#Most Expensive Adidas
keenunknownkingdom · 2 years
Top 10 Most Expensive Adidas
Welcome, in this video we are going over the top 10 most expensive adidas shoes in the world ever made with 2022 updated. so stay tuned till the end to check out their amazing features and insane prices.
Also, if you like these kinds of top 10 videos then make sure to check out other videos on our channel because there are plenty more from where this one came. And consider joining our YouTube family so that you don't miss the amazing upcoming videos.
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levismoker · 8 days
To my hot friend @cigarboii
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Luke and I have been online friends for a long time. I don't remember when we started chatting, but I suppose we met on Recon or fetishmen. We share plenty of kinks and we are both passionate smokers.
As I live in Mexico most of the year, only when I return to Europe we can meet, but for one reason or another, we had never met yet. So finally last month, once I was visiting my family in Barcelona he invited me to spend a weekend with him.
I was fucking excited because although we have jerked off online plenty of times, I was eager to finally meet him and play together in person. We perfectly know one each other and what we like.
Although I was going for just 3 days, I took all my gear for the occasion, leather, Adidas and denim, and I really hoped he let me use his skinhead gear that is still missing in my closet. Once I was at the airport I bought a couple of cartons for him as gratitude for inviting me. We are both heavy smokers, but that weekend I already knew that we would completely fuck our lungs. Luke was joking telling me that he had an oxygen mask so we could stand up on Monday.
Once I arrived to Brussels he was going to take me in the airport. Once I took my luggage, I want out to the parking zone. I looked for the smoking spot and I send him a pic with my first red in the country. Five minutes later he arrived to fetch me. We hug one each other as old friends.
He was wearing his TN, Adidas t-shirt and jacket and leather pants. And obviously he had a red waiting in his ear. As always, he made me get hard. My cock was already pressing my Levi's. I also was wearing my red Adidas t-shirt but with my leather jacket and Levi's.
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The plan was first go for dinner and then party in Brussels. Then we would go to his village and next day to Antwerp.
We sat in his car. It was a completely mess. There were butts and ash everywhere. And was plenty of empty packs.
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-i always keep them because sometimes there still reds inside. By the way bro, I have forgotten my carton at home and I have just two reds left in my pack, I have to go to to a tobacco shop first.
I took my bag and I opened it.
-this is for you, dude, it's my way to thank you- I said giving him the two cartons of Marlboro- I know that here is much more expensive so I have come well provided.
-wow man! Thank you! You know how to make me happy!
He then light his red and started riding to the city center.
-i should put my gear, bro! - I told him.
-you don't need more, Pep. It's perfect what you are wearing. I love your trashed Levi's and your red Adidas t-shirt.
-i mean, as I had to go through the metal controls I saved my harness and jocks in my luggage. But I would love to wear it for Brussels party night.
-oh, sure bro! I'm wearing them too. I think it's better if instead of carrying your bag looking for a toilet once we park and you put your gear on.
We ride for 15 minutes more. We were chaining all time. Everytime we finished our reds, I took 2 from the pack, spark up them and give it one to Luke.
I coughed a little after doing a couple of deep drags.
-you should quit bro! - said Luke ironically, laughing with his red dangling.
-once I die, I will stop smoking!- I said exhaling the smoke on him.
The smoke inside the car was so thick that Luke told me that he had poor driving visibility.
We finally arrived to the parking spot next to the city. There was no people in the streets and just a lonely park with some benches with few young men making fuss. I then took my gloves, my harness and jocks from my luggage and put it on.
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Luke took his Adidas jacket and I put my leather jacket.
-are we going to come back to the car before the club?
-We can go directly, I would take now all you need.
-ok I will take another pack then- I opened my carton to take one more pack for the night. I was already wearing one still full and the other one almost finished, so it was better to go well stocked.
He did the same, and took two packs from the carton I had given him.
Watching him made me fucking crazy. I grab my red from my lips and I balanced on him, kissing it and swapping my smoke.
We kept kissing five minutes. Everytime I wanted to breathe I sucked the smoke from his mouth, and he did the same. Our cocks were completely hard. It was the best way to start the night.
Finally we decided to move and go for a bench in a less exposed zone. He gave me a plastic bag with 6 beers and he closed the car.
The plan was start drinking in the park. We are not rich men, so he told me that we could drink there and arrive to the club already happy. Besides we could be free to smoke there too.
We finally looked for a bench, we sat there and we opened our first bottles of beer.
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We started talking about our lives as two good friends. There were few people in the park, but twice young men came to ask us for a cig. It's polite in the smoker's community to calm the cravings of a brother needing a cig. We all have needed it, and its really strange that another smoker don't offer you a cig. We were there for one hour until we finished the beers.
Then we decided to go for something to eat before going to the fetish bar. Once we sat on the terrace, the waiter came and we both ordered burgers and beer. The waiter brought us a clean ashtray after we put our opened packs on the table.
Once we finished our burgers, Luke told me:
-bro, I also have a present for you
And then he opened his fanny pack and took two wide gars.
-yeah! Thanks bro!- I said doing the last drag of my red.
Although I rarely smoke gars, he is a great "aficionado". I had always ask him to teach me to learn to enjoy a good gar.
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Once we had our gars lit we decided to post a pic on Instagram to see if any friend was going to join us later.
Although I definitely prefer my reds (perhaps just because I'm used to it) I loved the natural scents and taste of the gar. I have always felt strange by not inhaling the smoke and just taste it in the mouth, but anyway it was a big present. Around 30 minutes later we finished our gars, and after doing two rounds of shots, we paid the bill and finally we went to the fetish club already a little bit drunk and with our lungs fully charged. Actually we were like 15 minutes without sparking up, the largest span of time of the night.
We didn't walk much until we finally made for the pub. As Luke expected there were quite fetish men gathered there because there was the skinhead night. Inside the pub smoking wasn't allowed, so we joined the other smokers that were standing up next to the door surrounding a big ashtray that was already completely full of ash and butts.
There were three skinheads with cigs on one hand and a beer on the other. Although we love our Adidas gear, we damned not going with our skinhead gear too. At least, although I wasn't wearing bleachers, I was wearing Levi's as almost all men in the party.
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barbieaemond · 13 days
i preferred him in his normal clothes rather than all these super expensive suits. i hate this whole hollywood thing
*sighs* it’s promo. He’s promoting the show and his character who, by the way, happens to be one of the most famous and loved in the whole wide world. I highly doubt he went “Sorry lads, can I keep my sweatpants and battered Adidas snickers?”
Plus, he said he’s enjoying playing with fashion. Can’t we share the joy? I most certainly am.
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ellaeats · 1 year
I ADORE your outfit from this post https://www.tumblr.com/ellaeats/720456384105398272/i-went-to-an-arcade-the-yesterday-it-was-so-much?source=share
Can I ask where you got your jeans?
There are easier ways to have asked but I'm a fat woman and I don't enjoy the type of attention some of your followers may give me if I asked directly on the post or off anon (talking from experience).
Yup of course you can ask actually lemme give you a few tips!!
1. Target in most stores will carry jeans up to size 28!! (You can actually go in person, but for most of their normal clothes you’ll have better luck online, but everytime I go to target I can always find jeans my size on the back wall)
2. Torrid (DO NOT BUY THE JEANS FULL PRICE THATS A SCAM NO JEANS ARE WORTH 100$ UNLESS GOD HIMSELF SEW IT. Torrid almost always has a huge rack of clearance and usually they’ll do sales like 70% off of clearance. That’s when I go!! the jeans will be more expensive but they’re way better quality and actual denim. Also they have wide fit shoes and I get all my heels and cute sandals from torrid) Torrid has some cute shirts sometimes, but I mostly get my jeans, shorts, and shoes from there.
3. Lane Bryant (This is strictly where I buy my bras from, they have corset bras, sports bras, lingerie, and once again if you get them during a sale online it’s a pretty good deal. Last time I went I got three NICE bras for 130$ which is pretty good when you have big breasts)
4. Kohls (they carry up to 6x in store, I get biker shorts, random t shirts, all my sweat pants here. I usually will go here for name brand stuff like under armor, adidas, Nike. Literally one of the only stores I’ve seen carrying up to 6x plus size name brand workout gear in store.)
5. Walmart (most of their bottoms won’t fit me, but their shorts and t shirts obviously do. I wear so many graphic t shirts from Walmart, I literally bought three new ones this morning. For only 8$ for a comfy dumb shirt why not? Also I get some hoodies from here. They also have some nice soft stretchy thongs, and panties. I’d def recommend getting t shirts, pjs from Walmart. )
Idk what your style is (I’d say mine is a light alternative style) but these stores have a mix of everything! And they have the best plus size selection in my opinion. The jean’s referenced in this ask I got on sale for 40$ at torrid.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism: Rendezvous 🔞 (Ch. II) || Gun Park x Fem! Reader ♡
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Author’s Note: Hello! If you read the Introduction and Ch. 1 so far, thank you so much! It really means a lot to me that someone got to read my story so far. There was a little bit of a Gun moment in the previous chapter, but I assure you, there will be more spicy moments to come! Also just a quick reminder. Gun will mostly talk to MC in Japanese but only when it’s just the two of them. However, I do plan on bringing in more characters from Lookism so when the MC is with them, then just imagine that they will be speaking in Korean. I hope this helps clear up any misunderstandings!
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NSFW Warning: Violence, strong language/cursing, sexual violence (triggers of sexual assault), and sexual content (marking and praising).
Story Summary: You traveled abroad to help support your mother who is sick, back home in Japan. However, once you reached Korea, everything went downhill until you met a stranger who offered you a deal that could benefit you. But who knew that this special encounter would turn your whole life around…
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Beep, beep, beep, beep…
There goes your alarm. From under the covers, your hand started feeling for your phone. Once you got a good grasp of where it was, you grabbed onto it to turn off the alarm that was set for six in the morning. You didn’t want to get up so early in the morning, but you had to. Your training starts today.
You flipped the bed covers off of you then got out of bed to stretch. You already prepared the clothes that you’re going to wear for the day, which was neatly placed and folded on top of one of the bedside tables near your bed. But first, you decided to head over to the bathroom to wash your face, brush your teeth, and do the rest of your normal hygiene schedule.
Once you got dressed in your matching light grey joggers and your crop-top shirt, you decided to tie your hair up in a high ponytail in front of the bathroom mirror. You smoothed out your hair before confirming, “Ponytail looks good today!”
You left your room then headed downstairs. Before leaving, you made sure you wore the right shoes fit for training. When you arrived at the dining table, you saw breakfast was already prepared for you. There was a protein bar with a small bowl of fruit, which mostly consisted of berries.
I see that he got up earlier than me.
You were impressed by how he already prepared food for you early in the morning. You were about to grab the protein bar until you sensed someone’s presence behind you.
“What are you doing just standing there for? Hurry up and eat.”
You whirled around to see Gun already dressed. This time, his hair was gelled and combed to one side. Also, he had wide-rimmed sunglasses that were covering his eyes, like he’s about to hit the most intense beach day of his life. He was dressed in black and white Adidas joggers, while wearing expensive tennis shoes. Of course, his outfit was well coordinated even though he was just going to teach you how to perform better in martial arts.
“Oh, I was just about to eat.”
“Well then, hurry up. We don’t have all day. When you’re done, just leave the bowl in the sink and meet me outside in the backyard. Once you’re done with training, then you can come back and wash it.”
After giving you his set of commands, he sped right through towards the back door of the house. You assumed that the door would lead you out to where he said the backyard was.
Well whatever. I guess I’ll start eating then.
After you were done eating whatever was on the table, you did as you were told by leaving the bowl in the sink and hurried out into the backyard. As you got out, the sun met your eyes, forcing you to shield them from the bright morning rays. You were surprised that it was still a little chilly even though the sun was out.
Your eyes took in the whole area, as it was very wide and it was a perfect place to go out for a morning workout. It was almost like the size of a school’s yard. A large shed can be seen from where you were standing, all the way down the end of the yard. You searched for Gun until you spotted him near the fenced wall. His back was turned towards you as he was practicing his martial art moves on an object that seemed to look like a…
Coat hanger?
You silently snuck up behind him, observing his every movement. Every quick punch, kick, and imaginary block exerted power from him. He was very quick in speed while his offensive attacks were just on a whole other level.
Wow, so this is how he practices? He’s like a professional!
Even when you’re standing a few feet away from him, he didn’t even break a sweat. His punches started to pick up even more speed, packing harder punches than before. Until finally, he hit it with one last blow. As Gun targeted its head, he punched it so hard that it snapped off as if he just decapitated it. It bounced off of the fence wall and it was heading straight towards you.
You squeaked as you dodged out of the way in surprise. Nervously, you started to tremble from how it barely missed your face almost by a few centimeters. If you hadn’t avoided it in time, it would’ve been ugly for you.
“You’re late.” He turned around and crossed his arms, giving you a stern look.
“I was just right behind you all this time. What do you mean I’m late?”
“You got here 5 minutes after the time reached seven. I could tell because I heard the door to the yard open around that time.”
“Oh…” your head sunk in embarrassment.
He could hear that door open from far away while he was practicing? Damn.
He sighed while shaking his head. “I’ll let it slide since this is our first time that we’ll be doing this. Next time, get here on time.”
You laughed nervously before giving him a small salute. “Yes sir…”
Your head turned to the broken coat hanger behind him, its top half now in splinters. “Um, why were you practicing on a coat hanger? You just murdered it right in front of me, like what did it even do to you?”
“Oh this?” He turned around and lifted it up above his shoulder. “This isn’t a coat hanger. People who practice martial arts use this as a wooden dummy. It’s called a Wing-Chun Dummy. In China, they use this when practicing Kung-Fu, specifically Wing-Chun which is a specific style of Kung-Fu. Japanese martial artists, however, use another object for karate and they call it the Makiwara. It’s just a board that absorbs force from the attacker whenever it’s been hit. You must’ve probably seen it at that karate school that you mentioned.”
“Oh yeah, it does sound like a familiar object.”
You followed him up to the big shed, where he keeps other equipment in there. “Let me guess, you murdered the Makiwara too?”
“If you’re replacing breaking for ‘murdering’ then yes I did.” He slid the door open to the shed with one hand and set the broken Wing-Chun Dummy on the side.
You watched him as he went further inside the shed. He was rummaging through some stuff until he found a long vertical board that was supported by a stand behind it. You immediately knew that the board-like object was the Makiwara that he was talking about. Afterwards, he held onto it and carried it out of the shed. You followed behind him, watching him set it down underneath the shade of a tree. He made sure that the object was aligned with the tree trunk before stepping back to marvel at it.
“Everything is set. So now, let’s begin.”
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For hours, he’s been drilling information into your head about the basics. How to properly position yourself, how to punch straight, and how to kick correctly was no joke. You sat there on the grass for a while now with your legs crossed, and you could feel your legs numbing from the lack of blood circulation.
“[…] I already demonstrated what to do and what not to do, so let’s see if you actually paid attention.”
Finally after all the lecture, you stood up and got the chance to stretch your legs. The numbness in your legs started to fade away as you started to stretch but you still felt a bit of the tingles lingering.
Gun pointed at a spot for you to stand on, right in front of the Makiwara. You felt your nerves get to you, since the pressure is really on you now. His eyes were now focused on you, about to observe your movements. At the same time, Gun found this as an opportunity for him to observe how well you can copy the moves that he had just shown you. Also, since he found out that you have the copy ability, it was like he can see how he can improve himself. To him, he thought of it as a mirror effect.
When you stopped right in front of the Makiwara, your shoulders became tense and so did your legs. However, that didn’t stop you from trying. You held your right fist close to your body, making sure that it was straight. The elbow of your right arm was tucked in and your legs were shoulder length apart, one foot in front of the other. You made sure that both of your feet were flat and firm on the ground.
Before you tried to mimic Gun’s punch, you angled your body at the right position and used your left hand as a guide to aim for the right spot on the board. You took a deep breath for a second, and then…
Your fist hit the board at such a swift motion. The vertical punch was even more powerful than you least expected it to be. After doing so, you looked back at Gun as he nodded in affirmation.
“Not bad. That was almost perfect. However, I suggest if you do this…”
He inches closer to you, positioning himself behind you. You could feel his breath on the back of your bare neck, sending shivers down your spine. At that very moment, you could feel your heartbeat pick up some speed from how close he was to you. Your ears were ringing from the sound of your beating chest, as you were about to turn your head to look behind you…
“Keep your eyes forward.”
Due to his demanding instruction, your head didn’t once dare lose its position. The thought of how close both of your bodies were once again, reminded you of what happened last night. As a result, your cheeks started to burn at the heart-throbbing memory.
Meanwhile, his hands grabbed onto the sides of your waist. He angled your hips almost towards his pelvis, trying to help with your posture. “Your stationary stance is very important. You must position yourself correctly since it affects how powerful your punch can be.”
What is he doing? Crap. I have no idea what he’s currently talking about either. How long is this going to go for? Ah… I don’t know how long my heart can take this for.
Just remembering how the both of you were on the bed, with his hands on either side of you made you unable to concentrate. The thought of his leg in between yours, his face that was very close to yours, and his eyes… those eyes… what was up with those eyes…?
“Hey. Are you even listening?”
Your eyes suddenly blinked out of a trance, snapping you right back to reality. You nodded instantly, hoping that he wouldn’t notice how out of it you really were. He backed away from you and went around you, so he can face you directly.
“Right now, I want you to practice your punches fifty times. And then tomorrow, I’m adding fifty kicks. And then the next day and the next, I’ll keep adding more and more things for you to do. That way, you’ll get used to the basics. These days will become even more intense, so prepare yourself. Eventually, you’ll go up against me and then-“
“Wait, what?”
“[…] I’ll go ahead and prepare lunch. You better be done when the food’s ready. If you aren’t, then you won’t get to eat.”
“Wait, hold on a minute!”
Gun immediately left you to prepare lunch for the both of you. You had no choice but to do the dumb punching activity. Frustrated, you pretended that the Makiwara board was his face as you continuously punched it over and over.
What the hell is he trying to do, kill me?! Why do I have to face off with him after he trains me? Aren’t we on the same team here?! I’m obviously inferior to him so what’s the point? UGH!!!
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Luckily, you managed to finish your fifty reps of punches. When he called out to you, you both went inside to eat lunch together.
When you arrived at the dining table, there were two plates of salmon and veggies laid out. Just by taking a whiff of that food, your stomach grumbled.
Hehe, don’t mind if I do.
You clasped both of your hands together as you said, “I humbly receive this food.” [いただきます。]
You were about to sit down until you felt your arm being tugged away from the chair.
You turned your head to see Gun gripping your arm while glaring at you.
“Did you forget that you have to take care of something first?”
Your eyes blinked a few times until you remembered. “Oh… right, right. I’ll go ahead and take care of that real quick.”
He lets go of your arm, watching you scurry towards the sink, making sure that your chore didn’t go unnoticed.
Geez, he had such a firm grip. And for what? Just for a stupid bowl. Tch.
Annoyed, you clicked your tongue while scrubbing the bowl in your hands. While you were cleaning it, Gun sat down and brought out a folded piece of paper from his pocket alongside a small pen. He unfolded it then set it on your side of the table including the pen, right across from him.
“What’s taking you so long just to clean a bowl? Hurry up. We have some important matters to discuss.”
“Alright, alright! I’m almost done over here.”
Eventually, you set the rinsed bowl on the drying rack before you stomped over back to the dining table and sat down across from Gun. You folded your arms as you glared back at him.
“So what are we supposed to discuss about?”
“The contract.”
He gestured towards the contract that was already laid out in front of you. You scooted the paper towards you with your index finger, carefully scanning its contents. At the very bottom of the document, you saw that he already signed his name on there. After you confirmed that everything that the both of you had talked about was included on the contract, you got the pen and signed it. Then, you pushed the paper back towards him and handed the pen back. He gladly accepted it back into his hands as he folded the paper back up again and carefully slid it back into his pocket.
“Now that that has been taken care of, let’s talk about the monthly payment that you’ll be receiving from me. Go ahead and name your price.”
While he was talking, you already started cutting up your salmon into bite-sized chunks and was already digging into it. You took a bit longer to answer since your mouth was full, so Gun impatiently pressed onward.
“Alright, then how about a million won?”
You asked before popping another piece of salmon into your mouth, “And how much is that if we were to convert that into yen?”
“About a hundred thousand yen. (About a thousand U.S. dollars.)”
Just from hearing that amount of money being offered was enough for you to start choking on your salmon. You grabbed the nearest cup of water and chugged the whole thing down. After lightly setting the glass down next to your plate, you slammed both of your hands down onto the table and looked at Gun dumbfounded.
Who the hell is this guy, and where does he get all his money from?! That amount of money is enough to pay for mom’s hospital bills for almost a whole year! But getting that amount of money monthly? That’s insane…
“I-I’m sorry… Did you say a hundred thousand yen?”
“Yes, that’s right. Do you want me to raise the price?”
“N-no, it’s not that. It’s just… why so high?”
Gun’s mouth curved to a devilish grin. “Because it’s an offer that will ensure that you won’t back out from our deal. I know that you won’t be able to resist such a high price, knowing that your mind is as greedy as mine. After all, it was your greed that landed you here so be grateful that you get a second chance at that.”
Both of your hands suddenly balled into fists. For some reason, his words just pissed you off.
You stood up from your seat without a second thought as you smirked at his striking words. “You know, I oughta smack you upside the head right now but I won’t do that since I wouldn’t want to do that inside your own home. As a temporary resident, I do admit. Yes, I am greedy, but I didn’t come here just for myself so don’t act like you know me. Don’t lump me in the same boat as you because we are not the same and we will never be the same. Sure, I accept the monthly payment but on one condition. Lower it. Pay me seventy thousand yen each month. That’s all I need. I don’t need anymore of your generosity for the excess amount of money. It’s unnecessary.”
Gun let out a cold laugh before standing up from his seat. He walked over to your side of the table, then out of nowhere, pushed everything off of the table. You gasped as you watched the plates full of food and glasses fall and shatter onto the wooden floor. He removed the sunglasses that he had on and dropped them onto the floor, revealing his darkened eyes again. Immediately, he grabbed onto your arm and pushed you on top of the table. You quickly tried to escape from his grasp but to no avail, he already had his hands pinned onto the table. You were trapped under him, which made your body tremble in fear.
“A-are you crazy? Just what do you think you’re doing?!”
“You know, you really are an interesting woman. How can someone like you get me so excited? Is it your determination?”
His hand suddenly grazed your hair. . .
“Or your feistiness?”
Then his hand started traveling down to your lips, caressing them. . .
“Or is it because you are just different from any other woman that I’ve slept with?”
And then his hand started rubbing down your thigh. . .
“Just the thought of ruining that strong spirit of yours gets me like this…”
His hand then grabbed onto one of yours, placing it onto his crotch area. You could feel something hard and bulging from underneath his clothing.
At that point, you didn’t know what to do. Your mind was blank as your heart began to beat rapidly. Your breathing quickened, panicking at what might happen next.
“You are the first woman who I’ve ever encountered, who would say such things inside my own house. I got to admit, you’ve got guts. You’re intriguing, and even though your fighting skills haven’t been polished, you still can pack a nice punch…”
Gun’s face leaned in closer to your neck as his lips made contact with your skin. You felt his lips leave kisses down your neck, which made you emit unfamiliar noises that would escape from your mouth. His arms started wrapping around your waist, giving you support for what he’s about to do next.
“Ever since I witnessed you become a strong and capable fighter right before my very eyes, I just wanted to see you crumble under my touch, and my touch alone. It’s almost as if I wanted to make you my toy.”
His touch became greedier as one of his arms wrapped around your waist even tighter while his other brushed up against your back. His other hand held onto your head from behind, as his lips attacked your neck once again. You felt his lips pressed against your skin, but in a rougher manner as he began to suck onto that spot. In response, you let out a pained groan. You almost lost your balance, as your hands held onto his shoulders for support. His actions started to make you question him.
What happened to the man that I was starting to know? Where did his calm and collected self go? Where was the gentleman who was understanding and thoughtful? Was he not serious at all when he made that contract with me?
You gritted your teeth in utter humiliation, as you thought that you allowed yourself to be defiled by this man.
“L-let go of me you bastard…”
You raised your hand and swiftly slapped him across the face. He was immediately taken aback, letting go of you quickly. Right when he lets go of you, you sped right past him then went all the way straight to your room.
As you slammed the door behind you, you leaned against the door in silence. Your back slowly slid down the door while you felt hot tears stream from your eyes. You began to sob silently as you hugged your knees then buried your head into them.
That sadistic jerk… What the hell did I do to deserve all this? Mom, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left you in the first place.
[End of Ch. II]
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gorbalsvampire · 18 days
"... so that's the long an' the short of it. All sins forgiven, all debts cancelled, if you just get out there an' make some fuckin' noise this weekend. I want the polis scraped out like your nan's been extra tight wi' the jam this Sunday. Any questions?"
The place falls very quiet. It's long and low and undergound; nestled into an arch of the railway, good old fashioned bricks and mortar, wood and brass, proper pint pots under the bar for the lads who've been coming in here since their grandas were still alive. And tonight, every granda who's still alive is in here, and they've brought their sons, and their sons' sons, because this is unheard of.
He's alive. And he's back. And he's calling us all in.
Either side of the entrance, Frankie and Sorcha are perched on tables. Frankie swings her legs to and fro, buckled boots clacking together arrhythmically; Sorcha watches her da with her head cocked and her eyes wide. Either side of the kitchen door, Finlay and Cali: dark herringbone and Harris tweed, tie and cravat, both flat-capped, armed and dangerous in an expensive kind of way.
Alistair's glare sweeps up and down the bar and the booths. Hawkish. Poised. There's always one. One wanker who -
"Fuck are we doin' cuttin' about after this, what, this fuckin' retired Batman villain? Fuckin' look at 'em!"
There's always one.
It's true; two goth girls, a hipster, a legitimate businessman, and a pensioner in his hornrims and creepers. They aren't exactly your modern road men, are they? No snapbacks and Adidas, no gym bags and vapes.
Alistair sighs, pushes his glasses up his beaky nose, and waves his hand, shoo-shoo, then turns it, beckoning with all four fingers. The ned who'd spoken slides off his stool and swaggers up. Class clown. Thinks six figures in coke makes him a hard case.
What does he know? He is only human. Bolt him down.
"That's verrah funny," he says. "Funny bastard. Would you like to see my superpower?"
"Aye. C'mon. Let's have it." The idiot turns to the room, egging his mates on, trying to whip something up. The younger crowd, they're into it. The older ones, the old men with two generations in with them tonight? They're not laughing. They know what's coming. They remember.
Alistair leans in closer as the younger man turns back to face him, and murmurs. If only he'd been looking - he might have seen Alistair's jaw shift, his eyes darken, the shadows falling as the Beast stirs. It's been a hell of a week; fire, and bullets, and burning bright light, and death in the family, and his baby girl weeping into the holes as she pulls bullets out of him, and he has had enough.
"I know exactly how you're going to die. And when. And where."
"Oh, ah! I bet you do. I bet you're gonna say it's right fuckin' here right fuckin' now, ah?"
Puff, puff, puff. Strutting with his chest up like a baby bird. Alistair grins. Let him see the edge of the Bite. Let him see what happens when he jumps up out of the nest and makes a fucking scene of himself.
Alistair huffs. Chuckles, humourlessly. "Don't be daft. You don't die in here."
This close, Alistair sees the shock blooming across the younger man's face, when he realises what's just happened, when he feels four inches of Gallowglass steel punch into his gut, clean and cold and - and Alistair twists the knife, and the shock on his face turns to something wide and raw.
Alistair can smell it, feel it. Thick, hot, heady, running down the blade and over his cold hand. He can smell fear, and pain, and regret, and life, cowering and apologetic life. Everything you don't get from a roll of tanners and a dozen plastic bags. He's got better things to do than this, most nights, and he makes do, but - this is living. Or not. Really, it's dying. That's the point.
The hawk can see you, baby bird. One look into those eyes, and you will freeze. You'll forget you ever learned to fly, what flying even is. You're looking at death, and you didn't even know it was real until just this minute.
Alistair's hand squeezes his collarbone - not unfriendly, not even really hurting all that much.
"You die in the kitchen," he murmurs, and then it's a bark, hoarse and ripping out of him, because there's blood running down the inside of his sleeve and it's getting very hard to ignore. "Finlay! Cali! Take this dopey cunt in the back. I'm havin' him for my fuckin' breakfast. The rest of you, get out my sight and get tae work!"
Two young men in suits drag a young man in a tracksuit away. An old man, and two beautiful women in black, follow him out. They are the only people moving in their direction. Everyone else is, at last, doing what they're told.
This is progress. Good honest progress. Not a lie in it. And that young twat with the mouth that runs faster than his brains? He dies exactly where, and when, and how Alistair saw it. On his back, thrashing on a steel worktop, with three sets of fangs in him.
Hell of a week.
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screwyouhippie · 1 year
𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒉 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
𝑪𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒈𝒔 𝑮𝒂𝒏𝒈
Craig is a very heavy sleeper which makes it really hard to wake him up. His house could be getting nuked and he'd still be sound asleep. Which is good for him, but terrible for Tweek whenever he stays the night since it makes him think he died. Because of how heavily he sleeps, he seems to wake up to himself being in very awkward and uncomfortable positions which make him look like he was dismembered and put back together by some sort of high alien. Which also doesn't help Tweek at all. And since Tweek often struggles to fall asleep, Craig does his best to stay awake until Tweek falls asleep. He's only successful 30% of the time though.
There is only one thing that can wake Craig up, the Red Racer Intro. Craig literally watches this show every day of the week and he absolutely CANNOT afford to miss a single episode of it, even if he's watched the entire show multiple times. So whenever you need to wake Craig up in any situation, just play the intro of Red Racer and he's up in .1 seconds. Though he might be a little if not VERY angry if you wake him up like this, unless you're Tweek.
Tweek hangs around Craig a lot, so Tweek has picked up on some of Craigs.. bad habits.. Craig is notorious for being the bad kid in class and flipping everyone off, including teachers. So, now Tweek also flips people off whenever they annoy him, especially the main four which Craig and his gang find absolutely hilarious. But as to their dismay, Tweek also flips them off whenever they're being annoying or arrogant which they can be often times. Tweek has even flipped off Craig a couple of times out of habit of doing it to everyone else (He ended up having a panic attack afterwards and Craig had to comfort him). Though Craig seemed to find it amusing.
So now instead of it being just Craig getting sent to the principals office, it's both Tweek AND Craig who get sent for flipping teachers off together. The councilor always lets them off with a warning since they're gay and Cartman absolutely hates that they get special treatment because of it. Tweek and Craig always flip him off together just because it's funny. The Asian girls have definitely drawn fan art of them out of this.
Tolkien is the mom friend of the group, if not the voice of reason often times. And because he's one of the few kids with actual good parents, he has great advice given to him by his parents. So whenever something goes wrong for one of the group members, the first person they go to is Tolkien. Tweek and Craig have even tried to hire Tolkien as their personal Couple Councilor. Tolkien is the type of person to carry bandages and alcohol wipes in his bag and pockets. And in his mind, anything that can't be cured with those or an ice pack, requires a trip to the emergency room.
The others have definitely asked Tolkien for money at least once, seeing as how he's loaded. But instead of just lending them money, he refers them small part time jobs where they can earn it themselves. I can see Tolkien asking his parents if they could hire his friends as his butlers so he doesn't have to do chores anymore. They denied this of course, so Tolkien just offers them money if they can do his chores for him secretly.
Since Clyde's dad owns the shoe store at the mall, Clyde has all a full collection of shoes, Jordans, Air Forces, Nike, Adidas, Pumas, he even has some of the most rare and expensive shoes which his friends have tried to steal on multiple occasions. Especially Cartman. Because of this, he has a secret compartment under his bed which he stores all his most rare items. It's just a loose floor board under his bed, but shhh, no one needs to know :›. Tolkien has tried to pay Clyde to let him wear one of his shoes for a day, but not even Clyde has worn some of his own shoes just so that they're value doesn't go down, so that was an instant no.
His friends don't understand him on this. Why have something if you're not gonna use it? Clyde having a huge ego on this topic always goes, "Just to brag!" So this is the part where Craig usually flips him off, sometimes even Tweek when he's fed up. Though Clyde doesn't care, he doesn't see them with a thousand dollar worth of shoes? But one thing he doesn't understand is why can't Tolkien just get his own pair?
Jimmy has a lazy eye. But he can control it. He just likes to keep it that way because well, it's just funny to him. Sometimes, he puts his eyes back to match with his other eye and go through the whole day like that and everyone will notice something's different, but they can never figure out what. Everyone's crowded around Jimmy just asking him questions like- "You look different today, what did you change?" "Did you get a haircut?" "Is your shirt a different shade of yellow?" "Did you grow?" At this point Cartman buds in "You guys, Jimmy's legs obviously got more shriveled up from him not using them!" Jimmy loves the attention that's given to him.
On a random occasion while Jimmy was with his friends, he just made his eye go the other way while everyone was watching him. When he finished he smiled and said, "I can see you" everyone was grossed out. This became a gag and is something he does on the daily now. Still, it's always the same reaction everytime and everytime Jimmy loves it.
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
Are you telling me most of the time it’s either a 3 in 1 or my stuff?!! A crime. I mean it’s better than not being clean but come ooonnn 😭 if he’s using my stuff he better replace it. I literally bought shampoo and conditioner the other day at half price and they were still $13 each (aud) shits so expensive.
before my bf and i moved in together, he was using an adidas 3-in-1 🤪 now he uses my lake tekapo breeze and my shampoo (he doesn’t use conditioner)
he is very good at replacing it! 🫶🏼
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sof-writes · 2 years
secrets ; choi jisu
content warning: nsfw! profanity, alcohol use, smut, fingering, grinding, cheating (no aftermath though so not necessarily angsty), needy and slightly desperate homewrecker!lia vibes lmao
word count: 2935
a/n: shin yuna I’d never cheat on you!!! pinky promise!!! I can just kinda see her being a jealous gf? as the ending indicates, this might get a (little spicier) part 2 if you all like it! maybe jisu is into some stuff :))) I didn't proofread this bc I'm in a bit of a hurry, but I hope it came out okay.
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You had a beautiful girlfriend. Incredibly elegant, charming and funny with a body to die for: she had it all. But above all, she was jealous. So damn jealous.
Tonight was no different. When you told her you were invited to a party, she had immediately started acting up again.
[yuna ♡ at 22:04] well, if it’s that important, do it. go to that fucking party of yours.
That’s what her last text read. You received it around six hours ago and while you sent her a dozen of messages promising her she wouldn’t have to worry, even telling her you could leave early to come by her apartment and say hi, she ignored all of them.
Yet you were on your way to her place. You were kinda shitfaced and your legs seemed to drag you there, so you just gave in. If this would only make things worse, then that’d be something sober you had to deal with tomorrow.
You passed the apartment buildings, they all look similar. Yet, you had no trouble finding hers even in the state you were in. It was like muscle memory.
Standing in front of the building you contemplated ringing the bell, but that’d probably wake up her flatmate, who was way less of a deep sleeper than your girlfriend. So instead, you invited yourself in. 6849. A slight buzz could be heard after you pressed the code on the touch screen, indicating that the door was now unlocked.
You tried to sober up during your elevator ride to the 16th floor, but after checking yourself out in the mirrored elevator wall, you quickly realised you were hopeless. A deep sigh escaped your mouth as the doors slid open and you made your way to the first and only door on the right side of the hallway.
You knocked thrice, just out of a habit, but you obviously didn’t get a reaction. It was well after 4PM after all. So you swiftly moved the back of your hand over the touchpad that was connected to the door handle, causing it to light up right away. 0721. Her flatmate’s, whose parents were the owner of the rather expensive apartment, birthday.
You expected your eyes to be met by a pitch black hall, but much to your surprise the lights were still on. You kicked off your heels and left them in the designated shoe-area. What a relief.
“Hello?” a familiar voice, barely over a whisper, broke the silence. “Jisu, it’s me” you replied, not wanting to scare her at this hour of the day. You shuffled towards the living area, where your eyes found Jisu peeking from behind the balcony door.
“You came to talk things out? At this hour of the day? Wow… That’s… A terrible idea, you know?” she chuckled, still keeping her voice low. You just shrugged. Deep down inside you kinda knew it was, but you just couldn’t care less right now.
She opened the balcony door a little further in order to invite you to join her there. As you got closer you noticed two bottles of wine, of which one empty, as well as an empty glass standing on the balcony table. Jisu was holding a glass similar to the one on the table. It made her look somewhat elegant, despite being dressed in oversized black Adidas joggers and a white cropped t-shirt that exposed her slim waistline.
“Seems like your liver worked hard” you remarked dryly as you closed the balcony door behind you. You flopped down on the chair opposite to the one Jisu was sitting in.
She chuckled lightly “Judging by the look on your face, it doesn’t seem like my liver was the only one with a hard night” she took another sip of her wine “Plus Yuna was responsible for most of this” she added, vaguely motioning her hand over the messy table “But she made it seem like you were the one to blame for her sudden alcoholic behaviour. I just sat here listening to her ranting all night, at least have some empathy instead of calling me out on my alcohol consumption”
You didn’t know whether you should scoff or laugh. You knew your girlfriend, so you immediately believed her roommate’s words.
“Want some?” Jisu said, a little more cheerful as she held up the green bottle “It’d be a shame to throw it out”
You nodded, putting your fingers on the base of the glass in front of you and shoving it in her direction so she could pour the wine more easily. Yuna’s lipstick stains still visible on the brim of the glass. Using your index finger and thumb, you tried to remove the stains from the glass, causing Jisu to scoff.
“Oh come on” she said, dragging the words out in an annoyed way “It’s not like you haven’t tasted her before” her eyes shot up to look at you, hands steady as she slowly filled your glass with white wine. “And judging by the sounds coming from the bathroom every now and then, that isn’t the only set of lips she let you taste” it came out casually, but there was a slight hint of playfulness in her voice. Almost as if she was teasing you.
“What the– Jisu” you shook your head after her sudden remark. Not knowing how to behave or where to look, you took a big sip of your wine. You weren’t a big fan of Chardonnay, but the fact that you were already intoxicated made it bearable.
“What? Apparently you’re quite good with your mouth, nothing to be ashamed of” if you wouldn’t have swallowed your wine immediately, you would’ve definitely had chocked. What the hell had gotten into Choi Jisu.
You directed your eyes back at her, which turned out to be the worst idea since… Since deciding to come here in the first place. She was staring at you intensely, slightly raising her left eyebrow. Delicate fingers pushed her wine glass a little more towards you, giving her space to lean forward a bit. The movement causing her cleavage to become visible.
While not necessarily your type, Choi Jisu was undeniably attractive. You had to think straight though, because as far as you were concerned that’s what Jisu was too, straight.
“I guess” you replied, mouth feeling dry all of a sudden. You shifted in your seat as you felt Jisu’s leg brushing yours, her gaze still fixed on you.
“Don’t you get tired of her jealous behaviour? Why are you two still together anyway? Is the sex that good?” a sudden stab at Yuna. Jisu once again proving that there was a clear line between friends and flatmates. You kinda wanted to get mad, but truthfully, it was tiring.
Her words hung in the air for a bit, causing the atmosphere to tense up. Some questions are better unanswered, this was definitely one of them.
Jisu got up from her chair, her waistline fully exposed as soon as she straightened her back. She never broke the intense eye contact. Slowly but confidently she got closer to you, until she was standing right in front of your chair.
"You know why Yuna always tells me everything instead of her friends?" her voice was barely over a whisper again as she placed her hands on both of the armrests of your chair, leaning forward until your faces were just centimeters apart "I'm really good at keeping secrets"
The word 'intoxication' just got a whole new meaning. You weren't just tipsy. You were drunk on Choi Jisu. The dark look in her eyes, the smell of coconut shampoo filling the air every time she moved, her low voice... But most of all, the thrill of it all.
Deep inside you knew that you should push her away and leave, but you simply couldn't. It was as if you were under a spell. Dizzy from holding your breath.
Just when you were about to give in to the temptation she moved her head, perfectly aligning her lips with your left ear.
"Please fuck me" lips grazing your sensitive ear with each syllable she whispered. It was so insanely messed up how much these three words aroused you.
You wanted to crash your lips together, but Jisu didn't give you the chance to. Instead, she retracted her face and straightened her back again. It threw you off a little, but when she quietly opened the balcony door to make her way inside, you quickly realised what she was up to.
You just followed, as if possessed. Not a single second was spent thinking about your own girlfriend sleeping on the other end of the hallway. Your eyes fixed on her hips that were moving in such an hypnotising manner it could make you drool on the spot.
As soon as Jisu locked the door to her rather spacious bedroom behind the two of you, you wrapped your hands around her bare waist. Her skin felt cold due to the chilly midnight breeze, but the moment itself felt electric.
Slender fingers in your neck as lips finally touched. It was urgent, feverish, but most of all, breathtaking. Jisu's lips were awfully soft and soon, you felt her tongue over your bottom lip, asking for permission.
The kiss deepened, tongues messily fighting for dominance as she lightly scratched her nails over the back of your neck. Neither of you thinking about what the possible consequences of scratches could be.
You tightened the grip on her waist. Lips never leaving hers, sucking, biting, tugging. Her fingers had already found the zipper of your party dress, the clumsy attempt to zip it down with shaking hands making you smile into the kiss.
"So impatient" you breathed out, finally breaking the kiss as your hands made their way up under her crop top.
"Yes, I'm so, so fucking impatient" she confirmed shamelessly, her voice filled with need as she pushed your hands away to take care of the undressing part herself. Crop top quickly discarded and messily thrown on the floor just to be joined by her simple, white bra soon after.
For a moment you just stood there in awe, but then you quickly got to work as well, reaching behind your back to unzip your dress, letting it slip to the floor.
Your eyes remained fixed on Jisu's body while you removed your bra. Her Adidas joggers and black panties sliding down smooth legs in one fluid move. The sight of her cleanly shaven, deliciously pink pussy and slightly glistening lips made your mouth feel dry.
With an equally shift movement you discarded your own panties, finally freeing yourself from the uncomfortable wetness that had formed around the crotch of it.
Jisu wasted no time pushing you towards the kingsize bed, forcing you to sit down when the insides of your knees hit the edge of the soft mattress. Your hands grabbing her hips for support, pulling her on top of you, one of her knees positioned between yours and the other one just next to your right hip.
You felt her hands on your shoulders, eyes looking straight into yours as she lowered herself. Then, finally, contact. With only one simple movement back and forth, your thigh was covered in her undoubtedly delicious wetness.
“Fuck” she breathed shakily, speeding up her movements as her head fell back.
You tightened your grip, pushing her against yourself harder, guiding her. She looked so sexy getting herself off like this, long neck exposed for you to attack.
You leaned forward, attaching your lips to the skin right above her collarbone. It tasted slightly salty, but made her moan oh so prettily. You sucked, bit and licked while she kept on grinding as if her life depended on it.
“Don’t–“ she moaned, trying to keep her voice down “No marks”
You just hummed in response, the vibration against her skin making her shiver.
Feeling how this obviously did things to her, you let your right hand leave her hip and traced it up towards her left breast. Her nipples already hard from the arousal. It turned out her breast perfectly fit the palm of your hand, making it easy for you to knead the soft flesh, applying varying amounts of pressure to see how much of a reaction you could get out of her until you finally found a sweet spot.
An inconsistent stream of the most erotic moans you had ever heard coming from her mouth as she sped up her movements. The amount of juices that now coated your thigh almost inhumane, as if Choi Jisu hadn’t been touched in months.
“Jisu” you whispered, her name almost coming out as a moan due to your own desperation “Fuck Jisu, cum for me”
A frown formed in her forehead from how tightly she was shutting her eyes. There was no doubt she was incredibly close to her release.
You took her hard nipple between your thumb and index finger, playing with it it ever so lightly. That was it, her breaking point. One of her hands shot up to her mouth just in time and she let out a long, muffled moan.
You placed your hand on her hip again, forcing her to continue her movements, dragging out her orgasm for as long as she could take. She whined, desperately trying to lift her hips as her lips looked for yours again.
“Fuck me” she moaned into your mouth “Fuck–” her breath was ragged “Fuck me” she kept on grinding while she repeated it like a mantra, 5 times, 6 times, 7 times, each time sounding a little more desperate than the previous.
You loosened your grip on her hips before pushing her down on the bed, giving her time to recover and to get into a more comfortable position and soon, you were hovering in top of her. Taking in the beautiful sight of her swollen lips, chest heaving and the slightly pink trail that was visible on the pale skin of her neck.
You leaned on one arm, navigating your free hand to her thighs, softly scratching the insides of them. It made her squirm, even after she had her first release, she was still desperate.
“Fuck me” she whined again, voice a little louder this time, begging for your touch.
You covered her mound with your hand, dragging your middle finger between her wet, swollen lips with ease, just to end up with your finger drawing slow circles on her clit.
Her body jerked at the touch, but it was a different feeling she was craving for. “Fill my wet pussy with your fingers” her head was moving around on the sheets like she didn’t know what to do with herself anymore.
Looking at her struggle, you decided to give in, aligning two fingers with her entrance and slowly pushing them inside. It felt warm, quite tight and very wet. Her walls wrapped around your fingers perfectly as you started moving them. In and out, over and over again, curling them in search for the spot that drove her crazy.
“Don’t stop” she moaned, as if that was something you would even consider at that moment. The squelching wetness mixed with Jisu’s sounds had something vulgar to it, but you couldn’t get enough. Her juices were dripping down your fingers as you sped up your movements.
The look on her face screamed ‘sex’, her mouth hung open and every now and then she covered her mouth in order to keep her volume to a minimum. Oh how you wish you could hear her screaming, moaning and begging for more.
When you curled your fingers once more, finding her soft patch, her eyes shot open. She looked straight at you. Intensely. You took this as a sign to keep going, fingers deep inside of her as you kept hitting her spot just right.
Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She didn’t blink, not even once. Jisu balled her fist, brought it up to her mouth and bit down on it, hard. There is no way to describe the sounds that came out of her mouth. They drove you insane. You wanted to hear her more.
Your hand started to cramp right at the moment her legs started shaking for the second time that night, more uncontrollably now. Her walls tightened around your fingers like they’d never ever let you go.
You could see her teeth sinking further into the skin of her hand as she came undone. Her moans probably exceeding the unspoken volume limit. Pussy endlessly convulsing around your fingers, making it seem like her orgasm would never end.
“So good” she breathless moaned past her fist that was marked by her full set of teeth “So damn good”
Her hot walls slowly but surely relaxed, making it possible for you to take your fingers out of her warm cunt.
You just sighed as you laid down on your back, right next to her. Only now you could feel the pain in your shoulder from leaning on one arm while you were fucking her, but it was so worth it.
After somewhat catching her breath, Jisu broke the silence that hung in the air. “So that’s what Yuna’s getting, huh? Kinda… Safe, but so– so damn good” she breathed, putting a rather strange emphasis on the word ‘safe’ before continuing “Next time the two of you fight, I could introduce you to some new things”
And that’s when it finally hit you. Right, Yuna. Your girlfriend... Shin Yuna.
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peacelykerockets · 7 months
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There used to be a huge fashion and sneaker community on Tumblr years ago. The one shoe that reminds me the most of that era is the Roshe Run. This shoe is iconic.
Before I got into sneakers to an obsessive level I used to think every Nike/Jordan was too expensive. I was a dude who bought cheap sneakers, Vans, Adidas shell heads on discount, Asics, etc.
When the Roshe came out I just remember the internet hype it had at the time and thinking that it was a super expensive shoe. I didn't really get the idea of fashion people, hypebeast, or sneaker heads caring about a cheap sneaker. Plus again, my idea of Nike was expensive shoes for people who really cared enough about sneakers to put down a lot of money. It was really the hype and the fact that for awhile you couldn't get your hands on a pair of these shoes since they were selling so well and were a hit with fashion people and sneaker enthusiasts. Turns out the shoe was inexpensive and a general released shoe.
I don't know what drew me to the Roshe, was it the hype? was it the super simplicity and sleekness of it? All I knew is that I wanted a pair.
I remember wanting the ones with the all black upper and white sole, or the OG Iguana color way (pictured) but I wasn't able to find any of the basic colorways at the time (early 2013).
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This exact kind and type was the first pair copped. I loved these things even though just wanted the basic OG model with the mesh upper. But these ones were beautiful to me too.
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It wasn't until year later in 2014 that I copped my second pair and it was the OG model but in this Gamma Green colorway because I wanted to start adding brighter colors to my style.
Eventually the Roshe lost popularity. Sneaker heads, fashion snobs, and hypebeast who once coveted the shoes for being cheap and minimalist yet stylish moved away from the shoe in a hipstery fashion. By 2014 the Roshe was everywhere, it saturated the market, everyone seemed to have a pair. It wasn't cool anymore. Adidas was looking for a Roshe like hit and after going through a few Roshe clones (SL Loop, Tubular Runner, Solar Boost), but it wasn't until the original Ultra Boost and also the NMD did Adidas have something to rival the Roshe in the style zeitgeist. Even though the Ultra Boost and NMD came in at much higher prices than the Roshe, booth shoes caught the eye of fashion conscious folks and sneaker heads. The Ultra Boost became iconic and pushed Adidas to an era of dominance where they were actually beating Nike for a few years financially. They finally had their simple minimalist sneaker, made better by Boost cushioning "technology" that was way more comfortable than the unnamed "foam" of the Roshe.
By 2015 think it was safe to say the Roshe was done with its run. Nike was doing everything to squeeze whatever mileage out of the shoe. Saturating the market with colorways, different materials allowing people to customize their own on the website, launching ugly sequel models that just looked bad. Eventually Adidas would come to do the same to the Ultraboost and the NMD, flooding the market and milking the sneakers into exhaustion until no one care anymore. Also "maximalism" came back into play by 2017 with a brief chunky shoe trend that toon inspo from the 90s, normcore fashion, and young people ironically wearing "dad shoes" like Nike Monarchs, New Balances, and girls who were were those huge platform Fila things.
But the Roshe sparked a revolution in sneaker design for a while, and I don't think we've seen anything like it since. Even though performance minimalist sneakers were a thing before the Roshe, the Roshe brought that to the casual sneaker market and had Nike's rivals scrambling for an answer. It was a puzzle piece in sparking the whole "sports casual trend" and had sneaker companies known more for their sports performance sneakers where people reappropriate those into everyday casual wear. The early 2010s rise of the focus on the purely "lifestyle sneaker" was sparked by the Roshe. You started seeing unabashed knock offs of a sneaker that wasn't very expensive from the jump.
But I can't talk the Roshe without talking the Yeezy 350 and 350v2. I remember when the first pictures of the Yeezy 350 dropped, a lot of people did not know how to take it, and it didn't look like much. A lot of us looked at it and immediately saw a Roshe knock off, and no one could be called delusional for making that comparison. Eventually we get to the 350v2 that has become more well known and widely worn than the original 350, and the 350v2 is an icon. Once the Ultraboost and NMD hype died out, Yeezy was the only thing really moving at Adidas and that was mostly on the 350v2 which with no argument is for sure the most popular Yeezy model released.
But I'm put one in the Air for the Roshe, and I wonder if love for this sneaker will ever come back around one day. Will we see a generation if kids nostalgic for the Roshe? Will Nike ever actually retro it? Who knows, but all I know is I loved, and still love this iconic lowkey masterpiece of a sneaker.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
News Analysis
OPINION: Kanye let his antisemitism DESTROY his net worth
OPINION: Kanye let his antisemitism DESTROY his net worth
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‘Cause karma is my boyfriend
Karma is a god
Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend
Karma’s a relaxing thought
But for you, it’s not sweet like honey
Karma is a cat purring in my lap ’cause it loves me
Flexing like a goddamn acrobat
Me and karma vibe like that
–Taylor Swift, who’s had her share of beefs with Kanye West, “Karma”
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Started: “I can say anti-Semitic s—- and Adidas cannot drop me,” said Ye (his legal name now) on the Drink Champs podcast earlier this month. Ye had worked with Adidas since 2013 on his Yeezy line of super expensive, super popular sneakers, and thought he was untouchable like most overpaid, over-indulged “artists.”
Going, as of Tuesday:
“Immediately” in adidas-speak translates to “a couple of weeks of silence after we originally said we’d review our relationship with Kanye because we had a whole lot of money numbers to crunch.” Karma comes in various guises, and she often travels with her equally stealthy pal, schadenfreude. What you put out there WILL come back to you, even if it does take adidas a full nineteen days to make it happen.
Adidas didn’t drop Kanye West to stand against anti-semitism.
They dropped him because their stock was falling hard and an analyst told them to in order to salvage their stock value they needed to drop him.
Nothing heroic about what they did.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) October 25, 2022
It’s been reported that adidas got an estimated 4% to 8% of its sales from Yeezy products, according to investment bank Cowen. For Ye, it was an even bigger deal, accounting for $1.5 billion of his net worth. But I mean, what’s a Jewish life worth to a sneaker company founded by anti-Semites?
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Wow hope this widely available information about the Nazi origins of @adidas doesn’t go viral and cause a massive international boycott in light of their recent silence in the face of violent antisemitism by their partner Kanye West. pic.twitter.com/LTPsKGHYzg
— Bess Kalb (@bessbell) October 24, 2022
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We’d been seeing accountability for Kanye’s hate speech from plenty of others before adidas finally made its announcement Tuesday morning. Gap, Balenciaga, and Vogue Magazine all announced they were cutting ties with Ye. And now Forbes joins them by dropping him from their Billionaires’ List.
Kanye West is no longer a billionaire after Adidas cut ties with him, Forbes reports.
His loss of Adidas has caused his net worth to plummet to $400 million and he is no longer on the Forbes billionaire list. pic.twitter.com/8SzyQqJVjC
— Pop Base (@PopBase) October 25, 2022
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Hopefully, more artists and sportsball people will end their own relationships with adidas. They only did right by themselves, and the last time I checked, there are other companies that make sneakers and track pants. BYE, YE!
Tara Dublin is a woefully underappreciated and unrepresented writer currently shopping a super cool novel that has nothing to do with politics while also fighting fascism on the daily.
Follow her on Twitter @taradublinrocks.
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.
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freddiemercurydaily · 2 years
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5 September 1985 - Freddie’s Legendary ‘Black and White Drag Ball’  at Old Mrs Henderson’s Club in Munich.  He celebrated his 39th birthday with a bang!It all started with a beyond flamboyant throw-down in Munich, Germany where Freddie Mercury and a few hundred of his famous friends gathered together for Mercury’s “black and white” themed 39th birthday at the Henderson club. The Henderson was also used by Mercury to shoot the video for his 1985 solo single “Living on My Own” which includes footage shot at Freddie’s extravagant birthday shebang. Two months prior, Queen and Mercury set the world on fire with their set at Live Aid forever setting the rock and roll bar for greatness at a level so high it will likely forever stand as the single greatest live performance by a rock band ever. Freddie spared no expense and he flew out a few hundred guests and fellow celebrities, paying for flights and rooms at the Hilton hotel.  When Freddie sent out the invitations, he requested attendees dress in drag and only in black and white.Freddie, of course, was the only person who did not adhere to the strict dress code. 
He came as himself, in his iconic Harlequin catsuit and Adidas trainers, paired with a flashy Russian Imperial jacket designed by the Emanuels.Yes, the same folks who had designed Princess Diana’s wedding dress.As unhinged as Mercury’s behavior could be behind-the-scenes there isn’t much evidence to cite his zealous pursuit of good times altering his ability to slay with his four-octave vocal range and commanding stage presence. To say nothing of the stone cold fact, Mercury knew how to party—something I’m sure you’ll be in agreement with after checking out the photos of Freddie partying like a pro. It was the party to end all parties.The following excerpt is from Richard Young:“Well I just found Freddie very generous, very kind and very lovely.  He was a one-off rock icon — irreplaceable!  He was the king of parties! His parties were always wild, full of laughter and unique.”“His confidence was electric.  His energy was inspiring, and he was one of the most professional people I’ve ever worked with.”“When you were in Freddie’s inner circle you would always be given a nickname, mine was “Muriel” — after Muriel Young. This was after the TV presenter from the fifties, and Freddie would always say, ‘Come on Muriel!’ I loved it. I felt I was part of his family.”Richard on Freddie’s famous 39th Drag Ball Birthday Party:“It was one of the most amazing moments that happened with Freddie. He rang me around 1985.  He said, “Richard, I want you to come to Munich; I want you to photograph my birthday party.” I said, “No problem, Freddie!” He said, “Everyone’s going to be in drag.” I said, “No problem!” And then he said it again: “Everybody.” Which included me. My wife had to find me a dress, it was a size 10, which was quite a nice feeling. I went off to Munich, we all got made up, and had a wild party that went through the whole night.” Richard Young - Hero Magazine One of Queen and Freddie’s official photographer since 1978 
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xae1k · 1 year
FieldWork:#1 making Yeezys Unfamiliar
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Founded in 2009 Kanye started to change up the sneaker designs. we all know what yeezys are and who created them. “Yeezys” are classified as adorned sneakers, but "Kanye has grown the Yeezy brand to include a clothing and accessory line, while also expanding his footwear line to include shoes like boots and heels. Beyond this, Kanye has grown the Yeezy brand through key partnerships with some of the best designers in the industry like Louis Vuitton, Nike, Adidas, and APC. His partnerships have spanned different lengths of time, with his Nike partnership lasting for five years, and his partnership with Adidas being ongoing. After a five-year collaboration, and after the release of the Yeezy I and Yeezy II sneaker designs, "Kanye ended his partnership with Nike". This came right after the release of the Air Yeezy 2s. Instead of paying royalties for Kanye’s designs, Nike decided to donate his earnings to a charity of his choice. After leaving Nike, Kanye was approached by Adidas, who, unlike Nike, offered to pay royalties for his designs (a 15% wholesale royalty). For Kanye, this felt like more of a true partnership between two brands. I’m current day after Kanye launched his Yeezy Season I clothing line, Adidas chose to end its partnership with Yeezy clothing. Adidas cited that this was because they wanted to focus entirely on their Yeezy footwear line, rather than splitting their focus. "
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Where were Yeezys manufactured?
Yeezys are manufactured under Adidas in China, but Kanye West has been aiming toward moving Yeezy production to the US, Adidas makes most Yeezys in China. You will find a “Made in China” tag in most pairs of Yeezys. Nonetheless, Adidas began Yeezy production in Germany through the Yeezy 450. By 2021, Kanye West has aimed toward moving Yeezy production to the US.In 2020, Adidas earned an annual sales revenue of $1.7 billion from Yeezy. Real Yeezy are mostly made in China. After the Adidas acquisition, Yeezy are now manufactured in Germany as well.On the other hand, Kanye West proposed to make Yeezy in the United States. Consequently, Adidas makes Yeezy in the United States as well.
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The impact Yeezys have one me
I’d say that Yeezys have a big impact on my life because I’ve been collecting them for a while now. I’ve become fascinated with the brand and how it’s different. Also, the vision behind them and how Kanye had an idea and turned it into reality not caring about what others had to say about it. Normally when people buy shoes they just go based off of look but when I buy Yeezys I really think about Kanye and the messages that he’s trying to put out and also they remind me to also be yourself, You never should worry about what the next person has to say about what your wearing it’s either you like it or not it doesn’t get much more simpler than that. Also, they have an impact on me in a fashion sense because I have a lot of them to put with different outfits and I can just try new combos out.
Who are the people directly involved with making or manufacturing this item? What is life like for them?
Reports of Chinese factory workers going underpaid have increased over the past few years. A consistent income is promised to many employees when they are hired as temporary or seasonal workers, especially in rural areas. However, they frequently put in long hours with little to no pay, which causes the impacted workers to live in abject poverty. In many places, there are no labor regulations or labor protections, which makes it easier for dishonest companies to take advantage of their employees. Unpaid labor in Chinese factories has its roots in a larger issue of systemic exploitation in the labor market of the nation. Many international firms have established operations in China due to the country's enormous pool of workers and affordable labor expenses.
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random-tbate-stuff · 1 year
DC Modern AU Headcanons: Clothes
What the DC + Tess and Elijah and Lilia wear in their free time in the modern au:Arthur wears band shirts and jeans. He has six pairs of jeans and every classic rock band shirt to exist. He has three ACDC shirts and five Led Zepplin shirts. No one dares look in his closet other than Tessia. She also steals his shirts like crazy. His shoes are the most expensive Adidas on the market and only Lilia knows how he got them.Tess wears hoodies and sweat pants. No one knows whats under the hoodies (usually shirts she stole from Arthur). They're always white and somehow never get any stains (except one Arthur got blood on). She always wears her uniform boots, says they fit her asthetic.Elijah has punk rock band shirts, black leather jackets, black pants, too many belts, and a lot of chains. His boots are black and his emotion are out. The girls love him until Arthur shows up.Claire has no chill. It's either loud and proud rainbow guchi with expensive Nikes or plad shirt with booty jeans and leather boots. Someone said a homophobic slur to her once and she refuses to look anything less than a complete lesbian ever since.Kathyln wears black dresses and black boots, like in canon. It's not laziness on my part, she just really likes them.Curtis wears all the drip. Black jackets, white pants, gold chains, white tank tops. His hero is Eminem and it shows.Theo is the kind of guy to wear a tank top and jeans on the regular and that's it. His shoes? Work boots. No one knows why, since it's a well known fact that he's as rich as Claire and Feyrith.Feyrith has the tackiest shit. He has those really elaborate scarfs, pink jackets, white shirts, stupidly expensive pants, the most expensive sunglasses, and he makes it work.Kai wears a Central Academy shirt on the daily and Claire keeps trying to wrestle it off of him. She has so far yet to succeed. Oh and he wears khaki shorts and slip on shoes.
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berlinini · 1 year
it's interesting how Louis was wearing a lot of high fashion brands in 2017/2018 and even his streetwear pieces were expensive collabs items, while most of his wardrobe for LTWT 22 and even for FITF consisted of more 'affordable' pieces.
it's also interesting how, through the years, he's stayed loyal to some brands (Y-3, Burberry, Fred Perry, Adidas), how he ditched other (Gucci, Stella McCartney (sadly), Prada), how he started wearing more brands that he had worn some years earlier (like Palace London) and finally how he's been rewearing staples of his wardrobe (especially jackets) and a lot more vintage sports items.
we know louis has always been conscious about his privilege, however i wonder if he was a bit caught up in the celebrity game in 2017/18 and that changed with the years and now his fashion style reflects his personality and principles in a better way.
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cj-pod · 2 years
The Popularization Of Private Customization In The Footwear Industry Will Become A Trend
Lately, beneath the wave on the internet, using the rapid expansion of e-supports commerce, footwear, and clothing private modification services that got no connection with common civilians in traditions 've got gradual recognition. Scheduled to economic expansion and the advancement of living specifications, private customization, with its convenient and evident characteristics, satisfies the needs of the public to develop individualized appearances over the pursuit of creativeness and comfy shoes or boots.
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Customization helps to ensure that a single person has a single version, which is unique in the world. It started from luxury items, frankly, the providers enjoyed by grand are mostly household leather goods and European- style outfits. In the very first days, it was comparatively developed in Western countries in Europe, such as Italy and Portugal. Naturally, today, handmade items technology in these kinds of countries is likewise the most advanced in the world. Various famous shoes and clothing, such as Lv and older Italian Gucci, happen to be made yourself. Of course, the value is not cheap. Due to the fact private customization beneath the original function considers more the individualized needs of consumers, it is certainly hard to obtain majority production, and so the trouble is usually substantial, and the worthiness is of course substantial. For example, that usually takes a single to three a few months to customize your suit, which necessitates more than some times of basic wearing and changes. Significantly more than 90% of the techniques should be completed by hand, plus the expansion hours could be longer. Because of that, the charge is tremendously increased.
With the development of network technology, many labels, such as Communicate and Vans, have got begun to try on the web customization of fabric shoes. Today's network gathers scattered modification orders from most of the region. The quantity of orders around the country is likewise considerable. With the increase of the base number, the scale effect may be brought in to have, generally speaking, thus lowering the price of one customization. In contrast to yesteryear, the prevailing associated with net customization is additional user-friendly, as well as consumers, can take pleasure in private customization providers at a suitable price. Due to the lower product price of modification, more and additional individuals are keen on private customization, and major brands can also be targeting the proper time. Nike and Adidas sneakers have got also started to provide customization providers to consumers.
That is understood by the fact that online customization provides risen for a long time in the past. The earliest goods were concentrated on food, accessories, and furniture, such as customizing special items on special getaways, printing on glasses, etc. Lately, modification services have commenced shifting to the footwear sector. The customization structure has also altered from simply portraying canvas shoes to tailoring clothes to get consumers, and can easily also focus on customers ' self-employed design. The expansion of the shoes or boots and clothing sector was an individualized modification, but later that was replaced by simply low-expense mass production. Currently, using the complex network technology, using the low-expense positive thing regarding large production and positive aspects added value through modification, large-size customization is going to replace the manufacturing industry, and customization services can eventually become significant- scale and popular.
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