#Mun answered ask AND recipe
brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
🥧 pie: let’s talk about food in your wip. are there any special recipes or traditional meals? do any of your OCs cook or bake?
Porch Talk || Accepting
Okay, hun, I'm gonna be honest. Beth cannot cook to save her life. It's almost like she has a permanent paradox flaw: kitchen-disaster. She can prep/chop/measure anything one needs like a champ, but once she applies any actual cooking method, whether she follows a recipe exactly or experiments? What comes out is...non edible on the scale of biological hazards. She cannot explain this or understand why it happens. Riley on the other hand, can walk by a Michelin star restaurant, glance at a menu or a dish, and walk away with something as good or better when he finally gets around to making it. He started cooking as a teenager, when Beth's mom left the family, and his dad was pulling duty aboard the USS Mercy. Something he'd snort about if it is ever brought up. Because of his background and growing up where he did, Riley has learned how to make traditional poi, and will sometimes, if Beth is having a hard time, pull out his wooden board and his basalt pestle and pound it by hand, so as to provide her with a 'taste of home'. He can bake, but he prefers cooking. In another life, I imagine he would have been an excellent celebrity chef.
Riley's Irish Stew recipe {{all measurements are US. If you need UK/European measurements, feel free to send me an ask.}}
1 tablespoon butter 4 slices thick bacon, chopped 1/2 cup all purpose flour {I use King Arthur Unbleached AP} 2 lbs. lamb stew meat or beef chuck roast/stew meat, cut into 1 inch cubes 1 cup Alien stout or dry red wine {actual wine, not the 'cooking wine' they sell in the grocery section. Trust me on this.} 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 tablespoon minced fresh garlic 1 and 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt 1 teaspoon black pepper {2-3 if using fresh ground} Leaves of 2 sprigs of fresh thyme or 1 teaspoon dried/ground thyme 2 bay leaves 1/2 teaspoon paprika 2 1/2 cups beef broth or stock, plus more as needed 3 large onions, red or white, chopped 4 large carrots, peeled and chopped 2 lbs new potatoes, quartered, or use russets that have been peeled and large diced 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, plus extra for garnish ~*~ Instructions:
In a large oven-safe pot or Dutch oven, sauté bacon in butter over medium heat until crisp and browned (about 3-5 minutes). Remove bacon with a slotted spoon and set aside. Pat lamb (or beef) dry with a paper towel. Place the flour in a bowl or large Ziploc bag and season with about ½ teaspoon of kosher salt and ½ teaspoon of pepper. Add the meat and toss to coat well. Remove coated meat from the bowl and discard any extra flour. Sear meat in the butter/bacon fat until browned on all sides (about 5 minutes). Depending on the size of your pot, you may need to work in batches so that the meat can brown without overcrowding. Remove the meat from the pot and add the stout (or wine) and vinegar. Cook over medium-high heat, scraping the pan with a wooden spoon to loosen any browned bits. The browned bits and residue is called fond and it is beautiful. Add bacon and meat back to the pot, along with the tomato paste, garlic, remaining 1 teaspoon of kosher salt, remaining ½ teaspoon of pepper, thyme, bay leaf, paprika, and broth. Stir really well to completely combine. Bring to a boil; then reduce to a low simmer. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until the meat is tender, about 1 ½ hours. Add the onions and carrots and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes. Add the potatoes and simmer until vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes more. Add more broth at the end to thin the stew, if necessary. Discard bay leaf; stir in parsley, and season with salt and pepper, to taste. Ladle into bowls and serve with crusty bread fresh from the oven or you know, the cupboard you keep your regular bread in. Remember Turtle loves you. Garnish with additional fresh parsley, if desired.
Notes: If you don't have Alien stout, I mean...Guinness could work. It will only kill my soul but you do you, bunny. You can add mushrooms if you like but really why not ask me for my burgundy wine mushrooms instead?
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[Regarding foods, I am again one of those indecisive asshats who has a favorite dish in most any style/ethnicity/etc. of Food: with 'proper' Mexican I love Enchiladas, Vietnamese its Pho (with shrimp), Thai its Pad-Thai, Italian its a tie between Chicken Parmigiana and Lasagnia, and so on. In its own right I tend to have a go-to for each style that I use as a personal metric for how I'd rate different restaurants.]
[If you want my 'dream' selection of toppings on a Pizza, its Mozzarella, Parmesan, Ricotta, Feta, Pepperoni, Salami, Meatball-and/or-sausage, Bacon Bits, Katamala Olives, Spinach, Grape Tomatoes, Roasted Garlic, Basil, Oregano, and light garnish of Arugula and Balsamic glaze. If you want my 'dream' soup, look below for images from my seafood-medeley-chowder-cooking adventures of the last two days- yes I made an onion saute that I turned into a Roux-approximate that was used as the main thickening agent for the chowder, and yes it IS creamy and delicious beyond belief.]
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[Going back to Roleplay Community Topics... again, I have a hard time picking 'favorites'; especially given how long and how much development has happened with Hriob and my blog here over the many, many years now that we've been... well, mostly active. I've had him go on drunken benders with a now-defunct Tengu blog that has had ramifications to this day, I've had him fall in love for the first time and drive himself nearly to self-destruction with the past versions of the blog over at @gingerhoneycakes over how much he cared for his eventual-fiance, I've had him gain students and discover his gargantuan soft spot for children - especially those in need - thanks to running into Yugo and to a lesser extent Laharl over at @heroesxdemons, and I've delved deeper into his early years - and past lives - thanks to discovering past versions of the blog over at @melodiadraconis and creating a collaborative backstory feedback loop of epic proportions that still is tweaked and expanded on to this day with that close friend.]
[I can't just pick one, that's like going to part of a house and saying 'this is my favorite brick'; taking it out of context - out of the foundation - just doesn't do it justice, give credit to its place in the entire narrative-structure, or let the story as a whole shine as brightly.]
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hazelenergy · 2 months
We all know you're about knives, but what's your second favorite thing to hurt ppl/play with?
...a second knife.
Nah Im kidding. I wish I could say it was holding them in place with alchemy and watching them struggle but really it's the envelop recipe. Yeah it's mostly vape juice, but the point is you cant see me. And I can immediately tell what I'm up against. If they're coughing and hacking- human, living thing. No cough? That's something that doesn't need to breathe, and I just took away that predator's sight. And I get to sit and watch you blindly fumble around til you pass out or I decide to bring out the second knife.
Ask my muse personal questions, if they lie, the mun will answer it truthfully in the tags
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gcldfanged · 11 months
3, 6, 18, 21, 24
3. Are there other characters you’re interested in rping or wish to?
The characters I'm obsessing over now are all Tokyo Revengers muses (as you know, LOL), so I'm trying to write down little notes in gdocs when I get ideas. But yeah I think I just might end up playing everybody at this rate.
Maybe Tifa???? I always felt like she had so much untapped potential considering what she survived and went through, like it would make more sense if SHE was the MC of FF7 over Cloud if someone really hates Shinra and has actual personal beef against Sephiroth. I actually thought her Remake personality was pretty lame in that respect, like "but but but i durn wanna hurt ppl :/ uwuwuwu", given her history it would make TOTAL SENSE that she'd believe even Fuhito's book of crazy is the answer to the Planet's ills.
Her dynamic is Cloud is pretty weird and toxic as well, so I'd be open to like exploring that and just seeing where it goes and if they can somehow move beyond it or what??? I never really see people acknowledging it's a thing, it's like the elephant in the room that everyone ignores because then it gets in the way of their 5evur tru otp.
6. Other characters/muns you’re interested in roleplaying with?
I kinda want more crossovers or reasons to come up with new verses for Jae, I just like trying to shoehorn him into someone else's lore and see what happens, LOL.
And of course Verdot... There is just SO MUCH to unpack there.
18. Your muse’s theme song.
Toss up between Yuu Miyashita's cover of Kilmaa as his origin story & Gero's cover of SHANTI as his start of darkness.
21. Three big no-nos to do or say to your muse. (their ‘berserk button’)
Call him one or imply that he is coward.
Insult Verdot/his memory.
Bring up his sister and claim he is now 'the same' as the people who kept them captive (rest in fucking pieces, btw).
24. Send ✍ for the mun to take a crack at imitating your muse. Can be a small silly reply or a more in-depth take. ( Add + plus a scenario or who they’re talking to if you’d like to be more specific)
The streets always seemed to be empty during this hour of the day, the occasional beggar shaking a rice bowl for alms. It was to be expected, they were at war and even when the radio promised victory or death for the glory of Wutai, certain sacrifices had to be made. Three dried fish, 1.8 ounces of pork fat, a sweet potato plant taken from the vegetable fields converted from his elementary school's play yard- All to feed a family of four. If they needed more protein, they'd dig through the backyard to find beetle larvae and roast them with horsetail reed. Watery gruel made from rice day after day, soup broth made from boiled sardine and miso. That was their reality.
His mother took him to the black markets in search of sugar and he'd gawked at all of the items their government claimed to have outlawed- Fine bolts of silk, expensive inks and watercolors, luxury seasonal produce like watermelon. He never asked why or how they hadn't all been confiscated, grateful simply to know that such things still existed and were available- albeit at an inflated price.
Their homeroom teacher was arrested a week later for circulating illegal literature. He and his classmates watched from the bay windows as piles of handwritten and string-bound copies of censored material were burned to ash right in the PE field. His teacher had a rucksack placed over his head and was loaded into the back of a covered military wagon. Even after it had disappeared beyond the school gates, they could hear the rifle's gunshot crack across the sky.
One day, he found a cookbook that had belonged to his nai nai and spent most of his day leafing through it's pages, staring dreamily at glossy photos of pan-seared green beans, black bean sauce with kai lan and giant scallop, salted fish and mushroom stew cooked in a clay pot. It became almost ritualistic, reading each ingredient of every recipe and imagining the taste… the texture of each dish. He swore that he would sit down and eat at least one of his favorites picked from the back index- As soon as the war was over.
Once the war was over, everything would go back to normal.
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acid-attacc · 2 years
What’s the lie your character says most often? "I'm fine."
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’? Depends on the other muse, but usually Mina is very friendly towards others.
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing? Often, I try to not "hide" her genuine emotions.
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss? With Mina being a 3rd year/Pro-hero, the one hobby she misses most would be dancing. she doesnt really have time for it now, what with trying to get her brand off the ground, (as a 3rd it would be because of exams/training/ect)
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen? Yes she can. She usually has to remember how it felt when she was in grade school. (She was bullied alot because of how different she looked compared to the other students)
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before? Oooo, her favorite anything huh? well her favorite snack is cookies and cream mochi, her favorite food is her paternal grandmother's Spätzle (she's half german/half japanese in my hc), her favorite class A member is Kirishima (they literally grew up together but she likes most of her classmates equally), her favorite genre of music.. literally anything, her favorite hobby (after dancing) cooking (she loves to cook recipes her Nona and Obasan have taught her over the years)
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? what would i yell to find her in a crowd? easy "RED RIOT WHO?" What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell? her best friend/romantic partner? "MARCO" with her response being of course "POLO"
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’? She wouldnt automatically say that to a romantic partner right off the bat, but if she was talking to her friends then she says that to them often. her love languages is confirmation/acts of service/physical touch
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive? Gentle love. Now see that depends, if its regular day to day she prefers gentle, buuuut if its spicy bedroom time tough because she a little masochist
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity? She doesnt really have a fun fact.
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference? If and this is a big if someone were to try and impersonate her, it would be obvious immedatly, simply because she has special nicknames for everyone she knows and thats how her friends would know, her family would also know as well because she will often slip into speaking german around them and if "mina" didnt do that then thats not their daughter.
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific! Really, really bad puns, Midoriya's t-shirt collection causes her to burst out laughing every time she see him wearing one. she will go out of her way to buy him the most obscene ones just because she thinks they are funny.
When do they fake a smile? How often? sometimes every day. (this answers both questions)
How do they put out a candle? blow it out.
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone? there's really not a difference tbh.
What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head? self-entitled karens or herself depends.
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them? she notices the faint scars that litter her body, she notices how her eyes have dimmed and are not as bright as they once were.
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)? Their paternal grandfather but romantically? well so far that position is vacant.
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding? if she had her phone on her she would be on that until rescue arrived.
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Bakugou. Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person? This one's hard but i will go out on a limb and say Mi*eta
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it? N/A (i got nothing for this one lol)
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character? Skydiving/Bungee jumping.
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember? N/A
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it? Maybe, why you askin'? it might have been a peanut butter chocolate chip.
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot? uhhh.... idk lol
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss? probably cry once alone.
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond? 🤷
What do they tell people they want? Gift cards. What do they actually want? Something the other person picked out, just to show "hey i was thinking about you so i got you this"
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them? get upset that they arent being believed.
(will reblog with the rest of the questions/answers)
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renas-recipes · 2 years
Welcome to Rena's Recipes!
This tumblr is an IN CHARACTER blog dedicated to cooking, recipes, gardening and related DIY, and mental health. All asks and posts will be answered by Rena, unless otherwise noted.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: Sensitive topics will be discussed on this blog, such as eating disorders (and disordered eating habits), mental (and physical) health issues, and more. Trolls and spam will be blocked and mocked as appropriate.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
This post will be updated with tags specific to each topic as they are created.
#disordered-eating, #MH (for general mental health discussions) #eating-disorder, #days-go-by (for bad days and ranting), #space-goat (for instances where the mun/blog admin must answer/post), #flower-boy
#breakfast, #lunch, #dinner, #snack, #experimental, #sweet, #savory, #spicy, #prep-prep (for meal and snack prepping), #keto, #paleo, #vegan, #japanese, #korean, #Grocery-Day, #in-the-works, #Recipe-Box
#DIY, #Gardening, #garden-updates, #woodworking, #making-plans
Who is Rena? The story so far..
Thanks for stopping by, hope to hear from you again real soon!
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clione-of-heart · 3 years
@heavenlyborne​ said:
“Maybe…you’re not as bad as I thought.”
♠ Enemies to Friends Prompts ♠
“Is that so?” Clione said, focused mostly on the shelf of ingredients in front of him. He had been buzzing around the ship’s kitchen for a while now, trying to recreate a particularly fancy dish he’d once seen in one of the richer parts of an island the Hearts had visited, roughly about a year ago. 
It was a bit funny how he only ever served Shalria his best and most extravagant dishes. Considering her noble origins, such a thing was necessary in order not to be seen as just a ‘lowly peasant cook’, or something. And maybe he wanted to impress her a little bit, while he was at it. 
While he still wouldn’t call the girl his friend out loud, over time he had to admit she’d become more of a friendly acquaintance than not. She wasn’t as bad as she presented herself to be, and Clione for some reason couldn’t find himself truly disliking her, no matter how rude she acted at times. She reminded him too much of his younger self for that. 
He still remembered back when he’d just been picked up by the Hearts, how clueless and insecure he’d been, and how he’d often lashed out in return. It was hard to adapt to new changes, especially so when you’d lived your whole life in a rather sheltered environment. If the Hearts hadn’t taken him in… Clione had no idea what kind of person he would’ve become. He imagined that, while in a different context, Shalria was experiencing some of the same things, after leaving Mariejois.  
“Well… I guess you’re not as bad as I thought, either,” he muttered, answering her while he placed the paprika on the countertop and put back the other spices. He felt a nagging need to change the topic, the air turning a tad too serious for his liking. “So, any food allergies you wanna tell me about before I get started? I imagine you’re a picky eater, too, so let’s get that out of the way.”
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You mentioned Quentin reminding you of Moon-Soo and NO-SPIN, would it be alright to ask about the other members?
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"That should answer your question. I would say more, but... as you can imagine, it's a very raw subject. This is what came to my head. Maybe I'll articulate it better in the future if there's a follow-up question."
|| The mun is back!! Yes, I designed and wrote headcanons for an entire boy group in my absence, so hopefully that makes up for it. I've been, as previously stated, immensely busy with traveling and university preparation. Tack on my tackling this much bigger prompt and switching to CSP and you've got a recipe for a mini unannounced hiatus! I missed you all ♡ I still can't believe we hit 100 followers while I was away, so thank you again! || Once again, none of these are canon takes seeing as NO-SPIN hasn't been elaborated on beyond there being five members. I took full artistic liberty with these designs and the lore. That being said, other ask blogs/artists are free to reference/use/draw/write about my interpretation of NO-SPIN with CREDIT! Please tag me if you do; I’d love to see people’s takes on them! And the last panel is intended to represent the day of the fire in case it wasn't clear.
|| I've added more headcanons about each member under the cut if that interests you all! Again, I am not Korean and am new to the KPop scene, so please DM me for any cultural misrepresentations and I'll correct them quickly. I intend on representing the industry and Korea as faithfully and respectfully as possible. You're welcome to ask more about them, even OOC! I may just answer with text posts to be quick about it unless asked to Yun-jin specifically.
Updated as of September 2022
SEA — Leader | Main Vocalist | 27 upon death
★ real name = Seung-hyun | The first member of NO SPIN and the leader, the group was built around the dynamic between him and Yi-eun: his close trainee relation ★ His stage name is based on the first character of his given name: Seung. ‘Sea’ sounds like the letter ‘C’, taken from the ‘Se’ in Seung. Furthermore, 㴍 (one of the characters that can be used to indicate ‘Seung’, though not that used in his name) is used in the name of a body of water. As a bonus, he grew up on the Busan seaside. ★ Has a degree in theater: an excellent actor who guest-starred in a fairly popular K-Drama prior to Ji-woon joining NO SPIN in an attempt to help gain face for the group ★ Stood at 5’7” prior to his death ★ The so-dubbed smart/sensible member of the group. The fans weren’t incorrect to distinguish him as such— he often offered Yun-jin his counsel in the marketing of the group, well aware that they weren’t doing well ★ Made a serious attempt to connect with Ji-woon to ease Yi-eun’s concern and to serve as a good leader ★ His representative emoji was 🐬
YI-EUN— Mathyung [Eldest Member] | Main Rapper, Lead Dancer | The Visual | 28 upon Death
☆ Did not trustJi-woon. Didn’t trust him as far as he could throw him; his otherwise very positive, respectful relationship with Yun-jin was jeopardized by her adamant defense of the new member. However, he was also good at turning on the charm for the cameras and acting just as positive towards Hak as he did the others. Them having a subtle 'rivalry' became a point of endearment to the fans because "it wasn't serious". ☆ Known for his "sexy" aloofness by fans, a pretty smirk, and his ‘princely’ laugh. In actuality, he was very protective and caring towards the younger members ☆ Tallest member! Stood 5’11.5” at his prime ☆ Second member to join the group; NO SPIN was built around his relationship with the leader as the two of them were trainees together ☆ University-educated with a masters in Political Science at the time of his death ☆ Ambassador/model for multiple luxury brands ☆ His representative emoji/animal was 🐆
MOON-SOO — Maknae Line [ Second Youngest ] | Sub Rapper, Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist | 22 upon death
☆ Perhaps the most popular member of the group before Ji-woon’s arrival, Soo was doted on often by the fans who regarded him with deep endearment. He reciprocated their sweetness and made frequent livestream appearances to appease them ☆ Well-known for his constantly unnaturally colored hair (admittedly was a bit jealous that Yun-jin matched with Ji-woon when she had rarely if ever done so with him). Once Ji-woon joined, he elected to stick to pastel and soft colors to maintain his aesthetic but not step on Hak’s toes ☆ On the topic of Ji-woon, he warmed up immediately to the newcomer and tried his absolute hardest to connect with him genuinely (fans were simply obsessed with their juxtaposing energies). He was extremely genuine with and even tailed the new inductee at appearances, seemingly attached to Hak with little reason for it. Moon-soo wanted him to feel welcome. The older members often put aside arguing with Ji-woon to satiate Moon-soo. ☆ stood at 5’9” prior to his death ☆ exceptionally talented in sports! A very proficient tennis and baseball player as well as a trained ballet and hip-hop dancer. Incredible gymnastics skill; would have been an international competitor if not for idolhood. ☆ A good person. Resting smile and desperate to keep everyone sensible and together. ☆ Also a frequent brand ambassador/model! ☆ His representative emoji/animal was 🐶
U-EON — Producer, Lead Rapper | 25 upon death
★ real name = Min-ho; his stage name is a mostly phonetic spelling of 우연 (‘uyeon’), meaning ‘chance’ or, less positively, ‘accident’. It is a reference to his sense of good fortune for being where he is after his past. It is also a reference to his love for his fans— ‘U’ refers to the audience and ‘Eon’ (a time period of a billion years) to the amount of time he said he would love them for ★ Widely perceived as ‘shy’ (which he very much is; Yun-jin had her doubts when she assumed NO SPIN), he has a powerful, shocking, and alluring stage presence. It’s like two very different people are performing or anywhere else ★ He was originally a producer for Mightee One, which is how he met Sea and Yi-eun; he was creating pre-debut tracks for them and was ultimately assimilated into the group they were building around them when they just clicked as a trio! ★ crafted an independent mixtape released by Mightee One. While fairly commercially successful, it was decided that his energy should be diverted to the group ★ a notably talented songwriter, he worked on a lot of tracks released both before and after Ji-woon’s arrival. The jokes about him being Yun-jin’s ‘co-producer’ died pretty quickly (she didn’t like them), but she will acknowledge his consistent contributions. It was difficult for him to adjust to the new sound Ji-woon brought to the group as U-EON’s best genre was ballads (second best was rap) ★ His representative animal/emoji was 🐹 
And, as a bonus, I headcanon that JI-WOON was a main dancer and lead vocalist upon joining the group. People began to debate as to whether or not he was the group's new visual member despite a formal change never being made; Hak was extremely appealing to thousands of new fans. He was immediately made NO-SPIN's center and appeared front and, well, center in the new wave of promotional material and at performances. NO SPIN was seriously lacking a main dancer (while Moon-Soo and Yi-eun were talented, they weren’t as good as other groups’ mains. All members can dance as expected by the industry, but the leads were not to par with other boy groups’ mains), so Ji-woon was also cleverly hired by Lee to compensate that. The group's color was neon pink (the hue the hangul characters in the DLC trailer/logo are written in, specifically). Thank you kindly for reading if you did this far! ✰
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grandcompany · 3 years
I have a question about Aspen! What prompted her interest in Gelmorra?
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The smoky, spicy, pungent flavor lingered on her tongue. It filled her nose with the subtle aroma of peppers, and salt, and something strange. It wasn't unlike the sauces she'd tasted in La Noscea, the ones imported from across oceans, but there was more depth to the flavor of it. Something strange and different.
Mun-tuy. That was what the locals called it. Such a strange word, it too seemed to linger on her tongue. Foreign, and yet enticing.
She visited the cellars to see it made. It was a welcome distraction. The keepers there all too eager to talk of the mash and the mix, of fermentation and acids. These were words she could bear, words she had learned in this Eorzean tongue. Read first in books, among lists of ingredients, then in the descriptions of methods and preparations, and later practiced around fires while avoiding the words none of them wanted to say.
So she visited the cellars again, and again. Learning to ferment the beans, how to slip their shiny skins from them, how to mash and season them. Her sauce wasn't perfect, but she'd always liked it a little more peppery.
The more she visited, the more they shared. Gossip, old stories, favorite recipes, local politics, and history.
It was the history that caught her ear. All tying back into the beans, of course. They showed her the grate leading down into the lower tunnels, long since denuded of their bricks and rendered unsafe for occupation. They told stories, of this one's grandfather, or that one's distant cousin, returned up to the surface from the depths below.
The curiosity lingered, much as the flavor of the mun-tuy had, until her curiosity insisted she seek out more.
The first tunnel she came across wasn't so interesting, a hundred yalms of darkness wreathed in old stones. Picked clean of anything interesting by its own progeny. Beneath that one, another tunnel. And beneath it, another. She could sense the bits of aether that lingered among the still air, the energy of people that had once lived here, and yet had escaped so long ago.
But they had said there were some that stayed. Why would they? What could the deepness below their feet offer that the abundance of the world above could not? What had flourished beneath the earth, unfolding in dark corners where even the thin light of the Shroud could not reach? Why had they stayed? Why had they stayed when the world was outside?
The prickle of recognition was not lost on Aspen. Why had they stayed and locked themselves away from a world so vibrant? Was it their own Green Word that deemed it to be so? Was it law or custom, or had they merely forgotten the joy of fresh air and blue skies?
Aspen's interest in Gelmorra really did start with her pursuit of cooking and trying local flavors and cuisines. But it very, very quickly evolved into an obsession with a similarly isolationist society and a need to find answers somewhere. I think she hopes that in making sense of Gelmorra she can find some closure she knows she'll never get from her own people.
Speaking completely OOC, I wanted her to have a common interest with @pidgeon-sorrel in exploration and poking her nose where it doesn't belong. And I desperately want a Gelmorra expansion so if I can't have that I'll just make up shit to write about it instead.
Thank you for the ask @yloiseconeillants!
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
I've mentioned it before but I'll say it again because I'm being CANDID: All of your muses are absolutely incredible and so very well-developed, I see all of them as relatable characters, characters you'd be able to see in real life even if some have supernatural abilities (like Yoojin UwU), characters who I WISH TO HUG BECAUSE THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH A LOT, GROUP HUG PLEA---
Pls allow me to go one by one, I'll try to be concise as to not send a SUPER LONG ask (emphasis on try lmao wiehuwhd)
I see Mana as a robust tree that's remained standing regardless of harsh weather, still strong and flourishing no matter what. Owning a tough shell, but still showing care and fondness in her own way. I adore the way she doesn't tolerate nonsense and she'll tell you things as they are. I also really like that part of her still holds onto hope because she met wonderful people she keeps dear in her heart; people who allowed her to know that not everything is dark out there. And I love the complexity of her story and the connections she has with characters of this and other blogs of yours ;W;
Raphael makes think of that needed relief after a long period of undeniable stress? AS IN...his personality is so NICE and you can't help but feel at ease because of how easygoing he can be? I also enjoy his creativity, even if his some of his recipes don't sound like a good idea (IWHEDIUWHED), the light bulb of his imagination is very unique; not even in a million years would I be able to come up with such strange combinations in dishes 🤣
Lamon reminds me of a quiet whirlwind? The type you don't see coming. I JUST...feel Lam can be seen initially as quiet or reserved but when you get to know more about him or when he allows himself to open up (or when something specific happens), you see this EXPLOSION of determination and also craziness in his life (C.oca.ine Donald and dealing with Raphael's odd recipes, anyone, I'M---) and I adORE THAT, he's also so very smart and I support his little veggie garden UwU
Yoojin makes me think about a PRECIOUS FLOWER!! YELLOW FLOWER!! The one you'll see in a vast garden and you can't help but SMILE because it's so beautiful!! Yoojin's soul, the way he sees life is so WONDERFUL to me, I adore that he still sees the bright side of mostly everything (except Bonghwangs, I guess---aHEM) despite what he went through; I adore that he chose to see light in life. I also enjoy how his presence is so cheery and bright; PURE SEROTONIN!!!!
Patrick, BELOVED PROFESSOR---he reminds me of an enigmatic riddle that's softly whispered; the answer to it is infinitely precious but you have to take your dear time to unveil it. He also reminds me of a gentle breeze in the middle of the ocean, the type you breathe in as to feel reinvigorated. HE'S SO?? WONDERFUL, he's also been through so much and yet he chooses to be kind, to be merciful, to be gentle; to be supportive. He has such a good heart AND I ADORE the many sides of him, his reserved side, his clever side, his slightly mischievous side, his soft side, his awkward side, his flustered side, his lil' shy side, his (EVERY SINGLE ONE) side; INCLUDING!! The side he has to take when he becomes to Black Knight (hold me, just thinking about it brings me pAIN--)!!!!!!
time for an interpretation ( ft. mun interpretations w/ @jeoseungsaja )
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hello i'd like to start this with a 🥺🥺🥺 ALEX YOU COULD NEVER RAMBLE FOR TOO LONG I ABSOLUTELY LISTENING ( READING ) YOUR THOUGHTS AND METAS AND HEADCANONS- 🥺 okay now that that's out of the way, these are all so thoughtfully written out!! i think they're all very spot on alex so let me go thru them all one by one:
mana: you're definitely spot on about her resiliency- low key i used to actually associate her more with fire, but these days?? she gives off a lot of earthy vibes....must be the capricorn moon in her jsdklfsjd but also i've always had trouble with explaining how she shows care...bc like i've said before, she's the kind of person who would tell you the truth as a kindness. if she thinks you're messing up, she'll call you out on it bc if she really didn't care, she'd let you fall. of course, that doesn't always necessarily translate well in her personal relationships and that was even more apparent before her main verse. and yes!! i think her story ( combined with calum's ) is one of my most complex storyline but that might come from having to write them for a grade FJSKLDJFL
raphael: honestly, i can say a lot of my muses are outliers to my types, but the real outlier might actually be ray...unlike the others he honestly doesn't have much to hide, the way yoojin and patrick might, and he's not nearly as wary of new people the way mana and lam might. overall he's a just a genuinely nice dude who likes to have a good time...also he's most...bro-like ( which is surprisingly very refreshing to write once in a while ) and YOU'RE RIGHT he's the guy you wanna hang out with after work!! as for his recipes i actually used the protagonist of food w*ars as a major inspiration- it's a fun show to watch if you're not looking for anything too deep although the characters reactions to the food are...interesting jsdklfjskdl although the recipes at the beginning of the series are pretty reasonable and i myself would love to try to make them sometime....
lamon: lam, oh lam!! he really is a quiet whirlwind!! sometimes i think i have trouble with describing his personality because on one hand, in comparison to ray, he's a lot more reserved and level-headed!! he takes his commitments very seriously and is more or less the archetype of a good student....has lots of anxieties about life in general. but then on the other hand, he also can be so reckless and foolish at times, it makes me wonder if he's the bigger idiot between him and ray...bc at least with ray and his cooking, it's in a contained environment. so i think a quiet whirlwind is a very accurate description FJSKLDJF and his vegetable garden!! that's definitely something i want to explore more too in the future!!
yoojin: A FLOWER!! he really is one- i can say he's like one of those petals flying in the wind...but yes!! i find his perspective on life to be quite inspirational and like his outlook on life in general to emotionally very attractive...i based a lot of him on a*ang from alta who really is just a joy to watch and i wanted to translate that same feeling of joy onto yoojin who also has a millennium's worth of wisdom and experience to draw on :D
patrick: AN ENIGMATIC RIDDLE!! u're so right tho and i think that suits him perfectly, considering that he's obsessed with puzzles as well....it would only be fitting that he would be a puzzle himself with a hidden answer that warms the heart :'D ( although hyuk most definitely has all the pieces needed...and gets all the hints sjdklfsj ). i'm also happy that you pointed out that he chooses to be merciful despite what he's gone through bc when i was making him, i actually was using the concept of mercy and forgiveness as part of his character design ( lmao his last name being 'grace' and then his adoptive parents have names of a similar theme )....i have many thoughts there especially when it's relation to hyuk too but i will talk about that at later time :D BUT YES ALL HIS SIDES!! i didn't think he was going to get this much development but honestly?? they all keep popping up!! like daisies!! and they all more or less still are cohesive together so i'm glad that you like him...bc i also love ur grumpy detective whom i am always hungry to know more about :'D
THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THIS ALEX U WONDERFUL PERSON :DD i will be hanging this on mi wall and i hope you have a wonderful day friend!!
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ask-runaan-anything · 3 years
Runaan@NYCC 2021 AU headcanons
If Runaan actually attended in person with the characters voiced by the VA's who will attend: gosh the muns got self-indulgent, this is long
Runaan leaves home for NYCC 2021 and sends Ethari a single Pleading Face emoji every time he thinks of him
Ethari gets 2472496 Pleading Face emojis while Runaan is away
Runaan brings his favourite book(s) with him to keep him company and also for Serotonin
Rayla mentions this to Callum
Runaan is all WHy did you Tell the HUMAN
but Callum did the exact same thing
Runaan is unexpectedly supported and he's not sure he likes it
they also make a plan for what he (and Rayla) can do if he ever gets very overwhelmed
Ethari@Rayla: Rule #1 is, do not let him shoot anyone
Rayla; *very serious nod*
he rehearses what he'll say at the panel beforehand, using flash cards
and some of the cards say things like "Thank you" bc Ethari worries he'll forget
Ethari color coding the flash cards for "Social" and "Informational" so Runaan can flip through them if he's put on the spot
he also asks Ethari what he can mention about him+what's off limits bc he doesn’t want to make Ethari feel exposed or anything
Runaan: please don't have a Q&A section please don't have a Q&A section please don't have a
host: so let's open it up for a little Q&A now-
Runaan, internally: *bleep*
Under the table he starts flicking through his flash cards
he doesn't realize there's no tablecloth and everyone can see him do it
he watches the recording of it later to find all his faults but Rayla sits right next to him and she's all, "Yes yes they saw you and guess what, no one assassinated you over it, it's okay!"
Runaan goes Soft™
it's like he can feel Ethari there with him through Rayla's words
he has to thank her but words aren't his style so he offers to let her drag him out of the hotel for the first time that trip
ten steps outside and he has regretti
but he promised and his honor is at stake now so he keeps going
Rayla takes him to a bookstore
its slightly outside his comfort zone but it's quiet, and the city streets are so noisy
Ethari texted her a list of recharge spots, and one was a bookstore, with a reading nook, so she takes him there and they curl up on pillows and hammocks for a while
Another time they go out to a coffee shop at 3am
Runaan sends Ethari a Pleading Face emoji
Ethari replies with “!!” and “IT’S 3AM GO TO SLEEP YOU HAVE A PANEL IN THE MORNING”
Runaan just sends him another Pleading Face
Runaan has noise cancelling earshrooms if he needs them
Ethari wears them while he hammers
Ethari sends Runaan jokes to distract him just before his panels start
And Runaan lies down at night to talk to Ethari with his phone near his ear so it feels like back home when Ethari cuddles him
Ethari sending his own homemade "good luck" memes just before Runaan’s panel, so Runaan can fall back on showing them to the audience if he gets nervous, which he does, and they LOVE it, and Runaan is like, “I can see my husband has some support in the human lands, I'll be sure to tell him,” and the room cheers and Runaan is like "Aaaaa this is making me feel so seen but also yes, my husband deserves all the support"
Runaan sleeps surrounded by like 8 extra pillows in the bed so he can feel as snuggled as when Ethari's actually there
and one is Ethari's
Ethari lending Runaan his scarf bc it smells like him
and Runaan not only sleeps with it right near his nose but he wears it during the panel
Runaan wearing his serious face at the panel and answering hard or angsty questions, and the whole time he has earshrooms in and their lil stems are pokin out of his ears
If Runaan is here then all the other characters with VAs at NYCC are also here, so it’s a panel of actual characters
Viren using chopsticks to try and steal one of Runaan's earshrooms out of unbridled curiosity, and Runaan just. takes them away from him. without looking over. and slaps them on the table like. no, bad human, do not steal my earshrooms while I'm talking.
Claudia's flipping through a book but it's a recipe book and she's looking up mushroom soup
Ethari made Runaan an anti-dark magic charm so he's safe and no one can use it on him, so he feels safe attending the panel at all
someone asking about Lachir and Runaan just brightening
also pspsps that person is @hoothalcyon
Runaan goes off for ten minutes unprompted and uninterrupted about his moonstrider, it's about as animated and excited as anyone has ever seen him
Clauds over on the side making big heart eyes
she asks if he has a picture and he says yes and she bounces over to him and squeals loudly
Rayla texts Ethari just then and Ethari gets a FaceTime call going so everyone can see Lachir in person back home, because ofc she is fine and alive
and Lachir looks derpily at the camera like "wat dis"
She do the blep, sniffs camera, makes it smudgy
Ethari laughing and protesting off screen
the entire panel and audience is all "awwwwww"
Viren loudly demanding a cute pet so people will like him too
Runaan does a discreet lil happy stim and it's so discreet that barely anyone catches it except one or two ND's who are like aaaaa
Rayla slipping behind Viren and putting an adoraburr on his ear tho
"One cute pet, courtesy of Xadia! You've had your Adorapox vaccinations, right?" she chirps sassily
yes the pox look like adoraburrs
you are very contagious and very adorable
Janai, someone asks her about Amaya and she gets flustered and Runaan feels seen
audience question during the Q&A: Runaan, who would win in a fight between you and Janai?
Janai, immediately: Me.
Runaan: Her.
Janai flexes, literally
Runaan is happy to give her the spotlight, which is why he lied, bc ofc he thinks he could take her, he'd do it at night and he'd steal her sword first, obviously
nowhere in the question did it say "fair" fight
Amaya is in the audience and she keeps signing flirty things at Janai no matter how loud the room gets or who's asking who what, and Janai keeps getting more and more flustered and distracted
Runaan has one (1) moment where he's actually relieved his husband isn't there
Ethari would want to tease him so badly
Q: Runaan, are you a good dancer?
Runaan: I'm passable, with the right partner.
Q: So can you show us some moves?
Runaan, blushing: Distinctly not.
whistling and clapping ensue
Rayla jumps up and grabs Callum's hand and says, "I can show you some moves!"
and they dance very sweetly and cutely with some basic Moonshadow moves
and Runaan is like "I can't tell if this is worse"
Q: Runaan, how did your marriage proposal go?
Runaan, after a long flustered moment: ...Successfully. *taps his horn cuffs*
Q from someone wanting to know how to follow Runaan on social media: Runaan, you're amazing, where can we find you?
Runaan: The Silvergrove, but you can't actually-
Q: No I mean, what if we want to follow you?
Runaan: You'd need to know the key dance, and that's protected information. Also, stalking isn't nice.
Q: But you stalk people.
Runaan: *dramatic eyebrows* And it isn't nice.
Next Q: Has Ethari ever gotten hurt, and what did you do?
Runaan: *crushes water bottle*
Host: Okay another question then!
his answers would be really short if he did not feel comfy interacting, which is probably most of the time
Rayla took away Runaan's bowblade before the panel started
Runaan: but that's my emotional comfort trick weapon
Rayla: No. Ethari's Panel Rule #1. No stabbing or shooting people.
they pass a weapons display in the artist alley and someone made a replica of the Bloodborne bowblade and Runaan’s like, hm that looks familiar
Runaan wandering the con and talking to all the cosplayers with cool looking weaponry tho
he takes pics for Ethari
Runaan wandering the con and asking Runaan cosplayers, "So who are you supposed to be?" bc he genuinely doesn't know
he doesn't think he should be in the pictures for security reasons but he takes pix of Rayla posing with everyone dressed as Runaan
social media gets flooded with pix of his hair from the back though
#itssosoft trends on Twitter
Rayla sets up a pic where half a dozen happy fans get to brush Runaan's hair at the same time, and he's stuffing his face with moonberry surprise so he doesn't get nervous
it actually makes him look happy and social and Ethari is like HOW, HOW DID YOU MANAGE THIS, MAGIC
people shyly approach him and ask if he and Ethari can adopt them and he says yes
he ends up in a coffee shop zone with a couple dozen people gathered around and tells them the importance of found family in Moonshadow culture and he doesn't understand why they're all crying
Rayla teasing Runaan and telling him to tell a pirate story
Runaan is like, "Spoilers for Season 5"
some superfan nerd like mun tries to get him to admit how much he knows about Xadia and history and the show's plot, and he does that one line that all stabby people say. "I could tell you. But then I'd have to kill you."
he gets half a dozen volunteers and he is so concerned
Runaan, Protector of Secrets
Soren starts to spill about 14% of a secret and from across the entire con hall a green fletched arrow just zips by
Soren is like "You know what, never mind"
Cracky: Viren runs through the room looking for protection, and Runaan is like ugh fine who's after you this time, and Viren's all, "No one, my children are just being so silly and I just need a break for five minutes, can we please have a grownup conversation about something serious and angsty, please I’m actually begging you"
Runaan spots the adoraburr on Viren's ear and he's like, "Adoraburrs get lonely if they're alone," and he puts another one on Viren's other ear
and then a bunch more so they stack like a hairband and they're happier
Runaan just smirks and walks away
the adoraburrs start squeaking to each other and Viren is like, "Ugh, I preferred my children's terrible puns" and the adoraburrs get huffy and all hop down and abandon him
he does not in fact get adorapox because Viren believes in inoculation
some attendees would try to convince Runaan to "seek asylum" in NY and not return to Xadia or something, and he'd be like "But. Ethari."
they remind him that if he goes back he has to wait in a coin, and he doesn't get it
"Wdym. Ethari is there. Not here. I have to be there."
Rayla's like, I ain't Naruto running all the way back
She clicks a car fob and there's a *boop boop* noise
and this hovering coin like Tenser's Floating Disk shows up and they hop onto it and surf into the distance
talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, everyone hopes they come back next year too
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nouvelis · 3 years
2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse? & 13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse / accepting!
2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
answered here.
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
ooooh this is a good one! 
seojung is a self-taught cook who enjoys learning from youtube and watching gordon ramsay yell at people. he’s not excellent yet, but he’s getting there and likes to explore new recipes especially after a trip abroad. as much as he claims to dislike relationships, he likes to cook for his s/o and watches their face light up with surprise. 
seoah is a scaredy cat but not so much anymore, since she grew up side-by-side with her brother who’s a great fan of horror and gory movies. extremely knowledgeable about true crime files and she’s the kind of people whose browser history would look extremely suspicious to the fbi if anyone came across it. 
kyungsoo is pretty fond of romantic movies for a fuckboy and has rewatched the notebook at least fifty times. because of this and the few years he spent in boarding school before he came home and ran away, he speaks english somewhat fluently and communicates well with foreign customers at the bar. 
yuna cannot stand construction noises, which is tragic for someone who’s lived in the city since her teenage years. it ruins her mood instantly and she cannot focus on her art at all, not even with earplugs. would rent a hotel room in another district just for some peace and quiet. 
anthony has accepted modelling gigs before reluctantly. his adopted sister is a photographer and he helped her build her profolio when she’s still in school. if he’s nervous, it didn’t show on the pictures. soon he’s receiving offers from her classmates/other random people, some of which he accepted for easy pocket money during his days in med school.
junso is incredibly good at fencing. practiced since he’s nine and was recruited to be trained for the national team. it’s ridiculous how far that almost took him, since his mother only made him take the class for disciplining this menace... but it trained his stamina, tempo and velocity, which are all needed for his future training as a performer. 
ara is a certified sommelier. her family owns a huge conglomerate and one of their ventures is in wine, they own quite a few wineries across the globe. ara has never been too fond about the business side of things or the prospect of taking over one day, but she knows her wines well lol. 
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coolgirlofrp · 5 years
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A Guide To Making Your Roleplay More Diverse 
I suppose I should warn you right now that I’m writing this guide off the coattails of a kind of pissy mood (but writing this helped me get it out in a positive way) so I may use some colorful terminology and shits while I get this sorted out. I pride myself on being honest so I just thought you should know. Also, I’ve never written a guide for anything before so like please bear with me here. To explain a bit if you don’t know me, hi my name is Ellie I’m a cis (not het) abled white girl who used to be just like y’all (aka the ones this damn guide is for). I didn’t really consider the consequences of not putting effort into making my roleplay diverse. 
And I don’t just mean those Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Chung muses that manage to get peppered in amongst the sea of young white cis characters. (sidenote I love them both and still want to see them, just not only them) I too once thought “I can’t force people to write a [diverse] muse.” But guess what? I’m here to tell you that while you are 100% right that you can’t force people to write a [diverse] character if they don’t want to, YOU 100% have the ability to make sure your roleplay isn’t geared toward those people but rather the people who *GASP* do want to write characters of color, transgender muses, older muses, body diverse, and/or disabled muses.
If you’re creating/adminning a roleplay it’s your job to let people know that fostering a diverse cast of characters is a top priority. It should ALWAYS be a top priority. If that’s something that is low on the totem pole for you (and you just don’t really care) then you really need to sit down and think about exactly why you don’t care about diversity. And it’s not just because this is supposed to be a “fun activity”, it’s because you think lesser of diverse people and don’t think they deserve to be represented as much as your young cis white fav does. And let’s be real, that’s something you need to adjust deep inside of you and can’t be fixed by this guide. 
But if you actually care about helping promote diversity and want to learn how to better gear your roleplay towards the people who will write these diverse muses then please read on. Because as long as you truly want to do better and actually try, then you’re a winner. I feel like I’m always saying this but at the end of the day we’re all human and we all make mistakes and sometimes we don’t do as well as we’d like, but what matters is our will to do better. You don’t have to be perfect, you don’t even have to aim for that bullseye you just gotta fire the damn arrow in the first place and keep trying until you at least hit the target. And then keep trying some more. 
Anyways, let’s get to it.   
STEP #1: Be a freaking leader. 
If you’re going to admin a roleplay you can’t be passive (or worse passive-aggressive). And that means you can’t be the kind of person who just wants to be everyone’s friend and not lay down some laws and make sure people stick to them. It’s just a recipe for disaster. And if you are that kind of person and you still want to create/admin a roleplay then you absolutely need a co-admin who can be a fucking Lion. Because as much as we all want the elusive perfect drama-free roleplay...it’s never gonna happen. And when a mun comes to you with a problem, it is literally your job to fix it. And that’s not gonna work out too well if you’re the type of person who prefers to ignore a problem until it goes away. So either learn how to step up and be a real leader or pass the torch to someone who does. 
STEP #2: So lead by example. 
Basically, it’s your job to create the kind of environment where diverse characters and faceclaims are welcome. if you’re creating a skeleton roleplay where you designate faceclaims or even make faceclaim suggestions then you better damn well make sure you make more characters of color than you do white. Because it’s just statistics people. There are more people of color than there are white people in this world, and it just makes sense. If you’re an OC roleplay make sure you use a lot of faceclaims of color in your most wanted/suggested faceclaims. If you’re a mixture of both skeleton and OC and you have some plot-prominent skeletons make sure a good bit of those important characters are characters of color. 
Then, you can work on gender diversity. Always try to make sure your M/F/NB ratio isn’t hugely out of proportion. (E.G. 26 Females, 18 Males, and 2 Nonbinary). And that brings me to “gender bans”. Oh boi. If you’re using a gender ban to “even out” the ratio between male and female characters while completely ignoring the fact that you only have 1 nonbinary character in play...oh buddy. That’s fucked up. You’re basically telling people that female and male characters are more important. Don’t do that. Simple. Also simple? Making sure to have some binary transgender characters too among those male and female muses because they’re just as important as all the others. They deserve love. GIVE THEM LOVE. If it’s a skeleton roleplay try to make most of your characters’ gender and pronouns “up to player” but also make some skeletons that are at least semi-set (and by that I mean make some of those skeletons specifically nonbinary or transgender).
Next, let’s talk about disabled characters. Obviously, they’re important too. I mean it should be just that simple, right? But sometimes it’s difficult to find that kind of representation in roleplays and it’s usually because most people are a little bit scared to attempt it. Which makes sense. You should never try to write a character who you don’t understand...but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t encourage people to step out of their comfort zones and learn. I suggest having a resource side blog where not only can you reblog gif/icon resources for the muses but also character guides, masterlists, and just various resources on how to develop and write different and diverse characters (disabled muses absolutely included). This will help so much, and not just with potentially disabled characters but all characters. It will help your muns see that you’re truly interested in seeing diverse muses played correctly and respectfully. 
Lastly and most importantly: make sure your own characters are each diverse in some way. Whether it’s their ethnicity or race or their gender or their age or a disability. When you play a diverse muse, you are more likely to get the kind of applicants who love playing and playing with diverse muses. But always, always, do it respectfully and do your research if you don’t have first-hand experience with something about your muse’s ethnicity/race, gender, or their disability. 
STEP #3: Make some rules and stick to them. 
You gotta set some ground rules so people know you mean business. Make sure people understand that you want your roleplay to be diverse and people will flock to it. I promise you. This idea that there aren’t a lot of people out there playing diverse characters is a crock of shit. They’re out there!  They just don’t have a lot of options for roleplays because people like us have a hard time joining roleplays where it’s 90% young cis skinny white characters all with the same “sarcastic” attitude and bland personality. Also, this step ties into both the previous steps. You gotta be a leader and you gotta be willing to lead by example when you make these kinds of rules. Because, at the end of the day, if you don’t, it can do more harm than good. If you’re not sure where to start with rules, I have a couple that you can use that I personally believe will definitely put your roleplay on the path to being a wonderfully diverse group: 
If your mun’s first muse is a white character their second muse must be a character of color. This also applies to the third and fourth characters. If a mun has four characters and only of them is a character of color, there’s something wrong with that because it’s not even realistic. Sorry, not sorry. 
If your mun has two cis gendered characters and is going to apply for a third muse then that third muse must be a transgender character (binary or nonbinary). If your worry here is people playing the character as trans without doing the research just to get their third muse, then that’s where your leadership skills come in and you lay down the law. Don’t let them get away with it just because you’re worried about “drama”. Do the right thing. 99% of the time the people you’re gonna attract are the opposite of that kind of person so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue anyway.
STEP #4: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, ask questions, and continue to learn. 
I touched on this at the tail end of my little beginning part but I just want to reiterate that it’s okay to make mistakes. What’s not okay is ignoring those mistakes and pretending they never happened. Or worse pretending to understand your mistakes and promise to fix them when you’re really just trying to keep it from becoming “drama”. Make mistakes and when people call you out, don’t get defensive. Ask questions. Ask for help. Do the research. LEARN. That’s all any of us are doing anyway. None of us have the complete answers, certainly not me. I’m sure there are things I’m fucking up in this very guide, but the moral is to just keep trying to do it (whatever it is) better. TTFN. <3
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bambismom · 4 years
Tag Game: Get To Know The Mun
Answer the questions below and tag 11 people you want to know better. @4gottenname tagged me! I see you all the time in my notes and we are mutuals but I dont know you and I'd like to! Thank you for tagging me <3
1. What do you prefer to be called name wise?
Bambi and Jay are both great!
2. When is your birthday?
July 2nd! I'm a cancer and I'm proud if it!
3. Where do you live? (You dont have to give the city, you can give the state if your USA or the country if you are overseas)
Bright and sunny San Jose, CA
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Picking acrylic off my fingers from painting all day, seriously and honestly considering becoming a person who pushes around a cart of ice cream as a side job, and being very excited for my best friends birthday tomorrow!
5. Four Fandoms that have your peak interest right now?
Four is a lot! I'm not really in any active fandoms with a name right now, just kind of things I'm enjoying on my own time during the lockdown. I'm rewatching a lot of old cartoons that meant a lot to me as a kid. Like Ren and Stimpy, Chalkzone, Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, and Spongebob. XD.
Oh! I guess I'm p invested in animal crossing right now! Pls go follow my sideblog @loveallvillagers ! It's a villager positivity blog because I'm tired of seeing ppl hating on their villagers! It will update twice a week with new villagers. And other positive AC posts will get reblogged there occasionally :3 thank you for considering
6. How has this pandemic been treating you?
Other than my company and bank screwing me over with some drama about my paycheck that I'm still trying to resolve, it's actually going pretty well! I've been getting a lot of art done. And now that most of my friends are done with their classes it's not so lonely anymore because I've been on voice chat in discord like constantly
7. A song you can't stop listening to right now?
Sugar Neighbors by Dane Terry! Ooooh my god please go listen its beautiful, so is all his other music. We love queer artists in this house <3
8. Reccomend a movie
If you like musicals and love yourself, Chicago is *very good*
If you dont like musicals and love yourself, Birds of Prey slaps
If you like musicals but hate yourself, Cats (2019) sucks ass and is extremely fun to watch but it hurts the whole time you're watching it
If you hate both musicals and yourself, my son @bigoloofers has made me watch Flushed Away more times than I could have wished for
9. How old are you?
21 baybeee (20 not 21 but that's what I tell my liquor store ;3c )
10. School, University, Occupation, Other?
I'm too dumb for higher education but I'm currently designing and building frames for artwork for a living!
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
The hotter the better! I cant stand cold weather and I would be in a pool for my whole life if I could
12. Name one fact about you that others may find unusual.
Uuuhhhhhhh..... even though I really need glasses, I can spot a black cat half a mile away in the middle of the night from a moving car. It's like spidey sense but not useful at all. @akibunni can attest to this.
13. Are you shy?
14. Do you have preferred pronouns?
They/She please my loves <3
15. Biggest pet peeve?
When people are mean to their animal crossing villagers. Fuck that. Also when people try to help me when I didnt ask to be helped or even when they asked and I said no. I like to do things for myself.
16. What is your fave 'dere' type?
Mmmmmm, not to sound basic but the gore and horror aspect of yandere is 😍😍😍 but I dont like to glorify it so I just kinda keep it to myself
17. Rate your life 1-10, 1 being really crappy and 10 being best it could ever be.
Ooo. Uhm.. 8! I think I have a right to say I was dealt a really shitty hand. But despite all that, I'm doing better for myself than I ever hoped I could be when I was at my lowest. I'm happy, I'm mostly healthy, I like my job, and I have wonderful friends! The only thing I want is my own apartment with a guest bedroom and a craft room 😍
18. What is your main blog?
This one right here!
19. List your side blogs and what they are used for.
Oh boy I have like 15 active sideblogs I'll just do a few!
@geowebcare is where I put fun transparent images and old web graphics, mostly for me to use on another site but I think it's worth a follow if thats your style
@loveallvillagers of course, which I explained earlier in this wall of text
@bambismomcooks is where I dump a bunch of recipes that look yummy
@accurate-jackson-facts is..... kind of dead as fuck but I keep meaning to go back to updating it regularly. It's a blog where I make up completely true facts about Andrew Jackson because he was a total wad.
20. Is there anything you think people need to know before becoming friends with you?
I don't bite! I really dont bite! My PMs are always open and you dont even need a reason to talk to me! I'll basically respond at any hour of the day too XD I dont sleep
I am tagging: @bigoloofers @kazgv @akibunni @narcolepticpansy @itissadbutitsmy-life @thequietestlilbucket @tenta--prince @alyxthearrogantambassador @theoreticalstrawberries (that's right I see you all the damn time and I love you) @kasane-ruby (you too) and @cyber-mudcrab love ya Miles
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marnivanross · 5 years
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★ have you seen [ MARNI VANROSS ] since the storm? some say they look like [ zoey deutch ] but they’re [ 21 ]  & go by [ THE SKEPTIC ]. [ she’s ] lived in halloway for [ 12 years ] & they are originally from [ LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA]. before the town vanished they were studying [ astronomy ] and lived at [ UNI BLVD ]. most people knew the [ CISFEMALE ] as [ + INTELLIGENT ] but i’ve heard they can also be [ - COLD ]. for some reason, they feel [ uneasy ] about the town’s disappearance. ( pepper, twenty three, s he/her, est )
ABOUT THE MUN.  what is that? that freaky thing? yes, that’s right, it’s a naked mole rat.
hello all, my name is pepper and what you’re about to see is about to be peak mediocrity. i am usually pretty decent at intros but i really have spent most of today watching love island, and i just spent the past two hours watching pilot pete make horrible decisions, so my brain is officially mush. that said i am going to do my best to make this coherent. to start, a bit about me, i am a taurus. i like trash tv. i’m really craving chicken fingers. i have never met a plate of nachos i didn’t like, and if i could be anything other than a human person i’d be a cloud i think. alright onto the good stuff. 
BIO. *has my feelings surgically removed*
first of all here is her pinterest board (keep in mind marni was kind of the skully inspired muse in a scooby doo rp so that’s why stuff looks a bit spooky)
marni was brought into the world into a weird situation by anyone’s standards, but especially by hers. to start, both her parents were hippies. yes, weed smoking, chakra cleansing, organic grown kale that they got from the farmer’s market where the only store clerk walked around with her tits proudly out, hippies. but they weren’t just any hippies, they were rich hippies. and that somehow made it worse. 
clint ‘storm’ vanross and clementine vanross were the proud owners and entrepreneurs of a whole food organic grocery store (think whole foods or trader joe’s), and clemetine later went on to ride the success of their company to create her own website and brand (think goop basically. yes, marni’s mother has sold a candle that smells like her vagina, and yes marni is deeply ashamed of it). both businesses were wildly successful, and so clem and storm quickly went from living and travelling the world in their van to having about six mansions across the world. marni came into their life as their first child around the time they bought mansion two. she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, but that spoon’s handle was made of moon quartz and the silver was organically sourced. 
from there on out marni was raised in a weird way. you’d think because hippies were all about free love, that marni would be raised with an abundance of it but that wasn’t exactly the case. her parents were all about giving marni her aunotomy fairly early in life, which sounds good, but really means that marni was simply treated as an adult from the moment she could walk by herself. and she was the adult really. after all, marni was the one who had to convince her parents to enroll her in school (they were determined to let the world be her teacher, and marni simply wasn’t having any of it), the one who had to fix her own meals when all that was left in their fridge was raw tofu, the one who had to clean up her mother’s vomit whenever she went a bit to hard on the moonshine. yes, marni had parents, but she also had forty-something year old children in boho chic attire.
and marni’s parents never understood it. after all, with the way they were they could never understand how their genetics combined to make such a serious girl. one who would look at the moon and not just admire it, but ask how it stayed up there in the first place. how far away was it? how could she get there? and when told to simply enjoy and love it for what it was, would instead march herself to the library and find out the answers herself. marni’s parents and her truly never saw eye to eye, and at a certain point marni stopped trying to. she wasn’t expecting her parents to follow suit, but follow suit they did. marni’s parents gave up on trying to understand her her around the time she was nine. that’s when she moved to halloway, or rather, that’s when they moved her to halloway. 
they said it was because of business. the fact was, marni’s parents had been marching her around the world, from state to state and country to country whenver they wanted to start up a new store or run down a new story. yes, sometimes they would leave her (alone, in an empty house, with only the occasional eccentric ‘aunt’ or ‘uncle’ to come by and make sure marni wasn’t dead) for a while for short business trips (the longest being about two weeks) but they always came back eventually. but this was different. her parents set her up in halloway with a nanny named paola, and then they left for the foreseeable future. her mother, to go down to africa to chase a story. her father, to go down to europe and expand the business. they both promised to be back within a month, and they were. but then they left again. and again. and again. 
but it was fine. marni and paola got along great. she learned very quickly how to forge her parents signature on school forms. she didn’t need them. she didn’t miss them. but she did desperately want them to want her, and it took marni a long time to realize they just didn’t. 
marni was the new girl for a while. she struggled a bit to make friends as the little girl who got more excited by science experiments than barbies. the one who was always the first to raise her hand in class, and the one with the famous parents. most of the kids didn’t know who the vanross’ were but the parents did. and having the occassion adult come up to marni and tell her how they just loved her mother’s zuchini bread recipe, or the all organic popcorn they sold at her father’s store was just... weird. and other kids found it weird too. marni struggled for a while, and was picked on quite a lot but what was she to do other than accept it? all that marni had in her arsenal were facts and scathing words, and mean kids didn’t usually tend to let those stop them. 
eventually marni grew up. she went to high school. skipped prom. remained fairly anonymous other than becoming president of the chemistry club, valedictorian and being known as the girl known for making friends with her teachers. she got accepted to harvard and yale for university, but not knowing if it was because of her own accomplishments (which were countless) or because of her parents, she refused them both and decided to stay in halloway. to go to university here. to try and make her own way. 
honestly in university marni’s life was similarly uneventful because for the most part she was the quiet type that went to class, went home, and back. she didn’t cause any stir unless you could hear the occasional scathing comment murmured under her breath, or you were a neighbour who marni was screaming at to keep it down. she didn’t even attend a single party unless coerced. she was nobody, and honestly that was how marni liked it. she had never been one for the spotlight. she genuinely preferred to be more behind the scenes, unless there was a need to rise to the occasion. 
and then all of this happened y’all. it really went to shit huh. marni is terrified honestly and she just wants to know what’s going on. a lot of people who barely know who she is have probably seen her speaking up and asking questions and getting almost frenzied in her attempt to find the truth because the mystery of all this is driving her insane. no she doesn’t miss her parents particularly, but she does miss what the world used to be and she wants to go back to that, desperately, but she also really just wants to know. like if marni understood what was happening here or even just played a part in future generations understanding, and she was literally still never able to get back... honestly she could still die pretty happy i’m ngl.
PERSONALITY. *eyes snap open at 3:52am* nobody likes me
blunt. painfully painfully blunt, god. if marni thinks you’re an idiot she will tell you to your face, she really does not care and that absolutely will get her into trouble one day
painfully curious! wants to know what’s happening with this whole situation, god desperately wants to know the truth and mechanics behind it. 
cold honestly?? like marni doesn’t know how to comfort people really, she was never really taught how. she isn’t very compassionate, she’s genuinely more on the logical side. will give you the most rational answer even if it does sound kinda of cruel
the voice of reason! the person in your friend group who is the designated driver. also the person in your friend group who would say ‘i told you so’
an overachiever. lives for academic acknowledgement, like those little gold stars on your papers in elementary school are what kept marni going man. huge ass nerd. huge ass bookwarm. 
super stubborn. refuses to even entertain the idea of anything magical happening here, and is honestly kind of judgmental of people who think that way because of her parents like marni has very little respect for any hippies i’m not gonna lie 
skeptical as hell but we been knew 
a know it all! think she’s right about everything !! she usually is but still !!
does not know what to do with emotion. has had a couple, and does not recommend it. would rather die than admit to a feeling. 
trust issues galore! does not trust literally anyone ever. if marni trusts you than you’re truly special
HEADCANNONS. it takes me 3-7 business days to process my feelings
has never learnt to ride a bike cause her parents never taught her rip
loves the smell of books
laughs at horror movies generally. the kind of person who is really hard to scare. 
was raised a vegan but loves eating meat. stress eats meat when she’s truly like anxious, and so is really bummed about the dwindling meat supply for more reasons than one. 
needs coffee to survive, so the rationing has got her going a bit crazy even though she knows it’s necessary. 
has never really gotten truly drunk. 
keeps a detailed journal about all of her thoughts about all of this and takes meticulous notes. 
is left handed. 
can shoot a gun and does have one on her person pretty much at all times. i headcannon that her nanny paola taught her to shoot, and marni isn’t strong at all but she’s a pretty good shot. it’s the only way she has to defend herself honestly. 
is redheaded/strawberry blonde zoey and redheaded/strawberry blonde zoey ONLY
bi as hell!
WANTED CONNECTIONS. baby’s first words are ‘i’m not here to make friends’
i really am too lazy to make a whole ass sexy list rn and i apologize sjsdjjdf but !!! best friends, friends, confidantes, someone who used to drag her to parties, someone who used to pick on her, someone who used to defend her, flings, exes (marni is a horrible gf and she probably DIPPED the moment she started to feel something so give it to me folks), crushes she used to have in high school or middle school or elementary school, people who had crushes on her in high school or middle school or elementary school, current crushes on either end, enemy (just someone she butts heads with man!), old academic rivals, partner in crime in trying to figure this shit out, someone who hates her man, sibling like relationship, a girl squad, someone who tries to get her to loosen up, someone who is really chill and okay with the current situation who marni just wants to strangle with her bare hands!!! and anything else your heart desires okay, thank you for listening to me ramble ilu already. 
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saintedfury · 4 years
🍄, 🌻, 🌳, 🥀; 💫, ☄️, 💦
Soft OC Asks
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen? Furia is a sucker for fresh fruits with chile or Tajín. She also really enjoys handmade empanadas. And whenever she sees someone selling tamales, she’s got to grab a few bags to take back with her--the whole crew loves them, but she just hates trying to make them because of the massive effort and mess. She really doesn’t mind it, but they really are something she’ll only make maybe once a year. 
Her favorite meal to make ... hmm. I think her favorite is probably something she does at least once a week, which is just scrambled eggs with cheese, salsa, and crumbled bacon all wrapped up in a freshly made tortilla. It’s just something that’s just ... I don’t know how to explain it properly. It’s a little rich, kind of decadent, comforting, and when paired with a strong cup of coffee reminds her of lazy mornings.
As for comfort food--anything Latin really. Those flavors she grew up on really always take her back. Street tacos definitely hit that mark with a vengeance.
She enjoys cooking a lot. She started experimenting more with baking when she was with Eli because of his affinity for sweets. It can be fun, but it doesn’t allow her the same kind of artistry and experimentation as cooking. Baking is a little more tetchy, whereas with cooking she can just play with flavors and ratios and mixtures that would destroy a baking recipe. 
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them? Furia loves seeing people smile, really smiles ... the ones that light up and crinkle the corners of their eyes. She’s got a soft spot for street artists and musicians--someone sharing that deep part of themselves with other people. And all honesty, the renewal of a garden is one of those things that makes the world brighter for them--seeing bright flowers bloom and fruits develop and ripen. She wouldn’t admit it, but the laughter of little humans at play in the park gives her that kind of warm fuzzy too. I keep trying to explain the feeling these things give her, but I can’t word it correctly. They are little treasures and little bright spots, just like a perfect cup of coffee or a vibrant sky at sunrise or sunset, but I can’t explain how it effects her. 
But to be fair, I don’t think she notices as many of those things as she used to. I’m not sure she looks around herself as often anymore, which may be part of the problem. Her gaze is too often turned inward, usually in judgment and retribution for some fault, failure, mistake, or misstep. She’s cut herself off from a lot of things, insulated herself. She’s not enjoying the world, life, or being in her own skin as much as she did. 
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed? Long hot baths and books. Long drives on winding roads that require just enough attention. She does enjoy gardening, in fact, she’s currently in the process of setting up a rather large garden in the center grass of the cul de sac the house she’s relocated to is on. Furia is not usually an early to bed kind of person. She doesn’t sleep like she should, ideally. Sometimes it’s because her mind is disquieted and other times it’s a struggle staying to sleep due to nightmares and twisted dreams--yet again, another way her mind torments her. That’s why she’ll read before bed. It’s an attempt to distract her mind and calm it down to allow her at least a little rest.
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry? If I had answered this before 2020, I would be able to safely say that Furia didn’t tend to write things in a notebook. Though to help her deal with recent events, I’ve been making her kind of keep a diary of sorts about her tiny triumphs and the things that she torments herself with. It is kind of an exercise in helping her get the things out of her head that she uses to torture herself. I’m not sure I really want to pull out an example though. (Edit: I did look for her journal, but I just disheveled my entire desk area because I got new shelves to help keep it in better more ordered shape and right now, everything is everywhere and I can’t find the damn thing). 
I do know that her notebook wouldn’t attract attention at first glance, and it’s probably filled with as much art as writing. Maybe more art. It is likely a small sketchbook, one that can stand up to more than just pen and pencil. 
Questions for You!
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why? I think one of my favorite facts about Furia is that she knew how to boost and drive cars before she was in high school. Her comfort behind the wheel and the zen-like state she can enter when she’s driving is one of the facts about her that I really enjoy. 
I also like how she recreated her image late in SR2, going from hood rat (as she calls it) to this kind of professional style. Though now, she’s kind of boomeranging back to her roots a little. The more she rummages through the shadows of Bossville, the more her inner hood rat is coming back to the surface. 
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them! By the stars, yes! I’ve done things to Furia as experiments to see how she would deal with them, and regretted about every damn one. But I never retcon them because like her, I kind of believe that a person, even a character, is made up of the things that have happened to them. And in many cases, the things I’ve done to her affect a lot of other people and it wouldn’t be fair to them or their muns to rewrite “mistakes.” Mistakes are part of life and we have to live with and learn from them. So, I choose to take them as a chance for character growth and change.
Originally, I didn’t plan on her losing all her parental figures then being forced into that roll. I didn’t plan on murdering Troy off, but writing their relationship in two different phases was a struggle that I as a writer could not handle so ... off with his head. And I learned a lot about her, but I’m not sure the cost to her was worth the information.
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why? Killing Troy, for sure. That loss was unlike any other she’s known. Every loss has affected her, and in its own ways gutted her. But murdering Troy and taking him from her the way that I did really messed her up. In the long run, it was just compounded by Talon’s death and then Cyrus’ and then Eli learning about his own clock. It just all compounded into the snowball of grief from hell. 
I’m honestly not sure whether she’s managed to dig herself out of it yet, still. And the ripples from that decision, still aren’t calmed. 
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