#Mrs Pumphrey
servants-hall · 14 days
All Creatures Great & Small - Magazine Round Up: 5x01
Here are the ACGAS features and synopses from the recent UK TV magazines:
14-20 September 2024
TV Times
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Radio Times
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TV & Satellite Week
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What’s On TV
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mrs-remarkable · 9 months
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“Christmas Past and Present”
It's times like this which remind me how grateful I am for everything I have. Not the practice, or the house, or the beautiful countryside, or any other thing.
It's the people. (Siegfried Farnon)
Happy Christmas @fortytworedvines ! From your Secret Santa.
Thank you @acgasfanchallenge for the prompt.
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avengersome · 2 months
For the @acgasfanchallenge. Prompts - Tricki & Puppies
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howaboutthemoon · 7 months
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All Creatures Great and Small (2020-)
Oh, Carmy, you endearing little dork <3 We don't deserve you
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releasing-my-insanity · 4 months
I am so fascinated to know where websites get their "here are characters we expect to be in the next season" lists. Miss Harbottle is on ScreenRants list for ACGAS season 5.
I was like "The woman who appeared in exactly one episode and Siegfried kicked her out for endangering animals? You expect HER to be there?"
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owlsie-hoot · 2 years
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“When you find someone you really care about, you must cling on to them. Like a life ring in a storm. Because you never know what might happen next.” (Mrs Pumphrey)
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roominthecastle · 2 years
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ACGaS 303, “Surviving Siegfried” + 3 times he slips into a dark place & 3 times she pulls him back
That’s a letter from an old AVC friend, Maurice Oliver. I got it about a month ago. He was the chap in the photo you found. He had a practice up in Brawton. He and I went through some things together -- terrible things. He killed himself last week. Barbiturates. I’ve been reading it over and over and over, trying to see if there was anything I might’ve missed. If I could’ve found something, done something to help him. But he seems happy. [voice cracks] He talks about his plans for the summer. | Maurice needed help. No one was there to give it to him... but we are here now.
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asofterallcreatures · 10 months
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[A three-panel comic in the style of A Softer World featuring pictures from the 2020s version of All Creatures Great And Small. All three pictures are from season 2 episode 5 The Last Man In. The first panel shows Tricki Woo being looked over. The second shows Mrs. Pumphrey keeping Tricki on leash. And the third shows Tricki running to meet his girlfriend the terrier. Text reads "When I get out of here, things will be different. No more cages, no more kibbles n' bits. I'll go on dates with pretty girls."]
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recurring-polynya · 4 months
I've been watching the recent Masterpiece adaptation of All Creatures Great and Small and James' romantic rival looked weirdly familiar and he was, he was played by Matthew "Neville Longbottom" Lewis. Like, I knew I should have been prepared for this back when there were all these Buzzfeed "Neville grew up hot!!" articles, but I was not, in fact, prepared.
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a-casual-egg · 8 months
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So since I view Tristan as queer, I made up a boyfriend for him in my head called Oliver Rose. [: (click images for better quality)
About him under the cut
Oliver is a gay, ace, and trans asian-american man. He grew up hopping from one orphanage to the other. He also attempted to run away from them and grew up stealing. He's a fast runner and running away from orphanages is partly why. Oliver is quick-witted and will sometimes just blurt out a comeback before even thinking of if he should or not. He's normally pretty sarcastic but is also a sweetheart/big softie, especially when you get to know him.
After WW2, he is part of a transfer student-like thing for rich people's gardeners. Oliver is sent to work for Mrs.Pumphrey while Mrs.Pumphrey's gardener is sent to work for Oliver's boss for a while as both bosses are part of an international gardening society. Oliver experiences culture shock in Darrowby before ending up liking it. During his stay, Mrs.Pumphrey and him form a mother and son type dynamic. He's not as overly-polite as the British folks, so he says the more impolite things that Mrs.Pumphrey and the others can not bring themselves to say even though it needs to be said. In addition to that and his gardening, he also picks up small jobs around Pumphrey Manor and expands his skillset/has struggles with all the new things.
He first meets James and Tristan when they're on a vet visit to Pumphrey Manor, and Mrs.Pumphrey introduces them. James and Oliver have a nice conversation while Tristan, who only recently realized he's attracted to men, finds Oliver very handsome and just stands there staring at Oliver while he and James talk. Then Tristan struggles a bit to introduce himself and be all charismatic while James just looks at him very confused. (Mrs. Pumphrey, who I choose to believe, is an extreme queer ally, knows what's happening, and just smiles to herself). Oliver is nice to Tristan about it, though, and internally finds it quite charming.
The ride back to Skeldale House is silent, with Tristan staring out the window and James wondering how to broach the topic of what just happened. Tristan is embarrassed and later confides in Maggie or Florence, and they kinda just pat him on the back and tell him he's got it bad already. Over time, Tristan and Oliver become friends while Tristan fights down his crush on this man.
Siegfried is not a fan of Oliver for a while. He's concerned that Oliver is a bad influence on his little brother. His worries calm down when he sees Oliver's softer/gentler side. He brings in an injured stray cat and is close to crying about it. Siegfried takes the cat while Mrs. Hall takes Oliver into the kitchen for some tea.
The cat ends up fine and when Siegfried goes to the kitchen to inform Oliver of such, he sees that the younger man's eyes are puffy and that he was crying over a random stray cat (much like he or Tristan might do). Some stuff clicks in Siegfried's head, and then Oliver asks how the cat is. Siegfried explains that the cat needs rest, but she should make a full recovery. That makes Oliver cry more, but he's happy. Then Siegfried sees Oliver gently cradle the cat in his arms and talk to it very softly/sweetly, and Siegfried smiles to himself while coming to the conclusion that maybe Tristan's friend is good, actually.
Later, Tristan and Oliver actually end up dating, and Tristan continues to have it bad. He's does heart eyes at Oliver, especially when he does cool things. Oliver is gentle with Tristan while also playfully teasing him. Tristan gets hurt, and Oliver is like one of the first people to be by his side. He would gently clean his boyfriend's wounds while also making comments in the form of light jabs his way. Tristan would make light jabs back.
Oliver could wake up early and get out of bed and later, (at a time when they would share a bed), Tristan would get out of bed to find Oliver and be upset that Oliver left the bed and left him. He's not seriously upset, and Oliver knows that. He affectionately calls Tristan clingy, and Tristan sleepily mumbles that he is not into Oliver's shoulder. Then Oliver would give Tristan a small kiss.
They're very silly to me (affectionate). I hope you enjoyed learning about Oliver Rose [:
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blogger360ncislarules · 7 months
For All Creatures Great and Small fans, some great, big news: MASTERPIECE announced on Friday that the series based on James Herriot’s iconic collection of stories has been renewed for Seasons 5 and 6.
Each of the two seasons will consist of six episodes plus Christmas specials, airing Stateside here on PBS.
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Also back for Season 5 are Nicholas Ralph as vet James Herriot, Samuel West as the mercurial Siegfried Farnon, Anna Madeley as the matriarch of Skeldale House Mrs. Hall, Rachel Shenton as the charismatic Helen Herriot, James Anthony-Rose as Richard Carmody, and Patricia Hodge as the wonderfully sophisticated Mrs Pumphrey (with her pampered Pekingese Tricki in tow, of course).
“It is such a joy to share the news of two more seasons of All Creatures Great and Small,” Susanne Simpson, executive producer for MASTERPIECE, said in a statement. “The MASTERPIECE audience has come to treasure this heart-warming series. We’re also particularly happy to welcome back Callum Woodhouse as Tristan to this incredible ensemble of actors.”
Adds Sir Colin Callender CBE, CEO of lead producer Playground: “Kindness and decency are increasingly rare qualities these days, so it is a blessing to be able to return to the sanctuary of Skeldale House and James Herriot’s beloved characters who represent all that is the best in us. There are no villains in All Creatures — just everyday folk trying to get through the day with dignity with the help of a supportive community, family and friends. It’s a lesson for modern times.”
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servants-hall · 10 months
All Creatures Great & Small - S4 CS
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mrs-remarkable · 2 years
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dash belongs here with us
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avengersome · 1 year
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Tricky Woo Appreciation Post
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graceisinthelibrary · 8 months
In my excitement I sent you the ship kiss ask without naming a ship ( I think you might have an inkling of which ship lol) but to be official
Siegfried and Audrey
Prompt 34 - to pretend
So, here it is... The prompt was "Pretend" and Siegfried's trying to pretend not to be jealous....
It had all started so innocently, Siegfried thought. One moment you offer them a sherry and a roof over their head, and the next day they are trying to charm your housekeeper. 
At first it was only a drunken hug the boy couldn't remember anything about on Boxing Day and on New Year's Eve it was a bouquet of pink roses on Mrs Hall’s small desk. The flowers had replaced the Christmas card from Gerald Hammond, which had actually been quite welcome. If only the flowers would end where the card had met its maker. 
Siegfried eyed the present development with suspicion, but not with jealousy, because he wasn't jealous. Of course not. But he knew that this kind of friction could cause serious problems in a working space. He couldn't have his assistant drool over the woman who ran this household with such delicious precision and care. 
Aside from that Carmody was just a boy and Mrs Hall a grown woman who had to endure a lot of heartache lately. Carmody may have a crush on her, but Siegfried knew his beautiful housekeeper and it was obvious that she wasn't interested in being wooed by a lad of twenty-two. It was unheard of anyway, was it? A woman of over forty and a lad of twenty-two? 
No, he wasn't jealous, because it was unthinkable something romantic could develop between the two of them. He would pretend not to notice the boys’ lingering glances for the time being, but would keep his peace and be ready in case he had to set Carmody's head straight. 
“Something wrong, Mr Farnon?” she asked, tearing him out of his daydreams. She was sitting opposite him, watching him as he stared at the impressive bouquet. 
“Oh no, nothing, Mrs Hall. I just admired the flowers on your desk. A rare treat in January.” 
“It is, innit? Mr Carmody brought them in the other day.” 
“Delightful.” That may have sounded more sarcastic than intended. He the crook of her eyebrow and sensed an equally pointed answer directed at him arriving. 
“Does it bother you? Only last week you brought me an amaryllis, if I remember correctly.” 
“Well, for Christmas. Amaryllis is a flower that's usually gifted for Christmas while roses…” His voice trailed off and he shrugged and gulped down his tea. 
“Yes?” She wondered her arms crossed over her chest. 
“Well, roses imply a certain…expectation.” 
“Do they?” 
“In my humble experience.” Boy, he was digging himself into a hole. Her amusement was obvious and he quickly tore his reading glasses from his nose. 
“Where's my list?” He asked, busily  patting his jacket pocket. 
“By the phone, where it lives.” 
“Yes, I see, where else…” He rose and determined to leave this embarrassing moment behind he fled the kitchen. He found the list and was almost disappointed when he saw only two names on it. 
With a sigh he turned around and startled when he found she was standing right in front of him. Her blue eyes, sparkling and mischievous, were challenging him. 
“Is there anything else, Mrs Hall?” He cleared his throat. 
“No , just be careful. There's a lot of snow up in the Dales. We won't want you to get lost in a snow drift.” 
“You know me, Mrs Hall. I'm always prepared.” 
“Course, you are.”
She leaned in, a little too close, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Her scent reached his nose and bewitched him. His heart skipped a beat and he had to blink several times, unsure if he was dreaming. 
“He brought the roses as a thank you gift from Mrs Pumphrey,” she said nonchalantly as she straightened his tie.
“I knew that.” 
She gently patted his collar and smiled tenderly at him. “I’ll see you for lunch.” 
“Well, yes, of course, you will.” Rooted in his spot he waited until she had vanished around the corner, before he dared to move. He felt hot and cold while his brain tried to understand what had just happened to him. Her kiss… Her telling him the flowers were a present from Mrs Pumphrey. Did she think he was jealous about a boy like Carmody? 
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The presence of the rest of the family at whatever lead to Siegfried standing on a bucket and him and Tristan getting hurt only makes me more confused. Mrs. Hall is aware of whatever they're doing and fine with it? Helen brought the baby along to watch the Brothers Farnon fall off buckets? Is that Tricki over there with James? And possibly Mrs. Pumphrey's arm? Why are they there? I am literally more confused than ever. (Photo by Ros Clarke (Closed Facebook group.))
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