#Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi
weizhentian · 9 months
I Laid My Little Daughter to Rest
With my very own hands I laid my little daughter to rest because she is of my very flesh, Thus am I constrained to submit to the rule of parting, so that my hand is now empty and contains nothing.
Bound to this moment we are in, caught between the yesterday that has gone and the tomorrow that is yet to come.
This flesh of mine is as pure silver, while my inner reality is as pure gold. Like a bow have I grown, and my true posture is as my rib.
My Lord it is who says that He has created me in a state of suffering and loss. How then can I possibly hope for any rest, dwelling as I do in such a place and state?
Muhyidden Ibn Arabi
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eyeoftheheart · 1 year
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The Encompassing Heart: Unified Vision for a Unified World (The Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society)
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mah-peri · 26 days
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. Üfleyene düşen üflemek, ateşin görevi yanmak, kandilin görevi (üflendiğinde) sönmektir..
|| Muhyiddin İbn Arabi(k.s)
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muhteva · 2 months
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"Bütün bu yolculuk, kendimden kendime imiş."
Muhyiddin İbn Arabi
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fani-hayat · 1 year
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Bizde büyük ya da güçlü olan kazanmaz oğul, ALLAH c.c. kimin yanındaysa o kazanır ... Hz Muhyiddin İbn Arabi Ve ALLAH bizimleydi (inananlar kazandı) Koşturmak bizdendi Ama Zafer ALLAH'tan. (Elhamdülillah)
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huu-kusu · 5 months
Seven bir iddia sahibidir ve bu nedenle sınanmaya müstahaktır. Muhabbet iddiası olmasaydı, yükümlülük gerçekleşmezdi. Muhabbet olmasaydı sevilen el-Latif' ten bir karşılık talep etmezdik ; dilerse vuslat, dilerse ayrılık olur !
Bir kişi O' nu sevdiğini iddia ederse el-Latif kendisini sınar.
Fütuhat c17,s343 - Muhyiddin İbn Arabi (k.s.)
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merdumgirizera · 6 months
Bütün bu yolculuk kendimden kendime imiş...
Muhyiddin ibn Arabi
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ah-val · 1 year
Olmuş olan, olacak olanlar arasında en hayırlı olandır.
Muhyiddin İbn-i Arabi Hz
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munzevinur · 3 months
"Olmuş olan, olacak olanlar arasında en hayırlı olandır" der Muhyiddin İbn-i Arabi. Ahmet Âmiş Efendi ise; "Olan olmuştur, olacak olan da olmuştur" der. O halde bizde ki bitmek bilmez bu endişe ve telaş da neyin nesi?"
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mah-peri · 4 months
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"Allâh, kalbe ancak insanın mutluluğunun bulduğu şeyi ilham eder." (Muhyiddin İbn Arabi)
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santoschristos · 5 months
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The sufic gnosis of Ibn ʿArabī viewed the 7 planets not as malefic guardians to be defeated, but as states of consciousness to be purified via theophany, until the rarest form, the Divine Name — a kind of 'intelligence' over the planet, is reached and integrated internally.
Ibn 'Arabi expresses his spiritual experience as a gnostic which has the heart that is encompassing and receptive of every form. This Sufi sings such experience as follows:
O marvel! A garden amidst fires!
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Correspondences of the 7 Heavens according to Ibn ʿArabī
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bihunimeksik · 1 year
“sevdiğin her şeye ölüm penceresinden bak"
Muhyiddin İbn Arabi
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lionofchaeronea · 2 years
Current poetry reading is the Translator of Desires (Tarjumān al-ashwāq), a book of 61 Arabic poems by the Andalusian poet-scholar Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240), translated into English by Michael Sells. They explore a complex nexus of erotic desire and Islamic/Sufi mysticism through the lens of Ibn 'Arabi's fluctuating relationship with his muse Nizām ("Harmony"). Extraordinary stuff, though I suspect I would appreciate it much more fully if I were better versed in the cultural and religious milieu from which it arose.
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lisaniihaal · 9 months
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Seni senin için seven herkese güven. Çünkü bu , sahih bir sevgidir. Allah'ın kullarını sevmesi de bu kabildendir. Onları kendileri için seviyor, kendisi için değil. Muhyiddin İbn Arabi Hz.
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allieebobo · 2 years
How fluent in english is Rayyan's grandpa? Can MC geek out about poetry with Rayyan's grandpa??? Maybe trade books, become besties????? I just love the image of MC and rayyans gramps rambling about their favorite lines and authors and Rayyans just there like ??????????
(MC: "can i come over I miss you(r grandpa) 🥺🥺🥺")
THIS. This is the cutest thing ever, so thanks for this message!! <3 I've definitely imagined an epilogue snippet where MC gets to visit an RO/character's home, and I'd love to write MC meeting Rayyan's big and colourful family.
The idea of having MC bond with Rayyan's gramps over poetry kills me: both of them trying to traverse the language gulf to celebrate something they both love (beautiful words) is something that just sounds so pure and delightful.
Some snippets of poetry he might read...
“The Translation of Desires,” Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi, tr. Michael Sells (snippet)
Where are those we loved, where have their dark-white camels gone? Over there, cutting through the desert haze.
"Who am I, without exile?" Mahmoud Darwish, tr. Fady Joudah
"Meeting at an airport" Taha Muhammad Ali
And a bonus: Rayyan's personal favourite - An Introduction, Sheena Reza Faisal
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hayal-olsun · 2 years
Çirkini çirkn bulur,
Güzeli güzel!
Muhyiddin İbn Arabi ks
Fütuhat 19
"Tasavvuf nedir" diye sorabilirsin Tasavvuf, zahir ve batında dini adaba sahip olmaktır. Adab ise güzel ahlaktır. Tasavvuf, her şeye o şeyi memnun bırakacak tarzda yaraşan şekilde davranmaktır. Yakaza ehlinden oluncaya dek buna güç yetiremezsin... "Yakaza nedir" ki ehlinden olayım dersen: Yakaza; kalbinin Allah'tan öğrenmeye başlamasıdır.
Muhyiddin ibn-i Arabi (k.s)
Fütuhat ı Mekkiye C.7/sf.59
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