moodypidge · 1 year
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So I got into MCM Comic Con.
I have no idea how this happened. I applied entirely on a whim thinking there was absolutely no chance but that I wanted to show willing. I may have screamed and peed a little. A lot. It was a lot. The screaming is now no longer external but that doesn’t mean it’s stopped. That is also a lot.
Holy moly, hhuuuuUUUHHH
So unless I’m able to squeeze into some other event in the meantime, my next confirmed event is MCM Comic Con London at the end of October! Following that, I have a table at Newcastle Comic Con and once again the kind folk at Sunnycon are welcoming us back in 2024. I’m so glad that I’m getting into more conventions! It’s one of my favourite parts of running Moodypidge and I want to attend as many as I’m able to.
But London first though… I’m so excited and I feel so lucky but it is also extremely terrifying for a home bird like myself hhhhhhh okay gotta get back to my breathing exercises right okay
*starts hyperventilating*
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crumbsofwisdom · 1 year
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Crumbs of Wisdom- Focus Your Fury
Anger is a heavily judged emotion. It’s one we’re often wary of. And understandably so- the behaviours it can lead to can be harmful to ourselves or others if left unchecked. But all emotions have their place. We’re allowed to feel them; this includes our anger. We just need to be mindful of responding to them, rather than reacting.
We need to be more open to learning WHAT our emotions, in this case Anger, are trying to tell us. WHERE we feel it in our bodies. WHY we’re feeling it in the moment. WHEN we’ve felt this exact rage in the past. HOW justified it is right now. And WHO is responsible for how you respond to it.
The only correct answer to the last one is you, but I’m sure you figured that out.
Ultimately our anger is protecting us- it encourages us to set boundaries, stand up for ourselves and others, help us be more assertive. It’s an overprotective friend; but it needs to be kept in check. Don’t misdirect your anger to what doesn't deserve it. Focus your fury on what needs to change to move towards a more understanding world.
Pigeons know how tough life can be. Through their Crumbs of Wisdom, learn the ways to trust your wings. A therapy art project from @moodypidge
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masqueradefestival · 4 years
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Hey everyone! So this awesome Kickstarter is in the final 3 hours and I'm hoping we can come together and help this artist get it funded. It's a neat project for a super cute stress toy. You can read more about the project by checking out the artist, @moodypidge on here or Instagram. You can find the link to the Kickstarter on either account, but I suggest checking out Instagram to see all the cute pictures of the prototype and the artist's work! If you can't help fund, that is totally fine, but please reblog to spread the word!
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pabbiecrafts · 5 years
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So last night I asked people to send me some of their characters to doodle and I decided to colour them digitally! I just fancied looking at cute character designs :) From Right to Left these doodles gooo:
Ngu's Art's oc Laika!
Laurasharie's (On instagram) oc Zoe!
Kotone_and_friends (on instagram) oc NIA!
Lil Bee Arts's oc uhh.. mann haha 
Moodypidge's birbs Sweet and Salt <3 
And Sonichu as an extra lil doodle to fill the page cos I like his design!
I'm thinking of maybe doing the same next Tuesday, so if you see a story from me asking about OCs feel free to send me a pic! <3 Please enjoy your Tuesday!
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crumbsofwisdom · 1 year
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Crumbs of Wisdom- Learn To Read Your Compass
I usually say I struggle with focus, but that isn’t exactly true- it’s more that I don’t always get to choose where that focus is directed. Depending on the task I’ll either have nothing to do with it, lose hours/days to it or have so many ideas to explore at once that I’ll get overwhelmed and compromise by doing none of them.
It’s usually around now that I ask myself “Am I satisfied with how things are going? What is working for me? What needs to improve?” If I’m struggling to answer that, my personal failsafe is “What is important to me? What do I want to be known for? What has to be done to get to that point?”
Whether it’s the goals we want to achieve, ideas we want to bring to life or morals we strive to live by, we all have something that drives us and the decisions we make. Our core values are always important to us; No matter how distracted we get, our compass will point us back on track. So it’s always good to check in with yourself regularly to make sure you’re headed in your intended direction.
You might not get there as quick as you want. But if you find and follow your North, it’ll be much easier to get to where you want to be.
Pigeons know how tough life can be. Through their Crumbs of Wisdom, learn the ways to trust your wings. A therapy art project from @moodypidge
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