okayitsasideblog · 6 years
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Theres no real winners here, like theyre all cheating
For June 9: Who can catch the biggest fish
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marshmarrowsans · 6 years
Sans/Reader: She Sells Sea Shells
Kind of a good companion drabble to the lemonade stand one :) AO3 Link
Sans loved the ocean. Not swimming in it—he was more of a lazing-around-in-the-sun kind of guy.  But he loved the vastness of it.  The way it stretched out forever into the horizon.  The knowledge that it contained so many strange life forms that even the advanced modern technology of the surface world hadn’t detected yet. So cool. He spent several hours there with Papyrus before they decided it was time to head back to their place—but not before visiting the gift shop.  Another thing Sans loved was knick knacks, and that was one thing he and Papyrus actually both agreed on.  They both loved collecting little reminders of their adventures on the surface. Plus, Sans wanted to get some newer, bigger shells for his pet hermit crab. Papyrus was much more interested in the “COOL, FUNKY CLOTHING!”, so they were at opposite sides of the store when you approached the smaller skeleton. “Can I help you find anything?” Sans turned to look at you, and…  he didn’t know what it was.  Store workers asked him that all the time (some of them with a tone to their voice like they were trying to rush him out of the joint) but when he heard your voice and looked at your smiling face he forgot what he was doing, where he was and what words were. “hi.”  His face went blue.  That wasn’t an appropriate response to your question.  And the way you giggled at him only made his cheeks get bluer. “Good afternoon!”  Your voice was chipper, in that artificial way that any customer service worker’s voice is, and yet artificial as it was, it was still special somehow.  “Just wanted to check in with you, make sure you’re finding everything alright.” Reality faded back in once you repeated your question.  Oh, right. Whoa.  Whoa.  “actually yeah.  the new digs for shell-don.”  He paused awkwardly, before elaborating, “my hermit crab.” “Oh.  Awwwh!”  You laughed, genuinely this time, at one of his jokes, and that made it so much better.  “Shell-don. That’s cute.  Well, we have some great sea shells for that over here.  Not painted or anything, just shells we find out in the water, so they’re perfect for hermies.” You brought him over to the shells, but it took him a moment to start looking through them.  He was looking at your face.  You had to gesture for him to examine them before he did it. “ooh.  these are perfect.”  He picked one that looked nice, then turned back to you with an eager smile.  “d’you have any hermit crabs?” “…  In the store?” “what?  no.  at home. as a pet.  you.” “Oh, me!”  He could tell by your change in expression that you were mildly surprised but delighted to be chatted with as a person rather than just a shopkeeper. “Well, not at the moment.  But I think they’re very cute.” “in a weird, ugly kinda way.” “Heh!  Exactly!” “like me.” You didn’t even really get a chance to react to that before you were interrupted. “SANS, STOP FLIRTING WITH THE SHOPKEEPER AND COME HELP ME PICK OUT A COOL SUMMER SHIRT!  I NEED YOUR OPINION!  SO THAT I CAN PROBABLY PICK THE OPPOSITE CHOICE TO WHAT YOU SAY!” Sans’ voice was fast and nervous, as if he’d been caught red-handed.  “weweretalkingabouthermitcrabs.” You smiled and rolled your eyes. “Siblings, am I right?  Go on.  Help him pick out something nice.  I’ll be here all summer.  Sans, was it?” “heh.  yeah.” “I’ll see you later~” “you’re darn tootin’ you will.”
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singing-robot · 6 years
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 June 15’s prompt for the Monster Summer Mash is “My, what a fine pie!” You know what this is.
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con-cognito · 6 years
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May 30th: Lemonade stand
One glass only costs a cuteness overload.
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who-is-susie · 6 years
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For Day 5 Monster Summer Mash: Lemonade Stand @undertalesecretsanta
The kid decides to make some cash and Papyrus even helped make the stand. I don’t know how but I’m pretty sure the snow is Sans’ doing.
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thelibrarbian · 6 years
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Road trip on the surface.
I still can’t draw cars
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ariespageofbreath · 6 years
Monster Summer Mash: Cricket Song
I can’t stop writing about these three help-
Another short oneshot about the Road Trip Trio, mainly G-centric this time, feat: Feels. Also, (spoilers) the song they sing is called “You and I” by Ingrid Michaelson, I highly suggest giving it a listen because it is v cute and I personally feel it fits them rather well. Enjoy!
(I hope no one minds that I sorta nicknamed the Reader a bit for this oneshot?? It doesn’t have to stick if people don’t like it lol.)
@thelazyhermits @ut-stuff :>
You’re woken up with the odd sense that something is missing.
Sitting up, you examine your surroundings blearily. The RV looks untouched, though you can’t make out much in the dark. You feel around on your bed for your phone, using it as a flashlight to check your bed. Everything was still in order, still in the place you left it, if not a little messier from your movements in the night.
Your next thought is to check on G. You wait for a moment, listening for his breathing. (G doesn’t quite snore-he just makes this weird whistle-hum noise that’s almost a snore. You teased him relentlessly about it.) Unsurprisingly, you don’t hear it. Looks like it’s one of those nights.
As quietly as possible, you twist around to scavenge up some more appropriate clothes. It’s not exactly cold out, being the middle of summer, but it’s certainly not warm out in the forest at night either. A light sweater and some loose pants should do just fine. Once you’re properly dressed, you swing your legs over the edge of your bed and slip off carefully, using the lip of G’s bed as a bridge between you and the ground.
Both brothers had a tendency to have nightmares. Bad ones, if the way they thrashed or cried out was any indication, though they never told you. Aster was a little more talkative about them, sometimes giving you bits or vague details, but for the most part after a nightmare he just wanted to bundle up on the couch and read and drink tea. G, on the other hand, never let anything slip, and while some nights he would simply play it off, there were other nights-like this one-where he’d simply clam up and slip out and not speak for a few hours.
You do what you can for the brothers in those moments. You'll make hot tea and curl up on the couch next to Aster and talk about his book, and sometimes he'll even read to you. You'll play along with G’s jokes, or you'll pull a blanket around your shoulders and join him wherever he's escaped to, sitting beside him silently until he wants to head back in. It's not much, but it's all you can do, and it seems to help them, so you'll take it.
It's pretty easy to find G tonight. He's sitting right outside the RV, guitar propped up in his lap and a cigarette between his teeth. He doesn't smoke a whole lot-Aster despises the habit-but he'll sneak one when he's stressed or out on the streets. He's idly strumming the guitar, stare distant.
You approach as quietly as you can, not wanting to disturb him, and slowly- so he can ward you off if he wants. He doesn't say anything, just keeps playing, so you sit next to him, tucking the blanket around yourself more comfortably. The air is filled with the distant sounds of owls hooting, the faint rustle of a breeze, and the soothing sounds of cricket chirps. They’re loud tonight, though not loud enough to drown out the aimless twang of a sad guitar.
The two of you sit like that for a long while, and you take the time to study him. There’s familiar lines under his sockets, bags tinted a faint yellow instead of the bruising purple a human might have. He looks centuries old, with a stare that stretches on lifetimes longer than your own.
It’s times like these when you wish you could see what he sees. It’s times like these where you wish they would tell you more about themselves, tell you what it is they see in their dreams and in their thousand-yard stares. But there are some things that you haven’t told them either, nightmares of your own that you hope they never have to deal with; so you let them have their secrets and you keep yours, and maybe someday none of you will have to bear these secrets all alone. Maybe someday there won’t be anymore secrets between the three of you.
G starts singing, bringing you out of your revelry. He’s pulled the cigarette from his mouth, carefully putting it out. It breathes its dying wisps of sweet smoke as he sings, strumming out a familiar, upbeat tune. It’s a silly little song, but you’ve come to love it after all the times it’s played. You debate joining him, having learned the words by heart, but your choice is made for you when G gives you an expectant look.
You grin a little as you sing with him, sometimes together and sometimes alternating parts. He looks better when he’s singing with you, a little more lively and a little less haunted and pained. He really gets into it, swaying a little in place beside you and expressions animated. In no time at all, you find yourself laughing along with him as the song finishes.
You’re just about to tease him a little when another noise catches your attention. You put a hand over G’s mouth when he tries to ask you what’s the matter, gesturing for him to listen. It takes a moment for it to start again, but then you hear it: cricket chirping.
To the tune of the song you just sang.
Wide-eyed, you exchange a glance with G, who looks just as mystified. The two of you sit quietly as the crickets echo you, some of them even hitting the higher or lower notes. “Magic crickets?” you whisper finally, confused.
G shrugs, but he’s grinning again. He closes his sockets and leans back on his hands, listening. You give your own shrug and decide to join him, closing your eyes and leaning on his shoulder. He tilts his head against yours, and you throw the blanket clumsily over his shoulder, scooting into his side. He chuckles faintly, gently murmuring the last chorus in time with the crickets to you.
You’re not sure how long you both sit out there after that, just curled up under the blanket and listening to crickets. You dimly remember starting to fall asleep, and that G had chuckled and picked you up and carried you back in. You think you hear him talk with Aster, but at that point things get fuzzy and muffled, and you fall asleep on his shoulder.
When you wake up the next morning, you’re tucked back into bed with the blanket wrapped around you like a cocoon. You yawn and stretch, wriggling your way out of your confinements. There’s a heavenly smell filling the RV, and when you peer down the hall you can see Aster in the kitchen, making something warm. Faintly, you can hear the shower running, and you figure that’s where G must be (why do skeletons need to shower, even?). You smile a little when you recall the previous night.
Clambering out of bed is much easier when it’s light out, so you have relatively less trouble getting down. You pull the door closed so you can change in privacy, and when you go to open it again, you find G on the other side, hand raised to knock. He grins affectionately when he sees you, using the hand to rest on your head instead. “Morning, Cricket. You sleep well?”
Blushing slightly at the nickname, you smile back up at him. “Definitely.” You don’t ask him if he slept well, because if you know G, you know he probably didn’t go back to sleep. “How are you feeling?” you ask instead.
“Much better, thanks to you,” he replies earnestly, lightly petting your head. He steps forward for a quick hug, mumbling, “Thanks for last night, Cricket, I needed it.”
You return his hug, smiling into his shoulder. “Anytime, G.”
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Last minute Monster Summer Mash!
June 12th: Wild summer weather
My Turn!
All grown up, and no need for umbrellas anymore! I don’t know how common the headcanon of Monster Kid being a young dragon is, but I heard it from @corzev and loved it!
(Sorry to push the deadline so much! Lost track of time this evening)
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arzuera · 6 years
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Looks like Paps doesn’t realize that the bugs are just singing.
June 3: The trees are screaming (cicadas)
I know this isn’t the best but I really wanted to draw a silly scared paps running from something mundane.
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it-refused · 6 years
UTSS Monster Summer Mash Prompt: May 29th: Naps and lazy days
Pairing: Toriel/Sans
Rating: G
Toriel kept the umbrella up.  She was not worried about burning, but if she wasn't careful, the sun would bake her right into her fur.  A fun afternoon at the beach would quickly transform into an absolute misery.  
Sans was out in the water, floating gently in an inner tube.  
The water would make her smell like wet fur for the rest of the day, even after she dried off.  Sans didn't care (he would tell her that he did not have a nose to smell her with).  Their child would not say a word, but they would open the car window on the ride home and almost stick their head out to catch the cool air.
Far across the sand, dear sweet Papyrus and his friends were playing a fast paced game of volleyball.  Alphys was the only one other than Toriel and Sans who was not participating.  She stood nearby holding onto a little metal detector, not moving, her eyes riveted to Undyne.  
Toriel flipped through her book of crossword puzzles.  She reminded herself that it was a blessing to have a moment of peace.  Anyway, at least she was being more exciting than Sans.  He appeared to have dozed off.
She checked the time on her phone.  Their little group had taken bets on when he would fall asleep for the first time.  Toriel was not surprised at all to see that Papyrus had won.  She suspected Sans knew about their little wagers and deliberately let his brother win.  She had opted out of the contest for that exact reason, and now she had been entrusted with marking the time and running the books.
She sighed and closed her eyes.  A nap was more interesting than trying to puzzle out what obscure human battle was the correct answer to the clue she was working on.  
Toriel started awake again.  The game must be picking up.  Had she really fallen asleep? Her phone showed half an hour had passed since last she looked at it, so she must have.
Sans was still out on the water, but in the time she'd been asleep, he'd floated out a little far.  She could barely see him.  "Sans, dear!" she called out, but he didn't appear to react.
Toriel hoisted herself off the ground and ventured out of the cooler circle underneath the umbrella.  "Undyne!" She waved her arms, trying to get someone's attention.  Undyne would enjoy retrieving Sans for her.  He had floated so far, she could pretend it was an act of heroism.  
Undyne was shouting at Papyrus, and no one noticed Toriel calling to them.  Sans was a round white dot over the brightly colored pattern of his inner tube.
She sighed, very loud, and undid the blue hip wrap she wore over the bottom of her bathing suit. She tossed it on the beach towel and strode off towards the water.
"Sans!" she called out again.  "You bonehead!"  Toriel was not worried.  She was sure if she left him, he would be waiting in the car for them later.  
She waded out far enough to swim.  As she aimed herself towards the bobbing white speck, she wondered what she would do if she swam all that way and it turned out to be a mannequin or a sack of potatoes stuffed into the innertube.  She would have more than a few words to say to him later.  
As she swam closer, it did look like him.  And the water was warm, so it was not a hassle.  She would be miserable later with her wet fur, when she first got out, but she decided to let that moment sit far in the future and to not dwell on it.  
It had been years since she had really gone for a swim like this.  She usually let herself float on her back when she did opt to go out in the water.  
Toriel dove underwater when she got close and fought the urge to grab onto his little skeleton legs and yank him down. That would be a very abrupt awakening!  She reminded herself to be good.  
But she had already done such a good thing swimming out there, so she could give herself a small reward, could she not?  Toriel popped up out of the water right next to Sans, "accidentally" splashing him.  
He must have heard her.  "hey, tori."  Water dripped down Sans' skull. "missed you so much i'm crying."  
"Oh dear.  I am glad I decided to swim out here to greet you, then."  
Sans looked around. "jesus.  sure went for a trip this time.  must've been bone-tired."  
"How embarrassing for you, to let yourself fall asleep and drift all this way.  You are...all wet."  She splashed him again, gently.  
"huh." Water went right into his sockets and dripped out his neck and down his spine.  
"Do you get it, Sans?"  She giggled.  "Do you know that idiom?  Sans?"
"toriel you're the most beautiful woman i've ever met."
"You’re all wet, Sans."
"you're just dripping with positive qualities, tori."  He splashed her.  
It was war.  
The swim back to shore could have been a pain.  Sans found them a shortcut so they did not have to bother.  The two of them settled down on Toriel's blanket and Sans watched the end of the volleyball game.  He gave her nonsense answers when she got stuck on her puzzle.  
Her fur slowly dried and Sans moved over so he could use her stomach as a pillow. 
When the game wrapped up and they packed up their cars and headed home, Frisk rolled open their window as soon as they climbed in.  They left it open the whole ride home, wind whipping their hair back from their face.
Sans told her he liked the way her perfume smelled.
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pris-art · 6 years
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June 7th: Outdoor monster concert and jamboree
I focussed on the ‘concert’ of the prompt. I’ve been trying to make angst out of these prompts, but instead, I’ve been drawing a load of gay so here’s the angst i intended
little story under the cut.
When Alphys first heard the sorrowful howls multiply on themselves, she woke up sweating, just covering up enough to follow the sound, nervous, fearful, whatever could be causing that howling?
that mournful sound had her shaking- they shouldnt’ be in pain. things were better, they had woken up, it was...
she stopped dead, clawed hand hovering over the doorknob.  she knew... Endogeny was still an amalgamate, why was... why was she wondering what was ailing the elder k-9 squad? they couldn't fall down, not... not this easily.  she knew that.
the mournful howling continued, but with the panic slowly ebbing, she heard it clearer. it wasn’t a sound of dismay, of panic, of confusion. it was a song. a mournful howl of what once was, filled with the joy of what is.
but she wouldn’t be able to sleep without seeing, without checking for herself. taking a moment to cover herself better she stepped into the cool night air, eyes drawn to the sky like every time she stepped outside. the sound was clearer, and looking up the grassy hill...
they were all facing a similar direction. Alphys followed the common gaze- the moon.
and suddenly, the impromptu concert made sense.
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audaciousanonj · 6 years
Summer Nights and Starlight
Kicking off the 30 days of Monster Summer Mash with Papyrus taking his brother to gaze at stars! (Plus a cameo from @thunderstruck-edgelord‘s Reader bc Self Indulgence)
Papyrus had decided, long before he had ever wanted to be a royal guard, not to focus on the stars.
Obviously, he never would have told that to Sans! His brother had loved hearing about the stars, and used to go on and on about how he would be an astronaut one day. (Papyrus made a mental note to introduce the various thaumic sciences to NASA, and maybe wonder if they would accept monsters on the ISS. Perhaps they could start off slow, with, say… a skeleton monster who liked physics and applied thaumology?) However, Papyrus had never seen the appeal. If anything, he had been interested in geology! Why would he focus on a sky he might not ever have seen, when there were all those pretty rocks in waterfall that sparkled when his magic shone against them?
Of course, that had been before Frisk had came and the barrier had broken. Now they were all on the surface! Now Papyrus could see the sky! Rainbows! Sunrises and sunsets! Moon cycles and solar eclipses and…
And he still didn’t get what was so interesting about stars!!! The sky changed colors in the morning and evening; what was so fascinating about a few specks of white in the dark of night? Papyrus had confided his lack of interest to Flowey, who had asked Asgore what was so great about the stars that all the other monsters loved them. Asgore had then talked to Flowey and Frisk about the good old days when the skies were so full of stars you could make out galaxies, and Frisk had responded by introducing everyone to the concept of “light pollution.”
Which led to today, with Papyrus borrowing Asgore’s truck to drive a snoozing Sans and a bed full of camping supplies out into the desert.
Alphys and Undyne had gone out stargazing last week, and according to Undyne it was “the best thing ever, you HAVE to try it! Even Alphys thought it was cool, and she’s a huge shut-in! We could have watched the stars all night, if we hadn’t-” Undyne had stopped abruptly then, telling Papyrus more than he wanted to know, before quickly changing the subject. “Anyways, you said your brother was a HUGE NERD about space, why not go stargazing together?”
Papyrus still hadn’t been convinced that the hype was worth it, but the thought of the look on Sans’ face as he saw the stars had finally convinced him. This would be the perfect way to rekindle his brother’s passions..!
...Or shatter them forever. Sans had always been so hyped about the idea of stars, flaming balls of gas from so far away and yet so beautiful; how could reality possibly live up to the ideal? Papyrus was no stranger to realities falling short of paradise, what with having to navigate and predict the scuffles between human and monster culture as a part of his job. Sometimes it was better to let your dreams be dreams! If he brought Sans out here to stargaze only to see his brother’s face fall as he realized that stars really weren’t that great, then...
Papyrus abruptly realized he wasn’t paying attention to the road, and pulled over. Not paying attention while driving was bad news! And usually ended up on the news too! And it was almost sunset anyways, so it was probably a good idea to go deeper into the desert and away from the highway; that is, once his bones would cooperate and stop rattling so much!!!
“oh hey, we’ve stopped. are we- bro?”
Papyrus yelped in surprise as his brother’s voice came from the backseat. “EVERYTHING IS EXTREMELY FINE, NO PROBLEMS HERE!!!”
Papyrus refused to look in the rearview mirror. If he didn’t acknowledge the look on his brother’s face, then he didn’t have to answer the implied question! “NO, WE ARE NOT THERE YET, I AM SIMPLY TAKING A LITTLE… PAUSE BEFORE I CONTINUE. NOW HUSH, I NEED TO CONCENTRATE.” With the topic sufficiently avoided, Papyrus shifted gears and drove off the highway completely, and onto the dry desert terrain.
Sans stared in surprise as the truck headed further away from the highway. “uh... bro? the road is the other way.”
Sans managed to keep silent for about seven minutes before finally giving in to the inevitable. “so, we’re just gonna keep trucking ahead, are we?”
“SANS IF I HEAR ONE MORE WORD OUT OF YOU I SWEAR I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND,” Papyrus gritted out, but a part of him relaxed. Sans wouldn’t be able to resist such an obvious opening, and that would give Papyrus the excuse he needed to cancel this whole excursion! It’s not like either of them would be missing much, it was just stars!
Sans, naturally, took the bait. “one more word-”
Papyrus started turning.
“wha- hey, wait bro, i was just kidding!”
“TOO LATE, SANS. I GAVE YOU YOUR CHANCE BUT YOU THREW IT AWAY.” Still, Papyrus hesitated. Sans did seem eager to continue the “SURPRISE BROTHERLY OUTING” Papyrus had planned...
“it was just a joke! come on, i’ll be silent the rest of the trip, i promise!”
Papyrus slammed the brakes.
Sans didn’t make promises.
(“uh, bro..?”)
Sans didn’t make promises. Not casually.
(“what’s rattling your bones?”)
Sans didn’t make promises except for things that were important to him which meant this trip was important to him (“paps?”) even though he didn’t even know what they were going to do but he still really wanted to do this and Papyrus was going to cancel something that Sans really (“Papyrus?”) hoped for but if he kept going it would destroy his (“Papyrus. Talk to me.”) dreams and how can he make that choice how can he decide between Sans’ hopes or dreams or hopes or dreams or-
“Papyrus. Hey. Look at me.”
Papyrus blinked in surprise, and let out a sudden sob as his body informed him that he had been hyperventilating.
“you stopped the car, that’s good. lets you ride out something else,” Sans said soothingly from the front seat, having relocated himself while Papyrus was… busy.
“TH-THAT PUN WA-AS AWF-F-FUL.” Papyrus choked out.
“yeah, but it’s calming you down, isn’t it?”
“IT IS AND I HA-HATE IT!” Papyrus let out another hitching breath, and leaned against the steering wheel. He didn’t really hate it, but it had become something of a running joke between the brothers and Papyrus was too exhausted to try and come up with a different response.
“just keep breathing, bro, you’re doing fine,” Sans continued. Papyrus didn’t often break down, but when he did he usually broke down hard, so Sans had experience in comforting Papyrus. He still wasn’t sure if it was more or less experience than he’d like. On one hand, he hated when Papyrus broke down like this, but on the other hand, maybe if Sans could help him more before it became too much, Papyrus would break down less. “ya want me to pet your skull?”
“UH-HUH,” Papyrus mumbled into the steering wheel, closing his eyes as Sans made good on his offer. They stayed like that for a couple minutes, silent except for Papyrus’ slowly evening breaths and the scratches of bone on bone.
“hey, papyrus…” Sans hesitantly broke the silence, “do you want to tell me what’s wrong?”
Papyrus stiffened. He really didn’t. He really, really didn’t. The mere thought of destroying his brother’s passions in such a way had sent him spiraling into a panic attack, of course he couldn’t tell Sans what’s wrong! Even if the thought of sharing his burdens with his brother sent a desperate ache in his soul, his brother had his own problems to deal with! So really, why would he ever say “I-WAS-GOING-TO-TAKE-YOU-STARGAZING-BUT-STARS-ARE-SO-OVERHYPED-WHAT-IF-YOU-REALIZED-THAT-AND-NEVER-GOT-PASSIONATE-ABOUT-ANYTHING-AGAIN-!”
Papyrus slammed his hand over his mouth.
“oh.” Sans paused, going over what his brother just said. “is this your ‘everything has to be perfect’ thing?”
“because, you know it doesn’t matter that much to me, right? yeah, stargazing sounds super cool, and you’re the coolest for taking me out here to do it, but it’s not going to be ruined if there’s, i dunno, clouds or anything. just getting to spend some time as a family makes the trip worth it.”
“easy. i’ll shoot off some stellar puns, eat an entire bag of marshmallows, and fall asleep.”
Sans just grinned. “so, does this mean we’re gonna continue?”
“alright. you won’t hear another peep out of me.”
“come on bro, don’t be so mallowdramatic.”
Once Papyrus found a good camping site that was sufficiently away from the road, he set up the tent, and then he and Sans had dinner. If Papyrus was by himself, he would have continued sitting outside to watch the sky change colors, but Sans had convinced him to wait inside the tent until the sun was fully down so that when they went outside they could get the full effect of the sky all at once.
Papyrus had gone along with Sans’ idea. This trip was for his benefit, after all.
“so she’s just eating the jar of mayo- like, just eating it straight out of the jar- when all of a sudden she asks me if i’ve ever felt like there’s something that was supposed to happen, but didn’t,” Sans continued, halfway through telling a story about a human he met at Grillby’s. “so i pick myself up off the floor, because philosophy is my jam, and go ‘yeah?’ and she’s like ‘once, i was walking home during this huge thunderstorm, when out of nowhere i got the urge to check some nearby dumpsters. there wasn’t even anything there, but i could have sworn that i would have found someone hiding! weird, right?’ and i was like ‘yeah that’s weird,’ and she said ‘wouldn’t it be super cool if somewhere there was a world where i met my best friend by those dumpsters?’ and then we talked about chaos and multiverse theories for a while.”
“eh, maybe,” Sans shrugged. “hey, it’s pretty dark out there. think it’s finally time to go stargazing?”
Papyrus stiffened a bit, before forcing himself to relax. “IF YOU SAY SO!”
“alright then. close our eyes, and step outside on the count of three?”
“wait, hang on...”
Papyrus paused, and turned to look back at Sans, who looked more excited than usual. “YES?”
“wouldn’t it be super cool if we counted backwards from ten, like a spaceship launch?”
Papyrus couldn’t decide whether he wanted to laugh or cry. Even if Sans would enjoy tonight no matter what... “THAT SOUNDS INTERESTING! LET’S DO IT!” Well, if this was the last night his brother would like space, Papyrus wouldn’t deny him this. “TEN…”
“nine…” Sans closed his eyes and grinned.
“EIGHT...” Papyrus grabbed his brother’s hand and turned towards the tent door.
“seven…” Sans entwined his phalanges with his brothers’ and squeezed.
“SIX.” Papyrus grabbed the tent zipper with his other hand and closed his eyes.
“five..!” Sans’ voice shook with excitement as he heard the tent door unzipping.
“FOUR!” Papyrus carefully made his way out of the tent without letting go of his brother or opening his eyes.
“three!” Sans felt himself being gently pulled by Papyrus out into the cool desert night.
“TWO!” Papyrus stopped, eyes still shut, and let go of his brother’s hand.
“one!” Sans tilted his head up.
Together, they opened their eyes.
Sans was staring at the sky with awe and wonder, more at ease than Papyrus had ever seen him. Papyrus had no doubt that Sans’ jaw would have dropped if it wasn’t fused to the rest of his skull.
Satisfied that his brother was enjoying the view, Papyrus looked up to see it himself.
It was…
It definitely was! It sure did exist! Or rather, it had existed several hundred years ago and they were only seeing it now? His brother had told him that little factoid earlier. In any case, it definitely was a view! Certainly a thing he was able to look at, if there wasn’t anything else to catch his attention!
“so, what do you think?” Sans’ voice was barely a whisper, “is the view everything you hoped for?”
“IT’S PERFECT,” Papyrus replied, gazing at the blissful look on his brother’s face. After all, Papyrus was never one to focus on the stars.
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marshmarrowsans · 6 years
Sans/Reader: Wedding Vows
I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS PROMPT THE WHOLE TIME.  You can tell because I went wayyy over 500 words. AO3 link :)
You stared at your soon-to-be husband as if in a trance, Asgore’s voice droning on by your ear as he read off the customary lines.  You knew you were supposed to be listening to him, but you couldn’t.  And besides, you and Sans had gone over the whole ceremony over and over again.  You would catch your cue.  For now, you just smiled at Sans.  He smiled back at you, skeletal thumbs rubbing comfortingly over the backs of your hands.
 Despite dating him for a long, long time, this was your first time seeing him dressed fancy, and you were eating it up.  Sure, the lazy, cozy style was his aesthetic, and it was a good one on him.  But in your opinion, every man looked good in a sharp suit like that, and Sans was no exception.  No, he was a prime example.
 “And so,” boomed Asgore’s voice, introducing the cue you’d been waiting for, “let us all bear witness to the closest thing to their love for each other that words can express, spoken directly from what cannot lie: the soul.” This was the one part of the ceremony that you had still been nervous about when it began today, for a myriad of reasons. First, you were worried that you would be unable to produce your soul… Sans squeezed your hands a little.  The blue glow of his soul was prominent, easily visible through the white fabric of his dress shirt.  He was ready to present it to you whenever the moment came, but he was waiting for you to present yours first.  That was harder for a human than a monster.  But you could do it…  You could. “let me help,” he whispered to you, and pressed his body against yours in a hug.  It was a simple show of affection, of course, but also a way of placing his own soul closer to yours.  Coaxing it out.  Telling it that it was alright, and that his soul would be with it for every moment it was exposed.
 In a few moments, your soul was convinced.  You let out a soft sigh of relief as the luminous heart-shaped essence slipped from your chest, he took a step back, and your soul joined his in the space between you.
 That was step one. Now for the next part you were worried about, and the one you were worried about much more than just being able to produce your soul in front of the crowd.
 Now you had to let Sans hold it, see and feel every emotion and memory of yours like never before, and not only that.  You had to give him access to every part of your being, and then you had to let him read out what he found there to the audience.
 Even now, minutes away from calling him your husband, you were still terrified that he was going to find something there, something in the depths of your soul, something you’d never even meant to hide from him, that he wouldn’t like.  Something that would give him doubts, make him turn his back on you like everyone else in your life—
 As soon as Sans’ soul was in your hands, and yours was in his, you knew that wasn’t true.  You felt his love for you before you felt anything else, and you felt it in your own body, as if it was yours, but it was still somehow so distinctly his. Even if you could feel that incredible duality of emotion inside you, the smile he gave you while holding your soul in his hands was enough to tell you that he was deliriously happy from whatever it was making him see and feel and remember.
 Why had you ever worried? This was about your feelings for him, and if there was anything you could ever believe in with total certainty, it was that you loved Sans from the bottom of your heart.  Now, he could feel that.  And you could feel that he felt the same way about you.  Unwavering, undying, unconditional love, continuous like a thread of time from the moment he met you until now and forevermore.
 “lemme go first,” Sans offered, grin as wide as it had been all day.  “show the human how it’s done.  let’s see…  first thing they thought about me was that i was weird.  so i’m pretty sure that’s the same as everyone who’s ever met me.  now how the heck did we get from that to you wanting to marry me?” he teased you, earning a laugh from the audience, and a bashful shrug from you. It really was true.  He could remember your thoughts, your feelings, just as clearly as you could.  And you remembered all the days spent with him like they were just yesterday, all the way back to your first impressions of him.  As people say, time flies when you’re having fun, and your relationship with Sans was the most fun you’d had in your entire life.
 “i guess it all started when we started spending more time together.  it’s hard for them to tell the difference between us becoming good friends and the beginning of their crush on me.  in fact, they’re not even totally sure the distinction was ever there. something about our friendship always felt… different to them.  something they couldn’t quite put their finger on.  they got a real happy, funny feeling inside ‘em whenever we were around each other.  and it’s like… one day it meant nothing.  and the next day it meant everything.  even when they admitted to themself that they had feelings for me, they still kinda thought i looked…”  He looked at you like a kicked puppy and lowered his voice.  “you still thought i looked kinda ugly?”
 “Oof.  Well when you put it like that…” “BUT now, through some sorta wide-scale brain changes neuroscientists are gonna be studying for years to come, they think i’m the sexiest man alive, so it’s all good.”  His face lit right back up, and yours did, too.  Clearly, that was what mattered to him.  “in any case.  if i’m looking at this and remembering right, they had feelings for me wayyy before they ever showed any signs of it.” “…  I was scared,” you whispered to him, only for him to nod solemnly at the soul he was holding in his hands and whisper back, “i know.”
 “to this day, they still see me as their best friend.  that’s a big part of why they’re so confident in this marriage.  they think that being married to your best friend is the best thing in the world, because you already know you wanna spend every moment of every day together.  and that’s what they wanna do with me.  they wanna laugh at my dumb jokes even when i’m old and forgetful and i keep telling ‘em the same ones over and over again.  have a family together.  get me away from all the bad things that have happened to me.  i…  they love so much.  so much more than they show, so much more than words can express.”  He looked to the people watching, many of whom had their hands over their hearts (or souls) right about now.  “i wish you all could feel it.  that’s the only way to really understand it.  they love me in each and every way it’s possible to love someone.  they love the life we already have together, and the life we have ahead of us.  they love all our friends, both human and monster. they love their life like never before.” After such eloquence, it was kind of comical and jarring when he left it off with an awkward, “that’s about it. well, it’s not.  but if i tried to talk about everything, we’d be here all week and she’d probably immediately divorce me for spilling all her secrets.” Sans got laughter and applause from the onlookers for his part, and from you, a kiss on his forehead and a promise of, “Never.”
 After that example, you felt a lot better about expressing the feelings and memories flowing throughout you right now.  Once the welcoming silence fell once again, you took a deep breath and spoke, letting words fall that, in the best way possible, didn’t feel like they were entirely your own. “Before Sans met me, there were two aspects of himself that lived in tandem with each other.  There was a part of himself that distrusted humans.  Didn’t hate them.  But distrusted them, certainly.  Examples in his life of humans being good were few and far between, even when monsterkind went free.  People…  people were assholes.” You could see it now, in his memory.  The judgmental stares, the sneers.  Even physical confrontations. “And then there was a part of himself that longed for a soulmate.  Not necessarily a romantic one, in fact, he was never looking for romance at all.  He just wanted someone to be his very best friend, to put him before anything else as long as he did the same for them. Like Papyrus, but different from a brother.  He always felt like so many people knew him, but at the end of the day, nobody really… knew him. And he knew that was partially his fault, for…  for not really being open with people.  I guess… what he was looking for was somebody who would make him feel like he wanted to open up.  Somebody who made him feel like he wanted to talk about it all without it feeling like twisting knives in old wounds.” You could imagine that even Sans was confused about those feelings at that time in his life.  Feeling them directly from his soul, it was still hard to put them into words for him.  You looked to him for guidance and confirmation, and he gave you a small, approving nod.
“And those two parts of himself never existed in conflict, until he met me.”  The way that came out made the corner of your lip turn up in a smirk, like you were reading a script he wrote, and that line cracked you up.  “When I laughed at his jokes—even the bad ones—and understood his distrust, and his closed-off nature.  Respected his boundaries, but endlessly offered my help and compassion. Treated him like he was no different from myself, except for the body he existed in…  that need for a companion in life won out.  He realized that the person he’d been waiting for all this time was here, and they were a human.  A kind human, with an open mind and a loving heart.  And luckily, by that time, I considered him a close friend of mine, too. “I think it goes without saying that the story doesn’t end there.  The first odd thing he noticed was that he never wanted to pull away from me when I touched him.  In fact, he found himself craving my physical attention.  Oh, yeah,” you laughed, slipping from his memories to your own for a moment.  “We hugged a lot.  And here I was, always worried I was pushing it with those extended hugs.  Turns out neither one of us wanted to let go.” “nope,” Sans confirmed.  “if i had it my way, we would’ve walked around like a couple of conjoined twins.” “Jesus, Sans.”  You continued without further ado, “Well I won’t get into the details, but there were a lot of confused, awkward feelings here.  I tell you all, Sans keeps it cool on the outside like nobody else, but on the inside?  You would not believe.”  You leaned down and whispered to him, “Dude, can I tell them about the pillow?” “can you tell them about the—no you cannot tell them about the pillow!” he shouted a whisper back to you with his cheeks blue with embarrassment, making you giggle wildly.  “there are children present!” “Okay.  Sorry, everyone.  He doesn’t want me to tell you about it.”  You balanced his soul in one hand, using the other for just a moment to wipe happy tears from your eyes, before returning it.  “The important thing is, this was the first time he ever felt like this. He knew the concept of romantic love, but never felt it or went looking for it.  So he wasn’t expecting it to one day just…  hit him.  But it did.” Your voice softened, his soul seeming to warm in your hands at the memories you were exploring.  “It’s corny, but.  He really did know that he loved me when I first kissed him. “And it’s more than just love I gave him. I gave him a sense of hope for the future that he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.  He stopped worrying about the day things would all be taken away from him, and started dreaming about what would happen if that day never came.  He learned to hope again.  And he thanks me for that.  Even though I would personally like to remind him that he should give himself a lot more credit for his own recovery…” you smiled down at him lovingly, “I’m glad that I was a part of that.  A big part.  He has so many things he wants to do now.  But all of them involve me.  And being with me.  And always having my support, and supporting me in return.  He understands love now, even more than he did just before this wedding ceremony.  He understands how mutual and selfless it is now.  He’s not confused about anything anymore, he knows exactly what he wants.” It all came out so quickly, so naturally, you almost forgot to breathe between your words.  “His soul has already been irreversibly bound to mine for a long, long time.  Today is just to show that to everyone and make it official.  But it’s still the happiest day of his life.  His love for me is one thing about himself that he wants everybody to know.” “i considered getting us a couple of big, honkin’ wedding rings,” Sans jested, half to you and half to the audience. “like the size of a ring pop.  so that people can see that we’re married from a mile away.  turns out they don’t sell ‘em that big.” More laughter, more applause.  You let out a deep breath, and Sans pulled you into his arms, whispering to you about what a good job you did, and how incredible it was to feel your soul, and how he never could’ve imagined what that would be like.  Slowly, tenderly, you returned each other’s soul to one another, and after lingering between you for a long moment, they disappeared back into your chests.  With the removal of your connection to his soul, it felt like a void opened up in you.  You hugged him closer, already yearning to connect with his soul again. On your honeymoon, you promised yourself.  On your honeymoon, you would have all the time in the world to explore that deep, intimate connection… “… Given all you have found about one another and told us here today…” Asgore continued the ceremony, wiping a tear from his twinkling eyes, “Do you, Sans Gaster, take this human to be your lifelong partner, your greatest companion and soulmate, as long as your soul may sing its love for theirs as it has today?”
 “i do.”  Sans didn’t even lift his head from your chest.  He didn’t want to stop hugging you.  He didn’t ever want to let go. “And do you,” Asgore addressed you, “take this monster to be your lifelong partner, your greatest companion and soulmate, as long as your soul may sing its love for his as it has today?” “I do.” “Then with the blessing of the king and all of monsterkind, may your souls be bound to one another in marriage forevermore. For the first time in all of recorded history…” Asgore emphasized, “the human may now kiss their new monster husband.” “as much as they can without me having lips, anyways,” Sans added, before tangling his fingers in your hair. “c’mere, my sunshine.”
 The kiss you shared made you feel blind and deaf to anything other than him.  And for a moment, nothing else mattered.  Not anyone’s approval or disapproval, not your exact plans, not the backlash you might face, not even the fact that you were making history.
 All that mattered was that neither of you ever wanted this happiness to end.
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singing-robot · 6 years
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*You don’t feel so good.
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con-cognito · 6 years
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June 19th: Roarin’ rollercoasters and water slides
It's okay, baby Red, it's almost over! Baby Sans is screaming throughout the ride, but he'll want to ride again as soon as it stops. It doesn't show, but baby Papyrus is having a lot of fun. Baby Honey doesn't understand what's going on and focuses more on not losing his cap. Baby Blue and baby Edgy are having the time of their lives. They'll still be scolded afterwards for not keeping their arms inside the car.
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blue-icarus · 6 years
Family Day Out
ao3 link HERE
It was Frisk who first suggested it.
 "Mom, mom, mom, can we please go to the arcades? Please!?"
"You want to go where my child?"
 "The arcades, they're a place where you can play games and win prizes and it's really really fun! Please, please, please can we go?!"
Chara and Asriel, who were able to see Frisk's rapid signing from where they were raiding (well, trying to at least) the chocolate stash, joined in.
"Yeah mom! We'll be good we promise!"
"Yeah, we won't raid the chocolate stash for a whole month!"
"ASRIEL YOU TRAITOR! A day at the arcades is not worth a whole month of no chocolate, a week yes BUT NOT A MONTH!"
"AAA, I'M SORRY CHARA!!! NUUUU, DON'T NOOGIE THE GOAT!!! *distressed goat noises intensifies*"
After Chara had been calmed down with the promise of chocolate and Asriel removed from Toriel's shoulders, it was decided that the group of four would visit the arcades along the coast.
There was a street just opposite the ocean lined with arcades, food stalls and nic nack stores. The busy street was packed with humans and monsters alike, most just out to have a good time with their friends or window-shopping and such.
The arcade they arrived outside of, the one with the least amount of people in it, was a huge old building painted white. The paint was chipped and faded in areas, allowing people to see the red brick beneath. Twelve floor-to-ceiling pillars stood in front of the arcade's entrance; a glass windowed wall with three pairs of evenly spaced double doors. Bronze crowns adorned the tops of the pillars and faded green vines were painted on them, winding up the pillars. Above the middle pair of double doors was a large metallic green dragon, the green wings were extended behind it and it's clawed paws gripping the ceiling above the centre pillars. Below the dragon's snarling maw was the name of the arcade 'Dragon and Crown Arcade'.
Asriel and Chara looked up in awe while Frisk dragged them and Toriel inside. Inside the building there were rows upon rows of 2p and 10p slot machines, prize claw machines, a DDR machine, plenty of 2p change machines (e.g. put in a pound and you'll get a pound's worth of 2 pence pieces out of it), and many many more. Chara made a beeline to the alien shoot-em-up in the corner of the room almost immediately after they were given their arcade money, Asriel to a 2p slot machine and Frisk to the DDR machine with Toriel.
 With Chara
Chara's name was at the top of the leaderboard. They were wiping out aliens (and the competition) left and right, earning themselves a nice large pile of prize tickets in the process.
Did you really expect anything other than this?
 With Asriel
"So close, so. Darn. Close. If I could just...OH COME ON, AGAIN???!!! MOM, I'M OUT OF WEIRD BRITISH MONEY!!!" In the slot machine was a green cinema-ticket shaped piece of felt worth a thousand prize tickets, just teetering on the edge. Asriel was clutching the empty coin tub, debating whether or not to leave the machine to get some more money or yell till his mother heard him.
 With Frisk
A crowd gathered around the DDR machine as Frisk solo danced to Beethoven Virus like a pro, gripping the handrail behind them as they sped from arrow to arrow. All that time spent dodging magic attacks in the underground paid off in the end. I guess? Like Chara, Frisk's name was at the top of the leaderboard by the time they were finished, earning them many a prize ticket.
After beating Beethoven Virus, Frisk took a break before picking up their prize tickets and moving onto another machine: a Pacman slot machine. This was close to Asriel, very fortunate for him, who had also gained quite a few prize tickets himself from his slot machine. Toriel handed him one last bag of 2p's before deciding to help him herself, the two pushing 2p's into the slots either side of the machine at the same time.
Chara, who had gotten bored of the alien shoot-em-up, could have been mistaken for a large pink ticket monster with the amount of prize tickets they had bundled in their arms. Chara took the seat next to Frisk on the next Pacman machine along, they were gnawing on a chocolate bar from god-knows where.
"You having a good time, sib?" Chara asked, not taking their eyes off of the screen in front of them. Frisk smiled and tugged Chara's sleeve, causing them to turn and look at Frisk. "Yeah, it's nice to have some family time together! A shame goat dad couldn't come with us though." Chara hummed in agreement at this. "Mom and Azzy seem to be having fun together." Chara nodded at the two, Asriel was currently prancing around in victory and waving the green ticket over his head.
"Hahaha, calm down now my child, it's only a ticket."
"Nonono, mom, it's not just any old ticket. It's a special prize ticket, worth a THOUSAND regular prize tickets!"
Chara chuckled softly as Asriel ranted to Toriel about how the prize ticket system worked, and sighed in content. "You know, it's nice to see everyone so happy." Frisk nodded in agreement, a happy grin on their face.
"Alright my children, it's time to go now."
 "Awwwww, but mom we're having so much fun!"
"Please can we stay a little longer?"
"I'm sorry Asriel, I wish we could but I don't have enough money on me to stay longer."
"Can we at least see how many prize tickets we won?"
"Alright, I think there's a machine here somewhere that can tell us how many tickets we've won."
 At the ticket machine
Toriel and Asriel: 1500 each (they won 2000 from the slot machine and 1000 on Asriel's special prize ticket and decided to split)
Chara: 3000 from the shoot-em-up and 100 from the Pacman machine
Frisk: 3000 from the DDR machine and 100 from the Pacman machine
Total: 9200
In the end, Chara, Asriel, Frisk and Toriel decided to split the total amount of tickets between them -giving them all 2300 tickets each-. Chara spent all of their tickets on jumbo chocolate bars, Asriel spent his tickets on two packs of Yu-Gi-Oh cards and a navy F.B.I. print cap, Frisk spent their tickets on a large white dog plush, and Toriel spent her tickets on two pun t-shirts (a green one with the caption 'I make bad chemistry puns periodically.' on it with a picture of the periodic table below it, and a white one with 'What does a nosy pepper do? Get Jalapeño business!' on it and a green jalapeño pepper next to the caption. The white shirt was much larger than the green one.).
"Mmmph, muuurmph, hmm, yum."
"Chara, my child, please don't eat all those chocolate bars at once. You'll get sick."
 "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!"
"You know, I think I'll give the chemistry shirt to Sans."
"Goat mama and bone boy sittin in a tree, F.U.C..."
"Chara, don't finish that sentence unless you want me to turn your week long chocolate ban into a year long one."
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