#jason carver x eddie munson
uglynavel · 2 months
So no one was gonna tell me Mason was writing Munver fanfic on his Instagram 2 years ago?!
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shieldofiron · 1 year
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mothellie · 3 months
Don't You Worry jason carver / eddie munson
rated teen + up, established relationship, new parents, implied past abuse, trauma, mild panic attacks, emotional hurt/comfort, light angst
read on archive of our own
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"for munver, maybe a prompt 'learning to be gentle'?" - static-fucking-mess
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Jason was a bad parent.
Eddie would argue otherwise, and he knew that. But Eddie wasn't awake right now. He wasn't here to ward away the thoughts that ate away at the delicately-crafted fail-safes Eddie had helped instill in him like acid.
Simon wailed in his arms as Jason bounced him softly, doing his best to cradle his head in the correct position. The nurse had showed him how a dozen times, because he hadn't been sure he could trust his own memory enough. He left the hospital carrying that insecurity with him regardless.
All the baby books he had read stressed how delicate newborns were. That you had to treat them like the finest China. One wrong move and you could end up a grieving parent.
Anxiety bubbled up his gut and into his chest, the stress twisting his face and tightening his muscles. He shushes the baby softly, trying a different bouncing pattern. "It's okay, angel. I- I got you.."
Eddie was so much better at calming the baby than Jason was. The metalhead would just bundle their son into his tatted arms and sing a soft rendition of some Black Sabbath song he'd been learning on guitar until the cries quieted.
Jason had called it magic. Eddie had laughed.
Eddie was better at everything, it seemed. It had intimidated Jason in the beginning of their relationship. He could absolutely shred a song on his guitar, he was a brilliant storyteller, and he was a pretty amazing father. This man was the full package if Jason had ever seen one.
All Jason was really good at was high school basketball, and that wasn't getting him anywhere. It wasn't like he was going to go pro. He wasn't even going to college.
Eddie always told him that was okay. That college wasn't for everyone. That he made enough to support them on one income and all Jason had to do was 'sit at home and be pretty as always.'
He truly didn't deserve that man. Not when he was this spectacularly awful at simple tasks.
No matter what he seemed to do tonight, it only served to make Simon cry more. This tiny human being was relying on him to be a source of comfort, and he couldn't even provide that.
Jason was always acutely aware that he used to be this small once. He had been this small and this delicate, and his parents still couldn't keep themselves from hurting him. How was he supposed to be sure he wouldn't do the same?
Burning tears formed on Jason's lash line, his throat growing impossibly tighter. His face crumbled, a few wet drops forming on Simon's swaddle. He felt tight all over, fingers starting to shake slightly around his child.
"I'm sorry," Jason croaked quietly to the boy who was far too young to understand the weight of his words. "I'm trying."
"I know you are." A voice mumbled from behind him, strong arms wrapping around his body and bracketing his own.
Eddie nosed his shoulder, pressing a gentle kiss there. "He won't go down?"
Jason shook his head, hiccupping through the sobs escaping his throat. "I-I tried the bouncing a-and the- the-"
Eddie shushed him, this time kissing the shell of his ear. "He's crying because he knows you're stressed. It's making him stressed."
"Please take him." Jason felt like no matter what he did, he was just making it worse. Like destruction and unrest were embedded in the print of his hands, destined to ruin everything he dared to touch.
"No." Was all Eddie said in response, gentle but firm.
"Eddie, please, I can't-"
But Eddie was no longer listening, instead rubbing smooth patterns into the back of his hands. He began to sway them back and forth, leaving more kisses across the expanse of his neck and ear. "Just breathe... In for four, hold for four, out for six... Like we talked about..."
It takes some more coaching, but Jason finally began following along with Eddie's demonstrations. Until the breathing came naturally and he barely needed to wait for Eddie's prompting.
Before he can even realize it, Simon's sobs quieted, happily asleep in their arms.
If Jason wasn't so emotionally spent, he would've celebrated. Eddie gave them both a gentle squeeze. "C'mon, let's put him down."
All Jason can do is nod, slipping out of Eddie's hold and gently lowering Simon back into his crib. He turned back to Eddie, who now wore a gentle smile. There were deep bags under his eyes, clearly still tired. It made guilt pool in Jason's gut again.
Eddie reached out and takes Jason's hand, guiding him out of the nursery. But, instead of taking a left towards their bedroom, he goes right. Jason's brows furrowed as he's led to the living room. Eddie placed him on the couch, sitting him on the coffee table so they were at eye level.
"You said you would wake me up if that ever happened again, baby." Eddie's tone is anything but chastising, concerned eyes roaming his husband's face.
Jason hung his head down, lacing his fingers together between his legs. "You were exhausted-"
"So are you."
Fingers capture Jason's chin, forcing his face back up towards Eddie. "Talk to me." His voice was pleading, searching Jason's eyes for any indication of what might be going on behind them.
Jason was too weak to fight it, face twisting with more tears as his eyes fall closed. "I'm no good, Eds. I'm gonna fuck him up, I know I'm gonna-"
"Hey, no-" Eddie cut him off, vigorously shaking his head. "Jace, don't say that. We talked about this."
"I can't even hold him without tensing up. You saw him in there, he hates me." Jason made a vague gesture in the direction of the nursery before dropping his arm.
"He does not hate you, baby. He's not even two weeks old yet-"
"He cries every time I try and hold him."
"Because you're always so anxious, you never relax around him-"
Eddie pursed his lips to stop himself, a thoughtful expression on his face. He gave a small nod, encouraging Jason to finish his point without further interruption.
Jason sighed, shoulder's slumping. "I can't seem to do anytime right with him, Eddie. I'm failing him at every turn. I'm scared he's gonna grow up and resent me the way I do my dad. I thought I was ready for this, I did. But... fuck." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and threading his fingers through his own hair.
Eddie was quiet for an almost worrying amount of time. Jason started to wonder if Eddie was mad at him. He couldn't imagine that being the case, Eddie never having been the type to be quick to anger over things like this. But that didn't stop Jason's stomach from rolling over at the thought coupled with the silence.
However, Eddie finally broke the tension by cupping Jason's face. He doesn't even have to guide his face upwards this time, Jason instinctively easing into the warm touch of his love.
Brown eyes met misty blue, the pad of the metalhead's thumb brushing Jason's cheekbones tenderly.
"I'm scared, too." Eddie said simply, almost chuckling at the way Jason's face screws in confusion and borderline offense. "I'm serious."
"Okay, but-" Jason wobbled his head in some vague gesture of bewilderment. "How come you're..." His words trailed off, eyes searching.
"Not completely losing it?" Eddie supplied, no hint of condescension or judgment. Jason can only nod.
A puff of breath escaped Eddie's lips as he looks up at the ceiling, as if the answer were somewhere in popcorn pattern. After a long pause, he met Jason's eyes, a sudden fondness in his gaze. "Because of you?"
Before Jason could even question his words, Eddie continued. "When we first decided that we... wanted this... I was waking up in cold sweats. Kept having nightmares that I dropped our kid, or I hit them, or that I was some other god awful excuse of a parent."
Jason felt his stomach drop. He hadn't had the slightest idea any of that was happening. He thought Eddie took everything better than he did during this entire process. He almost asked Eddie why they never talked about it, but that would've made him a hypocrite.
Eddie smiled then, brushing some hair behind Jason's ear. He'd been growing it out on Eddie's suggestion, shaggy blonde hair now haloing his head. Eddie called Jason his angel.
"But then I saw you. This... badass force of nature. Someone who looked his own family lineage in the eyes and said definitively that you wanted to be different. You threw yourself into every parenting book and online course and YouTube.. whatever-the-fuck." He chuckled, sounding almost disbelieved. "Nobody has this stuff figured out from the get-go. No one wants to admit it, but every first time parent is terrified. It's completely natural, even for people who haven't been hurt the way you have. But you didn't let that stop you from putting your all into this. All because you wanted nothing more than to give this kid the best possible life he could ever have. The life neither of us ever got to have."
Jason started tearing up again, but Eddie was quick to start wiping them away as soon as they fell, smile never wavering. "And I thought... 'fuck, if Jason Alexander Munson of all people can be brave about this, then I can be too.'"
As another soft sob left Jason's lips, Eddie pulls him into a tight hug. "You are the most metal person I've ever known. If anyone can get this parenting shit on lock, it's you."
It took Jason another few minutes to calm down, face puffy and nose clogged. But he felt a lot less heavy, so at least that was something.
"Thank you..."
"You always thank me for all the tiniest things."
"Yeah, but this isn't tiny."
Eddie hummed, seemingly unable to argue against that. He pressed a kiss to Jason's forehead before they separated. "Are you ready to go back to bed now?"
Jason thought for a moment before shaking his head. "You go ahead. I just need some time to myself."
Eddie seemed reluctant, but ultimately conceded. "Just... don't stay up too late, okay?" Jason smiled then, small but prominent on his face even in the moonlit room. "I won't, I promise."
Satisfied with that answer, leaning forward to peck Jason's lips before getting up.
Jason wasn't sure how long he sat there in actuality. If you said anywhere between five minutes and two hours, he would've believed you.
His thoughts cycled through many different things. Memories of his parents, memories of his earlier years with Eddie, memories of their wedding day-
But slowly, through the quiet chaos, a resolve started to take hold in Jason's chest. One moment, he was on the couch. The next, he was padding down the hallway in the direction of the nursery.
He stands over his sleeping son, just watching him for a while. The rise and fall of his little chest through the dinosaur-print swaddle Dustin had gifted them at the shower. The way his little nostrils periodically flared with his breaths.
Jason hesitated, wiping his clammy palms on his pajama pants as he tried to hype himself up.
If anyone can get this parenting shit on lock, it's you.
With the delicacy of disarming a live bomb, Jason reached into the crib, gently picking up Simon and maneuvering him into his arms. The infant startled slightly, which almost made Jason lock up all over again.
But Eddie's words rang in his head, over and over like a broken record. I got this.
Keeping his body as relaxed as possible, he started to sway in a pattern he'd seen Eddie do a lot. After a lot of internal debate, he starts to hum Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles. It wasn't Ozzy, by any means, but he hoped it was soothed Simon all the same.
Gradually, Simon's soft fussing dissipated, relaxing back into peaceful sleep while still in Jason's arms.
A wave of intense emotions hit Jason like a tidal wave, unsure if he should laugh or cry. But he does neither, biting his tongue as he sat down in the rocking chair as carefully as he could manage.
He knew he needed to sleep soon, and he really wouldn't stay up long. But with the moon illuminating the nursery, his son in his arms, he found it hard to find any reason to favor sleep over this.
Jason wasn't in a rush.
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zephrr · 2 years
Eddie said this about Jason.
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bowiebond · 2 years
Munver body swap AU, they each wake up in the other's body and bed, Eddie proceeds to snoop the hell out of Jason's stuff and may or may not ruin his reputation in the process of what he finds, but I can't decide what Jason would do 🤔
Eddie waking up in a room with a giant king size bed and dark blue sheets and covers; Jason’s room is decorated in basketball posters and trophies, his school books from the previous years on a shelf by his desk that’s kept neat and orderly. But he’s got a poster of JAWS and pictures of him at aquariums, one even with Chrissy, polaroids on his mirror of his teammates and Chrissy. His letterman is tucked in his closet, and his shelves are filled with books on aquatic animals, but mostly sharks.
Eddie is starting to think Jason is a nerd too, honestly. Just in a different way. Probably wants to be a marine biologist if he can’t make a career out of laundry baskets.
His wardrobe is filled with polos and khakis, jeans and jackets that could be confused for a letterman with their shape, but there’s only one with Hawkins Tigers printed on it.
Eddie knows immediately when he looks in the mirror and sees Jason that he’s been hexed or cursed or something. He should be freaking out but his first thought is how good this is gonna be. Rubbing his hands together like the little devil he is and his expressions look weird on Carvers face, but whatever.
He gets dressed (and peaks at what he’s equiped with - he’s kind of mad that Jason’s thicker but he’s longer so he could suck shit) and practically bolts down the stairs, half dressed like he usually is when he rushes out of his own trailer.
“Jason, what’re you causing a racket for—? Do you plan on leaving the house like that?” Mr Carver’s face is twisted in disgust at Eddie’s choices; tightest jeans he could find that he just ripped up messily with a pair of scissors, dirty sneakers that look old and well worn - did Jason fucking hike? - and a black polo with the collar undone. His letterman was tied around his waist and the colourful shark watch Jason already had on matched with an ugly souvenir bracelet that looks like a shark eating a surfer. Fucking gold. He couldn’t believe Jason owned something so dumb.
Eddie grinned with Jason’s lips.
“Sure do, Paparino.” Eddie winked with a click of his tongue and before the older man could recover he grabbed his face and licked the left side of his face and smacked a loud kiss there. “Bye bye!”
He only hears the explosion after he’s closed the door, cackling as he ran towards Jason’s car. Oh this was going to be fucking amazing.
Jason on the other hand wakes up with a crick in his neck. He’s groggier than he’s ever been and it takes everything in him to raise his head from his pillow, groaning with closed eyes. Did he drink the night before? He knew he had to get up, but it felt like fighting a battle just to leave his sheets.
He yawns as he stumbled out of his bed, the floor freezing. He hisses and finally pries his eyes open only to scream. Those were not his feet, or his boxers, or his fucking floor.
He whipped his head around at the room. It was tiny compared his one, posters almost entirely covering the wallpaper, water stains on the roof, a vanity in the corner. Jason almost tripped over what looked like a cushion chair as he made his way towards it, grabbing the red guitar and placing it aside so he could see himself.
Munson. He was looking at Munson’s mug.
He screamed again and a thunder of footsteps followed.
“What’re you screaming about boy? You alright?” Jason whipped around and almost lost balance, crashing against a black acoustic guitar with white painted words on it. He didn’t break it, but it did fall to the floor loudly and he rushed on instinct to grab it, to secure it back into its place.
“You’re not the quietest kid, but you aren’t usually this worked up? Was it the nightmares again?”
“Nightmares? What? No, I—“ Jason pointed at his reflection dumbly. It occurred to him that he must look insane. This was Munson’s uncle, he worked the auto shop his dad took his car to for tune ups. And right now, he was wearing his nephews face. What was he supposed to tell him? ‘Sorry, I’m actually Jason Carver, I’m inhabiting your freaky nephews body right now and am currently freaking the fuck out over it?’
“…are you high? This early? We have rules here, respect for each other, Eddie, and you know I don’t like you doing that stuff before school. After school and in your room with the window open is all yours, but—“
“I’m not high!” Jason’s voice cracked around the high pitch of his denial. He wasn’t high, Jason refused to touch that stuff, even if Munson did.
“Alright, alright.” Wayne put his hands up in surrender. “But if you’re having nightmares again, you know you can talk to—“
“I’m living a nightmare right now, I’m gonna get dressed and leave.” Jason cut him off with a finger and a disingenuous smile. He looked at the closet and ruffled through it wildly, grabbing the first jacket he could find and cracked open the dresser to wrangle on a pair of jeans.
“Why are these so tight?!” Jason cried and Wayne watched with wide eyes.
“…Are you sure you’re not still high?”
“Please leave me alone!” Jason begged in defeat and Wayne tutted but closed the door. Jason banged his head into the dressed with a groan.
“I’m going to kill Munson.”
He got the stupid jeans on (not before taking a peak because okay, he was curious, school boy shit you could call it, but he was a little jealous Munson was fucking hung. At least Jason has girth, skinny asshole) and rifled around for a set of keys.
He had never felt so discombobulated. Munson’s room was cluttered unlike Jason’s, and it made his anxiety spike the longer he couldn’t just find something because Jason put everything in specific spots, never moved them so they didn’t get lost, always put them back when done with them.
When he finally found the keys, he almost cried in relief before tearing out of the room.
“I made you tea if you’re ready to ta—“
“Bye!” The trailer door slammed shut and Wayne blinked in surprise.
“…If I didn’t love that boy, I’d smack him.” He poured the tea down the drain and huffed.
Jason and Eddie would see each other at school and Jason would drag him away; which is a hilarious sight because the basketball team is up in arms at the freak stealing their captain but the captain is insisting it’s fine. After acting all weird all morning.
When they realise neither know what caused this or how to fix it, they’re stumped. Cue Jason begging Eddie not to fuck over his entire reputation and life, and Eddie decides he’ll only do it if Jason pretends to be him, like actually tries.
Jason hates pretending to be Eddie because he’s not but somehow he’s able to manage it. Eddie is going a little insane because he’s used to his brain being very loud but Jason’s is pretty quiet outside when things around him get too much and he feels like screaming at anything and everything. Eddie has had to hold back from full blown meltdowns that he never even knew Jason had. He wasn’t very good at social cues anyway but Jesus, his brain felt like slush after a day at school and he found himself flipping through his dumb shark books.
Jason on the other hand has to manage Eddie’s mood swings, the spikes of anxiety at nothing, the sluggishness of depressing thoughts swarming him, the constant clutter in his brain that seems to work for him sometimes and then other times not. He has to refrain from saying the first thing in his brain, to implant a filter that’s barely working. He can’t focus on anything in class and it brings him to near tears because how does Eddie even deal with this? All the time? Is this why he does drugs? Was it because of drugs? Is this why he never graduated? Jason wouldn’t be able to either honestly. Somehow, he ends up playing with Eddie’s guitar in turn, not very good, but his hands have somethings memorised at least. The metal music is starting to make sense to his brain, so loud it drowns out his own constant monologue.
There’s also there families and friends. Chrissy who pin points that Jason’s different recently but that she’s pretty sure it’s because he seems happier and she’s glad for it. Eddie is starting to get Jason’s attitude with his parents; they’re both right assholes in that snide, rich people way. In the ‘reputation is everything to us’ way because their egos are so fragile that they have to pick at others. No wonder Jason was such a perfect golden child; he doesn’t have room to be anything else.
Jason feels weirdly at ease with Wayne, even if the older man looks at him suspiciously like he’s not sure if his sons been replaced by a clone. He’s away at work most of the time but he’s supportive, a bit gruff but always smiles at Eddie - at Jason in turn. He watches JAWS with him when Jason asks awkwardly because it’s been weeks since he watched it and he’s itching too.
DND is where a problem occurs; Eddie can feign being decent at Basketball, or faking a minor injury he should stay off for a couple weeks, but Jason can’t feign his knowledge of DND or LOTR.
They don’t know how long this will last so Eddie says he’ll teach him everything and write the campaign he’s halfway done drafting with him.
Cue the romance. It’s awkward, being each other’s bodies. It’s been weeks and they already know all the moles, freckles, birthmarks and scars on each other.
And maybe Jason’s body has a reaction to Eddie’s body even if Eddie, the one inhabiting Jason’s body, isn’t trying to go there, you know? But it’s a strange thought; how much of their brain chemistry remained in each other’s bodies and influenced each other.
Eddie kisses his own face to find out. Because he knows his own body is wired to want to fuck just about anyone if he gives it more than a second thought, but Jason’s? Perhaps it’s a fluke.
It’s not. Jason himself, his soul or whatever, seems wired enough to want him back just as badly.
I like to think, funnily enough, it’s after they’ve fucked that they switch back. Like they orgasm and then suddenly BOOM, Jason’s got his dick inside Eddie instead of inside him, and it’s a little disappointing honestly sksksk
Cue them switching because if things are back to normal, they’re fucking each other without having to stare at their own face okay?
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hey there! I'm 19 looking to do some (18+) Stranger Things Roleplay! I will leave below the ships that I'm up to RP :)
Steddie (Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson)
Munver (Jason Carver and Eddie Munson)
I am looking someone who can do a literate long-term roleplay and write in the third person! Also someone who can preferably provide a few paragraphs per reply. I write exclusively on Discord and would prefer to write for Steve in Steddie and Jason in Munver, but can totally write for either in each pairing!
Other than that I'm not too picky! Can be SFW or NSFW, I have an idea of a loose plot in mind for each, but if that ends up not floating your boat I'm more than up for brainstorming ideas!
The Steddie AU I have in mind is an enemies to lovers sort of plot that would take place around the same time as season 1. While the Munver idea I had was a College AU unlikely room mates (Also enemies to lovers LMAO). (Can include the supernatural elements or not!) But once again I am all for coming up with something new of our own if you prefer!
That all being said, please message me if interested, looking to start ASAP, and looking forward to creating a story with you!! :)
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
Tw period typical homophobia. Use of homophibic slurs in a story/joking manor!
Munver where Jason has 0 sexuality based shame through the sheer power of cognitive dissonance. He just doesn't think he's gay(or bi but he wouldn't know that's an option). His heterosexuality is as apparent to him as the sky being blue. He completely resolves any internal conflict between his religion and very gay thoughts for Eddie because he "doesn't like him like that." and "everyone thinks other men's bodies are attractive. It's not gay."
"I'm not some fag."
He in fact was.
He's an all-American, heterosexual male. Sure he stares at Eddie's pretty lips and into his sharp eyes. Chiseled face perfectly framed by shaggy locks of black hair. His tight jean-.
But that's all just because he doesn't hate the freak that much anymore ever since he realized he was a cool dude post all the inter-dimensional psychic bullshit. Him and Eddie just hang out now.
Jason who's just kinda casually gay because: 1) no one would ever accuse the current king of Hawkins high of being a homo, and 2) it isn't too obvious (to his worshippers) because everyone takes his unconscious flirting as him being a nice guy. It's only like a couple of dudes on the basketball team who suspect something more. But they don't mention it to not cause themselves problems with Hawkin High's prince.
But Eddie (the schools resident queer) is baffled at how this preppy asshole hasn't gotten clocked by entire town yet.
So he takes it opon himself to give the jock a few... very important realizations.
In the back of his van, drunk and high off weed of course.
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glitterslag · 2 years
not Mason being a jeddie truther!!!! 🤪🤪🤪
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uglynavel · 1 year
Apologies to my Billy mutuals who despise Jason but after rewatching the show I have to admit he's pretty interesting and has been added to my hyperfixation list along with Billy and I will be writing a munver fic (which really is just me projecting my past internalized homophobia and religious trauma onto him) because I have Jason brainrot now
Update: Link to Ch 1 :)
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shieldofiron · 1 year
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They go through this once a week, and Jason always comes back.
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hellcheercaine · 2 months
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Jason, just go along with Eddie. Just for once.
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idyllicwillowtree · 3 months
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God Eddie, You're So In Love With Me.
Genre: Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader, fem!reader, angst/fluff, hurt/eventual comfort, friends to lovers
Summary: Being in Hellfire, you’ve been exposed to your fair share of bullying. One day, Jason takes it a step too far.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: bullying, anaphylaxis, poisoning, no physical descriptions of Y/N so you don’t have to look like Dustin, reader wears makeup, reader uses she/her, reader has a peanut allergy, reader is called princess, swearing
Author’s note: I got this idea from an episode of Freaks and Geeks (which is an awesome show I totally recommend). Peanut allergies weren’t so common in the 80s so that’s why Jason is so ignorant and dismissive about it.
Sorry I haven’t written in a while, I was hibernating.
Main Masterlist
Part 1:
Eddie proudly sauntered into first period with his head held high and a smirk on his lips. His mouth was watering in anticipation. He plopped himself down in the seat next to yours, wide eyes and a wicked grin plastered on his face, an eager hand open towards you.
“Wow Eddie. It’s 7:29, you got here with a minute to spare,” you said as you leaned over to grab the bite size Laffy Taffy from your backpack to place in Eddie’s hand. “I think this candy reward system is really working.”
“Of course it worked, it was your idea after all. But today’s a special day, I was definitely not going to not be here,” Eddie said with too much energy for this early in the morning. He stuffed the yellow taffy into his mouth and chewed it like a happy 5 year old, wiggling in his seat with excitement.
“Are you talking about the photo?”
“Yeah! Hellfire finally gets a spot in the yearbook. We shall finally leave our mark on this cesspool we call a school,” Eddie said through the glob of candy in his mouth. He swallowed the treat harshly as he got a good look at you, “you look great by the way.”
“Yeah?” you said shyly, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. You started fiddling with the hem of your Hellfire shirt, “I thought I’d go with a bit more eyeliner today.” 
“Yeah, you did a great job princess.” With the excuse of admiring your eyeliner, Eddie was able to take a moment to study your features. Your gaze stayed on your hands, picking at a loose thread.
“God, Eddie. You’re so in love with me,” you said with a teasing smile. 
Eddie barked out a laugh, dimples on full display as he tried not to let your words affect him too seriously. 
“Great, the flirting freaks are back at it again.” Jason remarked from a few rows behind you. Both of you turned around in time to see Andy dramatically fake gagging.
Before you could hurl an insult back at them, Eddie took notice of what Jason was snacking on.
“Hey asshole, you can’t eat peanuts in class.”
“Yeah? And who’s gonna stop me, Munson? You?” Jason said through a full mouth, spitting out chunks as he laughed obnoxiously with Andy.
You simply rolled your eyes at Jason, annoyed with the jocks and their willingness to tease and fight so early in the morning.
Eddie’s grip tightened on the back of his chair. His white knuckles caught your eye and you reached out to sooth him, hoping he wouldn’t start a fight he couldn’t finish. The second your hand landed on his, the tension in his shoulders deflated and the fire in his eyes was snuffed out as he sent you a reassuring smile. 
Jason waved around his ziplock tauntingly, “Seriously freak, let’s see if you can actually take these from-”
“I’ll take those,” Mrs. O’Donnell said as she walked in behind Jason and snatched the bag. “Mr. Carver, you know you’re not allowed food in my class, let alone peanuts.”
“But coach said we have to protein-load before the game tonight,” Jason wined.
“Too bad. Some allergies can be very serious,” You shrunk in your seat as the other students turned to stare at you, knowing you were the one she was referring to. “You can get these back after class,” Mrs. O’Donnell said as she rounded the corner of her desk to address her students. “Now, everyone, please open your textbooks to chapter six.”
You, being the diligent student you were, immediately followed orders. Eddie on the other hand didn’t even remember to bring his book bag to school, but at least he got his candy. 
“I’m serious guys, I might have a crush on Mrs. O’Donnell now,” Eddie said to his bandmates as they sat in their unofficial assigned seats in the cafeteria.
“Just because an older female authority figure agreed with you and shut down Carver, doesn’t mean you should crush on your teacher dude,” Gareth said, shaking his head at the absurdity of it all.
“Besides, you already have a crush,” Jeff added with a teasing smile, the metal on his teeth catching the fluorescent lights.
“Are you guys talking about my sister?” Dustin said while throwing his lunch tray on the table, taking a seat next to Eddie. The rest of his sheep following close behind.
“Yes,” all three of the older Hellfire members said in unison.
Eddie shot them a look that would’ve shut them up if the metalhead’s pale cheeks weren’t tinted pink. 
“Gross,” Dustin added.
Mike’s brows did their signature furrow under his dark bangs, “I don’t get it, why doesn’t he just ask her out?” he said, purposefully ignoring Eddie’s presence at the table.
“GROSS,” Dustin repeated, hoping the subject would change. 
Eddie was right there with him, picking up a pretzel and hurling it at Mike’s head, “I’d rather not share the complexities of the friendship-to-relationship pipeline with a baby freshman. And I. Don’t. Like. Her.” He growled, punctuating each word with a pretzel.
The metalhead’s angry scowl melted off his face at the sound of your laugh echoing through the high ceilings of the cafeteria. You were standing near the entrance with your Wonder Woman lunchbox in tow, tilting your head back as you chuckled at something Robin Buckley told you. 
That was until Jason and his entourage of goons followed him in.
He had that damn bag of peanuts in his hand, swinging it around mockingly. Eddie watched as you became tense, eyes wide and glossy. You are practically hiding behind a fuming Robin.
Before the blonde could hurl her trumpet case at the jocks, Eddie stepped up behind you both, placing a ring clad hand gently on the small of your back to let you know he was there. 
With his hand grounding you, you finally found your voice, “seriously Jason, if I come into contact with a peanut I could die.”
“Oh come on,” Jason said through a chuckle, “you’re that much of a freak that a little peanut is enough to kill you? I think you might be overreacting just a little.”
“Actually,” Dustin said as he came over to stand next to Eddie, “Anaphylaxis is incredibly dangerous. Allergic reactions to the proteins found in peanuts are cause by immunoglobulin E antibodies and can trigger severe inflammation and-”
“Dude, even her brother is a fucking dork,” Andy spat.
“Hey, don't talk to him like that,” Eddie said, stepping forward. You have always admired his fierce determination when defending your brother and the other freshmen. It’s part of what drew you to him in the first place. But this time there was no snarky comeback to Jason’s bullying. The severity of the situation on top of the jocks’ disregard for your safety was just pissing him off, making him uncharacteristically no-nonsense. 
The group of letterman jackets erupted in a chorus of ‘oooohs’. The leader just licked his lips, eyeing Eddie before smirking at you.
"You know, you might be pretty if you actually tried." 
It doesn’t have the effect on you that Jason had hoped, you could care less if he thought you were pretty. But before your athletically inexperienced friends could take on the basketball team, you plastered on your best fake smile. 
“Thanks Jason, see you guys later,” you said as you pulled your friends away leaving him confused and unsatisfied by your reaction.
“What the hell, you’re just going to let him talk to you like that?” your brother protested.
“He’s never going to change, Dustin. I might as well play into it since he’s just trying to get a rise out of us.”
You wave bye to Robin as she went to sit with her band friends, all of them decked out in their extravagant green and yellow uniforms. Eddie slid Dustin’s tray away from the spot next to him so you could set your lunchbox there and sit at his left hand side. Dustin was muttering something about losing his seat but still scooched down, knowing there was no use in fighting it. Eddie always had you right next to him.
The next few minutes of lunch went by rather smoothly. Groups of students were taken out sporadically to go to the photo room and get their yearbook club photo taken with Nancy. Occasionally, you’d catch Jason sending you angry glares but you just ignored him in favor of listening to your fellow Hellfire members. They were rambunctiously throwing out theories about tonight's campaign while Eddie just sat there with his version of a poker face, not willing to spoil anything with a teasing grin plastered to his mouth.
His eyes connected with yours, feeling you staring at him. The moment he looked at you you bashfully lowered your eyes to the cup of applesauce you were stirring around. Eddie kept his gaze on you until Nancy walked up behind him.
“Alright Hellfire, you’re up,” Nancy said with a smile. 
This was the first year Hellfire club was getting any sort of recognition in the yearbook. Previously, the teachers and students didn’t want to draw any more eyes to the alleged cult and their leader. Now that Nancy worked for the school, she played a big part in securing a photo for her brother’s club in the yearbook. Even though Eddie never liked conforming to frivolous High School expectations, he still felt honored. It was his last year after all (hopefully) and he wanted to make his mark.
You and the rest of the Hellfire members left your things at the lunch table and walked out of the cafeteria for the yearbook room down the hall. Your open applesauce was forgotten about as you followed Eddie out.
Your shoulders were still buzzing after taking the photo. Eddie had thrown his leather clad arm around you, pulling you closer to him, while his other hand did the sign of the horns. The smell of his cologne and the texture of his battle vest overwhelmed you so much you hoped it didn’t show in the photo. Although, the smirk Nancy sent you tells you it might have.
You and the rest of Hellfire sat back down in your original seats, besides your leader. As expected, Eddie had a lot of things to say in honor of your club getting recognized so he opted to stay standing.
“Hear ye, hear ye! Rejoice, for this day shall be etched in the annals of history as a testament to our unwavering spirit and valor!”
Going back to your lunch, you scoop up the velvety applesauce to resume eating. Expecting the familiar taste of sweet and tart, you flinched at the salty crunch and swallowed it on instinct. 
“Let it be known that we have weathered the raging storm of schoolyard bullies, and emerged victorious! Our banners flying high, unfurled in the winds of destiny,” Eddie continued, not noticing your trepidation.
You frowned at the tickle in your throat that only continued to build as you tried coughing discreetly. The rest of the boys grinned, believing this was your way of hinting at Eddie to wrap up his speech.
“Let us raise our voices in jubilation, for today, we have proven that nothing is insurmountable to those who believe in their cause!” Eddie looked to you, hoping to see you looking up at him and smiling that way you do whenever he uses his renaissance voice. Instead he met your panicked eyes.
“Hey Henderson,” Jason called from across the cafeteria. “What happens now? Should we call an ambulance?” Andy shoved at his shoulder playfully and chortled alongside Jason.
Panic gripped you as you connected the dots.
“Yeah,” you wheezed, “call an ambulance.”
Part 2
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harrywavycurly · 11 months
“Will you be my husband really quick?”: A fake marriage with Eddie Munson AU.
Part 2: Here
Part 3: Here
A/N: I have been wanting to write this prompt for a while and I’m glad y’all want it too! There’s gonna be a part 2 don’t worry.
TW: Cursing and Eddie hits someone and this eludes that your ex wasn’t the nicest.
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Eddie is two beers in on what he figured was going to be a normal Friday night at the Hideout when he feels a hand grip his arm as he’s leaned over the bar grabbing a lighter from behind the stack of napkins and straws. He pauses his movements as he looks down at the hand that’s still on his arm and slowly his eyes move upward until they finally land on your face. He notices your eyes are wide and you’re looking everywhere but at him as you scan the room as if you’re looking for someone, Eddie just stands up straight and places the lighter on the bar next to his half empty beer.
“Will you be my husband really quick?” Eddie knows he must be hearing things as you finally make eye contact with him. He watches as you seem to visibly relax a bit as you stare at him with a hopeful look on your face. “Please?” He doesn’t know what it is about you but he feels like if he tells you no he might actually regret it so instead he takes a quick sip of his beer as your hand falls from his arm and before you can react he’s draping his arm over your shoulders and pulling you into him.
“Who’s the target?” Eddie’s voice is low and you can feel his breath on your neck as he whispers in your ear before placing a quick kiss to the side of your head, already playing into his husband role.
“Red shirt by the door.” You answer as one of your arms wrap around his middle, you feel Eddie lean away from you for a moment so he can get a good look at who you’re talking about.
“Jason fucking Carver?” You look up at Eddie who is glaring at the blonde haired man by the door and you feel yourself tense up as Eddie reaches for his beer so he can finish it off. “He your ex or something?” Eddie asks as he places the now empty bottle on the bar and motions to the bartender for another one.
“Yeah he’s uhm my ex.” Eddie can tell by your tone of voice you’re nervous and it makes him wonder what Jason did that caused the two of you to go your separate ways. “I’m sorry this is dumb I shouldn’t have bothered you.” You mumble as you try to move away from him but Eddie is quick to just pull you into him and wrap both arms around your shoulders making your cheek rest on his worn out Metallica shirt.
“Now what kind of husband would I be if I let you storm off like that?” Eddie begins running one of his hands up and down your back making you let out a soft sigh because for the first time in a long time you felt an odd sense of security and who would’ve thought that of all places it’s while wrapped in the arms of a stranger. “I’ve got you okay?” You look up and Eddie is already looking down at you making you feel even more at ease because his eyes are soft and his smile is sweet as he looks at you.
“Okay.” Is all you can say making Eddie’s hold on you tighten slightly as he leans down and places a small kiss to the top of your head in an attempt to help you relax a little more. “Uh so what’s your name?” Eddie laughs as he looks towards the door to check on the location of your ex.
“My name is Eddie.” You just nod and tell him your name in return as your hands somehow find their way into his back pockets as you wrap your arms around his waist. “I can see my wife is a little handsy huh?” You hide your face in his chest as you try to slide your hands from his pockets. “It’s okay sweetheart we’re married remember? No need to be shy.” You can’t help but laugh as Eddie goes back to running his hands up and down your back.
“So how do you know Jason?” You feel Eddie tense up at the mention of your ex’s name and it lets you know whatever memories Eddie has of him aren’t good ones.
“He was my high school’s official asshole.” You look up and rest your chin on Eddie’s chest as you watch his eyes look towards the door of the bar. “I take it he hasn’t changed much?” He asks as he looks down at you with a raised eyebrow making you look away as some memories of your relationship with Jason reply in your head.
“Yeah he hasn’t changed.” Eddie doesn’t miss the way your voice shakes a little as you answer his question.
“I can kick his ass right now if you want me to sweetheart just say the word and he’ll be on the ground.” You may not know Eddie but something tells you he’s not kidding and that he’d get a lot of joy out of beating Jason up. “Let me add that I feel that since I’m your husband it’s kinda my job to beat up your asshole ex boyfriends.” Eddie smiles to himself when he hears you laugh and just shake your head at him.
“As your wife it’s kinda my job to keep you out of trouble.” Eddie lets out a dramatic huff as he drops one of his arms from you so he can reach over and grab his beer and take a long swig from it. “I uh like your rings.” Eddie’s eyes flicker down to yours as he watches you give the rings on his hand that’s holding his beer a good once over.
“Yeah? Which one is your favorite?” He asks as he puts his beer on the bar so he can let you get a better look at his rings. You unwrap your arms from around him so you can take his hand in yours, Eddie tries to ignore how soft your hands feel as you look at his rings giving a lot of attention to his skull one. “You like the skull?” You just nod making Eddie smile because the skull one was also his favorite.
“What are you doing?” Eddie ignores your question as he brings his hand up to his mouth and you feel your eyes go wide as you watch him take his skull ring off and hold it between his lips for a moment before grabbing it. “I can’t take this.” Eddie rolls his eyes as he gently grabs your left hand so he can slide the ring onto your ring finger.
“How are you supposed to be my wife without a ring?” Eddie asks as he reaches over and tucks some of your hair behind your ear.
“You’ve got the be fucking with me.” You feel your heart drop to your stomach as Jason’s voice fills your ears. Eddie’s arm drops from around you so he can turn and block you from Jason’s view. “Not the freak still hanging around the Hideout.” You see Eddie’s hands form into fists as Jason laughs his almost evil sounding laugh.
“Fuck off Carver don’t you have a ball to go toss into a basket or something?” You giggle making Jason move so he can get a look at you, Eddie is quick to move so he’s still standing between you and the ex jock.
“What the fuck is going on?” Eddie looks at you over his shoulder making sure you’re okay and you just give him a reassuring smile as you place your hand on his lower back.
“Just enjoying a night out with my wife.” Jason’s eyes go as wide as golf balls as Eddie explains what the two of you are doing at the Hideout.
“Your wife? Wow okay I mean even you…Munson the town freak can do better than her she’s-” Jason doesn’t get to finish his sentence before Eddie’s fist collides with his cheek knocking him to the ground.
“Next time you think about saying anything about her,” Eddie kneels down as he speaks so he’s only a few inches away from Jason’s face as he groans in pain. “Don’t.” He spits as he stands up and turns so he can grab your hand and walk you towards the back of the bar. “I’m sorry…I am so sorry.” You just shake your head as Eddie’s hands gently cup your face as he looks you over to make sure you’re okay because he’s never gotten into a fight before let alone knocked someone to the ground and that’s the last thing he wanted you to have to deal with tonight.
“It’s okay.” You reassure him as you place your hands over his that are still on your face. “Thank you.” Eddie just shrugs as he gives you a small smile.
“Like I said it’s my job as your husband to beat up your asshole ex boyfriends.” You laugh as Eddie leans in closer, he pauses as he get a few inches from your face. “Is it okay if I kiss you?” Eddie doesn’t have to wait for your answer because your lips are on his in a mater of seconds for a sweet kiss.
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zephrr · 1 year
I got that dawg in me. Munver for the heart man..yeha. Jason didn't die. Eddie didn't die. Well he did but... vampire/Kas Eddie has my fuckin heart lolz. This is a short one so.. don't expect much 🧑🏽‍💻
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"Eddie...?" Jason said, barely above a whisper. He couldn't believe his eyes. Eddie died. That was that. He's dead. Jason truely thought he was going insane. This prompted him to make his way towards Eddie, slowly.
"Touch me Carver, and I'll rip your hands off." Eddie spoke with agitation in his voice. Though he looked...scared? He looked as though he has been though hell and back.
Despite the threat, Jason proceeded. It was probably a dumb..DUMB idea, but he couldn't leave Eddie alone. They were in the middle of the woods near Lovers Lake at night. Who knows what could happen. Give him a break.
He got close to Eddie, scared as hell. Can you blame him? His hand slowly rose to touch him, but it's quickly grabbed.
"Yes, I'm real. I don't know how, but I am." Eddie grumbled before letting go of Jason's wrist. They sat in uncomfortable silence before Jason spoke up, "How..how are you...alive?" Eddie just gave him a look. "What..? You died!" He waved his hands around.
"Obviously, but uh...I didn't. Well, I did but y'know. I came back to 'life'" He put life in quotations. He saw Jason giving him a strange look and explained further, "I uh.. I'm not exactly human ya' see." He said, stratching his neck.
"What do you mean..?" Jason said, backing up. Eddie stared him down before walking towards him. Jason continued to back up until he hit a tree with a quick whisper of 'shit'.
Eddie towered over him. He gave a toothy smile and that's when Jason noticed the sharp teeth. All of his teeth were razor blade sharp, mainly his canines. They were sharper than the rest. God, Jason was damn near pissing his pants.
"Let's make a deal," Eddie spoke suddenly, making Jason jump, "I don't kill you for all the shit you put me through this past week and in return, you give yourself up to me." He said it with a wolfish grin. A grin Jason couldn't say no to, out of fear.
And God, he didn't know he wanted something so bad until now.
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bowiebond · 2 years
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AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41488308
Relationship: Munver aka Eddie Munson/Jason Carver
Summary: If a creature like Eddie Munson could walk through their church doors so brazenly, perhaps Jason was set upon this earth to be the abomination he tainted and devoured in place of another, better, soul.
CW: Intersex!Jason, Vampire!Eddie, Past Chrissy/Jason, fem language used, implied genderqueer!Jason, church sex, blood drinking, oral sex, implied P in V sex, catholic guilt, religious symbolism/metaphors used sexually :)
Words: 1.8k
No one was ever supposed to know. No one but his parents and Chrissy were supposed to know, sweet sweet Chrissy who just understood and never loved him less for it.
And now he had the town freaks head between his legs, making his toes curl as he sucked at his fat clit and lapped at his slit like he hadn’t just shoved his tongue into him moment before like he intended to fuck him with it instead of his cock. Not that he’d let him fuck him, God no, he had gone too far just allowing him to kneel between his thighs in the backroom of his church.
It was supposed to be a fight when Eddie dared to walk through those doors after seven, after everyone had long since left. Yet they were both upset and childish and it was more of a wrestle and grapple at clothing and hair than fists and blood. And of course Eddie was the kind of asshole to pants a guy and laugh about him having his dick out except Jason didn’t have one of those.
A girl, the doctors had called him at first. Had insisted on it. Until tests were run and things started to look strange. Infertile from deformity; from a lack of Fallopian tubes and eggs, a uterus that was damn near useless. Higher levels of testosterone as he got older, bigger, breast tissue that was so small it couldn’t barely be called a breast to begin with.
He was a boy, at least he seemed to grow into one in an unnaturally peculiar way. By the time he was five, his parents decided to call him their son instead. They always wanted a boy after all. So they sent away their ‘daughter’ to distant family due to health reasons and implanted the idea that they had adopted a young boy after her tragic passing. Good Samaritans they were.
They only had one rule. No one could know about Jason’s abnormal puberty. He didn’t get a period, thankfully, but he didn’t get nearly as hairy as his peers. Couldn’t shower with them or fuck girls like they did.
Chrissy had been a gift. The girl he intended to marry. Sweet, kind and uncaring of his deformity when he told her in a soft voice a year into their relationship. He expected her to be disgusted, to say she had no interest in him after the reveal, but she just smiled and sweetly touched his face.
“I’m so happy you told me. I don’t care, Jason. In fact, I think I’m in love.” He really had wanted to marry her. To live his life with her. Yet now she was dead, had been for months now, and he had graduated without her. He had planned to propose on that stage, had held his grandmothers ring to his chest and sobbed for hours after all the self righteous ire had seeped out of him.
Now he had her once suspected murderer eating him out like it his holy mission and fuck, could Jason stoop any lower? He had failed to find Patrick and Chrissy’s murderer. Eddie was in the clear after Jason had admitted on the stand that Eddie didn’t lay a hand on Patrick at the time of his death and wasn’t possessed even after the priest ‘exorcised’ him. Eddie came back from his hiding a week after that night in the creepy abandoned house, and by then, Jason was willing to listen. Lucas had made a desperate request because it was Jason’s fault his girlfriend was in hospital. He didn’t understand much of the situation after the earth cracked open, but he understood that. If Jason could regret anything, it was taking someone’s lover away. He knew how much that hurt now.
He sunk his teeth into his lower lip and suppressed a moan, almost rolling into Eddie’s mouth but holding himself back. There was a difference between taking it and participating. Even if it felt amazing.
And really, was there much choice in Eddie’s tight grip on his thigh? The way he pulled him forward until he was almost hanging off the edge of the desk? In the strong hand shoving him down onto his back? A punched out moan escaped his lips and he stifled it halfway with a hand. There wasn’t much choice at all, but maybe that was for the best. It gave him blissful ignorance to his own eagerness to be touched.
Chrissy and him had decided on waiting for marriage. The most Jason had ever gotten was a few sneaky fingers into the fine blond hairs below his waistband while making out, even if he had fingered her clumsily once on the couch while they were alone during movie night. Jason hadn’t had a chance to be with anyone else, been too scared to, and he was nineteen in just a few months. Temptation was a lot harder to ignore when it was thrusting a finger into his hole, wet with spit and dribbles of slick, a curious tongue swirling around his thick clit.
He didn’t want to think about the way his own legs curled around his neck, keeping him close as he groaned into his palm, mind melting away as Eddie slipped a second digit in, wrapping his lips around him and sucking. It was obscene, the way Eddie licked and sucked at his pussy, messy but hot and dirty in a way Jason had never felt before.
It made his face burn, his heart pound, his sex ache for more even as it was fed thick fingers and worshiped by a filthy mouth that took the Lords name more often than not. The pleasure was hot and tight in his gut the longer Eddie touched him, the dark haired mans insistent mouth driving him insane. He whimpered, flexing his thighs as Eddie sucked harder, thrusting faster, deeper, trying to draw more reluctant sounds out into the quiet of the church’s dusty interior.
Jason flinched as the pleasure turned to pain, grabbing Eddie’s hair and shivering as his breath caressed over his cunt.
“Don’t stop me.” His voice sounded hoarse, had since he entered the doors, and Jason gritted his teeth as Eddie ignored his grip and brought himself back down to his pussy, dragging his tongue from his fingers buried in his cunt to flick over the tip of his clit. It felt good. Still felt good when he put his mouth back on him, Jason clenching around his fingers.
But then it hurt, intense and mixed with a strange sense of pleasure as he squeezed his thighs as tightly Eddie was forced away from his throbbing bud. The dark haired man gave a low growl, barely recognizable as human as he gripped his thigh and pinned it to the desk, uncaring of Jason’s sound of discomfort before he was viciously focusing on Jason’s clit.
“Fu-!” He pursed his lips to hold back the curse, tugging on Eddie’s hair as he swirled his tongue and sucked, ignoring Jason’s whimper of pain until it turned into overwhelming pleasure. His heel dug into his back as Eddie wrangled an orgasm from him, convulsing around his fingers and gushing messily onto his lips, his chin.
Like a dog, he lapped it up, and it should have been worth degrading him over, but Jason’s head was blank. Legs shaking, chest heaving and strangely tired, he was the most at ease he had been in months. Probably years, honestly.
Jason choked on a gasp as something sharp pierced the fat of his inner thigh, two pinpricks of searing hot pain, so close to his weakly pulsing cunt that it rippled through, making him clench. He fisted Eddie’s hair tighter and tugged, but there was no budge. It was clear now that any power Jason had had was simply Eddie letting him think he had it. It was almost humiliating to realize it himself.
He looked down, brows pinched in a grimace as Eddie sucked and licked at the broken skin. The sensation was strangely soothing and pleasant even as prickles of pain from the saliva against the wound shot through his sensitive inner thigh.
As if sensing his gaze, Eddie pulled away just an inch to flick his eyes up to meet his. Jason couldn’t meet those blown brown eyes or the stained crimson lips, focused instead on the soft stream of blood that slipped down his thigh, catching the curve of his sex and slipping down like rain droplets on a car window.
They say the first bleed was a sign of sin in Eve. The sin of intercourse, which left her with the curse of blood. But Jason was not a woman, he was a man laying with another man, yet also not. He was also a woman laying with a man unwed and truly, Jason could never escape sin because he was the embodiment of it. A man and a woman, the original Adam and Eve one within him, and his love of any flesh would stir chatter for however long he may live.
He might not live long if Eddie kept looking up at him as if he was a delicacy he wished to consume, licking the drying drops of blood from his pussy lips before dragging it up to guzzle at the fresh flow. Jason knew he would consume him, truthfully, if nothing else.
If a creature like Eddie Munson could walk through their church doors so brazenly, perhaps Jason was set upon this earth to be the abomination he tainted and devoured in place of another, better, soul.
It was easier to think about it that way when Eddie slithered up his body like the snake in the garden of Eden, and if Jason was to be both Adam and Eve, he would be burdened with the knowledge he should never have possessed.
Like how Eddie’s lips felt against his, how his own blood and essence tasted intertwined with Eddie’s saliva. How his body shuddered at the dark intention of his pale blue rosary being ripped from his neck, beads scattering and falling to the floor. How it felt to be breached, fucked slow like water lapping at a ship body as his skin was punctured and sucked and kissed.
Maybe in another life he had married Chrissy, and he would have given her a half-life as a half-man. In this life though, he was two halves intertwined beneath Eddie and every inch of his skin was buzzing. He was alive for the first time since she died, but when the morning came, he too would be dead or repenting at the altar, but for now, he was alive and whole.
Perhaps, Eddie felt a similar sense of euphoria in that church backroom they shared for one night, and hopefully, for one night only.
(But predators always came back to an easy meal. Jason had made himself too easy).
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yendts · 2 years
spoilers for vol 2✌️
some stranger things characters but as cursed photos lol
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