#philip dolls au
yin-ign · 2 years
My WiFi died, but I'm back🏋️‍♂️
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Spaceman Craig💙
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Idk me but hell park
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Mao, my new kid Chinese<3
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Yeah, Something from Towkey
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And something from Pocket of my Au
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And… this shipp, Damien x Pip x Gary x Kenny, I really don't know what to name it, I thought something like “Angels of the Antichrist” but…. Idk
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This AU is actually really cool. Are you planning on writing a fic on it? Or are you just writing ideas and drawing concepts for now? (I also understand if you're busy or if this blog isn't that active.) I just think this AU is neat. Thank you.
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Thank you for the ask!
This au is actually from an active RP on discord with my sister, I draw scenes that stick out to me and most of the time I'll copy snippets from the rp below the read mores, but I have very limited plans to write actual fanfic. For example, since most of the RP centers on Philip and Astrophel, I have started one shot fanfics that are Elsewhere and Elsewhen, and Hollow Mind rewrites based on the changes in this au. I don't have any idea when they will be out though
However if you ever want to more more, my ask box is always open so if you have questions about events I'll be happy to answer, or share a scene or two from the RP if we've actually covered it. We have several threads going that are all over the timeline and we have plotted some major events in advance so if you want to ask about anything it's not chrono-locked.
I have mentioned before, as well, that you can actually send in-character questions or limited interactions to my askbox. Like say you want to ask Astrophel about the Archivists, I can contact Bragi for an answer and I'd tag it as a Lore Post, but if you just want to dump a bucket of cold water on the Wendigo I'd answer that and tag it as Some Sillies.
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http-paprika · 11 months
Under the Orange Sky / Phillip Graves
cowboy!au / pairing philip graves x wife!reader / wc 1027 / warnings suggestive content, nondescript mentions of nudity, allusions to sex
summery her husband has always been a stranger to her, but one day when he returns from the fields, Phillip's behavior towards her has changed.
notes here's the second poll fanfic, not as long as i thought it would be, but satisfying still. no use of y/n. the story takes place during the turn of the 20th century in western texas.
Her husband was a stranger, despite the five years she’d spent tied down to him, living in the wild of Texas, far from town, far from her parents; he stayed estranged. Leaving early in the morning before the sun rose over the jagged mountains, returning late in the evenings when she was already in bed, trying to sleep, she seldomly saw Phillip ‘cept for Sundays, on the Lord’s day of rest. Yet still on those days, he was distant from her, withdrawn, solemn, never touching, and only a few stray glances. It was hard for her to remember that charming, proud man who’d swept her off her feet, who flattered her mother and talked business with her father. 
Closing her eyes, laying her head against the back of the tub, she could hear the faint rumbling of hooves, the barking of cattle dogs, and the distinct sound of her husband’s voice. It was early, too early compared to the usual time of his arrival. The sun still hung in the sky, just below the mountains and spilling light into the washroom, remnants of dinner lay on the table waiting for him, lukewarm, and she felt her throat constrict as the sound of his footsteps heavy against the wooden floors of the home. 
The door opens, creaking on its rusty hinges, his blue-eyed gaze falls on her bare figure as Phillip approaches her. Dirty, tall, stern. Removing the black, worn glove off of his hand, it moves down and cups her chin, making her look up at him. Swallowing harshly, she fights the temptation to yank away and look elsewhere, not wanting to invoke the anger she’d seen him possess before. The feeling of his rough and calloused skin against her chin, and the deep gaze of his eyes causes a shiver to run down her spine and a low chuckle to escape his mouth. 
“Do you plan on getting ill, bathing in water this cold?” Phillip asks, removing his other glove before beginning to undo the buttons of his shirt, his overcoat hung up by the door along with his boots. His wife hadn’t even noticed that the water had turned cold around her, or the ache in her chest as she watched her husband slowly undress, folding his clothes and laying them neatly in a pile on the stool next to hers. 
Before she can finally connect the words to ask, he settles into the tub behind her. The warmth of his skin from being out under the Texan sun seeps into her as his hands move to his wife’s shoulder blades. They begin drawing tight circles with his thumbs which causes her to sit up straighter in the bath, stiff with nerves. This wasn’t unfamiliar to her, she knew Phillip’s touch, and with heat pooling to her cheeks, could remember different nights when he’d woken her up and left her sore in the morning. But it was still as strange to her as Phillip was. 
“Relax, doll.” His voice comes out cool, albeit gravely, as Phillip speaks to her. Keeping his hands fixed on her shoulder blades, he brings her back until she’s resting against his broad chest. The rosy blush stays on her cheeks and his nose presses against the crown of her head, breathing in the scent of soap she’d used to cleanse her skin and hair. Staying beneath his grasp, the rising and falling of her chest begins to slow as she realizes his actions are gentle, slow, and considerate of her. Not like before where she had the innate sensation of being a deer that’s being hunted by a coyote. Instead, it reminds her of a book she once read as a young girl, and the pink tint of her cheeks turns into a violent shade of red. 
“Didn’t I say to relax?” Phillip states, once again bringing his hand back to cup her chin so she has to turn her head to look at him. His gaze transfixed on her face, the haze in her eyes and the soft swell of her lips. The way she appeared was so heavenly, that even a holy man would find himself sinning. Pride swelled in Phillip’s chest as he acknowledged the fact that she was his, his wife, his girl. She, on the other hand, felt like the world was spinning around her as she tried to figure out what had happened to her distant husband, Phillip had never done this before. He’d never been so attentive, even when they courted and he had left her feeling dazed and confused. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She finally gets the courage to ask, feeling stupid as the words left her mouth. There was almost a sense of adoration as his thumb grazed her lips, a desire that was not primal, but loving. 
“Like how a husband should look at his wife?” Phillip’s voice comes out calmly, yet it still sends shivers down her spine. He chuckles again, relishing in the reaction he receives, enjoying the way her face turns flush and how she looks away from him. “What’s wrong, doll? Would you rather me leave?” 
“No.” Yes, no, she didn’t know what she wanted. The feeling of her stomach tightening as his hands dip down to rest on her hips leaves her unsure and startled. Phillip’s rough lips move to her neck, peppering small, light kisses on her cool skin.
“You’re still cold, doll.” His hands run up her side, the calloused palms rubbing against her plush, soft skin, her breathing hitches as she leans back against him. Letting logic and sensibility fall to the side, her hands fall on top of his, nails grazing against the back of his hands. “Let me help with that.” 
The man behind her was still a stranger, but there was a burning desire in the bottom of her stomach to know him. To find the reason for his sudden change, to touch him, bask in the warmth of his skin, and mindlessly confess everything to him. Phillip Graves was like the sun, lighting her up and painting her skies in shades she’d never known.
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Kid Philip Week 2024 - Day 6 (Jesus)
He Would Not Say That
Summary: During a visit to a toy shop with Hunter and Gus, Kid Philip discovers a plushie he really likes! Too bad it says things that are out of character.
Story is au based.
(DAY 6 OF KID PHILIP WEEK! Featuring Kid Philip finding a cute Jesus plush.)
("Barbi" is a parody of "Barbie").
"Woah!" Kid Philip immediately went starry-eyed as he took in the interior sight of the toy shop that he, Hunter, and Gus stepped into together.
Blue eyes saw numerous toys on sale and those displayed in the vicinity of the store, which were so many that they struggled to focus on only one toy.
This toy store offered many different toys to choose from, such as action figures, animal plushies, bouncy rubber balls, board games, cars, cards, and more, all of which were one-of-a-kind.
"I've never seen or been in a store like this before!" Philip told Hunter and Gus, his voice filled with complete amazement, as the three of them walked through an aisle that sold plush toys.
"It's so, so big! I really like it! It's like visiting a giant castle filled with toys!"
"Yeah," Gus agreed with a light laugh, remembering his reaction to the first human toy store that he entered with Luz and co, which was similar.
He remembers with great clarity how Luz's mother thought his reaction to the toy airplanes and pink toy toasters was adorable.
"Human Realm toy stores are pretty incredible."
Hunter's hand was placed on Philip's back as he smiled.
"Do you see a toy that you like?" he whispered, his voice laced with brotherly care.
"Hmm...," Philip hummed in reply, his eyes shifting between rows of plush fabric toys in the aisle.
He soon gasped. "Oh, that one! I want that toy!" he excitedly exclaimed.
His little finger was pointed toward the top left shelf at a Talking Jesus plush in a box.
It was the last one there.
Hunter and Gus both turned their attention to each other.
"Of course," they said at the same time, sharing smiles.
Since he was the tallest among the three, Hunter reached for the box and placed it in Philip's arms.
"There you go," he said, letting out a bright laugh when he noticed the smile on Philip's face became as big as the smile on plush Jesus's face.
"Thank you!" Philip beamed, examining the front of the box before turning it around.
"Oh, look, Philip!" Gus pointed to the text situated in the middle of the box. "It says here that if you pull the string on Talking Jesus's back, you can make him talk."
Philip gasped, his face lighting up at this revelation. "Really?!" he said, tugging the white string on the plush's back before letting it go.
He rotated the box to the other side.
"My favorite color is baby pink!" Talking Jesus exclaimed, "his" tone of voice ultrafeminine.
He had the voice of a woman.
This caught all three boys off guard, particularly Philip.
"Huh?" Philip's nose crinkled up in distaste.
After rotating the box, he pulled the string again and spun it around once more.
"I like to go shopping with my girlfriends!" Talking Jesus beamed, his voice the same as before.
Philip repeated the process for a third time.
"Girl power!"
The plush's girlish words caused the brunette to groan as he frowns in disapproval.
"Jesus wouldn't say any of those things," he said with a pout, handing the box back to Hunter. "This toy is broken. I don't want it."
"Hmm... maybe there was a mix-up at the human factory that produced the plush?" Gus asked Hunter, in which the blonde mumbled "iunno" and placed the plushie back on the shelf.
A little girl sat in the back seat of her mother's car with a glowing smile on her face, gently grasping the princess Barbi doll that her mother had purchased for her.
As she turned her doll around, she noticed a white string attached to her back.
Grinning from ear to ear, she proceeded to pull it and let go, flipping her doll forward.
"You're so pretty, Barbi," the little girl said with a girlish giggle. "When I grow up, I want to be just like you."
"Fall upon your knees and praise me, vile sinner," the Barbi doll said in a dark, demonic voice, her blue eyes glowing red while still maintaining her cute plastic smile.
Eyes widening in shock, the little girl let out a horrified shriek, pressing the window switch button down in a hurried manner.
Once her window was completely opened, she wasted no time throwing the cursed doll out.
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encrucijada · 5 months
you might have seen this post or this wip intro. i'm here to talk about this book because i think it's really cool @teddywriting and i wrote almost 40k words by simply playing dolls with our ocs.
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(yes i will be using screencaps of before sunrise, 1995 for any and all subsequent updates regarding this project thank you very much)
what's weird about this book in particular is that, despite maripaz and theo taking up way too much space in my brain, it's also incredibly hard to talk about them?? i know every single detail about them down to what they might order to eat at a mcdonald's, and yet i feel no one outside from teddy and i really knows these characters. their lore is weird and a bit convoluted and explaining it feels like i'm trying to explain the plot of a television show with like 18 seasons of character development you just had to be there to witness to understand even a fraction of it.
but first some basics about the actual book
title: babylon boy (book 1 of the home habitat duology)
genre: literary fiction
category: i say adult because there will be no censoring of topics but in this first installment our protagonists are around eighteen years old. you might consider that ya but i wouldn't
a small summary: having independently run away from home for their own reasons, theo and maripaz meet while homeless on the streets and form an alliance of convenience to survive. while theo vehemently denies the drug addiction he’s nursing, maripaz tries to deal with the way both want and revulsion seem to exist in her at the same time. falling in love is probably the easiest thing they do.
teddy and i are co-authoring, as in we both write the words. they will be primarily working on theo's chapters and i will be primarily working on maripaz's chapters but we'll both be involved in fully crafting this story.
talking about your book is hard when all that happens in it is character work so even whether someone gets sick at one point feels like a spoiler you want people to be surprised by.
we created mari and theo in 2020 on a whim. i can't even remember what prompted it exactly. we wanted a new pair of characters to play with and we decided to make two assholes to bicker and be mean to each other. this iteration saw three reincarnations before we put the characters on the shelf and almost resigned ourselves to them being a miss... if not for one important detail... i really, really believed they should have kissed. this first version of them would eventually be known as the homeless au.
looking back it's Wild thinking about how different mari and theo used to be. we moved onto new aus to play around with, landing on a superhero-type beat that became their new canon for a while. we had fantasy and sci-fi and musicians and hadestown and the raven cycle (that last one did so much for us it's insane). every new thing we tried shaped them more and more until they were unrecognisable from their original versions. one day i really want to go through their threads from start to finish and look at that change in real time.
there was a new thesis to their characters and it was no longer "what if two awful guys with issues were forced together and tried to bite each other's heads off". instead we were looking at two characters that through every new incarnation became more sincere and gentle. they had meta-narrative character development.
(every new au also gave us more characters to populate the world including but not limited to theo's twin sister, maripaz's seven siblings, alex, philip, a whole lot of parental figures, a quirky cast of friends... but i'll talk about them some other time)
then i did it again. in the 2.0 version of the homeless au there was one scene i loved beyond words where an argument between our two protagonists resulted in maripaz punching theo right on the mouth. when she tried to swing a second time he stopped her hand and warned her that if she wanted to hit him he would hit back. they fought and the scene ended. i said to teddy: they should have kissed. we laughed and imagined how homeless au would go now that their characters had changed so much. we started thinking about it more and more until we were moving the pieces of their cinematic universe around to fit this new idea... and suddenly we had plot for a book that would revamp that original homeless au... and a sequel too! (but more on that second one another time)
teddy started a rp thread of what came right after the opening scene of babylon boy, where theo and maripaz would shoplift and he would steal the angel necklace she wore (<- this is important)... and we just kept going... and going. we'd already had a few keys scenes to work towards, one those being that punching scene that started it all, as well as the ending. teddy added two new scenes we began calling the halo scene and the church scene, and we moved something we called the pool scene into this book from another au. we just had to fill in the blanks... fill in the blanks we did.
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these right here are the names i gave each individual thread of the roleplay-ification of babylon boy. their purpose is not so much to be chapter titles but to make specific scenes easy to find for future reference. though obviously i had to be a bit artistic about it.
i don't know if babylon boy will have chapter titles, and if they will have some sort of theme going on (usually i like just putting two words together to create some imagery). "angel face" is probably what i would title chapter 1, but i also hesitate on that decision because i think i would like to save angel for later.
these threads are less of a draft and more the skeleton of a draft, that's why i called it a draft 0. its purpose is to give teddy and i direction and reading through them i already know how i want to shift the timeline and how i'd rewrite some of the scenes to make them a lot better, but it did give us a great cause and effect look of things. the way teddy and i approach our roleplay threads is more loose than what i do with @on-the-river-lethe (with whom i'm currently roleplaying draft 1 of our book lupine trail and also a giant hunger games au). fluffy and i write responses between 1k-4k words, they are basically chapters. teddy and i instead do a quick call and response, mostly focused on dialogue, we build on top of each other and neither of us really knows where a thread will go when we start.
there are no actual non-roleplay words written for babylon boy thus far. teddy is in charge of chapter 1 as we open with theo's pov but we are both busy or focused on other things. right now we're enjoying the playing around stage of the process (which i don't see going away even once we start seriously writing, i know for a fact we'll probably do various roleplay-type passes to babylon boy).
you've probably noticed the christian imagery is rampant here. it happened kind of by accident and the already mentioned halo scene is entirely to blame for it. like i said, teddy and i have this very "yes, and," approach to storytelling together where we kinda build on top of what the other puts down. teddy gave me the description of one (1) scene where theo sees a halo of light around maripaz's head and i decided "well, this is now i thing that is here to stay". church scene really brought it all together and there is a scene in book 2 adeptly nicknamed the angel scene that is kind of the culmination of this.
the imagery is almost exclusive to theo's pov as mari is more the subject of the imagery than the one pushing it forward. teddy and i will be doing our most to fill this book with visuals: characters lined with stained glass windows, lights shaped like hearts, signs and graffiti that say meaningful stuff.
babylon boy, as the title suggests, is more theo's book. both he and maripaz have meaningful arcs but theo's is really at the core of it, mari takes centre stage in book 2 (titled gossamer girl). i think i talked about this somewhere before but the titles just kind of... happened. gossamer was relevant for that superhero au and it's just a word i really adore so i wanted to use it on the title. you can't go wrong with alliteration so gossamer girl it is. and because i love when books in a series match i had to do something with boy. like gossamer i adore babylon for some reason, and so we got babylon boy. i wasn't sure about that one because while gossamer girl made sense with the theme, what did "babylon boy" even mean, exactly? teddy came in clutch and analysed the title for me. they connected it to theo's drug addiction and now i can't think of any two titles that are more perfect for this series.
like i said, there are no actual words written for this book so sadly i cannot share any excerpts. but i will share
Festival was very much the result of teddy and i having just watched before sunrise, 1995
we watched before sunrise, 1995 because the mannerisms of the two leads reek of maripaz and theo
"until a miracle happens" became a recurring thing said in the draft and it wrecked me
Our Fears is probably my favourite thread both thematically and visually. followed closely by Church Angels, though that one is mostly visually
The Pool is the longest thread with about 90 responses and all of it is beautiful. i would probably consider it the companion to Our Fears
"mutual pining they're both just idiots"
the closing image is probably my favourite one of the book
the core themes are very much trust, love, and communal help. we've got such an array of npcs who simply... help. i love the human race.
i'll probably do another update before we start properly writing talking about maripaz and theo as characters specifically. a bit of a crash course on who they are, really.
anyway. i'm giving you a golden star if you read all of that ⭐ do ask me or teddy about this story!! we'd be happy to talk about it. or even just about the characters.
cheers, pía
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tardigradesandtiaras · 2 months
Hatchetfield Daemon AU Thoughts
For the sake of this post a daemon au is an au that borrows the concept of daemons from the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. Daemons are the soul manifested in the form of an animal that "settles" into a permanent shape the reflects the person's personality by the time of adulthood.
Thinking about a Hatchetfield daemon au. Not only for the sake of form finding for the characters, although that is part of the fun, but because I think daemons actually fit really well with some of the central themes of the Hatchetverse.
Like one of the main themes of the Hatchetfield shows is want. And having a being that is the manifestation of your soul walking around can really emphasize that. I have a few ideas about this:
In TGWDLM, those who experience apotheosis are basically dead, so their daemons disappear when they die. So imagine someone singing about all those desires but their soul, the literal source for a lot of those desires is just gone.
The Wigglymania causes people to stop listening to their daemons as their actual desires are twisted into a love or need for the Wiggly doll.
Or it causes daemons to go into a sickly or almost rabid state
Miss Holloway either having a very strained relationship with her daemon because of her deal or alternatively being even closer than usual because of all they've been through.
She also has the ability to separate
Would all these timelines cause some daemons to settle differently for the same person in different timelines? (the characters are very consistent between works, so maybe not)
The Lords in Black being so focused on manipulating peoples' desires that they sometimes talk directly to their souls, not realizing how weird this is to humans
I feel like Duke has a dog daemon
Holloway feels like she would have a bird (but that might be "Witches have bird daemon" rule from HDM affecting my thoughts on this au)
I really feel like a domestic cat would fit Paul for more symbolic reasons: being a domesticated animal represents how even in a setting where most daemons probably aren't huge intimidating animals he still is seen as kinda boring by some, he is very sure about his likes and dislikes even when those opinions are unpopular, which reflects the independence associated with cats and there's the bonus hey melissa reference.
These forms aren't set and stone for this au yet I'm really just spitballing here
Wiley still has a daemon in universes where he is alive, but its form has been twisted into something unrecognizable due to his time in the Black and White (real Cronenberg type shit)
The Lords in Black create their own twisted, corrupt version of Dust which affects daemons (like Wiley's daemon above)
That Dust is also the way Pokey sent Hannah the vision in Yellow Jacket in this au
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So a lot of the time in modern au-which is now called Still Smiling- Bumlets has to leave to go to gymnastic competitions and most are during the school day so Flipper isn't allowed to see them, but I wrote about it a little and thought I share
will say me and @chaosfairy18 have named the boys so to putting that information here-
Bumlets is Dominic
Swifty is Vincent
Skittery is Michael
Flipper is Philip
Tumbler is Benny
Flipper was on the front porch steps with Bailey. They both had been sitting here all day waiting for Bumlets to get home from a competition. Flipper wanted to go but it was during a school day and Bumlets didn’t allow him to skip. So here he was, petting Bailey and using him as a pillow to wait for Bumlets. 
When a car rolled up the driveway Flipper jumped off Bailey and watched as Bumlets came out of the door. 
“Dominic!” He yelled as he ran to him. 
“Philip!” Bumlets smiled. 
Flipper had run up to him and Bumlets caught him to only spin him around. Bailey then came over and barked at him. Bumlets chuckled and went to pet Bailey as Flipper hugged him. 
“Where's Skits and Swifts?” Bumlets asked since none of them ran out to greet him. 
Flipper looked at the house, “Oh, Swifty went to the store with Tumbler and Skittery was up stairs on your bed, or at least that's what Swifty said.”
“I see, well then wanna help me carry my bags in?” Bumlets ruffled his hair.
“What do you mean bags? You only took one Bum.” Flipper playfully glared. 
Bumlets rolled his eyes playfully and went to his car to get his bag. Flipper stood and waited for him by the other side of the car. “Did you do your school work Flip?” 
Flipper shrugged as they began to walk to the door, “I did, just not my math. Everyone was too busy to help.” 
Bumlets sighed, “It seems like you were too busy waiting for me.” He paused and turned back around, “But I’ll help you, just do all your work next time okay.” 
Flipper hung his head and felt Bailey's head go under his hand, “I’m sorry. I know I should have-”
“Hey, Philip, I’m not mad, okay. You just need to get your school work done.” Bumlets dropped his bag in front of the door and kneeled down to Flipper's height. 
Flipper sniffled, “I just miss you.” 
Bumlets hummed and then wrapped his arms around him for a hug, “I know, I miss you too.” He stayed quiet for a moment to hug him, “It's okay, I’m not mad.”
Flipper nodded and wiped at his eyes. Bumlets dried them as well and kissed his cheek. “Alright how about you go get your homework and I’ll go see Skittery because I know he’ll get mad if I don't.” 
Flipper's mouth turned into a smile again. “Good because he's been in a mood since you left.” 
Bumlets shook his head, “Well I’m glad you're not the only one who missed me.” 
Flipper laughed and then they walked into the house. Bumlets gave another hug to Flipper as he went to the dining room to get his homework out. Bumlets walked up the stairs to his room and couldn’t help but want to hug Skittery. 
As he made it to his door he saw it cracked a little. Bumlets pushed it open as quietly as he could and saw Skittery lying there in the middle of the bed sleeping with Skittles on the pillow next to him. Skittery was also in a pair of Bumlets sweat pants and a hoodie of his. 
Bumlets chuckled softly as he walked closer to him and Skittles meowed at him. He brought a finger to his lips and shushed the cat. Then he sat on the side of the bed and brought a hand to brush back some of Skitterys hair. 
“Michael.” He said softly, “Michael wake up, I’m home.” He said a bit louder this time.
Skittery stirred slightly but didn’t wake up. That only made Bumlets smile again. He then kissed him on the lips and his cheek then his forehead.
Skittery blushed as he felt the soft lips on him. He opened his eyes to see Bumlets smiling softly at him. “Dom?” 
“Hi doll.” Bumlets kissed him again, “Did you miss me?” 
Skittery reached out for him. “Yeah,” He replied sheepishly 
“Well I can certainly tell. Seems you like to wear my clothes.” Bumlets hugged him and felt the other boy nuzzled into him. 
“M’sorry, just missed you.” Skittery mumbled.
“I don’t mind.” Bumlets laughed, “Maybe you and Flipper have something in common then.” 
Skittery shook his head and broke the hug to look at Bumlets then he kissed him. Bumlets kissed him till they needed air and that only made Skittery chase after him again. 
“Hold on doll, I need to help Flipper with homework-” 
Skittery whined, “But Dom!” 
“Doll be good or you won’t see your surprise later.” Skittery raised his eyebrow. “But you could have stopped moping and helped Flipper with his homework earlier.”
“Bold of you to assume I know how to do anything.” Skittery glared. 
“Oh what am I going to do with you doll?” Bumlets kissed his lips again. 
“You could ignore Flipper for-”
“Nope!” Bumlets broke the hug, “I made a promise okay. Now either you can stay up here and mope or join us.” 
Skittery rolled his eyes and rolled over grumbling about how this isn’t fair. Skittles went to headbutt him and he started to pet her.
“I love you Skits.” Bumlets kissed the side of his cheek and it only made the other boy grumble some more. 
Bumlets walked out the door smiling knowing Skittery would be down soon. He just needed to get over himself first.
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b0wie-st4rdust · 1 year
Oh???? Another person with an AU and their own versions of the Rogues? Which ones you got because I want to know EVERYTHING about them.
OKAY SO I have a list of Rogues that are gonna be in my AU and the list is a bit Long, some of these character still need to be fully shaped, but Asking Question about them is probably gonna help, so feel free to ask about any of them (Also I'm trying to organise the whole thing)
Leader of Crime Organizations and people attached to it:
The Penguin - Oswald Cobblepot
Flamingo - Edouardo Flamingo
Music Meister - Darius (Cobblepot) Chapel
Carmine "The Roman" Falcone (and his family)
Sal "The Boss" Maroni (and his family)
Black Mask
Talon and the Court of Owls
Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul and the league of Assassin
Mother - Christian Cain
The Big Ones (Very Important to the General Plot):
Joker - ???
Harley Quinn - Harleen Quinzel
Riddler - Edward Nygma
Two Face - Harvey Dent / Harv'
Poison Ivy - Pamela Isley
The Scarecrow - Jonathan Crane
(AU OC) The Mania - Marlene McCree
(AU OC) The Mourning Dove - Bo Hawkins
Dr. Hugo Strange and Dr. Jeremiah Arkham
The Others (some Still important):
Catwoman - Selina Kyle
Magpie - Margaret Pye
(AU OC) Soda Can - Cheryl Lee (Later Cheryl Chapel Lee)
Punchline - Alexis Kaye
Jester - Duela Jones (Joker Daughter in comics)
Mad Hatter - Jervis Tetch
Victor Zsasz
(AU OC) Madame - Camilla Shelley
Jane Doe - ???
Professor Pyg - Lazlo Valentin
DollMaker+Dollhouse - Barton Mathis and Matilda Mathis
Mister Camera - Alexander Gillian
The Eraser - Leonardo Fiasco
Man-Bat - Dr. Kirk Langstrom
Killer Croc - Waylon Jones
Orca - Dr. Grace Balin
Bane - ???
Firefly - Garfield Lynns
Anarky - Lonnie Machin
Ratcatcher (s) - Otis Flanegan and Cleo Flanegan
Clayface - Basil Karlo
Calendar Girl - Paige Monroe
Roxy Rocket - Roxanne Sutton
Baby Doll - Mary Dahl
Cluemaster - Arthur Brown
Clock King - William Tockman
Calendar King - Julian Day
The Calculator - Noah Kuttler
Bookworm - A.S Scarlet
King Tut - William Yasser
Catman - Thomas Blake
Lord Death Man - Tetsuo Fujiwara
Kite Man - Charles "Chuck" Brown
Mister Bloom - ???
Solomon Grundy - Cyrus Gold
Ventriloquist - Arnold Wesker
Character that I want to add but need to do more research on them:
Professor Achilles Milo
White Rabbit - Jaina Hudson
The Carpenter - Jenna Duffy
Cornelius Stirk
Toymaker - Cosmo Krank
Crime Doctor - Bradform Thorne
The Designer - ???
Deadshot - Floyd Lawton
Doctor Phosphorus - Dr. Alexander Sartorius
Ten Eyed Man - Philip Reardon (The Spooky Version)
Spellbinder - Charles Dante
Lady Arkham - Victoria Arkham
Merrymaker - Dr. Byron Meredith 
Polka Dot Man - Abner Krill
Killer Moth - Drury Walker
(and Captain Boomerang if I am peer pressured enough)
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starsfic · 2 years
AU prompt: Puppet Luz x Doll Amity
This ended up being more of a Wittewitch thing but I had an idea and ran with it.
Evelyn loved her craft.
Her family were all woodcarvers. Yes, she did that too, but woodcarving had led her down a path of crafts until she found her passion. Eventually that passion had grown and grown until she could open her own shop. Dolls of all shapes and sizes were what she made and restored.
Many people said that dolls were creepy. Evelyn couldn't understand why. They were like small children, ready to take on whatever your imagination gave! At least there was a community who thought that way. Or used to, like the woman who had exchanged the doll she was examining now.
She really didn't like the woman. She didn't like the awful cutting of the green hair, the forced neat dress, nor the blank face the doll had. Evelyn peered through her magnifying glass. If she was right, maybe that doll wasn't so-
"Welcome!" Evelyn called, smiling at the blonde. "Welcome to Cardinal's Cupboard!" He looked cute, with warm brown eyes and a small but gentle smile. “How can I help you?”
“Hi!” He set a small bag down. “Sorry, but I was wondering if you bought dolls? This used to be my brother’s favorite toy, but, uh...” He opened the bag and pulled out the toy.
Evelyn could immediately see why he paused. What looked to be brown curls had been chopped off, leaving the puppet with a pixie cut. She wore a white tunic and a blue robe, leaving her with a sort of witchy look. Strings extended to her limbs up to a controller, which looked to have been smashed in half. “What happened?”
“Well...” The man sighed. “It’s my fault. Me and my brother moved here and I figured I should join that church? I was worried about Philip making friends and then I got home from work to find him attacking Luz here.”
Evelyn scooped up Luz. She showed signs of age, yes, but also love. “I see. So he doesn’t want her anymore?”
The man nodded. “Something about how dolls were for boys and a lot of shit-” His cheeks turned pink at his swear, but he continued. “Basically, we’re gonna leave that church. I don’t want him to grow up into someone like that.”
“Well, that’s good.” Hmm, it looked like Luz was the same height at the doll she had been examining now. Evelyn studied the two, ideas beginning to trickle through, and tried not to think about his smile. “Sure, I can buy her. Name your price.”
The price he named was much lower than she expected. The moment she took out a few hundred dollar bills, there was a protest of “That’s too much-”
“Nah, you gave Amity a girlfriend. Take it...”
He flipped through the wad with wide eyes. “Caleb. And you?”
“Evelyn. Come by anytime.” Unable to help it, she made Luz wave to the blonde, who chuckled and waved back. And then he was gone, although she had a feeling not for long.
Soon enough, the doll named Amity was restored to perfection with her own witchy look, a small smile on her face as she sat with Luz.
And, soon enough, Caleb came back.
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mintysmp · 9 months
this is huge!
tabby cats
dolls - teddy bears & fashion dolls
bees - coping
dinos - copinglink
fictionkin & songkin
crybaby - k-12 album
shoyo ishida - a silent voice
denki - my hero academia
todoroki - my hero academia
dawn harper - nicky ricky dicky & dawn
draco malfoy - JUST ME - DNI DOUBLES
eleven - stranger things - JUST ME - DNI DOUBLES
jude - the fosters - on season 2!
suga - haikyuu - haven’t finished yet
beast boy - teen titans go + comics
heesung - given taken music video
carlos de vil - ID - descendants
evie - higher- descendants
arthur curry - aquaman + comics - medium kin
angela moss - medium kin
badlands by halsey
misha - oc
ice bear - we bare bears
charlie spring - heartstopper - tv
alexander lightwood - the mortal instruments movies
anakin skywalker - just me - no doubles
austin moon - austin & ally - JUST ME - NO DOUBLES
hunter 🐾 - nonfandom or teen wolf
baby - baby driver - a mix of both spiritual & coping
justin foley - 13 reasons why
sayori - doki doki literature club
landon callahan & piper callahan - no fandom
lexi caford - OC
mason and lucy - no fandom
peter parker - spider-man mcu + comics - NO DOUBLES
Philip “Lip” gallagher - shameless us - so far just coping
spencer reid - criminal minds - no doubles
spot - across the spiderverse
tyler - mako mermaids
alexander chase davenport - lab rats - highest
chase davenport - lab rats - higher kin
silco - arcane
jinx - arcane - highest kin
a bunch of characters - andi mack
aaron hotchner - the hotchner kids - ao3
adrien agreste - stopped at s3ep26 the miracle queen
antonio madrigal - encanto
alex standall - 13 reasons why
ender - enders game film
alex mercer - julie and the phantoms
luke patterson - julie and the phantoms
most of the cells - cells at work
alfie lewis - house of anubis
alice kingsley - tim burton 2011
ally - austin and ally - doubles iffy
america chavez - mcu - lowest kin
andi cruz - every witch way - low kin
andre kriegman - zero day au
cal gabriel - zero day - higher kin
kazuha - genshin impact
bakugo - my hero academia au
derek morgan - criminal minds - body dysphoria - highest coping kin
grizzly bear - we bare bears - a mix of coping and spiritual - pet regression
bears - otherkin - lgbt + unlearning toxic masculinity
nerd - boyfriends fictionkin - haircare struggles
deku - my hero academia
icarus - greek mythology - please just let apollo adore me!
mason “dipper” pines - i want to be adored + paranoia episodes
maze - malcom in the middle oc
sam winchester - mostly coping - i need to eat more salads
adam davenport - lab rats
camilo madrigal - encanto
pepa madrigal - encanton
amethyst - steven universe
kaz + oliver short - mighty med
chonghyun - genshin impact
enid sinclair - wednesday
killua - hxh - started s1ep6
questioning kin:
jane — twilight
meredith grey — greys anatomy
hunter - the owl house
unknown - the big bang theory
unknown pirate - our flag means death
captain hook - book + once upon a time
vi - arcane
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yin-ign · 2 years
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Day12: Favorite duo/ friendship
Yeah, Kenny and Butters of my Au “Philip Doll’s”
I haven't been able to draw anything from my AU since the beginning of October:((
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trousle-ink · 1 year
So who's filling in for the Skeleton Brothers in your OwlTale AU? I figure Edric/Emira for the "Sans" role and by extension Amity in the "Papyrus" role might make some sense.
Also is the "Asgore" role filled by Lilith, their parents, or Philip?
Alright so
If you want a better explanation, visit the tiktok in the og owltale post I made. They have multiple parts too
Og concept post with tiktok link
(This is still being workshoped so it's a bit clunky right now)
Amity will be papyrus, that is 100%. Wants to capture a human to be the best royal guard and make her parents proud, but ends up falling in love with luz and going on a real date
Edric/Emera will be the goofy, Tease their little sibling, take you out to lunch, parts of sans
Lilith is either going to be gaster or the parts of sans that are mysterious. Judges you at the hallway and knows about timeliness and stuff, has the strange machine in her basement. I think. This is the part that I'm flip flopping on. I want her to still curse Eda, maybe she used to be a royal scientist and it was an experiment gone wrong and she was fired. (Hunter will be the next royal scientist aka the alphys in this au) im not sure, I'm still figuring her out. Honestly making something different with her and not confining her to one character could be interesting
I also thought about (OWL HOUSE FINALE SPOILERS) Papa titan being gaster, and when luz dies during the final battle against the collector (asriel) she will be revived by papa titan like in the finale in order to defeat him
Then Phillip/belos is an amalgamate. He was the human who caused the war and trapped them underground, him included, and after the witches asked him to use his human soul to set them free he refused, so they kept him in the lab to use his determination. Theyve kelt him alive and stripped him of his determination for so long and ends up the goopy mess
Raine will be Asgore. The clawthornes I'm thinking were the royal family but after Lilith was fired and Eda fled the castle to the ruins, Raine was left with the task to rule. They've got the "I'm doing this because I have to" attitude
Some bonus ones for fun:
Willow is undyne. She wants to prove that she's strong and take the humans soul herself. Of course until her childhood friend amity insists the human doesn't deserve to have her soul taken. She recognizes how much the human has changed amity into a better person.
Hunter is Alphys. He is the "scientific teen protigy". Alphys has her anime, hunter has his wolves. Let the fursona jokes commence. Hes also got a huge crush on willow and everhone knows it but her. He is the one that caused belos to become goopy by desperately trying to keep him alive to save all the witches and demons. He is ashamed of his failure and thinks he will be cast out for it like Lilith was
Gus will be mettaton. Using his showman skills, he puts luz to the test by having her complete illusion based challenges. Like which object is a bomb covered by an illusion, stuff like that. I'm thinking he wanted to be known for more than his smarts, so he used his dad's TV job as an advantage
Bocha will be in muffets place. "WHAT? How dare you not support the fund of the local grudgby team. What are you? STINGY???"
Kikimora can be mad dummy/mew mew. What if instead of gaining a new body through an anime doll, kikimora becomes tall from an abomination soldier that luz made into a cat face. "It's perfect" ☆u☆
Tinella nosa as either the annoying dog or the temmies. Because you know, creator cameo
Let me know what you think of these, and tysm for thr ask ^^
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detectivemaker · 11 months
More information about Michael's siblings
as some of you know if you've been following my posts the character of Michael I have is a mixture of and I'll see and an alternate (very alternate) character interpretation of Michael Afton from FNAF
and as you may know his siblings were cloned so they're still kicking in adult bodys, they are also one of the reasons Michael came to Earth from his home dimension of anthemomorphic furry people, the other reason because he was trying to conquer Earth, but then he learned Earth is pretty cool and decided to give the title of ruler of his Dimension to a family friend (that Dimensions version of Charlie Emily who is a bird person)
so he's some more information about his siblings
like Michael all of them are mix and match  furry creatures, they all they all also have mind ordering powers
Peter(my name for the crying child) is a mixture between a bear and a bird, basically a bear but with bird wings and a great singing voice, his human form is basically a carbon copy of Mr frowny from Steven Universe, his mind ordering power is emotion transference, basically whatever feeling he's feeling he can make other people feel, which is usually sadness
Elizabeth is half cat much like her brother but the other half is rabbit much like her father (William was half rabbit and snake), it looks like a lynx but the ears of rabbit ears instead of lynx ears and she has a powerful jump, her human form is basically the generic what if Elizabeth got to get older sort of art but she dresses like a clown a lot of the time, her mind power is to induce hallucinations, usually clown themed
Phillip(in this Au Michael is the eldest child and the bully is the second oldest and their separate people) is a fox mixed with a snake, like his brother furry form is basically furry Fox with a serpent in the place of his tail, he looks exactly like Michael except he wears Pirate stuff all the time, his power is basically a mixture between Peters and Michael's, the feelings part is relegated to positive feelings like Pride or adventurism. The Mind Control part basically makes them think that their pirates on a ship and that he's the captain, instead of biting or eye contact his powers are pushed on to People by his Aura of being a "totally cool Captain guy"(how he describes it)
All of them would like to hang around the rogues gallery though they all have different preferences Peter likes to hang around the sad ones like Wesker and to use his motion powers to make him feel better about his terrible situation being in an abusive relationship with a puppet
Elizabeth likes to hang around the girls but more specifically the Gotham City sirens and more more specifically harleen, she and her like clown around sometimes and make people trip balls, she also likes to hang around with Mary doll, you know do things like make other people see you in a more adult body and watch rewinds of love that baby
Philip(with an F) likes to hang around the muscular Rogues, not lyle Bolton though he thinks that guy is a dick, but people like bane or Solomon get to go on pirate adventures with him of their own free will
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lartistwriter · 1 year
Chapter 1, part 1
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Hunter tries to explain to his Uncle Philip and the director that the snakes and rockets were part of his exhibition on Azura the Good Witch, his favorite book.
"And that's how it ends," he says after finishing his explanation while holding a snake and a doll of Azura.
- So what ends, Hunter?
- My class work, don't you see it? I think it turned out great -Hunter says, proud of what he had done.
"That's just why I called you," he says to Philip as he points to him as a girl and a boy each ran with a snake in their hair.
"Oh, they were the replacement snakes for the project," he says calmly as if it's completely normal and justified.
- And what did you plan to do with this? asked his uncle, showing him the rockets that he had prepared for the presentation.
"It was for the end of the third act," he replied, finally realizing that his uncle wasn't happy about it and couldn't help but think that his parents would have been on his side.
"Hunter, I love that you're creative, but you're going too far, remember that this is the fourth time he's come to the director's office," his uncle explains, putting his hand on his nephew's shoulder, trying to make him pay attention to him. We all understand that it's good that you express yourself, but if you don't learn to separate fantasy from reality, you'll have to spend the summer here -he says, showing her a pamphlet from a camp to teach you to think within reality.
- Relax man, I have it under control. No more rarities! Hunter says enthusiastically but accidentally letting the snake escape from his hand as it pounces on the director. That doesn't count, okay? he says with a nervous laugh, knowing that his uncle wouldn't accept it.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 10 months
Hear me out: The Little Mermaid AU with Camilip
You got Camila as Ariel and Philip as Eric, Luz takes the Flounder role, Eda as Scuttle, Terra as Ursula, etc
Notable moments include:
The secret trove belonging to both Camila AND Manny, so when it’s destroyed Camila is devastated enough to be lured to Terra
Luz also becoming human yet keeps her voice but the spell prevents her from revealing who Camila is
Camila gets her glasses from Philip
This is very cute! ♥️ 🌊 🐠 🪸
To add icing to the wholesome cake, it would be even more adorable if the whole au at the end was revealed to be a game that Alma (Camila and Beardo Philip's daughter + Luz's little sister) was playing in the bathtub with her bath toys.
Camila: (steps inside the bathroom with a towel to dry up Alma) Oh, what game are you playing, Alma?
Alma: (has a mermaid doll in her right hand and prince doll in her left) It's called "The Mermaid and The Prince", Mamá! In it (holds up the mermaid doll), you're the mermaid (holds up the prince doll) and papá is the prince!
Camila: I see! How cute! 😊 I love how big your imagination is, mija.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Silver Savant AU
Lilith forces Phillip to sit with Odalia because she loves having her child around
He certainly doesn't want to, but he has no choice. Essentially like bringing your child to work, Philip is rather creeped out by how dull amd childlike Odalia has become: a far-cry from her prior haughty self. Now she just sits there staring out into space, smiling vacantly as she holds... what is that, a doll?
Worst of all, Pip has to sit next to her while Lilith is nearby doing chores - cooking, cleaning; emperor-mandated things. It's so awkward, and the teen doesn't know what to say. All she does is smile, say how much she loves her mother, and ask if he wants to play. He declines everytime.
This is getting more and more bizarre, this odd hell.
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