show-my-scars Ā· 7 days
So I made this little thingā€¦
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
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Youā€™re Eleanor Shellstrop from Phoenix, Arizona. Your favorite meal is shrimp scampi. You listed your emergency contact as Britney Spears as a long-shot way of meeting her and your favorite movie is that clip of John Travolta saying ā€œAdele Dazeem.ā€ You flew halfway around the world because you wanted to be a better person and it was very brave. Youā€™re sharp and youā€™re strong. You make fun of me a lot. You once called me a human snooze button. But you also showed up in my classroom when I was drowning in canned chili and you basically saved my life. You have very high self-esteem and a very low tolerance for men who wear sandals and your worst nightmare is someone saying something nice about you to your face, but too bad because I need to say it because you deserve it.
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
Bulbasaur: *squeaks*
me, sobbing: fucking superb, you funky little cabbage
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 4 years
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18K notes Ā· View notes
show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
416K notes Ā· View notes
show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
Iā€™ve lost over 50 pounds since I started this 4 months ago. I was 218 and now Iā€™m 164. Iā€™ve still got a ways to go but Iā€™m already starting to fit into clothes I havenā€™t worn in years. Iā€™m at the lowest weight Iā€™ve ever been while living in Colorado so thatā€™s a plus. I didnā€™t think this shot was possible ahhhhh
Iā€™m fuller faster with much less food and Iā€™ve grown accustomed (unfortunately) to always feeling dizzy when I stand up. My boyfriend is concerned, My parentsā€™ friends have expressed concern for how much Iā€™ve lost and how quickly and I honestly secretly smile about it. I wanna lose like 40 more pounds. Maybe then Iā€™ll be happy...
Iā€™m just angry about my thighs and my boobs. My thighs are still sooooo fatty and I hate them. Iā€™m hoping theyā€™ll slim down and tone up from exercise... hope my boobs get smaller still too. My favorite MCR jacket (the varsity hoodie they sold like 6 years ago) thatā€™s a size small and itā€™s tight but I can button all the buttons except the one around my chest šŸ˜« I want to die. I lived in this jacket and it was sooooo comfy...
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show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
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show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
What have I honestly become?
So last week I kept my calories so low I never went over 400 a day. I was disappointed I only lost 2 pounds. Weeks prior I had been losing 3-4 per week. Iā€™m still in the 180ā€™s and Iā€™m very very upset about it. Iā€™m 5ā€™8 and everything Iā€™ve been reading says Iā€™ll be considered obese until I drop to the 170ā€™s. I want that so bad. 173 was the lowest I ever was since I moved here 3 years ago. 130 is my end goal.
This week I told myself Iā€™d try upping my daily intake to 600 calories and I canā€™t manage to do it. I only get hungry at dinner time and my meals are always 300-350... yesterday I made it to 500 only because I had some crackers and a wedge of Brie cheese. I literally canā€™t make up the missing calories without snacks and itā€™s killing me... how the fuck did I get here? Iā€™ve almost lost 40 pounds and Iā€™m fucking it up...
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show-my-scars Ā· 5 years
if youā€™re ever scared youā€™re not a good person, remember that bad people donā€™t care about being betterĀ 
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