#Mrs Kyndley
kumatajdg · 10 months
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A commission for Twitter user @Nordicgamer43 of Mrs Kyndley's daughter from the Thomas the Tank Engine episode "Happy Ever After", keeping to the show's style
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steam-beasts · 6 months
Can the steam beasts loaf and who is the best loaf? (I crave loafing steam beasts)
Absolutely! Obviously since their bodies resemble cats so they definitely loaf. (Also gonna use this ask as an excuse to infodump >:) )
Any standard gauge tank engine in general;
Average loafers. Can tuck their tails beneath to give them that extra heat since their fireboxes can go cold overnight. I’m currently contemplating if I should give tank engine beasts this ability to rip off their tails to intimidate others and have that detached tail just squirm around from muscle memory and heck, if the tank engine ever wants, they can EAT their own tail. They’ll grow a new one in a span of two weeks. A fun fact; Mrs Kyndley once caught a tank engine loafing on her roof, she was mostly shocked that her roof didn’t cave in from the weight of the engine and had to call STH about it. Tank engines somehow get everywhere, in your house, on your house, on a tree, you name it.
Any standard gauge tender engine in general;
Tender engines CAN loaf, but not quite, they can tuck in all their legs but it’s mainly their enormous tails that are the problem, more so since their tenders are in the way. Speaking of the tenders, the citizens all mostly think that the tender engines just carry their tenders, but no, the tenders are physically part of the tail. Tender engines have to drag their tails around due to the weight, but they CAN move them about with enough strength. The tails can be attached and reattached, so take away the tail and they’ll be better at loafing.
Also, quick bit about paw difference; Tank engines have more stubby fingers and Tender engines have more human-shaped paws for good grip. So imagine an engine casually picking up a person.
Narrow gauge engines in general;
Superior at loafing 🍞
These guys got longer, thicker fur on their underbellies and shorter fur on their arms, so they always loaf to keep those parts warm. For extra measure, they can sleep on their tails. They are also great rock and tree climbers, so any prey that goes up into any of those places has no chance of escaping.
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thequeenofsodor · 2 years
what are your thoughts and/or/also feelings on our little square friend Toby? :3
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I don't feel like I've ever fully appreciated Toby until doing Book 7 for Book Club. He's such a funky little guy!
I dislike how the late TV Series makes him into a worrywart, but I do enjoy that they later brought Henrietta into the fold as a fully fleshed-out character, so... we'll call it a draw.
I love his design, too. My favorite color scheme is by far the version of his Chocolate & Blue as seen in Mrs. Kyndley's Christmas, because after that the brown gets progressively lighter until it feels more like an orange or yellow than a chocolate-y brown. I also prefer how his support beams(?) are in a more red-stained color than the yellow it becomes later on. It just looks neat!
Toby is just a fun presence in the cast. He just kinda does his own thing, and doesn't take shit. I don't like the recent Twitter Dudebro assertions that he's an "chaotic neutral ultrachad" but he's a cool guy. I appreciate that he says ACAB :)
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Thomas and Friends: Sodor Online Journeys, Starring Blue Train with Friends (Story 27): Mrs. Kyndley's Christmas
It was almost time for Christmas. Annie and Clarabel were packed full of people and parcels. Thomas was having very hard work. "Come on! Come on!" he puffed. "We're feeling so full!" grumbled the coaches. Thomas looked at the hill ahead. "Can I do it? Can I do it?" he puffed anxiously. Then to his surprise, he saw a handkerchief waving from a cottage window. Thomas felt better at once. "Yes I can, yes I can," he puffed bravely. He pulled his hardest, and was soon through the tunnel and resting at the next station.
"That was Mrs. Kyndley who waved to you, Thomas," his Driver told him. "She has to stay in bed all day." "Poor lady," said Thomas, "I feel sorry for her."
Engines have heavy loads during Christmas time, but Thomas and Toby didn't mind when they saw Mrs. Kyndley waving.
But then it began to rain. It rained for days and days. Thomas didn't like it, nor did his Driver. "Off we go Thomas!" he would say. "Pull hard and get home quickly; Mrs. Kyndley won't wave today."
But whether she waved or not, they always whistled when they passed the little lonely cottage. Its white walls stood out against the dark background of the hills. "Hello!" exclaimed Thomas's Fireman. "Look at that!" The Driver came across the cab. "Something's wrong there," he said. Hanging flapping and bedraggled from a window of the cottage was something that looked like a large red flag. "Mrs. Kyndley needs help I expect," said the Driver, and put on the brakes. Thomas gently stopped. The Guard/Conductor came squelching through the rain up to Thomas's cab, and the Driver pointed to the flag. "See if a Doctor's on the train and ask him to go to the cottage; then walk back to the station and tell them we've stopped."
The Fireman went to see if the line was clear in front. Two passengers left the train and climbed to the cottage. Then the Fireman returned. "We'll back down to the station," said the Driver, "so that Thomas can get a good start." "We shan't get up the hill," the Fireman answered. "Come and see what's happened!" They walked along the line and round the bend. "Jiminy Christmas!" he exclaimed, "go back to the train; I'm going to the cottage."
He found the Doctor with Mrs. Kyndley. "Silly of me to faint," she said. "You saw the red dressing-gown? You're all safe?" asked Mrs. Kyndley. "Yes," smiled the Driver, "I've come to thank you. There was a landslide in the cutting, Doctor, and Mrs. Kyndley saw it from her window and stopped us. She's saved our lives!" "God bless you, ma'am," said the Driver, and tiptoed from the room.
They cleared the line by Christmas Morning, and the sun shone as a special train puffed up from the junction. First came Toby, then Thomas with Annie and Clarabel, and last of all, was Henrietta. The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt was there, and lots of other people who wanted to say "Thank you" to Mrs. Kyndley. "Peep! Peep! Happy Christmas! whistled the engines as they reached the place. The people got out and climbed to the cottage. Thomas and Toby wished they could go too.
Mrs. Kyndley's husband met them at the door. The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt, Thomas's Driver, Fireman, and The Guard/Conductor went upstairs, while the others stood in the sunshine below the window.
The Driver gave her a new dressing-gown to replace the red one spoilt by the rain. The Guard/Conductor brought her some grapes, and the Fireman gave her some woolly slippers, and promised to bring some coal as a present from Thomas, next time they passed.
Mrs. Kyndley was very pleased with her presents. "You are very good to me," she said. "The passengers and I," said the Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt, "hope you will accept these tickets for the South Coast, Mrs. Kyndley, and get really well in the sunshine. We cannot thank you enough for preventing that accident. I hope we haven't tired you. Goodbye, and a happy Christmas."
Then going quietly downstairs, they joined the group outside the window, and sang some carols before returning to the train.
Mrs. Kyndley is now at Bournemouth, getting better every day, and Thomas and Toby are looking forward to the time when they can welcome her home.
Story End
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megthetrain · 7 months
Working on my Series 4 video again
What I've finished (1/2):
Chapter 17: Conclusion
Chapter 16: Review
D 261
Mrs. Kyndley
Stephen Hatt
Bill & Ben
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damnea · 2 years
Going on from former narrator George Carlin, wouldn't be interesting if the only way humans die in the Thomas universe, is their heads exploding?
Imagine just chilling there waiting for the Fat Controller to give out his orders for the day, and then suddenly theres just this loud bang.
The engines jumped.
"Did... Did his head just pop?" Edward stammered.
"Great, first the stationmaster, then Mrs. Kyndley, and now the Fat Controller." Gordon groaned. "This is sure to throw everything into disarray."
"My day especially, how rude." He muttered.
"What'll we do now? Who'll run the railway?" Henry panicked, as the workmen brushed up the mess.
"Gordon's bossy enough, he can do it!" Chuckled Thomas.
The big engine spluttered.
"The very notion, i'm too busy for all of that nonsense! Leave it to Percy, he's been in charge plenty of times." He had more than enough to reschedule as it was, and backed into his berth.
"Wake me up at four."
Henry nodded and turned his attention to Percy. "That settles it then, you're in charge."
"Me? I can't run a railway!" Squeaked Percy. "I can't!"
"Rubbish Percy, it's easy."
and everyone agreed, Percy would lead the next great recession, and James wouldn't hear a word of it.
The NWR went on to have perhaps one of its best quarters in years. Well it did, until it's most prominent of figureheads went out with a bang like some cheap microwave meal.
Then it was awful.
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This was such a hard ask and I have no idea why, I just kept looking at it wondering what I should come back with.
It's not everyday you get questions about heads exploding.
You can't beat George Carlin, he's hysterical.
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 years
Ive lost a week of my life reading through your tumblr, I demand some answers…
1. Thomas or Gordon
2. Edward or Henry
3. James or Percy
4. Donald or Douglas
5. Bill or Ben
6. Duck or Oliver
7. Mavis or Daisy
8. BoCo or Bear
9. Pip or Emma
10. Stepney or City of Truro
11. FC1 or FC2
12. Mrs Kyndley or Nancy
13. Trucks or coaches
gun to your head, you can only choose one
Oh… so I owe you, eh? 😉
Ooooooh! I’ve actually thought of making a game like this for ages and never quite got around to it. This looks fun!
Noooooo, this is too hard. I guess Thomas on grounds that he’s (a little) more fun to write. But if you had asked me a year ago I might have said differently. And if you ask me a year from now I might have changed my mind again.
Edward. But why must you do this to me. Whyyy.
I specifically said in my character ranking list that these two were a dead heat! Umm, I suppose James, just because Percy’s canon portrayal in both RWS and TVS is so all over the place. But ugh.
Impossible but this time mostly coz I can’t distinguish ‘em. I know some people claim that they discern differences in them (mostly in TVS), but I don’t see it. Umm, Ben I guess, I think his moment in “Thomas in the Twins” where his eyes regain their sparkle after Thomas hauls him back to safety is real cute.
This is the analogue to #4—they’re so complementary. But also… Duck.
Hmm, Mavis, she was one of my faves as a kid and even though these days I’ve come to appreciate Daisy much more she still hasn’t quite dethroned my quarry queen.
BoCo. Bear has essentially had one story, and it was a great introduction to a potentially very complex character… but it was never developed from there. :/ Whereas BoCo much more screentime to work with, both in the books and the show. Also, I’ve never quite seen a portrayal of Bear in fic that seems quite accurate to me (albeit @joezworld’s Bear is great).
?? Indistinguishable again… Pip, coz her name is cooler.
Truro because I find him easier to use in headcanons’n stuff. The break between RWS and TVS Stepney, plus my relative ignorance about the Bluebell Railway, gives me more of a block around Step.
Omg. Omg omg omg. Ummmm actually I think I’ll say FC1? Honestly I’m beginning to think I’ve painted him too blackly in the past. But also, even if I hadn’t, he’s such a great character. (Not that FC2 isn’t. Dammit. These are tough.)
Finally, an easy one! Nancy by a mile. I really can’t vibe with Mrs Kyndley, she’s such a device character.
Flatbeds and cranes. No, I’m serious. Still, if I had to choose, I guess trucks…. I guess.
Answers without my extraneous rambling:
1. Thomas 2. Edward 3. James 4. I CAN’T. I REFUSE. JUST TAKE ME TO JAIL WHY DONCHA. 5. Ben 6. Duck 7. Mavis 8. BoCo 9. Pip 10. Truro 11. FC1 12. Nancy 13. Trucks
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your favorite emily headcanons :)
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time for my fav emily hcs!!! :]] - trans lesbian. no i do not take criticism /lh - a hc i see floating around sometimes is that the reason why she suddenly became ruder and generally unpleasant during the HiT era was that she was trying to fit in with the bigger engines, but especially gordon and james. - she has an inferiority-superiority complex - donald & douglas and emily treat each other as surrogate brothers and sister, due to their scottish origins - the mom friend - sometimes the engines, but especially smaller ones, will call her 'granny' or 'grandma' to mess with her. this is because she, technically, is one of the oldest engines on the show, even older than edward. - whenever an engine isn't listening to her, she isn't afraid to blow her whistle to get their attention - she enjoys pulling the express from time to time, but it tires her out after a day of pulling it - she often asks how everyone is doing, because she does care about their well being (being the safety engine and all) - while she is usually very kind, she can be a stickler when it comes to safety rules (especially with thomas and his snowplow because that bitch nEVER WEARS IT-) - she likes to collect gem stones - she has this special connection to the water, especially lakes and ponds, but not even she knows why - probably the easiest way to anger her is to insult her wheels - she is some flavour of neurodivergent, and a special interest of hers is flowers - she has never met mrs. kyndley, but she really wants to. - not many know it, but one of her closest friends is old slow coach (currently they both are trying to figure out a new name for old slow coach) - her advice is very helpful, especially emotional advice - overall, a kind friendly engine who's always willing to lend an ear to her friends :]]]
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bunny-boyler · 7 years
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bunny-boyler · 7 years
It’s not Christmas without mrs kyndley
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