#Mrs. Green Apple
miumiins · 3 months
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720nk · 3 months
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2024年7月3日に公開されましたMrs. GREEN APPLE様の「アポロドロス」Official Lyric Videoのサビ、お花の部分のイラストを描かせていただきました。
Official Lyric Video ⁡ https://youtu.be/dOR5-Y80CUA
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yoru-mp3 · 5 months
Lilac - Mrs. Green Apple
>> Anime: Oblivion Battery
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maichan404 · 1 year
This is a part of the lyrics from the song "Usojanaiyo" by the band Mrs. Green Apple.
All of the songs by “Mrs. Green Apple” are wonderful, so I would like everyone to listen to them.
(I'm sorry if my translation was incorrect.)
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rose-learns-japanese · 5 months
Today I read
Mrs. GREEN APPLE × NiziU 初対バンに反響 4年半ぶり「点描の唄」に悲鳴に似た大歓声「涙が止まらない」
Source: https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2322792/full/
Mrs. GREEN APPLE × NiziU 初対バンに反響 4年半ぶり「点描の唄」に悲鳴に似た大歓声「涙が止まらない」
Mrs. GREEN APPLE × NiziU's first joint performance is a sensation! After 4 and a half years, 'Tenbyou no Uta' (Sketching song?) receives cheers that sound like screams of joy, 'Tears won't stop.
 3人組バンド・Mrs. GREEN APPLEが、12~14日にKアリーナ横浜で開催されたテレビ朝日開局65周年記念のグローバルミュージックフェスティバル『The Performance』に出演した。
The 3 person band, Mrs. GREEN APPLE appeared at the K Arena for 'The Performance,' a global music festival commemorating the 65th anniversary of the TV Asahi network.
The joint collaboration with NiziU was held on the 12th and the 13th. During NiziU's time on stage, Motoki Oomori (Vo/Gt) made a surprise appearance during the song 'HEARTRIS,' and the venue erupted with surprised cheering. Oomori, along with NiziU, presented the 'Tetris Dance' and synchronized formation dances, thrilling the audience."
For Mrs. (GREEN APPLE)'s stage time, during the guitar break of "Dance Hall", the 9 members of NiziU game out on stage. Together with Oomori, the group of 10 people had turned the stage itself into an even more gorgeous "Dance hall".
On the opening day, the 12th, they also made a live broadcast appearance on TV Asahi's "Music Station" from the venue. They debuted their brand new song 'Lilac' on television for the first time. The music video, which was released on YouTube after the 'Music Station' broadcast, also received a huge response, breaking past 2 million views in just two days.
2日目の13日公演では、「ダンスホール」のコラボ後に、人気曲「点描の唄」のイントロが流れ始めた。『The ROOM TOUR』以来、実に4年半ぶりのライブでの披露となることから、予期せぬ展開に異様なざわめきが起こった。NiziUのRIKU、MIIHI、NINAが歌い始めると、悲鳴にも似た歓声が響き渡り、大森とのコラボ歌唱に観客は息を呑んで聴き入り、静寂ののちに大歓声に包まれた。
On the 13th, the second day of the performance, after the collaboration of 'Dance Hall,' the intro of the popular song 'Tenbyou no Uta' began to play. It had been a staggering four and a half years since it was performed live during 'The ROOM TOUR,' so an unusual amount of excitement erupted. As RIKU, MIIHI, and NINA from NiziU began to sing, screaming cheers rang out, and as the collaboration singing with Oomori began, the audience held their breath and listened intently, followed by a burst of loud cheering.
SNSでも「点描の唄が素晴らしすぎた」「点描の唄が忘れられない泣」「改めて聴いて素敵な曲で 涙が止まらない」「点描の唄は何らかの形で映像化して欲しい」「NiziUコラボの点描の唄音源化希望切実!!!!」と大きな反響を呼んだ。
Even on social media, this made a splash, with people writing: "I will never forget my tears from The Sketching Song", "I listened again and it was such an amazing song I can't stop crying", "I want a video version of the Sketching song!" and "I really, earnestly hope they release an audio version of NizuU's collab of the Sketching song".
 最終日の14日では、若井滉斗(Gt)が、韓国のボーイズグループ・RIIZEのステージに登場。RIIZEのデビュー曲「Get A Guitar」でコラボレーションして会場を沸かせた。
On the 14th, the last day, Hiroto Wakai (Gt) appeared on stage with RIIZE, the Korean Voice group. The crowd was excited by the collab for RIIZE's debut song "Get a Guitar".
Mrs. GREEN APPLEは、5月21・22日に横浜アリーナでも対バンライブを行い、『Mrs. TAIBAN LIVE 2024』を開催し、21日に乃木坂46、22日にキタニタツヤ、imaseをゲストに迎える。その後、7月にはノエビアスタジアム神戸と横浜スタジアムでスタジアムツアー『ゼンジン未到とヴェルトラウム~銘銘編~』を開催することが決まっている。
"Mrs. GREEN APPLE will hold joint live performances at Yokohama Arena on May 21st and 22nd, hosting 'Mrs. TAIBAN LIVE 2024,' with Nogizaka46 as guests on the 21st, and Kitani Tatsuya and imase on the 22nd. Following this, they have decided to hold a stadium tour titled 'Zenjin Mitou to Verutoraumu ~Meimei Han~' (Not yet a Saint and Space (In German) ~individual version~?) at Noevir Stadium Kobe and Yokohama Stadium in July."
初対バン (はつたいばん): First collaboration or joint performance
反響 (はんきょう): Response or reaction.
歓声 - Loud shout of excitement
息の合った (いきのあった)- In good coordination, synchronized
沸かす (わかす)- To heat, boil or excite
総勢 (そうぜい)- all members
華やかにする (はなやかにする)- Make showy or gorgeous
披露 (ひろう)- To announce
反響を呼ぶ (はんきょうをよぶ)- Make a splash
予期せぬ (よきせぬ)- Unexpected
歌唱 (かしょう)- Singing
聴き入り (ききいる)- To listen attentively to
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synclairediary · 3 months
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2024年6月 - 江ノ島
今週の音楽はMrs. GREEN APPLEの『青と夏』。夏の始まりにぴったりの曲だねー
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animangapolls · 5 months
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mintymarill · 6 months
まだ消しちゃいけないよ Don’t yet delete ちっちゃな希望を The piece of hope 迷わず信じて、 Don’t doubt but believe 信じて欲しい。 I want you to believe 暗闇が続こうと Even if the darkness continues 貴方を探していたい I want to look for you だから生きて、 So live, 生きてて欲しい。 I want you to live on
Soranji by Mrs. GREEN APPLE
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2015mai24 · 9 months
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jpopstreaming · 11 months
🆕🎶 「 あなたに 」 new single by Mrs. GREEN APPLE is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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miumiins · 3 months
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prfm-multiverse · 1 year
Amazon Music Commercial "Have you listened to it yet? Mrs. GREEN APPLE's Guess Songs" (30 seconds)
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friendsaremybooks · 1 year
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daily-music-recs · 2 years
Daily Music Recs 2023: Day #22
Mrs. GREEN APPLE - ダンスホール (Dance Hall)
I stumbled across this song completely randomly. It’s so fun!
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aoringohuzin · 2 years
[20230109] Ryoka's insta story
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aramajapan · 2 years
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King & Prince, Travis Japan, and More Perform on "CDTV Live! Live!" for November 7
This week’s episode was a two hour special. This week’s guests were Naniwa Danshi, Mrs. GREEN APPLE, Hinatazaka46, Travis Japan, King & Prince, Eir Aoi, YOASOBI, ENHYPEN, SEVENTEEN, and Ryuji Imaichi. Naniwa Danshi – Diamond Smile Mrs. GREEN APPLE – Soranji Hinatazaka46 – Tsuki to Hoshi ga Odoru Midnight Naniwa Danshi – Happy Surprise Travis […]
Read more on aramajapan.com
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