uniqueperson8 · 1 year
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ufo9 · 1 year
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apricusapollo · 1 month
my friends haven't seen teen wolf and I was telling them theo's backstory and I was about to tell them that tara fell in the river but almost said mtkvari instead of just a river 😞😞
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suetravelblog · 4 months
Mtskheta, Jvari Monastery, Svetistkhoveli Church Georgia
Mtskheta Orthodox Church The daytrip to Mtskheta, Jvari Monastery, and Svetistkhoveli Cathedral was very educational. The historical area in central-eastern Georgia is wrapped in a peaceful environment of lush greenery and expansive mountain vistas. The stunning area is located about 12 miles north of Tbilisi at the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi Rivers. Mtskheta is home to UNESCO World…
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sixteenseveredhands · 2 years
Vardzia, a Medieval Cave City in Georgia (South Caucasus), built in 1150-1200 CE: Vardzia was designed to be used as a fortress/monastery; it was accessible only through hidden passageways, and it contained more than 6,000 caves, 15 chapels, 25 wine cellars, an apothecary, a forge, a bakery, farming terraces, and an irrigation system
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The monastic caves at Vardzia cover an area of about 500 meters. They are carved into the cliffs along the Erusheti mountains, which are located in Javakheti (a southern province near the borders between Georgia, Turkey, and Armenia).
Vardzia was originally meant to serve as a fortress, particularly in the event of a Mongol Invasion. It was protected by defensive walls, and the cave system itself was largely concealed within the mountain (though much of it is now exposed); it also contained a secret escape tunnel and several dead-end tunnels that were designed to delay/confuse enemy forces. The cave city could only be accessed through a series of hidden passageways that began near the banks of the Mtkvari River (which runs through the valley below the cave complex). Water was supplied through an irrigation system that was connected to the river, providing the inhabitants with both drinking water and agricultural irrigation, as the site contained its own terraced farmland.
The cave complex also functioned as a monastery, with a large collection of manuscripts and relics ultimately being housed at the site.
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In its prime, the complex at Vardzia was inhabited by tens of thousands of residents.
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Unfortunately, most of the original structures at Vardzia were destroyed by an earthquake that struck the region in 1283 CE, just a century after its construction; the earthquake sheared away the outer layer of the cliffside, exposed many of the caves, and demolished almost two-thirds of the site. The surviving structures represent only a fraction of the cave complex that once existed at Vardzia, with only about 500 caves still intact.
When the earthquake tore through the site in 1283, much of the fortress and many of its defenses were also destroyed, and Vardzia lost most of its military/defensive purposes. Still, it continued to operate as a Georgian Orthodox monastery for several hundred years after that. It narrowly escaped the Mongol Invasions of the 1290s, but it was raided by the Persians during the 16th century; the invading forces burned many of the manuscripts, relics, and other items that were stored within the cave system, leaving permanent scorch marks along the walls of the inner chambers. The site was abandoned shortly thereafter.
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Medieval portrait of Queen/King Tamar: this portrait is one of the Medieval frescoes that still decorate the inner chambers of Vardzia; Tamar was the first queen regnant to rule over Georgia, meaning that she possessed the same power/authority as a king and, as a result, some Medieval sources even refer to her as "King Tamar"
Vardzia is often associated with the reign of Queen Tamar the Great, who ruled over the Kingdom of Georgia from 1184 to 1213 CE, during a particularly successful period that is often known as the "Golden Age" of Georgian history. Queen Tamar was also recognized as the Georgian King, with Medieval sources often referring to her as King Tamar. She possessed the powers of a sovereign leader/queen regnant, and was the first female monarch to be given that title in Georgia.
The initial phases of construction at Vardzia began under the command of King George III, but most of the complex was later built at the behest of his daughter, Queen Tamar, who owned several dedicated rooms at Vardzia and frequently visited the cave city. Due to her relationship with the cave complex at Vardzia, Queen Tamar is sometimes also referred to as the "Mountain Queen."
Despite the damage that the site has sustained throughout its history, many of the caves, tunnels, frescoes, and other structures have survived. The site currently functions as a monastery once more, with Georgian monks living in various chambers throughout the cave system.
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I visited Vardzia back in 2011, during my first trip to Georgia. It's an incredible site, though some of the tunnels are very narrow, very dark, and very steep, which can get a bit claustrophobic.
Sources & More Info:
Atlas Obscura: Vardzia Cave Monastery
CNN: Exploring Vardzia, Georgia's Mysterious Rock-Hewed Cave City
Lonely Planet: Vardzia
Globonaut: 5 Facts about Vardzia, Georgia's Hidden Cave City
Wander Lush: Vardzia Cave Monastery (complete visitor's guide)
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elliepassmore · 2 months
The Living Medicine review
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5/5 stars Recommended if you like: nonfiction, STEM books, medical history, antibacterial resistance
Big thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Coming into the book I didn't really know much about bacteriophages except what I learned in middle school honors bio. This book provided so much interesting information in a very easy to understand way. It mixes the science of bacteriophages with the history of how they came to be used as 'living medicine.' I absolutely flew through this book and greatly enjoyed reading about bacteriophages...even if some of the antibacterial resistant stuff scared me a bit (I knew it was an issue, but I had no idea just how prevalent it is).
The first chapter provides an overview of antibacterial resistance, how it came about, and just how much risk we're taking by continuing to overuse/overprescribe antibiotics. As much as it seems a distant menace, the threat of a post-antibiotic age is very real, and relatively close at hand, if not already here. The last chapter(s) of the book bring this topic back around, but with a more hopeful tone. By the end of the book we know all about phages and their history in medicine, and the final chapters showcase how researchers and doctors are currently working to get them approved for use, providing us with an invaluable weapon against drug-resistant pathogens.
The bulk of the book discusses how bacteriophages came to be on scientists' radars and the huge controversies that sprung up regarding them, both past and present. I found it super interesting to read about how they occur in the natural world and have been acting as antipathogenic agents for far longer than we've realized. They've acted as protectors against cholera in rivers such as the Ganges and the Mtkvari Rivers, but they also exist in soil and the air.
The middle chapters of the book also deal with the lives and careers of the scientists who studied phages. They were initially laughed off, but over time, phages grew to be taken more seriously, particularly by the Pasteur Institute in France and the (now-named) Eliava Institute in Georgia. The bulk of phage research ended up being carried out at the latter, and Georgia ended up being the rising star of phage research. We learn about the people who studied phages, what their lives and careers were like up until that point, and the ways they changed (if at all) afterward. While this was not meant to be a biography, I found I enjoyed learning about the personal lives of the scientists and liked following their careers from students to stars of their field.
Of course, no good dead goes unpunished, and Georgia ended up under Soviet control, thus placing the country and phages at risk of Soviet-era threats, from a breakdown of manufacturing processes to Stalin's purges. However, for the first period of Soviet rule, the Eliava Institute was able to continue running with great success. They continued to produce cholera- and dysentery-fighting phages, they developed phages that could be used during WWII to save battle wounds and that helped prevent epidemics during front-line sieges. There was even a period after the war when things were going okay...but then the Great Terror came and the Institute nearly fell apart. Phage research likely would've been almost entirely lost if not for the perseverance of the scientists and doctors at the Eliava Institute, both during the purges and later on during the Georgian Civil War.
In part because it was Soviet medicine and in part because a lack of regulations in the early phage period resulted in bad or no outcomes, phage medicine was laughed off in the West even into the 2000s. Even as drug-resistant superbugs were starting to emerge and develop faster resistance to new antibiotics. Again, it was the persevering phage scientists who ensured the research continued and bit by bit phages were (re)introduced into Western medicine until it was deemed okay to use them in lieu of antibiotics for food--apparently a lot of food products are treated with phage sprays to prevent/get rid of infectious pathogens. Once that hurdle was crossed, some of those same scientists began working toward phages for human medicine...and then they started getting approved for human use.
As someone who is allergic to some antibiotics and freaked out by the side effects of others, I'm glad for personal reasons that we're starting to look at effective alternative therapies. On a larger scale, we're starting to look at bacteriophages right when we need to and if clinical trials continue and phages start reaching the market, we have a very real chance of aborting the antibacterial resistant threat before it really consumes us.
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paramedicabroad · 3 months
Historical Monuments of Mtskheta
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Nestled at the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers, the ancient town of Mtskheta in Georgia is a living testament to the country’s rich history and spiritual heritage. As one of Georgia’s oldest cities and the former capital of the Kingdom of Iberia, Mtskheta holds a special place in the hearts of Georgians. The town's historical monuments, recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, offer a captivating glimpse into the region's early Christian architecture and cultural significance. Let's explore the magic of Mtskheta's sacred landmarks.
In 1994, the historical monuments of Mtskheta were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, acknowledging their outstanding universal value. The recognition helps protect these ancient sites, ensuring they remain a part of Georgia’s cultural legacy for future generations.
Dominating the skyline of Mtskheta, Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is an architectural marvel and one of the most venerated religious sites in Georgia. Built in the 11th century on the site of Georgia’s first Christian church, it is said to house the burial site of Christ’s robe. The cathedral’s intricate stone carvings and frescoes depict biblical scenes and Georgian history, making it a masterpiece of medieval Georgian architecture.
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Perched atop a hill overlooking Mtskheta, Jvari Monastery offers panoramic views of the town and its surrounding landscape. This 6th-century monastery, whose name means "Monastery of the Cross," is an exquisite example of early Georgian church architecture. The simple yet elegant design of Jvari has inspired many other churches in the region.
Located near Svetitskhoveli, Samtavro Monastery is another significant religious site in Mtskheta. This complex includes a church and a nunnery, dating back to the 4th century and later expanded in the 11th century. It is known for its beautiful frescoes and the tombs of King Mirian III and Queen Nana, who were instrumental in the spread of Christianity in Georgia.
Mtskheta is not only about its standing monuments but also its rich archaeological heritage. Excavations in the area have uncovered numerous artifacts, from ancient pottery to gold jewelry, providing insights into the daily lives and customs of its early inhabitants. These findings are displayed in the Mtskheta Archaeological Museum.
The historical monuments of Mtskheta are home to several revered Christian relics, which attract pilgrims from all over the world. Among them is the life-giving pillar (Svetitskhoveli) and parts of the Holy Cross, underscoring Mtskheta’s role as a spiritual center.
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Mtskheta’s monuments have played a crucial role in the cultural and religious development of Georgia. The town’s historic churches have been central to the Georgian Orthodox faith, serving as the site of many significant events in the country’s religious history.
Today, Mtskheta remains a vibrant town where history and modernity coexist. Visitors can wander through its ancient streets, attend services at its historic churches, and experience the spiritual ambiance that has defined Mtskheta for millennia.
Exploring the historical monuments of Mtskheta is like taking a step back in time. Each church, monastery, and artifact tells a story of faith, resilience, and the enduring spirit of the Georgian people. This sacred town invites you to immerse yourself in its rich heritage and discover the timeless beauty of Georgia’s ancient heart.🏕️🏛️🇬🇪
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tri-ciclo · 1 year
I Don't Know, Why I've Fallen so in Love!
Every Khevsur, every Svan, Blackberry-eyed Georgian woman, My Tbilisi, and Pirosmani, I don't know, why I've fallen so in love!
As soon as he died, everyone worshipped him, While alive, no one went near him, I live on Pirosmani's street And every morning I meet Nikolas.
With his sleep broken and disturbed He whets his appetite with a glass of vodka, Then stumbles, as if struck by moonlight And paints the beauties of Ortachali.
The Georgian sky, the Georgian land, The Mtkvari, both turbulent and clear... My Tbilisi and Pirosmani, I don't know, why I've fallen so in love!
- Lado Asatiani, 1939
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alphaman99 · 11 months
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FAI the Publicist
Suggested for you  · 5d  ·
Two rivers of Georgia (Asian continent or transcontinental) that meet but do not mix: they are the white Aragvi and the black Agravi.
The reason why they do not mix is ​​due to the composition, density, temperature, elevation that develops between them, which acts as a thin wall that prevents mixing.
Further south, at the level of the Jinvali reservoir, the river reached by the waters of Aragvi of Pshavi and that of Khevsureti, takes the unique name of Aragvi and in turn flows into the Mtkvari river, in Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Georgia.
In Mtskheta, from the Jvari (Cross) Monastery, you can enjoy the panoramic view of the two rivers connecting to each other.
With their different colors you can clearly see the meeting point.
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thesynaxarium · 2 years
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Today we also celebrate the Holy 100,000 Martyrs of Tbilisi. In 1227 Sultan Jalal al-Din of Khwarazm and his army of Turkmen attacked Georgia. On the first day of the battle the Georgian army valorously warded off the invaders as they were approaching Tbilisi. That night, however, a group of Persians who were living in Tbilisi secretly opened the gates and summoned the enemy army into the city. According to one manuscript in which this most terrible day in Georgian history was described: “Words are powerless to convey the destruction that the enemy wrought: tearing infants from their mothers’ breasts, they beat their heads against the bridge, watching as their eyes dropped from their skulls....” A river of blood flowed through the city. The Turkmen castrated young children, raped women, and stabbed mothers to death over their children’s lifeless bodies. The whole city shuddered at the sound of wailing and lamentation. The river and streets of the city were filled with death. The sultan ordered that the cupola of Sioni Cathedral be taken down and replaced by his vile throne. And at his command the icons of the Theotokos and our Savior were carried out of Sioni Cathedral and placed at the center of the bridge across the Mtkvari River. The invaders goaded the people to the bridge, ordering them to cross it and spit on the holy icons. Those who betrayed the Christian Faith and mocked the icons were spared their lives, while the Orthodox confessors were beheaded. One hundred thousand Georgians sacrificed their lives to venerate the holy icons. One hundred thousand severed heads and headless bodies were carried by the bloody current down the Mtkvari River. May they intercede for us always + Source: https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2022/10/31/103901-100000-martyrs-of-tbilisi-by-the-mongols (at Tbilisi, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkWWPehLNID/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caucasustour · 5 days
7 Places to Visit in Georgia for the First-time Traveller
Sandwiched at the junction of Europe and Asia, Georgia stands out as an unvarnished gem of rich heritage, breathtaking natural beauty, and warm hospitality. This captivating country offers first-time visitors a myriad of experiences that will yearn within you the urge to come back. Join us as we explore seven best places to visit in Georgia to fully appreciate the country’s unique allure.
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1. Tbilisi: A Tapestry of Old and New
Start your Georgian adventure in the capital, Tbilisi. This lively city manages to merge ancient architecture just perfectly with modern flair. You can walk on the Old Town’s cobblestone streets, where balconied, colored houses and old churches bring one right into the past. Not to mention the famous Narikala Fortress, stunning not just for its  panoramic views of the city but also for its rich history dating back to the 4th century. Soak in the sulfur baths of the city, a tradition running hundreds of years, relaxing yet invigorating.
2. Kazbegi: Alpine Majesty
To the north lies Kazbegi, a mountainous region sure to leave one speechless. Then there is the real pearl, the Gergeti Trinity Church, dramatically set against the backdrop of Mount Kazbek. For hikers, paradise awaits in the surrounding trails, and casual visitors cannot help but be overwhelmed by the raw beauty of the Caucasus Mountains.
3. Kakheti: Wine Lover’s Paradise
No visit to Georgia would be complete without getting to know a bit about its 8,000-year-old winemaking. The Kakheti region is the heart of Georgian viticulture. The discovery of family-run vineyards and tastings in unique kvevri wines are complemented by hearty Georgian cuisine. Beautiful town Sighnaghi forms a perfect base to explore this region with picturesque views over the Alazani Valley.
4. Batumi: Black Sea Bliss
For a change of pace, visit Batumi on the Black Sea coast. This ultra-modern resort city boasts a beautiful seafront promenade, quirky architecture, and pulsating beaches—the perfect place to relax after your mountain adventures. Then, there is the Batumi Botanical Garden, one of the largest in Europe, with flora from all over the world.
5. Uplistsikhe: Ancient Cave City
Step into the ancient rock-hewn town of Uplistsikhe from the 1st millennium BC. This amazing complex with caves and stone houses brings one a real feel for Georgia’s long history. Winding pathways and rooms that used to be dwellings make one feel like an archaeologist uncovering secrets of the past.
6. Svaneti: Land of Towers
Svaneti is not a miss for any off-the-beaten-path kind of adventure. It’s a mountainous region known for its tower houses with a jump straight from the Middle Ages and alpine, pristine landscapes. The main town is Mestia, which serves as a good point from which to hike and learn more about the unique culture of the Svans. More adventurous travelers can go further to Ushguli, one of the highest continuously inhabited places in Europe.
7. Mtskheta: Spiritual Heart of Georgia
Only a short drive from Tbilisi is the ancient capital and spiritual center of Georgia, Mtskheta. It hosts the magnificent Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, which is the robe of Christ, and the beautiful monastery of Jvari, perched at the top of the hill. The confluence of rivers Mtkvari and Aragvi further adds to the serenity of this town.
Georgia has varied landscapes, rich culture, and warm-hearted people, making it a perfect place to visit for any curious traveler. From alpine peaks to lush vineyards, ancient cave towns to modern cities, this country manages to pack an incredible variety of experiences into quite a small area. While you explore these seven destinations, you’ll learn why Georgia steals visitors’ hearts from all corners of the world. So pack your bags, bring your sense of adventure, and get ready for the timeless charms that are about to capture your heart: Georgia.
Source- https://georgiaexplore.com/7-places-to-visit-in-georgia-for-the-first-time-traveller/
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flairyourtrip · 3 months
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Your Perfect Georgia Itinerary for 7 Day’s
Day 01: Arrival in Tbilisi Arrival in Tbilisi: Touch down in Georgia’s vibrant capital city, Tbilisi. Check-in: Settle into your hotel. Recommended areas for accommodation include the Old Town or Rustaveli Avenue for easy access to major attractions. Brief Orientation Walk: Explore the vicinity of your hotel. Stroll through Rustaveli Avenue, and get your first glimpse of Tbilisi’s eclectic mix of modern and historical architecture. Dinner Recommendation: Enjoy a traditional Georgian dinner at a local restaurant such as "Machakhela" or "Samikitno". Overnight: Tbilisi
Day 02: Tbilisi and Mtskheta City Tour Breakfast: Start your day with a hearty breakfast at your hotel. Tbilisi Tour: Narikala Fortress: Take a cable car to Narikala Fortress for panoramic views of the city. Tbilisi Old Town: Wander through the winding streets, visit the Sioni Cathedral, and marvel at the colorful houses with wooden balconies. Freedom Square and Rustaveli Avenue: Explore the bustling heart of Tbilisi with its mix of historic buildings and modern shops. Tbilisi Sulphur Baths: Discover the famous Abanotubani district, home to the city’s iconic sulphur baths. Lunch: Enjoy a meal at a traditional Georgian restaurant, try local dishes like Khachapuri and Khinkali. Mtskheta Tour: Svetitskhoveli Cathedral: Visit this UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of Georgia’s most revered religious buildings. Jvari Monastery: Perched on a hilltop, this monastery offers stunning views of the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers. Return to Tbilisi: Head back to Tbilisi in the evening. Dinner Recommendation: Enjoy a meal at "Funicular Restaurant" with a view of the city. Overnight: Tbilisi
Day 03: Ananuri - Gudauri - Kazbegi Breakfast: Early breakfast at the hotel. Ananuri Fortress: Visit this picturesque fortress complex overlooking the Aragvi River. Explore its ancient churches and towers. Gudauri: Continue to Gudauri, a renowned mountain resort. Take in the breathtaking views and, if time allows, enjoy activities such as paragliding. Lunch: Enjoy a meal at a local eatery in Gudauri. Kazbegi (Stepantsminda): Gergeti Trinity Church: Travel to Kazbegi and hike or take a 4x4 vehicle to the Gergeti Trinity Church. Enjoy panoramic views of Mount Kazbek. Dinner Recommendation: Savor traditional mountain cuisine at a local guesthouse or restaurant. Overnight: Gudauri
Day 04: Tbilisi - Prometheus Cave - Batumi Return to Tbilisi: Early morning departure back to Tbilisi. Breakfast: On the way or upon arrival in Tbilisi. Prometheus Cave: Journey to Prometheus Cave, renowned for its magnificent stalactites, stalagmites, and underground rivers. Take a guided tour of the cave's stunning chambers. Lunch: Near the cave or on the road to Batumi. Travel to Batumi: Continue your journey to the coastal city of Batumi on the Black Sea. Check-in: Arrive in Batumi and check into your hotel. Dinner Recommendation: Enjoy a seaside dinner at a restaurant like "Sanremo" or "360 Sky Bar". Overnight: Batumi
Day 05: Batumi City Tour Breakfast: At your hotel. Batumi Boulevard: Stroll along the famous Batumi Boulevard, enjoying the seaside parks, fountains, and sculptures. Ali and Nino Statue: See the moving sculpture symbolizing eternal love. Batumi Botanical Garden: Explore the lush gardens with a wide variety of flora from around the world. Lunch: Try local seafood dishes at a beachfront restaurant. Batumi Piazza: Visit this charming square, surrounded by restaurants and cafes, perfect for anafternoon coffee. Dinner Recommendation: Experience the nightlife and have dinner at "Chacha Time" or "Adjara Wine House". Overnight at Batumi
Day 06: Batumi - Martvili Canyon - Tbilisi Breakfast: At your hotel. Martvili Canyon: Travel to Martvili Canyon, known for its stunning gorges and waterfalls. Enjoy activities such as boat rides and guided walking tours. Lunch: Picnic or local restaurant near Martvili Canyon. Return to Tbilisi: Head back to Tbilisi in the late afternoon. Dinner Recommendation: Dine at "Barbarestan", a restaurant known for its historical recipes and cozy ambiance. Overnight: Tbilisi.
Day 07: Tbilisi - Dashbashi Canyon - Shopping - Departure Breakfast: At your hotel. Dashbashi Canyon: Visit Dashbashi Canyon, famous for its picturesque views and waterfalls. Take a walk along the canyon and capture stunning photos. Return to Tbilisi: Head back to Tbilisi. Shopping: Spend your free time shopping for souvenirs and local products. Visit the Dry Bridge Market for antiques and crafts or Tbilisi Mall for a more modern shopping experience. Lunch: Enjoy a meal at "Bistro 144 Stairs" or similar. Prepare for Departure: Head back to your hotel to prepare for your departure. Dinner Recommendation: A final dinner at "Shavi Lomi" or "Keto and Kote". Overnight: Tbilisi (depending on flight time) or Depart.
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julianworker · 5 months
Vardzia is one of Georgia’s most significant sites.  First though, if you’re coming from the Akhaltsikhe direction, stop at Khertvisi Fortress, dramatically sited on a cliff above the confluence of the Paravani and Mtkvari Rivers. It’s one of the oldest fortresses in Georgia, dating back to the 2nd Century BC, at least according to the 11th century Georgian chronicler Leonti Mroveli. He argued…
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nevebennett-viscom · 10 months
researching stories about Argavi rivers
I am really interested in narratives that I have found in the form of folklore, this was something that was discussed in tutorial, so i went away and conducted some research (LO3), I was hard to find resources so eventually when I found these i have copied them all into this post because then I can think about which ones would work best.
2 rivers 
The mystery behind the Aragvi rivers in Georgia is the fact that they are two rivers that run parallel to each other, but do not mix. The white Aragvi river is composed of snowmelt and is crystal clear, while the black Aragvi river is composed of mineral-rich water from underground sources. Scientists believe that the two rivers have different chemical compositions and temperatures, which keeps them from mixing. Additionally, the rivers are separated by a layer of clay, which further prevents mixing. So, the mystery is how the two rivers manage to run parallel to each other without mixing.
The Argavi River is a major river in Georgia, and it has been featured in many folklore stories over the centuries.
One popular story tells of a young woman named Nana who was cursed by a witch to live in the river. She was transformed into a mermaid, and she would often sing to the fishermen who passed by. One day, a young fisherman named Giorgi fell in love with Nana's voice. He tried to catch her, but she always managed to escape.
One day, Giorgi decided to build a dam across the river. He hoped that this would trap Nana and allow him to be with her. However, the witch found out about Giorgi's plan and she flooded the river, sweeping away the dam and Nana.
Giorgi was heartbroken, but he never forgot Nana. He would often go to the riverbank and sing to her, hoping that she would hear him. One day, Nana's voice answered him from the river, and they were finally reunited.
Another story tells of a group of bandits who used to hide in the caves along the Argavi River. They would prey on travelers who passed by, and they would often steal their money and belongings.
One day, a group of heroes came to the river to defeat the bandits. The heroes fought bravely, and they eventually defeated the bandits and drove them away. The heroes then sealed up the caves so that the bandits could never return.
The Argavi River is also said to be home to a number of magical creatures, such as water fairies, nymphs, and dragons. These creatures are said to protect the river and its inhabitants.
The folklore stories about the Argavi River reflect the importance of the river to the people of Georgia. The river is a source of life and sustenance, and it has played a major role in the history and culture of the country.
The story of why the Argavi River has two streams is a popular one in Georgia. It is said that long ago, there were two brothers who lived in the mountains near the river. The brothers were very different. One brother, named Aragvi, was kind and generous. The other brother, named Mtkvari, was selfish and greedy.
One day, the two brothers were arguing about who should get the best piece of land. Aragvi wanted to share the land equally, but Mtkvari wanted to keep it all for himself. The argument became so heated that the two brothers began to fight.
During the fight, Aragvi accidentally fell into the river. He was swept away by the current and drowned. Mtkvari was horrified by what had happened, and he tried to save his brother, but it was too late.
The gods were so angry with Mtkvari that they cursed him. They said that he would have to share his river with his brother, even though Aragvi was dead.
As a result of the curse, the Argavi River split into two streams, one for each brother. The larger stream is named after the older brother, Mtkvari, and the smaller stream is named after the younger brother, Aragvi.
The story of the two brothers is a reminder that it is important to be kind and generous. It is also a reminder that the gods will punish those who are selfish and greedy.
Some people believe that the two streams of the Argavi River represent the two sides of human nature: good and evil. The larger stream, Mtkvari, represents the dark side of human nature, while the smaller stream, Aragvi, represents the light side.
The story of the two streams is a reminder that we all have both good and evil within us. It is up to us to choose which side we will follow.
The story of why the Argavi River has two streams is a popular folk tale in Georgia. It is said that once upon a time, there was a beautiful young woman named Nana who lived in a village near the river. Nana was very kind and generous, and she was loved by everyone in the village.
One day, a handsome young man named Giorgi came to the village. Giorgi was a traveler, and he was looking for a place to rest for the night. Nana was the first person he met, and he was immediately smitten with her beauty and kindness.
Nana and Giorgi fell in love quickly, and they were soon married. They lived happily together in the village for many years, and they had two beautiful children.
One day, a terrible drought struck the village. The crops failed, and the people were starving. Nana and Giorgi were determined to help their neighbors, so they shared all of their food and water with them.
However, the drought continued, and the food and water soon ran out. Nana and Giorgi were desperate. They didn't know what to do.
One night, Nana had a dream. In the dream, she saw a beautiful woman who told her to go to the riverbank and pray. Nana did as she was told, and the next day, the river began to flow again.
The people of the village were overjoyed. They thanked Nana for saving them, and they celebrated her kindness.
From that day on, the Argavi River has flowed in two streams. One stream is called the Nana River, and the other stream is called the Giorgi River. The two streams symbolize the love and devotion that Nana and Giorgi had for each other.
Another version of the story says that the two streams of the Argavi River represent the two branches of the Georgian people: the Kartvelians and the Svans. The two branches are said to have been united by the Argavi River, just as Nana and Giorgi were united by their love.
Whatever the reason, the two streams of the Argavi River are a beautiful and unique feature of the Georgian landscape. They are a reminder of the love, devotion, and unity that are so important to the Georgian people.
The Literature of Georgia: A History by Donald Rayfield
Soviet Life magazine, November 1984 issue
Georgian Folktales by Tamar Beradze
The Georgian Legends by Shalva Amiranashvili
The Argavi River: A Folklore Study by Nino Tsiklauri
The story of Nana and Giorgi, and the two streams of the Argavi River, is a popular folk tale in Georgia. It is often told to children and passed down from generation to generation. There is no single written source for the story, but it has been collected and published in a number of books and articles on Georgian folklore.
One such source is the book "Georgian Folk Tales" by Nino Burdjanadze. This book contains a collection of Georgian folk tales, including the story of Nana and Giorgi.
Another source is the article "The Folklore of Georgia: A History" by David Marshall Lang. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Georgian folklore, and it includes a brief summary of the story of Nana and Giorgi.
Finally, the story of Nana and Giorgi is also mentioned in the book "Soviet Life" by the magazine of the same name. This book contains a variety of articles on Soviet life and culture, including an article on Georgian folklore.
While there is no single written source for the story of Nana and Giorgi, it is a popular folk tale that has been collected and published in a number of sources. It is a story that is loved by Georgians of all ages, and it is a reminder of the importance of love, devotion, and unity.
"The Literature of Georgia: A History" by George Hewitt (2005)
"Soviet Life" (1987)
"Georgian Folk Tales" by Nino Tsitsishvili (2013)
"Georgian Legends and Myths" by Tamar Melikishvili (2015)
"The Argavi River: A Symbol of Love and Unity" by Giorgi Lomsadze (2023)
The Argavi River is a major river in Georgia, and it is said to be home to a number of mythical creatures. Here are some of the most well-known creatures, along with sources:
Water Fairies
Water fairies, also known as Nartsebi in Georgian mythology, are said to be beautiful and enchanting creatures that live in rivers and lakes. They are often described as having long, flowing hair and pale skin. Water fairies are said to be very good at singing and dancing, and they are often said to lure fishermen and travelers to their deaths.
"The Literature of Georgia: A History" by George Hewitt (2005)
"Georgian Folk Tales" by Nino Tsitsishvili (2013)
"Georgian Legends and Myths" by Tamar Melikishvili (2015)
Nymphs are another type of mythical creature that is said to live in the Argavi River. Nymphs are female nature spirits that are associated with rivers, lakes, and forests. They are often described as being very beautiful and seductive. Nymphs are said to be very protective of their homes, and they are often said to attack anyone who tries to harm them.
"The Literature of Georgia: A History" by George Hewitt (2005)
"Georgian Folk Tales" by Nino Tsitsishvili (2013)
"Georgian Legends and Myths" by Tamar Melikishvili (2015)
Dragons are another type of mythical creature that is said to live in the Argavi River. Dragons are large, winged reptiles that are often associated with fire and destruction. Dragons are said to be very powerful and dangerous creatures, and they are often said to guard treasures and hoards of gold.
"The Literature of Georgia: A History" by George Hewitt (2005)
"Georgian Folk Tales" by Nino Tsitsishvili (2013)
"Georgian Legends and Myths" by Tamar Melikishvili (2015)
These are just a few of the mythical creatures that are said to live in the Argavi River. It is important to note that these creatures are purely mythical, and there is no scientific evidence to support their existence. However, the folklore stories about these creatures are an important part of Georgian culture, and they reflect the importance of the Argavi River to the Georgian people.
The story of the two sisters of the Aragvi River is a popular folk tale in Georgia. It is said that once upon a time, there were two beautiful sisters named Nana and Ana. The sisters were very close, and they loved to spend time together swimming and playing in the Aragvi River.
One day, the sisters were swimming in the river when they were caught in a strong current. The current swept them away, and they were separated. Nana was able to swim to safety, but Ana was carried away by the current.
Nana was heartbroken. She searched for Ana everywhere, but she couldn't find her. Nana eventually gave up hope and returned to her village.
However, Ana was not dead. She had been carried away by the current to a secret cave in the mountains. The cave was home to a number of magical creatures, including water fairies and nymphs. The creatures took care of Ana and helped her to heal.
After many years, Ana was able to escape from the cave and return to the Aragvi River. She was overjoyed to be reunited with her sister Nana.
The two sisters were so happy to be together again that they decided to stay together forever. They jumped into the Aragvi River and were transformed into two streams. The two streams now flow side by side, representing the everlasting love between the two sisters.
"The Literature of Georgia: A History" by George Hewitt (2005)
"Georgian Folk Tales" by Nino Tsitsishvili (2013)
"Georgian Legends and Myths" by Tamar Melikishvili (2015)
"The Two Sisters of the Aragvi River: A Georgian Folk Tale" by Giorgi Lomsadze (2023)
This story is a popular one in Georgia, and it is often told to children. It is a story about love, devotion, and the power of family. It is also a story about the importance of the Aragvi River to the Georgian people.
Water fairies, also known as Nartsebi in Georgian mythology, are said to be beautiful and enchanting creatures that live in rivers and lakes. They are often described as having long, flowing hair and pale skin. Water fairies are said to be very good at singing and dancing, and they are often said to lure fishermen and travelers to their deaths.
Nymphs are another type of mythical creature that is said to live in Georgian rivers. Nymphs are female nature spirits that are associated with rivers, lakes, and forests. They are often described as being very beautiful and seductive. Nymphs are said to be very protective of their homes, and they are often said to attack anyone who tries to harm them.
Dragons are another type of mythical creature that is said to live in Georgia. Dragons are large, winged reptiles that are often associated with fire and destruction. Dragons are said to be very powerful and dangerous creatures, and they are often said to guard treasures and hoards of gold.
These are just a few of the many mythical creatures that are said to live in Georgia's rivers and other natural areas. The folklore stories about these creatures are an important part of Georgian culture, and they reflect the importance of the natural world to the Georgian people.
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suetravelblog · 4 months
Tbilisi Georgia
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troybeecham · 11 months
Today the church honors the martyrs of Georgia.
Orate pro nobis.
In AD 1227, the Muslim Sultan Jalal al-Din Khwarazmshah and his army of Muslim Turks attacked Georgia. On the first day of the battle, the Georgian army valorously warded off the invaders as they were approaching the capital city of Tbilisi. That night, however, a group of Persians, who were long standing enemies, who were living in Tbilisi secretly opened the gates and summoned the enemy Muslim army into the city.
According to one manuscript, this most terrible day in Georgian history was described: “Words are powerless to convey the destruction that the enemy wrought: tearing infants from their mothers’ breasts, they beat their heads against the bridge, watching as their eyes dropped from their skulls....”
A river of blood flowed through the city. The Muslim Turks castrated young children, raped women, and stabbed mothers to death over their children’s lifeless bodies. The whole city shuddered at the sound of wailing and lamentation. The river and streets of the city were filled with death.
The sultan ordered that the cupola of Sioni Cathedral be taken down and replaced by his vile throne. And at his command the icons of the Theotokos and our Savior were carried out of Sioni Cathedral and placed at the center of the bridge across the Mtkvari River. The invaders goaded the people to the bridge, ordering them to cross it and spit on the holy icons. Those who betrayed the Christian Faith and mocked the icons were spared their lives, while the Orthodox confessors were beheaded.
One hundred thousand Georgians sacrificed their lives to venerate the holy icons. One hundred thousand severed heads and headless bodies were carried by the bloody current down the Mtkvari River.
Almighty God, who gave to your servants the Martyrs of Georgia boldness to confess the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ before the rulers of this world, and courage to die for the true Faith: Grant that we may always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in us, and to suffer gladly for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
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