#Simone Lenoir
casasupernovas · 11 months
It's taken me a long while to realise that in Scooby Doo on Zombie Island, Morgan McCreight's ghost was tethered to Simone's house because the house was built using the Maelstrom. Then Beau unknowingly dug up his skeleton which made the spirit connect to the body. We don't see ghost Morgan Moonscar again. The only ghosts we see are tethered to objects or something in the house, aka the Maelstrom sign and the mirror with Jackson T. Pettigrew. The rest of them come as zombies from the forest and swamps.
But we never see what the Haunting looks like after Simone, Jacques & Lena drain souls. Also does the Haunting only happen on the Harvest Moon? Seems most likely.
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hah-studios · 1 year
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Me, a furry and zombie lover: You furries and zombie lovers!
The zombie island villains won that poll in a land slide so here’s their redesigns for my Monster Mysteries. One of my favorite choices was the scarred up face and torn open chest moonscar got from simone and lena.
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theyareweird · 8 months
Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island: Simone Lenoir —Aesthetic
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Simone Lenoir's Character & Personality
Simone is a voodoo priestess who lives in a mansion on Moonscar Island, Louisiana. In the late eighteenth century, she was a kind and caring woman who enjoyed the celebrations for a bountiful harvest. However, a traumatic event shaped Simone into a vengeful person who lacked remorse for others. Her grudge would remain long after she was cursed into becoming a werecat. Now, Simone needs to drain other people's lives to preserve her immortality. In order to hide her true intentions from outsiders, she presented herself as a calm and prideful master of the mansion. Although Simone maintained a certain level of formality, she preferred others to call her by her first name. To lure people into a ritual, she would offer visitors to spend the night. Beyond this, Simone dislikes dogs. Because she owns a large cluster of house cats, she genuinely hates it when dogs chase down her cats.
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cagedchangeling · 4 days
it’s pride month so i am in fact thinking about that age gap lesbian werecat couple form scooby doo zombie island again.
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shadowbannedforlife · 2 years
My favourite scene from Zombie Island is when Daphne makes Simone smack Lena in the back of the head using the voodoo doll.
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catmaraudersfan · 2 months
Scooby Doo on Zombie Island:
Just curious. Because Morgan Moonscar and his crew DID start this by murdering Simone Lenoir & Lena Dupree's loved ones while they could only watch. But, the two DID start killing innocent people for Immortality (depending on if you want to excuse the revenge murder thing before that.)
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Watched Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island with my nana today. It was still enjoyable, and it was fun seeing her reactions.
But what I found funny was the idea every time the Fred (Mainly Fred) and Daphne are guessing what's really going on. I feel like Simone and Lena are laughing their asses off behind their backs.
And it all started with this.
Simone: So, you're not going to heed Moonscar's threat?
Daphne: Are you kidding? We don't scare that easily.
*Later as Fred keeps making guesses that the hauntings are fake*
Simone: Lena. These people are dead PFFT!
Lena: I know right? They keep thinking they know shit when they don't!
Simone and Lena:
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history-of-fashion · 1 year
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ab. 1770 Simon-Bernard Lenoir - Portrait de Claude-François Attiret
(Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon)
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riphimopen · 3 months
dewey ottoman is to ichabod crane what the humble and loyal domestic dog is to the noble and majestic wolf
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seerstormborn · 11 months
Le duo Simon Astier + Alban Lenoir.
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nofatclips · 2 years
Dimanche soir by Hubert Lenoir from the album PICTURA DE IPSE : Musique directe - Directed by Noémie D. Leclerc
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casasupernovas · 11 months
ALSO snakebite being completely oblivious to everything is hilarious but...stay with me .
His beef is that he wants to catch Big Mona
The catfish.
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diesiraekaa · 3 days
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◼️ La citation du lundi ◼️
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oublimsart · 2 months
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Simon-Bernard Lenoir
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miraculous-prompts · 2 months
Write a reveal fic between Anansi and Marianne as Simon Says
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shadowbannedforlife · 2 years
Unexplained Footage.
Location: MSI Entity: Camcorder
Upon arrival on MSI, a tape based camcorder was unearthed in the nearby bayou as an investigation into the disappearance of the location’s occupance was launched.
However, upon closer inspection of the video camera has lead to us to believe that it had been lost there as of recently, as the interior of the camera is still predominately intact, albeit unusable.
The footage within the camcorder had been heavily damaged but has since been restored into a more visually consumable state.
Upon assessing the footage, it seems that the original holder of this device was part of a recording crew for the popular TV personality, Daphne Blake, that had seemingly orchestrated to report on the multiple disappearances that had occurred at MSI over the years.
The footage opens up with Miss Daphne Blake recording a segment about a threatening inscription, ‘GET OUT’ that had been seemingly carved into the wall behind her, presumably not long after they had arrived at the house with the manor’s owner, ██████ ██████ standing at her side. 
As the footage continues, what is alleged to be an unexplained apparition appears, before then seeming to scrawl the words, ‘BEWARE’ beneath the first inscription before vanishing.
Further analysis into the tape’s integrity have proved this to be undoctored.
The tape then cuts before reopening to the crew and camcorder’s holder, now identified as Fred Jones, having stumbled upon what they had presumed to be a, ‘a man in a mask’ which has all the modern appearances of a zombie wearing pirate attire.
Blake appears again in an attempt to remove the presumed creature’s mask, but has trouble during the process, complaining that the mask feels authentic. Which then, prompts Jones to attempt to removed the mask with brute force, which then resulted in him removing the creature’s head in the process.
It is unknown if the ‘zombie’ featured was indeed a real human corpse, or a potential animatronical model.
The footage once again cuts after the camera hits the ground, only to open up again after what only seems like minutes after the second cut, showing that both Blake and Jones are surrounded by what appears to be zombies, some bearing resemblance to the one from the earlier cut, whilst others appear more modern clothing wise.
Both Blake and Jones record the sight silently whilst the camera pans over the crowed before the camera comes to a stop on Blake’s face, in which the camcorder cuts for the final time before the rest of the footage is lost.
All members of the group featured within these recordings have confirmed to be fine and are still working in Television as of this log being recorded. It is clear that these individuals hold important information that the foundation would otherwise like to keep out of the public eye.
The audio from the tape has been detached to prevent potential infiltration.
Further action is still being decided.
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