#Mud flood
frasohei · 5 months
Bit of a rant here, but I didn’t spend two and a half years, and an undisclosed amount of money to get a Masters Degree to let this sort of shit slide.
“Star Forts” ARE NOT remnants of a pre-mudflood super civilization. We have documentation as to when, and by whom they were designed and built. Often we have the original blueprints, we have treatises written by the architects describing how they were designed and built. And, I must make this perfectly clear, we know why they were built. They are not magical space batteries, they are not celestial sign points aligned with the cosmos, they are not waypoints for spaceships. They are fortifications, designed for warfare, built AFTER the 1453 fall of Constantinople. They are built on geometric principles because geometry was a big thing in Early Modern Europe. Their remains are found all over the world because Europeans went all over the world, and they took their architecture with them. They are ruins because that’s what happens to buildings that are not maintained, and they were not maintained because military technology passed them by. The mental gymnastics required to come up with these theories necessitates a complete disregard for the past and the people who study it with even a basic level of competence.
Okay, I think I’m done. I’ve left several page length comments trying to debunk this sort of shit on YouTube, but FUCK I am still soooooo angry right now
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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"Nobody knows what this structure is."
*You tell them what it was, a fireplace, and presumably prove it with some sort of evidence like showing them literally any other fireplace.*
"Truly it will remain a mystery and is clearly evidence of a lost culture covered up by nefarious forces. It's obviously the top of a lost Tartarian temple. A beacon that could be seen for miles around when the glowing Tartarian prayer-force of the devout worshippers flowed through it before the great Mud Flood--"
*You remember that Pennsylvania did actually have a great mud flood of sorts, but by that point you've already disposed of the evidence and established an ironclad alibi so oops. No jury in the land would convict you once anyone mentioned the word "Tartarian." Had to be done, heck, they'll probably give you a medal.*
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redrabbitkreations · 4 months
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kramlabs · 1 year
Good summary of the mud flood theory, tartaria, orphan trains, world fair, etc
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creature-wizard · 1 year
The idea that ancient people had way more advanced tech than us and then they all died in a world wide flood of mud and that's why everyone's so stupid now sure is a scapegoat theory huh?
Oh, it gets even weirder than that: the mud flood conspiracy theory says that the lower levels of old cities (including newer ones like New York) were intentionally buried under mud to conceal the truth from humanity.
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My Take on the Mud Flood & Historical Reset Timeline
My Take on the Mud Flood & Historical Reset Timeline
I am seeing that there was an ancient advanced global civilization called the Moorish Empire, instead of the historical narrative we have been taught about who built the world’s infrastructure. Perhaps with different empires within Empire – Washitaw, Phoenician, Tartarian, Ottoman – but one unified, worldwide civilization, with its roots in ancient Mu, or Lemuria, and Atlantis. Based on my…
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Adolf Hitler was a Blackamoor
Adolf Hitler was a Blackamoor
Adolf Hitler was a Blackamoor, according to the Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates of the United States Congress, which was published in 1937—Adolf Hitler was dark skinned and swarthy: https://www.facebook.com/KOSIII3/posts/2954532264833961. This link is from the Facebook page Knowledge of Self. Please read the link in its entirety because it is a good read. This information does not…
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 1 month
i really really love tartaria/mud flood conspiracy theory bc those ppl are completely unhinged. they post photos of... regular buildings from the 19th century and are like IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO BUILD SUCH ADVANCED STRUCTURES WITH THEIR PRIMITIVE TECHNOLOGY LIKE HORSE AND BUGGY (they love to use the word buggy for some reason lol).
the last time i was invested in this theory was in 2019 and it has changed a lot since then. for example now they seem to be paying a lot of attention to.... cabbage patch babies, which allegedly were commonly depicted on postcards in 1890 to 1910. they claim that these babies were clonned, hatched from eggs/pods etc, idk i don't care about b*bies or orphan trains, i only care about their freaky theories about architecture, giant columns, rewritten history and free energy being collected by towers
i also love how everytime a 19th century photo of a street is posted they all comment WHY DOES EVERYONE LOOK SO UNNATURAL LIKE THEY'RE POSING? haha literally every single time
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zoeyleanne · 1 month
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victusinveritas · 4 months
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Fuck load of idiotic noise. Also disturbing it is the third bestseller in Architecture Textbooks.
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So, this conversation unfolded in a post questioning older buildings in Chicago.
(Credit due Ian Foreman, fraudulent archaeology wall of shame group on Facebook)
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kramlabs · 1 year
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creature-wizard · 1 year
What about the great mud flood or idea that space is fake and the planets are actually the other "islands" of Yggdrasill?
aghsdhfjksdh oh man the Tartaria mud flood stuff is so. so fucking absurd. Mia Mulder on YouTube has a great video on it I'd recommend.
Space being fake is just pigheaded contrarianism because people literally just have to ignore so, so much evidence and imagine up a conspiracy that would require so many people that more people than not would be in on the conspiracy.
And the claim that the planets are the other "islands" of Yggdrasil is just fucking inane, because that's just not how the Norse people conceptualized their cosmology. Like Helheim is the underworld. The world beneath our feet. Midgard is where people live. Jotunheim is the wilds where people don't live. If you wanna know more about this topic, Arith Harger on YouTube has some great info.
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crimeronan · 3 months
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this evening i went out to explore a wetland that's been flooded all winter and discovered it's still very flooded but also BEAUTIFUL. the "rivers" in those first and third pictures are actually walking trails.
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