#Mr Hankey x Towelie
blume-shark · 2 years
My WiFi died, but I'm back🏋️‍♂️
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Spaceman Craig💙
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Idk me but hell park
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Mao, my new kid Chinese<3
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Yeah, Something from Towkey
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And something from Pocket of my Au
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And… this shipp, Damien x Pip x Gary x Kenny, I really don't know what to name it, I thought something like “Angels of the Antichrist” but…. Idk
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homefryboy · 1 year
(for the SP asks)
1, 5, and 15
1. Do you hate eric cartman?
ye--no I can't even joke abt it anymore. I luv him and don't care who knows at this point. I've watched/read too many analyses, and I want more
5. Who overreactes the most?
the fandom psyche. it's easy to say tweek but TBH most of the things he freaks out over are legit, he just seems overreactive bc most ppl around him are desensitized to the horrors of the south park universe. kyle can be hella impulsive like his mama but ig he usually reins it in--same w/ wendy. (edit: there's also pc principal but h-he's mellowed out since he got laid) so it's p much a tie between cartman and randy; they always go ALL IN yknow. cartman has gone farther in his overreactions but randy has overreacted to way more things
15. Name 6 ships that dont already exist (and should stay that way)
gee it's hard to think of ships that don't exist bc I'm sure these exist to someone. but here goes nothing: mr. hankey X kyle, scott tenorman X cartman, al gore X manbearpig, pipi X chef, towelie X mr. adler, and any of the woodland critters X each other
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blume-shark · 2 years
Xq shippeaba una kk y una toalla🤨
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Si “el cacas x cricotoalla” besto nombre ok
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