"Are you serious?" (Three word starter meme)
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Three Little Words…
He could have been saying the exact same thing, to be quite frank. The Crazed Shadow – once again in Niflheim custody and strapped down to the seat with steel shackles around her wrists and feet. Specifically designed for an MT as strong as she was, it would detain her for the time being. Though her constant escape and capture was one he hardly understood. With how much of a nuance and a threat to everyone that she was, her loss of life was one that was hardly something to mourn.
His eyes narrowed as he slowly advanced into the interrogation chamber, arms tucked behind his back as he turned his gaze over his shoulder, signalling the soldiers to leave the two be. He let out a scoff as the door closed behind him – he was now trapped in a room with the manic MT.
“How is it that when you and I encounter each other, it is because you have caused some sort of disaster in your wake, Tarda?”
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Morana spots Prompto in camp she sees he siting down looking at his camera. Standing before him the Failed MT stares, sea foam green eyes curiously glaring. "What makes you so perfect? What makes you so happy? I don't understand you are similar to me but you are a success. I'm a failure..." She growls the last sentence staring at him still not threatening or anything.
He peers up at the glinting eyes that study him in confusion. This confusion turns to concern as the woman’s words ring in his ears. Brow furrowing he responds with a sympathetic smile “I… I don’t think I’m really all that perfect, Morana. As for what makes me happy.. I guess its my friends… I’m not always so cheerful as I seem. Things get me down too sometimes… but I just keep trying my best to keep on keepin’ on the only way I know how~” His deep cobalt eyes wander as he processes through his thoughts, but as his eyes travel back to Morana, he has a feeling that wasn’t exactly what she meant by that question. To be truthful, he had an inkling what she intended before he had skirted the answer… but.. He felt for her. As unnerving as she could be at times, he knew she must be facing some deep internal struggles. He wanted to believe that deep inside she was more vulnerable and innocent than she let on. Prompto was earnest when he concluded his response with “I don’t think you’re a failure though… just a little different~ But different doesn’t necessarily mean bad..”    
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Something drew Morana to Hammerhead, it wasn't the annoying blonde that was for sure, there was a strange sense that made her wander that way. Her stomach was rumbling crazily, her head was swimming in pain she was out of pain killers. She entered the shop looking for anything that resembled pain killers, Morana spots a tall man short cropped hair a surly look something was familiar. Her mind was racing with pain she could hardly stand straight, she wasn't bleeding thankfully. (1/?)
Morana was so tired she didn’t want to fight she just wanted to make the pain go away, to sleep. She had just escaped from the grasps of the Nifs, they had picked her up the other day she had managed to steal some Muscle Enchancers. But not pain killers or high potions. The man made her think of cherry blossoms and lions. Staring at his piercing eyes she stared intensely at him why was he so familiar? She never met him before? He was in the aisles with noodles, made her think of Gladio. 2/3
The man was bothering her, she knew him somehow. The words, lion and cherry blossoms rose up to her aching head. That feeling that rose to her chest was the same when people were stupid enough to ask her about her family. It was confusing her. Making her way over to him closer now several feet away she cleared her throat. “What is your name? Why do I feel like I know you? Who are you to me?” 3/3
Cor had the uncomfortable feeling of being watched for some time now, it wasn’t unfamiliar seeing as with him being known as The Immortal Shogun. Glancing in the direction of the sensation he felt a slightly hostile energy directed at him which sent his battle honed instincts into effect. Hearing the question he turned to glance at the young woman who radiated aggression, pain and confusion. Taken aback by her question, “My name? Cor Leonis, as far as my relationship to you? I’m not quite sure..you do look familiar.”
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rubyphilomela · 7 years
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.” (Moranathefailedmt)
Ruby blinks, her expression a mixture of confusion and irritation at the black haired woman’s statement. “Umm why are you talking to me Manic Panic?”
@moranathefailedmt @promptothesunshineboy @noctissleepyprince @the-kings-shield @ignis-is-bliss
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itshaejinju · 7 years
Kinda curious if anyone is interested in learning about my ff15 oc Morana Tarda.
She’s MT experiment gone wrong, a early prototype to what you fight in the game and was created before Prompto.
She is 29 and is Cor Leonis’ half sister, same father. She is a bit screwed up in the head and she is Gladio’s s/o but has a soft spot for blind Ignis.
Kinda want to talk about her today. Perhaps I’ll log onto her account and finish the fics I have started for her, have to redo some as they are on the stolen laptop.
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“Don’t Feel Safe” meme Luna x Ruby x Prompto x Morana x Noctis x Gladio pt 11
(Previously Pt 10)
The energy flare singed through her collarbone she blinked letting the slight pain rush through her, it felt electrifying the energy surging through her made her feel alive. Was this suppose to stop her? This was a lot like what she dealt with with the flames brought on by Ardyn, or the poison brought in by the scientist. Turning to see she was fucking with her kuragamisa making the weapon apparate into nothingness freeing up Noctis, Morana smirked eyeing Gladio who was staring at her hazel eyes firm on her his broadsword raised ready to attack.
Running towards the redhead, the Failed MT hated people toying with her weapons it was one of the few things she knew was from her family. Releasing the weapon again it refreshed from apparating again she slung the sickle towards the red head letting smack against the aura.
“DON’T FUCK WITH MY WEAPONS!” Morana pushed herself against the redhead getting close not feeling too worried about anything as she saw out of the corner of her eye, Gladio coming forth Noctis warp striking towards her.
There was a lot of shouting coming from Gladio and Noctis but Morana couldn’t hear blood was pumping in her ears and she was going blind with rage.
“YOU FUCKING HUMAN!” She shouted feeling a stabbing pain of a short blade hitting her, and a side of a broadsword smacking her to the side.
Getting tossed several dozen yards away Morana was in a heap brain scattered unsure of what hit her. Turning to face Gladio and Noctis standing in front of Ruby, Morana was on the ground slowly getting to her feet, shaking her head looking around more was near her? The biggest threat?
@lunaoracleofthepeople @rubyreddemise @promptothesunshineboy @moranathefailedmt @noctissleepyprince
Gladio looked over at Ruby she wasn't harmed any, that was a plus looking over at Morana who was on the ground shaking cobwebs out of her head she was bleeding in the shoulder and the leg. The leg wound look self inflicted from where he stood, she probably invoked Manic state, why did this have to happen? Why did Lunafreya have to be the one she is targeting, he surely thought it was Noctis hence why he was on Noctis' six more than normal. He hadn't expected it to be Morana, their attraction had been immediate and dangerous. Gladiolus had been quick to figure out the weak points of the woman and learn to take her out of this state. They had met at a bar not too long ago a time when he was separate from the others for a few hours while in Lestallum. It was apparent that there was some different about Morana but it was something that also interested Gladiolus in her. After several more interactions through the time leading up to them leaving to Altissa to drop Noctis off to get married to Lunafreya he had learned of the darker things about Morana.
“Morana please engage me, you know I'm a better thrill.” Gladio begged as he watched Morana lumber to her feet, panting heavily, a crazed look on her beautiful face, it pained him to see her in this state.
“Noctis you can back off now, you and Ruby just back off alright? Cover up that wound quick, blood triggers her, if I want her out of this state she can't see or smell blood.” Gladiolus warned the young prince eyeing the few bleeding patches on him from the fall.
“We are having a long talk about this when we get back to camp.” Noctis warned him dangerously.
“I know.” Gladiolus answered, grimly looking over at Morana who was now running towards him.
“Ready to spar lovely?” Gladiolus called out summoning his broadsword it clashing loudly against the blade of the sickle.
It was surprising that her being so much smaller than he is she could withstand that blow and he knew by now not to play with her with kid gloves, he had a few bad scars to remind him not to. She was spitting mad attacking at him constantly, calling out horrible names to him, Noctis, Ruby, even Lunafreya and Prompto. A lot of hate was brewing up from her manic state, from when she spent those years tortured by the Nifs. He felt like he could save her to from herself, he knew he couldn't fix her but he could patch her up enough to where she could live under his care. The night she clung to him in tears fearing about being dragged back to the Nifs, to be killed over and over again to be resurrected by phoenix downs. It brought a pain to his heart.
“You really think you can get me with that little blade, darling?” Gladiolus teased, as she blocked his blow with the chain sending tremors through her.
“YES!” She shouted there was something resting in between her teeth as she shouted at him, but he couldn't tell what pill it was.
He had come across her stash of potions and pills ranging from pain pills to fighting enhancers. It could be anything, if this was something that enhanced her strength he would have to kick it up a notch, not wanting Ruby to jump in. He knew Noct would stay back like he ordered. . .though the prince was mad at him he might view Morana as a total threat. She was a threat yes but with his care one that could be managed.
“Ruby!” Gladiolus shouted as he saw Morana smirked swallowing the pill, her next blow to him sent him back a few steps she was stronger now.
This plan he was forming in his head needed to work quick, Morana was out for a lot of blood if she was going to start popping pills. She was furious, this was going to be a bit more to handle. If Ruby could do this right. . .Lunafreya could patch up the messed up bits later, of course after begging for her forgiveness and Noctis' forgiveness and fuck probably Ruby and Prompto's as well.
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3minutenoodles · 7 years
Penelope was lounging in one of the folding chairs around the campfire pit, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the slowly intensifying heat of the rising sun when she felt it.
A ghost sensation on her upper lip, and she froze momentarily before prying her eyes open to find Morana leering over her before backing away, causing Penelope to start and darn near fall out of her chair.
“M-Morana? What’s up?”
The strange sensation on her upper lip temporarily forgotten, she watched the woman sauntering away before the ghost sensation returned, tickling her this time.
Retrieving her phone from her back pocket, time trickled slowly as she brought it toward her face to look into the reflective surface. Six only knew what Morana had done.
Holding the phone in front of her now, she peered at the black screen, focusing on the fat caterpillar wiggling above her lips, promptly inhaling and letting out a startled screech. Her phone hit the ground as she batted at her face, wailing the culprits name in an appalled voice.
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“Don’t Feel Safe” meme Luna x Ruby x Prompto x Morana x Noctis x Gladio pt 10
(Previously PT 9)
There was a slight worry that built up in Gladio as he rode in the back of the Regalia, Noctis had taken shotgun next to Ignis. He was a bit curious as to who had gotten Prompto so riled up, was he sure it wasn't rattling tin can again? He had left early in the morning to go after Ruby and didn't bother to inform him as to why. That annoyed him some he liked having all his companions in check knowing where they are at all times it was a part of a Shields' job and Prompto and Ruby wandering off made it hard. Then again he couldn't complain too much about the wandering off. . .he did disappear for a few days tailing after a lead it had ended up being rather productive. And stress relieving to say the least.
Pulling out his phone he attempted to make a phone call but it just went to voicemail, damn he wasn't able to verify his concerns. Noctis had pressed Ignis to drive faster, Gladio warned him not to do so it wasn't safe Prompto would have to understand Noctis life was the most important. He was the King after all. Gladio saw in the distance two familiar figures, he would have thought they would pass by Prompto perhaps he took a different way to the Haven? It didn't matter really as long as Prompto got back safe, there must be a reason why Prompto was traveling on Chocobo as he wouldn't easily leave Ruby behind. From what Noct said Prompto had left Ruby behind.
“Shit.” Gladio said as his eyes moved from the red head who was sitting to the black haired female that was sitting as well.
Noctis turned to him, eyeing him suspiciously, “What's up Big Guy know who she is?”
“Eh. . .” Gladio muttered as he leapt out of the side of the car before Ignis took the Regalia to a full halt.
“Gladio. . .” Noctis called out leaping out after him racing towards him as the giant man took massive steps forward.
“Noct stay behind me.” Gladio tried to warn as the young prince ran out in front of him heading towards Ruby.
@rubyreddemise @promptothesunshineboy @lunaoracleofthepeople @moranathefailedmt @noctissleepyprince
Morana chuckled softly watching the woman take up a similar pose on the ground, they were several yards away staring at each other. The Failed MT looked at her arms the bracelets being a Heliodor and a Gigas Bangle, her black and blue satin tank top holding a lightning crest and a ice crest, as she heard the crunching of wheels on gravel. Flexing her fingers in the tight brass knuckles, her heart beating madly in her chest as she smiled, pleased with the outcome.  
“Soldiers fall one by one~. . .” Morana hummed softly to herself as she spotted a group of people rushing towards them. “My lucky day the king has arrived~.”
Turning her head hair falling into her eyes she spotted Noctis Lucis Caelum. . .the giant from before Gladiolus, her heart soared her play thing then another man. . .Ignis something. The Prince was smaller than what Morana thought he would be only a bit taller than she is but physically about the same build, there was a power that she sense it made her curious. He looked startled and unsure as he surveyed the both of them just sitting on the ground his eyes going from the red head to Morana.
In a blink of a eye Morana was on her feet again with such ease she slung the ball end of the kuragamisa towards the Prince, knowing she didn't have much time before the Kings' Shield would react or the red head would make her move. The ball and chain snapped at Noctis before he could react, wrapping around his narrow chest bringing him to the ground in a pile, the Prince shouting in pain as he was yanked forward. For being it was shocking that Morana could drag him at any distance but she could, perhaps those modifications weren't so much of a failure. She wasn't sweating at the least, her breath easily measure, her emerald eyes calculating each move as the Beserker MT was playing around with her targets.
The sound of bones breaking made Morana laugh, she loved that sharp snapping sound bones made when they broke. It didn't matter if the sound was from her own bones or someone else it was just something she like hearing. The whimpers of pain that came from lesser beings was like icing on the cake it brought a thrill to her so see them tear up over some slight pain, it would go away and heal so why bother and cry about it? Honestly, these were humans? Perhaps she was better off being a Failure.
Chomping down on the reflex enhancer knowing that attack would happen anytime soon Morana dragged the Prince closer seeing the Shield rushing towards her looking furious.
“MORANA STOP!” She heard him shouting at her, cocking a eyebrow up to him, who was he to tell her to stop.
So what if they had fucked? It didn't let him lay any claim over her to tell her when to stop doing anything. Morana snorted someone trying to control her again, just like the others. Ignoring the mountain she turned to the red head curious to see her reaction to the Prince on the ground tangled in thick chains struggling to free himself, the mountain of a man rushing towards her. Who was going to move first?
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🌹 = my opinion on your character 🌼 = a song I identify with your character 🌷 = a song I identify with my character🌱 = a plot I want to write with you
Tell Me About It (Symbols)
🌹 = my opinion on your character
I think Morana has a bit of a charm with her that I really enjoy in OCs – a sass and a series of flaws that makes her seem like far from the perfect person. In my line of OC RPs, a good majority of the ones I’ve interacted with are the one-dimensional and generic ‘I’m good to everyone, and so I’ll be friends with everyone too!,’ and that never really settled well with me, because people are all different, ya know? So meeting Morana was definitely a nice change, and I really adore her design and the thought put into how her fighting style worked.
I will admit though… She reminds me of a character I used to RP with in the past, whom quite frankly left a terrible memory in my mind after the mun went ballistic on me, and after the said character before was well out in godmod, mary-sue, all of the atoms between that space. So Morana makes me a little bit cautious as well since the archetype of the anti-hero loose canon wasn’t expected well with me before. But I’m eager to RP more with Morana and see more of her in action as well!
🌼 = a song I identify with your character
The first thing that I thought of was Monster by Kanye West, Jay-Z, Rick Ross, and Nicki Minaj. Particularly Nicki’s verse. Like, the two tones kinda gives off that split persona play. Not to mention her verse not only is littered with sass, but she DESTROYED the others with her verse. Reminds me of Morana’s style~
Also thought of I AM THE BEST by 2NE1 for her~
🌷= a song I identify with my character
Probably the go-to song that I immediately associate with Ravus is Broken Crown by Mumford & Sons. I found this song awhile ago, but I was reminded of it when I was looking for a song to edit a Ravus GMV thing. The atmosphere the song provides as well as the melancholy and almost chorus-like harmony with it makes me think alot of Ravus. Not to mention that the lyrics hit me really hard when I listened to it. I thought it was pretty fitting.
🌱 = a plot I want to write with you
Hm… I’ll admit, I typically don’t like the idea of planning everything out. I like the idea of someone literally throwing a sudden scenario at me and shouting ‘GO WITH IT!’ In which I probably scream out of panic and because they probably threw a really dramatic scenario my way, but I still like the spontaneity though!
I wouldn’t be opposed to a Ravus and Morana team-up though. Grace in brute force and brute force in a graceful style. They’d have a fun dynamic in either fighting or just interacting with each other. Maybe over drinks as they both complain about how much of a prick Ardyn is or something. That could work! But, you know… They gotta stop pissing each other off first.
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itshaejinju · 7 years
5 and 14 :D
5: How many blogs do you have currently?
@itsareactiontosmut​ (smut writing for otome and random stuff!)
@noctissleepyprince​ (RP Blog!)
@the-kings-shield​ (RP Blog!)
@lunaoracleofthepeople​ (RP Blog!)
@moranathefailedmt​ (OC RP blog! FF15)
@secretteamrocketmember​ (Pokemon Blog, hiatus)
@itshaemiran​ (Otome story but on hiatus)
@ a new one coming soon for Notice me Senpai
14: What are some of your hobbies?
Writing, reading, playing RPGs, collecting keychains, and trying out a bunch of different types of coffee because I love coffee soooo much.
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itshaejinju · 7 years
p>I’m logged onto Morana’s account if anyone wants to RP with her I’m sending out some starters.
The account is @moranathefailedmt
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rules:  tag 10 of your followers that you want to know better ! tagging: @moranathefailedmt ; @ofarkhxm ; (Uh...! I don’t know who has done this already, but I literally could tag everyone one of you because I’d want to get to know all of you. slerjksejls)
name:  Ravus Nox Fleuret nickname: High Commander, Commander Fleuret, Ravvy, Rae zodiac sign: Virgo gender:  Male
favourite colour:  Violet, White, Indigo average hours of sleep:  What is sleep? 3 - 5 hours. last thing you googled:  Teas that Reduce Stress height:  6′ 2′’
name: Stephanie nickname:  Steph, Stephic  zodiac sign:  Gemini gender: Non-Binary with a ‘call me as you like’ mentality favourite colour:  Violet, Cerulean Blue, Green, Black, Hot Pink average hours of sleep:  7 - 10 hours last thing you googled:  Gender Spectrum height:  5′ 7″
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TAGGED BY: @bxstiarius TAGGING: @moranathefailedmt, @son-of-regis, whomever else wants to do this (because I need more friends. OOPS.)
Well, I started in the fandom as an Ardyn/Ravus shipper, and to this day, I continue to ship them. But literally, like, Ravus/Anyone/Everyone is a ship that I like. Because, you know. Ravus. On my main blog, where most of my writings and headcanons are posted, I find myself writing alot of Ardyn/Ravus, Noctis/Ravus, Gladio/Ravus, and in recent additions, Prompto/Ravus. I have no regrets about any of it.
I’m really open with most anything when it comes to ships. Except, you know, the REALLY immoral stuff like underage, incest, that sort of thing. But fluff, angst, rivalmances, blissful romance, smut, all the like, I’m always down for it. Love, love, love. All of the love~
Big fan of a really young kiddo with an older person. Like, it’s really odd to be if a sixteen-year-old was banging a thirty-year-old -- regardless of if it’s consent or not. My good age-gap go to is maybe at the most 10 years difference.
Hm... Not really. Like, you can tell me you ship Ravus and garlic bread together, and I’ll probably nod and go ‘I can dig it.’ RPing it out though might be a different story if the muse doesn’t find any chemistry in the relationship, you feel me? I can ship it all I want, but if it doesn’t fit with Ravus’s character, then it might not really happen.
Ambiguous fluids, probably. Because you don’t really need to be showing boners openly to know that someone found some release, I think. ;D
At the moment, I do most of my shippy writings with @bxstiarius‘s Durans Anatolius. Though there has some discussion about with @pxlsatiio about Prompto/Ravus and with @son-of-regis about Noctis/Ravus. Also @chancellor-izunia pops up sometimes with their Ardyn and Lafeyette muse to interact VIA asks. That’s most that I know of (for now).
Not really, to be honest. Like, I recommend you let me know if you want to be like ‘They’re in a relationship, bee-tee-dubs.’ And I’ll probably go, ‘Okay. Hope I know the character at least first.’ Give a thumbs up, and then what do you know? Ship happens. But I’m generally open to the idea of all kinds of ships, so long as there’s at least SOME talk about how their relationship is. Otherwise, Ravus does what he wants (and whom he wants).
For me, my favorite part about RPing is the relationship building process. And although I’m alright with the instantaneous ‘They’re together now,’ I like the build-up of how two character’s bond builds. With subtle flirtatious remarks and snarky banter, until little actions build up into a romance or bond. The build-up and the romantic tension gives me life. But to answer the question, I like to ship alot, but gotta go at it in stages before the steamy bits can happen. (Unless it’s that whole ‘one-night-stand’ thing. Then that’s a different story.)
Yeah, totally~
Probably end up getting more on the line of obsessed if I like a ship, though I’m super passive about it. That is, until I start writing fics or doodle junk doodles. I really like thinking about ships alot. Like, alot.
Like, the overall fandom? In FFXV, I’m always a sucker for Ardyn/Ravus and Noctis/Ravus. But I’m pretty much a sucker for any FFXV ship. In the things I RP, I write with Ravus/Durans the most. C:
Probably the best way to do that is send an ask prompt out of the blue just for the heck of it and/or message me saying ‘Imma do the thing.’ Then I’ll nod and go ‘You do the thing, you lovely soul!’ It’s really that simple~
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itshaejinju · 7 years
5, 9, 14
5: How many blogs do you have currently?
@itsareactiontosmut​ (smut writing for otome and random stuff!)
@noctissleepyprince​ (RP Blog!)
@the-kings-shield​ (RP Blog!)
@lunaoracleofthepeople​ (RP Blog!)
@moranathefailedmt​ (OC RP blog! FF15)
@secretteamrocketmember​ (Pokemon Blog, hiatus)
@itshaemiran​ (Otome story but on hiatus)
@ a new one coming soon for Notice me Senpai
9: What’s your favorite food?
All time favorite food item: White Rabbit Candies!
14: What are some of your hobbies?
Writing, reading, playing RPGs, collecting keychains, and trying out a bunch of different types of coffee because I love coffee soooo much.
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itshaejinju · 7 years
5 and 14!
5: How many blogs do you have currently?
@itsareactiontosmut (smut writing for otome and random stuff!)
@noctissleepyprince (RP Blog!)
@the-kings-shield (RP Blog!)
@lunaoracleofthepeople (RP Blog!) 
@moranathefailedmt (OC RP blog! FF15)
@secretteamrocketmember (Pokemon Blog, hiatus)
@itshaemiran (Otome story but on hiatus) 
@ a new one coming soon for Notice me Senpai
14: What are some of your hobbies?
Writing, reading, playing RPGs, collecting keychains, and trying out a bunch of different types of coffee because I love coffee soooo much.
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rubyphilomela · 7 years
5 things that make me happy
Was tagged by @murkmouth-garbagemancer and @itshaejinju (Y’all should go follow them forreal) When you get this, reply with five things that make you happy and pass along to ten nice people. ♥ Btw my answers will be for ooc and Ruby ❤️ 1.Prompto Argentum @promptothesunshineboy (so much of this is because of you❤️) •we both agree on this 2. My wonderful people on Tumblr ( @itshaejinju and @sylleblossompetals and all of my wonderful people ❤️❤️) •My wonderful family I've made since I've been here. 3. Writing and Rp and my artwork •we born agree on this minus the rp of course 4. Music (especially Florence + The Machine) •we both agree on this 5. Being seen for who I am on the inside and actually being understood. •this and for Ruby it's getting out of her shell and being more social while still feeling safe due to her incredible friends LINE UP CHILDREN IT’S TIME TO TALK ABOUT YOURSELVES (tagging some rp because character answers!!) @sylleblossompetals @promptothesunshineboy (you can reply as prom or mun) @hypaalicious @pascha-chan @the-schnee @moranathefailedmt (reply as character!) @noctissleepyprince @lunaoracleofthepeople @lupanaoflaminar @ignis-is-bliss @shakcasm
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