#Mountain view North Coast
conceptproperties · 1 year
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updatenewstart · 1 year
mountain view north coast is a luxury beachfront community located on 121 acres of land. It offers a beautiful and peaceful environment, prioritizing the enjoyment of the whole family. In this community, you can experience the same high standard of living as in the city, but with the added bonus of unlimited leisure activities and stunning beaches. The narrow cobblestoned streets give the community an exclusive and Greek-island-like atmosphere. The location of Mountain View North Coast is convenient, with easy access to major roads that lead to Cairo, Alexandria, and other nearby areas. It is also close to the airport. The properties in Mountain View Ras El Hekma are luxurious and elegant beach houses, catering to different family sizes. They offer unique features such as maid's quarters, gardens, rooftops, and private parking.
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jojo-oliver · 1 year
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oceans and forests 🌲paintings i did
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whileimout · 2 years
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Canon EOS 60D + @vsco
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colorpalettebyrm · 9 months
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#85415b #895c80 #99291d #691b23 #aa3f43 #d6726d #1e060b #563559 #712a40 #431829
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marcalanpen-blog · 10 months
Red Deer at Knockan Crag.
Here are some more photos of the RedDeer family I saw at Knockan Crag. And a couple of photos of the views from there.
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marketinghup · 11 months
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yallfit · 1 year
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t34-mt · 1 year
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orginally in ms paint, then quickly experimented with the brushes of krita on it today, worldbuilding text about the piece under ->
southern kyhuine taking a break in the afternoon after a training session with this large calf. Surely around his village as just lying down on their stomach (a sign of relaxation) would never occur in wild areas, because kyhuines need to stay alert of their surrounding.
the headpiece is made of bones, that are sanded down, and then painted on. it is originally a thing from the kyhuines of the salt desert (a dried-out sea that contains well, salt, and many fossils), which are located up to the south so technically "northern". tho they are not called northern in world, and are referred to as salt kyhuines.
the concept of south, west, east, and north is kind of not right, as kyhuines are from the middle of the mega continent of altuyur. they used to have a restricted view of the world with a map that was quite small and not even aware that oceans existed at these times, they did not venture out to certain chains of mountains which is why it took so long for the "first contacts" to happen with maanuls. Old maanuls maps, only map out some coasts the rest being vague and the middle being completely empty of information. Both species would have that similar phrase to call non-mapped parts, "beyond the beyond"
I put first contact in "" because it is implied that it did happen maybe thousands of centuries ago, during what their equivalent of prehistory is (history for them does not start with the appearance of writing). Because there is cave art in coastal regions that show maanuls interacting with badly drawn little things that sort for assemble kyhuines, the same goes for kyhuines in their desert biomes, having cave art of them interacting with weird giants. But these happened so long ago that they're not documented in history apart from these odd pieces of art, so with time passing each species thought these were just drawings of spirits, or with time turning these into cryptids.
So funnily enough some cultures had cryptids of something that for them was a legend to then at late AOS or GA realize that these cryptids kind of reassemble the opposite species that they're in contact with now
a bit of ramble but yeah, thank you for reading! not sure how clear this can all sound without having a map to show it, i still have no idea how to draw one id love a beautiful one but hmhm i don't know how
edit: also the square shapes on the clothe means health, so with a dot in it its sort of like "good health", clothings can have symbols to give good luck. The square for kyhuines during GA became a wide symbol across cultures to signify health because in others it could mean something else, so medics of GA with uniforms would have that square symbol on their arm or somewhere else where it would easily be seen
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staticspaces · 10 days
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Walden North
Find the video tour here!!
Today we on to Vernon's office, we check out some of the bedrooms as well as some more exterior views!!
Hidden away on the east side of the Coast Mountains within British Columbia, Canada, lies this fortress of an abandoned house. Sitting atop a cliff overlooking a creek the mansion which was built in the 1970s by Vernon Pick, is slowly rotting away.
Vernon was born in Wisconsin in 1903 and left home at the age of 16 and joined the US Marines a year later. He was a gold miner in Manitoba before running an electrical company for 17 years in Minneapolis, then moving back to Wisconsin, there he built a hydroelectric generator to power a derelict flour mill which he then converted into an electrical workshop. In 1951 a fire destroyed his workshop, so he and his wife Ruth bought an Airstream and headed west.
Then at the age of 48 he spent nine months prospecting for Uranium in Utah Canyonlands. When down to his last $300, he then lucked out and struck it rich, this catapulted him into wealth and nationwide fame and he was given the name “Uranium King of America”.
He sold his mine for $10 million and with this new found wealth, he bought an estate in California and renamed it Walden West, he converted it into a research facility and staffed it with scientists to try and develop a cheap source of nuclear power.
In 1965, with the Cold War era in full swing, Pick chose to abandon Walden West and decided to build a compound in the rain shadow of the Coast Mountains of BC, since the area would be heavily protected from nuclear fallout. He named it Walden North, there were two homes, a workshop/laboratory, a hydro electric dam as well as his mansion on the cliff that was accessible by a tram.
Vernon died in 1986 from cancer. Pick's belongings and equipment were auctioned off and the mansion has seen little use since.
The property is active with the hydroelectric dam still producing 16 MW of power which is enough for about 8000 homes.
As for Vernon's home, the current owners have built stairs to the roof, presumably to do repairs, hopefully this house will get to live another day.
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yuk-tepat · 1 month
Tepat Master Post
[Slow - Construction ahead]
Yuk Tepat is the language of the Conciliarity of Tepat, and the language of civilization and learning on the continent Tiptum. It is a member of the Macro-Tepatic language family, of course.
Website: Andolenda (accumulated information about Tepat ends up here as it becomes more refined and coherent) / DeviantArt: conciliarityoftepat / http://conlang.wikia.com/wiki/Yuktepat
About Yuktepat
What kind of language is Yuk Tepat?
Posts about Yuk Tepat
Lexember and other words/glyphs featured on this blog
History of the Writing System: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Glyph Radicals
Grammar: Phonology - ...
Texts and Translations
The Declaration of Independence (2, 3) - The Great Gatsby
All posts tagged “Culture”
Culture Topics: Differently-Flawed Prophecies - Volcano Cult - Concept of the Soul - Furries - Death the Winnower - Concept of Rights - The Thread of Sleep - Winterval - For the Arrow to Fly Forth - Souls of Objects - Human Sacrifice  - Reactionary Geography - The Covenant of the People
Geography / Maps
Posts about geography / maps
Climate - Vegetation - Population - Tiptum (general) - Tiptum (language families) -
Surrounding nations
The East Coast (Amtom) (tagged) – collection of small states, frenemies with divergent socioeconomic views, who sometimes cooperate as guardians of cilivization
Swira (tagged) (and other northern barbarians) – nomadic herders, and very good horsemen, inhabiting the plains north of Tepat, occasionally gathering into confederations that threaten Tepatic security. Tepat has been pushing its frontier northward and settling tribes within its borders in “independent barbarian homelands.”
Muqali (tagged) - that backward country up in the mountains that everyone makes jokes about.
Milim (tagged) - extinct kingdom Tepat overthrew, famed for massive human sacrifices
Vegetation regions - Pseudotaxites, the Confungus (2) - Bearded Tree + Assassin Tree - Nemul - Oregano - desert vegetation
Stories and Narratives
Yom and the Demon: A Supernatural Tale of Tepat
Vignettes: No Sheep in the Sky - New Year - Approaching Luqtal
Folktales: Cougar woman - Ice Woman - The Lonely Tombstone -
Other stuff
General worldbuilding, linguistics, and other stuff
Other conlangs
Çomyopregi - an Indo-European language
Languages from the Chained Adept books by Karen Myers: Kitali - Zannib
About the process
How I organize it
- O -
Glad to answer questions about the world. Also do freelance worldbuilding for other creators.
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conceptproperties · 1 year
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megashadowdragon · 7 days
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The dialogue in question that brings this particular claim into the Disk Horse arena is here. In it, Claude and Shamir hypothesize that Edelgard is not evacuating the civilians in order to use them as some form of protection.
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Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 Enbarr is hemmed in by coasts, and a river. Crossing the river and progressing north-east is challenging, due to a mountain range. The forces of the Church and Alliance are invading from the north-east of Enbarr also make this a difficult prospect. Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 Enbarr is also the canonically largest city in Fódlan. The logistics of evacuating the populace in the safest way are to try and march them far past the mountains, then northeast to avoid conflict. Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 The manpower and food needed with an oncoming siege to do this would be astronomical. You can't just turn the largest populated body loose into the world and go "Good luck, losers!" Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 There's also no guarantee that those forces would be unmolested. To this point, from the Adrestian perspective, their foes have used duplicity and engaged in no-quarters combat at every turn. Why would sending a massive caravan of civilians be anything but a tempting target? Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 That's not to say Claude would be trying to kill civilians, but a big juicy train of supplies leaving Enbarr undefended? It'd be the blunder of the century to do nothing. Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 Inside the city walls, the citizens of Enbarr (who, as Seteth notes, ALL BELIEVE IN EDELGARD), would be defended. On the roads, they fall on the mercy of their invaders. Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 Claude and Shamir are, strategically speaking, cynical. One of Claude's character traits is outgrowing his distrust. Yet even in Heroes, we have characters like fucking GANGREL going 'this guy is dangerous when it comes to underhanded tactics'. Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 The fact that he's declaring that this 'must be' what Edelgard is doing is a reflection on his own tactical mindset. The fact the way he views war is like a game is a well-documented fact that he comes to understand and outgrow, but him suspecting others of the worst makes sense. Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 This is a bad faith critique of Edelgard, because what you're functionally asking her to do is thrust her citizenry out into the wilderness with little protection in the face of an army that hasn't exactly shown mercy. Ms. Hegemon Edelgard's Weird Feet adrestianloyal · Mar 31 Likewise, if the only thing stopping Claude firebombing the oldest city in Fódlan was the presence of
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ghanatrails · 4 months
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Discover the Essence of Ghana Vibrant Cities, Serene Beaches, and Rich Traditions.
Ghana, a country in West Africa, is a treasure trove of cultural diversity, natural beauty, and vibrant cities. From the bustling streets of Accra to the serene beaches of Cape Coast, Ghana has something for everyone. In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through the best of Ghana, exploring its rich traditions, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities.
Vibrant Cities
Ghana's cities are a fusion of traditional and modern culture. Accra, the capital city, is a must-visit, with its vibrant markets, historical landmarks, and nightlife. Kumasi, the cultural hub, is home to the Ashanti Kingdom and its rich heritage. Tamale, in the north, is a melting pot of cultures, with a unique blend of traditional and modern architecture.
Serene Beaches
Ghana's coastline offers a relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Cape Coast, with its stunning beaches and historic castles, is a popular destination. Elmina, with its picturesque fishing village and beautiful beaches, is another must-visit. Busua, a serene beach town, is perfect for relaxation and water sports.
Rich Traditions
Ghana is renowned for its rich cultural heritage. The Ashanti Kingdom, with its vibrant Kente cloth and traditional drumming, is a highlight. The Akwasidae festival, celebrated by the Ashanti people, is a colorful display of traditional dance, music, and costume. The Ewe people, in the east, have a unique tradition of storytelling and music.
Natural Beauty
Ghana's natural beauty is breathtaking. The Volta Lake, the largest man-made lake in the world, is a stunning sight. The Afadjato Mountain, the highest peak in Ghana, offers breathtaking views. The Wli Waterfalls, in the east, are a scenic delight. The Mole National Park, in the north, is home to a diverse range of wildlife.
Ghana is a country that has something for everyone. From vibrant cities to serene beaches, rich traditions to natural beauty, Ghana is a destination that will leave you in awe. With Best Ghana Tours, you can experience the best of Ghana, with our expert guides and carefully curated tour packages. So why wait? Book your Ghana tour today with Best Ghana Tours to discover the essence of Ghana!
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whileimout · 2 years
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Canon 60D + @vsco
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karanseraph · 3 months
Where are Cybertron's 'hot spots'?
The hot spot/sparkfield phenomenon is pretty much just IDW1 continuity. But I like it, because it's kinda cabbage patch and those toys were there with Transformers making parents crazy to find holiday gifts.
But where are they?
The 12 named spots are NOT including those on the Moons or within any Titans, but are across Cybertron's surface. they are, apparently:
Rivet's Field
Vespertine Blue
Port Residua
Pious Pools
Sansaw Sanserre
Warrior's Gate
Nova Point
If Nova Point = Nova Peak then that means RIvet's Field, Vespertine Blue, Port Residua AND Nova Point are all in some proximity to Iacon.
In a fic, I added a thirteenth spot/field called Quadrivia Quaaltagh which was associated with the Quintesson occupation AND Quantum Drive development and near Unitrex. That's headcanon, of course.
But did we get any notes about where they might be?
I'm at the point where I need to headcanon it, similar to how I headcanoned the map of Cybertron, so that my fic can be internally consistent when bots give each other directions or say where they are from.
Rivet's Field - sounds like Ebbets Field, so it must be the Brooklyn of Cybertron, which is also, apparently, near Iacon. They play some sport in that area.
Vespertine Blue - Dusky, evening Blue. I'm guessing north-east-ish or maybe east of Iacon where the first stars could be seen in a darkling sky. On my map it would also be near Uraya.
Port Residua - Remaining Port? Left Residue? Does Port imply a sea or the left? Our left looking at the map or like stage left? On my Cybertron, this would put it south-east-is of Iacon, north of Nyon (space Paris), on coast of the gaseous Argon Sea. Probably the coastal area has some kind of deposits or residue or withstands something over time.
Pious Pools - near some pools, presumably, as well as canals, apparently, but I don't know where.
Vauvaire - I feel like this is space Riviera, like Vauvert maybe and thus must be near Vos, which is also, basically, space French Riviera and that it is located in a place of wells, like the brecciated terrain of Cybertron's southern hemisphere.
Sansaw Sanserre - I suspect this is near Stanix. Though Stanix is probably the Stanwix of Cybertron (from the ancient terms for strong walls, with Fort Scyk nearby) it also came to be a region for energon wine according to (Ask) Vector Prime, and since Sancerre is a French wine region, Sansaw Sanserre must by near a Cybertronian wine region like Stanix. (My notes also say Shrewsbury for some reason?)
Automica - I'm not sure about this one.
Warrior's Gate - I put this near Tarn because I imagine it references Tarn-Hauser Gate, which itself references Tannhäuser Gate.
Eugenesis - Not sure about this one. Probably very fertile, though.
Alyon - mountains are seen in the distance when it is illustrated, so it could be in Cybertron's Eastern hemisphere situated between manganese mountains and Sonic Canyons, OR it might be in the Western Hemisphere the other side of those mountains, which on my map would put it either near Crystal City or an uninhabited part of the vast Acid Wastes. I'm guessing latter?
Mesmerica - I see that 'Merica, but I also have to think this related to mesmerizing, and that Mesmerica is near a location known for dark science and wizardry where Mindwipe or someone might be and so I suspect this could be near Kalis, but also potentially near Crystal City if Science went wrong. On my Cybertron, Kalis is within the Mithril Sea, though, so maybe Mesmerica is mes- in the intermediate location between Crystal City and Kalis on the Mithril Sea coast.
Nova Point - If Nova Point and Nova Peak are related locations, then this hot spot is ALSO near Iacon, probably west of Iacon, near Nova Cronum as well, like maybe there's a bridge or highway in the area that has views of this sparkfield as one drives into Iacon.
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