wrecked-fuse · 2 months
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This means boop
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hellcheercaine · 2 months
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Jason, just go along with Eddie. Just for once.
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safk-art · 2 months
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I was in a group call with @aggressiveviking and he gave me an idea of Jason in a cheerleader outfit, so I went Munver with this >:)
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uglynavel · 2 months
So no one was gonna tell me Mason was writing Munver fanfic on his Instagram 2 years ago?!
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aggressiveviking · 9 months
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"I don't wanna go," he said, voice choked. "I wanna stay."
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 month
Eddie hates it when Jason tries to climb out of bed after sex, still sweating and trying to catch his breath the entire time he tries to slip off the mattress.
Like Jason can’t stand being pressed against him for another second.
The fifth time it happens, Eddie is quick to roll over and reach for Jason, grabbing his wrist and pulling him back, savouring the surprised expression on the blond’s face as he comes falling back into bed.
And then Eddie’s wrapping his arms around him, burying his face in Jason’s neck where he sucked a bruise onto the skin only moments ago, mumbling, “Stay.”
“I’m not a dog,” Jason sneers, but he stills.
He doesn’t try to squirm out of Eddie’s hold and that’s a small victory.
“Where do you think you’re going, anyway?” he mumbles again, nosing behind Jason’s ear, trying to be sweet.
Jason huffs and tilts his head away, annoyed, “Gonna shower.”
“You don’t need to,” Eddie hums, squeezing the blond a little tighter when he feels Jason begin to squirm, “You don’t stink or anything — you smell like me.”
Like him and sex and everything good.
“That’s exactly why I’m showering,” Jason huffs again.
Okay, ouch. “Prick,” Eddie frowns and releases him, leaning back on his bed and watching Jason sit up and turn around to look at him, his cheeks pink and hair a mess.
He almost looks angelic.
He looks at Eddie for a moment, something going unsaid in those bright eyes, like he wants to explain but he can’t bring himself to.
Jason’s shy and Eddie loves that about him, loves the way he tries to muffle his pleasure in Eddie’s pillow and how he blushes whenever Eddie flirts with him, but not now. Not when it really matters.
“What?” Eddie whispers.
“I don’t…” Jason frowns, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Then how’d you mean it, sweetheart?” Eddie asks, mustering up some patience despite it wearing thin.
It takes a second, but finally Jason says, “We agreed to keep this a secret, so…I can’t exactly go home for family dinner and smell like you.”
Eddie’s brows lift, “You go home and have dinner with your family after we fuck?”
Jason’s face colours pink again, his eyes shifting away from Eddie’s face in embarrassment as he nods.
And Eddie laughs, a little. Grins and laughs quietly in his amusement.
It makes Jason bristle, his frown on his face again, “What?”
“Nothing,” Eddie grins wider and leans over, smoothing his hand up Jason’s bare thigh, so soft and firm with blond hairs, “You’re just so fucking hardcore, babe. You’re such a freak.”
Jason tries to smother his smile, his mouth twisting, but his eyes are lighter with laughter and he looks down at the bed as he shakes his head, finally muttering, “Shut up.”
“As you wish,” Eddie chuckles again, patting Jason’s thigh and giving it a squeeze before reaching for his pack of cigs, lighting one up as he watches Jason get up from the bed.
“Make sure to wash behind your ears!” He calls with a smirk, taking a drag of his cigarette as Jason flips him off on his way out of the bedroom and to the cramped trailer shower.
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racketti · 1 month
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Commissions for @shieldofiron! Thank you so much!
MUNVER scene from the fic "But I'm a Cheerleader" and Punk!Steve from "Serrated"! GO READ THEM!!
comms info
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shieldofiron · 5 months
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Help I couldn't decide.
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ihni · 11 days
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A Harringrove for Palestine doodle for @shieldofiron, who wanted, and I quote "a cute camping date". Which, you know. I took that prompt and ran with it (far, FAR away).
The words "maybe they should be in crop tops. because it's hot while you're camping" were also mentioned, and I mean. How can one argue with that?
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magniloquent-raven · 28 days
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back to making hellcheer memes, now feat. jason. i do love me an incredibly dysfunctional polycule
[more here]
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itswhatyougive · 10 months
Something that's been bothering me is a small detail in ST4 set design, specifically Eddie's trailer.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's the only place I remember seeing prominently displayed laundry baskets full of dirty clothes, both in the Right Side Up and Upside Down versions of the trailer.
I keep thinking back to Eddie's pointed comment to Jason Carver in the very first episode of S4, about basketball being a game where you "toss balls into laundry baskets". They drove that line home even further by having Dustin repeat it back to Eddie at the cafeteria table.
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It's giving me this nagging feeling that Jason and Eddie have more history than we're led to think.
Eddie said it with such bitterness and anger, loud enough that he wanted Jason to take the bait, which he did.
The latest chapters of Hellfire in ST Puzzle Tales also reinforce the fact that Eddie is very very touchy about basketball and the basketball team. He calls it "gross" and he doesn't even want to see Lucas wearing his basketball jacket. It seems oddly "personal", this chip on his shoulder about basketball and Jason.
Do they have some kind of shared history? Is it meant literally, do the laundry baskets have some kind of significance? The Upside Down version of the trailer is stuck in 1983, is it possible three years ago or more Jason used to come over there for some reason? Or is it a figurative thing?
Part of me thinks that new Eddie Munson book that's coming out will have something about Jason in it. Flight of Icarus is set in 1984, so possibly after whatever history he and Jason had. Eddie would be a senior (first time) at Hawkins High School and Jason would've been a sophomore.
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wrecked-fuse · 2 months
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squished for slacking off 😈
I align this with my boss/employee au. But I never decided if I want that to be modern!au or no. But both have its own perks
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half-oz-eddie · 2 months
Jason grasps Eddie's face, staring deep into his eyes.
Eddie stares back into Jason's beautiful eyes, his own wide in disbelief.
Jason's mesmerizing gaze is warm as he leans in closer and closer. Eddie anticipates a kiss, slowly closing his eyes and puckering out his lips, when suddenly, Jason grips his face even tighter and whispers
"You're failing all your fucking classes." And then slaps his forehead.
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californiaboytoybilly · 2 months
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static-fucking-mess · 4 months
Eddie cupping Jason's face with a careful tenderness that he didn't know he was capable of, and that Jason didn't know he was craving. Jason being just as broken and rough around the edges as Eddie, they just tame different monsters. And when Eddie touches him, for once Jason's monsters go quiet. And the world is still. And God help him if he's going to hell for loving a man, he'll go grateful to the man that made him fall in love with being alive again. Alive without fear of damnation.
Eddie wants to touch every broken part of Jason and memorize it. Like an art exhibit. Because he's the closest Eddie has ever felt to being holy. And Eddie is the closest Jason has ever felt to being whole.
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aggressiveviking · 2 months
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thoughtful gifts
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