lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Sarà Michela Cavalieri la nuova direttrice generale del Comune di Vicenza
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Sarà Michela Cavalieri la nuova direttrice generale del Comune di Vicenza. Sarà Michela Cavalieri la nuova direttrice generale del Comune di Vicenza. A darne notizia è stato il sindaco Giacomo Possamai: «Una persona che unisce grandi competenze derivanti dalla sua esperienza nel privato, che la vede oggi direttrice generale di un importante studio professionale del territorio e prima in ruoli anche nell’ambito delle risorse umane, e da quella come assessore con deleghe di peso nell’ultima giunta di Achille Variati. È la persona giusta per ristrutturare la macchina comunale per dare risposte efficienti ed efficaci ai cittadini». Tra le priorità della nuova direttrice generale ci sarà infatti la riorganizzazione della struttura amministrativa dal punto di vista del personale, dalla dirigenza fino agli uffici, e degli spazi, rivedendo in un’ottica di efficienza e anche di risparmio economico l’attuale dislocazione in più sedi. «Ringrazio il sindaco per la fiducia che mi ha accordato – dichiara Michela Cavalieri -. È un ruolo complesso e impegnativo, e colgo volentieri la sfida in quanto mi riconosco nella visione del sindaco e della giunta per una città dinamica, attrattiva, sostenibile. Di tutte le mie esperienze lavorative quella in cui ho ricoperto il ruolo di assessore, cinque anni fa, mi ha dato molto sul piano professionale, ma soprattutto mi ha permesso di mettermi a disposizione della comunità e della mia città. È con questo stesso spirito di servizio che darò il mio impegno, al meglio delle mie possibilità, cercando di mettere al centro del mio operato sempre il dialogo, il confronto e la collaborazione con tutti ed in particolar modo con le persone che formano l'amministrazione comunale». L’incarico di direttore generale viene assegnato dal sindaco, a tempo determinato fino alla scadenza del suo mandato elettivo, dopo l’espressione del parere - non vincolante - della giunta, che ieri mattina si è detta favorevole. La nuova direttrice generale entrerà in carica a partire da ottobre. Laureata in Economia aziendale a Ca Foscari, Michela Cavalieri è chief operation officer in Studio Adacta, tra i più importanti studi del Triveneto di consulenza legale e fiscale alle imprese, con circa 100 tra soci, professionisti e collaboratori. Ha un ruolo di supporto al consiglio di amministrazione, dirigendo e coordinando il personale e i processi  gestionali ed organizzativi interni. Agli inizi della carriera ha lavorato in KPMG, tra le prime quattro società di consulenza mondiale, tra Milano e Verona, per poi approdare in ambito locale nella società di consulenza direzionale Multiconsult con ruoli di project leader per progetti di consulenza gestionale e d’innovazione. Successivamente è stata partner in Stv Selezione, boutique vicentina di head hunting, dove si è occupata di recruiting e selezione per oltre un decennio. Dal 2013 al 2018 è stata assessore alle risorse economiche del Comune di Vicenza, con deleghe quali il bilancio, il patrimonio, le aziende partecipate, il lavoro. Ha fatto parte del consiglio di amministrazione di Ieg. Il curriculum professionale l’ha portata a maturare una riconosciuta professionalità in ambito organizzativo e gestionale, con forti competenze specialistiche in ambito organizzativo e human resources.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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hundvenclements · 1 year
Front Cover of Scandinavia's Largest Consulting Firm!
Great to see our image of #munch being used on @multiconsult front cover.
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bodoposten · 2 years
Nordic og Multiconsult skal lage nye Bodø Havn
Nordic og Multiconsult skal lage nye Bodø Havn
Terminalområdet nordøst for Bodø sentrum skal utvikles til å bli et effektivt logistikk-knutepunkt mellom bane, vei og sjø. Bodø Havn har valgt Nordic Office of Architecture og Multiconsult Norge som rådgiverteam for oppgaven. Bodø Havn skal planlegges for fremtiden, ta klimautfordringene på alvor og skape begeistring hos oppdragsgiver, brukerne, nabolaget og byen.  Prosjektet vil innebære både…
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wiadomosciprasowe · 6 years
VR gir bedre prosjektering
VR gir bedre prosjektering
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Multiconsult på Stord har hatt svært positive erfaringer med bruk av VR i prosjekteringen. Dato: 31-10-2018 11:16 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: VR gir bedre prosjektering Kategori: , virtuell virkelighet Rådgivende ingeniør Multiconsult Prosjektering VR Multiconsult på Stord har tatt i bruk et eget rom for bruk av virtuell virkelighet (VR – Virtual Reality) i prosjekteringen. Det gir bedre og billigere løsninger.
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Multiconsult på Stord har tatt i bruk et eget rom for bruk av virtuell virkelighet (VR – Virtual Reality) i prosjekteringen. Det gir bedre og billigere løsninger.
– Når man benytter VR i prosjekteringen luker man ut feil og mangler før man begynner å bygge. Målet er å få bedre og ofte billigere løsninger, sier avdelingsleder Erlend Kent i Multiconsult på Stord.
VR-rommet gir tilgang til et virtuelt datasimulert miljø. Der kan man ved hjelp av VR-briller enkelt komme inn i 3D-prosjekterte bygninger og større arealområder i en skala 1:1. På den måten kan alle involverte parter i et prosjekt bevege seg rundt i den modellerte løsningen og få et visuelt inntrykk av hvordan prosjektet kan bli ved ferdigstillelse.
Eksempel på bruk i praksis VR-rommet er benyttet med godt resultat for en rekke kunder, som matforskningsinstituttet Nofima og settefiskanlegget Vågafossen. Nå arbeider Multiconsult med prosjekteringen av et smoltanlegg for en stor kunde i Sverige. Entreprenøren er Hervik Rør og de hadde ikke sett byggeplassen.
– Siden det er langt dit, inviterte vi i stedet Hervik Rør til VR-rommet før utarbeidelsen av byggetegningene, slik at de kunne danne seg et bilde av byggeplassen og starte planleggingen. Dette var svært nyttig da vi fikk mange gode innspill fra Hervik som vi kunne innarbeide i tegningene, sier oppdragsleder Eirik Myhre i Multiconsult.
Prosjektleder Harry Wiik Waage karakteriserer VR-rommet som «opplysende og svært effektivt».
– Spesielt nyttig er det å kunne gå rundt i modellen og sjekke om man når fram til ventiler, bøye seg ned under kar for å se om man kommer under og lignende. Man får ikke det samme utbyttet på en PC-skjerm, selv om det er 3D, sier Wiik Waage.
Mange muligheter Bruksområdene for VR-rommet spenner vidt – alt fra boliger og kontor, via industrilokaler til vei, kai og havneområder.
– Alt som kan modelleres i 3D, kan visuelt framvises i VR. Vi bruker i dag VR i alle fasene av et oppdrag, altså i salg, konseptstudier, detaljprosjektering, ferdigstillelse, drift og vedlikehold, sier Kent.
Noen eksempler er at Multiconsult i konseptstudier raskt kan sammenligne og teste ut ulike alternativer i VR-rommet. I detaljprosjektering er det lettere å identifisere kollisjoner, konflikter og feil for å løse disse før de når byggeplass. Videre kan montører bli bedre kjent med anlegget før montasje på byggeplassen begynner. I salgsarbeid vil VR skapetrygghet og forståelse for hvordan et konsept kan bli ved ferdigstillelse.
For mer informasjon: Avdelingsleder Erlend Kent – 980 70 992
Kilde: Pressekontor Multiconsult – PRESSEMELDING –
Multiconsult er et av Norges ledende miljøer innen prosjektering og rådgivning. Med røtter tilbake til 1908 har selskapet hatt en sterk innvirkning på Norges utvikling og økonomiske vekst. Sammen med samarbeidspartnere og kunder har vi skapt historie og det skal vi fortsette å gjøre i fremtiden også. For oss handler det om erfaring, rett kompetanse, effektiv prosjektstyring og riktig kompetansesammensetning blant våre medarbeidere. Vi oppfordrer både medarbeidere og kunder til å se muligheter der andre ser hindre – og å sprenge grenser der andre fristes til å gå rundt.
Multiconsult tilbyr multifaglig rådgivning, design, prosjektering, prosjektoppfølging, verifikasjon og kontroll. Multiconsult har 30-talls kontorer i Norge og internasjonalt. Hovedkontoret ligger i Oslo, men Multiconsults totale kompetanse er tilgjengelig fra alle våre kontorer. Multiconsults tjenester dekker alle prosjektfaser. Våre oppdragsgivere og samarbeidspartnere finnes over hele landet og i store deler av verden.
Hashtags: # #virtuell virkelighet Rådgivende ingeniør Multiconsult Prosjektering VR virtuell virkelighet Rådgivende ingeniør Multiconsult Prosjektering VR
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multighana · 3 years
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You can't miss this one too, if you missed the first one. Take advantage today to educate yourself for the future. #multiconsult https://www.instagram.com/p/CNUNIH8pu2_/?igshid=935kyp2lbkz
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nehawriter16 · 5 years
5.11.19 - my life is falling apart and other updates.
Hello internet.
Just wanted to talk today. I like Tumblr because not many people I know follow me on here. Also there isn’t a word limit, and sometimes a girl just wants to rant.
So this is me releasing all my thoughts into the world today.
I quit chartered accountancy. Just woke up one day, and told my parents I couldn’t do it anymore. That was a long week at home, and I know they’re disappointed in me. All along I’ve been a bright student, somebody who never disappointed and they could brag about at dinner parties. But this course cut me open. It hurt me, it sent me crumbling and it dragged me through hell. In the movie Dear Zindagi, Alia Bhatt is in therapy and Shahrukh Khan tells her that sometimes we keep doing the hard thing because we think we have to. And we forget that its okay to pick an easy way. I guess that’s what I’m doing. I’m choosing the easier way because the harder way made me unhappy, it made me unhappy to the point where I didn’t want to be alive anymore.
So the new plan is that I will give my GRE and apply to Masters in Finance courses in the US. Preferably in the STEM field, because its easy to get a work visa after graduating if you’re a STEM graduate. Do I think this is the perfect career path for me? No, absolutely not. But do I think it will do me good to finally move the fuck out of home, have a change of continent, meet some new people, and have the college experience I always felt I missed out on? Yes.
So this is what we’re doing. My GRE is in 12 days. I am barely prepared.
I always had a passion for writing. I knew when I discovered it that it not only brought me joy, but I was pretty damn good at it. Unfortunately being brown, and coming from a family of people who had all built their career from scratch by making practical decisions, because they didn’t have a choice due to their humble backgrounds, I was always told that writing was a futile thing and would just be a hobby, not something to be looked at as a career option. I disagreed. Having made a bit of money from it now, I still disagree.
But I’ve been brought up in the lap of luxury and I have a pretty high standard of living. I like my weekly Starbucks and I go to bars that don’t have happy hours. I enjoy the bimonthly staycation in a fancy hotel, and I hate repeating outfits and thoroughly enjoy fashion, so I’m always buying new clothes. It makes me happy to look good.
So yeah, I agree that since I haven’t had the liberty to pursue writing full time, I haven’t yet found a way to make a living from it. Maybe it’s a risk, and a back up plan is advisable. But all I know is writing is the only thing I feel like waking up to do. Even now, when my life is falling apart, it’s the only thing that makes sense to me.
Growing up I was always a hardworking student. And if I wasn’t, my Mom made me that way. She would yell if I got bad marks, and she always encouraged that I at least be in the top ten in class. Even the school I went to was pretty much only concerned with academics. And so due to the environment and brainwashing, I did well. I stayed in the 90 percent lane all my life, all the way up to twelfth grade. In my junior college I had two of the worst years of my life. I was molested by my co caption for months on end, and I couldn’t escape him. It was constant mental, emotional and physical turmoil, more so because I couldn’t tell anyone. Despite how insanely difficult it was to spend six hours every day in the place where my molester showed up every day, I still managed to keep my grades high. I scored 92 percent, and my parents were happy.
I had no passion for finance, but since I had proved to be so bright, my parents said the only thing to do now was four years of Chartered Accountancy. After that, my life would be sorted. I passed the first level by studying for 2 months, while other people attended classes for a year. I passed the second level too. I got into one of the biggest global multiconsulting firms in the world for my internship, and my parents were happy. My life was on track, and it didn’t matter that I was crying in the cabs home from work because I was so miserable. It didn’t matter as long as the plan was being followed. After all, the plan was being followed and I was so goddamn close to the finish line.
Two years into my internship I decided I needed to quit, or at least shift to a smaller firm. The pressures in this one were too much and I was so sad I could barely make it out of bed. So I told my parents I needed to study for my finals, and they got me out of it. My mental health was derailing – but oh boy, was this just the beginning. I moved to a smaller firm and pretended to stay home on the weekends and study. Instead, all I did was lay in bed with YouTube videos playing on loop because I couldn’t bear to be alone with my thoughts.
2017 was the year my boyfriend broke up with me too, so all kinds of shit was hitting the fan at the same time. I was fucked up in every way. I started using alcohol to fall asleep, to wake up, to do pretty much anything actually. To engage in social situations, I’d carry around a quarter in my bag and drink it in the cab. It eased my anxiety and helped me smile at people in a more convincing way.
2018 sucked. So did 2019. These two years are a blurry flatline in my head. I have been drowning like the ground I walk on is quicksand, and the more I struggle to get out, the more it pulls me in. When I look back at my life’s work in the past two years, I see nothing. Nothing that counts as an achievement anyway.
I wasted them while everybody else was putting in the work to get into ivy league schools or pass exams, get their first real jobs kickstarted. I lay in bed and watched every tv show there was to watch with the curtains drawn. I ran through horrible men and gave my body up to practical strangers that I felt nothing for, and the ones I liked left me, like they always do. Yeah, I wrote two books. Made enough money to support my alcohol addiction, my shopping habits, my vacations and staycations. I blew it all off on the temporary ride of whatever would bring me happiness in the moment.
I lost myself. I lost myself to illness and addiction and worthless friends and denial. I’m still lost. I used to have a drive in my body, something that said wake up and get things done today. Instead, I’ve been doing the zombie shuffle through my own life. Sometimes I wake up and my first thought is – “How long till this day is over.” I count the hours until I can crawl back into bed, till its an acceptable time to go to sleep. Because the only place I don’t feel like my brain has a fucking dense fog rolling through it is when I’m sleeping.
I used to be brilliant, and I’ve lost my shine. I’ve lost my willpower, my ability to be the hardest working person in the room. I have gotten self destructive to the point where I procrastinate and procrastinate and then it’s too late for everything. I am so fucked up, you have no idea.
I don’t know what I should do to bring that feeling of wanting to do something perfectly back. You know, the feeling of studying so hard you know everything on the test. The feeling of being the best, no questions asked. The feeling of answering questions in class and submitting assignments on time and just…enjoying the process of academia that I used to love so much. But I guess in depression, your brain sort of grows old and tired. It can’t remember things. It doesn’t want to move, or think, or do anything difficult.
My memory is deteriorating and the moments I’m supposed to remember and the information I should retain? It gets lost more often than not. And I am so scared to assess the scale of this incompetency that I just don’t even try because whenever I do, it’s all so overwhelming and all the trauma from Chartered Accountancy comes swirling back to hit me in the head.
As a result of my constant sadness, I had to find ways to make myself happy. The periods of happiness lasted for a short while, but I rode the highs to the fullest because I knew the darkness would be back eventually. I turned to alcohol and marijuana and nicotine, to the point where every three or four days I would need one or the other, if not all three in combination. I would drink every night to be able to fall asleep. In my cupboard there is a special collection of all the wine bottles that have acted as sleeping pills.
I also began to eat junk food, because carbohydrates make you happy before they make you feel like shit. All addictions are like that, actually. Swiggy was my best friend, and my array of lovers : greasy Chinese, McDonalds, any dessert place – just whatever was bad for your skin, fattening, but would be brought to you by a wonderful man on a bike no matter what the weather was, and was easy to eat and throw all evidence of out later and forget that somewhere on my body, this food would settle into another ugly layer.
In the middle I got sick of myself and went to the gym, started going at it hard. My body improved and the endorphins were definitely helping, but a few months in I stopped waking up. My brain said it didn’t want to anymore, and I, the slave to my depression, caved and listened. I haven’t been since. The swiggy orders keep coming in every day and I keep throwing the containers into the trash, changing quickly from one outfit into another so I don’t have to see what I look like naked.
But I know. I somehow hate myself for the disgust I have for certain parts of my body, and then for the part of me that knows it wants to “fix” them all, but is in constant battle with the part of me that says I shouldn’t feel guilty for taking up space or for being a curvy girl. But body positivity isn’t about a number on a scale, its just about whether you like your reflection in the mirror, whether it makes you happy. Mine hasn’t made me happy in a long time. But then again, what the fuck has?
Sometimes I’m in trial rooms with harsh lighting and I just stare at myself and call myself horrible names. I keep the lights off when boys come over and the clothes come off. I keep saying, “I have to lose 10 kgs,” but I keep ordering from Swiggy every time a depressive episode rolls in to make it go away.
I keep setting deadlines, like, “After this month, I will cut out sugar!” and “After this exam, I will go back to the gym!” but then I fuck up and I’m like, oh well. Maybe next month.
The bottom line is I despise my body and the way it’s started to look. It doesn’t help that my Instagram feed is full of women with perfect skin, defined abs, and perky butts with chiselled features. I want all of that. I want to feel beautiful, and beautiful is hard work. Which, of course, my brain pines after, but never actually lets me get out of bed to do.
My last serious relationship ended in 2017. I briefly dated somebody exclusively in the beginning of 2019, but he turned out to be the biggest asshole of them all, and “didn’t realise” he was using me to get over his ex-girlfriend. He broke up with me over text, pretty much cheated on me, didn’t even explain himself until I found out from some mutual friends. After that I was done, I couldn’t take love anymore. I couldn’t let anybody in because every relationship I’ve ever been in has ended with me being the second choice or me being dumped or betrayed and left hurt and broken for years.
The trauma is too much. So I decided I was never going to let anybody leave me again or enter my life and find a permanent place in it. I became the biggest fuckboy of them all, despite my conscience that has always been a good, kind and sensitive thing. This player thing really isn’t for me, but it was fun for a while to trump boys and play mind games and make them feel inadequate about themselves, to stand them up and never call back and ask them to leave my house after I had gotten what I wanted, to only call when I wanted it again.
I purposely picked out the worst, baddest ones. Then I tamed them by being even worse than they were. In May I began speaking to somebody who was fun and hilarious and good looking and well off and who made my brain feel alive again. Every time he texted me I caught myself smiling, and all our conversations consisted of saying witty sarcastic things to each other. We went on one date and he kissed me in the car, but for some reason in real life his life was so different from mine, that I declared the kiss good (he put his hand in my hair and grabbed, in a non hurtful but very I’m-super-into-this way, ooofff) and the date a disaster. I don’t know whether I was just in denial of my now strongly sprouting crush, or whether I actually hated it.
As the months passed, I tried to get him to go out with me again. I’m not much of a pursuer, because I have always been the one who gets pursued. But this boy was different. We would talk a lot over DM and we would make fun of each other and his life was fabulous and exciting and I watched from the outside, and built him into a much grander version of who he is in real life. I do that. What made him even more attractive was that he didn’t want me, and I couldn’t figure out for the love of God why not. I thought I was the whole package, and I even started to act out a little bit in the psycho way he told me he liked his women, which is SO TOXIC but I had actually felt something for somebody after so long that I didn’t even backtrack. Anyway, it soon became clear that it was not going to lead anywhere because he just disappointed me, didn’t show up, and my ego took a hit. I let it go, mostly. Or I will, as time passes.
I think I deserve love. Not the makes you feel good and carries your bag when its heavy kind. I deserve the love that I am ready to give – the grand romantic gestures that would be so dumb, but somehow he makes them work. The cant live without you love. The we’re best friends and teammates and nothing, not even distance, not our past demons, will keep us from making it work. I want the kind of person who is so sure of who they are, so internally confident, and so absolutely sure that I am their soulmate that I convinces me. I don’t want to meet a lot of wrong boys, goddamnit. I’ve done my fair share of the wrong boys, I’ve paid my dues for the amount of hurt one person is supposed to have. Now I just want the right one.
Deep down, I know he’s not here. Not in this city, because that would just be a cruel joke. Imagine meeting your soulmate and then having to go to college in six months. Fucking shit. If the universe even pities me a little bit, it wont do that to me.
I sometimes wonder if my life only stays on track if my romantic life is going well. I mean, when I dated my last serious boyfriend, I had it all – I was skinny. I had a prestigious internship. I was passing my exams. The writing was flourishing. This is a very scary thought, because I don’t want to depend or co exist on somebody else for my happiness in any way. But I cant deny the fact that my entire life fell apart when that last boy, who I loved with all my heart, broke up with me. It hasn’t been quite the same since.
His life is going spectacularly well, though. Lots of women and a great job and enough money to buy plane tickets to different cities to meet these women when he wouldn’t even drive down three hours to see me in a neighbouring town. I hate how unfair life is. He’s found some amazing people that he has feelings for, that like him back, even though he’s the one who broke my heart. And I still haven’t found a single person who even makes it to the second date, and the only one who did was just using me as a placeholder while his cheating ex girlfriend took a vacation from their relationship. So how the fuck is that fair? Am I being given the worst kind of experiences because my broken heart produces a special brand of my best writing? If yes, then I’m tired. I’d rather be a mediocre writer, but I cant spend my whole life being abandoned and cheated on and dumped and taken for granted, especially when the kind of love I can give is loyal and abundant and pure.
  That’s it. Those are my issues, or some of them. Honestly I’m tired of typing and want to retire to my safe space that is my bed, and the deep dark comfort of unconsciousness. I just thought I might feel better if I could release this into the world, before I feel a little better and write another post manifesting what I envision my life to be next year.
If you made it to the end, you truly love me and care for me. Thanks for sticking with me, I guess. I hope things get better. I used to say that the good thing about rock bottom is that there’s nowhere to go but up. I wish there was some kind of tracker that told you when you’d actually hit rock bottom, because all I do is keep on fucking sinking deeper and deeper.
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railwaysupply · 3 years
Poland invests PLN 200 billion in transport infrastructure
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Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has announced a plan to invest about PLN 200 billion (US $ 53.58 billion) in road and rail infrastructure.
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Picture: PKP The funds will be provided in the state program for overcoming the consequences of the pandemic (Polish New Deal plan). The plan, in particular, includes the already started reconstruction of the Warsaw-West station, in order to improve the transport and transfer capabilities. This was reported by the railway magazine Railway Supply with reference to Zdmira. A contract has been signed for the construction of a high-speed line Warsaw - Lodz, which is part of the Solidarity Transport Hub (CPK) project. In addition, the CPK project envisages the construction of a new airport 37 km west of Warsaw, as well as the design of 10 high-speed lines radially diverging from the capital to the country's largest cities, the travel time of which should not exceed 2.5 hours. Spanish specialists will take part in the creation of a network of high-speed railways in Poland. Lemtrans will build a railway terminal on the border with Poland The 140 km Warsaw-West-Lodz-Fabryczna line is planned to be opened in 2027. The technical, economic and environmental aspects of the new line will be studied by an international consortium of IDOM, Multiconsult, Transprojekt Gdański and Arcadis. In total, 2,400 km of existing railways need to be reconstructed and about 1,800 km of new railway lines built at speeds of up to 350 km/h. The government has high hopes for the potential of rail transport. Related: Poland is interested in the Odessa-Gdansk intermodal corridor Read the full article
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breathingjuice · 3 years
Multiconsult MOVE Verdiskapende from Kogger&Bue on Vimeo.
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architectnews · 4 years
Stockholm Central Station Redevelopment
Central Station Redevelopment, Stockholm Building Development, Swedish Architecture Images
Central Station Redevelopment in Stockholm, Sweden
19 Jan 2021
Central Station Redevelopment, Sweden
Design: KCAP + Neutelings Riedijk Architects + Arcadis + Ahrbom & Partner + Landskapslaget + Iterio
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Finalists for the Stockholm Central Station redevelopment
The team KCAP + Neutelings Riedijk Architects + Arcadis + Ahrbom & Partner + Landskapslaget + Iterio has been selected as one of four finalists in the international tender to redesign the Central Station Area of Stockholm. It is one of the most significant developments in the last decades in the Swedish capital.
Visual, © Jernhusen
Parallel architectural commission Last autumn Jernhusen the Swedish State-owned station area estate company initiated the prequalification in collaboration with the City of Stockholm and Trafikverket for the redesign of the Central Station Area Stockholm. The precinct needs to be adapted to accommodate the growing and diversified travel demands and to facilitate the sustainable growth of the Stockholm region.
Our international team has been selected as one of four teams out of fifty to submit our proposal for the area’s structure, functions, and overall design in a parallel architectural commission. During our preparation, we experienced a dynamic dialogue of finding our joined Stockholmian ambition. We enhance each other’s knowledge to gain local and international strength, needed in a process like this.
Design team’s challenge “Finding the transformation of this station area into a vestibule and living room for the city is a challenge we are enthusiastic to take up with such an experienced team,” explains Jeroen Dirckx, urban designer and partner of KCAP Architects&Planners, responsible for master planning and urban design in the project.
Michiel Riedijk from Neutelings Riedijk Architects comments: ‘”We are very motivated to turn the future station area into an attractive and sustainable neighbourhood, connected with the historic center, to make the inhabitants of Stockholm even prouder of their city”.
Arcadis a global operating Design and Consultancy organisation providing consultancy services in design, infrastructure, water, environment and buildings underlines “the importance of making a station design with the intrinsic qualities of Stockholm incorporated with a comfortable transition process and resilient future-proof solutions.”
Ahrbom & Partner, the local Swedish advisor, architect and heritage consultant, through Architect Lars Johan Tengnér, declares: ”We’re excited to work with the greatest change for the Stockholm central station since Sammanbindningsbanan and the station building from 1871, working with history and present to create the future.”
“With a deep and passionate relationship to Stockholm we look forward to evolving the area, reclaiming the qualities to the site and make it accessible and eventful for visitors and residents,“ says Emily Wade, Landscape Architect at Landskapslaget.
”We look forward working on overcoming barriers and creating improved movement patterns and city life, and are excited to be involved in ideas for one of Stockholm’s most important places,” states Gunilla Brogren, Regional manager of Stockholm of mobility consultants Iterio AB.
The process of the parallel assignments will start in mid-February and last until end of summer.
Central Station Redevelopment in Stockholm – Designers Information
About KCAP Architects&Planners KCAP Architects&Planners is a leading international design firm specialised in architecture, urbanism and landscape design. KCAP was founded in 1989 by Kees Christiaanse and is led today by eight partners: Xavier Blaringhem, Kees Christiaanse, Jeroen Dirckx, Ruurd Gietema, Anouk Kuitenbrouwer, Irma van Oort, Ute Schneider and Edward Schuurmans. KCAP holds offices in Rotterdam (NL), Zurich (CH) and Shanghai (CN) and works with a staff of more than 100 talented international professionals on a wide range of projects throughout Europe and Asia.
About Neutelings Riedijk Architects Neutelings Riedijk Architects is an international architectural practice with great expertise in the design of complex projects for public and cultural buildings. The firm was founded in 1987 by Willem Jan Neutelings and Michiel Riedijk and is based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The work of Neutelings Riedijk Architects has gained worldwide appreciation through numerous international publications and has received awards such as the Dutch Building of the Year, the Abe Bonnemaprijs and several nominations for the prestigious European Mies van der Rohe Award.
About Arcadis Arcadis is a leading global Design & Consultancy organization for natural and built assets. Applying our deep market sector insights and collective design, concultancy, engineering, project and management services we work in partnership with our clients to deliver exceptional and sustainable outcomes throughout the lifecycle of their natural and built assets. We are 28,000 people, active in over 70 countries that generate € 3.5 billion in revenues. We support UN-Habitat with knowledge and expertise to improve the quality of life in rapidly growing cities around the world.
About Ahrbom & Partner Ahrbom & Partner are leading Swedish architects working with new modern architecture, development of buildings, and restauration of heritage architecture. The office was founded in 1988 by Per Ahrbom and is today led by six partners: Per Ahrbom, Bosse Ericson, Gunnar Hellman, Julijana Nyhaga, Pär Ahlbom and Paul Kvanta. More than 50 professional architects and engineers ensure high competence, wide experience and great creativity for our commissions, which are mainly public buildings, educational and commercial premises, offices, housing and urban design.
About Landskapslaget Landskapslaget is one of the leading offices for landscape architecture and urban planning in Sweden, with a special focus and mission to put the common first to create a sustainable society for future generations. The office was founded in 1973, engages 40 dedicated employees and is owned by four partners Lise Hellström, Annelie Landin, Bibbi Leine and Emily Wade. Landskapslaget is situated in Stockholm and works in all scales of design across Sweden.
About Iterio Iterio is one of Stockholms leading consultant companies providing civil engineering services. The company was founded in 2011 and engages 110 specialized consultants in traffic planning, mobility management, ITS, project management, data coordination, geotechnical and environmental engeenering. Iterio is located in Sweden´s three largest cities; Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, with the head office in Stockholm. Since 2017 the company is a wholly owned subsidary of Norwegian Multiconsult AC.
Visual, © Jernhusen
Central Station Redevelopment in Stockholm images / information received 190121
Location: Stockholm, Sweden, north east Europe
Stockholm Architecture
New Stockholm Buildings
Architecture Tours Stockholm by e-architect
Swedish Architecture Designs – chronological list
A recent Swedish building design by C.F. Møller Architects on e-architect:
High-rise Building in Västerås photo © Nikolaj Jakobsen Västerås High-rise Building
Swedish Architectural News
Stockholm Loop, Stockholm Design: Belatchew Arkitekter image Courtesy architecture office Stockholm Loop Design
Gasklockan Landscape Design, Hjorthagen Design: Piet Oudolf and LOLA landscape architects image from landscape architects Gasklockan Stockholm Landscape
Stockholm Buildings
Stockholm Skyscraper Building
Swedish Architecture
C.F. Møller Architects
Swedish Architect
Comments / photos for the Central Station Redevelopment in Stockholm page welcome
Website: Sweden
The post Stockholm Central Station Redevelopment appeared first on e-architect.
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tocchiclub · 4 years
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ノルウェーは2019年に51 MWの太陽光発電を導入しました ノルウェーのソーラー業界団体、Solenergiklyngenが発表した数値によると、この数値により、年末には国の累積が120 MWに達しました。2019年に追加された容量の約20 MWは、オフグリッドプロジェクトの形で提供されました。 昨年ノルウェーで追加された太陽光発電容量の約60%は、商業用および産業用アレイとして提供されました。 画像:stanbalik / Pixabay ノルウェーのソーラー業界団体であるSolenergiklyngenが発表した数値と、同国の会社Multiconsultのデータに基づくと、ノルウェーは2019年末に120 MWの太陽光発電容量に達しました。 国は昨年、51 MWの新しい太陽光発電容量を追加し、そのうち20 MWはオフグリッドシステムによるものです。ノルウェーは、2018年に23.5 MW、1年前には18 MW、2016年には11 MWの太陽光を追加しました。 商業用および産業用アレイは、昨年の追加の60%を供給し、住宅用システムは35%を占めています。 過去3年間に設置された太陽光発電容量のほとんどすべてが、2017年の初めに施行されたPlusskundeordningen – Plus Customer –プログラムを通じて導入されました。このスキームは、容量を持つ太陽光発電システムからの余��電力を確保するための正味の計量制度を導入しました100 kW以下の電力は、エネルギープロバイダーによって購入されました。 ノルウェーのエネルギー機関であるEnovaは、PVシステムの購入と設置のコストの25%の太陽光リベートを使用して、インセンティブプログラムを支援しています。 #太陽光発電 #飛花落葉 #hikarakuyho https://www.instagram.com/p/CApo2qogKnV/?igshid=1nrbvtb3efvtu
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hundvenclements · 4 years
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Once a paper factory stood on this spot, now a new education gem for up to 1050 students. Located next to the river on Klosterøya the school achieves Passivhaus certification which means the internal temperature is efficiently controlled by clever design elements. This dramatically reduces the requirements of heating and cooling. Designed by @linkarkitektur Other companies involved in the project: @multiconsult @rambollnorge @skanskanorge @norconsult @norgesvinduet #architecture #design #arkitektur #fotograf #passivhaus #passivhus #passivehouse #energy #green #education #school #drone #dji #aerial #dronestagram (at Klosterøya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIlLnYHsoz8/?igshid=ymv0tsrjcrl7
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bodoposten · 2 years
Multiconsult skal utrede Nord-Norgebanen
Multiconsult skal utrede Nord-Norgebanen
Multiconsult skal bistå Jernbanedirektoratet med å lage en konseptvalgutredning (KVU) for Nord-Norgebanen. Utredningen skal se på jernbaneløsninger mellom Fauske og Tromsø med en mulig arm til Harstad, hvor det ikke finnes jernbane i dag.  Idéen om å forlenge jernbanenettet til Tromsø er langt fra ny. Igjennom 1900-tallet har det blitt lansert mange ideer om hvor og hvordan Nord-Norgebanen kan…
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wiadomosciprasowe · 4 years
Skal ta en markant posisjon innen digital innovasjon
Skal ta en markant posisjon innen digital innovasjon
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Herman Bjørn Smith (t.v) og Rune Winther leder arbeidet med digital innovasjon i Multiconsult Dato: 13-05-2020 13:21 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Skal ta en markant posisjon innen digital innovasjon Kategori: , Digitalisering Multiconsult Rådgivende ingeniører Digital innovasjon bygg og anlegg Prosjektering IKT Multiconsult har satt seg høye ambisjoner for digital innovasjon og ser interessante mulighetsrom som selskapet nå vil styrke sin posisjon inn mot. For å lede arbeidet med å realisere selskapets digitale målsetning er Herman Bjørn Smith ansatt som Chief Digital Officer (CDO) og Rune Winther som leder for digital produktutvikling i selskapet.
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Multiconsult har satt seg høye ambisjoner for digital innovasjon og ser interessante mulighetsrom som selskapet nå vil styrke sin posisjon inn mot. For å lede arbeidet med å realisere selskapets digitale målsetning er Herman Bjørn Smith ansatt som Chief Digital Officer (CDO) og Rune Winther som leder for digital produktutvikling i selskapet.
Både Smith og Rune Winther er rekruttert fra interne miljøer i Multiconsult. Begge har vært toneangivende i Multiconsults digitale utvikling de senere årene.
– Vi ser et stort uforløst potensial i bransjen for hvordan teknologi og digitale løsninger kan skape verdi for både oss, kundene våre og samfunnet. Dette ønsker vi å gjøre noe med. Som mange andre i bransjen har vi lengre tid satt digitalisering på dagsorden, men nå ønsker vi å heve våre egne ambisjoner til et nytt nivå, slik at vi også bidrar til å ta bransjen inn i fremtiden, sier konsernsjef Grethe Bergly i Multiconsult.
Skal skape konkurransefortrinn BAE-næringen har tradisjonelt vært ansett å ligge bak mange andre bransjer når det kommer til effektivisering og digital innovasjon, men satser nå i en helt annen skala enn tidligere. Multiconsult er ikke noe unntak og etablerer et eget team som skal bidra til at selskapets ambisjoner innen digitalisering realiseres.
-Vi ser stort mulighetsrom for å endre bransjen gjennom digital innovasjon. Vi skal derfor jobbe strukturert med digital innovasjon på en måte som ikke bare effektiviserer og forbedrer våre egne prosesser, men også skape ny konkurransekraft og nye markedsområder. Jeg tror det fremover ligger store konkurransefortrinn for de selskapene som nå gjør de riktige valgene og evner å se de store linjene. Vi skal være blant disse, sier Herman Bjørn Smith, nyutnevnt CDO i Multiconsult. 
Inviterer til samarbeid Multiconsult har stor tro på et utvidet samarbeid med aktører både i og utenfor den tradisjonelle BAE-næringen når fremtidens utfordringer skal møtes. De sterke endringsdrivere som vil endre bransjen i tiden fremover, ledes ikke nødvendigvis fra bransjen selv. Derfor mener Multiconsult at det i tillegg til mer omfattende bransjesamarbeid er viktig at innovasjon og utvikling også gjøres sammen med nye og andre typer partnere som har en helt annen tilnærming enn det som er vanlig for bransjen. 
– Det er utrolig mye spennende som skjer utenfor bransjen, og som samtidig kan endre vår virksomhet. Jeg opplever at rådgiverbransjen har startet på en utvikling, men tror endringshastigheten vil øke i et raskt tempo, også påvirket av aktører vi i dag ikke kjenner til. I framtidsscenarier ser vi store muligheter til å ta en posisjon i denne utviklingen. Skal vi lykkes må vi både evne å tenke nytt, øke omstillingstakten og søke helt nye miljøer å samarbeide med, sier Smith.
Kilde: Pressekontor Multiconsult – PRESSEMELDING –
Multiconsult er et av Norges ledende miljøer innen prosjektering og rådgivning. Med røtter tilbake til 1908 har selskapet hatt en sterk innvirkning på Norges utvikling og økonomiske vekst. Sammen med samarbeidspartnere og kunder har vi skapt historie og det skal vi fortsette å gjøre i fremtiden også. For oss handler det om erfaring, rett kompetanse, effektiv prosjektstyring og riktig kompetansesammensetning blant våre medarbeidere. Vi oppfordrer både medarbeidere og kunder til å se muligheter der andre ser hindre – og å sprenge grenser der andre fristes til å gå rundt.
Multiconsult tilbyr multifaglig rådgivning, design, prosjektering, prosjektoppfølging, verifikasjon og kontroll. Multiconsult har 30-talls kontorer i Norge og internasjonalt. Hovedkontoret ligger i Oslo, men Multiconsults totale kompetanse er tilgjengelig fra alle våre kontorer. Multiconsults tjenester dekker alle prosjektfaser. Våre oppdragsgivere og samarbeidspartnere finnes over hele landet og i store deler av verden.
Hashtags: # #Digitalisering Multiconsult Rådgivende ingeniører Digital innovasjon bygg og anlegg Prosjektering IKT Digitalisering Multiconsult Rådgivende ingeniører Digital innovasjon bygg og anlegg Prosjektering IKT
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lularoesarah · 7 years
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Tomorrow is the BIG Event!!!! Come visit me and 13 other LuLaRoe consultants at Gladstone Community Center from 10am-2pm!!! #lularoe #multiconsultant #gladstonecommunitycenter #lulakc #saturdaymorning (at Gladstone Community Center)
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jennifergoodson · 7 years
LuLaRoe Live on Tuesdays!
Join me Tuesday night for a Shirt LIVE featuring Irma, Classic, and Randy! If you have any requests, please come on and comment...it you want to keep it entertaining, come on and ask whatever you would like! https://www.facebook.com/groups/Rockingwiththelulaladiesmulti/
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Don't forget to join for our next sale on Monday, May 1! Link in profile at @teamgoldengirlsmulti or at https://www.facebook.com/groups/goldengirlsmulticonsultantsale/ 👊🏻 Join now and be sure to enter the giveaway for a 👗FREE CARLY DRESS👗! 😍 . . . #lularoe #lularoejessicles #lularoejessicaburt #shoplularoejessicaburt #lularoewinterscalifornia #lularoemonroe #teamgoldengirls #teamgoldengirlsmulticonsultantsale #lularoegoldengirls #lularoemonroekimonogiveaway #lularoegiveaway #multiconsultant sale
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