anunkindncss · 7 months
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My dog had literally just knocked into my shin but HAPPY MUNDAY
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obscurushydrae · 5 months
✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting?
Nope, sadly. The furthest south I've been is Florida, and the furthest north was Toronto for AnimeNorth in 2005.
But shoutout to Wildwood , NJ for being child me's favorite places to go lol.
But, I live in New York, we have so much interesting stuff (as you know). To other followers reading this, I can give you a guide for most of the museums in the area lmao. (And docent AMNH for free)
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
😖 — what annoys you? 🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests? 💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc? 💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
Munday Asks
😖 — what annoys you?
bro im such an angry motherfucker lmao... so much annoys me but ig ill go with the biggest thing is i have misophonia so people who chew loudly in my vicinity make me want to Rip and Tear(tm)
🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests?
I fucking love collecting physical media, specifically VHS tapes and cassettes.... One day I wanna start working on grabbing Laserdiscs too !!! I love old physical media sm as like one of my interests AHHHH
💖 — what was one of the greatest/happiest moments you’ve had in the rpc?
Dude honestly, being welcomed back with such open arms. It was real hard to find the lil community that was carved out here but boy am I glad I didn't give up on trying to find it sOBS....
FOR AN OLDER ONE THOUGH... the old custom muse games I used to host for Snowdown/Harrowing back in ye olden days were something that still make me soft bc so much funny shit came out of it !!!
💻 — how many friends have you made in the rpc? feel free to tag a few of them!
*points at my mutuals* i fucking love all you guys what da hell... i dont wanna bother people by clogging notifs but like: Rey, Prism, R, YOU YOU FUCKER, AND EGG and even people I just. stare at with big eyes from a distance like Mel, Jojo, Han, Softie, & Spuk plus a few other folks make me go sickomode,,,,
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quiet-kunoichi · 7 months
[ munday meme || @spikyhairedsilhouette ] 💯 — share three random facts about yourself that your mutuals may not know about you. 1. I'm trained & certified in "advanced" first aid, CPR/AED, as well as "wilderness first responder" ! Think of it as EMT-lite lol. I've been consistently re-certified in these areas for nearly 8 years, now. 2. I adopted two kittens from separate litters back in late August / early September of 2023! A little dilute grey/peach tortie girl named (Silly) Goose, and a tuxedo boy named Hammond (usually called Ham / Hambone). They're turning 8 months here soon, and it has been a handful and a half to say the least lol. 3. I was one of those stinkin' theater kids in highschool and I had the opportunity to preform in Edinburgh, Scotland as apart of the largest international theater festival (The Fringe Festival). I would ADORE going back as a visitor some day, it was incredible even just to be a spectator to so much diverse talent and expressions of art & imagination.
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valiisthea · 1 year
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knuxboi · 1 year
Feeling cute, might delete later.
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randomeeveelutions · 24 hours
Choose violence 1. The character that everyone gets wrong.
Meet me behind the Dennys at 3am.
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Just a heads up, I'm not talking about anyone specific just a general observation of the community. But I'm saying Meta Knight. It varies by writer of course, but 50% of the time he's written perfectly and the other 50% of the time he's had the shit woobified out of him. I mean hurt comfort war trauma this ball all the way but the way this guy gets written sometimes makes me question if he's ever fought anything much less won.
And as a double hot take I never see Susie (same franchise) written as the corpo girlboss secretary flinging slurs at people trying to stop her company from sucking their planet dry like she was in Robobot. Any character development she may have gotten for Star Allies barely counts imo that was told and never shown and I am choosing violence today.
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stellevatum · 15 days
1. what does your URL mean, and why did you choose it?
I was tired of people calling Kar "Kara", as the old one was her name: karalorade. So this was mid 2010s where people had ~aesthetic~ URLs usually based in Latin or Greek. Stellevatum is butchered portmanteau of stella (star) and elevatum (exalted, elevated, etc).
Her other incarnations are @obscurushydrae (obscurus "hidden/obscured + hydae" "hydras/dragons"; a nod to her Ogdru Hem status) and @sidisaspecto (sidis "star" + aspecto "to gaze" ; ie the name of her Tribe, Stargazer.)
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zanephillips · 7 months
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PATRICK WILSON Barry Munday (2010)
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anunkindncss · 1 year
One more for Munday. Post gym ready to write and loving my tattoos all over again.
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obscurushydrae · 5 months
📇 — does your url have a meaning? if so, what is it?
Yes! It's kinda a botched psuedo-latin for "hidden serpent" or "hidden hydra". This is alluding to Kar being an Odgru Hem, as for the most part she looks more human and not a 500 foot long primordial dragon of chaos and destruction.
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ionianwanderer · 1 year
📺🐶 and 😁
Munday Asks
📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)?
Dorohedoro is one of my current fave animes but as for movies rn it's Baby Driver/Across the Spiderverse <:)
🐶 — any pets?
I have a standard poodle! Her name is Alune (yes, like Aphelios' sister)
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😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc?
Honestly there's so much I love!! There's a sense of community that I missed so so dearly after being out of commission for like 4 years from the last time I was up in this shit lol. It's super cozy and it's really cool just. seeing everyone kicking around old and new faces! Plus just seeing how deep some people dive into their muses is so inspiring.... love all this shit jkghsdkj AH
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quiet-kunoichi · 7 months
💭 — MBTI and/or enneagram, if known
[ munday meme || @xshadowrising ] I recently retook the Myer-Briggs personality test (as of this morning) because I hadn't taken it in several years and couldn't remember where I placed previously lol. Looks like I'm an INFJ-T, or an Advocate. (A 'Turbulent' one, at that.) HA.
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unteriors · 3 months
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N Birch Avenue, Munday, Texas.
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knuxboi · 1 year
Munday finds me cooking. (I'm making patterns for a plushie, and this detail is important).
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mintymemesandrpshop · 5 months
Mun Communication Preferences based meme
🏠 Do you prefer to RP within just one fandom, or more? Which verses of yours are more, or less compatible with others? 🗺️ How open are you to meeting new people? Do you like your muses being mentioned IC? To just anyone, or only fandoms/friends that you know? 🪀 How do OOC posts make you feel? Do they affect your IC writing or flow, to know other muns better? 🐣 Is there anything you're new at, just now learning, or practicing when it comes to RP? 💡Do you get ideas from reading meta/headcanons/bios, or do those only pop up as you write? 💌 Have you ever hit it off with a mun right away? What were they like? How fast do you think it takes to warm up to new people? 💋 Are you silly ooc? Casual? Chatty? Do you prefer or enjoy things like small talk, when not rping? 🩵 Do you have any apparent flaws when it comes to RPing/interacting? Be gentle with yourself! 👾 Is knowing a fandom more comfortable when RPing, or do you prefer knowing muns? (Overall.) Do you try new things, or get into new fandoms? ✨ Are you easily intimidated by muns or muses that you admire? ❤️ How does the love in your heart affect how you RP? Any other notable emotions? 🪽 In what way is tumblr better than real life for you? Different from your personal dash, if you have one? 🧤 Name the last need that you Had to take care of before rping!! Anything that made you leave dash, or before turning on the computer, etc.! 🟢 Do You like to tell people when you're online? Why or Why not? 🪪 What's consistent between RP life and not? Anything about you bleed into your writing? 🔦 Connect the dots between you and your muse. Ways that you're the same, different, last time you thought about them, etc. 🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp?
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