#Morana Darkwood
rune-echos · 8 months
Shadow of a Demon Act 2
Our Shadow of a Demon plot line is not also progressing into Act 2! This is the plot where demons invade Chicago. Below is a summary of the story so far. Act 1 – Initial Attack Victoria, Po, Abigail, and Susan Victoria’s leadership and strategic acumen are evident throughout the story. She quickly adapts to the unfolding crisis, utilizing her knowledge of blood magic to both attack and…
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shentheauthor · 15 days
Fuck it! Cult of the lamb character “nationalities” (in-game domains lmao) (these are my headcanons + some ocs)
Kore (lamb oc)
Thistle (oc)
Rinor (canon)
Berith and bop (headcanon)
Forneus (headcanon)
Flinky (headcanon)
Klunko (hc)
Ratau & Ratoo (hc)
Shrumy (hc)
Nima (oc)
Fisherman (unknown, likely canon)
Midas (likely canon)
Silk cradle:
Penn (oc)
Helob (likely canon)
Monch (hc)
The Fox (hc)
Morana (oc)
Overseas/not from the lands of the old faith:
Jalala & Yarlen/stinky (canon)
Plimbo (canon)
Sozo (hc)
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deathpoke1qa · 3 years
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Create a sim in all of their life stages. Or use a sim you’ve created before and create their other life stages. Or use a sim born in game or a premade. In addition to the six life stages you can create in CAS, you can add your own (like a tween for example, also maybe they don’t even live to the elderhood?). You can write their life story if you wish or let us guess. My inspiration for this challenge. Have fun and tag some people to try this out if you like! Tag me @someone-elsa and use #life stages cas challenge so I can reblog your posts :)
Thank you @wistfulpoltergeist for the tag… like 3 weeks ago.
I decided to do this challenge in a series of portraits and that definitely contributed to why it took so long for me to complete this. Was it worth it? Who knows. But I think it looks cool and they will probably end up being used as actual in game portraits so yeah.
I used my sim, Morana Darkwood, who I’ve used for other challenges and is the sim featured on my blog header. These portraits show her journey from black sheep to powerful witch, with plenty of love and loss in between.
I really enjoyed making these and I hope you guys like them too! 
I tag: @seaslugsims, @livinginalandfill, @infiniteraptor, @monochromereflections, @tabbyrhsims4simblr, @pixelateddipper and anyone else who wants to give it a try!
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misticrepository · 3 years
101 Murders
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The ever-vigilant Pandoria keeps Mistica fairly peaceful, but occasionally a nasty soul will slip through and raise chaos. Some took the path of evil, and these are their tales of murder.
Odji and the 66 Priestesses
We begin with one of Mistica’s most feared and skilled killers, an anya priest of Seht named Odji. Dedicated wholeheartedly to the dark serpent, Odji lived in one of Seht’s many hidden desert temples, where he found the object that would motivate his murders.
A scroll imbued with black magic and prophecies told Odji that sixty-six innocent souls, sacrificed, would block out the moon and turn the sun bloody. Seht would rise with nothing to check his power, and even Rae would be unable to stop him. Odji was smart and extremely patient. When confessing to Officer Coppa’s deputies (he was proud of his “holy works” as he called the murders), Odji described months of preparation. He stalked Rae’s temples at all hours, learned the habits of each and every priestess within and the weaknesses of the temple itself. It was, Odji said, not difficult for one blessed by Seht.
The sixty-sixth, a priestess who wished to remain nameless, managed to escape even though she was bound hand and foot. With amazing agility and strength she lifted up, smashed her head into Odji’s face so hard he hit the stone wall behind him and knocked him out. Using the sacrificial knife that had almost found her heart, the priestess freed herself, secured Odji with her own bindings and ran off into the desert for help. She described being abducted from her own temple while securing the gardens one night, a shadow pouncing on her and a gag shoved so far into her mouth she almost couldn’t breathe. The journey to Seht’s temple took her across the desert in a sack, and only by using the stars and rising sun had she been able to later find her way back home.
After Odji was arrested, Officer Coppa asked what the priest had done with his other victims. Odji laughed and said they were now with Seht.
The 18 Maidens of the Woods of Ages
The Woods of Ages is, to this day, a dark place, unknown except by the bravest of explorers. It’s said to be older than Darkwood Hollow, the original Mistican forest hiding potent magic within its leaves and branches. Years ago a lone fey lived on the border of the Woods of Ages that touched Dire Morana. No one knows her name or who she was, though many rumors claim she was the younger sister of the fey’s High Lady and jealous of the respect her elder sister commanded. It’s widely accepted that this fey went insane living so near a place of death and disease, and many attribute her murders to that madness.
The fey had no servants or companions; she lived in her desolate, slowly crumbling manor alone, and after years of staring out at the barren landscape of Dire Morana, found herself craving blood.
Pretty young girls began disappearing from the small settlements of Darkwood Hollow. Imps were long suspected to be the kidnappers, because who else could make someone simply disappear from her bed? Back then, it was believed that imps could ride shadows like horses and fade through solid walls in the darkness.
In all, eighteen girls disappeared, one each month. The last victim was the daughter of famous archaeologist and explorer Dakota Jones, a lirionox, and he wasn’t about to let his little girl go without a fight. While most Misticans cowered in their homes, doors locked (though they knew that wouldn’t save them), Dakota dove into the Woods of Ages. He suspected that only a sick soul could be taking the girls, and so he stayed close to the Dire Morana border. Being so near started to give him nightmares and even during the day, he reported shadows growing claws and eyes, grabbing at him as he walked.
When a half-crumbled manor of dark stone appeared on the horizon, he knew this was it and burst in. A powerful smell of decay permeated the entire building and it was silent. He kept going, calling for his daughter, but not even a scurrying rat answered.
Finally, after climbing a winding flight of once grand stairs, Dakota opened the door to a large room and gagged at the sickly smell, like rancid meat. Then he noticed the walls, different from the rest of the house, dark brownish-red instead of the usual grey stone. Adding to his confusion was the enormous tub set right in the middle of the room, an elaborate thing of gold and rubies.
He peered inside, and saw what had been making the disgusting smell: a corpse. A corpse sitting in a tub of dark, congealed liquid…
Dakota jumped back with a curse. The dead fey was bathing in blood.
The lirionox frantically began searching the room, praying to Pandoria that his daughter had somehow escaped whatever massacre had occurred here. He opened doors to the bathroom, then one that led to the balcony, and lastly, a closet big enough to double as another bedroom.
Dakota counted eighteen bodies, some decayed beyond recognition, but nearest to him was the lifeless, pale corpse of his daughter.
Mistican psychologists have studied this gruesome case of murder for years, but no one can truly know why this fey craved blood, or even how she died. Deep marks around her throat point to strangulation, but all her victims were dead, and no signs of struggle were ever found. Perhaps the angry spirit of one of the girls came back to take revenge? After one scientist proposed that theory, the castle and everything in it was quickly burned to the ground.
The Red Traveler
The Red Traveler plagued Mistica about forty years ago, when the magic of Pandoria’s boxes and Feron’s toadstools was misunderstood and sometimes feared. Ignorance was Red’s advantage, as he was a brilliant Lirionox, well versed in both magic and science.
After his capture, Red was quite chatty with officers, confessing with a crooked grin on his face to the murders of eighteen Misticans. “It was so easy,” he declared, sounding almost baffled by his own success, “I barely had to try!”
Indeed, it was the apparent ease of the murders that kept Misticans behind locked doors. Red claimed that his victims deserved what they got, calling them idiots, and psychologists added that the traveler was addicted to the surge of adrenaline, the rush as he stalked his prey and eventually took their lives.
His first kill was safe, an experiment; Red tried to romance a pretty young Lirionox from his troop, but after a few months she left. His ego unable to take such a blow, Red went to her home, and what he left behind was a maimed corpse. He left the troop before her body was cold, and though he was immediately a prime suspect, no one could find him! Red had taken a bounty of Feron’s toadstools with him, changing colors on a whim, and soon learned that his intelligence could be used for thievery as well. He became reliant on stolen Pandoria Boxes.
Red left his somewhat uncivilized troop for the Inferno Terrain, and he found he liked the sophistication of the city better. “It suited me,” he declared with pride, though he would find himself changing hunting grounds often.
He found the taste for blood again. Fueled by sheer arrogance, Red began abducting Misticans in broad daylight, and then in huge crowds. He would bandage up an arm and ask for help carrying groceries home, or claim he’d lost his earth bunny. If the victim refused him, Red simply smiled and approached someone else. “Spotting the stupid ones was easy,” Red told police, “I mean, honestly, my stories weren’t very good, but people fell for them anyway!”
If Red had been able to keep his temper, his murdering spree could have lasted much longer than the single year it did. But again, romance was his weakness; he hated the idea of not having absolute power, that he could want someone and not be able to have them. When another girl, one he’d been seeing for two months in Darkwood Hollow, broke it off because of his violent outbursts, Red followed her to her home, where she was staying with her sister. He burst in; her sister was on the couch but he didn’t even see her cowering as he rushed up to his lost love’s bedroom.
The sister ran out, screaming for help, and Pandoria herself was there to respond. When the goddess ran up to see Red holding a limp, bloody body, his fist drawn back, she reached out and he was suddenly frozen. The Darkwood Hollow girl was his last kill, and that night he found himself in chains until his death ten years later.
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deathpoke1qa · 5 years
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GET TO KNOW TAG - Simmer Edition
tagged by @monstermoms​ and @pineful-pyxels​
Your name: Franklin or Frankie but never Frank
Languages you speak: English (I took a Latin class once tho)
Are you a mermaid?: I’m still stuck in my vampire phase, sorry
Your play style: Free will turned off and lots of occult sims
Your Selfsim picture: (see above image)
Stories, gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits, or cc: All of the above, I just haven’t gotten around to posting any story posts
Your favorite age state: As if the game even tries to make any other life state besides Young Adult enjoyable...
Your favorite season: Winter
Your favorite holiday: Halloween unironically
How was your day?: I’m gonna go make some grilled cheese after this so if it goes well, then it will be a good day
Your favorite career: Actors!
Your favorite aspiration(s): Master Actor/Actress, Master Vampire, Bestselling Author and Super Parent
Your favorite EP, Sp and GP:
EP: Get Together or Get Famous
GP: Vampires or Parenthood
SP: Spooky Stuff
How old is your simblr: I’ve had this account for years and years but it’s only been a simblr for about a year
Have you woohooed?: I’m a certified expert
Your favorite skill: Parenting
The size of your Mods folder: 13.5 gb
Your 3 favorite mods:
UI Cheats Extension by weerbesu
More Buyable Venues and New Venue Types by littlemssam
Show/Search Sim Info by itsasan2
Your interests (other than sims): Literally anything that involves being creative. Writing, drawing, video making, playing the piano, diy crafts, fashion, photography and sculpting. I also love anything that has to do with history, the occult or any and all religions, which, of course, all play into things I explore creatively.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): 
Asking me to pick a favorite sim is like asking me to pick a favorite child. However, I generally enjoy my witch-y sims more than my other sims, so I’ll pick Morana Darkwood. I actually recently made an OC playlist for her, too, here!
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): The Sims 1-4, and The Sims Medieval on the PC; Sims 2, Sims 2 Pets and Sims Castaway on the PS2; My Sims and My Sims Agents on the Wii; Sims 2 Pets on the Nintendo DS; Sims Freeplay on Mobile aaand Sims Social on Facebook 
Propose a crazy scheme: Why doesn’t EA just release a “well, you asked for it” SP/GP/EP that just includes a bunch of stuff we’ve been begging for with no consistent theme? Either that or like more occult types please.
Best part of simblr: Sharing my custom content and making friends with both alternative and non-alternative simblrs! 
Worst part of simblr: I know it’s kind of like a tumblr™ thing in general, but there’s a lot of people who get all authoritarian on what people post and how they post it whether it’s the kind of sims you make or your “sim style” or whatever. Just let people enjoy themselves and block/unfollow them if you don’t like them. It’s not that deep. 
What other games you play: The Assassin Creed games and, recently, Pokemon
Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): 
Sims related: Origin (DeathPoke1qa), S4S Creator Studio
Non-sims related: Instagram, My Website
Are you single?: I’ve been in a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend for over 5 years!  
I tag: @diet-coke-sims​, @moonbobs​, @cthulhusim​, @tabbyrhsims4simblr​, @simanin​ and whoever else wants to give it a try!
This was a lot of fun to do! Thank you again for tagging me!
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deathpoke1qa · 5 years
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Playlist Tag by @hnn-tr
rules: choose 5-10 songs that you feel would be your oc’s favorite and tag your friends to do one for their favorite oc
I was tagged by my pal @boredtrait a little bit ago and now I finally got around to doing it! I don’t really have OCs, but here’s a character that’s actually featured on my tumblr and S4S banner.
For your listening convience, I made a playlist on youtube and spotify if it’s easier to listen to the songs that way.
MAIDEN 1. dear sister by the pretty reckless 2. but im not by cocteau twins 3. lovesong by the cure
MOTHER 4. the killing moon by echo & the bunnymen 5. i am stretched on your grave by johnny hollow 6. like you by evanescence
CRONE 7. the silent by the tragic tantrum 8. voodoo dolly by siouxsie and the banshees 9. samhain by inkubus sukkubus
i tag: @pineful-pyxels, @eslanes, @mortsims, @plasmavamp, @suepixels, @lupuspuellasims, @dynastiasims, @cassgoths, @ladykendalsims and whoever else wants to do it!!
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