#Monster Fucker (Affectionate)
optimusxmello · 11 months
Thought exorcise time! So, imagine you're a Drawfee fan right. And you're also a Monsterfucker, right. The ven diagram is nearly a perfect eclipse... and all I'm saying is that the only thing stopping me from having a gargoyle statue and gorilla gluing a monster dildo to it is MONEY! And space. My hypothetical sex room would be...interesting.
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nobie · 2 months
raise your hand if you’re queer *thousands of tumblr users raise their hands it shifts the axis of the earth*
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mx-werebat · 3 months
Hastily shoving gorilla glue between the base and pole of my most important stands just so it won't crumble in my damn hands while I'm tryna transport fucking Frankie Stein to the tv stand so I can brush her hair
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neokatt · 6 months
man I'm getting ideas for a Monster Hunter OC even though I know little to nothing about the game fuckkk
love being OC brained honestly (I need to stop my go💥)
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antiphrastic · 1 year
Writing this Vashwood and their uncountable number of accidental seedling babies fic was so much easier when everything I knew about Trigun came from the handful of fics I'd read and one screenshot of a Plant.
But now I Know Things [tm] and it's all gotten so much more complicated.
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daemon-in-my-head · 2 months
You know what? Gortash is not a monster fucker.
He's a monster lover. He wants a monster relationship. Monster shared business ventures and monster shared bank accounts. Hells, he's even down for some monster hand-holding and monster cuddles in a sketchy dark ally where their gods can't see. Monster stolen glances and affectionate purring if you will.
You may want to fuck the Slayer or the Dragonborn, but he wants to put a ring/leash on it. Please get it right. Gortash is much worse than you think.
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bogleech · 3 months
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These guys thought it would be an epic slam dunk gotcha to pretend my bug and creature stuff has to have kink behind it, like this isn't the website where half the userbase wants to get reamed by a werewolf or knock up an airplane
But now I'm curious where warrior bug stands with the full fledged non-humanoid monster fuckers. I might not really go there but I respect you.
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dirtybg3confessions · 7 months
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Confession: Y'all be SLEEPING on my king, Yurgir... Upon meeting him, I was immediately ready to have him ruin my body, leash me up, and then dog walk me all the way back up to Raphael so they could both mock me for being the devilcock-loving humiliation slut that I am, but then later in the game he started affectionately calling me "little rabbit" on top of that?? Excuse me, you already had my mind, body, and soul please you DID NOT have to work so hard. Larian was giving TREATS to us monster fuckers.
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house-of-daena · 9 months
extra thoughts!!!
i know this freak (affectionate) will absolutely kill to have any mark of you on him. brand your name on him with iron and watch his eyes roll back from pain and orgasmic ecstasy of being claimed as yours, tramp stamps and womb tattoos so he can point to exactly where he wants you to fill him up and wouldn’t dare let a drop go to waste on anyone else, bleeding bitemarks and blooming bruises, scratches down his back and a nearly lost voice do nothing but get him head over heels all over again at how thoroughly you claim him as yours.
put a collar and tug him by a leash, make him your loyal, filthy puppy that can only whine and beg for his master to breed him full of a litter and remind him of his place. grab him by his messy hair and impale the needy bitch of a husband you have on your cock as he desperately swallows everything you’ve graciously gifted him— and ignore the subordinate who definitely heard the loud gulps and sucking from under your desk as you watch your cum drip from the corners of his mouth and the adorable hearts in his eyes as he looks up at you.
you’ve probably, very likely have gone through the classic potions and experiments over all these years together: aphrodisiacs that leave you two going at it like feral animals for days on end with no breaks (as if either of you would dare think of such a thing), enhancements that have him gasping because he can feel you in his fucking throat!, and more hours spent with him stuck on your knot than you could reasonably guess because you’re husband’s a needy pervert that only needs his husband to satisfy every dirty little fantasy that fills his pretty little head <3 drag him into the cold waters of your homeland so you’re the only one who can warm him up with tentacles that caress and overstimulate him, bite his neck and take alllllll~ of the blood you want from him to see how stupid and delirious he can get and still beg for you, envelop him in your wings so you can watch him lick his translucent cum off your feathers <3
wow ur really busting ass with these dottie thoughts 😭
omgg branding dottore... it's a surprise because he's the one who brought it up in the first place! asking you to brand him, handing you a metal rod with your name carved on it 💕 he'd absolutely love the pain it brings! reminder that only u could hurt him like that,, he'd be staring at your name on his skin for hours and hours, he just can't get enough! he'd be so elated if you tattoo him yourself to be honest, marks with your name on it—he'd be sooo obsessed with it 😭😭 if he attends a meeting with a raspy voice, they don't question it... it's normal at this point 💕
ohhh dottore 100% develops a breeding kink solely because of you! u always fill him up so much his tummy would swell, makes me delirous and think about having your babies 😊😊 and a collar?? you bet he'd wear that EVERYWHERE, showing everyone who he belongs to and making all of his poor segments jealous with a smug smirk on his lips! absolutely into getting caught or getting fucked 'secretly'... you could pull him somewhere and tell him to he quiet but nah, he's being as loud as he could 💞
AND DOTTORE TURNING HIS LOVER INTO A MONSTER JDHFJHDDH... he's literally giving u so many traits that makes u look at him questionable bc 1. how is this ethical in a battle and 2. he's looking at you with such lustful eyes... really canon dottore is a monster fucker.. you'd probably wake up with 2 dicks n u gotta punish him by fucking his hole with both 💞 he has his own supply of aphrodisiacs that he made himself! and he makes them extremely potent that makes y'all fuck for sooo long... loves loves bug, darkened claws that makes his skin tear and bleed... loves your big maw with many sharp teeth... loves the tentacles that ties him up and keeping him pinned.. loves the knot that keeps you stuck inside him...
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optimusxmello · 2 years
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iolypse · 1 year
qsmp eggs as D&D characters because I can't help but fuse both of my current fixations together
Chayanne — Ive decided that every single egg is a dragonborn for the sake of simplicity, so that just brings me to figuring out class and subclass for each of them. I originally was thinking a simple fighter for Chayanne, but then, upon remembering what was quite literally an oath to protect everyone, decided he'd make a rather good paladin, particularly oath of devotion. he's devoted to keeping everybody safe, no matter the cost. if I were to give him a breath weapon, it'd be fire. he's a dragonborn paladin (devotion)!
Tallulah — Tallulah was always going to be a bard, are you kidding me? from there, looking through all the bard subclasses, I figured lore suited her best. she collects info! she gave qwil that book full of info about marigolds, she asks questions so she can know more about the world. yeah. she's a smart girl. dragonborn bard (lore).
Dapper — this is THE artificer. this autistic fuck (/affectionate bc me too buddy, me too) loves everything machinery, and he's fuckin good at it, too. considering his additional love for collecting animals, I've decided to make him a battle smith so he can have a steel defender. he would take very good care of it. I considered armorer due to the unique sets of armor I've seen him wear, but battle smith suited him just a tad better. he's a dragonborn artificer (battle smith).
Ramón — Ramón is also THE artificer! they are artificer pals. while Dapper focuses more on combat-ready mechanics, Ramon's been doing a lot of work on his elevator. also, bombs! fuck, he and qfit have so many bombs, they're practically their first line of defense. therefore, artillerist. he's good at throwing shit across the battlefield, staying stationary and hunkered down. dragonborn artificer (artillerist).
Leonarda — Leo was a little difficult. from the beginning, I knew I wanted her to be a primarily martial class, but I didn't want to leave her without any magic, either. so I figured a monk could be fitting due to their innate ki. considering. you know. dragon. I just had to give her ascendant dragon. dragonborn monk (ascendant dragon).
Bobby — oh yeah, this boy's a fighter alright. I considered barbarian for his tendency to sometimes throw tantrums, but it just wasn't right for him. I definitely considered gunslinger, but he's not particularly known for his guns, and I was eventually led to banneret, aka the purple dragon knights. he's definitely one of the braver kids, and I think his bold deeds could definitely inspire those around him. Bobby is a dragonborn fighter (banneret).
Richarlyson — he was kind of difficult! Richarlyson has picked up a number of skills from all six of his dads, making him fairly versatile and all-around skilled. I was, however, leaning a more martial class, and looked to monk first. none of the subclasses felt right, so I went bard due to their jack of all trades thing. wasn't right, so I thought about ranger, and that seemed like it could work due to their wide range of specialization. looking through subclasses, I picked monster slayer out of the bunch. just about all of his dads are terrorized by cucurucho in one way or another. he's practically got a sixth sense for the fucker now. Richarlyson's a dragonborn ranger (monster slayer).
Tilín — that's a rogue. yeah. that's a rogue. qQ himself taught them all about lying to other people to get what you want, and you're gonna tell me that's not a fucking rogue? right. rogue has a ton of interesting subclasses, but I felt like soulknife was a really interesting pick for her. soulknife rogues focus on the manipulation of the mind, fucking with a person's head to change their perception or easily slip by them. felt like they could use a little bit of magic, too, so he's got the psionic abilities that come with it. this is a dragonborn rogue (soulknife).
Juanaflippa — considered fighter gunslinger, but this is also a rogue! not a particularly magical one, though. Juanaflippa never really had much, always too busy shooting guns and coping with her parents' numerous divorces. HOWEVER, when you consider the whole necromancy element of her character (died, came back, fucking died again) on top of all the headcanons of her haunting the island, she's a pretty fun phantom. she's got an innate connection to death and the undead, and she knows what's dead when she sees it. I debated scout, but phantom was too cool to pass up. dragonborn rogue (phantom) for her.
Trump — I don't know shit about trump, but I like to think that if he survived longer, he would've taken after the crazy science aspect of both his dads, giving it a magical twist and going wizard. figured either evocation or abjuration would be good subclasses for him. decided on abjuration because damn, that's what this kid needed. dragonborn wizard (abjuration).
gegg — plasmoid/changeling bard (valor). if you can find my other post on the English speakers as D&D classes, he's literally just slimecicle. nothing too special here. gegg.
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enakane · 2 months
Hi, I figured you'd have an interesting take on this, as the #1 The Emporer fucker (affectionate) on my dash. I've always seen Ansur's attempted murder of the Emp being less "you're a horrifying monster who I must kill before you turn on us, even if it kills me to do so" and more "the man I knew would never want to live as a mindflayer, the man I knew would be horrified at what he's become, the man I knew would rather die" but he didnt consider that the man he knew was dead the moment he turned into a mindflayer, as it's (I think) canon that mindflayers feel and think differently than other races, so the 'man he knew' had been fundamentally changed in such a way as to become unrecognizable in his thought process, and thus, would no longer agree with his past-self. So while I don't think what Ansur did was right, I don't think he's the out-and-out villian some people paint him as, just someone so blinded by grief and fear and sadness, that he doesnt realize how changed Emp was. And then when you show up, the Emp at your back and an elder brain on the rise, I think Ansur is blinded by rage, and grief, and betrayal. He thinks all his worst fears about Emp have come true, and that you're, at best, a pawn in Emp's game, and at worst, a thrall, so that's why he attacks. Havent played that section in a while, so I might be talking out of my ass, but that's my take based on what I remember. Thoughts? (Sorry this is so long, I am a Verbose Bitch.)
(brb gonna get "#1 Emperor fucker" tattooed somewhere on me, truly an honor)
I totally agree that Ansur's intentions were first and foremost to enact what he thought would be Balduran's wishes! As far as he knew, he was dealing with an illithid puppeteering Balduran's body, and after failing to bring him back to the way he was (if I remember well, Ansur tried for some time to restore Balduran to his former self but failed), killing him was equivalent to putting down a zombie.
Mind flayers indeed canonically think differently from other races, plus (depending on the source), the host's mind either mostly or completely disappears once ceremorphosis is complete. There was a high chance he was dealing with a master manipulator that only pretended to remember who it used to be to be set free. Ansur was hardly evil for wanting to end Balduran's cursed existence/kill the thing pretending to be him, and Emp was hardly evil for choosing to live.
(If I start talking about how the Emperor wanting to live despite everything ties in perfectly with the game's theme of choosing to live in spite of irreversible changes + the I Want to Live song, I may never shut up, HE'S JUST LIKE US FR-)
Ansur remains as a ghost due to his unfinished business, so when he feels Emp near and speaks to you and him... The situation hasn't really changed for Ansur. Either Balduran is still an illithid or there's still an illithid pretending to be Balduran, and like you said, the chances that you're either a thrall or being manipulated are very high, so why wouldn't he try to finish the job and consider you an unfortunate collateral damage? There's no more evidence that Balduran is actually in control than there was the first time. Plus, I'd never considered that Ansur might feel the Elder Brain nearby and assume Emp is responsible; that would indeed make him feel betrayed and more willing to attack.
I definitely understand why people aren't too keen on the idea of trusting the Emperor bc mind flayers have a Reputation(tm), but how people came to hate Ansur is kind of weird imo? He's not a villain at all, his decision to kill Emp was a desperate last resort, a way to free Balduran from his torment and save the many people who were gonna get their brains eaten if he got out. I know some people dislike that he possesses Tav, but I played that scene before reading about it and it never bothered me, I mean... he's a ghost. If I'd played through bg3 without getting possessed at least once I'd be lowkey disappointed.
Thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about my bg3 fave, I hope I'm coherent lol
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fleet-off · 1 year
@bustinbustinbustin’s recent mirror meta reminded me of a post I’ve wanted to do for a while: Vegas’s anti-mirror meta!
Because Vegas has a few significant moments in mirrors--the three big ones being naked candle devil time, “I’ll be the leader and my dad will accept me us,” and obviously that final post-credits scene with Pete and Macau--but he also has several where he’s specifically staged to stay out of reflections. Most of these take place during the safehouse arc.
Following the water-reflected drone shot that sets up Vegas’s arrival at the safehouse, the camera begins to avoid showing his reflection.
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As he walks up onto the deck and into the house, Vegas gets only an incidental half-reflection and neatly avoids appearing in either the window on the left or the door on the right, where his two henchmen’s reflections ultimately settle to frame and surround him.
The effect is one of being hemmed in--an effect compounded when Vegas enters the house; he passes behind several open windows and (less subtly) the bars made by the stairs. All of Vegas’s machinations have come to naught; he continues trying to present an image of casual authority, but he’s trapped here. And if Vegas looks in mirrors for an idealized version of himself (the leader, the monster)--the safehouse is where those fantasies begin to fall apart.
Reflections are used similarly with Gun in episode 13. Vegas spends his morning trying to build up a domestic dream, cooking a delicious meal for Pete and resolutely pretending it’s no big deal that he left him handcuffed in his bedroom prison. the fucker (affectionate)
The only reflection Vegas gets inside this house is actually the one made by the counter he’s stir-frying his househusband dream on.
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The illusion and the meal are both overturned by the arrival of Gun. Vegas attempts to distance himself from his father (“You think I wanted to be your son?”)--but he fails, miserably, with the minor family ring making its mark on his cheek. And we’re left with this tableau: Vegas is framed between two reflective doors. Gun exits from the left; his reflection departs on the right.
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Vegas has nowhere to escape. There is no direction he could turn to be free of the man whose ambitions he has turned into his own shackles. There is nowhere he could go that would not leave him literally following in his father’s footsteps.
He was stupid, to briefly imagine he could.
So: Vegas returns to the reflective counter, covered in the remnants of the illusion. He sweeps those remnants away.
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And slams his fist into his now-hidden-from-camera reflection for good measure.
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saytrrose · 2 months
Thank you for your service of abomination (affectionate) monster wife and monster fucker husband we simply do not have enough of those gender aligned roles in my opinion
Usually the monster is male and they make the monster fucker a woman and I’m tired guys they are literally the perfect opportunity I love them so much
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sirnotsircos · 8 months
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🖤🗡️Lord Ballister BlackHeart🖤🗡️
Original post from June 2023
It’s 2015, I’ve just walked out of one of my final exams in high school that was worth 50% of my grade, I know I done fucked up. It is raining, the bus was early and I was not, for I am now moving with the sluggish pace, that only a failure can move (for that is what I am). I hide in a Chapters, (it used to be a Chapters, with that superior green and deep red color scheme not that modern indigo shit [this is an indigo anti page]) strolling along the comic/ visual novel section b/c for some reason those used to be cheaper than the other books. This funky lil fucker named Nimona jumps out at me, the name rings in the back of my mind as I recall Felicia Day talking about this book that’s going to come out. You must understand, this was the height of my Supernatural phase in which any actor that was involved in Supernatural was instantly part of my hyper fixation for anywhere from 4 to 25 business days. She played Charlie. And I was a baby queer. So I grabbed this book, a sexy lil 12.99 on the cover. And for the next three weeks I am CONSUMED by Lord Ballister Blackheart, his sunshine-themed boyfriend, and their obnoxious (affectionate) colorful monster baby.
I wanted so badly when I had read this book for more people to be into it, it had only been out for a month or so at the time, and tumblr and Reddit had left my lil nerdy heart empty. BUT NOW THERE’S GONNA BE A NETFLIX ANIMATION! While Netflix has gone and fucked ALOT of adaptations I’m so hopeful for this film ya’ll!
Okay okay I’m done, have some villain daddy with a lil bit angsty gore! The gore is a backstory reference which is really early on in the book but you have been warned!
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high-queen-of-exy · 2 years
any neil josten headcanons?
ahh yes, this fucker (affectionate)
only math smart, (with the exception of learning languages because he's a multilingual baddie) like he never had time to study history, science is dumb, and if you asked him to analyze a poem he'd probably commit violent crimes
chaos enabler his sophomore year, since he has none of the stress of the Ravens, and he's only the vice captain, he causes problems among the upperclassmen and monsters
doesn't interact with the freshman that year for like 2 months outside of practice until Dan chews his ass for it
the only underclassman he ever befriends is Robin, and even then, it was under Andrews influence
however, he DOES become friends with Kaitlyn, originally of some sort of pity but he likes her way more than Aaron.
after graduation, he makes sure to keep in touch with all of the foxes, even when they all don't remember to call each other. he often gets a "why the fuck hasn't Minyard called/texted/answered me?"
could be for either Minyard too, cus I'd like to think that if Neil and Andrew ever get a permanent place, it'd be near Aaron
(let me have twinyards who heal and become close and still want their own space but want to be close enough)
He and Andrew spend Thanksgiving with Wymack every year, and they visit Bee when they're there as well
Neil called Abby mom only once, while she was stitching him up (practice accident) and she was scolding him
he didn't talk to her for 2 weeks, and it was never mentioned again
((I know you said Neil but I need to say this, Andrew called Bee mom once, I'll let you decide how tf that went))
he'd be a really good dancer if he ever tried
picks up vocal habits easily (side effect of the language ease, or maybe his ease of learning languages is a side effect of that) and Nicky says snazzy all the time and Neil started saying it and Andrew nearly committed murder
he can draw really well, he draws Andrew a lot when they're on the roof
I can't think of any more rn, but yeah
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