victusinveritas · 3 months
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Just in case you wanted to start a store on eBay selling Tartarian Mud Flood stuff...
You could probably take a lot of money from racist rubes and donate it to genuinely good causes.
And probably have enough left over to buy a kayak.
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theakademia · 2 years
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creature-wizard · 1 year
The idea that ancient people had way more advanced tech than us and then they all died in a world wide flood of mud and that's why everyone's so stupid now sure is a scapegoat theory huh?
Oh, it gets even weirder than that: the mud flood conspiracy theory says that the lower levels of old cities (including newer ones like New York) were intentionally buried under mud to conceal the truth from humanity.
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lobotoni · 2 years
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Ancient People
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goingpostal1980 · 19 days
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wesleytyler · 2 months
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yolandamarie · 2 years
Meltology Introduction w/ Jerry DeCamp : How History May Be Hiding Huge Cataclysms of the Near Past!
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purgamentes · 2 years
Sundial, el astrolabio, el sextante o el reloj análogo
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Los instrumentos astrológicos desde la antigüedad han funcionado siempre sobre una superficie plana y sobre una bóveda estelar que simula un domo inmovible y permanente; desde los más antiguos como el reloj de sol, el astrolabio, el sextante o el reloj análogo han funcionado con estos principios.
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El Sol trae el mediodía a cada zona horaria cuando pasa directamente sobre la cabeza cada punto de demarcación de 15 grados, 24 veces al día en su trayectoria circular sobre y alrededor de la Tierra. Si las zonas horarias fueran causadas por el giro uniforme de la bola Tierra alrededor del Sol, cada 6 meses cuando la Tierra se encontrará en el lado opuesto del Sol, los relojes de toda la Tierra tendrían que girar 12 horas, el día sería noche y la noche sería día.
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El astrolabio es un antiguo instrumento astronómico que permite determinar la posición y la altura de las estrellas sobre la bóveda celeste. La palabra puede traducirse como «buscador de estrellas». El astrolabio era usado por los navegantes, astrónomos y científicos en general para localizar los astros y observar su movimiento, para determinar la hora a partir de la latitud o, viceversa, para averiguar la latitud conociendo la hora, para medir distancias por triangulación y diferentes tipos de mediciones astronómicas. También usado por los musulmanes para calcular el horario de oración y localizar la dirección de La Meca. Durante los siglos XVI a XVIII, fue utilizado como el principal instrumento de navegación marítima, hasta la invención del sextante, en 1750.
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El sextante es un instrumento que permite medir la separación angular entre dos objetos, tales como dos puntos de una costa o un astro, generalmente el Sol, y el horizonte. Conociendo la elevación del Sol y la hora del día se puede determinar la latitud a la que se encuentra el observador. Esta determinación se efectúa con bastante precisión mediante cálculos matemáticos sencillos a partir de las lecturas obtenidas con el sextante. (Wiki)
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powerixnews · 6 months
THE GREAT RESET: Decoding the Mystery of Tartaria, Tesla, Mudfloods, and...
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frasohei · 8 months
Bit of a rant here, but I didn’t spend two and a half years, and an undisclosed amount of money to get a Masters Degree to let this sort of shit slide.
“Star Forts” ARE NOT remnants of a pre-mudflood super civilization. We have documentation as to when, and by whom they were designed and built. Often we have the original blueprints, we have treatises written by the architects describing how they were designed and built. And, I must make this perfectly clear, we know why they were built. They are not magical space batteries, they are not celestial sign points aligned with the cosmos, they are not waypoints for spaceships. They are fortifications, designed for warfare, built AFTER the 1453 fall of Constantinople. They are built on geometric principles because geometry was a big thing in Early Modern Europe. Their remains are found all over the world because Europeans went all over the world, and they took their architecture with them. They are ruins because that’s what happens to buildings that are not maintained, and they were not maintained because military technology passed them by. The mental gymnastics required to come up with these theories necessitates a complete disregard for the past and the people who study it with even a basic level of competence.
Okay, I think I’m done. I’ve left several page length comments trying to debunk this sort of shit on YouTube, but FUCK I am still soooooo angry right now
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lizardsfromspace · 10 months
You could probably turn a respectable slice of Tumblr into Tartaria conspiracy theorists without much difficulty.
Just sprinkle some "you know how buildings used to be nice but now capitalism makes them bad? Well," and "this is the history they won't teach you in school!"s and some vague allusions to how this was stolen by imperialism or whatever in the right places and you could have this site crying out over the mudflood and the secret history of the World's Fair
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theakademia · 2 years
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creature-wizard · 1 year
What about the great mud flood or idea that space is fake and the planets are actually the other "islands" of Yggdrasill?
aghsdhfjksdh oh man the Tartaria mud flood stuff is so. so fucking absurd. Mia Mulder on YouTube has a great video on it I'd recommend.
Space being fake is just pigheaded contrarianism because people literally just have to ignore so, so much evidence and imagine up a conspiracy that would require so many people that more people than not would be in on the conspiracy.
And the claim that the planets are the other "islands" of Yggdrasil is just fucking inane, because that's just not how the Norse people conceptualized their cosmology. Like Helheim is the underworld. The world beneath our feet. Midgard is where people live. Jotunheim is the wilds where people don't live. If you wanna know more about this topic, Arith Harger on YouTube has some great info.
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lobotoni · 2 years
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The Wireless Electric City
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