the back of his head, pulling him further into the kiss. Suddenly you feel his tail wrap around you and he leans closer.
When you pull away for air, he speaks.
“I’m never letting you go into a battle ever again” He says sternly.
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aerkames-artbook · 3 months
Rendering haha...
Cheesus crust, this came out SO RED.
so I found out what was wrong with my graphics tablet, the driver I had was outdated and I needed to change the gamma with Nvidia. But now it's the opposite of the problem I had before where the laptop screen shows it as super saturated and the graphics tablet is lacking in colors. I'll come back to edit this post after tweaking the colors a bit.
I realized I do not render things enough so Netflix Monkey King is going to be my test subject for coloring and shading.
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Yeah this is slightly better tbh
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alicedusstuff · 5 months
Quelques croquis nocturnes avant de dormir^^ J’espère que tout le monde a passé un bon nouvel an ^^
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monkeykingdomblog2 · 12 days
Netflix Monkey King biting during…🔞
If that is ok!
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Two birds one stone! (excuse how scuffed Monkey looks. He's not very easy to draw with the snout of his)
18+ under cut
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gardenpatchbaby · 10 months
he is very shaped.
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imagobin · 9 months
Some Dragon King concept art 🌊
Since nobody's done this yet and I'm an avid concept art fan, here's some for the latest gayest undersea ruler!
Art is NOT mine, I just made a little collage of my faves First image is art by Uwe Heidschötter and the second is art by Juliaon Roels check their IGs they're amazing artists!
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kasssscali · 9 months
You know that part of the movie where Monkey got "intoxicated" by the peaches? So, how about whem Reader was around?
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Instead of taking a small bite he engulfed the entire thing
He’s having hard time keeping his balance and now everything is just a confusing blur
your reasonably annoyed, you told him not to take these peaches because they seemed suspicious and of course he didn’t listen
“heeeeeyyyyy i know you!”
you point to yourself confusingly
”yeah you!” He makes his way over to you tripping on his own tail and he falls on you
you catch him by the shoulders trying to keep him up making sure he’s okay
your still mad, and even though he’s not going to remember any of this in the morning you scold him with frustration
He shouldn’t have taken those peaches, he should of listened to you
he cuts you off placing a finger to your lips “Hush SssssSSHHH!”
”why you gotta be so mean?~”
you slap his hand away annoyed, your about to go off on him but then what he says makes you freeze
”your cute when your mad….ACTUALLY! Your always cute!”
You question if he means that, in which he replies “Of course I do! Your the most cutest…smartest…” He looked at the sky thinking of another compliment “…Peachiest! Adorable Human I know!”
your blushing, your not sure what to do
“But!” He licks his lips “you can be so… picky!”
You then drop him after that
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