started off hating lucien but now hes growing on me 🧿_🧿
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lucifxxr · 2 years
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puppersforsale · 2 years
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mr-tino · 3 years
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OMG !! Did you all see these new MLQC Karmas??? 😍😍
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timelessduet · 3 years
In His Eyes
Victor’s Eyes (His Time)
Victor knew you ever since you were a child. You cried and threw a fit after he accidentally smashed the sandcastle you took so much time to build. Although he wasn’t usually sensitive to other people’s feelings, for some reason, your crying state made his heart wrench. At the back of his mind, he wanted to make you stop crying. Whatever it takes.
Not long after, the two of you continued seeing each other to play after he appeased you with an imperfect pudding. Victor was just learning how to cook but it confused him how you loved something he only started practicing on. He knew it was edible but it made him realize how easy you were to please. He wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing but if there’s one thing for sure, he silently appreciated it.
But as they say, good things could only ever last. In order to save you, Victor had to reveal his secret. That led to you and him being kidnapped by an organization who researches on people with powers known as evolvers called Black Swan. Of course Victor wouldn’t sit idly and wait for help. He’ll do anything to get you out of THAT situation. He will definitely save you... or so he thought. In the process of saving you, you had a different choice in mind. While he was doing everything he can to save you, you ended up saving him instead.
After that accident, Victor lost you. He was in a state of utter shock and helplessness. He can’t believe that someone like him would end up not being able to protect the girl important to him. He didn’t say it but he was devastated. It was somehow near to the feelings he had when he lost his mother. He never had a girl dear to his heart aside from his mother until he met you. And so he swore to do everything in his power to find you and he will never stop until that time comes. He is Victor Li and he’s a man who won’t stop at anything.
He had many chances to take opportunities coming his way and leave Loveland. But in the end, Victor didn’t. The reason? He had something he wanted to find so badly. This was only possible if he doesn’t leave the one place he’s certain had your traces.
Years went by and Victor became one of the most successful businessman in Loveland after establishing LFG at such a young age. He made the company grow through his smart leadership and logical decision-making. Even after so many years though, his search still continued. There was progress with his search but he refuses to accept that the end of it would be something heartbreaking.
Amidst making LFG a successful business empire as its CEO, Victor also had another life... He was the chef and manager of a small restaurant named Souvenir. Who would’ve thought that a capitalistic tyrant such as him would be the owner of a restaurant? Though the restaurant was still owned by him so he chooses who to serve and how the customers will pay. It was unconventional indeed but what to expect from a man named Victor Li?
He lived his life like usual but always thought... “Will I ever see her again? I wonder how that girl is doing.” Until that day finally came. Unknowingly, he already met her again. She was the CEO of a small production company LFG invested on.
A girl who wanted nothing more but to save the company her father left, she was shockingly bold and confident. Victor has met many people considering his business. He sure has met people with guts such as hers. He wasn’t particularly fond of ladies but didn’t hate them per se. The CEO of LFG never realized he didn’t just invest on her company... he ended up invested his feelings and time as well.
His feeling were at bay and the reason was obvious. It’s because of her. But who would’ve thought after all the private investigations and dead ends... She’s back in his life.
She was different. Victor exercised control, balance, and a near to perfection standard. She however was anything but that. It’s still a question how he could tolerate someone like her. But it was okay. She was the normal he never knew he needed in his life.
Victor’s feelings, affection, love for that girl... she’s free. She finds happiness in the simplest and sometimes he finds useless of things. She’s easy to please and self-proclaimed number one fan of his cooking (pudding). One to panic over a report near its deadline that’s expected to have a lot of mistakes but he credits her hard work nonetheless. He believes she’s a simpleton yet one who’ll never give up when she puts her mind to it. A dummy he can’t help but worry about. She’ll stumble and strive... cry and smile... complain but follow through... she’s a mystery. A mystery he’d want to protect always. He failed once but he promised he won’t ever again.
The thing was, she didn’t... wasn’t a girl who needed his protection. It was a painful but inevitable realization. She was and will always be a dummy. No one can make her change her mind or decision. She was that stubborn. Sometimes Victor thought she was just being childish and unreasonable. The truth was, she wasn’t. Victor loved a girl who he can never protect. She was a girl that didn’t need what he had... his power, reputation, connections. Things that others wanted from him and he’d give her willingly without question, she didn’t need.
“Victor, I don’t need your protection. I know what I’m doing. Trust me.” And so he did. She doesn’t need anything from him... What she only ever needed from him was his love, trust, and support. He won’t stop her anymore. In his eyes, he walks through the path of time by her side together.
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cesavi13 · 3 years
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ventiquemr · 3 years
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"Tomorrow, I promise I'll be happier. But let me just be myself today." 
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mlqctranslations · 4 years
Victor 偏爱 SP Date
Reposted from my instagram account, @mlqc_translations!
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Chapter 1
The car stopped in front of the familiar white mansion. Victor and I took the gifts out of the trunk, and then rang the doorbell. The door was soon thrown open, and Victor's aunt appeared. 
Aunt: Ah, you're finally here!
Victor: ...Aunt. MC: Hi aunt! I'm here to disturb again! Aunt: Don't be silly, of course not! Come in, come in! We walked into the living room. The faint smell of tea was in the air, the TV was playing quietly, and everything was the same as I remembered. Aunt: Brother, Victor and MC are here! MC: Hello! Happy New Year! Setting down the teapot, Mr. Li nodded and smiled at us. On the night before spring festival, Victor's aunt had called and invited us to spend the new year at the mansion. The memory of coincidentally spending New Year's at Mr. Li's home was still fresh in my head. Thinking of this warm memory, I had carefully selected appropriate gifts. We chatted for a little while, and then Victor's aunt got up to add more water to the teapot. Mr. Li stood up and called out. Mr.Li: Victor, help me get something from the balcony, will you? Victor: Sure. He agreed, and then looked at me. Before he said anything, Aunt grabbed my hand. Aunt: You can go, I'll chat with her a bit! She moved closer to me, and finally started speaking when the men were out of sight, smiling at me warmly. Aunt: Let me take a look at you. I think your complexion has gotten better. Have you been taking care of yourself? MC: Thanks, but I don't think I did anything special. I think I just ate pretty good these days. I laughed awkwardly when I saw her confused look. MC: Victor is really good at cooking, I always eat a lot...... Victor's aunt patted the back of my hand and started laughing. Aunt: No need to be polite with him, if you like it, tell him to make more! Aunt: Hm...if it's like this...I guess Victor doesn't bully you anymore? MC: Thanks to him always bullying me before, I'm not scared of any kind of work now. Aunt: He was like this since he was a child. His actions always different from what he says and feels. Once you get used to it, though, it's kind of cute! MC: Yeah. Even though sometimes his tone isn't very good, he's never really hated me or disliked me in any way. Actually, a lot of the time, he's helping me tirelessly. The big and small events of daily life, he would always worry for me...... MC: I always feel very safe around him. It was quiet for a few seconds, and I looked up to Victor's aunt instinctively. She was staring at me with a mix of surprise and joy. I realized what I had said, and instantly felt my face heat up and turn red. MC: I'm sorry... I said too much, didn't I...... She was about to say something when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around, and locked eyes with Victor. Victor: It looks like I've interrupted you. Aunt: No, no, you came at just the right time! Brother, stop occupying Victor, let the young people speak to each other! Victor's aunt winked at me and stood up, bringing Mr. Li away. Victor walked towards the kitchen, and I followed. Victor: Then I'll take care of supper. MC: I'll help! Once we were in the kitchen, Victor handed me some vegetables. Victor: Did you have fun talking with my aunt? MC: Yeah. We talked about you! Victor: Hm. A certain snappy and grouchy person suddenly starts giving out compliments? I gave a small start, and looked up at him nervously while I was washing the vegetables. MC: Y-You heard? Victor: Just a bit. MC: Then what are your thoughts after hearing such sincere compliments? Victor: Definitely the kind that only you would give. Most of it is just facts, though, so it doesn't really count as a compliment. I looked at the faint smile in his eyes and pouted, unsatisfied. MC: It looks like I've said too many good things about you. You're already used to it. Before, you would be surprised for a bit and ask me if I really mean it. Victor: All your thoughts are written all over your face. Of course I can tell if you mean it or not. He glanced at me, and I knew how red my face must be right now. Still, however, Victor was calm, and didn't seem flustered at all. Perhaps it's because he can tell what I'm thinking. Whenever I prepare some sort of surprise, he can always expect it. ...If I think about it, I haven't seen Victor embarrassed or flustered because of me in a long time. I gave a huff and shook the water droplets off of the vegetables. It's so unfair to have only me blush and my heartbeat to go wild.
A new year, a new start, I want to see a new side of Victor!
Chapter 2
After a while, Victor's aunt walked in and set a bottle of red wine and a decanter on the countertop. Since Victor was cutting up the vegetables. I took the wine and tried to start decanting it. Victor's aunt watched me, her eyes following my movements, and then moved closer to whisper in my ear, "You're very familiar with this!" MC: It was all learned from Victor. Aunt: You like drinking wine? I instinctively turned to look at Victor, but he didn't seem to be listening. MC: Well...actually, I'm not that good with alcohol. I can't drink much. Aunt: That's okay, we'll drink a little less later, then. It's a holiday, you gotta live a little! MC: But... Aunt: Don't worry about him stopping you. This time, I'll cover you! She patted me on the back and left the kitchen. Now, all I could hear was the faint bubbling of the soup on the stove. I leaned against the counter, facing Victor, bringing up what his aunt had said on purpose. MC: She said I can drink wine with you today. Victor: Yeah. MC: I promise I'll just drink a little bit. I won't embarrass you today. Victor: Didn't she say she'll cover you? No need to report to me. MC: ...... Nothing escapes his ears! I furrowed my brows and watched out of the corner of my eye as Victor took out a few pieces of rock sugar from a glass jar and added it to the pot. There were also a few wine glasses nearby. I looked around, ready to seize the chance to get him back. I picked up a wine glass and poured wine from the decanter into it, handing it to Victor. MC: Want to see if it tastes good? Victor: ...You've only decanted it for five minutes. MC: Is CEO Victor afraid of the wine tasting sour? Victor looked at my smirking face and took the wine, swirling it in the glass a few times. Victor: What, are you trying to make me drunk first so you won't be laughed at later when you're drunk? MC: It's just a little. You won't be drunk. Victor studied me for a while but still drank the wine. When I saw him wrinkle his nose, I took a piece of rock sugar from the jar he was using, held onto it with my mouth, and stood on my tip-toes to be able to reach his lips. Victor: ...! He froze, and I pushed away his hand holding the wine glass and moved even closer. My feet began to feel sore, but the man in front of me still didn't bend down and do what I wanted. I tried to maintain my balance with difficulty, and then blinked at Victor aggressively. He raised an eyebrow and finally lowered his head and bent down. I raised my head to meet him, but accidentally bumped into the corner of his mouth instead. I tried to bite down on the piece of sugar, but all that was left in my mouth was a few tiny sugar crumbs. The rock sugar fell and landed on the ground with a small thud. MC: ...... Victor: ...... We stared at each other for a while. I tried to ignore my reddening cheeks, and stepped backwards with an air of forced calmness. I picked up the sugar on the ground and tossed it into the trash, then turned around and returned to the sink, my back turned towards Victor, and started to prepare the lettuce for supper. Victor: MC. Before he could say anything, I instantly raised a hand to stop him. MC: F-First let me calm down, right now I...! Before I even finished my sentence, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me backwards. My eyes widened, and I stared at the man in front of me. His warm lips stopped me from crying out in surprise, and I was suddenly enveloped in his scent. My mind suddenly went blank and I instinctively tried to push him away, but Victor held onto me tightly, one hand at my waist. I couldn't move at all. Victor: The wine wasn't good, I didn't get to eat the sugar, and you want to run away just like that? MC: Wait! Mr. Li and your aunt...they're still in the living room! Victor: I'd have thought you remembered this when you got the sugar. His lips were basically against mine when he said this, and then I felt them over my mouth again. I could smell the faint fragrance of red wine. The sounds in my ears all disappeared, only leaving the sound of my own frantic heartbeats. It was as if the world would no longer moved. No one would know what was happening in this quiet corner. The crumbs of sugar on my lips and the sweetness on my tongue were taken from me by Victor, and I was reminded by the meaning of this sudden kiss. His actions were gentle and slow, but I could taste a hint of greed and possessiveness. I was finally able to breathe in the cool air when my tongue started to feel numb. Victor's hand caressed my cheek tenderly and then he gave a soft laugh. Victor: Looks like your ability with wine and intelligence both didn't improve. You've only tasted a little...but you're already blushing? His voice made me conscious of what was happening, and I quickly stepped back. MC: T-This isn't related to anything like that! You... This is against the rules!! Victor: You were the one who started it, how could you push the blame onto me? Did you forget the things you did so quickly? MC: I- I was going to protest, but then I started to hear the background noise that had once faded away when Victor had kissed me. Victor, however, still held me in his arms, smiling and waiting for me to finish my sentence. Meeting his teasing gaze, I opened my mouth to speak but found I couldn't say anything. The awkward silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Aunt: MC, come over here and take a break! MC: Oh, okay! I jumped, surprised, and instantly ducked under Victor's arm, heading towards her. Everything happened so suddenly. Why is it only me who gets flustered? Victor was still calm and collected. I felt a little dejected and told myself not to try something so daring next time. Operation Rock Sugar had failed. When the housekeeper walked into the kitchen, Victor was carefully preparing the shrimp. When he heard the footsteps behind him, he turned around and greeted her. Victor: ...Mrs. Wang. Mrs.Wang: I've come to lend a hand, since the young lady was called away. Victor: Thank you. I appreciate you staying here to help out, even though it's the spring festival. Mrs.Wang: Oh, it's nothing! I'm by myself on New Year's anyways, so I'm quite content with staying here, where everything is so much more lively. I barely help anyways--you cook so much better. Victor: I'm honoured to hear that you like my cooking, but the food you make is loved by the whole family, no matter how you make it. Victor: You know, I don't come home very often, so it's quite natural that I should prepare a meal for them.
The housekeeper motioned in the direction of the living room. Mrs.Wang: When they heard that you were coming with her, your dad and your aunt were overjoyed! Your dad even bought new plants for the living room! Victor: He probably just wants to garden more. Mrs.Wang: Ah, but I've heard that if you keep plants at home, it's good for developing feelings! Victor smiled but didn't answer. Mrs.Wang: You have to believe it! See, didn't something good happen? She laughed and pointed to the corner of Victor's mouth. Victor looked startled and brushed the back of his hand over his mouth. There was a faint red streak on his skin. .....it's the lipstick that hasn't been wiped clean. Victor coughed, looking awkward and self-conscious as he thought back to what had happened before. Victor: ...Mrs. Wang, please don't inform my father of this. Mrs.Wang: Ah, but it's perfectly normal with young people! She smiled and then lowered her voice. Mrs.Wang: Victor, do you usually cook for that young lady? Victor: .....Yeah. She's often busy with work, and she doesn't cook very well, either. She always tries to get her meals from me. Mrs.Wang: Then she must love your cooking! Victor gave a soft laugh. Victor: She isn't very picky. She tells me that everything I make is delicious. When she's hungry, she may complain about this, about that, but she forgets all that when she's full. She really is very easily satisfied... The soup on the stove had started boiling, making loud sounds, and Victor's words were interrupted. He seemed to realize what he had been saying, and instinctively turned to look at the housekeeper. 
She was smiling at him, staring at him wordlessly. Victor: Mrs. Wang, I... Mrs.Wang: It's totally fine, totally okay, no need to be embarrassed! You always put a lot of effort into everything. She can notice that, you know! That's why she's satisfied!
Mrs.Wang: I don't understand any big laws of life, but even I can still tell that making food for someone you love gives great happiness. If that certain someone also enjoys your food, it's double the happiness. Don't you think so? Victor avoided her gaze but nodded his head in agreement. Victor: Yes, you're right. He didn't say anything else, and finished preparing the shrimp. Then, he smiled to himself.
He turned his head to look in the direction of the living room. A porcelain flower pot was faced towards the balcony, a couple of small flowers sprinkled among the green leaves.
Many people want important incidents to have beautiful meaning. Victor, however, knew that, even without that radiant significance, he would hold her hand tightly and never let go. Victor: Mrs. Wang, what kind of flowers did my father buy? Mrs.Wang: Orchids, why? Victor: Nothing. Victor: If he likes it, he can keep it.
Chapter 3
After supper, the four of us started playing mahjong. We played a few rounds, and then the two older people began to feel tired. Before going upstairs, Mr. Li turned to me. Mr.Li: MC, the spare room is ready for you. You can go right over once you feel sleepy. MC: Okay, thank you!
Victor and I were afraid to disturb them by staying up too late, so we both got ready for bed. After washing up, I passed Victor's bedroom. Faint light was shining through the space between the door and the door frame. He didn't seem to be asleep yet. I knocked on the door, and then pushed it open, sticking my head in to see what he was doing. Victor was sitting on the couch, looking at his laptop. When he saw me peek into his room, he shut the laptop and got up. Victor: Come in. You drank wine today. Are you feeling sick or uncomfortable at all? MC: No, I'm fine. Today's wine was great. You were right in deciding how long it should be decanted. I shut the door and looked around his room curiously. The bedroom was neat and tidy, but I couldn't see many traces of anyone living here. The bookshelves and desk contained many books from student times, and there was a jump rope nearby. All of this didn't seem like it would fit with the Victor in front of me, yet it also seemed to somehow make sense. MC: Victor, you used to live here? Victor: I've always lived in Loveland city. When my father moved here, he brought my belongings here as well. MC: So, that means this room is some kind of "storage area" for you? Victor: Basically. I walked over to the desk, looking at the neatly organized books, and carefully touched the supplies on his desk. MC: Who would have thought. The CEO used to have the same life as me when he was a student. Victor: Would it be anything different? MC: We both took the same classes. Why is that you're so much better than me when we're all grown up? I looked away, pouting, and then caught sight of a few thick dictionaries on the shelf. The red cover of an idioms book caught my attention. I felt instantly excited, and turned back towards Victor, clearing my throat. MC: Victor, I'm going to test you. What's the fourth idiom of the sixteenth page of this book? Victor: What are you talking about? MC: You always love to use idioms when you speak, so I've always thought that you memorized this idioms textbook. Victor: ...... Victor sighed, sounding exasperated. He didn't answer me, but forced me to sit down on the couch. MC: ?? Victor: I knew you were drunk. MC: I'm not drunk! Victor: That's what all drunk people say. I looked at him defiantly. MC: You drank a lot with your dad. Are you drunk? Victor: No. MC: That's what all drunk people say. I copied his tone and repeated his words back to him. Victor looked at me in resignation. Victor: If I were drunk, who would take care of the tipsy idiot? MC: ...Wait, you were awake all this time because you were waiting for... me? Victor: You only realized now? I knew you wouldn't go back to your room that easily so I left the door open. My heart felt warm and happy when he said that. I took Victor's hand, laughing softly. MC: Then are you planning to have me stay here? Victor: As long as you don't wreak havoc, sure, I'm fine with that. MC: I'm not drunk, I wouldn't wreak havoc! Plus, this room is filled with your past. I want to get to know it better. He stared at me for a while, and then finally gave in. Victor crouched down and wrapped his fingers around my hand. Victor: Go on, what do you want to know better? I raised my head, looking around the room, and my gaze landed on a medal standing on the desk. MC: What's this? What award did you get? Victor: The allied nations meeting simulation award. MC: Wow, impressive! I've heard of this contest before. Apparently it's already difficult to get in, but you even won! Victor: If I think about it now, I suggested quite a naive plan. It probably helped with training my critical thinking, though. I made a face at his know-it-all comment, but then turned my attention to another object. MC: What's that dark blue folder for? Victor: The school gave it to me. I think it's some sort of student committee note taking folder. MC: As expected of CEO Victor. You were a leader ever since birth...
I continued looking around the room, and I suddenly saw an object in the corner that was out of my expectation. A memory in my mind was suddenly brought to the surface, and I widened my eyes in surprise and joy. I walked over to the box in the corner and fished out a ball, nearly empty of air. I held it up triumphantly to Victor's face. MC: It looks like you really love soccer! You've still kept it until now... Victor: I only liked it when I was really young. MC: But still, it's thanks to this soccer ball that I could eat the pudding you made. Victor: You only remember the pudding? MC: Of course not, I remember many details! For example, the shape of that sandcastle you destroyed...the weather of that day...the colours of the water bottles sitting in a row, under the tree...... I suddenly thought of something, and stuffed the soccer ball into Victor's hands. I brought my hands up to his face, cupping it in my palms. MC: But still, what I remember most clearly is the nervous you, at a loss for what to do. You weren't such a serious Victor back then. Your height was...maybe about up to your chest? Your hair was a little curlier back then, and you were kind of chubby...... MC: You were the adorable big brother Victor! I drew patterns on his face with my fingertips as I spoke, laughing in a silly sort of way. Victor watched me silently, not reacting at all to my words. I felt the temperature under my palms rise, and I moved in closer to stare at him, slightly bewildered. His pupils dilated for a second. MC: Victor? What happened? Victor seemed to realize that he was rooted to the spot and instantly stepped back, tossing the soccer ball back in the box. Victor: ...It's nothing. It's late, you should go sleep. We're returning to Loveland city tomorrow. MC: Then can I sleep on your couch? Victor: No. Go back to your room. MC: But you just said I could stay for the night... Victor: I changed my mind. He was avoiding my gaze. I seemed to understand something, so I turned and faced my back towards him. MC: You're misleading me. You've always said "If you want to convince someone, you need to bring out an appropriate reason." Victor: ...... MC: But if you're feeling too embarrassed, I can understand. Victor: Why would I be embarrassed? When I heard his awkward tone, I smirked sightly and then turned around and grabbed him. MC: If so, then I'll take it that you agreed! I could hear his heavy breathing, and it was as if he were suppressing something and trying to control himself. I turned my head, but then caught sight of the roaring, complicated emotions in his eyes. A second later, I was enveloped in his arms and trapped against the bed. The emotions in his eyes were mixed into the embrace. Victor: You said you wanted to stay. MC: I- Victor: You really talk a lot today. He lowered his head, biting my lip as if it were a punishment for rambling on and on. His teeth glided over my lip and I let out a small noise of pain. He loosened his hold on me and touched my lips with his finger. Victor: Shh. My dad's a light sleeper. Don't wake him up. I stared at him, realizing that the bedrooms weren't far away from each other, and instantly turned red, covering my mouth. MC: W-Why didn't you say that earlier? Victor: Well, now you know. I glared at Victor, but this didn't stop him from doing what he originally had wanted to do. He moved my nervous hands away from my mouth, grasped the back of my neck with one hand, and slightly tilted my head upwards. He leaned down towards me again. This time, his movements were gentle, brushing his tongue over my lips and causing a hot, tingling, irresistible sensation. The feeling seemed to unfurl into every corner of my body. My mouth was slightly aching from his actions. The air seemed to thin around us as our breaths mingled and we breathed in each other's warmth. I felt slightly dizzy, and my hands clutched at his shirt as I subconsciously reached for something to hold onto. My body was trapped, and I was forced to go along with his actions. With every second, however, I sank more into the kiss and followed his lead willingly. I could hear the ticking of the clock. Victor didn't stop time like he had done in the daytime. I didn't have the energy to worry or think about the world around us, anyways. Our movements left our clothes a creased and wrinkled mess, and the necklace at my throat slid to the side, landing on the bed with an almost unnoticeable sound. The small sound seemed to snap him back to reality, and he ended the kiss, nuzzling his nose against my cheek. The sound of our breathing filled the quiet room. We stared at each other for a second, and then suddenly Victor turned his face away, getting off the bed. I was still holding on to the fabric of his shirt. He paused, and then gently pulled my hand off his clothes. MC: Victor...... Victor: ...Go to sleep. MC: What? Victor: You can sleep here. I'll go to the guest room. He didn't give me any time to react, and hurried out of the room without so much as a backwards glance. I froze for a while, and then moved myself into a sitting position, staring at the door. I opened my hand and stared at my palm, thinking back to the warmth I felt when I touched his face. Was he...blushing? Was it because of this kiss? But...he was totally fine with the one we shared in the daytime. Even though I didn't know the exact reason for his embarrassment, I felt a bit triumphant. MC: So. You could be flustered as well.
Chapter 4
The morning sun shone through the car window and I instinctively raised an arm to block the light from my face. I couldn't stop thinking about the embarrassed Victor last night, so I didn't get much sleep. The tiredness and fatigue still remained until today, so I decided to rest on the car ride back home. Oddly enough, Victor didn't say anything about my decision to sleep on the car, and played soft, relaxing music for the ride home. After a period of time, the car finally stopped. The bright sunlight falling over my eyelids was partially covered, and I could smell a familiar scent around me. Victor: MC, wake up. We're here. I lifted my heavy eyelids, still exhausted, and discovered that the surroundings weren't familiar. A cottage was sitting beside the quiet road. A fence ran along the front of the house, tracing out the edge of a garden bursting with life. If you looked carefully, there weren't many weeds or fallen leaves in the garden. It seemed that someone has tended to it recently. MC: Where are we? Aren't we going home? Victor: This is my house on the outskirts of the city. My family stays here when they occasionally visit. 
Victor: My dad had someone come over to fix the plumbing before spring festival. He cleaned this place up a bit while the pipes were being repaired, and told me to bring you over so you could rest here for a few days. Victor opened the front door, and I looked around at the space in wonder. It was in the same neat, minimalist design of Victor's house, but the colours were warmer and the house felt cozier. Sunlight was pouring out of a floor-to-ceiling window, filling every corner with a soft glow. The view beyond the window was filled with lush green colours, a few clusters of multiflora roses appeared occasionally among the plants. MC: It's so beautiful...thanks, Mr. Li and CEO Victor. I yawned again. Victor took my suitcase and led me to the bedroom. Victor: I'll give you the full tour once you're not half asleep. Go rest. Call me if there's anything you need. MC: Okay. I cleaned up the room a little bit, and then opened my suitcase to get my pyjamas, but they were nowhere to be found. I tried to think back to the morning, when I packed my suitcase, but couldn't remember anything, as I was too sleepy to care at that time. MC: I slept in Victor's room last night...did I put my pyjamas in the wrong suitcase? I decided to go and ask him. MC: Victor, where are you? Victor: Over here. His voice came from behind a door close by. I walked over, pushing it open, and then stood there, momentarily stunned. There was a huge walk-in closet with clothes and accessories neatly sorted in the surrounding drawers and wardrobes. Victor was standing in front of one of the closets, the light illuminating the side of his face. He had changed into a loose-fitting robe, the belt tied casually at his waist. The soft fabric was draped over his skin, showing the clear and defined lines of his figure. He hadn't been able to fix his robe yet, and his chest was bare. His strong muscles contrasted to the dark coloured fabric. My heartbeat sped up uncontrollably, and I stood there, not knowing what to do. My eyes were glued to his body. Victor: What's wrong? I realized what I was doing, and swallowed before starting to speak. MC: Um...I can't find my pyjamas. I think it's in the wrong suitcase. Victor: Oh, then I'll go check mine. He turned to walk out, and I caught sight of a stack of neatly folded shirts. An idea popped into my head, and I quickly stopped Victor. MC: Wait! I...I think I remember getting it dirty. Can I borrow something from here? Victor: ...You don't even behave when it's time to sleep. He still searched around in the wardrobe and passed me a white shirt. Victor: This one's soft. Try it on to see if it's comfortable. I took the shirt and compared it to my body. The fabric was slightly see-through, and it stopped at my thighs. ......maybe it's a little too short? I could feel my ears redden, and I stared at the mirror, hesitating. But when I thought of the shy Victor I saw last night, I felt determined and decided to try making him embarrassed again. I walked in the direction of the door, holding the shirt in my arms and turning my head to thank him. MC: Then I'll go try it on, thanks! Victor was rummaging though the closet, bringing out a pair of shorts and wanting to hand it to the person behind him, but then discovered that she had run away. He stared in the direction that the girl had disappeared, and gave a soft sigh. Victor: You never finish listening to what other people have to say.
He cleaned up the mess in the walk-in closet, and then remembered that the girl hadn't had breakfast yet. He went to her room and knocked on the door, waiting to ask her if she was hungry. There was no answer, and he pushed open the door, feeling puzzled. Victor: ...MC? It hadn't been long since she ran out of the walk-in closet, but the girl had already fallen fast asleep, hugging her pillows. The borrowed shirt was draped loosely over her body. She didn't cover herself with a blanket, nor did she shut the curtains. Sunlight shone over her, faintly illuminating her figure hidden under the fabric of the white shirt. He stood by the door awkwardly, not knowing if he should go in or head out. She didn't seem to be in a very deep sleep, mumbling softly, and then buried her head into the pillow. Victor sighed, walking quietly over to the curtains and shutting them. He then gently covered the girl with a blanket. Victor gave her forehead a soft push, lowering his voice and reminding her gently. Victor: Don't bury your face into the pillow. MC: Nnngh......Victor...... Victor: Hmm? MC: ...Cute...... She smiled in her sleep, and he was reminded of the night before, when she had called him "adorable" while smiling sillily. Inexpressible emotion crept up upon him again, and he instantly left the room. Victor leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. Victor: What an idiot...
When I opened my eyes again, it was nearly night time. I looked down at the blanket covering my body and rubbed my head.
I was planning to wait for him after changing into the shirt, but the bed was too comfortable and I fell asleep...
I raised my hand, looking at the long sleeve hanging over my arm. I probably only slept well because I was surround by his scent, right? Even though I was a little disappointed, I knew this was Victor's way of expressing his feelings. MC: Victor, I think you're the dummy here. I muttered, but my chest still felt warm and happy. Sounds came from the kitchen downstairs. I changed back into my own clothes and ran down the stairs, my stomach growling with hunger. 
Victor turned his head around when he heard me coming, and he frowned at me, sighing. Victor: You're finally awake. I thought that you would sleep all the way until next morning. MC: How could I miss the meal you prepared? MC: But, speaking of sleep, I express my gratitude to Mr. CEO for covering me with a blanket. Victor: You're welcome. I just didn't want to spend my holiday taking care of an sick idiot. I made a face at him and walked closer to him, curiously examining the food he was making. Seeing that I was hovering near him, he stuffed the soup ladle into my hand. Victor: You need to help if you want to eat sooner. The warm yellow light lit up the kitchen. Victor and I worked side by side at the stove. Even though Operation Pyjamas had failed as well, I felt content to have a holiday where I could always be near Victor. 
I made up my mind, choosing to ignore all my plans about making him embarrassed and decided to just enjoy the peaceful times with Victor.
After supper, I began to wander around the house curiously. 
The darkness seemed much quieter and more serene than the nights in the city. 
I was going to go and find Victor, but there was a sudden snap and the lights went out. MC: What happened? Victor: MC! His voice rang out from not too far away, and a streak of light appeared in the darkness. Victor: Stand there and don't move. I'm coming. I watched the light come closer, and a warm hand grasped my arm. Victor: They just fixed the electricity channels a while ago, so the power is a bit unstable. MC: I'm glad I came with you. Being alone in such a big house would be sort of scary. Victor: What is there to be scared of? MC: It's too quiet here, and it's also really dark...all those horror movies all start with the power going out... I said that as a joke at first, but started getting nervous and held on tightly to Victor's arm. MC: Um...we've closed all the windows, right? Victor: I already checked that when you were sleeping. Victor: A certain someone was sleeping from the morning to the evening with no worries at all. Of course I had to check it myself. I laughed awkwardly, thinking back to how I fell asleep. MC: I was...way too tired. Mr. CEO is always so thorough in his plans! Victor: Leave your strange thoughts behind and follow me. Let's go check on the power switch. I walked over to the front door with Victor. He pointed the flashlight at the main switch, and we could both see that it was pointed to "off." He flicked it on, and the lights in the house lit up one by one. I blinked, adjusting to the brightness. Victor: There. Now there's no need to be scared. Victor: I'll go check on all the electrical appliances. MC: Okay. Victor: ...When are you going to let go? I gave a slight start, realizing that I was still hugging his arm tightly. Victor looked at me, trying not to laugh. I tried to ignore the heat on my face, and held on to his arm even tighter. MC: ...I mean...this means...I want to go along with you. Victor: Huh. Sticking to me even though you aren't drunk? MC: This isn't related to being drunk! MC: It just means... if the power goes out again, I can help you hold the flashlight. I made a random excuse up on the spot, and Victor glanced at me. Still, he put the flashlight into my hand. Victor: That was a dumb excuse. Try a different one next time. MC: But you already agreed... Victor: That was to prevent someone from lying awake at night, thinking of strange thoughts and being too scared to sleep. MC: But that's not something I can control. MC: You're right, though. I have no time to think about those things if I'm around you. Victor seemed to stop moving for a second. I didn't raise my head to look at him, but I heard a low laugh by my ear. Victor: This isn't a bad excuse. I'll accept it. Our entwined arms caused us to be pressed to each other, and the familiar warmth took all my fears and worries away. It was a special kind of privilege to be able to hold on to his arm so tightly. 
When it's just the two of us, I always want to take full advantage of this privilege.
Chapter 5
I finally felt refreshed and awake this morning. When I got up, the door to Victor's room was still closed. It was kind of rare to wake up before him. I snuck into the kitchen and took out a few simple ingredients out of the refrigerator, planning to surprise him with breakfast. The second I set the sandwiches on the table, I saw Victor walking over, buttoning his shirt. MC: Good morning, Victor! He paused when he saw me, and then nodded his head. Victor: Good morning. MC: Thanks for taking care of me yesterday. In exchange, I'm going to make breakfast for you! Take a seat. It'll be ready soon. I pulled out a chair, but he didn't sit down. Instead, Victor just leaned by the table, watching me work. I finished preparing the iced coffee and walked back to the table, handing one cup to him. MC: This is a new recipe I've discovered a few days ago. Let's start off the new year with a new flavour! Victor looked at me, and then glanced at the messy countertop, sighing exasperatedly. Victor: ...You really tend to make yourself at home. MC: Hehe, that's because this is your house. MC: Plus, I'm always very interested in things related to you. I met the "Student Victor" a few days ago. Maybe I can meet another you today as well. Victor: You're going to be disappointed, then. Victor: I don't come to this house very often. There's nothing interesting to learn about here. MC: Then...we can make some new memories here together! ...But if it's like that... MC: Student Victor, CEO Victor, and the normal loveland citizen Victor...can I have them all? Victor was still for a second, and then he walked over to stand in front of me. Victor: Didn't you say you want them all? You're missing one. MC: Huh? I paused, not expecting him to act serious like this, and then carefully thought back to all his other identities. MC: ...and...Chef Victor? Victor: That's not right. MC: Professor Li? Victor: No. MC: ...It's not YanYan, is it? I said cautiously, and received an annoyed glance from him. He leaned towards me, trapping me by the table, his eyes watching me carefully. Victor: Are you really an idiot or just pretending to be? You mentioned it just the day before yesterday. Did you already forget? I blinked, trying to remember the conversations we shared on that day. Other than looking at his belongings from student times, there seemed to be some important detail that I missed... I stared at the face in front of me, and the images of a faintly blushing Victor holding the soccer ball emerged from my memories. It was like some corner of my heart was instantly lit up, and I suddenly realized what he was referring to. My pulse began to speed up. I knew what the answer was, but I decided to first tease him for a bit. MC: I was drunk on that day. Victor: Who was it that insisted they weren't drunk back them? MC: Isn't that what all drunk people say? Victor: ...... Victor let out a long breath. His hand wound around my middle and pinched my waist. Victor: Okay then. Since you have selective memory, I guess I'll help you remember.
The next second, I was lifted into the air. I wasn't able to respond in time, and both my slippers slid off of my feet. He carried me over to the table behind us. My skin touched the marble surface and I cried out. MC: Ah, cold! I instantly tried to move my legs in order to avoid the cold marble table. Victor took advantage of the situation, grabbing my ankle and pulling me forwards suddenly. I instantly toppled into his arms, hastily wrapping my legs around him in order to keep my balance. I held the cup of iced coffee in my hand carefully, trying to check if I had soiled his clothes. 
A shadow suddenly loomed over me, Victor leaned closer to me, blocking the sunshine spilling down from the skylight. Victor: I remember someone saying that they're only going to drink a little bit. They also promised not to embarrass me. MC: ...I really didn't drink much! It was just that...I felt fine while drinking, but I didn't expect to feel the effects so strongly afterwards... Victor: Mm. It seems that you still remember this part. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead like a reward for answering correctly. Victor: Thanks to those after effects, you didn't go to bed, but instead, headed over to my room. MC: I just wanted to know if you were sleeping or not... Victor: And you examined every corner of the room, claiming that you wanted to get to know my past. I gave a nervous laugh and tried to scoot backwards. Victor stopped me by holding on tightly to my waist. Victor: Don't remember this part? MC: I do! You have lots of books, won lots of prizes, and you would diligently take notes in your student committee folder. Victor: And? MC: And... I let my gaze slide away from his face on purpose, avoiding his stare. Victor pinched my waist again, and I instantly straightened up, meeting his eyes. Victor: Answer the question. MC: I, I can't remember anymore! Victor: Oh? Then I can give you a reminder. Victor leaned closer and closer. The glass in my hand slipped, and I instantly raised a hand, pressing against his chest in order to stop him from getting any nearer. MC: Wait, the coffee's gonna spill! Victor: Then hold on to it tightly. He grasped the hand I was using to hold the coffee. I wasn't able to let go of the cup, nor was I able to avoid him. I raised my head in surprise, and I could feel his warm breathing on my face. Victor: There was a soccer ball in the corner of the room. You were especially interested in it. His lips brushed against the skin of my face, and I gave a little gasp of surprise. MC: Soccer ball? Isn't that what you loved to play with when you were young? Victor: Mm hmm. This soccer ball destroyed an idiot's sand castle. She cried for a long time. Victor: She wouldn't be comforted no matter what, but when the topic of food came up, she completely forgot about the castle. Victor: But still, it was understandable, since she was only five years old at the time. He didn't seem to want to say any more. He just looked at me silently, his fingers subconsciously stroking the back of my hand. I didn't know if it was because of the sunlight warming me on one side, or because I realized I was walking slowly into his trap...... ......I felt that every inch of my untouched skin was sweating slightly, overheating my brain. I had originally thought I had caught on to a special detail that would make him blush, but instead, I found myself ensnared in his traps. The name that I tried to avoid saying on purpose was becoming more and more embarrassing to say... My hand tightened around his shirt, and I forced myself to speak. MC: ...And then...? Victor raised an eyebrow, but he didn't seem annoyed. He moved his gentle kisses from my forehead over to my lips. His eyelashes brushed against my face, and all the details of that night instantly reappeared in my head. Victor: And then, this is what happened after.
The sunlight outlined his silhouette in brightness, but his eyes lay obscured in the shadows cast by his hair. Victor's eyes were filled with desire. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. I wobbled, losing my balance, and had to tighten my knees around his waist in order not to fall over. Victor: Do you still need more reminders? Before I could even answer, his lips were already pressed up against mine. I let out a muffled sound of protest, and he glanced at me but didn't stop his actions. How am I even supposed to answer like this?! I raised my head and bit his bottom lip, irritated. Victor finally stopped and looked down at me with a smile, his eyes gleaming teasingly. Victor: You've learned to bite. MC: You did that on purpose! Victor: You clearly knew the answer but you still hid it. Didn't you do that on purpose as well? Victor: The best way to deal with an idiot is to do the same exact thing back. MC: ...Victor, you've become sly! Victor gave a soft laugh, not seeming to mind my accusations. I looked at his calm expression and muttered under my breath dejectedly. MC: I still can't make you blush, huh... Victor: Who do you think made me act like this? I paused, startled at his sudden question. Victor was no longer smiling, but instead, staring at me seriously and waiting for me to answer. Victor: ...So that's why you've been doing such odd things these days. Victor: Trying to trick me into drinking, pretending to be drunk, insisting on wearing my clothes......you had planned this from the beginning? My mind was a mess, and I blurted out all my thoughts. MC: It's because you're always so calm and collected...I wanted to see if I could make you flustered and embarrassed. MC: I know I do silly things sometimes, but I don't want you to see me as a child. I'm no longer that naive five year old girl. I want to see you blush and turn red because of me. I glanced at Victor, and then buried my head into his shoulder, feeling slightly embarrassed. MC: You don't know how cute you are when you're flustered... MC: And that's a side no one will ever see, except for me. He was silent for a moment, and then let out a sigh. Victor: Have you ever seen anyone invest five billion in a child's company? MC: ...... Victor: Starting from the first time I've met you, I've never once thought of you as a child. I call you an idiot, only because the silly things that you always do...they really don't fit with your age. I lowered my head, giving a small huff of annoyance. This person really never stops insulting me...... Victor: And also, I'll repeat the same thing back to you. MC: Huh? Victor: You're really cute when you do those silly things. Victor: The same goes for when you're not doing anything silly. I stared at Victor, feeling the heat on my face rise. My quickening heart beat gave me away, clearly showing Victor my surprise and happiness at his confession. The corners of my mouth lifted in an uncontrollable smile, and I straightened up. MC: Victo- Victor: Wrong. The man in front of me furrowed his brow, and I swallowed nervously. This topic still wasn't over yet... MC: You've heard me say it so many times when I was young. Still haven't gotten tired of it? Victor: This is different. I want the "you" now to answer. Last chance. I took a deep breath, getting ready to answer, but then felt a sudden chill on my leg. Water droplets had formed on the glass of the iced coffee. The cold drops of water had landed on my thigh. I instinctively tried to look down and wipe it away, but Victor grabbed my chin. Victor: Stop getting distracted. MC: But I'm just- Victor: Answer me. Which Victor did you forget about? A drop of water slipped down my leg, leaving behind a trail of faintly itching skin. The voice of the man in front of me was low. Every word brushed softly against my heart like the gentle touch of raindrops in spring. I opened my mouth, almost unable to control my trembling voice. MC: Brother Victor......
The air was quiet for a second, and then the glass in my hand was whisked away, clinking against the plates behind me. Victor pushed them away, hard. I stared unwaveringly at the man in front of me. He avoided my gaze, opening his mouth and starting to speak in a low voice. Victor: Close your eyes. MC: Why? Victor: No reason. He leaned over to gently kiss my eyelids, and I was forced to close my eyes. His hand supported the back of my head, and then a warm, strong kiss to my lips cleared all the thoughts from my head. Even if I couldn't see his face, I could clearly feel his unspoken feelings. The puzzle piece from long ago had finally been placed into the last empty spot. I reached out, feeling for his shoulders, and then wrapped my arms around his neck. My crossed arms made him lean in closer, and the feeling of our mouths together burned towards every corner of my body. Our hot breaths mixed together, and my skin felt both warm and cold at the same time. His warm palms held on to me, keeping me from falling but also making me shiver from the sensation. I repressed a small cry of surprise, and secretly opened my eyes, looking up at him.
The sunlight shone on his face, revealing his blush, and I could see a kind of simple pleasure in his usually unfathomable eyes. I lifted my arm to cup his face in one hand, and he looked at me, meeting my gaze. For a second, he looked at a loss for what to do. It was probably that he didn't expect me to look at him. Even his ears turned bright red. MC: Pffft... Victor: Why are you laughing? MC: Nothing. I just think you look really cute when you're blushing. Victor: ...... Victor: Your wish was granted. Happy now? MC: Very happy! I ignored his slightly annoyed expression, and gently pinched his cheek, smiling happily. I pressed down his head and gave his lips a small peck. The man in front of me was poker-faced since childhood, but he was also warm and soft to the touch. My heart was filled with an indescribable warmth, and I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him again. Victor: You... The voice in my ears trembled slightly. I let go of Victor, laughing. MC: Thank you for letting me get to know you better. MC: It doesn't matter which side of you I see. You'll always be my favourite. Victor looked at me for a second, and then let out a chuckle. Victor: Are these your true feelings? MC: I thought you always know what I'm thinking. Victor: That's true. Victor: Then, let me hear more of your true feelings. The sun shining through the skylight overhead cast Victor's shadow over me, overlapping with my own behind us. Time seemed to stretch on... And mixed into the passage of time, was his long and affectionate answer.
- End -
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meowlayn-art · 4 years
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[MLQC COLLAB : The boys in lingerie] with @otonymous
For those of you who might have missed it... @otonymous and I just released our spicy collab! Thanks again Otonymous dear for your patience and hardwork, you are an incredible fellow creator, an amazing friend and it was a delight to work with you on this!
People make sure to check out Otonymous’ super spicy headcanons (please only if you are 18+), you might even find some (read : a lot of) additional illustrations inside... ;) Please do not repost my work anywhere, thank you
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astrea-lin · 3 years
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posting my works here again ~
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zunaki07 · 4 years
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Fanart Mr Love dream date  Lucien : No escape for you now. MC : I have no intention of running away.
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thedevilprobs · 3 years
I'm very happy Tears of themis came out today
I've been playing mlqc less and less and the nail in the coffin was Gavin's birthday without his voice :"(
It's just sad man I can't play like that
Gotta obsess over other anime men now
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ikemenfangirl · 2 years
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Love and Producer : spend the summer with him
Game: Love and Producer
Time: August 3 - August 14
Server: Chinese
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🍷 Victor (Li Zeyan) Fruits of Desire
"It's too early to surrender now."
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🥤Lucien (XuMo)
"Can this cup of coffee be exchanged for holiday time?"
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🫧 Kiro (Zhou QiLuo) Bear Bubble
"Your happy summer partner is online, please check it."
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🌙 Gavin (BaiQi) Star Dome Walk
"You are my eternal moon."
วิคเตอร์ "ยังเร็วเกินไป ที่จะยอมแพ้"
ลูเซียน "กาแฟแก้วนี้แลกเปลี่ยนเป็นใช้วันหยุดด้วยกันได้ไหม?"
คิโร่ "คู��แห่งฤดูร้อนที่แสนสุขของคุณออนไลน์อยู่ โปรดตรวจสอบ"
กาวิน "เธอคือดวงจันทร์อันเป็นนิรันดร์ของฉัน"
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cjinjinx · 4 years
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⚡ : Shaw Lockscreens
Like/reblog if you save/use
Don’t repost please
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arabella-77 · 3 years
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Destiny of Desire berjudul Boundless ini adalah salah satu kisah Gavin (Bai Qi) x Mc, dari game. Mr. Love Queen's Choice. 
Judul asli : 无涯 (Boundless) 
Setting : Kerajaan Xiyue (Westmoon Kingdom) 
Bai Qi saat itu adalah seorang remaja yang memendam kekecewaan pada papanya, sehingga ia selalu menentang aturan. Ia lalu bertemu dengan seorang gadis di sebuah gua, namun ia tak dapat melihat wajahnya karena terhalang batu.
Ketika mereka diserang iblis, gadis itu memberikan sebilah pedang untuk melawan. Iblis tersebut berhasil dijatuhkan, namun hidup kembali, hingga Bai Qi mencari bala bantuan. 
Namun setelah Bai Qi kembali ke gua itu, gadis tersebut sudah pergi. Pedang tersebut menjadi benda yang sangat berharga baginya, dan selalu dibawanya ke mana pun. Ia berjanji akan mengembalikannya suatu hari saat mereka bertemu kembali. 
Akankah mereka kembali bertemu? Semua karakter dan cerita adalah milik Elex Paper Games. Diterjemahkan oleh : Chendra
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yukina-otome · 4 years
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It's funny how all the guy are dripping sensuality while lucien is just there being like "Hey Letz Dou Some painting and see some mirrourz"
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