#Montenegro Family Holidays
ducktoonsfanart · 4 months
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Donald Duck, Della Duck, Daisy Duck, Gus Goose and Gyro Gearloose's Easter and Birthday Celebration - Donald's Family and Friends - Quack Pack AU - Duckverse
Even though I know it’s past, I wish everyone a happy Easter once again, according to the Julian calendar, as well as the one that has passed, as well as a happy belated birthday to Gyro Gearloose and Gus Goose and happy birthday to my best and favorite character, Donald Duck, who will celebrate his 90th birthday this year! And happy birthday to Daisy and Della Duck, since they are also celebrating their birthday at the same time as Donald Duck. And together with their friends and relatives. And they are present at Donald’s jubilee 90th birthday. I drew as the end of the celebration of the Easter holidays as well as the birthday of my favorite characters.
On June 7, 1940, Donald's classic short “Mr Duck Steps Out” was shown, featuring Daisy Duck for the first time. 9/6/1934 The Classic Short "The Wise Little Hen" was shown and Donald Duck appeared there for the first time. Donald Duck will become one of the main stars of not only Disney, but also cartoon films, comics and video games at all. Certainly there is no need to tell his history. Della Duck is first mentioned in the comic book Donald's Nephews, and then made her first appearance in the 1994 comic strip "The Empire Builder from Calisota" by Don Rosa, from The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. Gyro Gearloose first appeared in the comic "Gladstone's Terrible Secret" published in May 1952 by Carl Barks. On May 18, 1938, in the classic short "Donald's Cousin Gus", Donald's cousin Gus Goose, who always likes to eat, appears for the first time. So I wish everyone a happy birthday. Certainly to all who are Orthodox (especially those who celebrate according to the Julian calendar and who celebrate after the Jewish Passover) who live in Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Armenia, Greece, Serbia, Cyprus, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Ukraine, Montenegro, North Macedonia and to all Orthodox people living around the world, I wish you a happy Easter! Christ is risen! Христос васкресе!
If someone asks me, yes, it is celebrated differently among the Orthodox and differently among the Catholics and Protestants, so it turned out to be a completely different Easter this year. Don’t worry, there will be a joint Easter next year. So Orthodox Easter fell on this day. The day he was crucified and died, resurrected and defeated death and the devil and proved that there is eternal life for all of us who believe. Glory to Jesus Christ who died for all of us sinners and rose again for all of us to save us!
This time Jose Ze Carioca (José Carioca-Zé Carioca) and Donald found themselves together and applied one traditional Serbian custom for Easter, and that is beating eggs, hitting egg on egg. The one who hits well and leaves that egg undamaged, is the winner. So I put them on this time too. And don’t worry, they don’t eat eggs, they are mostly artificial eggs. ;)
I drew a drawing, this time with adults keeping the Easter tradition and celebrating a birthday and mostly I combined from Quack Pack, The Legend of The Three Caballeros, Donald Duck comics (Italian comics), Ze Carioca comics (Brazilian comics), Darkwing Duck, Ducktales both versions, Double Duck and Duck Avenger (Paperinik) comics. It's mostly part of that Quack Pack AU of mine. I drew mostly in my own way. In addition to beating eggs, there are also Easter eggs, cherries and birthday cake. Mostly present in this drawing are Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Jose Ze Carioca (José Carioca-Zé Carioca), Rosinha Maria Vaz, Nestor, Aracuan Bird, Panchito Pistoles, Della Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Dickie Duck, Little Helper, Gus Goose, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, Abner Whitewater Duck, Uno Ducklair (One-Uno), Drake Mallard, Fenton Crackshell, Gandra Dee, Morgana Macawber, Launchpad McQuack, Lyla Lay and Kay K. I wanted to add more characters, but unfortunately not all of them would fit on my drawing. Sorry!
I hope you like this drawing and this idea and feel free to like and reblog this, just don’t use these same ideas of mine without mentioning me. Thank you! Also Happy Easter to everyone once again and Happy Birthday to Gyro Gearloose, Gus Goose, Daisy Duck and Della Duck! But especially happy birthday to my best duck, Donald Duck! And this is just the beginning of that celebration!
This is also a gift for my friends @isabellanajera, @you-big-palooka, @elmer-dat-gander , @fantasticenthusiasttale and @barbiedisneyavenger as well as for a friend who recently celebrated her birthday, happy birthday dear @nuvemzinhacorderosa ! I hope you like this!
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
went to my oxford bestie's dance show yesterday and omg she was so good!!! her group did french cancan and she really stole the show!
it was in a town nearby, so lucien drove me and my manchester bestie there. he was on steroids so he acted a bit weirder than usual. but overall it was great!
so i thought about my manchester bestie and i feel like maybe mischaracterised her a bit in my previous posts. bc i really couldn't put my finger on what was it about her that was bothering me so much. it's weird. because she's not stupid, nor is she lost in life. she has very strong values and she understands herself and her boundaries very well. she knows what she wants out of life, despite a lot of other people my age, who just float through life, figuring things out on the go. no, she has an answer to every question and doesn't back down.
she's always been like this. ive known her since we were 14 and i think that's why drifting apart from her is hard for me to begin with. she was my first kiss god damn it! like we had so many teenage firsts together, even more so than with my london bestie! and yeah, she's always had this set in stone moral compass. but now this part of her is even more prominent. she's had a lot of mental health issues, so she's done all kinds of therapy and it really made her hyperaware of her own self. she knows exactly what kind of person she is, what she likes and doesn't like, what's good for her and what isn't, etc. and it should be an admirable trait, right?
but here's the thing. weirdly enough, despite the fact that she's ahead of me in life on every level (she's doing a phd while im only just finishing my bachelors, she's been living by herself ever since she was 18, she's married, she's super well travelled, etc. etc.), she weirdly comes off as very limited. not stupid because she's not stupid. but just like... i don't know how to explain it. despite all of her extraordinary experiences, everything she's been through, etc. her comprehension of the world and society is just like... limited. like the thing i brought up about her talking about how she wants her kids to do the IB. like the way she said it... idk.
like, as i said before, it's not the wealth that's the issue. it's the ignorance. and more specifically, the lack of curiosity. because there are people who, despite their upbringing, are so profound. we talked about this with my stepdad this morning. and he has a very engineer-like way of seeing life. like any time he encounters something new, he wants to understand it to the very core. how does this thing work? why does this process happen? and he asks himself why and how all the time. he's always been like this.
meanwhile with my manchester bestie, she's just like not very curious, if that makes sense...? she has strong values and opinions, which is great and will get her far in life, but she never asks herself questions. and it's so weird.
like i remember when we were teens i invited her to visit my father in montenegro with me over the holidays. and my father is well... yknow. he's a character. and my bestie would be like "oh my god, in my family we aren't allowed to watch tv while eating or slurp our food!". and i was like yep, same here. except that's how it is at my father's place and he doesn't care. he's not my father in the sense that my bestie's father is her father. my mum is my parent, meanwhile my father is just like some dude i go on holiday to. and he lives the life of a childless man with a former hooker girlfriend in the balkans. and my bestie just like couldn't comprehend that. and what's worse, it felt like she didn't even want to pause to try and understand things. so at some point i just stopped trying to "justify" myself by explaining to her why my father would act the was he did. it just didn't come through to her, no matter what.
and that's still how she is i think. just accepting everything she sees in her bubble as normal and as a given, never asking herself questions. and when something is outside the norm, that's "weird" and "wrong", no explanation needed. doing a-levels is wrong because it doesn't give you the same skills as the IB does, not putting your kids into a bunch of after school activities is wrong because your kid is gonna become stupid by spending too much time on their ipad, etc. there couldn't be any other explanation on why some parents don't do that, right?
and, as ive said, the frustrating thing is that she's never gonna have to leave that bubble. all of her friends are from the same kind of social bubble, her husband was also an international school kid, her career isn't gonna make her confront other kinds of realities. and, most importantly, she's just like... not curious. and that's what bothers me about her.
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balapann-blog · 5 days
Day 9 - 14 September - Belgrade
We got up and went to the train station to book our sleeper train to Montenegro on Sunday night, however lots of the streets were closed by the police and there were armoured vehicles and police dogs around which was slightly intimidating. We did manage to get to the station and then book the train, (we initially thought we had got a private cabin but the lady had booked us on the Saturday train and there were only couchettes for Sunday, however this will hopefully be better than the night bus or sleeping on across 3 seats like our last night train).
We then went and spent the most opulent £16.90 I’ve ever spent at breakfast at this bib gourmand restaurant. It was a modern take on Balkan food and I had this polenta portage with blue cheese and mushrooms and Nin had cold oatmeal with every nice fruit under the sun on it. Considering we had that and 4 coffees, I couldn’t believe the price!
The breakfast was quite heavy so we went home to chill for a bit and then went on another excellent free walking tour. The guide was a very dry woman (i think called Ivana) who spoke through lots of different things, such as the three main architectural styles of Belgrade; Habsburg (very much friends of the blog at this point), brutalist, modern (she really did not like the modern stuff). We walked down the street our apartment is on, and then into the more hipster part of town that during the time when organised crime most ran the country in the early 00s was called silicone valley because of the breast implants of the mob wives who went to the clubs there. This is also where the oldest families in Belgrade live in, as there are very few people whose families have lived continuously in Belgrade for generations (apparently the city empties on orthodox holidays as everyone goes back to their village or town).
Although Belgrade was very Ottoman for hundreds of years, almost nothing of this architecture remains bar a couple of houses. She spoke through the Serbo/Croat language and the fact that it has two scripts (Cyrillic and Latin) because when Serbia and the rest of Yugoslavia merged Serbia used Cyrillic and Slovenia/Croatia used Latin and since the languages are the same, both scripts are usable.
We went to Belgrade castle which is absolutely massive and has an amazing view down onto the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. The tour finished in the orthodox cathedral where there was a wedding on. Serbian weddings seem to be soundtracked by gypsy brass bands who seranade the bride as she enters the church. It was fun and very over the top.
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Our tour guide was interesting, on one hand, she was very liberal in her views and spoke a lot about government corruption and hoping all the things from the Yugoslav wars were behind the region. On the other hand she was very clearly Serbian in of her outlook, she crossed herself going into the cathedral, she preferred the Cyrillic script to the Latin, and was very proud of her Serbianness (if thats a word). Her explanation of the place of rakija in Serb culture was really interesting and heartfelt. I think that sometimes there is an assumption people in the east of Europe want to be like people in the west of Europe, but that that view I think is lazy and quite condescending (even if we can all stray into it) and that there are loads of ways to be a good person and be a good society. And nice liberal people from metropole cities in Western Europe don’t have a monopoly on a good life and we have lots of faults and blind spots that we don’t often interrogate.
After the tour we went to a grill called GrillRepublik which had 4.9 stars on google (‘unheard of’ Nina Jones) they were playing the Liverpool game which was nice I hadn’t watched any football since the season started. The food was so good we both had burgers with kajmak on it which is a Balkan cream thing that is half way between butter and clotted cream. It was delicious but I think dangerous to have on meat like that. My burger came with cabbage and I got a shopska salad, Nin had onions and a slightly different salad. The bread we had was also very fresh and airy. This was supposed to be a little snack so we got the small burger, but it was so big we could just about finish it!
After food, we went home and chilled out for a bit and then went to this fun bar for a couple of drinks (it was Saturday night after all), however we were both quite tired and so we left and went for a little walk and then went back to our apartment, I published my blog from Sarajevo and we did some planning and got a relatively early night.
What we ate - Iva New Balkan Cuisine, GrillRepublik
What we liked - My polenta thing got quite heavy after a while so i think the grill was the best thing of the day.
Day 10 - 15 September - Belgrade > Bar
We were planning to go for a run before we checked out but it was absolutely lashing when we work up so we just had a coffee in the flat and packed. When we left we went to do laundry in a laundrette, which was needed as we hadn’t done any washing since Zagreb! There were lots of tourists there trying to wash (or dry) their stuff. Walking there had been a bit of a mission and I am very thankful for the waterproof cover for my bag!
We then went and stored our stuff in a luggage storage and looked for place for lunch, we found this very classic boogie coffee shop/brunch place. I had this french omelette with mushrooms which was amazing, I think I said it was one of the best omelettes id ever had, not sure if that was hyperbole or not but it was good! It was probably one of the most expensive meals we had had since Slovenia (about £33) but the space was very nice and the food was good!
After that we failed at getting a bus to the Museum of Yugoslavia, so in the end got a taxi. It is quite a random museum, and mainly houses The Big Man’s (Tito’s) mausoleum and then a museum bit that seems only there to house the presents that he got from other world leaders, among some other things about the formation of Yugoslavia. The most numerous thing in the museum was relay batons from Youth Day celebrations over the years, my main thought was that I just want someone to love me like Tito loves relay batons.
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After the museum, we walked to St. Sava’s temple which is the second biggest Orthodox Church in the world. It was pretty amazing and I think had been restored quite recently and was latterly shining gold. The pictures I took do not do it justice. They were also piping in some sick plainchant music which added to the atmosphere.
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We then walked back into town (the other two places had been a bit out of town) via a Boots/Superdrug type shop, which in the rain and after being in lots of cites that id never been to before felt strangely comforting (something about the lighting and familiarity), even though we didn’t get anything. We went to the National Museum of Serbia, which is mainly an art gallery with some early artefacts on the second floor. The art was pretty good, would have liked a bit more socialist realism, but there was some great stuff there (it was free and in the main square too!)
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We then went to a Vietnamese (Asian fusion really) that was in the bib gourmand but was really just fine, I think in London we are spoiled it’s Pho Mile. We then got our bags and got a taxi to the station. The driver said he hoped Putin sent nuclear bombs on the UK as he showed us a building that had been destroyed in nato bombing (good thing I said we were Irish).
I enjoyed Belgrade much more than I expected to, particularly after being in Sarajevo and Republika Srpska, and reading and hearing about how the Serb Government is acting and its close relationship to Russia. I guess it is true that most people are generally friendly and welcoming and that politics generally sits above individual interactions with people. It also feels like Belgrade is pretty liberal (particularly the places we went), and I doubt the rest of the country is quite like that. Our taxi driver slightly shattered that assumption, but looking at his age, he could well have been in the Yugoslav army at the time of the wars, and what would an experience like that do to someone. It takes lots of courage and self reflection to go against the view of an institution you are part of, particularly if you hear of atrocities committed by the other side (real or not), and NATO are bombing your country. The graffiti below is from the main square in Belgrade, written in English with stencils of Radovan Karadžić beside it, even with all the perceived liberalism in Belgrade, this politics is impossible to ignore.
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We were very early for our train and when it came we were both top bunks in a couchette. We have definitely got our night travel better and a night train is definitely preferable to night bus. The guy in the bunk below me snored quite a lot and my noise cancelling headphones ran out of battery at about 1am! I think I slept a bit and am definitely not as tired as after the bus. At about 8am I woke up and went to look out the window, the train we were on is famously very beautiful and it was a very nice view to wake up to, first the mountains then Skroder lake! We are now in a coffee shop in Bar waiting for our check in at 2 to our hotel down the coast. The weather is much nicer here so let’s hope it stays that way!
What we ate - June cafe, Istok
What we liked - June was nice, Istok i would say is overrated but wasn’t bad.
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rohanseoewe · 5 months
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0 notes
blackleopardgirl · 8 months
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People don’t really know what this photo did for me, what it started is indescribablez🤣and what’s crazy is, I’m not not even just talking about the outfit- or specifically just the skirt. Everything, including the deep brown tan. (Also, I’m just now finding out that these were old Zara shorts the whole time and not a just a floral skirt- wild)
It’s giving girl who lives in the EU with her family traveling for a summer holiday to either: Spain, Portugal, South of France, Greece, Crete, Montenegro, Albania, Turkey, or Morocco. She’s going to spend money at overpriced beach clubs and visit local bars and clubs that play basic dance music. This was such a vibe when I first found out about it during the spring of 2022. Just in time too! 🍊
0 notes
brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.13
Accordion Day
All in the Family Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Change of Style Day
Children’s Day (Thailand)
Copper Day (French Republic)
Cuckoo Dancing Day
Day of Freedom Defenders (Lithuania)
Delta Sigma Theta Day
Democracy Day (Cape Verde)
Door-to-Door Salespeople Day
Eugenio Maria de Hostos’ Day (Puerto Rico)
Festival of the Body of Habits
Frisbee Day
J’Accuse Day
James Joyce Day
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Korean-American Day
Liberation Day (Togo)
Make Your Dreams Come True Day
Malanka (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine)
National AMBER Alert Awareness Day
National Aviation Day (Thailand)
National Dhaka Day (Nepal)
National Catherine Day
National French Bulldog Day
National Kathleen Day
National Shower Together Day
National Sticker Day
National Tip-Toe Day
Poetry Break Day
Public Radio Broadcasting Day
Radio Day
Redemption Day (Ghana)
Rubber Duckie Day
Russian Press Day (Russia)
Sidereal Winter Solstice Eve (SE Asia)
Silvesterklausen (Switzerland)
Stephen Foster Memorial Day
St. Knut’s Day (Finland)
Strive and Succeed Day
Swiftie Day
Trog Day
Turn On Your Radio Day
Universal Basic Income (UBI) Day
Uruka (Assam, India)
World Day to Combat Depression (WHO)
Yennayaer (Berbers)
Zero Birth Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Go Out To Dinner Day
Peach Melba Day
2nd Saturday in January
Children’s Day (Thailand) [2nd Saturday]
Eagle Day [2nd Saturday]
Miss America Pageant [2nd Saturday]
National Skate Day for Alzheimer’s (Canada) [2nd Saturday]
National Vision Board Day [2nd Saturday]
Vinegrower's Day (Bulgaria)
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Mongolia)
Theria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Calennig (Wales)
Old New Year’s Eve (Belarus, Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine)
Festivals Beginning January 13, 2024
Apalachicola Oyster Cook-Off (Apalachicola, Florida)
Asian American Expo (La Verne, California) [thru 1.14]
Blythe Bluegrass Jam Festival (Blythe, California) [thru 1.14]
Carnival of Vevčani (Macedonia) [thru 1.14]
Florida Keys Seafood Festival (Key West, Florida) [thru 1.14]
Mankato Craft Beer Expo (Mankato, Minnesota)
Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival (Morro Bay, California) [thru 1.16]
Quaker Oatmeal Festival (Lafayette, Colorado) [
Social in the City (London, UK) [thru 1.14]
Wintersköl Beer Festival (Aspen, Colorado)
Virginia Fly Fishing and Wine Festival (Roswell, Virginia) [thru 1.14]
Feast Days
Bhogi (Tamil; 1st Day of Pongol)
Blessed Veronica of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Compitalia Mania: Day of the Mother of Ghosts (Pagan)
The Druids (Positivist; Saint)
Elian (Christian; Saint)
Feast of St. Kentigern (a.k.a. St. Mungo; Scotland)
George Fox (Lutheran; Saint)
Hilary of Poitiers (a.k.a. Hilarius; Christian; Saint)
Ides of January (Ancient Rome)
Jan Van Goyen (Artology)
Kentigern (Christian; Saint)
Knut's Day or Tjugondag Knut, the last day of Christmas. (Finland, Sweden)
Lohri (India)
Maghi (Sikh)
Mawlid al-Nabi (Birthday of the prophet Mohammed, North American date; Muslim)
Midvintersblot (a.k.a. Mid Winter Blot or Midvetr, Midvetrarblot, Jordblot, Thorrablot, Freyrblot; Ancient Norse mid-winter feast)
Mungo (Christian; Saint)
Paul Gavarni (Artology)
Pongol begins (India)
Recuperation Fortnight begins (Shamanism)
Rubber Duckie (Muppetism)
Scalloway Fire Festival (Scotland)
Skeptics Day (Pastafarian)
Theogamia (Celebration of Zeus & Hera’s marriage; Ancient Greece)
Tiugunde Day (Old England)
Tjugondag (a.k.a. Tjugondagen Knut or the Last Day of Christmas or St. Knut's Day; Finland, Sweden)
Trumpeters Promenade the City in the Habits of Women (Ancient Rome)
Tyvendedagen (a.k.a. Twentieth Day of Knut; Norway)
Veronica (Christian; Saint)
Werner Van Braun (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Yvette (Christian; Blessed)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 13 [6 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s the13th day of the year, never a good thing and never will be for you.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [4 of 57]
The Big Sky, by A.B. Guthrie Jr. (Novel; 1947)
A Bit of Fry & Laurie (UK TV Series; 1989)
A Boy, a Gun and Birds (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1940)
All Together (SS Disney Cartoon; 1942)
The China Shop (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Darling in the Franxx (Anime TV Series; 2018)
Davy Jones Locker, featuring Willie Whopper (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Donald’s Lucky Day (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
The Donkey Serenade, recorded by Allan Jones (Song; 1938)
Dr. Sax, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1959)
Duke Of Earl, by Gene Chandler (Song; 1962)
Flowers, by Miley Cyrus (Song; 2023)
At Folsom Prison, by Johnny Cash (Concert recorded; 1968)
Glory Road (Film; 2006)
Hanna-Barbera’s All-Star Comedy Ice Revue (Animated TV Special; 1978)
Hill-billing and Cooing (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1956)
Hocus Pocus Pow Wow (WB LT Cartoon; 1968)
Hoodwinked! (Film; 2006)
Hook, Line and Stinker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1969)
The Iron Lady (Film; 2012)
Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, recorded by Johnny Cash (Live Concert Album; 1968)
Kraven the Hunter (Film; 2023)
Last Exit to Brooklyn, by Hubert Selby Jr. (Novel; 1963)
Legends of the Fall (Film; 1995)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock Cartoon; 1973)
Night and Day, by Cole Porter (Song; 1932)
The Owl and the Pussycat featuring Sourpuss (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Peacemaker (TV Series; 2022)
Plexus, by Henry Miller (Novel; 1953) [Rosy Crucifixion #2]
Real Women Have Curves (Film; 2002)
Ruby Tuesday, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1967)
The Sands of Mars, by Arthur C. Clarke (Novel; 1951)
The Screwy Truant, featuring Screwy Squirrel (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1945)
A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV Series; 2017)
Schitt’s Creek (TV Series; 2015)
Shanghaied (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Stitch & the Samurai (Manga; 2020)
Tangled Ever After (Disney Cartoon; 2012)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TV Series; 2008)
The Times They Are a-Changin’, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1964)
Toxic, by Britney Spears (Song; 2004)
U Can’t Touch This, by MC Hammer (Song; 1990)
Wolf Like Me (TV Series; 2022)
Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles (Album; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Hilarius, Hilmar, Jutta, Remigius (Austria)
Hilarije, Juta, Radovan, Veronika (Croatia)
Edita (Czech Republic)
Hilarius (Denmark)
Hillar, Hillo, Illar, Illart, Illo (Estonia)
Nuutti (Finland)
Hilaire, Yvette (France)
Hilarius, Hilmar, Jutta (Germany)
Emilos (Greece)
Veronika (Hungary)
Ilario, Leonzio (Italy)
Aira, Ārijs, Āris, Harijs (Latvia)
Dargaudas, Gilvydė, Iveta, Veronika (Lithuania)
Gislaug, Gisle (Norway)
Bogumił, Bogusąd, Bogusława, Godfryd, Gotfryd, Leoncjusz, Melania, Weronika (Poland)
Ermil (Romania)
Rastislav (Slovakia)
Hilario (Spain)
Knut (Sweden)
Ivette, Veronica, Vonnie, Vonny, Yvette, Yvonne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 13 of 2024; 353 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 2 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 3 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 3 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 2 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 13 White; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 31 December 2023
Moon: 7%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 13 Moses (1st Month) [The Druids]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 24 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 23 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.13
Accordion Day
All in the Family Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Change of Style Day
Children’s Day (Thailand)
Copper Day (French Republic)
Cuckoo Dancing Day
Day of Freedom Defenders (Lithuania)
Delta Sigma Theta Day
Democracy Day (Cape Verde)
Door-to-Door Salespeople Day
Eugenio Maria de Hostos’ Day (Puerto Rico)
Festival of the Body of Habits
Frisbee Day
J’Accuse Day
James Joyce Day
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Korean-American Day
Liberation Day (Togo)
Make Your Dreams Come True Day
Malanka (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine)
National AMBER Alert Awareness Day
National Aviation Day (Thailand)
National Dhaka Day (Nepal)
National Catherine Day
National French Bulldog Day
National Kathleen Day
National Shower Together Day
National Sticker Day
National Tip-Toe Day
Poetry Break Day
Public Radio Broadcasting Day
Radio Day
Redemption Day (Ghana)
Rubber Duckie Day
Russian Press Day (Russia)
Sidereal Winter Solstice Eve (SE Asia)
Silvesterklausen (Switzerland)
Stephen Foster Memorial Day
St. Knut’s Day (Finland)
Strive and Succeed Day
Swiftie Day
Trog Day
Turn On Your Radio Day
Universal Basic Income (UBI) Day
Uruka (Assam, India)
World Day to Combat Depression (WHO)
Yennayaer (Berbers)
Zero Birth Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Go Out To Dinner Day
Peach Melba Day
2nd Saturday in January
Children’s Day (Thailand) [2nd Saturday]
Eagle Day [2nd Saturday]
Miss America Pageant [2nd Saturday]
National Skate Day for Alzheimer’s (Canada) [2nd Saturday]
National Vision Board Day [2nd Saturday]
Vinegrower's Day (Bulgaria)
Independence & Related Days
Constitution Day (Mongolia)
Theria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Calennig (Wales)
Old New Year’s Eve (Belarus, Macedonia, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine)
Festivals Beginning January 13, 2024
Apalachicola Oyster Cook-Off (Apalachicola, Florida)
Asian American Expo (La Verne, California) [thru 1.14]
Blythe Bluegrass Jam Festival (Blythe, California) [thru 1.14]
Carnival of Vevčani (Macedonia) [thru 1.14]
Florida Keys Seafood Festival (Key West, Florida) [thru 1.14]
Mankato Craft Beer Expo (Mankato, Minnesota)
Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival (Morro Bay, California) [thru 1.16]
Quaker Oatmeal Festival (Lafayette, Colorado) [
Social in the City (London, UK) [thru 1.14]
Wintersköl Beer Festival (Aspen, Colorado)
Virginia Fly Fishing and Wine Festival (Roswell, Virginia) [thru 1.14]
Feast Days
Bhogi (Tamil; 1st Day of Pongol)
Blessed Veronica of Milan (Christian; Saint)
Compitalia Mania: Day of the Mother of Ghosts (Pagan)
The Druids (Positivist; Saint)
Elian (Christian; Saint)
Feast of St. Kentigern (a.k.a. St. Mungo; Scotland)
George Fox (Lutheran; Saint)
Hilary of Poitiers (a.k.a. Hilarius; Christian; Saint)
Ides of January (Ancient Rome)
Jan Van Goyen (Artology)
Kentigern (Christian; Saint)
Knut's Day or Tjugondag Knut, the last day of Christmas. (Finland, Sweden)
Lohri (India)
Maghi (Sikh)
Mawlid al-Nabi (Birthday of the prophet Mohammed, North American date; Muslim)
Midvintersblot (a.k.a. Mid Winter Blot or Midvetr, Midvetrarblot, Jordblot, Thorrablot, Freyrblot; Ancient Norse mid-winter feast)
Mungo (Christian; Saint)
Paul Gavarni (Artology)
Pongol begins (India)
Recuperation Fortnight begins (Shamanism)
Rubber Duckie (Muppetism)
Scalloway Fire Festival (Scotland)
Skeptics Day (Pastafarian)
Theogamia (Celebration of Zeus & Hera’s marriage; Ancient Greece)
Tiugunde Day (Old England)
Tjugondag (a.k.a. Tjugondagen Knut or the Last Day of Christmas or St. Knut's Day; Finland, Sweden)
Trumpeters Promenade the City in the Habits of Women (Ancient Rome)
Tyvendedagen (a.k.a. Twentieth Day of Knut; Norway)
Veronica (Christian; Saint)
Werner Van Braun (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Yvette (Christian; Blessed)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 13 [6 of 72]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s the13th day of the year, never a good thing and never will be for you.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [4 of 57]
The Big Sky, by A.B. Guthrie Jr. (Novel; 1947)
A Bit of Fry & Laurie (UK TV Series; 1989)
A Boy, a Gun and Birds (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1940)
All Together (SS Disney Cartoon; 1942)
The China Shop (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Darling in the Franxx (Anime TV Series; 2018)
Davy Jones Locker, featuring Willie Whopper (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
Donald’s Lucky Day (Disney Cartoon; 1939)
The Donkey Serenade, recorded by Allan Jones (Song; 1938)
Dr. Sax, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1959)
Duke Of Earl, by Gene Chandler (Song; 1962)
Flowers, by Miley Cyrus (Song; 2023)
At Folsom Prison, by Johnny Cash (Concert recorded; 1968)
Glory Road (Film; 2006)
Hanna-Barbera’s All-Star Comedy Ice Revue (Animated TV Special; 1978)
Hill-billing and Cooing (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1956)
Hocus Pocus Pow Wow (WB LT Cartoon; 1968)
Hoodwinked! (Film; 2006)
Hook, Line and Stinker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1969)
The Iron Lady (Film; 2012)
Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, recorded by Johnny Cash (Live Concert Album; 1968)
Kraven the Hunter (Film; 2023)
Last Exit to Brooklyn, by Hubert Selby Jr. (Novel; 1963)
Legends of the Fall (Film; 1995)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock Cartoon; 1973)
Night and Day, by Cole Porter (Song; 1932)
The Owl and the Pussycat featuring Sourpuss (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Peacemaker (TV Series; 2022)
Plexus, by Henry Miller (Novel; 1953) [Rosy Crucifixion #2]
Real Women Have Curves (Film; 2002)
Ruby Tuesday, by The Rolling Stones (Song; 1967)
The Sands of Mars, by Arthur C. Clarke (Novel; 1951)
The Screwy Truant, featuring Screwy Squirrel (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1945)
A Series of Unfortunate Events (TV Series; 2017)
Schitt’s Creek (TV Series; 2015)
Shanghaied (Disney Cartoon; 1934)
Stitch & the Samurai (Manga; 2020)
Tangled Ever After (Disney Cartoon; 2012)
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TV Series; 2008)
The Times They Are a-Changin’, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1964)
Toxic, by Britney Spears (Song; 2004)
U Can’t Touch This, by MC Hammer (Song; 1990)
Wolf Like Me (TV Series; 2022)
Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles (Album; 1969)
Today’s Name Days
Hilarius, Hilmar, Jutta, Remigius (Austria)
Hilarije, Juta, Radovan, Veronika (Croatia)
Edita (Czech Republic)
Hilarius (Denmark)
Hillar, Hillo, Illar, Illart, Illo (Estonia)
Nuutti (Finland)
Hilaire, Yvette (France)
Hilarius, Hilmar, Jutta (Germany)
Emilos (Greece)
Veronika (Hungary)
Ilario, Leonzio (Italy)
Aira, Ārijs, Āris, Harijs (Latvia)
Dargaudas, Gilvydė, Iveta, Veronika (Lithuania)
Gislaug, Gisle (Norway)
Bogumił, Bogusąd, Bogusława, Godfryd, Gotfryd, Leoncjusz, Melania, Weronika (Poland)
Ermil (Romania)
Rastislav (Slovakia)
Hilario (Spain)
Knut (Sweden)
Ivette, Veronica, Vonnie, Vonny, Yvette, Yvonne (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 13 of 2024; 353 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 2 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 3 (Bing-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 3 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 2 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 13 White; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 31 December 2023
Moon: 7%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 13 Moses (1st Month) [The Druids]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 24 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 23 of 31)
0 notes
girlyandunruly · 9 months
2023: Most important thing is family
First year I’ve felt a shift from my “forever young” lifestyle to realizing we are getting old. Our friends no longer join every big event. Both our grandmothers passed away earlier this year. We’ve also had some health problems we’ve had to manage. There’s more time spent at home with continued house maintenance and remodeling projects (and a little of relaxation when possible). I guess since we spend more time at home, we keep improving it. But overall, I’m like “what’s going on? Are we boring? Oh, we are just getting older”, blah.
The biggest focus this year has been family. Between birthdays, funerals, national holidays, and newborn family member, we traveled 8 times in the year to spend time with family. With all the life changes, I cherish the time I spend with our family.
Workwise, this year I hired three new people for my team, and it was the first time in 5 years working at Barr Engineering that I felt the workload was finally manageable. All those years of stress finally paid off; I have a solid team, way more money (ha!) and Barr did an article about me so getting some industry recognition.
Traveling to a new place or visiting family is my favorite thing to do. Here’s this year’s list, 9 different states and 3 new countries, not one full month spent in Denver.
Jackson Hole, WY snowboarding with friends (Highlight: seeing a moose on the ski run!!)
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Taos, NM snowboarding trip with friends for my 38th birthday (Highlight: live music at a bar)
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Tucson, AZ for work NAEM conference (Highlight: cucumber vodka lemonades)
Houston, TX for abuelita’s celebration of life
Birmingham, MI for Luka’s birthday
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Vienna, Austria trip with my mom (Highlights: ALL THE ART!! Absolute best and champagne breaks)
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Collbran, CO camping for 4th of July
Lake George, NY for Betty Brown’s celebration of life
Nagawicka Lake, WI for grandpa Bob’s 95th birthday
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Serbia and Montenegro for our 5th year wedding anniversary (Highlights: Basketball player Boban Marjanovic being at the same restaurant and all the cats in Montenegro)
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Houston, TX for business trip (Highlight: Got to see SanJuanita and parents for a night)
Minneapolis, MN for work training
Birmingham, MI for sisbro’s birthday and went to see Metallica (Highlight: Detroit Institute of Art with so many dutch paintings)
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Tampa, FL for Thanksgiving with the Brown family (Highlights: Salvador Dali, wild dolphins and saving Sofi)
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Houston, TX for Christmas with the family (Highlight: Go Karts with the siblings!)
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The times I wasn’t traveling but stayed in Denver were memorable: 1- Goat yoga 2- Getting a limo to see SOFI TUKKER at Red Rocks 3- Bridgerton themed brunch with Elizabeth 4- Indoor mini golf with friends where I won :D 5- Denver Nuggets won the NBA championship and my obsession with Jokic started 6- Seeing The Book of Mormon 7- Makeup class with Kate at Sephora, and finally learning better makeup techniques (I know what to do with primer and bronzer) 8- Obsessed with Women’s World Cup games 9- Vivas Streets where Denver closed Broadway and Welton and had it open for bikers/walkers and no cars. So much fun. 10- Free outdoor movie The Goonies at Curtis Park 11- Tried something new: Hip Hop class with Holly 12- Seeing Jerry Seinfeld 13- Discovered new favorite restaurants: Jovanina’s Broken Italian and Bao Brewhouse
Relax time at home:
Creating art of any form is my favorite pastime. And this year I’ve become obsessed with creating miniatures. A few inspired by my recent travels: Mozart's home after Austria and Porto Winery after Portugal.
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Favorite books I read this year: o The Blueprint for Revolution by Srdja Popovic o All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Bigger focus on skin care. I have a routine of drinking tea collagen every morning, take vitamins and use serum. The occasional face mask.
Favorite TV shows/Movies in 2023:
Ted Lasso
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
With all the art obsession this year I came up with our Halloween costume: Vincent Van Gogh and The Starry Night
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Baby news!
New nephew Noah born in February 2023 and new baby announcement from Justin and Vanessa again on the same year! (another boy!)
Owen and Pearl had their baby Soren on November 7, 2023.
My 2024 wishes are for better health and continued happiness <3
0 notes
safereturndoubtful · 11 months
Virpazar, Skadar Lake
Tuesday 24th October 2023
I had five days at Grebaje, in the Prokletoje National Park. It wasn’t at all busy, but I met the odd hiker, and just a couple of other campervans, Vincent from Belguim who I mentioned, and a Swiss family, who were living on the road, heading from Greece and Turkey for the winter, with an 8 and 4 year old.
On Monday morning, low on supplies, I left, and stocked up at the supermarket in Gusinje, where, a banner proclaimed, a round of the World Sky-running Championships had been held in July of this year.
I retraced my tyre-tracks through Andrijevica and over the Komovi pass, in an anti-clockwise arc, so coming back into the Komovi mountains, and the Accurseds again, but this time from the southwest (I’ll post a map in the next day or so).
I stopped for the night at Veruša, which, thanks to a new section of motorway, is only an hour from the country’s capital, Podgorica. Due to that new fast access, this beautiful area of the foothills of the National Park is booming, with plenty of new developments. There are some holiday houses, but many new builds are family houses for commutes into the city.
I stayed at a new campsite, in an early stage of development, with a few cabins built, and a few under construction. There were three cyclists there also, an older couple from Switzerland travelling together, and a woman from Chicago. We sat around a fire chatting for an hour or two.
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This morning I headed up, deeper into the National Park, to Bukomir Lake at 1450 metres, where Roja and I took a couple of hours for a circuit on foot. From there, there is a narrow, winding and often steep road for 46 kilometres to the village of Kuč, just on the outskirts of the capital. In its first kilometre it heads up to 1850 metres and is prone to landslides, situated as it is, on the side of a steep slope. I had checked that it was asphalted, as otherwise I would have had no change in the van.
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It is an incredible drive, and would make an even better bike ride. It will rank amongst the most spectacular roads I have driven, and I am surprised it is not better known. I saw no one else.
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Access up to this part of Komovi National Park is all quite new. Twenty years ago there was no road, just a very rough track, access for shepherds to high pasture. Water for the city was the reason for the asphalt, and with came access for mountaineers, the formation of the National Park, and the infrastructure that brought, cafes, bars, holiday cabins and suchlike.
From Podgorica I headed south to the vast Skadar Lake, which forms a National Park, part shared with Albania, where it is known as Shkodër Lake. The most immediate difference is the climate. It had been -1C first light this morning, but here, almost at the coast, and almost at sea level, it is a humid 20C, with a range of just 3C all day and night. The next few days have big rain forecast, which the locals tell me will mean the end of this unseasonable weather.
I have found a small family run campsite at Virpazar, which has a busy tourist trade in the season, but now is dwindling to just a few. Boat trips and wine tasting are the main attractions. Montenegro has two thirds of Skadar Lake which is just under 50 kilometres long, and 15 kilometres wide. It has huge diversity of flora and fauna, and that means also 270 varieties of birds.
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With this humidity my timing is slightly out, I need to get back to some altitude. It’s too early for me to come to the coast.
There’s a broad section of land I’m heading for, between Skadar lake and the sea, on a small wild road that gets up again to above a thousand metres. The forecast rain is considerable though, so we will have to just see how it goes..
0 notes
montenegroproperty · 2 years
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House hot sale in Sutomore – This house is located in the town of Sutomore and is being sold urgently. The house is a two-story building with a total area of 100 square meters and a land area of 56 square meters. The house offers a beautiful view of the sea and has a parking space for one car. The first floor of the home includes a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, and terrace. The home also has an external staircase that leads to the second floor. The second floor has a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and two terraces. The house is perfect for a small family or as a holiday home. It is situated in a quiet and peaceful area of the town, offering the ideal escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. The house is well-maintained and is ready for immediate move-in. #MREproperty . . . #montenegrorealestate #montenegroproperty #investmentsmontenegro #luxuryrealestate #montenegro #montenegroluxury #follow #Realestate #Realty #Realtor #Realestateagent #Homeforsale #Newhome #Newhouse #Forsale #Property (at Sutomore,Montenegro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnjixJHo_Gd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
1 note · View note
Its recommends to spending your free time while hiking or walking with your dear friends or alone that you may like to explore. As per upon the options of the people, few go for camping in open fields, as well as forests while some others go for camping and at the river’s banks.
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insidewildestdreams · 5 years
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Delicious ice cream in medieval city of Kotor🍦🍦🍦🍦🇲🇪 . . . #montenegro #kotor #oldtown #family #brother #sister #cruise #trip #holidays #icecream #happy #colorful #old #buildings #street #medieval #city (at Kotor, Montenegro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4-bRHGAReV/?igshid=9nn0844lvysj
0 notes
brookston · 10 months
Holidays 11.13
Actor’s Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Brassiere Day
Canterbury Day (New Zealand)
Caregiver Appreciation Day
Geographic Information Systems Day
International Day of Huntington’s Disease
International Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome Awareness Day
Lhabab Duechen (Bhutan)
Madder Day (French Republic)
Mister Rogers Cardigan Day
National Community Education Day
National Hug a Musician Day
National Japanese Culture Day
National Mom’s and Dad’s Day
National Reread Old Letters and Magazines Day
National Saddle Hunting Day
National Sunflower Day (South Africa)
Njegos Day (Montenegro)
Odd Socks Day (UK)
Quasihomosexual Pride Day
Start a Rumor Day
Swiftie Day
Symphonic Metal Day
Tree Festival Day (Tunisia)
World Kindness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Frankfurter Day
Indian Pudding Day
National Chicken McNugget Day
2nd Monday in November
American Education Week begins [Monday of 2nd Full Week]
Bank Holiday (Canada) [2nd Monday]
Barack Obama Day (Perry County, Alabama) [2nd Monday]
Obama Day (Kenya) [2nd Monday]
World Orphans Day [2nd Monday]
Independence Days
Politzania Independence Day (Klaatu)
Feast Days
Agostina Livia Pietrantoni (Christian; Saint)
Barneveldt (Positivist; Saint)
Bertel Thorvaldsen (Artology)
Brice of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Charles Simeon (Church of England)
Chillen (a.k.a. Killian; Christian; Saint)
Chuang Tzu’s Day
Constant (Christian; Saint)
The Dangerous Dragon (Muppetism)
Didacus (Diego) of Alcalá (Christian; Saint) [Cooks]
Diwali, Day 2 (Hindu, Jain, Sikh), a.k.a. ... 
Balipadyami Diwali (Parts of India)
Day of Dogs
Deepavali Holiday (Puducherry, Tamil Nadu; India)
Deepawali (Sikkim, India)
Festival of Lights, Day 2
Gobardhan Pooja (Nepal)
Goru Tihar (Nepal)
Govardhan Pooja (Parts of India)
Jain New Year
Kukar Puja
Kukur Tihar
Laxmi Puja (Sikkim, India)
Vikrim New Year (Hindu)
Vikrim Samvat (Parts of India)
Yam Panachak (Nepal)
Epulum Iovis (Festival of Feronia, Juno, Minerva and Jupiter; Ancient Rome)
Eugenius II of Toledo (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Feronia (a.k.a. Epulum Iovis; Old Etruscan and Roman Fertility Goddess)
Feast of the Saints of the Premonstratensian Order (Roman Catholic)
Festival of Feronia (Ancient Roman Goddess of Wildlife, Fertility, Health & Abundance)
Festival of Jupiter (Ancient Rome)
Fontinalia (Festival to Fons, Spirit of Springs; Pagan)
Fortuna Primigenia (Fortune of the Firstborn; Ancient Rome)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (Christian; Saint)
Homobonus (Christian; Saint)
The Hundred Thousand Martyrs of Tbilisi (Georgian Orthodox Church)
Ides of November (Ancient Rome)
John Chrysostom (Eastern Orthodox, Repose)
Leandro (Christian; Saint) [Spain]
Mitrius (Christian; Saint)
Otis Campbell Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Quintian of Rodez (Christian; Saint)
Saints of the Benedictine family (Christian; Saints)
Saints of the Premonstratensian Order (Christian; Saints)
Stanislaus Kostka (Christian; Saint)
Talk to Birds Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏��� Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 317 [66 of 72]
Aladdin (Animated Disney Film; 1992)
An Old-Fashioned Love Song, by Three Dog Night (Song; 1971)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Film; 1992)
The Bush Pusher or Beri Beri Who’s Got the Berry? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 178; 1962)
Double Danger (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #9; 1964)
Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man, by Aleksandr Ostrovsky (Play; 1868)
Fantasia (Animated Disney Film; 1940)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (Stop Motion Film; 2009)
Hairied and Hurried (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad (Novel; 1902)
Laundry Service, by Shakira (Album; 2001)
Laura, by Vera Caspary (Novel; 1942)
The Lightning Bugs or Nuts and Volts (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 177; 1962)
The Line, The Cross & The Curve, by Kate Bush (Short Film; 1993)
Lionheart, by Kate Bush (Album; 1978)
Lose Yourself, by Eminem (Song; 2002)
Mountain Mover or Boris Sneaks a Peak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 72; 1960)
1, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 2000)
Out of the Past (Film; 1947)
Porky’s Double Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Rocky and the Rock or Braver and Boulder (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 71; 1960)
The Saint in Pursuit, by Fleming Lee (Short Stories; 1970) [Saint #43]
A Short History of Decay, by Emil M. Cioran (Science Book; 1949)
Silent Night, recorded by Bing Crosby (Song; 1935)
2012 (Film; 2009)
War and Remembrance (TV Mini-Series; 1988)
Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak (Children’s Boolk; 1963)
Yellow Submarine (Animated Film; 1968)
Today’s Name Days
Eugen, Livia, Stanislaus (Austria)
Brcko, Brickije, Didak, Dobroslav, Homobonus, Ivan, Mitar, Stanislav, Stanko (Croatia)
Tibor (Czech Republic)
Arcadius (Denmark)
Krister, Kristjan, Kristo, Risto (Estonia)
Ano, Kristian (Finland)
Brice (France)
Eugen, Livia, Stanislaus, Rene (Germany)
Chrysostomos, Damaskinos, Hrysostomos (Greece)
Szilvia (Hungary)
Brizio, Diego, Omobono, Paterniano (Italy)
Eižens, Jevgēņija, Jevgēņijs, Taida (Latvia)
Arkadijus, Eirima, Norvydas (Lithuania)
Kirsten, Kirsti (Norway)
Arkadiusz, Arkady, Brykcjusz, Eugeniusz, Jan, Mikołaj, Stanisław, Walentyn (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Stanislav (Slovakia)
Diego, Leandro (Spain)
Krister, Kristian (Sweden)
Brice, Bruce, Bryce, Bryson, Stan, Stanford, Stanley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 317 of 2024; 48 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 46 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 1 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 29 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 17 Mir; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 31 October 2023
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 9 Frederic (12th Month) [Barneveldt]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 51 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 21 of 29)
Calendar Changes
露月 [Iùyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 10 of 12] (Dew Month) [Pig Month]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 11.13
Actor’s Day
Blame Someone Else Day
Brassiere Day
Canterbury Day (New Zealand)
Caregiver Appreciation Day
Geographic Information Systems Day
International Day of Huntington’s Disease
International Schinzel-Giedion Syndrome Awareness Day
Lhabab Duechen (Bhutan)
Madder Day (French Republic)
Mister Rogers Cardigan Day
National Community Education Day
National Hug a Musician Day
National Japanese Culture Day
National Mom’s and Dad’s Day
National Reread Old Letters and Magazines Day
National Saddle Hunting Day
National Sunflower Day (South Africa)
Njegos Day (Montenegro)
Odd Socks Day (UK)
Quasihomosexual Pride Day
Start a Rumor Day
Swiftie Day
Symphonic Metal Day
Tree Festival Day (Tunisia)
World Kindness Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Frankfurter Day
Indian Pudding Day
National Chicken McNugget Day
2nd Monday in November
American Education Week begins [Monday of 2nd Full Week]
Bank Holiday (Canada) [2nd Monday]
Barack Obama Day (Perry County, Alabama) [2nd Monday]
Obama Day (Kenya) [2nd Monday]
World Orphans Day [2nd Monday]
Independence Days
Politzania Independence Day (Klaatu)
Feast Days
Agostina Livia Pietrantoni (Christian; Saint)
Barneveldt (Positivist; Saint)
Bertel Thorvaldsen (Artology)
Brice of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Charles Simeon (Church of England)
Chillen (a.k.a. Killian; Christian; Saint)
Chuang Tzu’s Day
Constant (Christian; Saint)
The Dangerous Dragon (Muppetism)
Didacus (Diego) of Alcalá (Christian; Saint) [Cooks]
Diwali, Day 2 (Hindu, Jain, Sikh), a.k.a. ... 
Balipadyami Diwali (Parts of India)
Day of Dogs
Deepavali Holiday (Puducherry, Tamil Nadu; India)
Deepawali (Sikkim, India)
Festival of Lights, Day 2
Gobardhan Pooja (Nepal)
Goru Tihar (Nepal)
Govardhan Pooja (Parts of India)
Jain New Year
Kukar Puja
Kukur Tihar
Laxmi Puja (Sikkim, India)
Vikrim New Year (Hindu)
Vikrim Samvat (Parts of India)
Yam Panachak (Nepal)
Epulum Iovis (Festival of Feronia, Juno, Minerva and Jupiter; Ancient Rome)
Eugenius II of Toledo (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Feronia (a.k.a. Epulum Iovis; Old Etruscan and Roman Fertility Goddess)
Feast of the Saints of the Premonstratensian Order (Roman Catholic)
Festival of Feronia (Ancient Roman Goddess of Wildlife, Fertility, Health & Abundance)
Festival of Jupiter (Ancient Rome)
Fontinalia (Festival to Fons, Spirit of Springs; Pagan)
Fortuna Primigenia (Fortune of the Firstborn; Ancient Rome)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (Christian; Saint)
Homobonus (Christian; Saint)
The Hundred Thousand Martyrs of Tbilisi (Georgian Orthodox Church)
Ides of November (Ancient Rome)
John Chrysostom (Eastern Orthodox, Repose)
Leandro (Christian; Saint) [Spain]
Mitrius (Christian; Saint)
Otis Campbell Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Quintian of Rodez (Christian; Saint)
Saints of the Benedictine family (Christian; Saints)
Saints of the Premonstratensian Order (Christian; Saints)
Stanislaus Kostka (Christian; Saint)
Talk to Birds Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 317 [66 of 72]
Aladdin (Animated Disney Film; 1992)
An Old-Fashioned Love Song, by Three Dog Night (Song; 1971)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Film; 1992)
The Bush Pusher or Beri Beri Who’s Got the Berry? (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 178; 1962)
Double Danger (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #9; 1964)
Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man, by Aleksandr Ostrovsky (Play; 1868)
Fantasia (Animated Disney Film; 1940)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (Stop Motion Film; 2009)
Hairied and Hurried (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad (Novel; 1902)
Laundry Service, by Shakira (Album; 2001)
Laura, by Vera Caspary (Novel; 1942)
The Lightning Bugs or Nuts and Volts (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 177; 1962)
The Line, The Cross & The Curve, by Kate Bush (Short Film; 1993)
Lionheart, by Kate Bush (Album; 1978)
Lose Yourself, by Eminem (Song; 2002)
Mountain Mover or Boris Sneaks a Peak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 72; 1960)
1, by The Beatles (Compilation Album; 2000)
Out of the Past (Film; 1947)
Porky’s Double Trouble (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Rocky and the Rock or Braver and Boulder (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 71; 1960)
The Saint in Pursuit, by Fleming Lee (Short Stories; 1970) [Saint #43]
A Short History of Decay, by Emil M. Cioran (Science Book; 1949)
Silent Night, recorded by Bing Crosby (Song; 1935)
2012 (Film; 2009)
War and Remembrance (TV Mini-Series; 1988)
Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak (Children’s Boolk; 1963)
Yellow Submarine (Animated Film; 1968)
Today’s Name Days
Eugen, Livia, Stanislaus (Austria)
Brcko, Brickije, Didak, Dobroslav, Homobonus, Ivan, Mitar, Stanislav, Stanko (Croatia)
Tibor (Czech Republic)
Arcadius (Denmark)
Krister, Kristjan, Kristo, Risto (Estonia)
Ano, Kristian (Finland)
Brice (France)
Eugen, Livia, Stanislaus, Rene (Germany)
Chrysostomos, Damaskinos, Hrysostomos (Greece)
Szilvia (Hungary)
Brizio, Diego, Omobono, Paterniano (Italy)
Eižens, Jevgēņija, Jevgēņijs, Taida (Latvia)
Arkadijus, Eirima, Norvydas (Lithuania)
Kirsten, Kirsti (Norway)
Arkadiusz, Arkady, Brykcjusz, Eugeniusz, Jan, Mikołaj, Stanisław, Walentyn (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Stanislav (Slovakia)
Diego, Leandro (Spain)
Krister, Kristian (Sweden)
Brice, Bruce, Bryce, Bryson, Stan, Stanford, Stanley (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 317 of 2024; 48 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 46 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 14 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 1 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 29 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 29 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 17 Mir; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 31 October 2023
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 9 Frederic (12th Month) [Barneveldt]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 51 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 21 of 29)
Calendar Changes
露月 [Iùyuè] (Chinese Lunisolar Calendar) [Month 10 of 12] (Dew Month) [Pig Month]
0 notes
Hello!! We have not interacted in while!! But I love you and I check your blog religiously!!<3 can I request some more lance sweets fluff? Or angst/fluff? Honestly whatever you’re willing to write I’ll be giddy to read. Ty! I love you so much!! I hope you’re doing well!!<3<3
Hi!!! Just let me say I absolutely adore you and it makes me so happy to know someone likes my writing this much! I will totally try and write anything you request! I’ve got a few stories in the works for Sweets now, but here is a little late Christmas story for you! 
Christmas Greetings
Lance Sweets X Reader
Summary: After a year of being in a relationship with Sweets, you’re finally getting the chance to meet his family, or the people at the Jeffersonian in other words. Oh, and it’s at a Christmas party, for some holiday cheer this season.
Words: 2573
“Are you sure they’ll like me?” You ask nervously, fingers shifting against the porcelain crockpot in your hands.
Sweets slips an arm around your waist and gives your side a gentle squeeze, “Trust me, they’ll love you.”
You take a deep breath and nod. It doesn’t really ease the nerves buzzing in your chest, but at least he is right there beside you. You and Lance had been in a relationship for a full year now, and you had yet to meet his colleagues somehow. It already feels like you know them though, from all the stories he’s told you, especially his partner Booth, and his wife Doctor Brennan. You’ve wanted to meet them for so long (which lead to quite consistent pestering on your part) but now that you’re finally standing here, your stomach is tying itself in a knot.
Christmas dinner is a huge deal, after all, and so are first impressions. What if they don’t like you? You weren’t in the science profession, so what will you even talk about? Sometimes you struggle to even understand some of the things Lance talks about, so how are you going to talk to the country’s foremost anthropologist?!
“Stop worrying, everything will be okay.”
You jump when you feel Sweets press a soft kiss to your forehead. His touch lingers, sending a soothing warmth flooding through you, finally easing the tension in your shoulders. Your eyes flutter closed as you lean into him, head resting against his shoulder for just a moment. When the two of you draw away, you tilt your chin up and let a smile capture your lips.
“Okay, I’m ready!”
Sweets chuckles and raps his knuckles against the door. Moments later, it swings wide open, letting the glow from inside cascade over you.
“Sweets!” You’re greeted by a man that towers over you, making you slightly shy away, but Lance keeps a steady hand pressed against the small of your back. The man gives your partner a side hug, clapping him on the back before turning to you with a wide smile, “And you must be (Y/n)! We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh really?” You glance over at Lance, who’s looking down with a bashful smile. His cheeks are glowing the softest rose color, which sends your heart thrumming. How can he be so cute?
“Is that Sweets and (Y/n)?” A woman comes rushing up behind the man. She offers you a sweet smile, just as vibrant as his.
Their excitement is so infectious, it fills you to the brim with a fresh energy, and now your own smile is wholly genuine. You weren’t expecting such a warm welcome! Why were you so worried about all of it, these people seem so wonderful.
“(Y/n), this is Booth, my partner at the FBI, and Doctor Brennan, the lead anthropologist at the Jeffersonian,” Sweets introduces you.
The woman, Doctor Brennan, is quick to shake your hand and say, “Please, call me Temperance, and come in. We are almost ready to eat, we have ham, and I also made a tofurkey.”
“Really?!” You gasp excitedly, darting in to follow her to the kitchen and leaving Sweets at the door, “I’ve been looking for a good seasonal tofu recipe for years! Could I possibly, maybe get it from you after dinner?”
You plop down your contribution to the meal and fall into an excited conversation with the scientist. You had no clue she was a vegetarian like you, and it’s not every day you get to talk to another! Sweets and Booth watch the two of you from the entrance, both sporting fond glints in their eyes.
“Thanks for inviting us, Booth,” Sweets hums as he shucks off his winter jacket, “(Y/n)’s been eager to meet the team, especially you and Doctor Brennan.”
The older man shrugs, though he has a pleased smile on his face, “Anytime Sweets! Bones will take any chance to make her ‘meat substitutes’. Remember how excited she got when you told her about it?”
Sweets nods, it is always memorable when Doctor Brennan shows such strong emotions, which wasn’t always often around him. He had even gotten the chance to help her plan the dinner, not that you knew about that. It filled him with warmth to watch you excitedly flutter around the kitchen, and to see how your eyes practically sparkled as you helped the anthropologist set up the dishes.
“You really love her, huh?”
A sigh escapes Sweets as he nods again, “I do. She’s amazing…”
Booth can’t help but feel a small swell of pride in his chest. He’d never admit it, but Sweets was like a little brother to him, and seeing the young psychologist so happy just put a cherry on top of the night he was having.
“Lance!” Sweets looks up at you, a wide grin spreading across his face when he sees you aggressively gesturing him over, all the while bouncing on the balls of your feet, “Come here! You have to check this out!!”
You know it must seem childish to some, but you can’t help but get thrilled over a good meal, especially when it’s vegetarian. You can’t wait for the day that you can make Christmas dinner for your family, spending the whole day cooking and then just being able to enjoy a nice night and some Christmas carols. Sweets would be right there beside you, and maybe a kid or two across the table. A boy and a girl…
“What is it?”
You jump, a fierce blush splashing across your cheeks when you whip around and come face to face with Lance. He’s standing so close, your noses are practically brushing. Your breath catches in your chest, and you spin back around, hoping he doesn’t notice just how red you’ve gotten. Stupid daydreaming, you totally forgot you called him over.
“Mrs. Temperance has this amazing recipe fo-” Your voice breaks when Sweets presses in close behind you, arms snaking around your waist. You clear your throat nervously, “-for um, for vegetarian casserole. She says it’s really good, so I was thinking I could, I could try making it sometimes!”
“That sounds wonderful,” Sweets hums, the words vibrating through his chest and against your back.
It feels like your entire face is on fire now, to the point where you feel like you need to call the fire department. There was more you were going to say, but it’s like all your thoughts have been put in a mixer and are now scattered throughout your mind.
“Stop torturing the poor girl, Sweets,” a smooth voice scolds from a few feet away.
You glance up to see a beautiful brunette with tanned skin, and right beside her stands a slightly shorter man with some of the curliest hair you’ve ever seen. You swat at Lance’s hands and twist away from his grip, embarrassment flaring deep in your chest. Nothing you could say would help the situation, so you just wave at them weakly.
“Angela, Hodgins, this is (Y/n),” Sweets says as he pulls you back to his side with a cheeky grin, “(Y/n), this is Angela Montenegro, our forensic artist. And this is Jack Hodgins, our entomologist.”
“And botanist, mineralogist, palynologist, chemist, among other things,” Hodgins continues with a casual shrug.
Angela elbows him in the ribs sharply, not letting her glittering expression fall for even a second. “Excuse my husband, he’s just really passionate about his work,” she chirps, “It’s really a pleasure to meet you. We’ve heard a lot about you from our dear Sweets here.”
“So I’ve heard,” you muse softly with a giggle, “It's nice to meet you too, by the way! Lance tells me you're also a traditional artist?”
You spend the night making conversation with all of Lance’s friends. You meet Cam and her partner, Arastoo, who are so lovely and gentle to you. You ask Arastoo all about his beliefs and how he came to work in forensics, and you even talk to Cam about her daughter. You also get to talk to some of the interns at the Jeffersonian. Each conversation just pulls you in, even if you don’t understand everything they’re saying. You’re literally talking to the leaders of forensic sciences, who wouldn’t take the chance to ask them all the questions and praise them for their work! Even through dinner, you share a quiet conversation with one intern, Finn, about his time before coming to Washington DC. Afterwards, you all take to lounging in the living room to enjoy some eggnog and story telling.
“So how did you and Sweets meet, huh?” Angela asks as she plops down next to you and Sweets on the couch.
The entire team falls quiet, all eyes immediately set intently on you. You shy back into Lance's embrace, which makes him chuckle and hold you tighter. Was your story really that interesting to all these people? Really?
“Do you want me to tell them?” Sweets asks you quietly, fingers brushing against the skin of your shoulder.
“Yeah, your memory’s better anyways.”
“He has to learn all that psychobabble somehow,” Booth jests from across the room, earning a disapproving look from his wife but some amused chuckles from the rest of the guests.
Sweets just rolls his eyes, easily brushing the jab off as he starts your story, “So, we actually met at a christmas party, just like this one. A mutual friend invited us and we started talking, and things just kind of...took off from there.”
You can’t help the snort of laughter that breaks from your lips when Lance trails off. He perks an eyebrow up, peering down at you in confusion, which only serves to send you into a bigger fit of giggles.
“What?” He asks, voice pitching up.
“Nothing, nothing,” you chortle, pressing a hand to your mouth to muffle your laughter, “You just left out a small tidbit. A pretty important tidbit.”
“Oh, did he?”
The room waits for you to calm down, but when you do, you just stare intently at Sweets with a raised eyebrow. Did he actually forget the beginning of the story? And right after you praised him for his memory! You wait for just a moment longer, the words perched on your tongue, waiting to see if he gets there on his own. It’s only when you see his eyes blow wide and his entire face flush red that you let the words tumble from your lips.
“What he failed to mention, is that we didn’t just meet and start talking. No, no.” Now it’s your turn to grin cheekily, “We met under the mistletoe, by chance, and you all know how the tradition goes. We started talking after that and found that we actually had a bit in common. It was about a month later that our mutual friend decided to share with me what actually happened that night.”
It begins to dawn on some people what you’re alluding to. You can hear some giggles ring out behind you from who you’re sure is Angela and the other women. Sweets is getting darker by the second, even his ears are tinged with that appealing rosy glow. This is totally payback for his teasing earlier.
“So, this is how the story actually goes, according to our friend,” you finally continue, “Apparently, I caught Lance’s eye when I got to the party. Back then though, he was a bit shier, and didn’t want to talk to me without a reason, sooo….he and our friend came up with a plan to have us meet under the mistletoe ‘accidentally’.” You break out some air quotes for the last word to stress just how silly the story is.
“Sweets, you dog,” Hodgins laughs.
“I never thought Sweets would come up with such a devious plan,” Temperance states amusedly.
“Alright, alright,” Sweets waves his hands in the air, looking thoroughly flustered much to your pleasure, “In my defense, she looked absolutely beautiful that night. Anyone would have been intimidated.”
Something warm and fuzzy fills your chest as you tuck yourself back into Lance’s side. To think, you almost didn’t go to that party last year. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have met the most amazing person in your life.
“I can’t say I mind too much,” you chirp, eyes closing as you rest your head on his chest like a content cat, “I think I’m pretty lucky to be the one who caught his eye.”
“You guys are disgustingly adorable,” Angela giggles next to you.
Maybe you are. You had never felt such a deep sense of affection for anyone, that is, until you met Lance. Now that you know what it feels like, you can’t help but return it full force, with every ounce of your being. He’s just been so good to you and has lifted you up in dark times over the past year. You couldn’t ask for anyone better, because you’re absolutely sure such a person doesn’t exist.
The rest of the night is spent telling stories and sharing sentiments. You stay tucked in Lance’s side the entire time, just enjoying the jovial tone and the sound of his laughter. When midnight rolls around, the party begins to wind down, filled with yawns and mumbled goodbyes as people take their leave. You and Sweets are some of the last to go, with Seeley and Temperance trailing you to the door.
“Thank you so much, again, for inviting us,” you murmur as you give the older woman a tight hug.
“Of course! You are welcome here anytime, and if you ever need anything, do not be afraid to call.”
“Yah, we’re always here to help. Though I’m sure Sweets here would do about anything for you,” Booth chuckles as he pulls away from giving Lance a hug.
Sweets gives his head a little shake and takes up his place next to you, “Thanks you guys, we really appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention it.” Booth gives a little wave, “You two have a good night. Oh, and you might want to take a look up,” he chimes right before closing the door.
Your eyes dart straight up at that, landing on a small plant hanging from the doorway. Breathless laughter shakes your chest, pale clouds lifting from your lips in the cold night air. It’s mistletoe.
“Did you do this?” You look at Lance, who has one of the smuggest smiles that you’ve ever seen on him.
He gives you a shrug and draws you closer by a hand on your hip, “Maybe…”
You shake your head at his antics, but you can’t ignore the butterflies that swirl around in your chest. Even after a year, he still makes your heart race.
“Well then, don’t leave me hanging.”
Lance doesn’t hesitate to cup your face, tilting your chin up so he can capture your lips in a sweet kiss. For just a moment, you forget the cold, you forget how late it is and how tired you are. All you can feel is the warmth of his body next to yours, the thrumming of his heart under your palm. Even when the kiss comes to an end, the two of you stay close, foreheads barely touching.
“I love you, (Y/n),” he murmurs oh so softly, for only you to hear.
“I love you too, Lance. Merry Christmas.”
Again, I love you all so much, and I hope your Christmas was absolutely amazing! Send in a request and I’ll be sure to try and write it!
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fatehbaz · 4 years
yeah gypsies are so opressed that literally everywhere they are nobody else wants to be and they literally will just break into your house and take your shit, even throwing their babies at people to get them to catch them and be able to be robbed. nobody likes them for a reason and it's not that they're just evil and intolerant! nobody thinks gypsies are controlling the world to make your kids gay they are just making everything worse for everyone else around them including workers LOL
Sorry to expose everyone to this kind of racism and flippant disregard for human lives. If someone continues to deny centuries of violent antiziganism and the laws and edicts issued by kings and queens across Europe which explicitly ordered that Roma people be rounded-up, incarcerated, expelled, or killed; if someone denies the existence of a N@zi-led targeted genocide against Roma; if someone doesn’t consider how current stigma among non-Roma people and generational trauma/poverty from mass-scale genocide only mere decades ago might have a strong influence on contemporary racism, policy, and ingrained poverty; if someone continues to use slurs; ignores self-reported stories of Roma people; refuses to look at photos of contemporary segregated communities, right now, cordoned by fencing and separation walls; rejects the scholarship that has clearly described incidences of egregious environmental racism, as well as policies and mechanisms of the ongoing systemic government-led forced removal of Roma communities; and also brushes off the references I’ve repeatedly shared, there’s not much else that I can say.
Not really interested in dignifying these repetitive messages with a response. So I thought I’d clarify: This person, the other senders of these anonymous messages, and I aren’t having a discussion, debate, or disk horse. I’m only kinda-responding to these messages so that onlookers can see these messages as evidence that bitter anti-Roma sentiment is alive and well and thriving. And I’m also responding as an opportunity to share a couple of sources/references about segregation, environmental racism, and the role of media/governments in propagating violence against Roma people.
I’ve shared these before, but here are some of the sites/incidences of egregious segregation, environmental racism, and forced removal/evictions documented by the Environmental Justice Atlas team (If visiting their online portal, almost all of these individual cases each include photos; exact latitude-longitude coordinates; aerial photography of the sites; reports on local sources of environmental pollutants/contaminants; short histories of local land policies; details about local government actions. Their site also includes a map of these sites, and details about the number/location/size of documented Roma communities within Central/Eastern Europe. If you’re familiar with current political power in places like, say, Hungary, some of these cases might not be surprising. Source: Environmental Justice Atlas. “Pushed to the wasteland: Environmental racism against Roma communities in Central and South-Eastern Europe”. Research was conducted “on environmental racism against Roma communities in Central and South-Eastern Europe developed by ENVJUSTICE – EJAtlas team at ICTA - UAB in collaboration with European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Human Rights activists.” These cases retain the name/title from the original authors.):
A polluted stream and a landfill as racial segregation of Roma communities, in Jarovnice, Slovak Republic ///// Roma settlement next to the US Steel factory and with a segregation wall build by the local government, Slovakia ///// Denied access to water for Roma in Prasnik, Slovakia ///// Hundreds of Roma forced to live in chemical laboratory of the CUPROM copper factory, Baia Mare, Romania ///// Hotel complex construction and displacement of Roma families, Skopje, Macedonia ///// Roma settlements adjacent to the industrial copper plant complex Krompachy, Kosice, Slovak Republic ///// Roma of Stolipinovo: water and waste collection denial in the European Cultural Capital 2019, Plovdiv, Bulgaria ///// Roma relocated to an area with electromagnetic radiation, Tvarditsa , Bulgaria ///// In Roma quarter Fakulteta waste collection denied. Separation wall proposed, Sofia, Bulgaria ///// Lunik IX Roma settlement:  potable water monitored by police and segregated by wall in Košice, Slovak Republic ///// Government placed Roma refugees from Kosovo next to the country's largest landfill, Montenegro ///// Roma evicted from their homes due to a Black Sea holiday resort, Romania ///// Roma communities had their access to water shut down during heatwave in Gulács and in Nyíregyháza, Hungary ///// Roma community living on an industrial site contaminated with mercury, Romania ///// Unsafe access to water for Roma communities in Bardejov, Slovak Republic ///// Forced eviction of Roma families to an isolated farming area, Garmen, Bulgaria ///// Roma community in Transylvania evicted to waste water plant surrounded by wire fence, Romania ///// The UN resettled 600 Roma to a mining/smelting complex exposing them to lead poisoning, Kosovo
Stuff I’ve previously recommended. Some articles about racism, segregation, and forced removals/evictions:
(1) Silvia Rodriguez Maeso. “‘Civilising’ the Roma? The depoliticisation of (anti-)racism within the politics of integration.” Global Studies in Culture and Power. June 2014. (2) Huub van Baar. “Contained mobility and the racialization of poverty in Europe: the Roma at the development-security nexus.” Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. Issue 4: Un/Free Mobility: Roma Migrants in the European Union. June 2017. (3) Angela Kocze and Marton Rovid. “Roma and the politics of double  dis/course in contemporary Europe.” Global Studies in Culture and Power. November 2017. (4) Richard Filcak. Living Beyond the Pale: Environmental Justice and the Roma Minority. (5) Huub van Baar. “Evictability and the Biopolitical Bordering of Europe.” Antipode 49. August 2016. (6) Krista Harper, Tamara Steger, and Richard Filcak. “Environmental justice and Roma communities in Eastern Europe.” Environmental Policy and Governance. July 2009. (7) Aidan McGarry. Romaphobia: The Last Acceptable Form of Racism. 2017. (8) Margareta Matache and Jacqueline Bhabha. “Anti-Roma Racism is Spiraling during C0VID-19 P@ndemic.” NCBI: Health and Human Rights Journal. June 2020. (9) Global Studies in Culture and Power: Issue 6: Romaphobia and the Media. 2017. (10) E Vincze. “Socio-spatial marginality of Roma as form of intersectional injustice.” Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai-Sociologia. 2013. (11) Helen O’Nions. “Roma Expulsions and Discrimination: The Elephant in Brussels.” Brill. January 2011. (12) Romain Cames. “Government by Expulsion: The Roma Camp, Citizenship, and the State.” Sociology (International Sociological Association). 2013. (13) Victoria Shmidt and Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky. Historicizing Roma in Central Europe: Between Critical Whiteness and Epistemic Injustice. 2020. (14) Huub van Baar and Ryan Powell. “The Invisibilization of Anti-Roma Racisms.” In: The Secularization of the Roma in Europe. 2018. (15) Catalin Berescu. “The rise of the new European Roma ghettos: a brief account of some empirical studies.” Taylor and Francis: Urban Research & Practice. October 2011.
Hope some of these are useful.
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