#Morgan moonscar
casasupernovas · 11 months
It's taken me a long while to realise that in Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, Morgan McCreight's ghost was tethered to Simone's house because the house was built using the Maelstrom. Then Beau unknowingly dug up his skeleton which made the spirit connect to the body. We don't see ghost Morgan Moonscar again. The only ghosts we see are tethered to objects or something in the house, aka the Maelstrom sign and the mirror with Jackson T. Pettigrew. The rest of them come as zombies from the forest and swamps.
But we never see what the Haunting looks like after Simone, Jacques & Lena drain souls. Also does the Haunting only happen on the Harvest Moon? Seems most likely.
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catmaraudersfan · 2 months
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island:
Just curious. Because Morgan Moonscar and his crew DID start this by murdering Simone Lenoir & Lena Dupree's loved ones while they could only watch. But, the two DID start killing innocent people for Immortality (depending on if you want to excuse the revenge murder thing before that.)
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seventailedwolf72-blog · 10 months
“Noooo!” Mother…father…Clement!…Don’t leave me…you can’t…I love you.
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mysteryideasgroup · 8 months
MSA X Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Chapter 15: Werecats and Werekitsunes are telling them that they have their stories in the past 300 and 200 of the 18th century/Werecreatures are killing the pirates and unsuspecting people are dead in the century/Rest of the gangs are shocked and surprised that the Zombies are tried to warn them from Werecats and Werekitsunes have their victims
Simone, Lena, Icy and Mima were some of the early settlers who made the island their home. They look after their "cat god" and "kitsune god" for a bountiful harvest. Everyone is having a happy and peaceful life on the bayou until the night of the harvest moon when Morgan Moonscar anchors his ship, the MAELSTROM, where he and his pirates arrive on shore to bury their stolen treasure.
They were celebrating their harvest dinner party when the pirates attacked and forced the settlers into the water, all except for Simone, Lena, Icy and Mima who hid behind the trees. They watched their friends and neighbours get eaten alive by alligators. They’re horrified by their friends and neighbours who have died of alligators eaten alive. They find a hiding place until the pirates have left their property. They have prayed to the cat god and kitsune god to avenge the settlers, even if it means killing them. Their wish was granted, as they were first transformed into were-cats and were-kitsunes.
Simone: We became cat creatures and destroyed the pirates. And only afterwards did we discover that invoking the cat god's power had cursed us as well.
Icy: We become kitsune creatures, the kitsune god's power is cursed as well.
Lena: Over the years, boats continued to come to our island. One was full of spice traders who started the pepper plantation. The plantation flourished.
Simone: At least, until the Harvest Moon, sometimes it became necessary for Lena to lure outsiders back to this island.
Icy: Someone has gotten the hottest peppers in Harvest Moon, we got killed unsuspecting people in past.
Fred: Just like you lured us.
Lena: I had years of practice.
Daphne: And those zombies are just the poor souls you've drained, they're just trying to warn us so we wouldn't suffer the same fate they did!
Marco: Not good, zombies are trying to warn us that they have drained them! Like the same fate!
Simone: Pretty smart, for a television reporter.
Icy: Cameraman reporter.
Trixie, Laura, Sardonyx, Muffet and Claude are peeking near the old wooden door, all of them shocked as they hear every single word.
Suddenly, they hear a loud were-cat and were-kitsune roar coming from outside.
Lena: Sounds like Jacques and Vincent have found your frightened friends
Fred: Jacques?!
Marco: ! Vincent?!
Simone: We needed a ferry driver, the old man wanted immortality, so we gave it to him."
Icy: Yes, right, we need a ferry driver, the old man wanted immortality, so we gave it to him.
For @laurasanchez36
All belongs to my Msa ocs sonas and new Msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Team/Group/Gang/Squad/Crew
All belongs to her Msa ocs sonas and new Msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Team/Group/Gang/Squad/Crew
Scooby-Doo belongs to WB (Warner Bros) Animated Movies
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scrappedtogether · 9 months
Top 3 scooby movies and why?
Hi Swishy!! Thank you for the ask!! It was so hard for me to pick but!!!
1. Zombie Island: this has some of the strongest artistic style, some of the best music, and probably the strongest overall story. Likely the only movie that I would put on for someone who had never seen Scooby Doo that I felt at least 99% confident they would enjoy. It has some really significant character developments (Fraphne esp). The Gang had split up before in the franchise and reunited to continue their mystery-solving adventures but this was the first time where a narrative had really been constructed around what could drive the Gang apart and ultimately what would lead them back together. It’s a really interesting premise for the film. This also marks probably the first time in the larger cultural consciousness that Daphne takes on a more leadership role. I’d argue (and so would others) that much of the mystery-solving work is more divided in the likes of SDWAY/TSDS/TNSDM than people give it credit for but the Daphne here is allowed to take the reign much in the same way as the Daphne from 13G and TNSDMy that most people never had the chance to see (bc those shows sadly aren’t that popular). This movie has a Very satisfying villain twist (delicious, I love Lena and Simone) and one that feels startingly mature and dark. It’s really frightening to contemplate the absolute horror of the Scooby Gang being invited into what is ultimately an island of serial killers in which the ground is completely littered with the corpses of their past victims. Besides the cat transformation scene, the reconfiguration of Morgan Moonscar into flesh could easily be the most iconic chunk of animation from the film. It’s horrifying and evocative and complex. Morgan Moonscar was a villain—just as much if not more so than the villains the Gang are ultimately tasked to defeat—but seeing the reality of his curse, the depth of his despair as he’s horrifically reformed to wander as a creature not-quite-living in hopes of sparing others this fate is despairing and terrible. I the film’s moral ambiguity. We’re called to sympathize with Lena and Simone who have suffered an unimaginable injustice in watching their village pillaged and their people devoured. They enact such atrocities not just as a means for survival but also recompense, for a world that has wronged them. We understand them, even as we shudder to think of their past actions and volley for the Gang to overcome them. In terms of animation, this really feels like Scooby Doo going back to its roots in the overall pallet and landscape design (leaving behind the then recent Scooby Doo outings with upped saturation and suburban settings like APNSD) while breaking what people consider the classic Scooby Doo formula. Obviously this was not the first canonical appearance of the supernatural within the ScoobyDooniverse but it was the first time within the larger realm of the public consciousness that the final big bad was not “unmasked.” Unpopular opinion: “The Ghost is Here” > “It’s Terror Time Again.” Tho they are both excellent. I have to restate that this is literally some of the most gorgeous animation ever seen in a Scooby Doo film and truly an all around thrilling ride. The mystery is fun, the characters are all their loveable selves, we get to watch the Gang come back together like they never were apart, and the villains in this are an absolute delight. Great laughs, great animation, great story.
2. Ghoul School: I’m pretty upfront about how much I love Scrappy and it really extends to the whole red-shirt era. I’m one of those people who doesn’t mind that the rest of the Gang’s not along for the ride (tho I do miss them) and I absolutely adore this movie. I must have watched it 10000 times growing up. I love Matches, I love all the Grimwood Girls and the Calloway Cadets and I love Legs and Miss Grimwood and (Grim) Creeper. The tone of the animation of this movie is superb. Everything is dark and damp and rotting. The world of the movie is so twisted and fascinating. There’s such a wealth of ideas here that seem to be just the writers having fun and being silly. It’s so funny that for some reason the Werewolf loves lemon juice and that Elsa Frankenteen buys her dad a charger and that Dracula gets a bat-robe and checks it out in the mirror (where he obviously can’t be seen). I love how tenderly all the Monster Fathers love their daughters. I love the genuine bonds that begin to grow between Shaggy and Scooby and the Grimwood Girls and that the Calloway Cadets come around past their initial fear and hatred of the girls to protect and befriend them. I love that this is a story about how the humanity underneath the monsters instead of humans wearing monstrous masks. I love how kitschy and campy and kooky this little movie is. The friendship moments, Don Messick’s wailing vocal (no one does it like him, sorry Frank). I love Scrappy in this cute little flick where he’s just allowed to be a character without it feeling like the showrunners are attempted to centralize him or demonize him (yes he has a smaller role in this movie than in Boo Brothers but it is SUBSTANTIALLY larger than the role he gets in The Reluctant Werewolf smh its okay tho). The costuming in this is immaculate. Perfect holiday/Halloween vibes. I’m never going to let my kids watch anything else. Thank you.
3. Cyber Chase: “Hello Cyberdream” may rank as one of the greatest of all Scooby bangers and Eric Staufer is one of a handful of Mystery Inc. adjacents who actually felt like they could fit into the core four/Gang Dynamic without it being weird and overstuffed. The use of effects in this movie is gorgeous. I love the levels and just the concept of this movie. The animation style is smooth, VA’s are on point, Bill is one of my all-time favorite villains (he’s just so dumb I love him). This movie is so unapologetically steeped within its own time period (which is something really special about the Scooby franchise as a whole). I like this movie’s fearless dedication to embracing 2000’s tech with heavy chords and chunky computers and overuse of greens. It’s beautiful. The movie feels bustling and big. I like the callbacks to other iconic Scooby villains (I esp like that it branches out by not just having WAY villains but TSDS as well, that’s ace). The Cyber Doubles are a blast. 10/10 I appreciate that people felt it was a step-down from the other movies of its era and I can understand there wasn’t as much in terms of character happening and that the monster wasn’t really “real” even though he was at least as real as Eric’s bizarre, magic-science. But it’s still so unique and fun and colorful. I love the atmospheres of each of the different levels and that the Gang has to navigate through them by working together. I love the little details of this movie’s cleverness like how Cyber Scooby is so different from his counterpart because Scooby’s the only one Eric never actually met. I like the respect and genuine adoration it pays to the early series of Scooby Doo. It’s not trying to talk down or retcon or prove that it can rewrite itself into something better. It’s calling back to remind us how much there is to love about the franchise and all the fun of the golden years and how things are different now but fundamentally the same. I think Officer Wembley is so absurdly fun and so is Professor Kaufman. I like the stakes of this movie, the life and death reality of a silly computer game.
This is so cheating but I really, really wanted to talk about a Scooby movie from the more modern DTV era so also:
4. Camp Scare: You will never hear me say a bad word about this film. It was a cultural reset. Babyface Beretti was always going to be IT. But really, this movie is stellar. Truly embraces a summer camp slasher aesthetic while keeping it clean. The Woodsman’s backstory is h o r r i f y i n g, move over Jason. I love how this movie individualizes itself through its use of genre. The use of POV shots is so superb and the way the film plays with shadows and silhouettes. The constant voiceover as the Gang relays campfire stories and invites the audience to question what exactly is so terrifying about urban legends. Genius. Another win for the soundtrack. I’ll listen to “Summertime” any day, any season. Lots of very iconic and cool moments between the Gang in this one. We love a movie where Shaggy and Scooby spend the whole time giggling in the background. But really, some very iconic Scooby&Shaggy bestie moments in this like Shaggy SMASHING A BOARD AGAINST THE MONSTER (after it goes after Scooby <- not to mention Scooby goes after the monster to protect Daphne) and shouts “Hey Fishface, like, back away from my buddy!.” Shaggy is off-the-wall in this movie. The prison break scene is *mwah.* Also some pretty iconic outfits in this and side characters (who does not love Trixie and Luke? Also Jessica!!!!) Very spooky scary villain designs in this one and the movie wasn’t afraid to embrace scale (think of the canyon scene, the dam breaking scene, and lots of the forest scenes) to emphasize how dwarfed children feel by the natural world, the intense isolation of being alone in nature, and why that’s so scary. Also, really great animation style in general. Following on the heels of Abracadabra-Doo, it marks a nice clean balance between being modern and remaining iconic in deference to the classic appearances of the characters. There’s also some great character building in this movie, for both central and side characters. I really admire Fred’s arc about growth and letting go of his pride in order to help build a better community, even if it’s not exactly the same as the one he held nostalgia for. It’s a really great reflection on childhood and growing up and allowing yourself to invent new memories instead of trying to recapture the past, told through the bent of a summer camp which of course is such an iconic image and symbol for childhood. Toward the close of the movie, it has a bit of a shift in genre to something more action-based but I think it does so pretty seamlessly and to great effect so I love it still.
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rose-of-pollux · 9 months
AU Roulette, Entry 2/3
My chosen fandom for the AU Roulette challenge was Scooby-Doo.
My second prompt was: High Seas AU.
As before, posting this just to tumblr for now; if I ever expand on this, I’ll crosspost it to AO3.
Title: The Point of No Return (1/1) Fandom: Scooby-Doo Rating: K+ Summary: [AU] Captain Frederick Jones and his loyal crew aboard the good ship Mystery are in pursuit of notorious brigand Morgan Moonscar after the pirates run off with important artifacts of a familiar warlock.
Captain Jones look out over the bow of the Mystery, his green-painted ship, as it sailed the warm waters.
“What’s our course?” he asked.
Navigator Dinkley looked up from her charts and compass.
“We followed the trail of the Maelstrom through the Gulf and through the Caribbean Sea,” she reported.  “We’re passing from the Caribbean to the Atlantic.”
“Like, I’m keeping her steady as she goes, Captain!” First Mate Rogers called from the wheel of the ship.
“But we still haven’t seen any sign of the Maelstrom—or our quarry on board of it,” Tactician Blake sighed, as she paced the deck.
“Given the direction and speed of the currents, this is the quickest and the easiest way that the Malestrom could have come,” Navigator Dinkley promised.  “It’s only a matter of time—just wait and see.”
“I hope so,” Blake sighed.  “The Great Mage entrusted us with retrieving the artifacts that were stolen from him.  We can’t let him down—why, I feel like I’d be disappointing my own father!”
“Have faith, Tactician Blake,” Jones assured her.  “We won’t allow that thieving pirate to get away with this!”  He looked up to the crow’s nest of the ship, where a large Great Dane kept watch.  “Ahoy, up there!  What do your canine eyes see?”
“Rhots of water!” Watchdog Scooby barked down.  “Rhand a few clouds rhout there, too!”
“Well, keep a lookout for the Maelstrom!” Jones instructed.  “The Mystery may be smaller, but we’re also faster—we should catch up to Morgan Moonscar and his men in no time at all!”
“Right!” the watchdog barked.
First Mate Rogers sighed, suppressing a nervous gulp as he maintained the ship’s current course.
“What’s wrong?” Jones asked, sensing his distress.
“We’re faster than the Maelstrom, sure—like, I don’t have any doubt that we’re gonna catch up to it,” he said.  “…My worry is what happens when we do catch up!  I mean… are the stories about Morgan Moonscar and his men true?  They’re supposed to be the cruelest band of pirates to ever sail these waters!”
“It’s possible,” Jones admitted.  “I wouldn’t put anything past Morgan Moonscar—especially if he’s brazen enough to steal from the Great Mage.”
“And that’s why we have to stop him!” Tactician Blake exclaimed.  “The Great Mage has many magical items and treasures that were taken—imagine what could happen if Moonscar and his men figure out how to use them!”
“The last thing we need is for them to become even more dangerous than they already are,” Jones sighed.  “We have no other choice—plus, we gave our word to the Great Mage.  Maintain our course, Rogers.”
“A-Aye-aye, Captain,” Rogers promised, his voice a little shaky.
They continued onward, the sun sinking through the sky as time ticked on; soon, it was dusk, and the stars were beginning to brighten in the sky.
It was then that Watchdog Scooby suddenly froze, his night vision mercifully better than that of his human crewmates.  He yelled out an alarm—
“A Rhip!” he barked.
Captain Jones seized his spyglass and ran back to the bow; he could, indeed, discern the shape of another large ship.
“Is it the Maelstrom?” Tactician Blake asked, her eyes wide.
“I can’t make out the name,” Jones sighed, frustrated.  “Hold on—let me see if I can see what the flag is…”  He focused the lens as his crew fell utterly silent, waiting to find out what they were up against.  Jones suddenly exhaled.  “They’re flying the Jolly Roger—that’s got to be the Maelstrom!”
First Mate Rogers shivered, but continued to grip the ship’s wheel.
“A-Awaiting instructions, Captain…!” he managed to say.
Jones turned back to his crew; they were all looking at him for instructions, not just the First Mate.
“What’s our current position?” he asked.
“We’re nearing the Bermuda Triangle,” Navigator Dinkley announced.
“Rhand there’s a storm brewing there!” Watchdog Scooby added, taking note of the thick, dark clouds obscuring that part of the sky.
“We need to catch up to the Maelstrom and find a way to board it to get the treasures back,” Jones realized.  “We have the element of surprise right now; this may be our one and only chance—and the storm may prove to be the cover we need to catch up to them further.  Maintain our course, Rogers.  And Tactician Blake?  Prepare plans to board the Maelstrom!”
“Aye-aye, Captain!” they both echoed.
Captain Jones continued to stand at the bow, watching the Maelstrom draw closer.
He had no idea what he and his crew were getting themselves into.  But he was determined to protect them from Morgan Moonscar—to the end, if necessary.
It was the least he could do for his crew—his friends.
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I’ve seen some criticism of Daphne saying that the zombies are the good guys, when at least a few dozen of them were part of Morgan Moonscar’s crew, Confederate soldiers, and other horrible things.
But, one, at the very least, this is an “enemy of my enemy” scenario, and when people are trying to save your life from other people trying to kill you, even if they aren’t amazing people themselves, they are the good guys from your perspective.
And two, yeah, some of those zombies may have done horrible things in life, but most of them are implied to have just been innocent tourists, and even the worst of them have spent up to centuries of the afterlife trying to save others from their fate. I think we can at least call them “good guys” in comparison to the three people literally trying to kill everyone. 
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PIC INFO: Resolution at 1325x1879 -- Spotlight on Morgan Moonscar, former plunderer and pirate captain of the Maelstrom pirates and later turned zombie, from the American supernatural-horror animated direct-to-video movie, "Scooby Doo on Zombie Island" (1998). Artwork by Rebecca Cram, c. 2022.
Source: https://twitter.com/ScoobyAddict/status/1568268002147147776/photo/1.
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Celebrating 54 years of Scooby Doo!
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54 years ago was the premiere of Scooby Doo Where Are You? And ever since then, we've had a wonderful journey following our favourite great dane and his adventures across the globe, solving mysteries and putting bad guys in jail.
To celebrate, let's share our favorite top 5 Scooby Doo movies and our favorite Scooby Doo series.
I'll start
5. Scooby-Doo Frankencreepy.
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Boy, this was a good movie, it opens with a few scenes from Scooby Doo Where Are You? And the gang remising about their pervious victories then the bigger mystery is introduced. The opening sequence is also really interesting as instead of having a song, it has really intense and mysterious music as well as voice overs of the gang and their past villains, showing that this movie will be slightly diffrent and even giving us a hint for the end.
Then finding out that the people behind the mystery were a really some of their old villains was intresting. I really hope they do something like this again because Lilia said "everyone you've ever unmasked wants revenge!"
If they do this plot again, it'll be funny if the villain was like :you don't remember me? I was the one who did so and so" and the gang is like "sorry, we've done this so many times that it kinda blurrs together"
It was also really funny how Cuthbert Crawley basically pulled off a superman when he was pretending to be Velma family's lawyer.
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4. Scooby-Doo Monster of Mexico
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This movie always gives me the chills, they really did a good job with the chubracabra, making it look really scary despite knowing the ending.
It was also intresting as the mastermind behind the whole plot was never introduced until the unmasking, besides the occasional signs, we never saw the person in the film, and that made it really intresting and mind blowing.
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3. Scoo-Doo Stage Fright
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This is a good movie, good soundtrack, good story, good characters. It was just awesome!
The best part though it was it was not 1 person behind the mask, but several people, at least 6 (I think), and how they each had their own separate motive to being the phantom, leaving the gang unsure of who the phantom really was. Except maybe Dick, he was always nervous around shaggy and Scooby.
It was also interesting to see Fred and Daphne kiss, but leaving them unsure of where to go next, how they don't know if the other person like likes them or if was just heat of the moment. And them uncomfortable of talking because they don't want to ruin the friendship and make things awkward.
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2. Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
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Boy, this movie is good, not only did it regnite the Scooby franchise, but also it contained real supernatural monsters, from real zombies to werecats. That was a really good diffrence than some cheesy mask, plus the zombies look really creepy. 
Also the fact that the gang split up due to being bored with guys behind the mask for some real estate scheme or getting a billion dollars, seeing that it orignally started because Simione and lelia wanted revenge on Morgan Moonscar for killing their friends and family to doing it just so that they could keep on living.
and how the zombies were scaring them off just to save them from the same fate before they could finally rest in peace
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Honerable mentions:
Scooy-Doo Pirates Ahoy!
Scooby-Doo and pirates, need I say anymore? 
Scooby-Doo Camp Scare
While I personally don’t like camping myself (you try spending every birthday up until grade 6 getting bitten by mosquittios) but camp scare is a really good movie, how a small traditional camp is struggling to get more campers compared to the larger camp filled to the brim with modern equipment. And how they’re trying to scare everyone out of camp before blowing up the dam, and seeing Sccoby drive never gets old
Scooby-Doo meets Batman Brave and Bold
Batman is one of my favourite DC superheroes and its funny seeing Batman trying to figure the gang out, “Scooby, go left!”
“Reft, Rot it!” *turns right* “he doesn’t know directions, does he?” “well, duh! He’s a dog!” 
* after scooby and shaggy trick some villains with their classic roleplay* “there’s no way that should have worked” “just roll with it”
But honestly. seeing the gang work with the World’s greatest detective was awesome to watch
1. Scooby-Doo WrestleMania Mystery
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I don’t know much about wrestling, but the fact that the actual wrestlers came and voice acted their characters was pretty cool, even if I didn’t know any of them. 
Just like most Scooby mysteries, there was very little clue as to who was behind the ScareBear attacks, making the reveal really shocking (as always).
But yeah, overall good storyline, good motive and the fact that Shaggy and Scooby have been waiting for the perfect oppertunity to get the gang to do something they want with pictures of them being bait, but my favourite line really takes the cake.
“you mean you didn’t pack any luggage?!“
“what’s the big deal? We all wear the same exact clothes everyday!” 
Plus the cameo from the YJ girls and the fact they were able make a sequel to this film is amazing!
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Alright, those are my favourite Scooby-Doo movies, and my favourite Scoby-Doo tv show is:
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Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated. This will always be my favourite Scooby-Doo Tv series. I got up early every Saturday/Sunday just to watch it. 
Right from the beginning it was hinted that there was a bigger mystery with the locket Daphne found and the mayor reacting to it, showing that he’s hiding something. And the end of the episode when Mr. E says how they never should've brought the locket back up and it ending with "the real mystery has just begun"
Then with Ricky Owens and Cassidy Williams living in Crystal Cove without the mayor knowing, the subtle clues or hints in some episodes that eventually link to the big reveal (the dog dies, Alice may, etc) and more importantly the gang going through their own personal problems that caused tensions to rise up and the gang to briefly split apart. them getting back together, their bond stronger than before and how power, money and treasure truly corrupts people until you don't even know who they are anymore. the og MI is a perfect example of this, each one of them slowly lost themselves to Nibru and it eventually led to their downfall (except angel, she’s the only one who didn't deserve to die), just like their predecessors. 
It was quite creepy and scary in a few episodes, making enjoyble not just for kids, but anyone!
But it also showed the gangs complicated relationships with their parents, showing that not all tv parents are great. Both of Velma’s and Fred’s parent/s (yes, the mayor is technically Fred’s dad, while he did steal him, he still raised him to be a great man) were both obsessed with getting more tourists to get to crystal cove, Daphene’s parents had high expectations of her that she felt like she couldn’t live up to and Shaggy’s parents were...more or less alright. the only thing I really remember about them is sending Shaggy to Military camp.
Plus, the gang didn’t travel from town to town, they stayed in their hometown of Crystal Cove and went to High School, and found out that most of the people behind the mask were part of the town, that’s also what made it intresting. We got to see more character development from the gang, from Fred realising his feelings for Daphene, to a sassy Velma to Daphene not being the damsel in distress, and Shaggy and Scooby more or less stay the same, but they do get more confident in themselves.
Then with it ending with them destroying the entity and everything gets rewritten as the perfect paradise. Fred obviously growing up with his birth parents, Daphene no longer having the high expectations of her parents and them approving of her and Fred’s relationship, Velma seeming won bunch of science awards with Hotdog water and Shaggy apparently being a talent chef. Not to mention a few important reoccurring getting a happy ending, such as the sherriff and Mayor Nettles getting married and having kids, Fred's adoptive dad being a high school coach and having a happy life.
Then it ending with the gang leaving crystal cove to go and solve mysteries, linking in to several Movies (as in the sword and scoob, they seem to hail from cystal cove) 
Plus, it also had a few costumes of the gang’s previous mysteries, Charlie the Haunted Robot, Space Cook and so much more. 
and it was supposed to have a third season, but it got cancelled
So yeah, this series will always stand out to me, espically since Be Cool Scooby-Doo aired after this was finished, and the art style in that is SO ugly!
OK, so i’m done, now comment or repost with your Scooby-Doo favourites! 
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mjones140-blog · 1 year
Zombie Island
Zombie Island is a 1998 direct-to-video animated comedy horror film based on Hanna-Barbera’s Scooby-Doo Saturday-morning cartoons. In the film, Shaggy, Scooby, Fred, Velma, and Daphne reunite after a year-long hiatus from Mystery, Inc. to investigate a bayou island said to be haunted by the ghost of the pirate Morgan Moonscar. The film was directed by Jim Stenstrum, from a screenplay by Glenn…
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casasupernovas · 7 months
Omg, do you remember when I blogged about Morgan Moonscar being tied to the house and only becoming a zombie rather than a ghost because Beau found his grave unknowingly?
After all these years I have only just noticed that it's a sword writing the 'get out' on the wall!! This movie continues to be a forever fave!!!
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scooby-doobert · 2 years
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Scooby Doo on Zombie Island (1998)
this is my artwork, please do not repost without credit.
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shadowbannedforlife · 2 years
No Matter What
The pirates came ashore again.
They did every year.
Among the early months of harvest fall; Morgan McCrite and his crew of sea thieves descended upon the village to pillage the hard-earned goods that the settlers had spent months preparing; every soul held at bladed mercy as they had to watch their reserves be stripped from them at a time of most need; knowing, without a doubt, that their families, friends and even beloved pets would be going hungry once again...
All to fuel the already growing greed of monsters that only seek to destroy the hopes of all those that stand in their way, but that wasn’t even the worst of it, as Simone was going to find out one day when she was brought back to the village alongside all the other young girls her age after another of those fateful nights, an older woman named Maribeth being the one to guide them.
Her mere presence having become a staple in their small community that the word ‘nanny’ was far too mundane for the great efforts she went through to assure the safety of the young girls amongst the dark bayou..
Men were still picking up the shattered remains of tables and doorways by the time they all arrived back home, women were sitting with gaunt expressions that pierced the red horizon, some with their husband by their sides, while others sat alone or with companions...
“Mother!” Simone called out, spotting her sitting near the waters edge alongside one of her mother’s dear friends who Simone affectionately calls, ‘aunty Eleanor’ due to their closeness.
Both women turned towards her as she came running up to them, past the tattered remains of home as her mother reached out to her, her expression clearly weathered as was Eleanor’s, like neither of them had slept.. that was to be expected due to the extensive damage to their village, Simone had seen it before but now there was something else that wasn’t there all the other times she had seen them after these nights.
Her mothers eyes were sunken and sore, like she had been crying, her smile was forced and eyes started right through here like a shell-shocked solider that only went away in the brief moments when she picked up her daughter, to embrace her as she had the night before Simone had set out with Maribeth and the other girls.
Though, despite her daughters pressing questions, Margarette made no effort to answer them. She simply brushed a few strands of hair away from her daughters face and hushed her, “There’s no need to fear, dear. Everything is okay now.”
How crude of a lie that was... but how could she ever bring herself to tell her daughter such a disgusting truth?
Tell her daughter how she, Eleanor and the other women that all sat with glassy eyes and shattered souls were hand-picked by the crew of McCrite and forced to walk the stairs of the Maelstron...
She could still hear his voice now, “I’ve had a change of heart! I wish to let you all live as well as keep part of your harvest.” His voice loud and clear despite his whisky-ridden rasp, “But obviously, it will come with a price.”
“What more could you want from us!?” cried out one of the men of the village, “We have nothing else to offer but our harvest, is that not enough!?”
McCrite paused before lifting his cutlass towards the woman that held the man’s hands, “That’s your wife, isn't it?” the pirate grinned, “I'm sure one night with her, and all these beauties here could be enough to leave you alone for a year.”
“You sick devils.” the man advanced forward, but the flat end of a steely blade prevented him from going further, he steps back as to not see it behead him, and he, along with every other man and boy could only watch as one by one each woman accepted to deliver their naked bodies to the evil pirates that were threatening their life and their family.
Every year after that, they returned, and every year the women walked the Maelstron stairs to quench the carnal thirst of those sea thieves.
It’s moments like this that made Margarette glad she didn’t have a spouse of her own anymore, to see what she’d been forced to become... because she knew she would never have been able to look him in the eyes again after those nights in hell.
For Eleanor though? That doesn’t apply.
There was nothing she wouldn’t give to have her husband at her side, to support her as he always had. There was severe doubt that she would ever love another man the way she loved Alexander; and her dream of having a child?
Would be carried out in the way that she could have never foreseen when she was younger woman, she never could have guessed, in a million years, that this would be how she brings new life into this world...
She took a shaken breath and turned towards her friend, “Margarette.” she said to her, trying not to choke on her own words from the weight they possessed, “I'm expecting a baby.”
It took a moment for Margarette to properly digest the information given, and then a thought crosses my mind, “It’s not-” but she could barely finish the sentence, she cleared her throat, “Who... who had chosen you the last time?”
Eleanor turned to her, “Morgan McCrite.”
Silence followed.
Margarette turned to look into the fire, watching the embers rise before floating away, “You know, you don’t have to keep it.” she gritted her teeth, “You’re not the first person to be put in this position, Augustine knows a pepper and coffee tea that could-”
Eleanor shook her head, as if the thought had physically pained her, “No.” she interrupted, “I can’t do it, Margarette. I just can’t.”
Margarette frowned, “What future will this child have here?” and lay her hand atop Eleanor’s belly, “My the Cat protect it, If it is a girl. Do you want her to suffer as we suffer?”
Eleanor bowed her head, before raising it again, a newfound fire in her heart, “I'll find a way to protect it, whatever it takes.” she uttered, “Regardless of how it goes, I'll keep this baby.”
Margarette sighed and moved to lay a hand on her arm, “If that's what you want I promise I will help you.”
Eleanor's decision began to have its first consequences after the fifth month of pregnancy. She was increasingly weak and the pain had hindered her to the point of immobility.
There was nothing the settlers could do, except use some medicinal plants growing on the island and offer what support they could, though, it seemed that none had the desired effect. All Margarette could do to help was to ask, pray, for God Kfir to spare her and her child.
Sadly, Eleanor passed away on the birth day of her baby, but, she lived long enough to admire the face of her baby girl as well as to remind Margarette of her promise to her dearly departing friend as she passed the infant to her, “Please, take care of my Lena...” Eleanor pleaded, watching briefly as Margarette cradled her daughter like she wished she could’ve, and with that she managed one last smile before she closed her eyes as she fell into an eternal sleep.
It was only then, when Margarette sat at one of the lonesome tables below the clouded sky, did she realize that she could no longer keep these secrets from Simone any longer, the pain she had experienced, the pain that all of their family and friends had experienced, as she watched with a heavy heart as her daughter approach her and ask, “Mother, where’s aunty Eleanor?”
“Sleeping, darling.” she replied, a tear rolling down her face, “But she isn’t going to wake up again, I’m afraid, my dear.”
Margarette could feel her daughters face fall with the weight of her words and reached down to fumble with the Kfir necklace that hung around her neck, before she lifted it over her head and held it out for her to take, “Simone.” she started, “One day, you will experience a tragedy that will scar you like no other, and when that days comes, he will guide you.”
Simone took the necklace from her mothers hand, holding the jade figure with cupped palms before her mother reached towards her with her free hand, “Both of you.” she finished, cradling both of her baby’s close, crying out from within for the God Kfir to protect them, watch over them...
No matter what.
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mysteryideasgroup · 2 years
MSA X Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island Chapter 3: Ghost is here/Breaks after Mystery Solved in food stores/Meeting with the two mystery young ladies who have their work with their mistresses talking to them that not far from the location, close to the location used to ferry
We go to the haunted house, the old woman has a ghost was a hologram
Next, we reached a cemetery, Shaggy and Scooby accidentally awakened a gargoyle creature and were being chased. An old man in a suit and revealed to be a jewel thief
We were in the abandoned riverboat, where we were being chased by a zombie policeman. But it was an old woman in a suit, who happened to be the owner of the property and didn't want anyone to go after it
Lastly, we searched for a lobster monster who was scaring off employees over at the canned shellfish factory. Scooby knocked him down by falling down an entire pile of canned shellfish. Shaggy unveiled the perpetrator being knocked unconscious
After Mystery Solved, we are breaks rested down the food store, Marco and Daphne are not pleased with the tapings they made during the trip. Shaggy and Scooby are looking for food.
Daphne: Bad guys in masks
Marco: Mechanical claws, magnets, hologram projectors, robots
Velma: Just like the good old days
Daphne: Too much like the good old days. I got a show to do. I need a real-live ghost
Daphne reads book
Daphne: What I want is a house that's REALLY haunted. I mean, there must be one somewhere in Louisiana
Sarah: Yes, it’s true. I had my dogs, they are disguised as Dogs and Kitsunes. I think we want to find a real haunted
Two mysterious young ladies are coming to them
One spoke in a mysterious voice: There is
Two were beautiful young two women, with long black hair and fair skin, speaking in a soft French-Cajun accent, but dark-rose hair and fair skin, speaking in a soft English-French accent. They were carrying bags of groceries
One spoke in a mysterious voice: I work in it. Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. I work as a chef at a house on Moonscar Island, a house that is really haunted
Another one spoke in a mysterious voice: Yes, true. I have a house that has a really haunted too
Velma: Jinkies
One Woman: My name is Lena, Lena Dupree
One Woman: My name is Mima, Mima De Spell
Fred: Fred Jones. This is Velma Dinkley, Marco Silver, Starla Miller, and Daphne Blake
Lena: Charmed
Daphne: Moonscar Island? Where's that?
Lena: It's in the bayou not far from here. A pirate named Morgan Moonscar died on the island. And his spirit still haunts the place
Sarah: A pirate ghost? Really?
Mima nodded
Fred: Uh-huh. Well, no offense, Lena, but it's probably an old man dressed up in a pirate suit, trying to scare off the local kids
Lena: The ghost is real. Of course, if you are too scared to go...
Fred: Scared? Me? No, I-I-I don't think so
Lena: If you want to check it out, you're welcome to come by. I'll be leaving as soon as I finish shopping
Mima: Yes, right, soon to done
Fred: Well, uh, we'll think about it
He turned over to the others.
Fred: Well, what do you think?
Daphne: What do we have to lose? It's the best lead we had all-day
Matilda: At least it's better than walking straight up and suddenly, someone in a cheap Halloween costume attempts to scare you away
Josh: I totally agree
Fred: And that Lena is kinda cute
Fred grabbing his box of beignets and watching Lena go through the shop to shop
Daphne: Fred...
Daphne: I just meant she'd be real photogenic for our segment
Daphne noticed Fred spot on his mouth sweet foods
Daphne: Right... uh wipe your upper lip
Velma: Jinkies! Listen to this! I punched up Moonscar Island into our research database. There have been quite a few strange disappearances around that island over the years
Daphne: Sounds promising. We better find the dogs and Shaggy before Lena takes off
Bart: Where did those guys go?
Velma: Oh, that's no mystery. Where else? To get a bite to eat!
Velma stand corrected. Shaggy and Scooby are sitting near Pierre's Poor Boys sandwich shop. While Sarah and two pets watched them. The chef prepared the biggest po'boy Shaggy and Scooby has ever seen.
The Chef: I've made a lot of po'boy sandwiches in my time, but this has got to be the biggest of them all.
Shaggy: Like we're used to eating big meals
When the chef delivered the sandwich, Shaggy and Scooby poured in hot sauce and chili peppers into the sandwich.
The Chef: Like hey buddy don't hog all the hot sauce
The Chef: I see you boys like it hot
The Chef cut the sandwich equally for the two
Shaggy: Like, mo' hotter, mo' better, eh, Scoob?
Scooby: Ro' rotter, Ro' retter
The boys went their half of their sandwich, through Scooby vacuumed up the rest of Shaggy's fillings and Shaggy ended up eating just the bread
Shaggy: Like, well that's a lot less filling than I thought it would be
Scooby: Re-he-he-he-he!
Marco: Uh you think we should tell him?
The rest of us: Nah
Fred then found us
Fred: Hey, let's go, guys! We found another haunted house to investigate!
Shaggy and Scooby goosebumps in shocked
For @laurasanchez36
All belongs to my Msa ocs sonas and new Msa ocs sonas Teams/Groups/Gangs/Squads/Crews and Team/Group/Gang/Squad/Crew
Scooby-Doo belongs to WB (Warner Bros) Animated Movies
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scrappedtogether · 2 years
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The Moon in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island [2/2]
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hitchell-mope · 3 years
And they’ve found Morgan’s skeleton
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