#Convention Appearances
mizgnomer · 2 years
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A David-Ruffling-His-Hair collection (Part Twelve)
See also:  hair ruffles tag
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tryslora · 2 months
Imposter Syndrome & Performance Anxiety
A couple weekends ago I was in Buffalo at the NASFIC convention. While I’m not sure it was the most attended convention at which I’ve been on programming, it was the first one with a seriously national draw for program participants and attendees.
On the good side: I saw friends who’d moved away, or friends I’d never met in person, and that was amazing.
On the bad side: I had a lot of imposter syndrome creating performance anxiety going into the convention. I mean. We had panels with online attendees who were in other countries! As a small press and independent author, I felt… insignificant.
While driving out to the convention, I made a note that I wanted to do a post about imposter syndrome, but I had no idea what I wanted to talk about. If I had written the post then, it would have been a very different post than it is now. My brain is always in a different place pre-convention than it is post-convention.
You see, the anticipation is far worse than the reality.
The most important thing to remember—and this goes for any field—is that if you do work in that field, you are valid. Yes, I mean this to include photographers who only work with their phones, or people who research deeply and historically, but may not have published yet, or fans who write tons of fic and know every detail about a show. Do you have a place where you feel like you have strong knowledge, and would love to talk about it? You’re valid.
At this convention I shared panels with people who’d been writing since the 60s, and people who only started writing recently. I spoke with folks who only did fan writing. I met writers who’ve done both independent work and tradpub. I viewed art from artists who made their living by it, and artists who enjoy doing it as a hobby and side gig.
All still valid.
And the best part? Almost every single one experiences imposter syndrome at some point. We all have weaknesses that create little worms that wriggle under our skin, making us itch with anxiety, and tiny voices that whisper in our minds that we aren’t as good, or as interesting, or as… as… whatever adjective you might think of… as someone else. 
Even when we think we conquer a fault, it is still there, waiting beneath the surface. (Seriously, ask me, and I will tell you my biggest weakness is that I can neither world-build nor plot… despite knowing I’ve accomplished both.)
The point is, we are all individuals. We all wonder if we are important enough to share what we love. We all wonder if we are good enough at what we do for someone else to be interested in it. Are we unique? Are we worth it? Will anyone care?
Yes. Yes, they will.
So, if you want to share, please know that somewhere out there is an audience for your creation (story, photograph, in-depth essay, or whatever it is…).
If you do not want to share, that’s okay, too. Create for yourself. It’s still valid.
And when you worry about what others might think, remember that the people around you are thinking that exact same thing. We all wonder: am I doing this right?
We are not alone in our fears.
I had a great time in Buffalo. Yes, there were hiccups on my panels (and oh dear gods was I ever terrified when the moderator of my first panel fell ill, and I ended up being a surprise mod for it). Yes, there were things that I wish could’ve gone differently. But overall, I’m pleased with how my own participation in my panels went.
Will I be anxious again at the next convention? Hah, yeah. Will I have imposter syndrome again? Always (in fact, I’m working on a T-shirt design). 
But I know it’ll work out, too.
And I know I’m not alone.
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moodypidge · 1 year
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So I got into MCM Comic Con.
I have no idea how this happened. I applied entirely on a whim thinking there was absolutely no chance but that I wanted to show willing. I may have screamed and peed a little. A lot. It was a lot. The screaming is now no longer external but that doesn’t mean it’s stopped. That is also a lot.
Holy moly, hhuuuuUUUHHH
So unless I’m able to squeeze into some other event in the meantime, my next confirmed event is MCM Comic Con London at the end of October! Following that, I have a table at Newcastle Comic Con and once again the kind folk at Sunnycon are welcoming us back in 2024. I’m so glad that I’m getting into more conventions! It’s one of my favourite parts of running Moodypidge and I want to attend as many as I’m able to.
But London first though… I’m so excited and I feel so lucky but it is also extremely terrifying for a home bird like myself hhhhhhh okay gotta get back to my breathing exercises right okay
*starts hyperventilating*
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esonetwork · 1 year
ESO Board Silly Episode 35
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/eso-board-silly-episode-35/
ESO Board Silly Episode 35
The board of the ESO Network is back and this time Kevin runs in to host this episode and talks to the crew about their geeky coming and goings over the past few weeks, including going to concerts, running marathons, conventions, and the weather. But that’s not all, why not join us for all the fun, available free to patrons of the ESO Network. All you need to do is check us out at https://patreon.com/esonetwork and help support your friends at the ESO Network.
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nwarrior777 · 10 months
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i am sorry but how the f Disco Elysium fandom is sleeping on canon scene with Evrart openly flirting with Harry by teasing Kim, and Kim being jealous so hard that he is trying to get Harry on his side by calling Harry by name (which Kim is doing only in special occasions??) ??? hello???
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xxautumnivyxx · 6 months
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A lot of folks wondering about my Pax East-
I’m proud (and absolutely beside myself with happiness) to announce that I will be joining Larian Studios at the Baldur’s Gate 3 Booth as their official Karlach!! So come by to take a photo with us, support this amazing team and more.
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jeanne-de-valois · 9 months
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It’s a Team Free Will companion piece to my other Dean and Cas solo illustrations! Witch!Sam my beloved abandoned plot thread, please save me.
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queerbeverage · 3 months
We got trans guy chaser guide before GTA6
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laf-outloud · 4 months
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Jared's heading to Denver! (He's listed as being there Thurs. and Fri. only).
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distant-velleity · 5 months
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Feng Ruixing
Dorm: Diasomnia Grade: Sophomore Class: D (No. 2) Club: Spelldrive Club Best subject: Ancient Magic Birthday: April 4th  Age: 17 Height: 168 cm Dominant hand: Left Homeland: Far East Hobbies: Finding perches or hiding places Pet peeves: Sameness Favorite food: Roasted duck Least favorite food: No food Talent: Grip strength
just some basic information b4 i finish his full post :)
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ladiesandgentsofrnm · 6 months
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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David Tennant’s acrobatic left eyebrow - Part 14
Other parts of this photo-set:  [ Eyebrow Action Tag ]
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prolibytherium · 3 months
The extent of possessiveness some people have on art that they post on the internet is crazy to me like, I'm seeing someone on art fight all caps serious business warning not to save image files of their characters UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Like Oh no your character ref png is on another computer!!!!!! Who cares
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constermonster · 3 months
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Hey!! A little announcement! ☆彡
In a couple of weeks I’ll b on my way 2 London for Hyper Japan! It’s my first time appearing as an artist at a convention so I’m super excited! I’ll be selling prints, stickers, little trinkets etc! Last year I entered the cosplay contest, it was a great convention with great people so I am happy to go again and see my friends and meet many new people! I already had lots nice messages from my followers and friends so I am looking forward to it!
Here is my lineup for the weekend! I’ll be debuting my self made Izutsumi cosplay from Dungeon Meshi! I’ll be matching with friends who are also dressed as the other characters from the show! I’ll be wearing Toga once again on the Saturday, and on the Sunday I’ll be dressing as my OC Mio from my manga Cat’s End, which I’m super excited for!
If you are in London or the UK it’s an amazing event! U should totally come! My audience on tumblr is small but maybe some of you are going! Please look forward to it!
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1000fingers · 4 months
Nova V’ger, Arthur Lester, Stanely Parable, Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez, The Long Quiet, and Daisy Thistleheart should have a support group for people with gods or other forms of powerful beings or narrators in their head
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tenoch-hq · 2 years
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Tenoch Huerta with Fans at La Mole Convention 2023
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