“Don’t Feel Safe” meme Luna x Ruby x Prompto x Morana x Noctis x Gladio pt 11
(Previously Pt 10)
The energy flare singed through her collarbone she blinked letting the slight pain rush through her, it felt electrifying the energy surging through her made her feel alive. Was this suppose to stop her? This was a lot like what she dealt with with the flames brought on by Ardyn, or the poison brought in by the scientist. Turning to see she was fucking with her kuragamisa making the weapon apparate into nothingness freeing up Noctis, Morana smirked eyeing Gladio who was staring at her hazel eyes firm on her his broadsword raised ready to attack.
Running towards the redhead, the Failed MT hated people toying with her weapons it was one of the few things she knew was from her family. Releasing the weapon again it refreshed from apparating again she slung the sickle towards the red head letting smack against the aura.
“DON’T FUCK WITH MY WEAPONS!” Morana pushed herself against the redhead getting close not feeling too worried about anything as she saw out of the corner of her eye, Gladio coming forth Noctis warp striking towards her.
There was a lot of shouting coming from Gladio and Noctis but Morana couldn’t hear blood was pumping in her ears and she was going blind with rage.
“YOU FUCKING HUMAN!” She shouted feeling a stabbing pain of a short blade hitting her, and a side of a broadsword smacking her to the side.
Getting tossed several dozen yards away Morana was in a heap brain scattered unsure of what hit her. Turning to face Gladio and Noctis standing in front of Ruby, Morana was on the ground slowly getting to her feet, shaking her head looking around more was near her? The biggest threat?
@lunaoracleofthepeople @rubyreddemise @promptothesunshineboy @moranathefailedmt @noctissleepyprince
Gladio looked over at Ruby she wasn't harmed any, that was a plus looking over at Morana who was on the ground shaking cobwebs out of her head she was bleeding in the shoulder and the leg. The leg wound look self inflicted from where he stood, she probably invoked Manic state, why did this have to happen? Why did Lunafreya have to be the one she is targeting, he surely thought it was Noctis hence why he was on Noctis' six more than normal. He hadn't expected it to be Morana, their attraction had been immediate and dangerous. Gladiolus had been quick to figure out the weak points of the woman and learn to take her out of this state. They had met at a bar not too long ago a time when he was separate from the others for a few hours while in Lestallum. It was apparent that there was some different about Morana but it was something that also interested Gladiolus in her. After several more interactions through the time leading up to them leaving to Altissa to drop Noctis off to get married to Lunafreya he had learned of the darker things about Morana.
“Morana please engage me, you know I'm a better thrill.” Gladio begged as he watched Morana lumber to her feet, panting heavily, a crazed look on her beautiful face, it pained him to see her in this state.
“Noctis you can back off now, you and Ruby just back off alright? Cover up that wound quick, blood triggers her, if I want her out of this state she can't see or smell blood.” Gladiolus warned the young prince eyeing the few bleeding patches on him from the fall.
“We are having a long talk about this when we get back to camp.” Noctis warned him dangerously.
“I know.” Gladiolus answered, grimly looking over at Morana who was now running towards him.
“Ready to spar lovely?” Gladiolus called out summoning his broadsword it clashing loudly against the blade of the sickle.
It was surprising that her being so much smaller than he is she could withstand that blow and he knew by now not to play with her with kid gloves, he had a few bad scars to remind him not to. She was spitting mad attacking at him constantly, calling out horrible names to him, Noctis, Ruby, even Lunafreya and Prompto. A lot of hate was brewing up from her manic state, from when she spent those years tortured by the Nifs. He felt like he could save her to from herself, he knew he couldn't fix her but he could patch her up enough to where she could live under his care. The night she clung to him in tears fearing about being dragged back to the Nifs, to be killed over and over again to be resurrected by phoenix downs. It brought a pain to his heart.
“You really think you can get me with that little blade, darling?” Gladiolus teased, as she blocked his blow with the chain sending tremors through her.
“YES!” She shouted there was something resting in between her teeth as she shouted at him, but he couldn't tell what pill it was.
He had come across her stash of potions and pills ranging from pain pills to fighting enhancers. It could be anything, if this was something that enhanced her strength he would have to kick it up a notch, not wanting Ruby to jump in. He knew Noct would stay back like he ordered. . .though the prince was mad at him he might view Morana as a total threat. She was a threat yes but with his care one that could be managed.
“Ruby!” Gladiolus shouted as he saw Morana smirked swallowing the pill, her next blow to him sent him back a few steps she was stronger now.
This plan he was forming in his head needed to work quick, Morana was out for a lot of blood if she was going to start popping pills. She was furious, this was going to be a bit more to handle. If Ruby could do this right. . .Lunafreya could patch up the messed up bits later, of course after begging for her forgiveness and Noctis' forgiveness and fuck probably Ruby and Prompto's as well.
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“Don’t Feel Safe” meme Lunafreya x Ruby x Prompto x Morana pt 8
(previously pt 7)
“I haven’t ridden a Chocobo in ages…” Lunafreya said with a soft smile looking at her dress, side saddle would have to be the way to go.
Patting the Chocobo softly she lifted herself up settling down side saddle style, it was a bit of a strain on the back and neck that way but otherwise she would have to pull the dress up high around her waist to ride traditionally. Pulling on the reigns a little she gently prodded the fowl in the side with the heel of her shoe prompting it forward.
“Loser has to wake up Noctis in the morning.” Lunafreya called out as the Chocobo jolted forward with grace and speed.
Lunafreya and the yellow Chocobo darted ahead making it over small rocks and bushes with ease as the gangly bird went off at a blinding pace. Long braided blonde hair flowing behind the young Oracle as she smile looking happy as she rose in sync with the gait of the Chocobo.
@rubyreddemise @lunaoracleofthepeople @promptothesunshineboy
Standing on the crest of the vista looking forward a pair of sea foam green eyes viewing the sight in front of her, breath hitching in her throat as she spotted her target. In the distance the short woman spotted two chocobos racing forward one carrying two people and one carrying a single passenger. It looked like they were racing each other, enjoying themselves.
“Hah.” Morana let out with a deep breath of air, her melodic voice getting swept away in the wind that was rushing past her.
Long black hair getting in her eyes the red dyed strands mixing in looking like blood flowing past her. Raising a heavily scarred right arm she silently called her weapon a long kusarigama black and gold in colors as she raised the ball and chain end up high. With ease of someone who had trained many years Morana whipped the chain out taking out the solo rider, the small body tumbling to the ground, the fowl tumbling screaming in pain as the chains wrapped around the legs the ball smacking against the side.
Yanking the chain back it unsnapping around the giant fowl as it struggled painfully, Morana took off at a dead run towards the fallen body. Laughing madly as she picked up speed leaping up landing on top of the young Oracle. Pinning Lunafreya on the ground hovering over her those sea foam green eyes peering at the frightened blue eyes, taking the blade of the sickle pressing it against the thin throat she didn't press down hard enough to make it bleed just enough to cause the target to freeze.
“I found you Oracle. Thought you could hide from me for long? Thought I couldn't smell you out. Thought I would just give up? Give me what I want! Heal this mistake!” Morana shouted angrily at the Oracle.
One would think Morana wasn't paying attention to her surroundings but she knew by this time the others would be closer to attack now. Shifting in position using Lunafreya as a shield Morana stood up pinning the blade to her neck careful about the tender frail flesh she wanted to hold back on the manic state unless needed. She may look stupid but she was rather cunning, she didn't escape from the Chancellor by sheer luck. Her eyes surveyed the scene in front of her, heart beating wildly the pain of the heart hitting the literally metal surrounding it.
There was many pieces of metal in her body some she didn't remember suffering through. There was metal in her neck, chest, lung, legs, stomach so much that it brought so much pain in her body that she survived off pain killers. Killing her wasn't easy, something always brought her back her nearly robotic body just not knowing when to shut down.
The blond she seemed to know something in the back of her mind sparked a sense of curiosity in her, why was this face familiar? Why was this sense of being nostalgic to her? The red head was new. . .something was different about her that same strange sense the Chancellor brought up in her.
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rubyphilomela · 8 years
{text}"Hey Iggy almost done shopping for our next stretch of driving. Want me to grab some more Ebony? I can't remember how much you have in stock." -Ruby Philomela X Chocobros
@fluffingnoctis3 @sylleblossompetals @rubyreddemise
The blonde boy blinked his deep blue eyes owlishly.  True, he was rather shocked by this girl’s sudden appearance and introduction.. especially since Noctis was never one to.. er.. pick up chicks? If that was indeed what this was? He certainly seemed to be blushing enough. When Noctis had originally awoken from his nightmare and ran off, Prompto had to fight his instincts tooth and nail to keep from chasing after him. Gladiolus had advised in the past that it may be best to give him time alone to cool down sometimes. He was debating weather he had allowed enough time for Noct to collect himself that he could now go and find his best friend when he had suddenly arrived with Penelope in tow. Prompto now studied his friend as a small intrigued smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. Soon, though, he realized he had yet to greet this new friend so suddenly set before them. “O-oh… Hey there, nice to meet you! I’m Prompto.” He beamed a sincere smile full of sunshine at Penelope. As Noct suddenly decided to leave them to get acquainted, he had to suppress an amused chuckle as he shot a glance towards Ruby. Turning his attention back to the nervous girl, he smiled and did his best to set her at ease “So, looks like you found our buddy for us~ Thanks for treating him so kindly.. you seem like a really nice person!”
@promptothesunshineboy @sylleblossompetals @fluffingnoctis3
Ruby blinked from her spot on the bed, she’d been watching the interaction with amusement and slight irritation and interest all rolled into one, she really needed some sleep especially if she was going to heal any of these wounds from her recent fight. 
Sitting up with a wince that she did her best to hide she moved to the end of the bed and took Prompto’s hand in hers tugging him gently to her and snuggled into his side, soaking in his comfort before acknowledging the girl. “Hi there.. so you’re the one that brought back our wayward Noct, thank you..I’m Ruby, though everyone calls me Red..sorry for being a bit of a grouch..I’ve been up all night traveling” 
Yawning slightly she smiles her best at the girl, her empath abilities and inner matchmaker coming to light in spite of her exhaustion “So, what do you think about Noct?”
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itsareactiontosmut · 7 years
Prompto Quickie So finally I recorded something. Was a little nervous so it wasn't my top performance! @rubyreddemise here is some Prompto for you. @promptothesunshineboy :D
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The Angst Train - “Dark Aura” Solitary Confinement Meme Ruby x Luna x Prompto x Noctis PT 2
(Previous PT 1) -had to scroll so much on mobile to get to the bottom!-
@rubyreddemise @promptothesunshineboy @noctissleepyprince
If Prompto or Ruby had anything to say the Oracle didn’t listen, normally if she had gotten upset by something she would listen to the other side. To kindly and politely listen to what they had to say but not today not now. She flashed a dark glare towards them, her normally pure blue eyes were dark with anger.
“All I did!” She shouted angrily over her shoulder, slipping in the mud a little trying to make it further away from them.
She was lucky she had taken all her essentials with her already so she wouldn’t have to return to the Regalia. If she had forgotten something it wouldn’t matter she couldn’t handle this any longer. Playing second string to this foreigner. She didn’t even belong to this world! Nifs tried killing her because of that and Lunafreya had gone through some heavy measures to make sure Ruby would be safe from the Niflheim Army but she made a mistake and they got her anyways. There was spell she had learned a long time ago while she was held captive by the Nifs, it was to block appearances. It made it so the Nifs wouldn’t notice Ruby as a Empath as anything different from a plain hunter working with the Prince Lucis.
Lunafreya had given Ruby a token that had the spell placed on it but she needed it back to make the spell strong again as after a while it gets weak. But in the process of strengthing it she got side tracked with a project for Gentiana that the group had left Lunafreya behind. Then Ruby went missing, the day Lunafreya got back to camp. In a panic with the token she searched for Ruby that night in a fright knowing something bad would happen. She couldn’t tell the others that she used such a strange magic to help keep Ruby safe so they wouldn’t understand. . .not like they ever did anyways.
Perhaps her being held by the Nifs made her too different than the others? Noctis sometimes was distant with her laughing more with Ruby and Prompto. While Lunafreya tried to learn how to cook from Ignis so she could impress Noctis.
“Fuck!” Lunafreya swore for the first time in her life, as she stubbed her toe on a gnarled root.
Her left foot was hurting even more now, she sat down on the fallen log nursing her foot.
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yfczangel777 · 8 years
Oops my hand slipped
Now I have another blog that's a Prompto roleplay blog and I'm also gonna do head cannons/images and stuff for all the Chocobros It's @promptothesunshineboy if you wanna check it out~
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“Don’t Feel Safe” meme Lunafreya x Ruby x Prompto x Morana x Noctis pt 9
(Previously PT 8)
Ruby sighed in relief as she saw her love take her hint and get Lunafreya to safety. Now able to fully devote her attention to the clearly deranged female before her she focused her vision trying to get a clear picture of who this woman was. Eyes widening slightly as she saw the woman’s aura, it wasn’t quite like the soldiers she had seen but it did resemble them a bit, it looked shattered and damaged like a patchwork quilt. Seeing this sent a pang of sympathy through her heart dampening her anger, but not her focus. “Your from the empire aren’t you? Your not like the others..you have a soul..why do you want to hurt Lunafreya? What could she have possibly done to you?” As she spoke her aura rose in strength within her focused and full of her energy and that of the land around her, the last of the potions she’d taken had finally fully replenished her energy and she was ready for a serious fight if it should lead to that, though she hoped it wouldn’t. Glancing to the side her heart broke at seeing that Promptos borrowed chocobo hadn’t moved since it had been attacked, sending a tendril of her aura to it she shed a tear as she felt it’s weakness, it had been damaged quite a bit by both the chain and the fall. Turning her focus once more to her foe she quirked an eyebrow expectantly waiting for a response.
@rubyreddemise @promptothesunshineboy @lunaoracleofthepeople @noctissleepyprince
Morana smirked as the blond rushed in to be such a lap dog and doing what the female asked of him. He should have stood his ground and stayed along, Morana thought. She could have easily snagged the Chocobo knocking him down and putting him out of commission but it didn't seem interesting enough. She would get the Oracle later she wouldn't be able to get far. This red head was rather interesting what was this sensation it was something akin to the Chancellor. Watching the two blonds escape Morana shifted her gaze hungrily back over to the female before her.
Snorting in disgust Morana took another reflex enhancer pill clenching it in her teeth, not popping it yet she didn't expect Miss Hero to be a talker. Who gave a shit if she worked for the Empire? It's not like she actually followed the orders of the Chancellor she followed her own agenda she would eventually get her hands on Noctis but her own needs was more important. The blood flowing down her leg spiked her Manic Side her eyes such a deep shade of emerald now not the calming sea foam green.
“I'm not one of them, I am a failure I stand far apart of them. Her precious brother says she can heal anyone! She will remove these metal parts and make me human again!” Morana shouted at the woman.
Slipping on poison dipped brass knuckles to add to the weapon arsenal of the chain and sickle, “Your blond sunspot smells like them. . .those successes.”
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rubyphilomela · 8 years
{text}"Hey Iggy almost done shopping for our next stretch of driving. Want me to grab some more Ebony? I can't remember how much you have in stock." -Ruby Philomela X Chocobros
Previous Thread
(Please make sure to tag the person you are speaking with at the beginning of your post so we can keep it straight!)
Ruby hated that she had made the situation worse.. seeing Noctis going over to his chocobo for comfort she sighed and let him be, just for a moment.. she didn’t know how to comfort him and she hated it.. reaching out to softly stroke Prompto’s cheek she she whispered,
 “Gonna go inside and lay down.. see if you can talk some sense into Noct for me?” 
Nodding to Ignis she headed past them and into the RV where she could avoid the torrent of painful emotions, guilt from Noctis and depression from herself.. walking over she sat on the bed, moving to cross her legs she closed her eyes and focused a bubble of energy blossoming over her as she meditated.
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“Don’t Feel Safe” meme Luna x Ruby x Prompto x Morana x Noctis x Gladio pt 10
(Previously PT 9)
There was a slight worry that built up in Gladio as he rode in the back of the Regalia, Noctis had taken shotgun next to Ignis. He was a bit curious as to who had gotten Prompto so riled up, was he sure it wasn't rattling tin can again? He had left early in the morning to go after Ruby and didn't bother to inform him as to why. That annoyed him some he liked having all his companions in check knowing where they are at all times it was a part of a Shields' job and Prompto and Ruby wandering off made it hard. Then again he couldn't complain too much about the wandering off. . .he did disappear for a few days tailing after a lead it had ended up being rather productive. And stress relieving to say the least.
Pulling out his phone he attempted to make a phone call but it just went to voicemail, damn he wasn't able to verify his concerns. Noctis had pressed Ignis to drive faster, Gladio warned him not to do so it wasn't safe Prompto would have to understand Noctis life was the most important. He was the King after all. Gladio saw in the distance two familiar figures, he would have thought they would pass by Prompto perhaps he took a different way to the Haven? It didn't matter really as long as Prompto got back safe, there must be a reason why Prompto was traveling on Chocobo as he wouldn't easily leave Ruby behind. From what Noct said Prompto had left Ruby behind.
“Shit.” Gladio said as his eyes moved from the red head who was sitting to the black haired female that was sitting as well.
Noctis turned to him, eyeing him suspiciously, “What's up Big Guy know who she is?”
“Eh. . .” Gladio muttered as he leapt out of the side of the car before Ignis took the Regalia to a full halt.
“Gladio. . .” Noctis called out leaping out after him racing towards him as the giant man took massive steps forward.
“Noct stay behind me.” Gladio tried to warn as the young prince ran out in front of him heading towards Ruby.
@rubyreddemise @promptothesunshineboy @lunaoracleofthepeople @moranathefailedmt @noctissleepyprince
Morana chuckled softly watching the woman take up a similar pose on the ground, they were several yards away staring at each other. The Failed MT looked at her arms the bracelets being a Heliodor and a Gigas Bangle, her black and blue satin tank top holding a lightning crest and a ice crest, as she heard the crunching of wheels on gravel. Flexing her fingers in the tight brass knuckles, her heart beating madly in her chest as she smiled, pleased with the outcome.  
“Soldiers fall one by one~. . .” Morana hummed softly to herself as she spotted a group of people rushing towards them. “My lucky day the king has arrived~.”
Turning her head hair falling into her eyes she spotted Noctis Lucis Caelum. . .the giant from before Gladiolus, her heart soared her play thing then another man. . .Ignis something. The Prince was smaller than what Morana thought he would be only a bit taller than she is but physically about the same build, there was a power that she sense it made her curious. He looked startled and unsure as he surveyed the both of them just sitting on the ground his eyes going from the red head to Morana.
In a blink of a eye Morana was on her feet again with such ease she slung the ball end of the kuragamisa towards the Prince, knowing she didn't have much time before the Kings' Shield would react or the red head would make her move. The ball and chain snapped at Noctis before he could react, wrapping around his narrow chest bringing him to the ground in a pile, the Prince shouting in pain as he was yanked forward. For being it was shocking that Morana could drag him at any distance but she could, perhaps those modifications weren't so much of a failure. She wasn't sweating at the least, her breath easily measure, her emerald eyes calculating each move as the Beserker MT was playing around with her targets.
The sound of bones breaking made Morana laugh, she loved that sharp snapping sound bones made when they broke. It didn't matter if the sound was from her own bones or someone else it was just something she like hearing. The whimpers of pain that came from lesser beings was like icing on the cake it brought a thrill to her so see them tear up over some slight pain, it would go away and heal so why bother and cry about it? Honestly, these were humans? Perhaps she was better off being a Failure.
Chomping down on the reflex enhancer knowing that attack would happen anytime soon Morana dragged the Prince closer seeing the Shield rushing towards her looking furious.
“MORANA STOP!” She heard him shouting at her, cocking a eyebrow up to him, who was he to tell her to stop.
So what if they had fucked? It didn't let him lay any claim over her to tell her when to stop doing anything. Morana snorted someone trying to control her again, just like the others. Ignoring the mountain she turned to the red head curious to see her reaction to the Prince on the ground tangled in thick chains struggling to free himself, the mountain of a man rushing towards her. Who was going to move first?
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rubyphilomela · 8 years
“Don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape”-RP Lunafreya X Ruby Philomela X Prompto Argentum pt 4
8 am was soon approaching, and with still no word from Ruby, Prompto grew antsy. He told the others he had a quick errand to run and managed to smile and laugh along as the others teased him about ‘Oh? Got a hot date?’  ‘Need some alooone time with your girl?’  ,though he hurriedly mounted his feathered steed and took off at a full gallop towards the nearby outpost. He could see it in the distance as his phone’s alarm went off; signaling that it was now 8am. An alarm he had set as if he /wasn’t/ constantly checking his phone for any word from Ruby the whole time. Prompto urged his bird onward, breaking it into a sprint. He came careening into the lot and lept down from the chocobo before it had even fully halted, whirling around, searching for any sign of the crimson haired young woman. Finding nothing, he pulled out his phone and called her number. Sitting, listening, he suddenly heard the muffled sound of her ringtone coming from within the nearby RV on the premises. Prompto rushed over to its door and knocked while calling out “Ruby? You in there??” When he was answered with silence, he gave a small gulp and announced that he was coming in as he swung open its door. Rushing inside, he paused, dumbfounded as his eyes took in the fair blonde woman, robed in white, lying on the bed.. the oracle? Was that really… Lunafreya? He wondered for only a moment as his wide blue eyes took in the slumped form of Ruby. Dropping to his knees, he gathered her in his arms and called out to her, slight panic rising in his voice “Hey!… Ruby… are you ok?! Come on.. wake up, Red!” He jostled her slightly but noticed she was, in fact, breathing. Pulling a high-elixir out and uncorking it with his teeth, he slowly, /carefully/ pours it bit, by bit into her mouth. “Wake up, Red… wake up he urges..
@promptothesunshineboy  @lunaoracleofthepeople
Ruby moans softly, her first sensation is choking on a strange liquid that she soon recognizes as a potion and she swallows it even as she sputters. Realizing that she’d heard a familiar voice she searched her memory and realizes it must be after 8 am.. which means she overdid it..which is why she currently feels like she’d been hit by a truck and can barely move. Managing to crack an eyelid open she smiles softly as much as her muscles will allow to see familiar blue eyes looking worriedly over her. Her voice a rasped shadow of its usual self,
“Hey prom... sorry for being late..”
As the potion slowly works she’s able to glance around a bit and see’s Lunafrey’s form still unconscious on the bed and as she reaches out with her aura she winces as nothing responds.. she really overdid it this time. Coughing slightly she manages to rasp again “Hey prom can you please check on Lunafreya..I kinda overdid it..and can’t even feel anything..my abilities are fried....is she alive? Is she ok?”
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rubyphilomela · 8 years
Best description of Ruby and Prompto yet
Thanks to @lunaoracleofthepeople for the best description of Ruby and Prompto ❤ "...Ruby and Prompto, they looked cute together, the sun and it’s afterglow of fiery red flames..."
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rubyphilomela · 7 years
“my mind is a dark place. you don’t want to be there.” (Moranathefailedmt)
Ruby blinks, her expression a mixture of confusion and irritation at the black haired woman’s statement. “Umm why are you talking to me Manic Panic?”
@moranathefailedmt @promptothesunshineboy @noctissleepyprince @the-kings-shield @ignis-is-bliss
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rubyphilomela · 7 years
He pads up quietly behind you, winding his arms around you from behind. Wordlessly, he gathers your thick flame-red hair from the nape of your neck and gently tugs it to the side, exposing the smooth pale skin of your neck. Lips press into the sensitive flesh, sucking gently as he hums a low moan in his throat. His mouth parts from the kiss and ghosts tantalizingly along its path you your ear where you can practically feel his lips curl into a smile as he whispers huskily "Hey, beautiful."
Ruby’s eyes widened as she felt your approach and further when your attentions turned to her neck. Her voice is sultry as she leans into your ministrations “mmm hey you..”
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rubyphilomela · 8 years
Tumblr media
This was inspired by a conversation with @sylleblossompetals about how Ruby is tougher than anyone has seen yet, this is her armed to the teeth and ready for battle with her deliciousness sunshine standing by her side. @promptothesunshineboy
Painted with IPad Pro 9.7 and Apple Pencil using Procreate. So. I forgot to add small details like Promptos shirt detail and jacket, plus her swords sheath. So sorry guys >< I was so worn out I completely missed these!! >
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rubyphilomela · 8 years
New thread for Prompto X Red open rp
Figured since we’re going to be adding the other chocobros as well as their s/o’s it’s a good idea to start the thread over. This is an rp with Prompto, @promptothesunshineboy and I and will soon feature the other chocobros as well as their s/o’s. Nsfw is allowed (for those of age of course) and will need to be under the cut and be marked. Also so it’s easier to read will be posted similarly to this. Credit goes to @commodorexaranea the amazingly wonderful rp queen that I get ideas from on how to do the best. Btw we are still working out the kinks on how to add others to this rp so please contact us to join. Thank you!!
“Heh~ Yeah.. I suppose its what I get for teasing him a lot too~” he chuckles. Prompto excites over the fireworks “Oh yeah… I hear they put on a real awesome display! Get a nice, good spot… alone… s-super romantic~” he blushes. “And~ I think I know just the spot to watch the show!” He points in the direction of several rental gondolas at a dock. “Right out over the water!” he chirps enthusiastically.  
“Ooh a gondola.. that would be pretty and romantic.”*andjustalittleterrifying* *gulps nervously heart racing* “Prom the gondola’s are very pretty and all but.. they’re small *cringes* /BOATS/.. I’m a little petrified of boats…. or more importantly of falling off of them” blushes nervously as I hide my face slightly in my hair.
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rubyphilomela · 8 years
Ruby’s eyes widen as she sees her beloved sunshine appear, though she doesn’t get much time to say hello before his smiling lips capture hers in a kiss that sends her mind far away, her hands tangle in his hair nails scratching along his scalp and a leg reaches around to pull his closer. Once the kiss ends she smiles softly touching her swollen lips before nuzzling into his arms sighing softly basking in the embrace. “Mmmm I do love your surprises Prom..”
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