#hell park sona
yin-ign · 2 years
My WiFi died, but I'm back🏋️‍♂️
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Spaceman Craig💙
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Idk me but hell park
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Mao, my new kid Chinese<3
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Yeah, Something from Towkey
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And something from Pocket of my Au
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And… this shipp, Damien x Pip x Gary x Kenny, I really don't know what to name it, I thought something like “Angels of the Antichrist” but…. Idk
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infini-tree · 8 months
me, making an oc and canon character dynamic: what if they hated each others’ guts
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neppednep · 6 months
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Dating Serafall Leviathan HCs
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》 You probably met Serafall at some anime convention or around Kuoh. She doesn't really spend too much time in the human world, and if she did, it would be at one of those locations. She's a busy woman, and you certainly won't find a Serafall frolicking around your local Walgreens.
》 Even after your first meeting with Serafall, she definitely isn't the type to just fall for someone right away. She may seem playful and quite stupid at times, but she is anything but. She is the Devil King in charge of foreign affairs, so she can pick up on these things. If you're just talking to her for some less than pure reason, she'll be happy to tell you to kick rocks. She respects herself too much to waste her precious time with someone like that. It's not like anyone there can actually pose a threat to her.
》 If you actually managed to run into her enough times and build some sort of connection to her, congratulations. She still isn't just going to fall for you. She's been alive for well over 500 years and has most definitely met a good amount of people much more attractive than you. That isn't to say she'll dismiss you just because of that, not entirely anyway, but you'll have to stand out in other aspects to catch her eye. Pray to the rizz god, you're gonna need it.
》 When it comes to impressing her, dumping a ton of money won't really do the trick. She has houses that are bigger than entire towns, so an expensive restaurant won't exactly do much. That doesn't mean take her to your local McDonalds either. She loves McNuggets just as much as the next person, but it certainly isn't date material.
》 Growing up as a noble, fighting in wars, and then becoming a Devil King, she's never really had the time or energy to really go on dates. Sure, she gets tons of marriage proposals, but she can see right through them. Being a normal human does give you a slight edge here, though. Far less of a chance of you using her for her status, as she certainly wouldn't be yapping about her life as a devil yet. Instead of just putting on airs like all those nobles, make it more personal. Make her something to eat, just walk through a park, take her to a cafe. Simple, more personal things like that get her going more than whatever boring shows people like to put on in front of her.
》 That being said, don't be afraid to be yourself. Unless you're some... Jaune Arc loving weirdo or something similar, she'll fall even harder. This is the woman that prances around as a magical girl doing, quite frankly, whatever the hell she wants. If you want to show off the things you like just as she does, she'll support you the whole way and may even try to pick up some of your interests too.
》 If everything went well and you get with her, being a human and managing to pull a Devil King and possibly the most beautiful woman in Hell is quite the achievement. Surprisingly, such an achievement wasn't easy to keep a secret. It took a whole five minutes before Serafall was flexing on everyone she considered remotely close to a friend that she finally had an S/O.
》 I don't want to say she'd force you to do anything, but... good chance she's reincarnating you as a devil before things get too serious. Being in a relationship with someone as important as her and being the equivalent to a summer ant to any supernatural creature that may wish to do you harm is quite the cause for concern. With all these creepy terrorists running around these days, she wants to keep you close and safe. What better way to do that than making you her queen?
》 She knows it may be overwhelming, but she'll do her best to help you through it and become the best version of you that you can be. She wasn't exactly born with the power of Sirzechs or anything, so she knows just how much hard work can do for someone. With your self-proclaimed magical girl girlfriend by your side, it's safe to say you're in good hands under her guidance.
》 Sona has mixed emotions. She's really happy Serafall now has another person to dote on, but at the same time, she's really protective of her older sister. If you manage to hurt Serafall, you best believe Sona will be there to whip you back into shape. Both literally and figuratively.
》 Your relationship with Serafall may be a bit controversial, to say the least. It will be practically impossible to stay out of the public eye. The more traditional types won't be happy that she chose a human, a reincarnated devil to be with. Some are happy for her, finally finding someone after centuries, while others can just be jealous. It's the usual celebrity gossip, only hundreds of times larger considering that she's literally one of their king and the two of you are kind of making history as you go.
》 Speaking of jealousy, if anyone tries to do something to you, she will throw hands. She will straight up kill people or just have them thrown in the slammer if they try to hurt you. She has no problem calling it treason and literally getting away with murder. She values her loved ones far too much to not make an example out of any fool that tries.
》 Serafall doesn't really get jealous herself. She knows her worth, and she knows you're not an idiot.
》 Unless it's Gabriel... you don't know the deal with those two, but if you ever meet the angel, Serafall will go into protective girlfriend mode faster than you can even comprehend. Gabriel doesn't really have to be doing anything, but Serafall will make sure she knows who you belong to and not try anything. That angel must be jealous of your love. She came to sabotage the relationship and take you for herself! Serafall's words, not yours.
》 You're going to be learning how to act properly. You're a Devil King's S/O, so you can't be slouching around and acting like some bum. She'll personally teach you exactly what to do and how to act in those situations. She doesn't really trust anyone else to do it to her standards, and it'll give her an excuse to spend more time with you. It's a win-win.
》 Dates after you officially get together don't change much. Serafall is definitely much more open and willing to spend money on you, though. Expect to go a lot of conventions, Sona watching, or just spending some quality time together giving her the relaxation she's missed out on for so long. She may or may not make you star in Miracle Levia-tan and call it a date.
》 She trusts you. A lot. There's very few people she can or will properly express her feelings to, Sona not even being one of them. She is the older sibling and feels the need to always seem strong in her presence. In private, Serafall can be more vulnerable. Centuries of bottled up emotions will come sooner or later, and having someone she can let her guard down around, just be Serafall and talk means a lot to her. Whether it's things about her time in war, things that happen with her job, or even just something she wants to get off her chest, it means the world if you can just be there and listen.
》 She may not like to really show it to a great extent, but she kind of is just like a school girl when it comes to your relationship. Not really having the time or interest before, this is new to her. She has her moments. Sometimes, she sits there in her office just thinking about your future together. How will your wedding be? How many kids? Questions only time will answer, but being at the mercy of time isn't something she particularly enjoys. She'll know if you were the one or not. Might as well take what belongs to her and make it official before it's too late, right?
》 Please don't let her name the child Sona or Y/N Jr.
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airyelbreezy · 6 months
Imma do a multi fandom one!!
Fandoms include:
Inanimate insanity
Kinito pet
Soul eater
Welcome home
Undertale (no aus, sorry :( )
South park
Orion and the dark
Bendy and the ink machine (chapter 1-3)
Cuphead (only a lil)
Sesame street. (Half satire because I love sesame street sm :( )
Hells angels
The amazing digital circus
Hotdiggitydemon (max ggggg....🤤)
The Mitchell's vs the machines
Scott pilgrim
Captain underpants
And fandroid :)
So, disclaimer, I will not be posting much unless I get a bunch of questions, or even just one.
I will try to reply with art as in character as possible!
I will implement anons! But not ur oc, sorry D:
You can ask:
Anything except for the following
You CANT ask:
Anything about proship
Basic dni stuff
Tw: there will be very selective ships based on the question.
ANDDD YOU CAN ASK MY SONA TOO!!! HERE HE IS!! (Idk what Anon name to give him)
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Love him.
Anyways, IM SO EXCITED!!!
Ask any character from the fandoms above >_< LOVE YOU!!!!!<3
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fearyandear · 1 year
Where You Stand [Monster! Spidersona Reader x Miguel O'hara]
(Can be read as Romantic or Platonic. Is set as Miguel is still figuring things out, before there were so many spiderpeople he'd bring in)
*Sona's comic book slams down*
So, let's go through this again.
My name is [Insert].
I lived a pretty standard life. 
*Pictures of Sona as a kid, smiling, and slowly stopping as more photos stack of them doing different stuff through the years*
I was bitten by a pretty gnarly spider...
And, I started changing into something…
*grotesque changing sequence in an alley*
*stumbles through the streets, bumping into someone and spooking them*
*Sona looks at themself for the first time through a reflection on a shop's glass, onlookers inside staring at them*
I was so scared, 
*Sona is having a breakdown as they run to their apartment*
I didn't know what I was! I had to hide it,
*Sona locks themself inside their room*
To lock myself away…
*Blanket burrito as parents bang on door, speed up through days of staying locked. Stops and shows MC staring wistfully out the window. It's raining, and dark*
But then…
*lightning flashes, and suddenly there's a figure crouched in the sill*
Someone paid me a visit.
Sona, tingling spidersense going off: "Woah… you're… like me…?"
Miguel, disgusted, looking around the room: "Don’t-Don't ever say that again. Get up."
He was a serious grump that came out of nowhere. And it was like.. 
He was trying to assess me. 
Miguel: 'What are you doing?' 
Sona: 'I liked your cape!'
Miguel: 'You look ridiculous.'
Sona: 'I'm literally copying you!'
It was tough…
*montage of getting beat to the ground multiple times*
But I got to learn a lot of stuff. 
Like that I was part *Spider* of all things!
Sona: 'Woah… I thought I was Mothman'
Miguel: 'What the hell is a Mothman?'
How to change forms at will, how to 'fight' crime, how to shoot my own webs, how to FIGHT THE URGE TO BITE PEOPLE,
*Miguel holding snarling sona back like a dog against webbed up, concerned looking robbers*
Those few days that didn't last long at all. 
*Sona reaches out to try to hold his hand*
I didn't want him to leave, but. 
*He snatches it away. He holds his hand, looks at them, then turns around*
He had a team to take care of. One that I just... couldn't join.
*Portal closes. Sona is alone.*
I admit, that I was angry at first. 
*Sad and lonely Sona shots*
Maybe a little depressed. But. After a while, it was fine.
I got to make my own group.
*Sona saves people*
I helped people.
*Sona takes webbed mutated villain away from the scene*
People like me. 
*Sona takes a bag off the mutant and shows they're in a cheery-looking pit in the sewers with balloons, cake, and 'Rehab for Rehashes' is on a banner in the wall.*
People that were considered 'Other', and were outcasted. 
*Mutant looks around, incredulous*
The people that I should've been fighting.
*cuts to a 'support group' meeting for the people Sona helped, the same mutant talking animatedly*
Heh. I was getting pretty good at 'stopping crime'. In my own way. 
But then...
Civilian 1: 'It's Spiderman!'
Civilian 2: ''We're saved!'
*He* came.
*A more classic-looking spiderman kicks the Mutant across a street*
Another. Spiderperson. 
*Closeup of his get up, as he lifts the mutant up to deliver another punch. Montage of his 'good deeds' plays*
More normal looking, more 'morally aligned.' Accepted and adored like a poster child. 
And I was enemy number one for him. 
*posters of Sona everywhere*
His *nemesis.* 
*video if a fight between Sona and Spiderman plays on a big screen*
He made it his mission to stop me at any cost.
As if *I* was the fraud. 
He took my friends. 
*Sona in the now empty, sad Rehab*
He cornered me to my home... 
*'Civilian' Sona sees cops parked all over where they live*
My family....
*Parents are talking with the police outside as Sona sneaks to listen*
Parent : This explains so much… I just… Where did we go wrong?
*Shots of being in the street*
I had to run. 
But anywhere I went, he'd find me. 
*more fighting between the two, more intense*
I couldn't do anything back, I could barely even survive.
*Sona is losing*
It was all over for me. 
*Sona hit to the ground, is closing their eyes* 
I had accepted that this was it.
*Sounds of Spiderman being hit, Sona opens their eyes and sees a portal glow. Perspective shifts as they're picked up. Miguel is talking to someone else on his comm*
Miguel: 'I told you there couldn't be two spidermen.'
He came back.
*Future shot of a bandaged, sad Sona*
I almost died because I didn't belong in my own universe. 
*touches where the spiderbite was*
Because the spider that bit me… 
*a memory of Sona being shown that dimension, full of monster creatures*
Came from somewhere else. 
I really was the fraud, in the end...
*a hand touches Sona's shoulder*
I was lucky. 
*Sona looks up at Miguel*
Miguel, softly: 'Come on.'
I guess I scored enough brownie points because the Spider Council took pity on me.
They finally let me join. 
*Sona putting on the portal gizmo. Flashes of the following weeks go by*
It's fine. It's fun. I get to go on tons of missions!
Meet so many new people!
And when everyone has to leave back to their own universes…
I… stay and do a bit of cleaning…
Miguel: I told you to stop messing with that. You're gonna make SpiderByte mad.
*Sona looks out the building's window, overlooking Nueva York's skyline at night.*
I don't belong anywhere else. 
*Miguel drops a blanket on their shoulders and hands them a cup of steaming liquid*
This is my home now. 
*Sona scooches on the couch and they start going over plans for another mission, paperwork on the table* 
And I'll do anything to keep it that way.
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sardonic-the-writer · 4 months
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𝐀𝐬 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬
↳ notes: just another ezra drabble. not based on any specific episode or scene this time; just a look into his and dean's relationship in later seasons. again, go here for basic information on ezra if you're new to him!
↳ warnings: none
↳ song: not allowed—tv girl
sona masterlist | commissions | carrd
Baby's side door slammed shut with a metallic thud as Ezra hopped in the back. He was halfway through a playful bout of laughter as he poked fun at Sam for something or other; a regular occurance of his for years now.
"Really man? And you make fun of Dean for Doctor Sexy." Ezra snickered. Sam groaned as he took his usual place in the cars front seat. He didn't even have to turn around to know that Ezra was attempting to hide his laughter at him from behind his hand. And failing. Horribly.
"It was just a kids cartoon that came on okay?" He dragged a hand down his face in an attempt to defend himself. Ezra was having none of it.
"Then why were you singing along to the theme song?"
Sam burst into another tirade of 'I wasn't's and 'you don't understand's, but Ezra heard none of them through his laughter. He fully intended to hold this over Sam's head the rest of the day, and when he felt Baby's wheels dip with the weight of Dean climbing into the drivers seat, he knew he had to let Dean in on it.
"Dean. Dean get a load of this." Ezra cracked a smile as he leaned forward, getting close to Dean's ear as he laughed. "You'll never guess what I caught Sam watching this mor—"
His words died in his throat as he made eye contact with Dean in the rear view mirror.
"I'll never guess what?" He asked gruffly. Ezra didn't respond.
Ezra knew that they were all getting older. None of them were as young as they had been when they first met. Hell, he was an example in his own weird way. Each day his once jarring scars seemed to fade to a softer shade of pink, and he was finding lighter shades of hair under his beanie each time he showered. But he never really stopped to think about it too long, always focused on saving the world one month or a small family with a ghost problem the next.
Maybe that's why he lost his train of thought when he caught a glimpse of Dean for the first time in weeks. A real glimpse.
"Since when did you have smile lines?" His voice came out small and far away.
Dean turned his head around to look Ezra in the eyes. His eyebrows connected in a confused line directly above the bridge of his nose.
"What are you talking about?"
Quietly, Ezra lifted a forefinger up to point softly at the crinkled edges of Dean's eyes. He followed their finger for a moment, going a little cross eyed in the process, before realizing what he was talking about.
"I don't know. They just sort of happened one day." Dean's tone grew a little bashful as he spoke; or about as bashful as Dean Winchester could manage.
He cleared his throat stiffly. "Make an old joke already so we can get on the road. The poltergeist a state over isn't going to wait for your bad jokes, Ez."
"I think they're—" Ezra slowly shook his head as if searching for an appropriate adjective. Eventually he settled on nothing, simply staring at the wrinkles with a fondness in his eyes that was a stark contrast to his joking demeanor mere minutes ago. Too occupied looking at his friends lovely— in his opinion at least —imperfections, he didn't see Dean's eyes as they glazed over momentarily.
"No bad jokes this time, Dean-o. Promise."
The rare nickname snapped Dean out if whatever trance Ezra had accidently put him under, and he turned around much quicker than normal. Clearing his throat nervously for the second time in the conversation he put all his attention into backing the car out of the motel parking lot perfectly. For a moment he felt unsure about how to continue the conversation, but when he snuck a glance back at Ezra in the cars mirror, he saw that they had taken to looking out the window with a small smile, so he hesitantly left it at that.
The sound of wind filtering through Ezra's cracked window filled the car and made what little hair that peaked out from under his beanie flutter in the wind. It took the man a second to recognize the familiar feeling of someone staring at him.
"What, Sam?"
"Nothing." The youngest Winchester grinned cheekily, holding his hands up like he was surrendering. "It's just— for someone who says I watch weird things, you seem to like watching my brother a lot."
"Sam!!" Both Dean and Ezra yelled at the same time. The latter of the bunch could feel his ears burning, and once again was grateful for the secrecy of his beanies coverage.
All they got in response was a joyful laugh out of Sam, who spent the rest of the car ride getting the back of his seat kicked by a very embarrassed Ezra.
Still. Sam wouldn't stop smiling at his brother. And Dean couldn't stop stealing glances back at Ezra, fingertips brushing over the corners of his eyes as he did so.
One of these days he would talk to them. Really talk to them. But for now they had a job to do, and no time to think about soft smiles or familiar brown eyes.
Well, Dean cocked his head with a chuckle. Maybe he could think about it a little.
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lem-n-aid · 6 months
Uriel Preston: And other stuff
Got inspired by @skenisasleb to make a few outfits for Uriel, a south park oc of mine, and a few episodes for him too! ( They are just the top third of the outfit, sorry! And btw, the quotation marks are names of episodes. Spoilers for post covid and return of covid)
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1-"Pirrup your dukes": (this was when pip was alive) Upset that a kind boy like Pip would be tossed around with no remorse, Uriel decides to train him on some self defense techniques. Despite the genuine goodness of the former, Pip decides to us this training and beat his bullies to a pulp, and Uriel has to stop his friend before things get way out of hand.
2-"Coke flavored fish": When Uriel's parents, Coral and Marco, get back from a more than 20 year monster hunt from their jobs, they gotta make up the time that they couldn't spend with their son. To kill 3 birds with one stone, as they find out his adopted sis is a monster (so they gotta see if she's worth taking care of) and they have to hunt for a beast in a large area of water, the parents decide for a fishing trip. Plot A would be that Uriel fishes with, questionable bait, and plot B would center around Coral's Tension with Trixie, and the shenanigans that follow.
3-"What's best for her": Meeting an exchange student named Yentl, (This takes place before the first future of post covid) he's head over heels as he wishes no only to complete a to-do list from his far-off sis, but also to befriend someone new. However, Uriel is in tough competition with Cartman and is gonna have to duke it out for love( Using gifts of course), but looses at the end when Yentl wants to be Cartman's girlfriend due to her concern that Uriel is going ill from wasting so much energy on trying to please her.
4- Leroy Redhood: His Stick of truth sona. He's an old tavern keeper who wants to unite all creatures of Zaron. His place is where other species can mingle and interact with each other, but is restricted of violence against others inside (There will always be those annoying loopholes). 3 of these customers decide to stay to help with the tavern, and this is where his protective instincts shine (Calling the three his kids and other stuff). You dare hurt one of kids? Well get ready to feel figurative hell! He carries a basket with a spike on the bottom to double as a shield.
5- HoudiNick: In the day? Just an ordinary apathetic but still caring Fashionista, giving customers only the best of fabrics and materials to make a high grade superhero costume. At Night? A ruthless motherfucker that shows no mercy, has an endgame of blowing up earth, and burned his sister once( That was the most extreme instance of sibling wars with Trixie). The reason for turning evil was because he gave up trying to unite both franchises, and turned to the darkness, wreaking as much havoc as possible by trying to get as many secrets the heroes have and leak them to the entire town. His weapons are his trusty double-headed silver spear and his hat of infinity that stores bombs and other interesting stuff. To get him, you have to listen to every single conversation he has. You get limited amounts of dialogue at first, but he will open up to you as the game goes on, deciding to officially join you after he hears news of both franchises reuniting( But not before you defeat him in a battle, the mechanic being that he empty or even use your ultimate meter for his own ultimate when he can).
6- Post Covid(Original Timeline): In the original timeline, with his sister stuck in Canada, Uriel tried to get a list done of "Things to do when your sis is away," the only thing that remains incomplete was getting a girlfriend( Which was Yentl, but they are still good friends). The future sees Uriel as a Butler to Kenny, as he gave him a job of being a butler when almost all jobs got automated by robots. When Kenny dies, the will tells him to help out the other boys when he can. However, Cartman uses the will to his advantage, and makes him steal the machine to use it 'For the greater good( Which is to kill Kyle in hopes to stop this mess.)' Once Uriel finds out the true plan, he pulls out his double sided spear when Cartman fistfights Kyle to stop the two, only to have to put down the weapon when Yentl exclaims her disbelief on how Cartman used to be, and how he is now. (I'll do the altered future Uriel in another post)
I think I started this a week ago, but kept postponing it cause I was lazy. If you want more Info about Uriel and my ocs, don't be afraid to ask.
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sunny6677 · 3 months
Never really made a introduction post to my blog, so here—
Hello! I am Sunny, or Lila, or Tomori—you can call me either one of those but Lila makes my gender euphoria go yippee more jdnsnsj /lh
I'm taken by my lovely partner who I would tag if they actually had a Tumblr hsnsns /lh
My pronouns are she/her but I don't mind being referred to with they/them. I am transfem and lesbian—(and possibly on the ace spectrum??? Still trying to figure that out). I am autistic, and possibly have BPD—I also have pretty bad anxiety issues and some pretty bad OCD.
My interests are: FNAF, Spooky Month, horror, analog horror, poetry, BATIM, dinosaurs, jurassic park, TADC, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, etc etc the list goes on.
My kins, or rather just characters I strongly relate to are: Lila, Skid, Streber, Radford, Pomni, Zooble, Patty, Wednesday Addams, Eleven from Stranger Things, Rika Furude from Higurashi, Edd from Eddsworld (the character), Toriel, Alphys, Pacifist! Frisk, Kyoko Kirigiri, Jake from The Music Freaks, The Crying Child/CC from FNAF, Darwin Watterson from TAWOG, Garnet from Steven Universe, Marceline from Adventure Time etc etc.
My comfort characters right now are: Kevin and Lila from Spooky Month, or rather basically any character from Spooky Month, but mainly those two lmao.
My ships are: Lila x Kevin, Kevin x Radford, Edd x Tord (the characters are who I ship), Tom x Matt, Pomni x Ragatha, Lila x Jaune, Wednesday x Enid, Betty Groff x Simon Petrikov, etc etc.
DNI: MAPS, MAPS supporters, Zoos, Proshippers, any NSFW accounts in general because I'm a minor—I'm chill if suggestive stuff or jokes are made but nothing too heavy, anyone who takes shipping a little too seriously, ableist people, racist people, transphobic or homophobic people, any kind of LGBT-phobic people, anti-self shippers or anti oc x canon (I do self shipping and oc x canon so you should probably skedaddle out of here if you don't like either of those things). Tbh, just dni people who are weird or do stuff that harms other people in general. I'm cool if you don't like certain characters or shows or whatever the hell, but if you like doxx or harass people over having opinions or if you do anything creepy in general, you should probably get outta here. Also younger kids in general—like any age below 13.
This is also supposed to be a chill blog where I just post stuff I like—and I tend to really hate fighting, so chances are if someone tries to start fighting shit up in here, I'm probably either not gonna respond or I'll just delete whatever they said. I mean like if I did something genuinely wrong I'll reply, but this isn't meant to be a discourse blog. I'm just here to have a good time fam. /lh
And request—if you're gonna block me at least tell me why before you do. Not because of any specific reason, I just happen to flip out due to a personal experience I had a while ago and I start thinking that they blocked me because I'm a horrible person and did something terribly bad. So if you're not blocking me because you think I'm a bad person, it might be better to explain to me before you do since my obsessive thinking won't freak out if it's just something like me being into a ship that's a trigger for you or me just creating stuff that makes you uncomfortable/just stuff ya don't like in general. /gen
Other blogs: @ask-the-wage-trio and a few others I can't tag for some reason
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(OOC: Wasn't able to make a blog for this one due to some minor troubles, so here—this one is the Ask Tom! blog thing jrndnd)
(Edit: Finally made a Tom blog!!)
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(She jumps up and down in front of the camera, placing her hands on her hips.)
(Tom's reference sheet)
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Tom's relationship chart:
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thatmaxcontent · 4 months
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FnF sona, because I kinda fell in love with the game again :) and I like the funky style and self-inserting
Maxwell is 18, AFAB Genderfluid with a STRONG male lean, he/him, Panromantic Asexual. He loves Goth, Metal, Pop, Hyperpop and Indie music the most, but overall listens to everything from Pop to Jazz. The hypothetical songs would each be a different style of Metal-inspired music mixed with another genre (in order, Indie/Metal, Pop/Metal, Goth/Metal, Hyperpop/Metal.) I had a hypothetical fifth song named "Godlike", that would've been like Gospel/Metal, but instead of holy Gospel worship it'd just be boss music /hj.
Maxwell has an undying love for all things Alien (particularly the emoji), and his male identity doesn't stop him from expressing himself however he wants. He's chubby and thick, usually covering up with styled baggy clothes.
He's good friends with BF and GF (also acquainted with Pico and his buds), the blue-haired peeps met three years ago when they were at a burger truck and there was only one burger left. Pico, who was BF'S, well, boyfriend back then kind of stood back facepalming as BF and Maxwell started rap battling for a burger. It devolved to them beep bopping one anothers spines so hard they fell to the ground bleeding and they watched as a little girl hopped over and bought the burger, feeding it to a nearby duck who morphed into a muscle duck after they ate the burger. The muscle duck and little girl took flight together while Maxwell, BF and Pico all looked at the scene. Pico was confused, meanwhile the blue duo were crying over the steroid burger.
Eventually the two got up and the trio made their way to a bench, where BF and Maxwell already forgot what happened and they shook hands only to bump their heads together thanks to being so dizzy from blood loss. Pico laughed at them and then lost his shit as they actually fainted and almost bled to death on the ground. When they woke up five minutes later they had a rap battle, exchanged numbers and waved each other goodbye for now. Pico had to carry boyfriend to his shitty ass apartment, meanwhile Maxwell crawled to his like an overgrown spider with scoliosis.
They met up every now and then, though they mostly ran into one another. Whenever they hung out, up until Pico and BF broke up, they'd do dumb shit that only amplified if Darnell and Nene pushed their asses along no matter how much Pico tried to beat the shit out of them not to come. Darnell taught Maxwell to spray-paint in exchange of Maxwell teaching him to do art with a pencil, because conveniently they had no fucking idea how to do what the other was a master at. Nene and Maxwell VERY OFTEN overshared on girl body problems and made the others throw up their tacos on the park grass.
When Pico and BF broke up Maxwell gave them both some space, and overall the hangouts pretty much disappeared. Some time after Maxwell hit BF up again, and they went ahead to get milkshakes or some shit when BF shared some tea.
"Bitch, no way, got your eye on someone new?? WHOMST, I MUST KNOW!"
"DUDE, THAT IS SO COOL!!! Hold on how the fuck did you score a demon?"
"Bapip boop bi bap ba bop op boop"
"You're right, less questioning, MORE CELEBRATING, HELL YEAH HOMIE!!!"
From there Maxwell got to know GF, and also the extent of BF's and GF's dumbass energy (then again, he himself isn't much better). He still kept in contact with Pico and the gang, but overall he just vibes.
Maxwell is an enjoyer of singing/rapping, but he works as a baker part-time. He lives in a shitty apartment of his own, and hyperfixates an unhealthy amount on his own fantastical projects. They make his brains mush and make him go bepeboop.
I love him very dearly :)
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nitw · 7 months
i just decided, new ask game. what pony would you be
🪽 species
🧥 coat colour
🌈 mane colour
🌟 cutie mark
💗 special talent
🏞 location.
(or if you wouldn't be a pony which equestrian animal would you be)
OHHH MY GOD YES THAT'S WGAT I LIKE TO SEE. but just so you know im basing this entirely off of my sona because he's already that self-indulgent
🪽 species: UNICORN!!!! i've always only had unicorn sonas ever since i was little 😤
🌈 mane colour: a light pink orange and yellow!!!! nice with the bloo,......
🌟 cutie mark: a shooting star!! tho i might have to change that because honestly what the fuck would that even mean in my case. i just think itd look nice
💗 special talent: UUUUUHHHHHHHHHH UHHHMMMMM....................... being kinda tech savvy and really into it?? special talents might as well align with special interests and i do have a big love for all that :3c
🏞 location: FUCK ponyville and their random monster attacks every 5 seconds honestly but like. what's the pony equivelant to nørrebro københavn. where's the nearest 711 for ponies. IS there a dog park this is important
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HELL YEAH @redlemon you'll never be free of my mlp brainrot sorry
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thoulizziers · 5 months
Commisions are open!!
Alrightt let's try to start over because I gotta put all info SOMEWHERE
First of all... HI, I'M BLANCA! Or Liz. This is a drawing blog, but my sona has it's own lore too so It may roleplay sometime? I dunno
Anyway have a list of stuff
Doubles AU (TBA)
Phobias AU (TBA)
TADKingdom AU (TBA)
Cowboy AU (TBA)
Digital Medieval Ages AU (TBA)
My swap AU (TBA)
Final act AU (WIP)
Vengedful AU (TBA)
Suit off masterpost (TBA)
Out of hell Masterpost (TBA)
Fredbear's Camp comic (TBA)
Poppy Playtime:
F & C Coin & Fur
SC OCs masterpost (TBA)
OC project(s):
Project 024 masterpost (TBA)
Indigo Park:
Rambley & Friends masterpost (TBA)
My sonas:
Blanca sona references/lore
Liz sona references
Eli sona reference
Beth sona reference
Abby sona reference (TBA)
Ella sona reference
Want something from [X] fandom or [X] character? You can search the Fandom/character's name on the tags! If It isn't there, you can request me to draw em :D!
And some amazing people you should follow rn:
If any of the links don't work pls tell me 😔
Side note my main account is a roleplay blog (@jester-anon) so i'm not able to have mutuals in this blog ☹️😔
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spinning-feeling · 7 months
(I suppose since Susie was recently mentioned in a reblog of my sister's art, it's only fair i should make a post talking about the goobers lmfao)
Monster Prom AU; Starring Trifecta and Susie
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Lore under the cut!
Trifecta was once human, ages upon ages ago - he became God thanks to a ritual which ended in suicide, which one could dub a "Hatchet Incident" - Through this ritual, he was an Existential Blasphemy, something that should not be, but is, thus through that paradox, he is both as Old as reality itself, and merely a young adult. For a while, he lived in old ruined buildings before moving in with Kiah (@fishy-moirails's Sona) and becoming roommates, and in time becoming as close as Siblings - said bond also leading to a Pact made with Kiah's Partner, Oz/Calculester, as to make sure she cannot Die; her soul being under the protection from whatever outside forces seek her, be it heaven, hell, other Gods, or even Father Death himself. As time passes, his powers grow, and deeper does the paradox go; now having an entire interdimensional mansion to himself, and being able to summon Eldritch Servants; all these powers serving as proper preparation for that which he'll save all those within his favor from: The End of The World, by the Trumpeteer's clarion call.
Susie Stiles is part of a rich family of, funnily enough, Dollmaking Dolls; each member crafted with the utmost care and attention, given special abbillities and powers exclusive to them, and fit with a pristine little gemstone on their chest, one that best represents them - Susie was created from stretchy fabric and a special plastic, her abillity being to stretch her arms and legs, and her gemstone being a heart-shaped spinel; beautifully crafted by a one of the four matriarchs of the family... who turned out not to care for her at all, despite taking all this effort, time, and care into making her. And despite her pristine form, because of her maker and caretaker, and her dissappearance, she didnt see herself as too good looking - Trauma gave her self and body image issues. And yet, despite all That, she still tried to go her own way, make her own lot in life, and see where it takes her - That, and she really enjoys being a Punk, gives her a sense that she has some control over her life after so many years, not to mention the aesthetic really fit her.
Both end up meeting in Spooky Academy, becoming friends, and in time, even partners - Trifecta helping Susie out through her personal issues, offering her loving solace, and in turn Susie shows him that this "mortal" life isint all that bad, that even as God, he deserves kindness and love.
Not to mention, of course, the fact that just by being with Trifecta, and sharing affection with him, she practically elevated herself to a very high status lmfao - She'll be the very first one saved when the Trumpeteer comes calling, lovingly left in the safety of the interdimensional mansion, while her beloved takes care of the Threat of Heaven, and He-Upon-The-Golden-Throne.
Now, for some Trivia!
Susie and Kiah are very close friends, thanks to Trifecta; so close in fact that they've become an iconic duo in of themselves, "The Godslayer Girls" - they even have matching shirts! As for how they got that name, Kiah once had a playfight with her brother in a parking lot and won, and Susie? Well, let's say she has a certain effect on ol' 'fecta, which causes him to almost literally melt thanks to Susie's flusters lmao
Nenaavi, Trifecta's eldritch "pet" cat, aided as a kind of emotional support when the Eldritch Nerd helped the Punk Doll through her issues - The kitty fed on her emotions, and acted silly as to boost her mood - Funnily enough, Nenaavi's doing the same for Kiah as well
Kiah claims that Trifecta cheekily helping out her relationship with oz/cal is him watching a Soap Opera - Funny then, that kiah as well has a Soap Opera to watch, with Trifecta and Susie, only diffirence is that their's is a hell of a lot more wholesome, and filled with a lot of lovingly teasing flusters lmfao
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sharprocks-blog · 8 months
Mix laid in his bed as he groaned when he heard his alarm beeping loudly, He sat up as his Mom came in the room with her uniform on while looking at Mix, “Honey! Get your butt up, get dressed, we leave in ten minutes!” And she quickly left. Mix sighed as he got out of bed as he quickly put on his outfit as he grabbed his heart shaped glasses and black back with a white rose pin on it, and quickly left. “Would you like me to drive you? Or would you like to go on your motorcycle and show off in front of your new school?” Mix just grinned as a small white hair kid came running in, her name was Clovis, weird kid, adopted, yellow eyes, olive skin. Mix ruffled Clovis’s hair as she smiled at him, her hair poofing. “Alright Clovis the babysitter should be here soon, call me if no one shows up, something goes wrong, any of the sorts we talked about” Clovis was extremely book smart and smart in general. Clovis nodded, “Yes ma’am!” Mix pulled Clovis in a hug as he hummed happily, then left the door.
Mix had pulled into the School parking lot as he felt a lot of eyes on him. Staring.. Hm.. Guess he should put on an act and manipulate the whole school? That sounded fun. Mix got off as he took his motorcycle keys as helmet as he then walked inside. Mix walked towards where his locker is while looking at his Schedule. Locker 309. And he was supposed to have a guide or something. Honestly this school looked pretty shitty in so many ways. The people look and act crappy, What a wonderful school this is going to me. But he had to trust his mom and try his best. Soon he noticed a tall guy walking towards him, brown hair, partly dark skin but a bit lighter, blue eyes, school jacket. He had a shirt that was blue with white stripes, Mix eyes twitched as he forced a smile. “You must be new here right? Mix Crystal?” Mix nodded sweetly, “Yup, moved here recently and now i go here” Mix hummed, ‘obviously..or else I wouldn't be here..’ Mix thought to himself, but he had to keep up with this fake sona he made up, too late to go back now. The boy hummed as he nodded as he took out his hand out to Mix, “My name is Barry Price, the school king” Mix felt like he wanted to just leave, but he took barry’s hand as he smiled more, “Nice to meet you Barry”
Barry showed Mix around the school, apparently he had been his guide, what luck, messing with the school king. Like being here and being stared at wasn’t enough. “You know, you’re kinda off..” Mix blinked, “What do you mean?” Barry shrugged, “Something about you is weird..” he turned towards him, Mix raised a brow. “I mean i think i'm just being myself at this point” He smiled sheepishly, Barry smiled a bit, “You’ll get along well with Isaac” Mix blinked as he stared at him as he just shrugged it off and continued with the tour.
“And there is your first hour class, Math” Mix groaned. Barry just chuckled, “If it helps, We have the same class period” Barry opened the Math door as he placed his hand on Mix’s back as he pushed him towards the door into the classroom. The Teacher stopped his talking as he looked at Mix and Barry, “Ah, i was wondering when you guys will join, i was worried that i wouldn’t be able to meet him until later” He smiled sweetly, “Well my name is Mr. Ice, glad to finally meet you Mr. Crystal” He held out his hand to shake his, and Mix took as he smiled at him, “You too” Mr. Ice hummed, “You two sit down, Mix you will sit right behind Felix, the one that has the spiked up hair and leather jacket” A boy raised his hand looking at Mix. Mix nodded, as he walked over towards the desk, he glanced back as he saw Barry sit next to a guy that had glasses and brown hair with a red shirt. He sat in the chair as he stared at the guy in front of him. Felix huh… interesting.
The bell soon rang about 12 minutes later, Everyone packed up as Barry came over to Mix and smiled, “I’ll show you to the next class..” He paused as he watched Felix walk out the door who was smirking at them both, mostly Mix at this point as he left the door. Barry and Mix told Mr. Ice bye as they walked out of the door, “So are you thinking about any Clubs you want to join?” Barry looked at Mix, Mix put his hand on his chin as he thought for a minute then replying “Hm.. maybe Gymnastic, Gardening, or Drama club” Barry nodded, “Those are great choices, but, why Gymnastic?” Barry asked as he raised a brow, “Oh, i'm very flexible” Mix smiled, “Makes sense, anyways we have Science next, we have three classes together, Math and Gym, You have History next, so I’ll take you there then I’ll leave” Mix nodded as they continued to talk, soon noticing a small brown hair kid walk past them, then sticking his tongue out at barry then speeding off. Mix blinked, very confused as he looked at Barry who scowled, “he’s a shit head.” Mix couldn’t really care, he just wanted to get through the school life without any weirdness or drama. Barry went towards the history class as he hummed, “Good luck” then Barry walked away leaving Mix alone.
This is great, he hummed happily as he walked inside the classroom, the Teacher walked over to him, a girl teacher this time, she was old, but very sweet “Hello, you must be Mix Crystal, I’m Mrs Yang. How are you enjoying your first day of school?” She smiled sweetly, at him, just like Mr. Ice. Mix shrugged, “Good i guess” Miss Yang then asked, “Did you make any friends yet? I can ask someone to sit with you or I can place you with someone in my classroom if anyone has a free seat by them” Mix bit his lip, feeling awkward at this point, this was embarrassing.
“I think i’ll be fine-” Mrs Yang hummed as she cut him off “I’ll ask Drew and Nevin, they are such sweet kids, Nevin, Drew?” Two teenagers looked up from their phones and at Mrs Yang, One short and one small, One had dark brown hair as the other had black hair. “Would you two be a dear and let Mix sit with you?” you can’t really get upset with Mrs Yang, she was really sweet, she treated all of her students like this, but every high school student loved her. The black hair kid spoke, “yeah sure” as he patted a seat right next to him. Mix’s face was red in embarrassment, “You’ll get used to it, she does this to everyone” the smaller boy paused as he looked at Mix, “I remember you, you're that kid that was walking with Barry” He pointed at him. “Oh uh..yeah, I guess so..” He glanced away not knowing what to say, the smaller boy crossed his arms as he spoke again, “Names drew and this is Nevin” Nevin waved. “I’m Mix Crystal or just call me Mix” Drew hummed, “Nice to meet you i guess”
The class began as Mix saw a familiar face, Felix.. He leaned his chin into his hand as he watched Felix sit down next to someone, he didn’t notice he was staring at him. Drew poked Mix, “hey, batter in the Mixing bowl, wake up” Mix looked at Drew, “please never say that again..” Drew rolled his eyes, “you better not be crushing on that Wolfe guy.” Drew scrunched up his face, Mix frowned, “I’m now, i just sit next to him or well sit behind him in Math” Drew facepalms, “I feel bad for you kid” Nevin hummed, “Yeah that's bad luck” Mix raised a brow, “How come?” Drew glanced at Felix then to Mix, “He blew up part of the school, how come he isn't in jail? Someone bailed him out” Mix was basically laughing on the inside, wow, that's something that he did not need to know or hear. “Right..”
Bell rang as he walked out of the classroom, “Hey” Mix turned around and- oh. It was felix. Felix placed a hand on his shoulder as he smiled at him, “Can I see your schedule?” Mix handed his schedule, he really wanted to hit him. Felix glanced at his schedule, his smile turning into a smirk. “Looks like we all have the same class together” Mix glanced around if nobody was watching or any cameras, none. He was about to swing a punch but Barry came in and dragged Mix away.
“Sorry for being late” Barry glanced at Felix as he snatched Mix’s schedule back. they both glared at each other and scowled, they looked like hungry animals out for blood.
“Let's get you out of here Mix..” Barry said while placing his hand on Mix’s back. Mix glanced at his hand, which had a sticky note on it and had words written on it.
Meet me under the bleachers during lunch -Felix Wolfe
Huh.. this was going to be a very interesting school year..
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disjecta-membras · 2 years
ig i should do a real intro
-my name is nick but disjecta is cool. pronouns he/xe/she/woof/kit/arach
-im autistic, my special interest of 7 is the sims lore, and special interest of almost 2 years is car seat headrest
-im what the kids call "chronically online", i speak in the most obscure references and don't get out much
-im a furry, my sona is rez the fennec fox
-i could talk about music for hours if you want me to make you a playlist i will even if i don't know you
-i used to write alot but now i don't due to good ol ao3 author's curse (my life is a bad movie i swear). might start again soon!
-im poly so far i have one bf hopefully i can obtain more (hj)
-my top kins are vriska homestuck and asuka evangelion
-I LOVE ANIMALS favs rn are pallas cat and fennec fox
-other musicians i really like are phoebe bridgers, 4lung, taylor swift, black dresses, lana del rey, alex g, and mitski
-shows n games stuff i like: my little pony friendship is magic, bluey, neon gen evangelion, madoka magica, parks and rec, splatoon, zelda
-i really actually enjoy stranger things but dislike alot of the fandom (milevens, adult eddie stannies). byler and jargyle tbh
-i really like plushies
-i don't really have a dni besides the obvious stuff but id prefer you not interact if you're a 4lung/black dresses/cate wurtz anti as i find y'all to be transmisogynistic as hell. gross. also dense ppl, "is this satire" commenters, adult eddie munson stans, overstaters of harm, mfs who think furries r zoos, rap music haters, genshin fans, i think yall r weirrdd
-not gonna sugarcoat, im extremely mentally ill (bpd, cptsd, severe depression and anxiety) so please be patient!
this has been the most terrifying intro you will ever have to witness, toodles!
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sardonic-the-writer · 3 months
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𝐀 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐭
↳ notes: read the avalable (and unfinished) information about ezra before continuing if you want this to make more sense!! this is based on season seven episode two 'hello, cruel world' when sam starts seeing lucifer everywhere. wanted an interaction between ezra and them to occur so here we are
↳ warnings: mentions of strangling, canon supernatural type stuff
↳ song: these boots are made for walkin'—nancy sinatra
sona masterlist | commissions | carrd
Bobby's house was quiet for once. It had been a long day — or morning, Sam couldn't remember — and the stillness of the house reflected that. Normally, something could be heard throughout the sturdy encasings of the log cabin; be it the hiss of a freshly opened beer or the mechanical click of guns being cleaned. But as the seconds ticked by and silence continued to stretch on, Sam realized he wasn't as appreciative of the quiet as he thought.
"So. What's the old bastard up to now?"
Sam looked up from his spot in one of Bobby's old wooden chairs, his fingers hovering over the page of a worn leather book. The rocker he was currently parked in was well past its prime, and splinters had been digging into the seat of his pants for the better part of an hour, but it was sort of hard to focus on the little things like that when the devil incarnate was sitting ten feet away from you. Not that he was exactly used to that little fact, of course. New developments and all.
Ezra was sitting in a chair, or rather couch, of his own. While it was probably just as stained and run down as Sam's chair, Ezra looked content to stay on it. And judging on the way he was busy tossing a little foam ball in the air, a funny little habit he kept from his days as a ghost, Sam had no doubt it was comfier too.
"Sam, did you hear me?"
Blinking once, Sam ignored as Lucifer smirked in the corner of his vision. "Sorry. What'd you say?"
Ezra pushed himself up from his position splayed out on the couch to face Sam better. In the room over, they both heard the muffled voices of Bobby and Dean, no doubt talking about the exact situation at hand, but the two of them didn't mention it.
"I asked what horns and pitchfork is saying now." Ezra tried for a grin, but shut down it once he saw Sam's expression falter. "Anything interesting, or the usual smarmy bullshit?"
He watched as Sam turned his head slightly, listening someone that Ezra couldn't see. By the time his eye's focused back, he looked a little tenser.
"Uhm. He. He says you look good." Sam licked his lips hesitantly. "And that he can't wait to kill you. Again."
That seemed to bring a ghost of a smile to Ezra's lips as he leaned back once more. 
"Ah, well, I've already slept with one ruler of hell, and I'm not really looking to double that score. But tell your imaginary friend I said thanks." Ezra caught the stress ball in his hands once more before pausing. "And he'll have to get in line for the killing thing. Pretty sure I'm on a lot more hit lists than the last time we all got together for a meet up."
That got a laugh out of Sam, even if it was just a little exhale of air out of his nose. Ezra took the win anyways, throwing his little toy ball at Sam and laughing himself when the man immediately caught it.
"I wouldn't worry too much about this thing, Sam. We always figure it out." Ezra tried for a genuine conversation, now caught in a little game of toss between Sam and himself. Anything was better than the silent brooding, he supposed.
"You try living with the devil every second of the day." Sam arched an eyebrow and purposefully ignored a comment that said invisible angel added, looking rather gleeful as he did so. Sam must not have done as good a job as he thought at keeping his face blank, because Ezra sighed.
"I have no idea what he's saying to you now, but whatever it is, fuck him. You shouldn't be taking advice from a guy that used to be called Samael." Ezra leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees with a shit eating grin. "I mean, come on, that's worse than my real name."
"I don't think he liked that." Sam chuckled, giving the stress ball a quick squeeze. He still looked a little pale, thanks to the dangerous chuckle Lucifer allowed himself to let out at Ezra's joke, but Sam couldn't stop himself from letting his friends' antics get to him. Ezra had always been good at distracting people from impending doom, and this time was no different.
Sam recalled a time where things hadn't been so complicated. Back when Ezra had first saddled up with them in the back seat of the Impala, complaining about a lack of a.c flow while Dean barked at him to shut up about the car. It went on like that for weeks, not so playful bickering paired with Ezra's snark while they worked cases — up until something changed. Maybe it was the first time Ezra put himself in harm's way of a ghoul to save Dean's skin, or maybe it was when Sam realized Ezra had remembered exactly how to order his salad each time they went out for dinner. Either way, Sam knew that if there was anyone he could count on, they were all under Bobby's roof right now, and rooting for him.
"Isn't that sweet." Lucifer sighed and clapped his hands together. Sam didn't realize he had spoken out loud. "One big happy family."
"Jeez, Sam, you really know how to make a guy blush." Ezra barreled right past Lucifer, very much not blushing, but still smiling all the same.
"Whatever." Sam cleared his throat and pushed his chair out. "I'm going to go get a beer. Want anything?"
"I'd love nothing more than a nice big dose of alcoholism right now. While you're in there, see if you can get Bobby and Dean to stop whispering like school girls and just talk to you about this. It'd make watching you all dance around each other a lot more bearable" Ezra closed his eyes and leaned back on the couch, signaling the end of the conversation. Sam didn't say anything in response other than a tight lipped 'right' before heading off in the direction of Bobby's fridge.
"You know, I really like your friend. They've gotten a lot more chatty than the last time I met them. Or maybe that's because I don't have my hands around their throat anymore. Maybe when I get out of my cage, I'll keep him. You know, as a little souvenir. That'd be nice, don't you think Sammy?"
Sam slammed the appliance door shut, and he didn't miss the way his knuckles went white around the door handle. The hushed conversation from some rooms over halted for a moment.
"Everything alright in there Sammy?" Dean asked. He didn't even have to come out to know it had been Sam that made the noise.
"I'm fine." Sam hollered back. He let his head fall forwards a bit, resting his forehead softly on the front of the icebox. Lucifer watched with a wry smile, and Sam's hair raised with the effort of his gaze.
If he didn't get this over with soon, something bad was going to happen. And Sam had a feeling no one would be coming out on top of this one.
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
What kind of recipes do they make for each other, breaker, lunch and dinner (domestic indulgence). Any recipe tries? (We r entering deep HC musing dimension)
HELLO okay this came at an amazing fuckin time because i JUST had a 5+1 idea where Thomas goes to all of Alastair's loved ones to learn how to make his favorite meals. The +1 is Thomas making some of the meals for Alastair. This is a great excuse to explore what loving Alastair is like for Thomas, what it means to him, and how others in Alastair's life get along with Thomas. I think I will use Sona, Risa, Cordelia, Aunt Niloufar, and ???? I haven't decided yet. @vwritesaus is giving me the strength to flesh this out and I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS IDEA i think it has the potential i have a LOT of fun with.
But oh that wasn't the question! I'm so high.
Okay. I will just tell you what i think their favourite dishes are for each meal. Because I think they care so so much to learn to make the other's favourite meals, you know? Because they are partners.
Okay. Thomas's favorite breakfast is toast and eggs, because Eugenia used to make him toast with all different kinds of breads. Alastair likes Borani esfenaj. It is poached eggs with chili butter. I had Thomas make for him here.
In the lunch time, I think that they are having together a simple lunch on most days. they do not cook this meal in my opinion. they will just put together sandwiches or little salads, it will not be a big thing.
But if they had a chance on a special occasion like a birthday. they can make each other's favourite lunch. which for thomas is cold chicken with a spread and a salad. and for alastair is mosama khoresh.
I think alastair grew up eating persian food at home, so most of his comfort meals are persian dishes. i think thomas celebrates this and learns to make them. but i think charles did not care to learn this or learn persian language. and i think this is actually a super important thing. james does it for cordelia, too, and i LOVE that.
Anyway. So for dinner, I think they will sometimes go to get take away. I think they like to have picnics in Kensington gardens because it's so close to their home, and they eat a lot of meals there. This is an odd headcanon, but they're like, so free now from all of their horrors.
In many of my fanfics, I have them go to a Greek restaurant for take away. But I think they also will get deli food and bistro food to the park. Sometimes will have dates and go to nice restaurants, but only like once a week they have a date night like that.
I think they go on dates even when theyre married. I think James and Cordelia do too.
James and Cordelia are great. @angeldaisies knows how great.
Anyway I could do another ask for James and Cordelia like this it would be very fun.
This is basically glorified DARE lmao
I think a lot of the time, Thomas and Alastair will stay home. Either they will cook together and spend time like that, or Alastair will cook and Thomas will keep him company. Thomas cooks breakfast. So this is the equitable exchange of labor/household duties.
Thomas's favorite food growing up is mutton pie, but alastair has expanded his palette, and he really enjoys the persian dishes alstair likes to cook and grew up enjoying. He likes kuku sabzi
And Alastair has many favourite foods but ash-e reshteh has a special place in his heart. because it is a comfort food risa made him to be soothing when he was young. so yes
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