#Mostly I don't know what stories I wanna go for staying close to the source enough not to need OCs since people seem to loath those
rustyanchor36 · 11 months
I say I want to write. I even thought I’d use the ao3 blackout as an excuse to start writing! Then I notice a) I have no idea what as all my half-baked ideas have big problems b) I’d just lose steam quickly if I was screaming into the void like I do here So another night of going “nah” it seems
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
I love the social media idea! I won't say I'm great at aspect of writing but I do really like writing dialog even if I've never done a social media fic. I wouldn't know where to start but I kind of want to try now lol. And what you wrote about Lois! I love that! I really wanna see Lois having an interview with Tim and/or Bruce, want to see how she would understand their relationship upon seeing it in person. And Tim! I've already written a little of it, but I'm working on a little ficlet where Ives runs into Tim a few years later, and has to reconcile the unhappy teen he knew with Tim the wife and mother who is finally happy, in his own way. I just think it would be a fun character piece!
I think Tim would be very confident when he's with Bruce, or knows Bruce is watching, but when he's not, if he was in an interview without Bruce, I think he would suddenly be a lot stiffer, because they are codependent. Maybe Lois was told to write a piece about how they met and and fell in love, and how they've managed to stay love, (its a puff piece). Of course, she's planning on making it as scathing as she can, but I wonder what she would make of Tim. Because I think, Tim could very well be very defensive against Lois, and I think he can be vicious when it comes to his family.
Anyways, thanks for letting me invade your inbox again. Cheers, ~♡♡♡
if you do i would absolutely read it!!!!!! lois strikes me as very pragmatic but she would get invested into this since she's so close to the source of it, she's used to happy feel-good superman stories. those make her proud to publish but this...well she has to sor through her own shit as well coupled with a shorter temper because of how sensitive the topic would be!
and ives!!!! i think he'd be in the best position, because he'd have seen how tim was before, how bad of a place he was in. and yeah he saw the news along with everyone maybe he was even invited to the wedding but he has that picutre in his head and maybe he should be more concerned but tim is...he's practically glowing with how much happier he it. and though ives knows his words probably don't have much sway he still tells tim how happy he is. this entire au has so many fascinating moments as well a the ability to double as an incredible character piece, like you said.
his lois's interactions would be interesting to see because she, like everyone else, is concerned about the situation but mostly about tim. i can't decide how it would play out but i think it could go either way with lois relucatantly having to be 'okay' with it or her sticking to her guns. either way it would be fascinating to see. ❤️
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How about their kid finding out about the basement ?
pairing: steve kemp x dark!reader
warnings: 18+ topics (under 18 year olds do NOT interact/reader)
part of toxic
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Daisy was happily playing in her matt by the kitchen, making out some make believe story with her dolls. Y/N smiled mindlessly at her princess and dragon scenario as she sliced up some tomatoes for the salad. She enjoyed the days where she could stay home with her daughter; she hated the idea of babysitters and leaving Daisy with a stranger, specially since the little girl didn't particularly enjoyed it. She usually stayed with the Barbers if both Steve and Y/N were busy and couldn't bring her with them; she did particularly like to with Steve, mostly because all the nurses would give her attention.
- Daisy, do you wanna put your toys away and help me set the table?
- Okay, mummy.
The three year old wrapped the toys in her matt, dragging across the wooden floors and to her bedroom. Daisy liked organisation, she took that after Steve, keeping everything in brightly coloured baskets and glitter boxes. She threw her dolls on top of her buddy, her small hand raising to grab the door handle as she heard a loud bang. She was curious, like any three year old and decided to go after the source of the noise. She looked around the new home which she had only moved to a year ago and was still filled with rooms mummy and daddy told her not to because it was dangerous but what if they were in the danger and needed help? She looked down the stairs that led to the basement, her tiny hand grabbing the pole as she went down each and every one until she saw a large gate. She was about to ignore it until she heard her dad's voice. Was daddy in danger?
- Daddy? - she hit the door.
Steve stopped what he was doing, turning around once he heard his daughter's voice. The man he was torturing squirmed away like the rat he was; maybe if he hadn't threatened his wife for a month he wouldn't be here. He'd locked the gate so he knew Daisy wouldn't be able to get in, but she had found it nevertheless.
- Make a noise and you'll fucking regret it. - he grabbed the man by the hair, mumbling those words to him before chaining him back to the wall.
He opened the basement gate, closing it behind him before her daughter could peek inside. He lowered down, picking up Daisy and kissing her cheek.
- What are you doing here, flower?
- I heard a noise and I was coming over to save you, daddy.
- Were you? - he smiled, climbing up the stairs. - Well, you saved me, Daise. I am so proud.
- What's in the basement, daddy? - she questioned, her hands on his shoulder as the two made it to the ground floor.
He couldn't tell his three year old daughter what was there, mostly because Y/N would have him there herself but also because she was three and he wanted her to be as well established as she could be. His daughter didn't need to know about that side of him.
- That's daddy's playroom. You know how you have yours? I have mine.
- Can we play there?
- Mummy would be upset. - he joked. - Besides, why would you want not to play in the playroom daddy built for you?
- Maybe because it's all dodgy. - Y/N spoke up from the kitchen, noticing the two walking in. - And Steve, we need to talk about keeping your playroom tidy. Don't want any rats down there when Daisy is in the home or when the new baby comes.
- Yeah, daddy. No rats. - Daisy said in her innocence. - I don't like rats.
- Neither do I, baby. - Y/N kissed her daughter's head. - Come on, let's pick a nice plate for dinner.
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fruti2flutie · 3 years
bad buddy ep5 reaction
before i go into Actual Content, i wanna say what makes me love this whole series is that the story flows effortlessly & it's structured so well!! i've heard it's based off a novel, so i'm wondering how true the live-action is to the source material since it feels so well-executed 🤔 the beginning exposition wasn't drawn out, and keeping the first few episodes mostly to pran's POV in terms of any time Feelings(TM) happened made the primarily pat-focused ep5 even more impactful!!!
ANYWAY EP5 OHHHHH BOYYYYY was i so EXCITED to EXPERIENCE pat inadvertently projecting his feelings for pran onto ink. i wasn't sure what we were getting after ep4 ended Like That (read: causing Immense Pain & Sadness) but when pa joined the party & suggested he ask her on a date to see if she likes him, too.... My Guy 🥲 obviously she doesn't feel for pat that way; she's just a very lovable character who has a lot of kindness in her heart 🥺💗 i adore ink SO MUCH for staying a good friend & literally just vibing (plus flirting with pa, let's be HONEST) on their date. it really goes to show that *insert girl as antagonistic love interest* isn't anyone's favorite trope.
allowing the oh moment to happen to pat amidst his date with ink was so SATISFYING 😫 pa's methods weren't working for ink, but when pat meets pran, lo-and-behold 🚨🚨🚨 pat's heart is racing!! he wants to keep pran's gaze!! he wants to know who pran is talking to!!! and it's also great because the audience never saw pran's oh moment!!! we've only ever seen pran pining quietly, only ever seen him celebrate small victories behind a closed door, but PAT??? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MUSIC SHOP???? REALIZING "OH WHAT IS THIS FEELING" LIKE HIS SINGLE BRAIN CELL IS ALMOST ACTIVATED???
which makes it even more compelling that the scene on the rooftop happens after they fight -- not a pretend argument, not unknowingly flirting, not a one-sided tease. wai punches pat, pat punches back, and pran can't stop them. pat makes an offhanded comment, and pran can't diffuse the situation properly since wai is right there, and that's always the problem, isn't it? pran wants to handle it alone but he can't because architecture & engineering are always at odds, because his friends hate pat's friends, because his parents told him to be better than the boy next door, because he was born to be pat's rival.
pat & pran are angry. at each other. at themselves. at everyone around them.
and it all peaks on the rooftop. the tension, the frustration, the sadness. they can't be friends, and they don't want to be. they want to be something, but how could they? it's so bittersweet & beautiful, i just 😭💔
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amethystroselilith · 3 years
Intertwined Fates (Chilumi/Zhonglumi) - Chapter 5
Yea so... uhm... I may or may have been addicted to anime during vacation and the next thing I knew, uni started again and uhm... we're a month in now... So much for me promising to be active in writing smh...
Also, I learned how to add pictures! Chapter 3 is updated for the ring picture :)
Can be read in ao3 here
Plans don't always go the way it is
Lumine can’t help but smile as Qiqi’s laughter filled their living room. Her heart can’t help but melt at the sight of her future husband, and her father pretends to be monsters and make fool of themselves to entertain the little girl. Lumine can’t help but chuckle to herself, her daughter completely has these powerful men wrapped around her little fingers.
“A beach wedding is such a wonderful idea, Lumine! Your aunties and I have founded these locations so far, if they’re not to your liking, just tell me, okay? Your mother will make sure to make your dream wedding happen!” her mother beamed beside her as she splayed out the pictures of potential beach locations on the coffee table in front of them.
Never did Lumine thought there will come a time when her mother and herself will bond like this. Upon confirming their engagement, her mother had been ecstatic; messaging Lumine all potential wedding ideas she can, even creating a board on Pinterest.
While it may be annoying to Lumine, she can’t deny that she’s excited herself. She gently shrugged her mother off at first, claiming that she’s busy with work, but one boring evening when Ajax was busy fixing something at work in his home office, the blonde woman opened the app to see what her mother is up to. She looked through the grand ideas her mother had pinned, they were mostly wedding dresses and accessories. The more Lumine browses, the more her mind starts imagining a wedding scenario, and the next thing she knows, she’s saving beach wedding-related pins and a phone call from her mother popped out of her screen.
Ajax joined mid-conversation and was surprised, and secretly elated that his bride also shares the same excitement of them officially tying the knot.
Never did Ajax thought he would be so invested in wedding planning, he’s more invested in the honeymoon part, but after listening to his fiancée and soon to be mother-in-law for a while, he can’t help but fall in love with the beach wedding idea and started looking at ideas on his own phone, which granted him a collaboration in the Pinterest board they’re working on.
After a promise of her mother looking for venues, the two-hour conversation ended with an excited soon to be wed couple.
A few days after that night, Lumine can’t help but think of her grand day every time she has the chance to. She had been bright during work, always humming softly as she works. Her glow had affected everyone in the bakery, even Xiao who smiled softly and even suggested something for the wedding cake, which Aether will be in charge of.
It surprised the twins, making them stare at Xiao long enough for the said man to be embarrassed and murmured something to forget about it until Lumine expressed her delight at the idea.
The original idea was a beach-themed cake, with the usual sand-like crumbs and seashells. Xiao instead suggested a baby blue coloured cake with frosting smudged on the cake to look like waves.
The day then ended with Xiao and Aether presenting a drawing of their combined ideas, Aether adding some white roses to complete the look.
(AN: Source: https://emmalovesweddings.com/summer-beach-wedding-cakes/summer-beach-wedding-cake-ideas/)
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Lumine is in love with it.
“Have you two decided on the wedding date yet by the way?” her mother pulled her out of her thoughts.
“Well, we’re thinking a sunny Summer wedding will be nice? It fits the whole beach wedding theme, and coincidentally, that’s the time Ajax and I will don’t have to worry much about work.” Lumine answered, “It’s also going to be Qiqi’s first Summer at the beach.” she smiled at the scene last night, Qiqi’s eyes wide and curious as Ajax talks about the beach.
Qiqi had never been a huge fan of being under the sun, always preferring to stay under the shade, but from the looks of last night, her daughter seemed to be willing to give it a try, the seashell hunting and castle building especially.
Her mother took note of it on her phone, “Got it, now go ahead and look at these locations, I’ll contact them as soon as we get home.” she smiled.
Lumine hummed as she looked at the potential venues, they look great to Lumine so far, she appreciates the notes her mother stick with the pictures showcasing what each location is known and loved for.
She’s really invested in it, and Lumine wonders where all this energy is when it was her and Zhongli-
Before she could dwell on the thought, she shook her head, gaining a curious look from her mother.
“Sorry, something caught in my eye.” she shrugged it off while pretending to rub her eyes.
She went over the venues again, she managed to pick her top 3 favourites before calling for her groom to be, “Ajax, can you help me choose between these?”
The scene before her paused with Qiqi laughing as she pretends to fly as Ajax holds her up while her grandfather pretends to catch her.
“Sure, wanna help Mama and Papa choose the wedding venues, Qiqi?” Ajax cooed before sitting next to Lumine, putting Qiqi on his lap.
“Yes, Qiqi wants lots of seashells.” the little girl replied as she looked at the pictures.
“I’m sure all of them have lots of seashells, dear.” her grandmother chuckled.
Her mother is right, so it doesn’t really narrow down Lumine’s options, “How about you?” she asked Ajax, intertwining her fingers with his.
Ajax hummed, giving Lumine’s hand a kiss as he looked at the options, Qiqi giggled and offered her own hand, to which Ajax chuckled and give it a light kiss as well before ruffling her hair.
“They’re all good to me.” he shrugged.
“Ah, as helpful as your father was when we were planning our wedding.” her mother joked.
“Hey, I just trust your taste more than mine.” her father defended as he sat next to his wife.
Ajax was about to use the same excuse, but Lumine glared at him, “Don’t you dare.”
He raised his hands in defence, “Alright how about this, we close our eyes and let fate pick?”
Lumine raised an eyebrow.
“What? They’re your top 3 favourites, right? And we can’t choose, so why not give it a try?” Ajax shrugged.
Lumine sighed but agree, “Well, why not?”
With their hands together, they closed their eyes.
Their parents can’t help but laugh, Qiqi giggling in anticipation as she waits for the answer.
Their fingers grabbed a picture.
They opened their eyes,
‘Cool Isle’, it read.
“Qiqi wants beach wedding too,” Qiqi says, effectively freezing Ajax from cooking.
Lumine snickered from the table, watching and waiting for the man’s reaction. It was almost dinner time when her parents left, so they decided to hang out in the kitchen while Ajax prepares their meal, Qiqi’s colouring on her notebook while Lumine decided to just randomly film themselves. It’s a thing that she loves to do, documenting some of their lives to look back to in the future, and now looks like an interesting memory to laugh at someday.
Ajax turned to them with a tight smile, “No.”
Qiqi pouted, “Why not?”
“Because you’re my baby Qiqi and you’ll be forever, therefore, you’re not allowed to get married,” Ajax explained, pouting when he saw Lumine snickering with no intention of stopping their daughter from her terrifying plan.
“But why?”
“You’ll get three storytimes later if you promise not to get married.”
“Deal. You got that on camera right, love?” Ajax turned to Lumine.
“Oh my god.” Lumine laughed but nodded, “Yeah, I did.”
“You heard that yourself future Qiqi,” Ajax said at the camera.
“Four stories, yay!” the little girl hummed, bouncing lightly as she coloured.
The rest of the evening went quietly, they do their routines, Qiqi falling asleep midway through her first story, and now Ajax and Lumine are cuddling on their bed, the blonde having her back against her lover’s chest while his hands trace random shapes on her hip.
“What are you thinking about?” Lumine asked as she turned to face Ajax.
“Just you walking down the aisle dressed like the goddess you are.” he grinned.
“Really now?” Lumine raised an eyebrow, but Ajax can still see the smile she’s hiding.
“Well, trying to imagine what’s underneath the dress but it doesn’t sound as romantic now, does it?” Ajax teased, earning a playful smack from Lumine.
“It sounds more honest at least,” she retorted back with a playful smile.
“Now I can’t stop thinking of it…”
Lumine can feel something poking her leg, “Stop, it’s a surprise!” she huffed.
“That doesn’t help, love, now I’m more curious.” he groaned as he buried his face against her neck.
“There’s a reason why it’s called a surprise, you know.” Lumine rolled her eyes but still tilted her head to give him space.
“A small preview would be nice though…” he said suggestively before giving her neck a soft nibble.
“Hm, I guess a small sneak peek is fi-”
Lumine didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence for her fiancé just dived in for his meal.
“Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day, little Qiqi wants to play…” Qiqi sang softly as she traces the raindrops on the car window.
“It looks like it’ll be raining for the whole day.” Lumine observed the sky, “Qiqi, if it’s still raining when school’s done, just stay over Granny Shan’s toy store and I’ll pick you up, okay?”
“Can Qiqi have a new toy?” Qiqi gasped in excitement.
“If you’re a good girl for Granny Shan, then Papa will buy you one.” Ajax chuckled at the sparkle in Qiqi’s eyes.
Qiqi nodded before humming again, this time, livelier as she starts to think of what toy she would want.
“It’s nice we have someone to watch over Qiqi, we might be a little busy today since we’re in charge of the sweets for an event. I’ll make sure to bring Granny Shan something when I pick Qiqi up.” Lumine says as she looked at the notes on her phone to prepare for today.
“I’m sure she’ll appreciate that, babe.” Ajax hummed as he slowed the car in front of Qiqi’s school rather than the bakery, “Fix your raincoat, sweetie, Papa will walk you to school.” he said then waited for the little girl to follow his order.
“Give Mama a kiss and have fun at school, okay?” Lumine smiled.
“Okay! Qiqi’s gonna do her bestest!” the little girl responded before giving Lumine a kiss.
Ajax prepared the umbrella before stepping out of the car to get his daughter.
Lumine hummed and waited in the car. She looked at the toy store across the street, “It looks like they’re opening.” she said as she watches someone in a raincoat and an umbrella try to push up the display barrier to reveal the contents of the shop.
Granny Shan did say someone was helping her run the shop, “Someone looking for his family, huh.” she remembered the old woman saying, though she didn’t get any more information than that, though she did remember the man being nice to Qiqi and buying her a present.
Lumine should also bring him something as a thank you later.
The car door opening pulled Lumine’s attention from the employee.
“Qiqi has her umbrella, right?” Lumine asked.
“Yup, I made sure she didn’t forget it this time,” Ajax answered as he settled inside the car, “Alright, let’s go,” he said as he drove off.
Zhongli sighed as he shrugs his raincoat off and placing it on the coat rack together with the umbrella. He’s glad he stopped Granny Shan from going outside to open the shop herself. It was a bit tough even for him to push the barriers up with the wind trying to blow his umbrella away, he doesn’t want to imagine how dangerous it would’ve been for her.
“I hope it won’t be raining as much later.” the old woman hummed as she observed the weather.
“The weather news said it’ll be raining but it would be lighter than this,” Zhongli said as he went on about his duties.
“Well, either way, Qiqi would be waiting here, her mother will pick her up later.” Granny Shan said, “Which is nice cause I would love to give her something for their wedding.”
“Wedding?” Zhongli raised his eyebrow.
“Ah yes, turns out the couple isn’t married yet. Qiqi isn’t biologically the groom’s but she was raised by him when her father died from an accident.” the woman explained.
“That’s an unfortunate accident.” Zhongli frowned.
“Ah it was, but her groom is a great man, he said her deceased husband was his best friend, while it may sound controversial, I think it’s great that he takes good care of them, you can see how dedicated and loving he is when it comes to his family.” Granny Shan chuckled, “Maybe you should visit the bakery sometimes, it would be more fun to socialise with people your age than just an old lady like me.” she teased.
“Don’t be like that, I quite enjoy our conversation.” the brunette replied, “But I think it would be nice to meet them, maybe they can help me in searching for my own family.”
“Ah, that would be great as well.” Granny Shan replied, “Well, I’ll go ahead and make us some tea to warm us up.” she said before leaving to the kitchen.
Zhongli hum before continuing his tasks.
It was five hours after Qiqi’s done with school.
Five hours of Qiqi waiting for her Mama.
And Qiqi is starting to get a little fussy.
By this time, Qiqi would have taken a nap in the private room of the bakery, she would’ve woken up refreshed and would be playing with her Uncles now.
She doesn’t even remember the promise of a new toy, she just wants to go home and sleep.
Granny Shan had offered the sofa in their living room, but Qiqi isn’t comfortable with napping somewhere else than the comfort of familiarity their bakery gives. Even if she knows Granny Shan and Mr Zhongli are good people, she just wants her Mama and Uncles nearby.
Zhongli frowns as Qiqi rejects another snack from him, while Qiqi did have a packed lunch with her, he thought that some sweets will brighten her mood, but all he was getting was a no and a frustrated tired face from the girl.
“Hm, it’s barely raining outside now, why don’t you just walk Qiqi there?” Granny Shan said.
Qiqi perked up at the suggestion, looking at Zhongli with tired and pleading eyes.
“Yeah, I think it would be a great idea, the little one is tired and I think she’d be more comfortable resting with her family.” Zhongli nodded.
Qiqi’s eye lightened, she nodded in agreement before standing up to follow Zhongli.
“Alright, be careful, bye Qiqi.” Granny Shan waved.
Having been in a good mood again, Qiqi smiled and waved, “Bye-bye, GrannyShan!” before grabbing Zhongli’s hand.
It took Zhongli by surprise, he wasn’t offering his hand but it seemed to be a habit of the little girl, which isn’t that bad, it’s safer that way and he’s glad her parents thought her that.
Also for some reason, it gives him a huge sense of comfort.
Gently grabbing Qiqi’s hand and an umbrella, they made their way.
“Oh my god, I hope Qiqi is fine.” Lumine said as she frantically shoved her things in her purse, “We were so busy no one can come to get her, I couldn’t even prepare something for Granny Shan.”
“Baby, calm down.” Ajax sighed as he wrapped his arms around his stressed lover, hugging her from the back “Qiqi’s in good hands and you guys did amazing for the event, you should rest for a bit,” he said softly before kissing the side of her head.
While Lumine is shy with public display of affection, there is no customer to tend since the bakery was closed early, most of the employees left, Xiao was at the kitchen making sure to clean the last bit before locking up the back then heading home, and Aether had left to pick Keqing up from work. It’s just the two of them in front of the shop, Lumine having cleaned up the counter and tables when Ajax arrived.
“You know how Qiqi is when she doesn’t get her nap, she’s going to be a nightmare to take care of later.” the blonde dreaded.
Ajax chuckled, turned her around and lifted her up to sit her on the table, “I’ll be with you, don’t worry, we’ll handle our little tantrum monster, okay?” he smiled with an Eskimo kiss.
The exact thing Lumine needs to calm down, she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, “How are you always so bright even after work.” she pouted at him.
“Let’s say messing with a certain midget is a great stress reliever.” Ajax grinned mischievously.
“You know one day, you’re gonna get in trouble for pissing him so much at work.” Lumine deadpanned.
“Eh, I only mess with him when it’s a slow day so I’m not disrupting anything at work. Though it had become a game for everyone to bet on who’s gonna fall for whose prank, I have a winning streak of 4 if you’re curious.”
“If our kids become little shits, you’re sleeping on the fucking sofa.” Lumine threatened, though there’s a playful hint in her eyes.
“Such a harsh punishment, love, how will I pass on my legacy?” Ajax faked frowned.
“What legacy? Being a little shit to Scaramouche?” Lumine teased as she poked his cheeks.
“Well, I was thinking our kids vs his, you know? A worthy opponent, their battle will be legendary!”
Lumine laughed, “Ajax, no!”
Ajax grinned, glad that his lover is in a much brighter mood. The talk about their future kids had also brightened him up with excitement, he can imagine Qiqi being the best big sister she can be with the future little ones that’ll be running around their house.
Speaking of which, he should start looking for some renovation plans to handle a bigger family in their home.
A text notified Lumine. She checked her phone and sighed in relief, “Well, looks like Granny Shan sent her employee to walk Qiqi here.”
Ajax hummed before burying his face against her neck, “That’s great, ‘cause I’m feeling comfortable like this.”
“You’re gonna make the man uncomfortable, Ajax.” Lumine pointed out how intimate they look but nonetheless brushed her fingers through his hair.
“Eh, should be expected with a soon to be wed couple.” Ajax shrugged not moving except lifting his face to rest his forehead against hers.
Lumine just chuckled and welcomed the comfort.
“Mama, Papa, Qiqi’s here! Look, Mister, that’s Qiqi’s Mama and Papa!”
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Fight for Love
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Sett x Fem! reader
part 2
*warning small fight with small violence*
After closing the deal between you and the yordle, he led you to where the fight is.
While walking your friend turned to you and said.
"You know you don't exactly have to fight, we can find another ways that don't involve you fighting to buy supplies ya know." They said a worried tone laced in their voice.
"Don't worry buddy I got this and I want to fight anyway it's been a long time since I get to punch someone in the face, Ezreal's face was too soft anyway." You said re-assuring them.
"Ok but you have to promise me that you won't get hurt to much." They said knowing it's gonna be hard convincing you to change your mind.
"Don't worry I won't." You lied knowing Pit fights doesn't always end well.
Walking around the busy streets of Noxus hearing the loud voices of vendors yelling their merchandise, a couple of beggars here and there but a few alleys past by you started seeing more people looking shady, wearing cloaks or heavy metal/leather clothes with weapons in their person if you look close enough.
Suddenly you came across a large clearing with a large wall in the center with a gigantic metal gate as the entrance that was heavily guarded by two armored man holding Large axes instead of spears back in Demacia.
Kled turned to the both of you and said to wait while he talks to the guards.
You both comply and watch him as he started screaming his ass off to their faces your friend continued to look at him while you look around, you can see people looking at Kled and whispered to each other.
'he must be famous or something.' you thought.
Looking at the wall you can faintly hear over the wall screams and cheers, it made you so curious to know what's happening inside that you closed your eyes and opened your secret sense.
your ears followed the sound, disregarding Kled scratchy voice, the guards grumbling and the people around you and continued through a small crack on the metal gate.
From what you can hear your mind traced images of people shouting inside and heard clashing of metals that caught your interest as figures who looked like they were fighting was draw in your mind.
You had this ability ever since you were a toddler you called it Visions you mostly used this when you find yourself in a pickle or when you get chased by Demacian Soldiers, (friend's name) said that it wasn't magic they said you were using echo-location or something like following sounds and all that.
Opening you eyes you smiled feeling excited to what's to come, (friend's name) turned to you.
"So what did you saw?." They ask.
"Alot of fighting, maybe blood and also more fighting." you smirk at them.
"Yeah you're in your element alright." they deadpanned at you before shaking their head.
"Hey girly the fights inside! Let's go." you hear Kled scream at you and you see the Metal gate raising up behind it was a long pathway leading inside.
"We're coming!." (Friend's name) screamed back getting a bit irritated.
the two of you walk towards him and proceed to enter not minding the stares of the two guards give to you.
After entering the Metal gate slam down making the torches on the wall the only light source, walking for a few seconds you see a small entrance with a light shining through it and you can also hear the shouts of the people getting louder and louder as you near the entrance.
Passing through it the light blinded you for a moment before you eyes gotten used to it was the moment your eyes widen and your mind gathering everything.
It was a large arena with alot of people sitting or standing on the stands screaming and cheering with their might towards the platform in the center.
You see two large build man fighting against each other with their sword and axe clash together, you can also hear the grunts thanks to your hearing.
"Well that's a bit violent." your friend mumbled.
"That's the point dum-dum." you answered.
After a bit Kled ordered you to stay at the stands before leaving the two of you disappearing somewhere with Skaarl.
watching as the two men fight before suddenly the baldman with an axe bash his head on his opponent making them lose their composition using that chance he kick them in the stomach making his enemy lay on his back as he didn't hesitate to put his axe in their shoulder.
You can hear the man's screams of pain but it was easily cover up by the people's screams of glee around you as if violence was a common entertainment for them.
"Well that's something, they allowed weapons now, nice." you commented.
"Seriously?." (Friend's names) remarked at you but seeing your face emotionless they didn't add more and leave you be.
"LADIES AND GENTELMAN YOUR WINNER!! AGUL THE SLAYER!!!." a man on a more smaller platform on the side of the stands shouted on the top of his lungs announcing the Victor of the fight.
"DO YOU WANT MORE!!!!." he screams with his arms opened as people chanted 'MORE' or 'YES'. While Agul the 'slayer' motioned the people to yell more too while the poor man who lose got drag to another entrance from to opposite side from where we came in.
"NOW WHO WANTS TO CHALLENGE THE GREAT A- huh?." The man who you believe is the host was pulled down by someone as the waist height wall covered the person, the two spoke in hushed tone well to you it was but for the others they didn't hear anything.
"Huh!? You sure-?." But he was cut off by a scratchy voice.
"YES NOW SHUT IT BOY!." the voice you guess was Kled and you also recognize the hat popping out on top of the wall.
"ok you got it a deal." he stood up straighten his clothes and you see Kled rose up with the help of Skaarl and see him wave to you.
"What was that?." (Friend's name) ask confused by the sudden commotion.
"Kled happened." you blunty said still looking at the one eyed yordle with your left eye brow raised.
"(Y/N)!!!!." He finishes dramatically.
people murmured around you looking for the person named (Y/N).
sighing in irritation before standing up and going down a few stairs before jumping to stand on top the wall that seperates the battle ground and the stands where people can watch in a safe distance.
You raise your hand looking bored as you show yourself to the people, you can hear them talking about how your gonna lose or wondered if you can actually fight but you didn't care you were used to people trash talking to you anyway.
you scoff and said to yourself.
"Oh I'll give you the show you'll never forget." you smiled before jumping down and landing on the ground with no problem before walking calmly to the cement covered sand where Agul stands menacingly.
"Hehe your think you can beat me little girl? why don't you just run away and play somewhere else you don't have a chance in this fight". He taunt you as people chant his name and not yours but you know your friend is rooting for you.
"Oh I don't 'think' I can beat you." you smiled at him while he laughs at you as his pride grew more.
"Cuz I 'know' I can beat you ,now let's cut this sweet talk and fight I'm getting a bit bored." you finished with a fake yawn.
He glares at you and grips his axe before throwing it aside.
"I'll make it fair for you then." he smirks.
"Oh! What a gentleman!." You giggle before frowning.
"but you might wanna need it." you said.
He growl before running towards you his large feet stomping the ground feeling it shake under your bare feet.
"This is gonna be fun" you smirk.
Just like the first part pls visit Lol's website to support them and Lol isn't mine the champions the plots etc but the story is mine.
I hope you enjoy this😘
EDITED: 01/18/20 I found some typo and fix them a bit srry.
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